. ■ ~r pvs (ExlUwjtiUt- “ D Vol. 29, No. 21 BARON LEE SIGNED TO FURNISH MUSIC AT MILITARY BALL fiurry ’33 Announces Selection Of Colored Orchestra for All-College Function $4.40 ADMISSION PRICE ' . SET BY CADET GROUP Winter. Contract- in New York Awaits Band Following Appearance Here Baron L-ee's Blue Rhythm orches tra will furnish the music for Military. Bali, the first major all-Col!ege so cial function of the year, on December •William C. Burry ’33,. committee •chairman, has announced. The con tract was signed last week, ..Sub-committees appointed by Burry are completing plans for the decora tions/- An admission price of four dollars plus a federal tax of forty cents will be charged for the affair. Alternated With Calloway . The Baron’s band, which is com posed of colored musicians, played in alternate weeks with. Cab Calloway’s . orchestra at the Cotton Club restaur ant.'in New York City this summer. The Blue Rhythm orchestra broadcast for 1 several months recently over the nation-wide N. B. C. radio network. . The Military Ball engagement will be the band’sfinal appearance before fulfilling an all-winter contract with the Paramount Theatre in New York. Baron Lee offers a wide variety of music, playing both slow and fast numbers, according to Joel W. Salter ’33, who had charge of the negotia tions for an orchestra. • Contracting Difficult • : Because of the season, of th‘e year : ih-which most-. ’ -engaged .under 'long-term contracts - at metropolitan hotels, the cpmmittee found it'unusually difficult in* secur ing a suitable orchestra. .From'a'list of bands including Ben Bernie/'Wayne King; ( Duke Ellington, and Rudy VhlJ lee; the only first-class band available. ’ that met with the r approval of : the cadet corps was Baron Lee and his Blue Rhythm, music makers. Both Salter and Burry spent last . week in 'Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to Hear’ several • bands personally and to make ’ final arrangements with booking agencies. “Because of popu larity as a radio band, the committee . feels that the band selected Will meet with the approval of the entire stu dent; body,” Burry said. ' Contrary to the plan used last year, proceeds of the'Ball will not be turn ed over to the Student Loan’fund. Because of a slight deficit incurred last year, the committee believes that ahy surplus should be incorporated in a special fund to insure the perman enfce of the cadet affair as an all-Col lege function. In addition to Burry and Salter, the, dance committee includes Richard M. McClain ’33, William P’. Nolan ’33, Omar K. Hi11,’33,. George H. { Grabe *33, Shuman H. Moore ’33, Charles E. Phillips ’33, Roy L. Sordon.’33, and Joseph H. Hartswlck ’34. NEW HORT CLUB ORGANIZED 'Eighty students in horticulture .Have organized a Hort club, with Marry E. Wilson ’d3 as president and Elsie Darlington ' ’33 as secretary tteasurer. / ' . ‘ ' 'i *College Should Admit All Worthy Students 9 —Hoffman • (Penn State, as a State institution, ought- to be the place where every worthy . student could get an educa tion, William S. Hoffman, College registrar, believes. He deplores the f#ct that restricted enrollment is forced by lack ( of facilities. ’ ‘ln my opinion, -it is unfortunate Jdjat we are compelled for economic reasons to have selective admissions .here," Mr. Hoffman-says. “Students .who want to go to college, but arc denied entrance at other colleges in the State, should be allowed to enter Penn State.” . Economic expediency forced curtail ment of Penn-State’s-enrollment as far back,as' 1908, the registrar points out, and probably always, will neces sitate it. Selective admissions, based on ranking, in high school class and the - group - rating of the high school, have been particularly em phasized in-the last-five.years. Ho.wcvor, ’ higher scholastic aver Speaks Next Week bEamtotmks NEXT WEDNESDAY State Executive Will Deliver Speech on ‘Political* Feature Writing’ ‘ Speaking on “Political Feature Writing in Front of and Behind the Stage,” Richard J. Beamish, secretary of' the Com,monwealth, will • give an address in the Little Theatre, in Old Main at 7:30 o’clock Wednesday night, November 30. Mr. Beamish, who has held prom inent positions with 'many newspapers ns a feature writer, returns here to speak for the second time in the last, two years. He will discuss interviews with former presidents and high cab inet officials.' : Covered Famous Trial. When President Hoover , made his pre-inauguration ‘ journey'. through ••South >. Am'eEica'tipur^yearsjiag'o;/Mr* Beamish’ accompanied ‘him. is corres pondent forj-thejiPhiladelphia Record. lecturer also.'covered the-'famous “monkey/t-riaP’/ih' Tennessee- ip Tjie secretary of .the’Commoriwealth’ edited an!§0,000-wi>rd yolUipejon-l'The' Lone Eagle,” . Wilson,, whose father, and grand father were members of Parliament, has also been president of the Oxford Union-society, in addition.to being chairman' of the- Oxford University Labor/club, in 1930 and secretary of Great Britain' in, 19321 Both;.of the EnglishVdebaters are ‘ now* - studying law. 1 \ j -V i’- : ; • H \{ 1 Will'.Aprive 1 \ Airriyitig in the<;Uniteb States late last . month, the already will have'debated seventeen other col lege and'university teams; before they come here, land are scheduled for, six teen other ■ after'they’.'leave. ;They will debate a Yale University team at. New Haven, Conn., Friday night before coming to State College Monday niorning. Both Keyes and Berbatis are in their second year of intercollegiate debating,.