Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 15, 1935, Image 4

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    Page Feat
The Record Crop
Whiteman is still commercial in his
latest smash for Victor, but it's in the
grams manner. It's a 12-inch, two
sided ;job of the Cole Porter tunes in
"Jubilee" and of its kind is a great
grooving. With lots of piano solos
and clever chorus work, the following
tunes are included: "Why Shouldn't
I?",."Me and .Marie," "Just one of
Those Things," "A Picture of Me
Without You," "Begin—Beguina,"
and "When Love Comes Your Way."
Strongly recommended.
Victor—No. 36175
a a a
Johnny Davis, once the scat-man of
the ',caring outfit, now has his own
::,-:•._ I.....sigiii
'32 Ford V•S Coupe
'33 Chevrolet Coupe
'33 Chevrolet Convertible Coupe
'33 Plymouth Sedan, 4 door
'3l Chrysler Sedan, 4 door
'33 Plymouth Coupe, rumble
'29 Buick Coupe, Business
'29 Packard Touring
'2B Packard Touring
Storch Motor Co.
• East College Ave. .
Eckley Garage
116 McAllister Phohe 790
1930 BUICK
To and From
`.`A . Ceutury of ..-Setvi.ce.i-fo*'.Ti•avelerW:'
outfit, at least for recording pur
poses, and he tears into a couple of
numbers on this Decca that merit
some attention, if not unqualified ap
proval. "I Feel a Song Coming On"
features, in addition to a scat vocal,
some clarinet and fair rhythm. The
bass gets the workout on the other
side, in "Everything is Okey-Dokey,"
which has senseless lyrics, but much
better melody. You won't need your
asbestos ear-muffs for either tune, but
lend an ear.
Decca—No. 583
From "Shipmates Forever," Enric
Madriguera brings a most danceable
tune, "I'd Rather Listen To Your
Eyes." Trumpet, saxes, and piano
are the instruments to listen to in
this one. The coupling is another one
of those things, a .military-tempoed
number called "I'd Love To Take Or
ders Prom You." That flute in it_cle . -
cided me. Buy it for the other side,
Victor—No. 25150
Tommy Dorsey, following the split,
has gone to Victor, and one of his
initial offerings is a honey. It's
"Weary titles," with much clarinet,
plenty rhythm, Tommy's slick trom
bone, notable sax bits, especially in
section, and a "bounce" piano; in fact,
the ensemble is tops. The other side
is "Now You've Got Me Doing It,"
with not:enough trombone and a good
vocal by Edith Wright.
Victor—No: 25159
o o *
If you go for cute lyrics and some
slick sax backgrounds, then hear Wil
lie Smith with Jimmy Lunceford's
band in "'Rhythm in My Nursery
Rhymes." Its restrained, sweet, and
all right; The other side is even 'bet
ter, featuring as it does - those typic
ally sweet saxes and..a . piano. It's
"Call It Anything, It • Wasn't Love,"
and the •vocal by Henry Wells is
downright . mean. 'By all means.
Deccallo. 572
The. essentially . correct Paul White
man lends' his ensemble through a
number just right for ballroom fare
in his version of "Thanks A
Swim Schedule
Lists 4 Contests
Penn State's first swimming sched
ule was approved early this week by
the Faculty Athletic committee, it was
announced by Niel M. Fleming, grad
uate manager of athletics.
Syracuse will open the Sea Lions'
first season on February 8. The meets
following that are: Pittsburgh, Feb
ruary 15; Cornell, February 22; and
Pennsylvania, March 14. The latter
meet will be held in Philadelphia.
Although this will be the first year
of intercollegiate competition for the
mermen, the teams scheduled are all
of major importance in swimming
On Monday, November 18, try-outs
for the team will be held. These in
clude the following events: 50, 100,
220, and 41-yard free-style events;
200-yard breast-stroke; 150-yard
back-stroke; and fancy diving. Prom
ising newcomers will be added to the
squad of returning veterans, accord
ing to Coach Robert E. Galbraith, and
a period of concentrated training will
begin and stretch through until the
season starts. The date for freshman
try-outs will be announced later.
