Page Four Last Cartmell-Coached Nittany Lion Track Team'Defeats Pittsburgh Panther,72-63 InDIONOMOIDWIRNIINI) Game Marks Fortieth Tilt Of Series Started in 1889 Lion Diamondmen Will Continue Home Stand Against Gray and Red Rivals on New Beaver Field at 4 O'Clock EIII2 May is generally the chief month of the intercollegiate baseball season, but as far as the 1933 edition of the Lion diamond representatives arc con cerned the period thus far has been just a wash-out. Rained out of their last four sched uled games, the Bedenkmen will make another attempt to continue their home stand when they play host to Dickinson College on New Beaver field at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. While the Lions haven't faced an invading team for over two weeks, this will not be a disadvantage for the Dickinson fray. The Gray and Red haven't played a game either. Marks Fortieth Game The Dickinson-Penn State feud, which began in 1889, is one of the oldest in intercollegiate circles. The game tomorrow will be the fortieth in the series and the Blue and White nine has won thirty encounters. evident during the last five games. Lion supremacy has been especially The Blue and White won three games from 1926 to 1928 by large scores and continued their victorious march when the series was resumed in 1931. The Bedenkmen won over the Gray and Red that year by a close 3-to-2 margin, after the Lions had outbatted the Carlislians, eleven hits to five. CLASSIFIED BALLROOM DANCING INSTRUCTION—In. dividual instruction for beginners. Phone 770-J or sec Mrs. F. J. Lianraham Fyc Apartments. etch INSTRUCTION--Soclal dancing Instruction. Individual and group lessons. Call Ellen J. 165-.1. Etch PURLIC 'STENOGRAPRER—Typing of re ports. themes, thee. and form letters on short notice. Reasonable rates. State Col lo.: Hotel. Phone atm Etnp WANTED—Student barber. Apply Crisman Shop at 103 Pugh St. under the Green Doom. . ItptIPWI WANTED—Passengers to Cleveland for week end of Moy 20. Round trip 05.00. Call Ely, 228-11. itcontiiiol WANTED—Work in frotornity oe housework by day. Coll 38. M. ItpdFT WANTED—Married couple desires work in fraternity house. Colt 146 and ask for the chef. 2556chlilfit LOST-111nel, notebook on Saturday nink. May it in or near Corner Room. Call Pa ter .179. 4teornoW LOST—Trench coat. black check lining. Satur day evening stt Old Main Sandwich Shop. Reward to finder. Call Len SICK, 594. ItudJW NOTICK--Tliree.pieee Sunforixed Sea Itraeae Suits in white. tan, 'etyster. und.atray.•Made to tn; £2.99 , arid $4.95. Al Montan. 129 Suenaure nnite phone ItudJßW SEE OUR SPECIALS for NATIONAL COTTON WEEK May 15th to 20th EGOLF'S SMITH BROS. Sales and Service • CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ALL KINDS OF REPAIR Phone 1082 East College Avenue YOUR COAT Will give you the service you have a right to expect, providing you have it serviced by Experienced Furriers; and if you store it during the summer months, in frigid vaults,, safe from damaging summer heat and from fire, moth, and thieves. We operate a completely equipped fur department for the servicing of your furs—repairing—remodeling—cleaning and glazing, relining., etc., and it is carefully supervised by a thoroughly experienced per sonnel. We will be pleased to have one of our bonded representatives call and go Over your fur needs. The Clearfield Taxidermy Company FUR DEPARTMENT • CLEARFIELD, I'A. "The Largest and Best Equipned.Establishment . of its Kind in Pennsylvatria." WEIGHT '3 Last year the Lions won by a 5-to-3 score. With Al Deßonis in form and Keith Parks ready after over two weeks rest, Coach Joe Bedenk's biggest prob lem centers around whom to give the starting mound assignment. Paul Swan's injured thumb has. almost completely healed and he will resume his position as Lion receiver. PANTHERS