Pae Four CLASSIFIED BALLROOM DANCING INSTRUC tions—lndividual social (lancing in structions. Call 772-.1 or 811. Mary Morahan, Fye Apts, 200 W. Col lege Ave. 1-etkl LOST—White gold wrist watch with' gold band, between Frazier St., and: Rec. Hall. Please return to C. Hel en Long, 22.1 S. Frazier St. Phone 282-J. 214-2tpdflt LOST—Small brown purse in vicin ity of Corner or A. A. Store, be tween S and 9 a. m., Saturday. Please call Lester Reese, 9642. 29-ltpdw•hs LOST—In front of the Green Room Saturday night between 12 and 1 oclock• a leather purse stamped "First islational Bank." Reward will be paid for return to Green Room. lnpjw LOST—Small brown purse in vicin ity of corner or Athletic Store be tween 8:00 and 9:00 a. m., Satur day. Please call Lesta Reese, 9042. 245-ltpws FOR RENT—Very large single, double, and triple cool. Simmons bed. Reasonable rent. Call 314. 102 South Beaver avenue. lnppf FOR SALE-1934 Model, 4 tube radio. Good looking and good per forming. Bargain. Call Bill Heck man at 971-R. 217-ltcpwb FOR RENT—Large, well furnished room. Co-op one block. Campus across street. No children or other CATHAUM AW3tntr Whom Thcatic j EDE= SHOWS DAILY-1:30, 3:00, 0:30, 8:30 And a Cumlnk Show no Late as 9 P. Si. TODAY AND TUESDAY. Charles Laughton in "The Private Life of HENRI* THE EIGHTH" Plus! All Color Cartoon "Jack and Beanstalk" ‘VEDNESDAY Richard Arlen, Sally Ellers in "SHE MADE HER BED" THURSDAY Jean Parker, Robert Young in "LAZY RIVER" NITTANY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY One of the Most Unique 3lotion Pictures of All Time 'THUNDER OVER 3IEXICO" Liberty Gave it Four Stars—The Most Discussed Picture in Years Told with sub-titles and a great musical score Not a Foreign Dialogue Picture Sprint Styles We' Are Now Showing An Exceptional Line of Worsteds Priced for Easter Delivery at $28.50 • Custom Made Clothes Are the Last Word in Style • SMITH'S TAILOR SHOP Cleaning Pressing Repairing LA w E Ilk zwegy7 . L A OC N AT NO .I U 24 N .W C ES I T N C G OLLEGEAvEN Reopening of the New College Diner AT OUR NEW lON . WEDNESDAY, MARCH TWENTY-FIRST, 'NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR Every Person Presenting This 'Ad on the Day Mentioned Will Receive a Cup of Our Famous Coffee Free. Rusgell W. Adamitz, Prop. . - Fair Trial for 40-Hour Work Week In Industry Demanded by Beamish "We are going too fast. We're not using the proper method of attack on industrial regulation." • Richard J. Beamish, Secretary of the Commonwealth, was the speaker, and the place was the Nittany Lion Inn following the gridiron banquet last Monday night at which he was a guest. "Cutting down from a forty to a thirty-six, or even a thirty-hour week fo• labor is premature. "How do we know that conditions warrant a thirty-six hour week?" Beamish said. "We haven't even given a thorough and fair trial to the forty-hour work week. 'Chisellers' have been evading the agreements; consequently, the forty-hour plan has not had a fair test. "In war, the barrage is laid down before the infantry 'goes over'," the Secretary of the Commonwealth con- STUDENT UNI All nollcts will be received et the St o'clock Wednesday afternoon for x TII for n Monday issue. Additional not' COLLEGIAN of on Wednesday ant TODAY Druid members will meet in Damn 410, Old Slain at S p. m. TOMORROW , Penn State "Engineer" freshman and sophomore business staff candi dates will tneA. in Room 314 Old Main at 7 p. m. The Penn State Orange will confer the third and fourth degrees at a meeting in Room 405 Old Main at 7:30 o'clock. _Alpha Omicron 19 will meet Chi Omega in shuffle board at 10 o'clock and Gamma Phi Beta will compete with kappa Kappa Gamma at 10:30 o'clock. An open meeting in the Hugh Bea rer Room in Old Main at 6:30 o'clock will hear Miss Kaltherine Duffield, re gional secretary of the Y. W. C. A. roomers. Call 779• J or Sl.l or see Mrs. F. J. flanrahan at 200 WeSt College Ave. etajw WANTED—A wardrobe trunk in good condition. Call Leon at 199. 219-Itpcpws ANNOUNCEMENT—Born to the Old Main L'cll editors, a green and gray issue of the magazine, Making the third this year. Reception for the little bounder will be held at all newstands and at Co-op corner be ginning 1 7 rida y afternoon and continuing until people are tired of looking at it. Itcwins With denan Parker, Robert Young, Ted Healy and Nat Pendleton THURSDAY t A - TH,.O .. 