/ T, ~“| Jfcttn J§4atr (EoUrguut Vol. 29, No. 15 NITTANY GRIDMEN BOW TO COLGATE SATURDAY, 31-TO-0 Red Raiders Defend Uncrossed Goal Line in Defeating Blue and White ONLY 3 REGULARS START CONTEST AT HAMILTON Higgins Will Have Full Strength Available for Sewanee Tilt This Week ' By GEORGE A. SCOTT '34 • Coach Andy Kerr and his famed Red Raiders of the Chenango can boast of an undefeated season as far as Coach Bob Higgins and the Nit tany. Lions of Penn State are con cerned. Bob, “Spike” and the Lion gridders offered their bit toward'stopping Col gate’s championship-bound eleven, but, as with Lafayette, New York University, and the three minor op ponents facing the Red Raiders earlier this year, their bit wasn't sufficient to stem the Maroon victory march. Colgate even successfully defended its uncrossed goal line in administer ing the 31-to-0 defeat to the Lions, while those thirty-one points placed the Red Raiders at the top of the Eastern grid world in total points scored with 195 against none for their opponents. Defeat No Dishonor •However, this isn’t a criticism of the Nittany Lions. They weren’t con ceded a chance before the gome, and no dishonor accompanies the defeat All that could have been asked of them was that they put up the best fight possible, and-that’s just what . they did. Colgate simply • had too ..much; power, too'much skill for.the fßig’gmsmem “7^ • Although he changed the starting lineup in three positions, Higgins held true to his pre-game intentions of holding the regulars on the 'bench for the opening kickoff. Only Tom Slus tfser, Jesse Brewster, •, and Bi|l Lohr started at their accustomed positions, although Bedoski,. who was in the opening lineup at a guard post, and Harry. Sigcl, halfback, have enjoyed starting'assignments in games other than Saturday's fray. Lions Escape Injury There were no injuries to further mar the day for the Lions, at lea&t none of a serious nature. This means that Higgins will have almost full strength available for Sewanee this week, and possibly for Temple on No vember 121 Earl Park and Bob Flood were at the tackles for the first kickoff, Wool ridge and Bedoski held down the guard assignments and Veto Rich was at center for the Nittany' gridders. “Barrel” Morrison got his chance at halfback and “Sunny Jim” Boring did (Continued .on ‘page three) 4 Student Leaders Favor 6 O’Clock Dinner Hoar Wood, Moser, Beatty, Longenecker Cite Advantages Unanimous approval of the pro posed change of dinner hour by the fraternities to 6 o’clock was expressed by student leaders in a survey Sun day. All those, interviewed were in favor of having—the houses making the change immediately. “In order for the fraternity men to 'receive proper benefit from the' two hour recreation period which the Col lege Senate had in mind when it elim inated the 4 o’clock classes, their din ner hour must be turned back to 6 o’clock,” said Herbert E. Longenecker *33, head of Interfraternity council. - That the ‘’fraternities are duty bound to cooperate with the College since it went through the trouble of shortening the school day by one hour this, year, is the opinion of John*A.; Wood- ?33,‘.president of Student Coun cil. “Late dinner hour is in effect at qjl colleges in the cast at present, and it should Ameliorate conditions here,” Wood declared. “The change from 5:30 to G o’clock is absolutely necessary to comply with the new system of intramural com petition,” said R. Henderson Beatty ’ >33, intramural sports head. “Con- Freshman Week Report Seeks Deferred Rushing Fraternities Should Move Up First K Date to Sunday of Orientation Period, Committee Believes Loud rumblings, heralding an ultimate system of deferred fraternity rushing and considerably shaking the proposed code, are now sounded in n Freshman Week committee report which laments the undesirable distraction of fraternity rushing during the orientation period. j “A definite' step should be taken this year toward ultimate deferred rushing,” the committee’s report reads. For the present, however, the com -1 mittee has hit upon an alternative in requesting fraternities to move up the first rushing' date to the Sunday oi' Freshman Week. Unless this ar rangement is agreed upon,'Freshman Week will probably be abolished. The committee, headed ‘by Dean of Men Arthur R. Warnock, feels that the week’s activities are not worth con tinuing under the present conflicting conditions. Cooperation Necessary Seeking a change which adds com plications to the proposed code, the Freshman Week report relies op the complete cooperation of every man in every fraternity.. If this high ideal of ; cooperation is not attained, the plan would obviously not succeed, the report admits. Members of the committee are of the opinion that the proposed arrange ment would not only benefit the fresh men in getting started but would also .work to the advantage of fraternities. Specifically, the request means the elimination of four early rushing dates before Sunday, but promises a more unrestricted use of the new stu dent’s time by fraternities on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. , “Since the Freshman Week com mittee has put fraternities on the horns of the dilemma, the only thing for us to do is follow their suggeS-. tion,” Prof.