- Keyes having participated in eight contests'last year and Ber batis.in one. Dr. Jose J. Osuna 'l2, of the University of Puerto Rico,.who is teaching.education here this semes terj will preside at the debate. Monday night’s debate takes on a four-sided international aspect, since Ervine was bora in Scotland, Wilson in England, Berbatis in Greece, and Keyes, in America, according to Prof. John H. Frizzell, director of debating. In addition, Dr. Osuna, the chairman, is a native-born Puerto Rican. The tour of American"’co]leges and universities’.is sponsored by the Na tional Student Federation of America. The two English students were chosen as representatives of the Oxford; Union society. CONFERENCE TO DISCUSS PENN STATE RESEARCH Refrigeration ' Conclave Will Hear, Papers by Faculty December 7 One complete session of the Amor-, ican Society of Refrigerating Engin eers convention in New York City December 7-'to 10 will. be devoted to papers describing research projects conducted at Penn State, according to Dean Robert L. Sackett> head of the School of -Engineering. . Technical papers and discussions will be presented by Dr. Donald S. Cryder, associate professor of chem ical engineering, Prof. Louis J. Brad ford, professor of machine design, Prof, Fred G. Hechler and Elmer R. Queer, of the engineering research department, and Charles C. Daven port, graduate research scholar in en gineering. Dean Sackett, who has-been a.mem ber of the.organization council of the society for three years, arid ’Prof Charles L.. Allen, of the mechanical engineering department, will be dele gates to the convention. Dean Sackctt is also chairman, of the committee on education, and training,, while Pro fessor Alien is chairman of the’cen tral Pennsylvania section of the so ciety. . • * ■ • Loan Fund Receives $47.5)0 From Dance Stud e n t • Loan; fund. received $47,50 from the checking concession, at the Student UnioniAaiice in Rec reation hall 1 - Friday- night, accord ing to Benjamin L: Wise''-33, chair man of the Loan fund-.committee. The first Loan. fund, dance for this year has been,planned for early in January, Wise stated;, Novel ar-. rangements for the affair'will be announced later. DODGE ADDRESSES aauMembers Carnegie Foundation! Committee Head Speaks at.'-Meeting Of Local Chapter Prof. H. L. Dodgei field director of the -American - Association of Univer sity Profgssors and Carnegie Founda tion committee on studying college and university teaching; spoke at a dinner meeting of the local chapter of the association in-the Ol'd Main Sand wich Shop last, night. • Professor Dodge, who is on the faculty of the University of Okla homa; has visited about twenty col leges and universities in,; eastern and central parts of the United States in order to study their methods of teach ing, Prof. Leonard A.-Doggett, presi dent of the local-, group, - said. Studies College’Teaching In' addition to' speaking on “Collage and University Teaching," Mi’. Dodge will endeavor to' gather, data on the teaching situation at. Penn State while he is here. The Carnegie Foundation has given $20,000 to the association for this nation-wide' study, Professor Doggett said. A report on the-findings of the committee will be-made'at a meeting late in December. -Facts on Penn State.teaching.will -beimade.known at • •’Prof. Franklin C. Banner, head of the -department : of''journalism/ spokfe at the; first meeting of the local asso ciation this year;- 'He discussed var ious', aspects of his trip through-Rus jtia v durihg,,tha 'past summer. .. LOW GRADE’LISTS AVAILABLE TODAY Scholarship _ Chairmen ..May. -Obtain 8-Weeks Period Failures at Offices of Deans .Fraternity scholarship chairmen and representatives of similar organi zations are authorized to apply at the offices of the deans of the various schools this v'cek to receive a list of below grades for the eight-weeks per iod, Carl R. Ingling '33, Interfrater nity scholarship chairman, has an nounced. In accordance with action by the Council of Administration in abolish ing the grade card system at the end of last semester, the deans are to co operate with the fraternities in giving their representatives a list of below grades and also in investigating -spec ial individual cases. To secure the grades, the frater nity representatives must submit at each school a list of the enrolled mem bers arranged in alphabetical order. While only below grades will be dis tributed for the eight-weeks period, grades of.zero will also be given out to the fraternities at the end of the semester. . Information'will be given only to the authorized representatives who call in person at the deans’ offices, according to.lngling. .The, change from the old card system was made .because of the feeling on the part of the faculty that the fraternity schol arship men were not functioning. Who’s Dancing Tonight Hort'club at Alpha. Gamma Rho Subscription - Varsity Ten ‘Collegian ’ Publishes Next Number Dec. 2 Because of the Thanksgiving re cess, the next issue of. the Col legian* will not appear .