Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 20, 1937, Image 1

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Voldme 33—No. 5,t
Release 1938
Schedule for
Boxing. Team
Fencers Also Announce
Program for Next
Year's Events
Fistmen Drop Navy,
Cornell; Add 2 Others
The official boxing and fencing
schedules for 1938 were announced
today by Charles M. Robbins '3B,
manage- of the mitmen, and Samuel
B. Cohen '3B, fencing manager. -
Navy and Cornell have been drop
ped from the boxing schedule, making
room for the addition of North Caro
lina and Virginia. North Carolina
comes here on, January 22, and the
team travels to Charlottesville on
February 19 to meet the Virginians.
The boxers open their season early
against Western Maryland, January
15. This will be the dleventh meeting
of these two teams, which has result
ed in seven wins fdr State against
one for the Green Terrors and two
ties. -
North Carolina Slated
North Carolina appears on the
schedule for the fifth time since the
first meeting in 1930. State has won
all four previous matches.
Syracuse, 1937 eastern intercollegi
ate champion, whom the Lions have
beaten nine times in the thirteen
Clashes since 1924, will be met at Syr
acuse, February 12.
The Nittanyites have met Virginia
only once before. That was in 1926,
with Penn State winning, 5-2.' Pitt
comes-here ..0n..-February. , 26 for the
third meeting of the series which be
gan in 1932.. The Lions have won
-both previous matches.
The mitmen will travel to West
:Point, March 5, to continue the old
est series, from point of years. The
meets began in 1922, and State 'has
won only twice, .Army coming out on
top six times. Four clashes resulted
in tics.
After the eastern intercollegiates
which will be held here, March 11-12,
the team will travel to Madison, Wis.,
to meet the Badgers a week later.
They htfve met twice before, each
gaining a victory. •
Fencers List 5 Matches
The fencers will have one more
meet than has previously been sched l
uled since the sport was inaugurated
here in 1933: There will be five match
es, with the team opening and clos
ing in Philadelphia, against Penn on
January 22, and Temple on March 13.
Boxing schedule: Jan. 15, Western
Maryland, home; Jan. 22, North
Carolina, home; Feb. 12, Syracuse; at
Syracuse; Feb. 19, Virginia, at Char
lottesville, Va.; Feb. 26, Pittsburgh,
home; March 5, Army, at West Point;
March 11-12, Intercollegintes, here;
March 18, Wisconsin, at Madison.
Fencing schedule: Jan. 22, Pennsyl
vania, at Philadelphia: , Feb. 19, Le
high, home; Feb. 26, Rutgers, home;
March 5, Quadrangular meet at Ith
aca, N. V. (Cornell, .Colgate, Penn
State, and Syracuse) ; March 13,
Temple, at Philadelphia.
Reede Will Give Last
Liberal Arts Lecture
Arthur 'H. Beetle, of the depart
ment of economics and sociology, will
discuss "Backgrounds of the Present
Situation in Spain" in the lust of the
Liberal Arts lectures to be held to
night at 7 o'clock in the Mime Eco
nomics auditorimn.
The various political, social, and
economic backgrounds that have led
up to the present impasse in Spain
will be explained by the lecturer.
Reede, is one of the most popular
of the campus speakers on current
topics. lie is an authority on polit
ical science and its allied subjects and
is a student of the foreign situation.
Poultry Club Elects
Homer J. Bricksler '3B was elected
President of the Poultry Club at the
meeting of the club at the Delta Theta
Sigma house on Thursday evening.
Other officers chosen by the club
were Vernon E. Norris '39, vice pres
ident; George C. Henry '4O; secretary.
treasurer; Frederic W. Hill '39; agri
culture student council representa
tive; and Ralph E. Britt '39, editor of
the Quill., .
Lighting Effects, One Set,
Unusual in Turythe Dead'
A technical job just as difficult as
the acting assignment is needed in
"Bury the Dead," the Penn State
Players fourth production which will
be presented in Schwab auditorium
Friday and Saturday.
The problem the working crew of
nine must meet is not one of chang
ing sets after each Scene, or making
major adjustment after each act.. This
is eliminated because "Bury the Dead"
was written for one set without inter
missions. Lighting, with the electri
cians us the workers instead of 'the
ordinary stage hands, is the big. job
for those connected with Irwin Shaw's
anti-war drama.