- MarshW. White,. chair ipam.of the.,-fraternity com •mifcte^saidr-^Freshmph^W^ek'thorrld 4 certainly not be abolished.” • To Discuss Change “If- the proposition were brought up at a mass meeting of tall the fra ternity men in .College, I believe they would accept the proposal of entirely eliminating rushing;until the Sunday of Freshman Week,” Professor White said. “Of course there would be, loop holes in the new arrangement, but we could at least try the system,” the ad visory chairman said. Although not in favor of the change, Harris Ebenbach ’33, Inter fraternity ‘council rushing chairman, believes it would he a simple matter to advance the opening rushing date to Sunday. An enforced, semi-silent period before the beginning of or ganized rushing in which fraternities would he allowed to schedule dates with freshman would probably be the most workable plan, Ebenbach said. - -Herbert E. Longenecker '33, presi dent of Interfraternity council, advo cates the change suggested by the committee. Interfraternity council will discuss the arrangement at its meeting in Old Main at 7 o’clock to morrow night, Longenecker said. I. F. Council Will Vote on Dinner Change Tomorrow Fraternity representatives will pass on resolutions effecting the change of dinner hour from its present time at 5:30 o’clock to'6 o'clock at a meeting of Interfrater nity council tomorrow night, Her bert E. Longenecker ’33, chairman, announced yesterday. tests will be held in the afternoon as well as night, and the change will al low more practice time so that play ers may prepare for competition in stead of their entering the games un fit for participation,” he added. ■ Apart from the physical recreation benefit of the G o’clock dinner hour to the students in • general, Walter C. Moser ’33, president of the Athletic association, explained that they will also gain in mental recreation. The added time between the end of classes and dinner will afford the students opportunity to read the newspapers and periodicals, which many at the present do hot seem to find time to do, he pointed out. George’W. Sullivan, manager of the State College theatres, has expressed himself as -being willing t« cooperate with the students' in working out a schedule to comply with the change, if it is made.. By W. M. STEGMEIER '34 P.S.C.A. FINANCIAL DRIVE FAILS GOAL Contributions Total $2,100 as Canvass Closes Friday, Seamans Reports Missing its original quota by three hundred dollars, the 1932-33 Penn State Christian association finance drive formally came to a close Friday night with reported contributions to talling approximately $2,100. “Although we failed to reach our goal of $2,400 from students them selves, solicitors found more good will in the general attitude of the student body toward the work of the associa tion . than in any previous year,” Harry W. Seamans, P. S. C. A. secre tary said. “There seemed to be a greater knowledge and a broader ap preciation among students of our ac tivities on the campus,” he said. Co-ed Drive Closes c Students who have not yet con. iributed and wish to do so,, may sub scribe to the fund at the association .officer-in.,.01d Main.. Memhr'ship. aTclb ilbr or more are available at the office this week. The. Y. W. C. A. financial drive, under the direction of Ruth M. Har mon ’34, continued- until last night. Although several division leaders had not yet- reported, returns up until Fri day night totalled only $2BO. Women faculty members were included in this canvass. •The opening gun of the campaign for $9OO from the faculty was sounded at a luncheon yesterday for “ the twenty-one members' of the College staff who will act as solicitors. Prof. J. Ovvis Keller, of the engineering department, is directing the faculty canvass for the association, and is also chairman of the Board of Direc tors’ finance committee. POLICE ARREST ALLEGED FORGER ON WEST COAST Suspect Charged with Fraternity Robbery, Passing Bad Checks Accused of stealing clothes from a fraternity house and forging checks here between September 19 and 24, George Surprenast has been arrested in Los Angeles, according to word re ceived- by Albert E. Yougel, chief of police. Surprenast, alias Fred L. Tatem alias George Lutz, was given an in vitation to stay at a fraternity