Ttfestlay,Tebriiaiy - ,25,-1930 Grapplers Beat Navy; • Freshman Boxers Win ( coutin;wd from Pogo Ouo) Calvin, 155, did some smait.virest-, hug to gain a bar and 'chancery hold in throwing Mann twenty seeonds be fore the -bout ended, Kruph, 165, outsmarted }hinter, one of Navy's best, to win with alime advantage of one minute and thirty.secoads: Shaf fer, 175; t . tireW Yogel,: veteran of :two years, bran - aim . .loek- and body "press in eight ii : iinutes and fitly-two sec onds. `.`Joey" O'Dowd, unlimited, lost by a decision to Player with a time advantage.OPPWO minutes and twenty; six seconds:,•:.-,:.,. FRESHMAN BASKETBALL After-leading 14-to-4 .at the 'close of ifie,first halVthe freshman .pass ers were nosed out, 22-to-21, by Car, negie Tech freshmen in Recreation, hall' Saturday night. . Parker again starred for the Lions. He wns high seder of the game with' seven' points. Loos of Cainegie Spark ed his.teara in itaincOud half rally. FRESHMWOXING. ..'Freshmaa,bicorYs,oPendil their 1936 season they 'out•punclidiVi c lhaWariore,•eic'perienced Lack Teachers! varsity,, at Recreation hall„Satfir: • Only 'ona•knock-out Rill Soose, .frislinion . .l4s,pounder, handed his opponent. a terrific blow. tii.the heart folloiedliy'a right-cross !t0 the jaw,• which 'floored .the. Lock Haven man with only one'minute re maining in the tirst round.- Johnny Patfick, in The 165:Miund class, per :formed skillfully as ''he pummeled Hochrein - to 'gain a decision: In the keavyweigkt, division, the. Lioni':Ko :ciubinsky mercilessly Chased the ier . Lock Herta repreientative . to score an easy but impressive deci sion. -FRESHMAN. WRESTLING Winning' only three of the eight bouts, the freshauM wrestling team lost their first meet of the year to a powerful and experienced Wyoming Seminary outfit, 21-to-9, at Ree hall F'riday night. In the unliriiited diVision, Alex Ed raney. of State won a hard-fought match from , Troup with a :time ':ad= vantage of 3:53. The kecOnd freih- Man victory - was scored by Bill:May, era in _the 175-pound class by -'a big time advantage; while the, third and last, score was chalked •up by. Don Bachman, who gave an impressive-eX hibition in winning 'by a .time advan tage of 6:25. ' •,. • FENCING Adverse road doriditions in the. South forceil Johns' Hopkins to can. eel" its, scheduled fencing. inset with 'the :ifjon ,Swordsmen' Saturday after noon,. As a aubstitute several axhi bition 'matchea,:..raie t .Lineczky.'34; former-,chatain;•ivhOlhad returned to ,act • as- director. for , the meet,, engaged several 'of 'the present' team, in competition._ Among others, ho,met his brother Johnny, a member of,the freshman squad.. . CINEMANIA You won't. need any other recom niendation for. "The Life of Louis Pasteur," which concludes 'at the Cithaum today, thanthe testimonials that appear on the board in front of the theatre,: Suffice it to say that here is 'an edueational picture that hasn't' sacrifineenny of the elements of good theatre. Its entertainment value'is, as„any picture of the past three or Pur months. ' • - 11211211 ' Remember little Eleanor.WhitneY, the' cute little. 'llea". tap artist of f.'Milliorta in. the •Aiil". Well, . she Makes her second film appearance -in a .sfraight role, this time opposite Toin Keene 'in "Timothy's Quest," which plays :at the Cathaunf tumor roui and the NittanY Tharsdo..' :::Diekie Moore aluiVirginia Weldler play the juvenile roles as a pair 'of plucky kids who makee — possible the romance of the featUred couple. As fugitives from a cruel :baby farm; Timothy and,his ; sister, played by Sidly• Martin, seek a haven in Pleas ant Valley. Happiness -for everyone eventually is found, but only Heaven and Paramount have any. idea' of the obstacles that can be put'ln.the'way. "Fang and ClaW;" ,Frank.'Buck's latest jungle epic,.Kthe attraction at the Nittany•teday and tomorrow and if you want nature in the raw.