14 , ~....v.,.., YO ' - a4r &ctincr ' sitir:airc; . • tinned. "But after a barrage has driven thu enemy from their position, the infantry still continues to 'mop up' the stragglers. That prevents the enemy from organizing for a counter attack. "It seenis to me that such a pro cedure should be followed out by the present administration. 'Chisellers' and evaders of labor codes should he 'wiped out' before the forty-hour plan is abandoned," Secretary Beamisli said. "To attack this depression at its fundamental source, we should adopt or set up an international basis for regulated currency.. That basis should be adopted on a remuneration for the average working day—say five dol lars, on the average. However, in every country the amount would vary," he concluded. ON BULLETIN admit thliOrl ihp.k in Old Main until 5 horribly lame, aight. and until Saturday noon ICUS may y be 'phoned to the Old Blain Sunda speaking on "The College Girl lathe Life of Today." WEDNESDAI Entries itr the intramural volleyball contest atc required to post a one dollar fee with Miss Keller in . Direc tor Bezdek's office before 5 o'clock. The Bradford-Sullivan County club will hear a talk by Prof. Herbert Koepp-Baker at a meeting in the Grange dormitory playroom at 7:30 o'clock. NN'omens building and MeAllistcr ball will compete in a' shuffle board tournament at 8:15 p. m.. THURSDAY Thi, Student. Unilm Board will hold a short meeting in Room 303 Old Main at 6:10 The Penn State Library club will meet in the Mineral Industries library at 8 p. am Dr. -William S. Dye will speak on Irish literature. Women's shuffle board finalists and semi-finalists in the matches Tuesday and W2dnesday night will play at o'clock. MISCELLANEOUS Since the business staff of the "Old Main Be has now left our bed and board, we, the editors, will no longer be responsible for any debts contract ed by same. However, by the grace or God and the Nittany Printing Com pany the next issue will be merchan dised at all news-stands and at Co-op Corner Tor twenty-five pence begin ning Friday alternoon, and there after until.w•e make enough money to pay for the damn magazine. —The 'Editors Men and women students and fac ulty members arc invibad to partici pate in the Lenten worship services Monday to Tuesday nights inclusive fr0m.6:30 to 6:45 o'clock ih the Hugh Beaver Room, Old Main. Teams desiring to enter the intra mural• handball tourney sign up at Miss Keller's office in Recrea tion hall before Friday afternoon. Only two-man teams will be allowed to participate in the tourney and the fee for entrance has been set at fifty cents per team. Mr. Walter Garwick of the Sound Recording Laboratories in New York City, will be in the office of the Speech Clinic in the English Composi tion building Tuesday anti Wednesday from . 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 (*lock at night. He will make per sonal recordings of speech, singing, and instrumental playing for students. and faculty. A nominal charge will be niacin for each record. Cleaning Pressing Repairing Featuring for Spring ' Latest Combinations of Ensemble and Sport Suits Gabardines Ilockanum Flannels Bedford Cords Reasonably Priced at $2l Upwards • VI/5r . UNDER tIIE CORNER Phone---Sll Sers THE PENN V4TE COLLEGIAN . Women Leaders Present. Conduct Code for Co-eds A code of conduct for Penn State women was presented and explained at, a mass meriting of all women stu dents in Schwab auditcirium last Mon day night. Rosathond W. Kaines '34 presided at the meeting. Eva M. Blichfeldt '34, president of W. S.'G. Ai, spoke on "Women's Stu dent Governmeift Rules." Elsie M. Douthett '35, vice:president of W. A. A. discussed "Mental. Development," and Doris 31. Acker '34, president of the same organization spoke on "Re spect for Others." Betty B. Thomp son '34, Y. W. C. A. president, dis cussed "Social Conduct." , A fashion show illustrating correct dress 'for various occasions followed the talks. Josephine S. Steticr '34, chairman of the show, explained the purpose of the show and each costume as it was presented. Isabel L. Rhein '34 acted as her assistant. Those who took part in the sports and campuS division of the show were A. Frances Turner '36, who wore a 'sport swagger suit, Sara Bushong '37, attired in a tan sport coat, Mary F. Pomeroy '37, who modeled a red wool dews, Martha Shaner '37, with a grey wool dress, and Jean C. Kriebel '37, i who appeared .in a riding habit. 1 1 In the strecit and Sunday • dinner group three 'types of dresses were shown. Mildred. Morgan '34 wore a brown ribbed silk, while Elizabeth A. Lewis '34 modeled a dark blue silk, and Virginia nv Lewis '36 appeared in a black satin. Two informal