TlON—lndividual social dancing
instruction. For appointment call
779-J or see Nary Hanrahan, Fye
Apts., 200 West College avenue.
Given by a certified master teacher
of the Culberston National Studios.
Lectures for larger groups. Phone
307-W. 60-4tpdGD
LOST—One Campuseer, In slightly
frayed condition. When last seen
he was wearing his usual black cloak .
and mask. If found, please return to
the COLLEGIAN office. He's not of
of much use, but I'm tired as hell of
writing his columns.—The Manilc.
it comp. ill All
?IDE OFFERED—Room for one
--more person to Philly in open car.
LOW' price. Call Jay at 793. It coES
LOST—Parker Vaeumatie Pen in
studded with small diamonds, Fri
day night. Call Alpha Omicron Pi.
LOST—Grey check Raglan sleeve top
coat with name, C. C. Ptirnell in
pocket. Please return. to Lambda Chi
Alpha or call 809. 69-2t-pdGD
PLEASE RETURN— Will person
who took long, black evening wrap
by mistake 'and left short wrap at
Phi Kappa Sigma, Ncv.B return to
Marie Perry, NO Woman's Bldg.
Reward. 70-it pd. DW
LAST—Saturday night in Sigma Chi
House, a white "Bunny Wrap."
Please Exchange for own at Sigma
Chi. Phone 129. 71-1 t pd GD
LOST—Parker Vacuumatic - Pen in
S., L. Arts or Library on Nov. 12.
Reward if returned to Student Union
office. 73-1 t p GD
LOST—Black leather notebook, Nov.
9. Reward. If found call Elliott at 57.
74-I.tpd RE
• West College Ave.
Efficient Repair Service
on all Cars
Official Mobi!gas and
Mobiloil Station
tho.:l 3 ..enn:Gaioo,:,Stop:
Campus Bulletin
Editorial and business staffs of the
041 Main Bell will meet in Room 312,
Old Main, at 4 o'clock.
Penn State Club meeting in the Old
Main Sandwich Shop at 8:15 p. m.
Student ,Union Christmas Dance
Friday, December 13.
All interested in chess report to
room 412 Old Main at 8:00 Tuesday.
All sophomore women candidates
for- the . editorial board of the Cot,
Leotarg office Monday at 4 o'clock.
All sophomore candidates for sec
ond assistant boxing manager report
to Recreation hall at 4 o'clock. Var
sity and .freshman boxing candidates
report at the same time.
Candidates for the swimming team
are - requested to meet with Coach
Robert E. Galbraith in the Glennland
at 4 o'clock.
Candidates for second asisstant box
ing manaeerships are 'requested to
meet witk:Jack - Howarth '6, boxing
manager,'AU Recreation hall at 4
o'clock. •'
All COLLEGIAN subscriptions
not paid for by December 1, Will be
Leslie Addresses
Basketball Squad
Up-trend of Penn State Teams
SetrUU, Goal for Quintet
, 'As- - 'Practice Begins.
Coach E. E. "Spike" Leslie addres
sed about' twenty-five aspirants for
this year's basketball squad at a so
cial gathering held Tuesday night at
the Sigma Nu house. The purpose, of
the meeting was to allow members of
last. year's varsity and freshman
squads and a few newcomers to be
come better acquainted.
Stressing ; the ability of the teams
on the quintet's schedule for the com
ing campaign, "Spike" outlined his
plans. 'Mewling Wednesday night,
practice will be held three times week
ly' until the football season is over;
then intensive training will start. Ac
cording to Coach Leslie, all positions
on the teeth 'are wide open,and he ex
poets keen :competition for eitch cov
The members of the Eastern Inter
collegiate ',Basketball Conference, in
which Penn State will be represented
for 'the qst. time . this year, include
such strong teams as Pittsburgh,
Temple, Carnegie Tech, West Virgi
nia' and Georgetown.