The set for "Bury the Dead" is
completely dark, with just a Bash
of light on the characters in action.
Taking place mainly in the trenches
Wheeler Elected
`Collegian' Editor
Sabena Named Business Head,
Helms Chosen Women's •
Editor for '37-'3B
Charles M. Wheeler, Jr. '3B was
elected the thirty-fourth editor of the
COLLEGIAN, and John G. Sabena '3B
was named 'business manager for the
saint year of 1037-38 in the elections
held Sunday night.
Elected women's editor was Shirley
R. Itches '3B; ,while Georgia H. Pow
ers '3B and Carolyn Tyson '3B were
elected associate women's editors.
The ,position of managing editor
Will be filled by Jerome Weinstein '3B
and ,that of news Francis
li. Szymczak '3B. Woodrow Wi43ier:
ly '3B was elected feature editor.
On the business staff Jay H. Daniels
'3B will serve as advertising man
ager; Robert S. McKelvey '3B will fill
the position of 'circulation manager;
Carl W. Diehl '3B' will be promotion.
manager; and .Robert H. Elliott, Jr.
'3B will be foreign advertising man
ager. Kathryn M. Jennings '3B will
hold the position of senior secretary.
Transfer of duties to the new staff
will take place at once, Johnson Bren
neman '37, retiring editor announced.
Elections' to the associate editorial
men's and women's staffs and to the
.associate business managerial staff
took place on March 14,
Dr. Miller To Address
PSCA Banquet Guests
Dr. Schott, present head of the
"Democracy—a Way' of Government 'School of Physical Education at West
and a Way of Life will be the topic Virginia, was a visitor to the campus
of Dr. Francis P. Miller's address at last week. He was introduced to the
the Penn State Christian Associa- staff of the School; had luncheon with
tion's annual banquet to be held April the committee in charge of the School,
26 in the Old Main Sandwich Shop and was shown with detail through
All students, members of the fac- door
ulty, and townspeople interested in I Since it has become practically
the work of the Christian AssoCiation a custom for the president never to
are invited to attend this'yearly func- . invite 'a 'candidate for a major, posi
tion and to hear Doctor Miller, who tion to the campus unless the appoint
is executive secretary of the Public Inca is pending, it. was assumed that
Affairs Committee and chairman of the presence of Dr. Schott was an in-.
the World Student Christian Associa-idicatiori that he would be the new
tion. ' clean. . -
Records Show Ist May Day
Fete OCcurred Here in 1922
,Until 1873'Penn State boagted nary
co-ed. Small wearier that the insti
tution neglected to celebrate ye 'mer
ry month of May until one sunny day
in 1920.. The'Com.EmAN reports that
"Varsity teams won in baseball and ,
track," "that a tug of war scrap be-
Oven Freshmen and Sophomores re
sulted in the Frosh's being dragged
through mud and water.". Apparent
ly, so far as the Penn State boys were
concerned, their May Day was com
plete without frivolous "minify.
At last, in 1022, a doughty damsel
in the person of Florence Allen as
May Queen added a bright 'touch to
the occasion. "Co-Eds Hold May
Day" announced the COLLEGIAN incon
spicuously, disdaining to- give May
Day more than a little space since the
female element had entered so strong
ly. The celebration \vas held on Stone
House Lawn.
I.o24—"Last year,"' said the COLLE
91A11. "a May Day breakfast was held
on Holmes 'field. This was such a
success that it was decided to make
it a permanent part of the celebra
tion. .
of a future war where six dead sol
dieM refuse to be buried, 'the play
moves along with this scene always in
the background.
And this is where the electricians
come in. Lights must jump froth the
trenches to the general's tent t4I a
newspaper office, and to other scenes
behind the trenches. When one part
of the stage' is in the spotlight, the
remainder is completely - dark, wi th
the exception of the six dead soldiers,
who are slightly visible in the back
"Bury the Dead" is also unusual in
its length, requiring slightly more
than an hour and a half as compared
to the usual' play run of two and a
half to three hours. There is an aver
age of one light cue every fifty-two
seconds,. and there is' sometimes as
much as one light cue every *two sec
The thrilling and effective emotional
'pitch that is maintained throughout
"Bury the Dead" by means of lights
recalls the technical work done in the
last Players anti-war play of two
years ago, "Peace on Earth." The
lighting was used in the third act.