house here. Several days later he disap- 1 pearod, taking with him one hundred dollars worth of clothing. After learning from Chicago and Amarillo, Texas, police that Surpren ast had left those cities by auto, word was received by Chief Yougel that the accused forger was arrested in Los Angeles on s October 14. WILL EXHIBIT WATER COLORS A Collection of drawings and water' colors will he placed on exhibition at the Athletic store tomorrow by Stew art Wheeler of Bellefonte. The col lection comes here from New York City, where it was on exhibition at the Delphic studios. College Activities ‘To Go for Ride' Saturday Night They’re “going for a ride” on Sat- what kind of a “ride” is in store for . _• the victims, but the fact remains that _ , .... • old man Satire is set for a big even- Campus institutions, traditions,, and jng _ Even thc two seines featured customs, town institutions, traditions, the revue, both of them familiar and customs —all of them are due to to every, student, will'share the ar. a gentle “dig” when thc Thespians, rows directed at tradition, institutions, Glee Club and, flayers present their and customs. “Panics of 1932” as the annual house-! Advertised as a,“combined nrcsen party revue in Schwab auditorium Sat- tation,”- the revue will be just that. urday night. I There is.no sot division of acts or The authors of thc book for thc} group offerings such us featured thc show refuse to divulge just who are 1932 “Panics.” headed for the bandwagon, mid just| Thespians, Gleemen- and Players. STATE COLLEGE, PA'., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1932 2 BANDS TOf PLAY FOR UNION DANCE ON NOVEMBER 18 Tree All-College Function Listed In Place of .Traditional Freshman Affair COMMITTEE SIGNS BLUE AND WHITE, VARSITY TEN Activity Group May Hold More Entertainment After Basketball Games Two bands, the Varsity Ten and the Blue and White,’ will furnish the rhythm for the free.all-College dance in Recreation Hall, Friday night, No vember 18, Robert M. Maxwell '33, president of Student Union which is sponsoring the affair, has announced. Absorbing the' traditional freshman dance, the affair is intended to serve as a reception for the freshman as ! well as an all-College function. By; making the dance . strictly informal, j Student Union.hopes to foster a bet ter get-together feeling among stu dents, Maxwell said. ( 'Other Dances Planned Benjamin L. Wise '33, chairman, Angelin Bressler '33, and Paul A. Filer ’33 comprise the committee on ar rangements. Fraternities are re quested not to schedule house dances on the night of the Student Union dance. Additional Student Union dances announced tentatively by Maxwell in clude another free dance, similar to the one scheduled this month, to be held sometime next semester, and sev eral loan fund dances at appropriate times during the *year. The loan dances will be similar to those con ducted .for the same-cause last year. Magazines Available, trial senes lowing basketball games was hsld< last year'by Student Union. Because of the success of these dances, there is a possibility that these dances may, be continued this year, Maxwell said. Seventeen current popular maga zines in leather bindings are now available for student use in the first floor lounge of Old Main. The Union also has placed twenty-four news papers from all parts of the State in the lounge. VAN ETTEN TALKS IN CHAPEL SUNDAY Pittsburgh Pastor Compares Lakes In Palestine With Types Of Gentlemen •Defining the two types of so-called gentlemen as those who take all they can out of life, and those who are willing to give as well as receive, Dr. Edward J. van Etten addressed the chapel services in Schwab auditorium Sunday morning. The Pittsburgh pastor drew an an alogy between these-two types of men and the two large lakes in Palestine. The Dead Sea, he compared to the man who takes everything he can, and begrudges any return he has to make, while the Sea of Galilee was mention ed as a parallel to the real gentleman, who is willing to share what he has with others. “It is notable that - around the Dead Sea there is no vegetation, that no peoplo live within miles of-there, and all forms of wild life avoid the sec tion as much as possible,” Dr. Van Etten said. “Around the Sea of Gal ilee, however there are many villages, fishing is a prosperous industry, and hundreds of birds and other kinds of animate live there,” he added. - The Dead Sea, the chapel speaker explained, takes everything, that comes to it, and returns nothing, consequent ly it is deserted, while the Sea of Galilee gives generously of what comes to it. PRESIDENTIAL POLL WILL START TODAY ‘Collegian’ Distributes 1,925 Ballots Among 58 Houses—Non-Fraternity Men Vote . At Student Union Desk With the distribution of 1,925 