DEFEAT YEARLING RUNNERS John Gives Best Performance for Lions, Winning 100-Yard Dash, 220 Low Hurdles Taking seven first places, including ono ti,e and five second places, Lion cub cindermen, who journeyed to Pittsburgh Friday to meet the Pan ther freshmen, were beaten by a score of 74 1/3-to-GO 2/3. John, a Wilkinsburg product ; en tered in the century dash and the 220; yard low hurdles, turned in the best performance for the Penn State fresh men when he won both events in easy fashion. He was the only Lion to beat Barnum, Pitt track star. Barnum, with twenty-six points, was' high scorer for the meet. He took first places in the 120-yard high' hurdles, the javelin throw, the shot put, and hammer throw, and second honors in the discus event and the• 220-yard low hurdles. . Sharp, Lion quarter-miler, who ran third in the 490-yard dash, failed to receive recognition for his acheive-- ment because of a mistake of the judges. Although finishing ahead of Mackrell of Pitt, the Pittsburgh run ner was given the iplace.. SPECIAL OFFER SUITS MADE TO ORDER Price $19.75 Dry Cleaning 75c Pressing 35c . Corner E. Beaver and Allen St. FRANK KOZEL THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN LlMWZALlNlMAKMlAidikiDiviDitipilteLdientrnti TERRAPINS SUBDUE LION LACROSSE TEN Faber, Wood, Main Liners, Lead Marylander's Attack in 194 Victory Maryland's lacrosse team was too smooth and powerful for the Lions Saturday, and the Nittany stickmen were snowed under by a 19-to-3 score. Led by Faber and Wood, the Main Liners had the' Lions roaring with wounded pride, with the exception of the third quarter, when the Terrapins garnered only two points. The only Lions to find the net were Koth in the first quarter and Maul throp and Koth again in the second quarter. The consistent scoring of the Main Liners is shown by the per iod scores—G-to-1, 12-to-3, 11-to-3, and 19-to-3 at the end of'the game. Close Disastrous Season Six stickmen wore the Blue and White for the last time Saturday af ternoon. Captain Jake Edel, Day, Moorhouse, Kane, Hesch, and Hassan will be lost to the Lions next year through graduation. The season just closed was one of the most disastrous any Lion team ever experienced, with the books show ing five defeats against no victories. The Army won the season's opener by a score of 9-to-0. Locbs 'Schedules Practice The mext week-end, on the only trip of the season, Hobart humbled the Nittany stickmen by a score of 4-to-3. Injuries incurred in that game were responsible for the 16-to-3 defeat -at the hands of Syracue. Navy sailed over a sea, of mud last week to the tune of 11-to-4 for the season's fourth defeat. With the idea of building for next year, Coach 'Brike Loebs is planning a series of practice games for both HOW IN THE WORLD DID THE MAGICIAN MAKE THAT BIRD CAGE VANISH IN THE .. MAGIC ACT WE,S!4W TONIGHT? i , :-$......i.i;:,: ,, i.n:;;:.::::: , : , „ , :;;:i , . , ..:'.:: : iiii'1Ki:,. , .... , .,:: , :.:::;Z'Q1zi% .:..": YOU ALWAYS .i.:', THANKS; I'M KNOW EVERYTHINGI GLAD TO 'SEE • ED. WANT A GIG- THAT YOU - • ARETTE ? -.--, SMOKE CAMELS, .;. KAY. ff- 7- "' - ..-en- 4 4 , i.-..., 1, A:MiNg: -- 4: - ' . t - - -, o r ~,, ..,- - __':' , : i , (•• i, ..j: , ;':::.:::: tltigit... . ' 1 ' ' 1( 1 \\ , I \ • • tl, ° ...16. . - .....;:77.7777'77-77---: :....:'...i;.>.:Vi.!:'•;:::.t.-::,E::::-.;:`,'..?,4:. .:',•t;'''' . - E 6111 . 6 TI-IElI * ARE...NO illw 11 -. . 4.4'.".: .4J . I'VE FOUND OUT MAT"IT'S -:....' .:''. :.::...;-, TRICKS IN CAMELS-JUST -. q • 11 %, not OW :.•..‘ . - -4 i:V%iei;N: MORE fUN TO KNOW'ABOOT 7----- c: MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS. . • ' • ..."'" 4, 4•:.. - ''' 2 '':.. " z S..IGI O O*TTES . ED. f(', ::.;;:::: . •:; ,, ;. -,...,:,...• : - ~, • -.:-. - -:, - - '.:'•:' :'.:::.: . i:.'::V ••'.''',.. 