Morris 11. Wood '37 is the general
technical • manager for "Bury the
Dead" and with Frank L. Herr '37
is chief of the switchboard controlling
the lighting effects. There are two
assistants for this work. Eugene H.
Zicrdt '4O is in charge of the radio
required for the show.
Hetzel Answers
`Collegian' Story
Appointment of Schott . Rests
With BoUrd. of Trustees
At . Sat. Meeting
In answer to a COLLEGIAN story of
last Friday Predicting the appointment
of Dr. Carl Schott of West Virginia
University as successor to Hugo Bee
dekas Dean of the School of Physical
Education and Athletics, President
alph D. Hetzel reledsed the following
"While Dr. Schott is being consid
ered along with other candidates, no
decision will be made until the meet
ing of the Board of Trustees Satur
In spite of Dr. Hetzel's statement.,
, further investigation by the COLLEG
IAN brought the conclusion from re
liable sources that the president would
recommend Dr. Schott and the Trus
tees would make the appointment.
Visited Campus
the athletic facilities, indoor and out-
Ivy Day. replaced May Day in 1929,
and once again co-eds retired to the
background. In 1.929,. however, they
. into their own. The story of
women's coronation of their May
Queen had a conspicuous Position with
an accompanying picture.
In 193:3 the COLLEGIAN column re
marked, For once May Day wns real
ly interesting. Between the wind's
blowing the page around, and the girls
trying to keep the mud from rising
above their ankles, and .the throne
falling over every few minutes, the
whole 'affair had never a dull min
The honor arch composed of the
twelve most. outstanding senior wo
men, was originated in 1936. At this
time Penn State's May Day was, as
the COLLEGIAN says, "the most 'suc
cessful ceremony of its kind in years."
From the time, sixteen years ago,
when Penn State's May Day boasted
no feminine pulchritude, the celebra
tion has improved (we hope you agree
with us, boys) with the addition each
year ef' more co-mis to the ceremony.
Ist Political
Meeting: Set
For Rinight
9 Parties 'fo.,:Discuss
Campaign :Issues
In Auditorium
Elections Start Next
Monday, Close Apr. 28
. 1937 political -cninpaign will
get under way OfficiallS; at 7 o'clock
tonight, when the firstimass meeting
under the new election code will 'be
held in Schwab auditorium. Frank
Osterlund, president of the senior
class, will act as chairman of the af
The meeting was originally sche
duled for the CheMiStiy Amphithea
ter last night, but a misunderstanding
Caused the postponemeni until tonight.
Campaign issues, already presented
in party platforms released for the
firit time in College history last week,
will be further explained and dis
cussed by the cliques: tinder the new
code, each clique of eacic,class will be
allotted ten minutes i 'ii
*hich to pre
sent its case to the st dent body.
Candidates Toikalc
All candidates whose petitions have
been approved by the ejections com
mittee have been re( nested to ap
pear at the meeting. 2arties will be
permitted to choose tlMr.own speak
ers. Fifteen posters eiMtaining plat
forms and pictures of Ihe:.major can
didates will be distributed to the
cliques by the comtnitt .
. Each clique has Mil) 'Med its cam-
Aisi, pfin'abireininiteetralr ex
penditures to Joseph F: Griffith '37,
chairman of the elections committee.
A final statement listing all expenses
must be filed with Griffith by 7 o- clock Sunday night, when the cam
paign will close. Campaign expendi
tures have been limited to.Blo for
each party.
The three-day elections will begin
at 12:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in
the first floor lounge of Old Main
and will continue until 12:30 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, April 2.5. The
polls will open at 8:45 'o'clock on
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
They will, close for a half-hdur period
on Tuesday afternoon, beginning at
12:15 o'clock. In an effort to elimin
ate congestion, three voting machines
are expected to be used.