-witk out the faking common to many ani mal pictures, 'this• is. your dish. There are any number . of 'exciting episodes, chief among"thein the 'bare handed capture of an 'enormous py thon, the treeing of a native . by a man-eating tiger, and tEmeseue 'Of a baby rhinoceros from an attacking Bengal tiger. '. • , Fred Astaire and Giager lic;gers kick in with . another smash musical in "Follow thi3 Fleet," playing at the Cathaum Thursday and Friday, Ran dy Scott and Harriet. Hilliard carry on a parallel romance in• support of the famous dance team. Nugent of the New York Times says that this isn't the best of the series, claiming' that .there isn't enough comedy relief, but he does admit that the show' id well worth seeing.. Irving.. Berlin tunes always have that certain something. Several of them will be reigning favorites as soon as the picture , becomes more *widely distributed. • : The story—But who 'cares about a story in a musical .comedy? Enough that there is one, and as long as. it includes plenty of routines for As- taire, no one will complain. • Rubinstein, Arden, Max. Factor, and .Yardley Preparations., - ikartlia r Washingten andWhitman.Candies. Stationery and Fountain Pens.: , Tobacco; Cigars; and Cigarettes.: • .• COLLEGE 'CUT :RATE' STORE 06 W. College Ave. SPECIAL SANDWICHES for - LENT SEASON SPIDER'S ALL-AMERICAN RATHSKELLER • ATTENTION! - . . - New Spring Suitity Snydei-Knit Wear • • ,Direct from California MOORE'S DRESS SHOP 124 E. College Ave. HAVE YOUR WATCH REPAIRED AT Hann's Watch -Shop In Hoy Drug : Store . • Courtesy,Servie Day and Night •Repßiii on All Makes of Cais . • R. F. STEIN MOTOR CO. , .„.,....„:......„.. ~, „ ~,.,,..,:,.....,,....:.,,-. . mi ivi . if:4; . ,,, .:i .. : . : , .:.i.:, - ,...,:.i‘:: : )..:;-,..:'.' .f.......,,.....,.,-...,:.:.:::.. ....; . ...i.. , ; : .3i'i:k , 5k;:;;1i c •;.i.... : :::: . '''.J .. : ...... .~,, "IT'S TOASTED"-Your throat protection —against cough RE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Patronize, YOur Home Town cleaner . , CLEANING . PRESSING REPAIRING .. . , "A dollar spept, with us is a dollak spent for yourself.' .. , . . . . •.. ...., . . We are '.now. -carry iriga .complete lirie 0f:4046 . 7 to - order Suits Pric4 : t . rom' .. - , • .. ....., .... •,... . .• ' . "We make you look . your. best" • " • State . '.College' Dry:‘Cleaning ...-;Works • PHONE:9SS 1004 West'College Avenue • : CASH AND.. CARRY , Seuth.Pogil.St. OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO-"IT'S ~~...t`.~'?' Luckie.s are less acid Excess of Acidiiy of Other Popular Brands Over Lucky Strike Cigarettes MMWMO ...._....:e%"3:w~s'a• - . w .........::..:wa:~.~'~S.'S:.k'is4::i.:a~~w3YdS~Sw.i~;.:....s..::~:~:isaa....;.::a',A'`.i::::~.`3a::;.'?:4:.i........ ,-- A j„'-7:,"-,,. ' V ,t—,,5 w 4;7,,:;,,-, -7;,-,-;::•t::'7,7:^1- :2cr.,,,;p 4 . , - , '—*-,p i f , _ : . , , e 450 , ',4,t,,,,,,,.:0,415.,,,„ 4 ~~ ~: ~' • S. Curlee Clothes NEW SPRING STYLES ERIN-SPUR THE • NEW FABRIC FOR SPRING ' LOOKS LIKE LINEN FEELS LIKE WOOL • 39 in. . . . 79c yd. EGOLF'S Renting , COATS—APRONS—TOWELS BED and TABLE LINENS A Satisfactory Laundry Service PENN , STATE LAUNDRY 320 W. Beaver Ave. Phone 124 Attention Caterers! YOU WILL FIND NATURE IN THE RAW AT • THE STATE COLLEGE FRUIT MARKET Phone 210 • Delivery Service r '' '..4 Vl'';'''sr....:l.' V .:4.2 ' ..' ' '' '' ' ' . ;.,',...,:::''.....:' ) ' ' ' '' ', i4.,:2:l V „ •If • g. : < 4 II: ~~_ ~:.,. IV,OffffORFIA - ~ ..,.,:,,;i,.. ~,,;,;:;:ie,.:,' 4:41,';',,:..,',.,-,4:-4,3-f:.;•ki.?%.i::,..,:,. i15..i,1kt;:%.,c,'..,;*:,'''',VM;'':',.."<;',,,,,-:,'.."4,r.,'..,, ~ i ...-i, SAUERS On Allen Street OASTED" CENTER LEAVES The top leaves of all tobacco plants tend to give a definitely harsh, alkaline taste. The bottom leaves tend to acidity in the smoke. It is only the center leaves which approach in nature the most palatable acid-alkaline balance. In LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes the center leaves are •used. LUC KI LESS i Recent cheriiiical,tests'.shainr.that Oth6r:" . popular. rands have' excess ofac" • itireirei•LiickiStrikeCif from 53',1te100/; against irritation Page Three KEYS MADE Schilling, Locksmith S. Pugh Street L. G. Balfour Co. Fraternity Jewelers Office in Saueri' Stare Plumbing and Heating • Phone 808 TAYLOR 1066 MORNINGSTAR . BREAD "The Well Baked Home-like Bread" MORNINGSTAR BREAD is fine for every purpose. It makes sandwiches that :se pleasing in taste and at the same time nourishing. And if you want crisp toast that fairly melts in your mouth, this is the loaf for you MORNINGSTAR SALLY ANN AND PURITY BREAD 4",; \ Approved by American Medical Association