4' . .,! .. : . :.i . ,...N , ;-:: . )..:•:....... • .ii: . a - ' Camels are made from • • /" 4 .'"'4" 44 ••• : ' ' '''‘ \ ` ...i. • , ;',5! . ?;":; . 3:.'i;!... :&.*.:;;'..i.!-!..'.!.:4•: ,. ..;'....6 "finer, M RE EXP ~:i::f...:s• .. ~ . --• • : 0 . '•• • • ....,.,,.:::.. ~ ‘.:,,_:.:_....., : ~, 7 T. . . ' .,. . i'::. i , ;:. 1; 4 , ~aP ci c • e •• . • tobaccos than any t :, ; ., )) ..g t:, .. n: , :.. i. ,: i ,: , : , :. , i 1 ,. -, . :•!: ' . 1•i! , :'::..:4: -, , , •,. . 1.. t., • •,) , y, •••2.!••!:....:.•.,, -C , . • ',.. 7 .:•::-3: . •:;!•••;:;S. ',7,) )' ' Popu .r ran • 1.::,... .. .. ~, ~.......- w 4"cit., y • , - v ,' , ~„,„„0 ~..,,....;;. . ;;...,1, \ . .• • That's why they give : . •:i.•''• •:. .• . I ; . ..if:W!':;'` . '' - :., , , ,..0,5, -. 7 4 0:. , 5 ........), p ~ : you more pleasure. :"..,,r .. . ? ...' . ,01V",4 4 / . . f' ''..-..- ' - • •' ' 1 • IND ) . It's the tobacco that lagttit: - ..6Y./ : . )/ 7 !--- t . rAk. 1 L. - . 1 • . '. ' . •.'counts! . •4 7 ,: -;,,,-...."/ A .• ) ; . ~ 1 , . e.)_:' ---j-_ _ .;. j .0 . ' ' ' • .. , -..- _ . .. „ . . . .** '. It% •KI. . .... .• Et s . j . 0 T • - . .. - - CAM • US ' 77 CO cartAt it T°B4fiCCC)C. Intramural Results MUSIIBALL Chi Phi-2 Sigma CM-1 Commons Club-9 Tau Kappa Epsilon-0 Sigma Nu-3 Chi Upsilon-2 SOCCER Theta Chi-2 Phi Kappa Sigma-0 LINKSMEN DEFEAT CENTRE HILLS C. C. Lion Golfers Win Twelfth Straight In Series of Annual Matches . With Couirtry Club Penn State's linksmen added the twelfth to an already long list of vic tories over the Centre Hills Country club golfers Saturday afternoon when they scored a 32-to-11 triumph over' D:. Grover Glenn and his mates. , Led by the members Of' the varsity squad, the College team won twelve of the fifteen foursomes. Six of these foursomes were won by 3-to-0 mar gins. Dr. Grover Glenn and Pete Stuart, veterans of many encounters between the two groups, won the first four some match, defeating Roge -Hetzel and Dick Ritenour by a 2 1 / 2 -to4E.; score. - Bus Sickels won honors for the low score of the afternoon; turning in a 73, while Hazel followed with a 77. Stuart shot a 78, Lloyd Beyer a 79 and Tom Marshall an 80. the varsity and freshman squads. A ten composed of seniors and alumni will meet the balance of the varsity squad - caber Thursday or Friday. Tel r ~r< ". ~~fiC ~~~~~~ LIONS WIN LEHIGH, DROP ARMY MEETS Netmen Emerge With Surprise • 5-to-4 Victory' over Brown And White Squad By JAMES B. WATSON Jr. '35 Friday and Saturday were fateful days in the history of the Penn State net squad. Two dayS/two matches, and the Lions emerged with a sur prise victory over Lehigh, and a not too-unexpected defeat at the hands of Army's super-trained squad. The scores were 5-to-5 and 9-to-0. At Lehigh, the Penn State singles entrants won four of their encount ers, while the Brown and White net men took the , first two doubles matches. As the afternoon waned, Hank Hartzler and Charlie Shaeffer were battling Gearhart and Drucker man in a three set deciding match. The Lions won, 6-2, 3-6; - 6-3. An eighty-mile Pocono sightseeing detour directed by "Marco Polo" Man- Waring landed the tired Lions at West Point at 3:30 o'clock Saturday morn ing. A day of competition against a team which has been t,raining since September was ahead of therm Even the Cadet coaches conceded the Penn' State netmen a terrible disadvantage. Despite desperate Lion struggles with sleepiness, the Cadets triumphed. In the singles matches, Daly, Army, beat Green, 6-0, 6-0, while "Stage- Door-Johnny" Wilson, succumbed to Reynolds, 6-4, 6-3. "Little Caesar" Block fell before a 6-4,.7-5, onslaught on the part of ,Felldnz,' While Hank Hartzler forded' O'Connell into a 6-4, 4-6, 6-0 fight, with•the..Liim on the wrong end. Schull, of Army, took?oVer Charlie Shaeffer in a 6-0, 6-9: fight, while "John the Baptist" Skillen