Irvin Hall Issues
Dorm Directory
First Six-Page 'lssue, Entitled
`Let's Get Acquainted,'
Appeared Sunday
Designed to facilitate the getting
acquainted process among the seven
ty-five residents of Irvin Hull, the
first issue of that dormitory's resident
directory made its appearance Sun
The issue, a six-page affair bearing
the title, "Let's Get Acquainted," was
conceived and executed by the hall's
advisor, Sidney W. Koran, a graduate
student in psychology. Although mim
ecgraphod, its format presents the ap
pearance of a handy-sized booklet.
Following each name are abbrevia
tions designating the class, room num
ber, roonnuate, curriculum, hoin c
town, hobbies, interests, and extras
curricular activities of each resident
of the hall. A list of hull officers,
committee chairmen, and college dance
dates is also included.
An interesting point serving to
demonstrate the necessity for the di
rectory in a 'living group such as that
of Lavin Hall, is that already students
report discovering hobbies of , their
own roommate of which they were ig
norant, and several golfing parties
have been formed by men who were
uhaware .of one another's interest in
the sport.
Art Exhibit Delayed
The fourth and concluding series
of facsimile reproductions of contem
porary American art has been delayed .
and will be on exhibition on the third
floor of Blain Engineering building
beginning April 20 and not last
Thursday as reported in the last is
sue of the• COLLEGIAN.
Peace Sneaker
The Rev.' Edward Bleakney, who
rill speak at anti-war strike Thurs
iny at 11 o'clock.
TTlic following proclamation Inas mode Gurcryor BCIIBOIt of
Ifinnesota, at the requc'st of the Mignon)la A. S. U. and serves as a
keynote for Anti-Wor octivitira.)
The.youth of our nation, alive to the dangers of an
other World War, have designated April 22nd as PEACE
DAY. On that day the youth of our country will assemble
—from the farm, the factory, the schools, the colleges—
to tell their elders of the stupidity of the mad race for
armaments and to protest against a policy which is cer
tain to*lead to wholesale international slaughter.
In one i European country we are now witnessing
what they call a civil War, but which in reality contains
all thd elements of international conflict. A heroic pee
;ple, is struggling against foreign invaders to preserve its
. right self - determination . The
of Europe are 'looking on nervously, not knowing when
the spark will set the entire world aflame.
Aild'whilethis war is being waged with dreadful fury
and 'With appalling butchery the only solution which the
statesmen can find is producing more armaments, more
battleships, more effective engines of destruction. Fear
has supplanted reason—and the nations are preparing to
plunge headlong into the maelstrom which they believe
inevitable. Even the United States, whose shores arc
safe.from foreign invasion, has joined the race for more
. But youth, which will be called upon to do the fight
ing and shed the blood, for what they know not why, is
neither so blind nor so pessimistic as the statesmen.
They will not accePt war as inevitable.
I subscribe fully to the aims and objectives of
PEACE DAY. The people as a whole should join this en
lightened movement of our young people, and direct their
thoughts and energies to an analysis of the causes of
warfare, its futility, and the means of its prevention. •
PEACE DAY and recommend that the day be celebrated
with the proper exercises and programs.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Minnesota
to be affixed this 7th day of April, 1937.
Penn State's Ben Joins Hall
Of Fame with Noted Jessie
Winnuh! and new World's Cham
pion. Penn Stale comes through again.
In State's hall of fame, along with
Higgins, Wilson, Haines, Killinger,
and llamas, now must be inscribed
the name of Penn's Ben, World's
Grand Champion Barrow at Chicago's
International Live Stock Exposition.
Penn's Ben and his four Berkshire
brothers walked off with all the hon
ors at the anpual show. An inter
view with the "Champ" was ,found
impossible, for a Chicago hotel bought
Ben at seventy cents a pound and ad
vertised the fact on their menu. They
sold a great deal of pork chops on his
Few students met up with the
Champ .during his stay on the cam
pus, Ile resided at Dietz 's dorm; a
good three miles down the,road. Aft
er all, no mutter what you call 'em:
swine, hogs, or shotes; "pigs is pigs."