‘until Fri day, December 2. •Beginning' tomorrow .noon, the annual vacation period will official ly close next Mondays* at 1:10 o'clock. • ‘ V. Stoddart Opposes Awarding Of Credits for Activities States Present Trend Would Aggravate Grading Plan Despite the growing trend of mod ern. education to bestow academic credit on - students for all types of campus activity, Dean Charles \V. Stoddart, lof the School of Liberal Arts, expressed himself as opposed to any form of College credit for par ticipation in extra-curricular activi ties in aii interview Saturday. • “Grades and credits are too mech anized now for ideal education,” Dean Stoddart said. “Giving credit for student activities on the campus would only tend to create added prob lems for the College to solve.” “Measuring a student's achieve ment in terms of credits and honor points has proved unsatisfactory in j academic work and even inaccurate,” he said, “so why should activities re ceive credit when educators who really think are trying to get away from the idea altogether.” Although the Dean considers extra curricular work an invaluable part of a College education, he believes it should be kept apart from the scho lastic side. College credit for parti cipation in activities would eliminate incentive and initiative on the part of those . students now • receiving the benefits of participation, he said. Discussing the ideal amount of reg ulation that the College should exer cise over the activities conducted on the campus, the Liberal Arts head de clared that students should be given as much freedom as possible. Exper- . ience gained by assuming responsibi lities and by making dacisions while in College will. prove an invaluable , aid to students after they have com- ; pleted their undergraduate education. student . control .of: activi- ; ties,*however;‘would bad as ; complete College control, the system 1 which would be necessarily enforced if credits and grades /were given for them, Dean Stoddai*t said. College authorities should only step in where large financial amounts are involved, he believes. “With'cooperation between'students and faculty membars, there is no rea son'why campus activity work should not run smoothly," the Dean said. "Extra-curricular activities seem to be getting along pretty well as they are." SHEEN ADDRESSES CHAPEL AUDIENCE ‘Religion Impossible to Explain by Means of Science,* Catholic Priest Declares “Don’t try to explain religion in terms of science, any more than you would explain English in terms of en gineering,” admonished Dr. Fulton J. Sheen, professor of the philosophy of religion at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., in speak ing to a large audience at the regular chapel services Sunday morning. • “Next to the first human law, that of self-preservation, is the yearning for truth. It is. inherent in us to love it and we have to seek it,” Father. Sheen said. “However, the more we study the less we seem to know, as we realize that there are hundreds of avenues of study which we might pur sue. “It is this eternal search for truth, 1 even if we cannot find all of it, that animates much of life. After all, lifej is merely a means to an end, and the | earth is only a scaffolding on which men may climb to reach the kingdom of God,” the chapel speaker said. Speaking of the achievement of happiness in life, Dr. Sheen said, “If men can find so much joy in associa tions with other human beings, haw great must be the happiness found by men in close association with God.” •SURVEY OF STUDENT LABOR PLANNED BY PROBLEMS CLUB t To determine whether student labor tis underpaid, an investigation of the situation at Penn State will be con ducted by a Social Problems club com mittee, according to Lionel Mann ’33, president. Facts will be obtained during the next three weeks from fraternity arid non-fraternity men, as well us eo-eds working in restaurants and private homes. After statistics are gathered, i the committee will compute the aver lagc student wage here, M'unn said. ’ 7 GROUPS ARRANGE TO CONVENE HERE Morse Lists Horticulture Week, December 14, as First of Scheduled Meetings With the first meeting scheduled for December 14, seven conferences of various groups in the State will be held here during the College year and the summer, Adrian 6. Morse, execu tive secretary to the president, has .announced. The ninth annual Horticulture Week is the first on the Hr.!;, beginning De cember 14 and ending December 16. Pennsylvania fruit producers, vege table gardeners, and florists will - be offered,latest informutio.n in their re spective fields at this conference,'ac cording to-Dr. Stevenson W. Fletcher, vice-dean and director of reseai’ch of the School of Agriculture. Spring Meetings Scheduled Although other meetings will pr*ob ably be arranged during the winter months, the next on the calendar is the fourteenth annual Industrial con ference on May 11 and 12. The School of Engineering sponsors the conference cadi year. Held here for t’je first time,-a Lu brication conference is scheduled for May 25 and 2G. Arrangements for this new meeting are in charge of Prof. Fred.G. Hechler, assistant di rector of the engineering experiment station. Summer meetings include the Su perintendent's conference from August ■1 to •:!, the' 4-H Club Week from August ID to 23, and Future Farm ers’ Week from August 20 to 28. A meeting of the Pennsylvania Sewage Works association and the Pennsyl vania Water Works Operators asso ciation will be held in September. WALKER CHOSEN AS HEAD OF PROCLAMATION GROUP Robert L. Walker '35 has been ap pointed chairman of the freshman proclamation committee, according to Walter G. Benner, president of the sophomore class.' Other members of the committee are E. Walter Helm, Earl G. Kcyser, Russell R. Howe, John W. Mortimer, Herman A. Schmidt, Phillip M. Smith, James B. Watson. Francis R. Weis, Louis B.