Coach Leslie cited the fine showing
of the football 'team 'this year as in
dicating the up-trend of Penn State
athletics. He emphasized that it was
up to the basketball team to continue
this imprqement. 1
FOR SALE—Six tube Zenith Radio,
allwave '35 model. 'Reasonable
price. Phone 9908 or• call at Colonial
Hotel. 77-It-pd-JCP
FOR SALE—Bus ticket to "Philly."
Will sell cheap. Phone 971.-R and
ask for "Classy." 78-1 t Co WBH
FOR SALE—Alexander liamißon's
"Alodern' Business;" twenty-four
volumes complete and in excellent
condition. Phone 336-R 75-ItpdGD
'WANTED—,Boy to sell donuts in
fraternities. t Commission. Call at
Donut Sllop,after seven. Pugh street.
• 4 i : '76-ItchJCP
Dollar.'' Dry . Cleaners,, 107 'East
Beaver avenue, State College, Pa.
Boxers Will Start
Training Monday
Pc-nn State's Eastern
champion boxing team will' start
working out in Recreation hall Mon
day afternoon under• the tutelage of
Leo Houck, mit mentor. The 1936
schedule has not yet been completed,
according to Jack Howarth '36, man
ager of the team.
With the exception of lasi year's
captain, Mike Zeleznock, every mem
ber of the team is back. Captain'Russ
Criswell, Intercollegian champion in
his class, will hold down the 116-
pound berth. Lou Ritzie, another
champ, fights at 165. Zeleznock,was
champ in the 135-pound class.
Other' candidates for the team in
clude Francis MeAndrews,l2s-Potnd
er; Frankie Goodman, 135-pounder;
Sammy Donato, 195; Fred O'Neill,
165; Sony Richter, and Whitey Rhoda,
In addition to the usual dual meets,
the team this'year will go to the try
outs for the Olympics to be held at the
University of Virginia sometime in
March. The Eastern Intercollegiates
will be held here during the second
week in March.
Large Sum of Money
Given for Experiment
- With Tobacco Plants
A substantial grant of money has
been issued to the department of ag
ricultural and biological chemistry by
the . American Potash Institute of
Washington, D. C., in order to assist
in the investigation of factors influ
encing the quality of ' Pennsylvania
agricultural leaf tobacco, it was an
nounced early this week by Prof. Den
nis E. Haley, of the depattment.
The work will be supervised‘by Dr.
Haley, with the assistance of Joseph
J. Thomas '3O, who obtained his doc
tor's degree in agricultural and bio
logical chemistry last summer.
Under the terms of a one-year con
tract, this grant was the first made
by the institution. Penn State was
the first college to receive such a con
tract, although other :colleges will
probably be started on the same work
at a later date.
The first contact with 'potash com
panies was made by Dr. Haley about
nine years ago, but his plans were in
terrupted by the depression. How
ever, last summer German and Ainer
icon potash companies organized the
institute in order to further the use
of their product. ; Dr. Haley received
first consideration when it came to
the question of tobacco .research. -
Recently a similar grant was made
by another company .to the depart
ment of agricultural . and . biological
chemistry. This one, received .in
June, was from the Freeport Sul
phur company. Its purpose was to
study the reaction of sulphur on to
bacco soil. Mr. Thomas also 'assisted
in this work. •
York County Students
Meet, Organize Club
York County students met in the
first session of the York County Club
in the alumni room, Old Main, last
Wednesday, to hear Edward K. Hibsh
man executive secretary of the alumni
association, discuss the history and
background of the College.
Officers elected' are: John lb
:Thisler '37, .president; Russell G.
Gohn '3B, vice president; John L.
Egolf '37, secretary-treasurer, and
Dorothy E. Bollinger '3B correspond
ing secretary. Committees named in
clude: program, Gohn, Clyde E. Culp
'39, and oJhn W. Crumbling '39; mem
bership, Raymond L. Bennett '36,
Henry K. Beard '39, and Harvey Levin
'39; publicity, Charles R. Seeley '3B,
Philip S. Heisler '37, and Miss ,Bol
Beat 'Penn!