Professor Mark A. neCarty, of the
department of animal husbandry,
says, "It's as hard to name pigs as it
is to name Pullman ears." Stuck for
Penn State Students
To Join With Millions
In Nation-Wide Protest
Rev. Bleakney, Nichols, Dockens, Dugan, Ziegler,
Osterlund, High School Student To Speak;
All Classes Excused for Strike
Joining one million college students throughout the nation,
Penn State students will mass in a strike against war in front of
Old Main Thursday morning at 11 o'clock.
All students wishing to participate in the demonstration will
be excused from classes, according to an administration ruling.
the Peace Action Council sponsors said yesterday.
In the shadow of the Armory, student speakers will ask for
the abolition of compulsory 11. 0. T. C. and protest the accelerating
,ttendency towel d, war. According to
predictions made by national organi
zations endorsing the demonstration,
the 1937 strike will be the largest in
the history of the movement. '
Bleukney to Speak
Prof. Edward J. Nichols, of the de
partment of English composition, will
be the chairman of the demonstration.
Clarence A. Darkens '39, chairman of
the Peace Action Council, will open
the strike at 11 o'clock with a reading
of the peace proclamation. The main
speaker of the morning will be the
11ev. Edward Bleakney, of the
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church, at
Frank A. Osterlund, senior class
president, will speak on the interna
tional implications of the war in
Spain. James T. Dugan '37, editor of
P)oth, will speak on what the student
can do to prevent war.
Gevenra C. Ziegler '37, president of
wirdikiiss the wo
men's part in preventing war. A stu
dent from the State College high
school will also speak, representing
the high school students.
Noted for Peace Work
Elmer A. Benson
Governor of Minnesota
suitable names for this particular lit
ter, he decided to name them after
his co-workers on the faculty. Penn's
Ben, Penn's Tdm, Penn's Till, Penn's
Jim, and Penn's Charlie, are all name
sakes of faculty members.
Cornell's Eventuation, a ringer
who is now attending his third col
lege, was the father of Ben, Charlie,
Tom, etc. After spending his un
dergraduate days at Cornell, he came
to State for graduate work. It was
here that he met Penn's Columbia,
mother of the boys. He has recently
transferred to Michigan . State. His
ineligibility alone prevented Bob Hig
gins front using his 650 pounds at
The department of animal husban
dry has done much to promote - the
name of Penn State in agricultural'
annals in recent years. People in all
parts of the country know of the
achievements of this department with
sheep, horses, swine, and beef cattle.
In seven years of competition, their
exhibits have won $1,300 in. prize
Dr. Bleakney, the guest speaker,
has taken part in many peace organ
izations. He is connected with the
Council for Peace and Social Action
and has served, also, as chairman of
the Conference on Jews and Chris
tians. During the past summer he
was a member of the Sherwood Eddy
party which visited Europe.
This is the fourth anti-war demon
stration held on the campus. Croups
affiliated with the Peace Action
Council as sponsors are the Penn
State Christian Association, National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, Social Problems Club,
American Student Union, young peo
ple's groups of the Baptist, Evangeli
cal. Lutheran and Methodist 'churches
and the editorial boards Of COLLEGIAN,
Froth and the hell.
Lion Coat Sales
To Begin Today
Special Garments Available for
Co-cis, Morin' Announces;
Price Set at $1.25
Lien coats for both men and women
graduating seniors are scheduled to
go on sale today, it was announced by
Robert E. Morini committee
chairman. Last. year's price of $1.25
will remain unchanged.
Coats for men will be sold at Paul
A. Mitten's and at Stark Brothers and
Harper. Woolen can buy their gar
ments at Schlcw's Quality Shop. Both
men's and women's coats will be on
sale at. the Student Union office.
Several changes have been made in
the manner of distribution this year.
Previously the coats were available
only at one of the local men's fur
nishing stores. Special coats for co
eds will be sold for the second straight
year. Although similar in cloth, color,
and general design to the men's gar
ments, NVOlllell'S coats will be tailored
Sacred to the senior class. Lien
coals arc Avoi:tt traditionally each
spring by the graduating seniors. IL
is one of the oldest customs still prac
ticed on the campus.
To Head Fraternity
Robert H. Strasinyer '3B was sleet
ed president of Pi Gaiiififi Alpha, fine
arts fraternity, and Lillian if 1. Gra
ham '3B, secretary. Edward H. Bur
gener ''3B was named treasurer.