^Villiams. ‘Public Will Cooperate With Roosevelt Policies’—Tanger Pointing to the large vote accorded President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt ir. the recent elections as a -sign that the public is desirous of giving him a full and fair trial, Dr. Jacob Tanger, head of the political science depart ment, believes that little opposition should be met by the new administra tion in the pursuance of its policies for bringing back prosperity. “The favorable majority in Con gress coupled with Roosevelt’s inclin ation to assume leadership of the gov ernment as a whole rather than to act simply as chief executive in a narrow sense, may be taken as an indication that tho political, economic, and social problems will be attacked in a well organized and serious manner,” Dr. Tanger says. Although tho administration may make definite progress during the first two years, Dr. Tunger is of the opin ion that the large Democratic major ity in Congress will be reduced evu- PRICE FIVE CENTS ATHLETIC REPORT REVEALS DEFICIT FOR’3I FOOTBALL Loss of $1,056.(1S Incurred in ' Grid Sport. Association Statement Shows 57,889.60 SURPLUS TOTAL GAINED BY COLLEGE A. A. Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling, Track, Boxing Disclose Lowest Returns Football, for the first time in many years, failed to make money for the Athletic association last season, ac cording to the association’s annual* audit report, released for publication yesterday. A deficit of $1,056.68 was incurred in the grid sport as compar ed with the $4,400.12 surplus of the previous year. Although a' total Surplus of $7,- 889.60 was netted by the association, the finance report, which covers the year ending June 30, 1932, also shows that deficits were incurred in every College sport. The football deficit, however, was not as large as the de ficits in other major sports.’ Total Surplus Increased The ‘ total income of the- Athletic association was $149,606.16 as com pared with $161,229.79 for 1931, and the total expenditures were $141,71C.- 56 against $158,016.67 for the previous year. While both the income and ex penditures show a decrease from the 1931 figures, the not surplus for the past year was increased by $4,670.48 because of the stringent economy measures enforced by the association. Track and baseball lived up to tra dition. .by_again incurring, the largest deficits. Ths 'runners ran up bills amounting to • $5,290.86 and the dia mond deficit was $6,661.80. Basket ball was in the red to the amount of $4,716.71 while wrestling and boxing missed balancing the ledger by $3,- 729.85 nnd $3,073.29 respectively. ; 1 Total Sports Deficit Increased ‘ Lacrosse,' soccer, and cross country were the oply other sports with de ficits running into four figures, while golf, tennis, gymnastics, and rifle lost smaller amounts. The total deficit in all sports aggregated 538,859.25 as compared with $33,8015.63 of the pre vious year. The major items of income were from ticket sales and guarantees amounting to $81,529.25, while stu dent fees netted $63,006.66, and the faculty season ticket sale, $3,300. Of the expenditures, sports accounted for $120,388.93 .of them, the general as sociation, $14,843.35 and maintenance of the athletic fields and stock room, $5,190.03. The association also con tributed $5OO to the American Olympic fund. The actual deficits incurred in the minor sports were $764.15 for golf, $786.96 for tennis, $357.54 for gym nastics, and $347.62 for the rifle team. The latter has recently been discontinued as a College sport In general, these figures are lower on both sides of the ledger than those of'previous years. Although the sur plus revealed in this report was lur ger than that left over in 1930-31, the net income over expenditures for the 1929-30 fiscal year was as high as $17,154. siderably in 1934. The majority was attained'for the most part because of the Roosevelt landslide, he believes. In commenting on the foreign policy of the new administration the political science head predicts closer coopera tion in international affairs. As to war debts he “Roosevelt will not advocate cancellation or a renewed moratorium of war debts but will hold those claims against European coun tries for bargaining purposes, prob ably. in trade agreements.” Provisions of the Volstead Act will be liberalized ns immediate action on the prohibition question, but repeal of the eighteenth amendment will come slowly over a span of years, Dr. Tan ge r declares. “Since the states are always demanding of Congress local control and elimination of federal en forcement, the proper method for re peal would be a two-thirds petition by the states beforo any action is tak en," he adds.