"Thanks A Million,". a new musical
comedy at the Cathaum Monday and
Tuesday, has-drawn its cast from the
headliners of screen and radio. Dick
Powell, in the lead, cashes from both.
Ann Dvorak and Patsy Kelly repre
sent Hollywood, while Paul Whiteman
and his orcheitra with Ramona and
the Kings Men; Fred Allen;". Dave
Rubinoff; and the Yacht Club Boys
are all stars of the air.
The story deals with a party of
troupers, under the management 'of
Fred Allen, who are, playing a series
of one-night stands. They become in
volved in ,a political campaign and it
is not until the end of the film that
-the complications are finally ironed
out and Powell gets a radio contract.
Ann Dvorak plays the romantic lead
opposite Powell, while Patsy Kelly
and Fred Allen take care of the com
edy. Powell sings three musical num
bers, including the theme song, of the
show, "Thanks. a Million." Whiteman
plays and Ramona sings "Hew
O'leans," while "Sugar Plum" is sung
by Ann Dvorak and Patsy Kelly.
Monday pictures at the Nittany
have been discontinued.'
Having seen "A Feather in 'Her
Hat," the offering at the Nittany
Tuesday and Wednesday, we can rec
ommend it as'a well-acted story of a
mother's sacrifice for her boy. Paul
ine Lord has brought up her son,
Louis Hayward, to believe that he is
the son of a s `famous actreia. Basil
Rathbone is a drunken army captain
under Whose tuteledge Hayward grows
up as a. gentleman.
Hay Ward, through his real mother's
financial aid, has his first play pro
duced, with the woman whom he
thinks to . be his mother, played, by
Billie Burke, in the lead. The play
is a success, but in the excitement of
the opening night, Hayward's mother
suffers heart failure.
A new play, starring Stella Parish
(Kay Francis) has opened in London"
and is a great success. Then the star,
following the piemiere, mysteriously
disappears. A young journalist, play
ed by lan Hunter, starts a search for
From this romantic situation de
velops the story of "I Found Stella
Parish," which will be shown at the
Catham Wednesday and at the Nit
tany Thursday.
The reporter discovers that she is
about to sail for America and takes
the -same boat. , On board be- makes
friends with Gloria, Stella's little
daughter played by Sybil Jason.. He
gets Stella's,. story . and cables: it to
. . _ .
. . .
. .
........ .... ..
Evenings it . 6:30 and 8:30
Last complete'show at . . 9:10
The first of the new deluice , series
of westerns with all the rarin',
tearin', ridin', and shootin', of the
best of the - oldtimers—PLUS those
cowboy songs the country's so
crazy about.
V../ >hello Manna's • George E. stone
First of the new WARNER WESTERNS
Friday, November 15, 1935
State Men To Attend
Rotary Club Banquet
Members of the School of Physical
Education and Athletics, including
Elwood C. "Doc" Davis,Joe Bedeck,
Nick Thiel and Al Mikeonis, will at
tend the annual 'football banquet of
the Rotary Club of Dubois next Mon
day night., The featured speakers of
the evening, Davis and,Bedenk will
discuss "Football Reminiscences."
C. H. "King" Cole,•. former Penn
State football and wrestling . star, has
just completed his first, year as foot
ball coach at Dußois -High School.
Mikelonis '35, all-around athletic he
ro, is a native of Dußois. -
his paper. It is only then that -he
finds that they are in love with each
other. •
, From this point the picture moves
rapidly, showing the estrangement of
the lovers, and Stella's subsequent
failure on the stage. ' Through the
reporter, however, she is given the
opportunity to appear in another play
in London. It is a success and the'
lovers are reunited.
CATH Atilt!
A Warner Nothcrs Thcatm
Shows- at .
Last complete show. at . 9:10
. Dumas'
" h a ' n ' tht:
11 11 - 0 • • 'isisen I
1101 0
100 FRS
till •
.r• 40,0".7
R K 0 '•Walter Abel, Paul
RADIO. Lukas,MargotGrahame,
Picture Heather Angel, lan
. Keith, Moroni Olsen,
:.r ~