Friday* .November. JLB, 19.32. Between the Lions • , tOith V j The Sports Editor | Publication'of the probable ’33 grid card is bound to produce a'mixed effect in the student "'body. '•* -Many will greet' it* as “the panacea to Penn State’s football ills; others will, be disappointed in the weakened Calibre of the teams which grace it. Our personal reaction is that it is more nearly the. schedule appropriate for Penn State elevens, but we would like to' sound a note of- caution that the officials do not lean back wards in their attemptsVto’.giv? future elevens;opponents more equal in strength. ’ ' Anal.vzingtjie seven-teams corded for IM3, we:fihd three teams in .rhe to|i ranks of tn'nr l h»]|..tin»'w'hii a h, like the;l.ions.,has slipped from tli** upper rungsi another hiat, although it represents a.large institution, hiis never quite attairied gridiron prominence, and two who are frankly rep resentatives' of-thersmall college-class. ’ : Lebanon Valley is a -traditional early season, opponent with whom relations have always, been "of the best; ifs retention as:the opening con tention the 193JJ cord is sure; we believe/’to'meet .with widespread ap proval. Muhlenberg, on the other hand, will be playing a Lion eleven for only the third time when it appears here, probably as the'Dads’ Day attraction) on'October. 14.-. The athletic reforms it has instituted and, t it 3 geographical position in’the ‘state make it, a thoroughly. l acceptable warm-up opponent. . . •*. j Although (Lehigh has ’slipped from the position it once the gridiron'world,-there is -every reason M believe the hard-fought rivalry rhat existed between the‘Linns and the Brown and White in th»,past will be.resumed to the of’both hsre nen'yeaK If.there-#r* any doubts to M be raised about, the Lehigh game; it Is concerning*- the power of the Bethlehem eleven Alumni Day drawing card. ’ But in every other respect* the Engineers qualify as a well-chosenJmember of the 1933 card.* . • ' ; .■ 1 - Without any doubt, one of the most eagerly anticipated'games on the entire schedule'.will be the game with Columbia in New York October 28. Offering as it does, an opportunity for Penn State,'to appear’again in the metropolis against a team which has clinched;top-rate ranking within the last few years) the contest is rightfully, one of the high spots on the card. - ’ V v If controversy will rage about any single feature‘of the schedule,: -it is bound to center on the choice of'Johns Hopkins as Houseparty l op , - poncnts. While we' have a Jot of respect for the Baltimore institution, we do feel that a better-known team' of similar strength might have been: f. scheduled; Rutgers, W. & Ji, Virginia arid niany others would be’eligible. Jf’Penn State football schedules are to be cut to seven games,-it doesn't :seem logical that all the cutting be done on the .major-contests. The remaining games on the 1933/card,. Syracuse' at; Syracuse 'and .Penn at Philadelphia, are of course engagements'* which meet.with the approval of every .student. Both‘are traditional rivals 'Whose gridiron reputations have not suffered^even, though. they-.have been .among the! first to institute athletic- reforms similar, in ; some degree,,'tolour, own. This and That T- - rAfter seeing..the : reel on Penn ;6f : the post/ ydu : strongly Tiot ; to;.rhiss\it^if -you’re -interested'.iri watching : thelLionsJ aided b'y.K)rie'.Harry'.\yjlsori; run up victories over Navy, Georgia Tech, Carnegie Tech' arid others' justras good •.. .. No, we -were not paid-one cent'for thatcendorsemerit .... Someone - wrote.' Jesse- Brewster congratulating, the Lions .on beating Temple .• Maybe ,«ieVe •wrong . . . ..One of the.fraternities .received a card if rom an manding to know just where (this here team, .Sewan6e,, conics from 1 . .. . •'And then there’s the-senior ori.the. Lion squ‘ad;who voted.for George Veriero3a on the All-Opponents’ Teamuntikhe found out -that-Periri Stafe • ' players, past or present, weren’t included'. V. I.’ -7 ' \ Real Old-Fashioned ■ thanksgiving pinner The NittanyTLibn ; 12:30-2:30 •' .Make Reservations If Convenient Co-Ed Beauty Shoppe Finger Waving ' • - . Marcel Waving Permanent Waves and All Forms of Beauty Culture r . EXPERIENCED OPERATORS - Opposite Postofficc ' . Phone 888 Graham&Sons : Established 1896.' When'you .think iri terms of Good'Candy you .must think of Grahams’. For Your Thanksgiving: Dinner— . ... Do-Not Omit Our-Delieious Rolls; .Cakes, yy: 1 : 'and Pastry ‘V;/.. ■ ; ,. State’College Bakery 307 West Beaver Avenue .• \ - ‘ Phone 53 jy, ; vy'... y.. . f “*' i-"> ; >-yi-. / • *,,• SOCCERM! !UONS WILL MEET CADETS TOMORROW Seek Third Victory of Season In Contest at 2 O’clock -On New Beaver Field ' By BERNARD 11. ROSENZWEIG *3* I since .1913 has a. Lion soccer I ream dosed a season with |oss**s'»*.v -| i.-ceding tla-, victories. un>i with a firm , it- biilnni'tt the U*dg**r a. three J for, and three against. Coach Bill Jctt*- iey'y. ‘ boaters, impudently await the starting, whistle of the year|s finale with Army on New Beaver Field at 2 o'clock tomorrow, afternoon. “We’ve just got to win!” is the cry, land in the face of an opponent, pow erful, confident, and boasting a per fect record of. six victories, the Lion will put forth all his might in his last stand. Only two goals have been charged against the West Pointers thus far,, but the Nittanymen are: ready to change, that; . 6 Seniors in Last Game Five seniors will start in their, last contest while another, left • fullback .n&rtz!niywin* injured in mMctiw llii> week, will got in i'-.r pinx nf the; gaum. The v«ki*r, v'% v 'X —S.'H.-B. THE young,man is saying,.the reason he. smokes Chesterfields, •is because they satisfy. • " . The young'lady agrees with him She says:"They click with me, too. ■ I’m not -what you’d call a heavy smoker. But even I can tell'that they’re, milder. Besides, I always THE CIGARETTE- THAT’S; MILD:.' • THE ’CIGARETTE THAT ..TASTES- THE PENN STAT] N TODPPOSE ARMY Fresliman Gridmen To Face Seminary Eleven Tomorrow Nittany Gubs Will End Season With Tilt ■ At Kingston leaving' its Alrnu - Wati;cV s.|»ron | : strings for il*«« first.‘last. nn.P .mjy J time tiii- year. " ths ! i team will match onto iron tomorrow afternoon to stack up against what will probably be the J strongest opposition encountered all! season—Wyoming Seminary. - Although the-Kingston menace has, annexed six-ofvits-seven games this I season by. large.'margins, it! that universal bugaboo; the Pitt fresh- j ~ . man 'machine, 9-0.; The entirejWalke will-start the same team that strength, of the Nittany eleven will beJ opened up the Kiski game. Fry-will available to. help stem the run. of vie-• start at the other end, while Sloan tories garnered by the.eastern Penn-[and O’Neill will mate at the tackles, sylvania' school, as Xoach Walke re-1 Latorre and Cressw-ell will pair off as ports an . excellently conditioned | guards with Kessler at center. The l . > i well-lrill«*d Maurer-AnHrews-O'Tlnrfl • With the exception of who j Onr.|»<*r cemhimitior will- rr>r»r ;h.. will ivnliirfc ■. vine. - ;>l left I b:i.-k|'i*-l