lost to Guiney, - of Army, in the, final singles I round, 6-1, 6-4. • Dunaway Loses Half-Mile For First Time. in Career Disputed 100-Yard Decision Settled When News Photographs Prove Fleming, Pitt, Winner Over Aldrich Running in what was probably their last dual meet under the able tutelage of Nate Cartmell, a man whom they had learned to admire. and respect, a squad of Nittany Lions won their first and only victory of the year against a Pitt team by a 72-to-03 score in the Pitt stadium Saturday. Defeating Captain Dunaway for the first time in his career of dual com petition, Keller, Pitt star, lived up to advance reports and gave one of the finest performances of the afternoon. Trailing Dunaway for the first 700 yards of the race, he passed . him on the last turn after a sprint, and fin ished several feet ahead of the Penn State captain. Featuring, an afternoon of near sighted judging, the dispute-over the winner of the 100-yard dash was . the headliner. -Breaking. the tape over a foot in front of Aldrich, Fleming, Pitt negro star, was thought by everyone in the stadium to have won the sprint. But the officials who chased the run ners to get their names reported to , the recorder that Aldrich was first, Harry Sigel second, and Jacobson, Pitt, third, while tae Pitt runner, the real winter, hadn't even placed. _ Immediately. surrounded by angry Pittsburgh athletes and fans, the judges:maintained that they had pick ed the winners as they had seen them. A free-for-all fight seemed imminent, until the news photographers, with pictures of the finish, sent the plates to be developed. When the. finished pictures arrived at the end of the meet, clearly indicating' the winner, TO DA _Done Nth Live 6no;y/ , EXPLAIN TfIAT IT YOU CA N . . Tuesday, May 16. 1933 INEEE3 the referee reversed the decision, giv ing Penn State four points instead of eight. While making a poor showing in field events, the Lions took all three plebes in the javelin throw, the only field event in which they took a - first. The runners secured five•first places on the track. Dunaway',violins first mile run in the meet. The summariei'follow;': Track ¥la. ":' •'‘ 100-yard dash—Won bylPleining.llll.ll Ald rich. Penn Stale, secontrf:Slgel,•.Penn Stele Chia Time, 10.2. • • " • 220.yanl dash,—Won by "Drilic. , Penn Stnte Kiger, Pitt, second; 151cDonitkb•• Pitt, third Time, 22 G-10, 440-yard run—Won by KelletyPitk: Rhodes , Penn State , second: Ritter, PitVihlril. Time, 50 4-10 seconds. . ' •. .. . . . .•. . . 880-yard run—Won by Keller, Pitt; Duna way, Penn ditnto, second; Watkins. Pitt, third. Time, 1:0 7-18. blu , erun—Won by Dunaway, Penn Slate; Siesky, Penn State, second; Kirkpatrick. Pitt. third. Time d:3l 3-10. . Two-mile run—Won by King, Penn* State; Cibe, Pitt, emend; Albright,. Pitt, third. Time, 0;58 8-10. • 120-yard high hurdlm—Won by Jackson, Penn Slate; Byers, Penn State,' second: Gust.. Pitt, third. Time, 16 seconds. 220-yard low hurdler—Won by Van Penn State; Jackson. Penn State, second: Guay, Pitt, third. Time, 26 6-10 seconds. Field Events . Shot put—Won by Donavita, Phi: 'Valenti, Pitt, second FSigel. Penn State. second: Bons vita, Pitt, third. Distance-126 feet 7 inches. Javelin—Won by R. Sigel, Penn State: Johnson, Penn State, second; Adams, • Penn &tate, third. Distance-180 feat 10 inane. Brood jump --Won by Sebastian. Pitt: Say land, Pitt, second; Fleming, Pitt, - third. Distance 22 feet 2V, inches. High jump—Snyland. Pitt, and O'Shea,-Penn State. tied for first:, Nelson. Pitt, third. Height 5 tent 6 inches. Pole vault—Won by O'Dell, Pitt: Kerahner, Penn State, sreond: Erie/won. Pitt, and Croak er. Pitt,. tied for third: lieinhtll 'feet'ii inches. Hammer throw—Wan by' GongToff. Pitt Bonavita. Pitt. second; Cole, Penn State. third Distance 127 Peet. t FEATURE irk TOO EASY I ---