ballots to the fifty-eight fraternities of the College, and opening of a polling place for non-fraternity men at the Student Union desk in Old Main, the Collegian presidential poll officially opened this morning to continue until 5 o'clock Friday afternoon. .Women students will cast their vot today, while a separate vote of facul DR. JETTE TO GIVE PRIESTLEY SERIES Columbia University Professor Will Speak in Seventh of ‘Annual Lectures Dr. Eric R. Jettc, professor of I metallurgy -at Columbia University, j has been selected to give the seventh annual Priestley lectures here during the week of April 3, Herbert E. Long enecker, president of Phi Lambda Up silon, announced yesterday. Each year the Priestley series deals with the borderline between physical chemistry and some other science, and this year the Columbia University professor will lecture on the relation ship’between metallurgy and physical chemistry. Established in 1926 ' , Last year Phi Lambda Upsilon, hon orary chemistry fraternity, undertook the financial support of the talks, and will continue its sponsorship this year. The department of metallurgy and the department of chemistry will cooper ate in presenting the lectures. . .The lectures were established i a 1926 as a-memorial td Joseph. Friest leyp" rioted'; Pennsylvania’--' scientist, along with the maintenance of the old Priestley mansion at Northumberland, Dr. 'Wheeler P. Davey, of the physical chemistry department, heads the fac ulty committee in charge of the pro gram. • Other outstanding men who have delivered these lectures here include Dr. V.'C. Coffman, Dr. S. L. Hoyt, Dr. Louis Navias, Dr. H. B. Williams, Dr. J.. W. Williams and Dr. Victor K. LaMer. Bicolloids, medicine, ceram ics, and electrical engineering are some of the subjects covered in thte annual scries. STINE ’33 TO SING IN RADIO AUDITION Varsity Quartet Baritone Advances After Winning State Honor Over Station WCAE William H. Stine ’33, a member of the varsity quartet, will represent Pennsylvania in the men’s division of the sixth national radio audition con test sponsored -by the Atwater-Kent foundation as a result of winning first honors in the State eliminations held over station WCAE, Pittsburgh, last Sunday. Stine, a baritone* will compete in district eliminations, to be held next month for the right to advance to the national finals in New York City in December. A cash prize of five thousand dollars will be awarded the winner of the national contest, while the runner-up will receive one thou sand dollars and all other finalists five hundred dollars each. The contest is sponsored annually to discover America’s most promising young voices as well as to provide op portunities for vocally-talentcd young men and women to advance in music. Similar prizes are offered for the win ners of the women's competition. In the opinion of Director Richard W. Grant of the department, of music, Stine has an excellent chance to W’in his way into the finals of the contest. take part in the same skits, and one member of the cast may be called upon to carry from one to four parts, ranging from a newspaper columnist, dramatic director, or leading man to an athletic coach. Dot Johnston and Grace Baer add some specialty sing ing and dancing numbers that click with the fust-moving action of the dialogue. The entire presentation is' timed at an hour ami a half, with no inter missions for change of scenery to slow up the action. :es in a poll at McAllister hall at noon ilty members will be taken this week. ' "More than four hundred women stu dents are expected to vote in the Mc- Allister hall poll. 3 Candidates Listed Non-fraternity men may receive their ballots at the Student Union desk from 9 o’clock until 5 o’clock every day this week. A representa tive of the Collegian will check names of non-fraternity voters in or der to insure an accurate vote. Students will indicate their prefer ence for either Republican, Demo cratic or the Socialist presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the poll. A cheek mark in the square af ter the name of the party nominee for president will insure a vote for the vice-presidential nominee of the same party. To List School Each voter is requested to list the School in which he is registered on his or her ballot. All fraternity bal lots will be collected by tomorrow night. ' , Hoover was declared the winner in four of seven colleges and universities ending their polls last week, carrying Princeton, University of Washington, University of Minnesota, and Missouri School of Hines. He received 1,515 votes to 493 for Roosevelt at Prince ton, and 1,198 to 533 for Roosevelt at the University of Washington. 'Roosevelt carried the straw votes conducted at the University of Pitts burgh*. and. Notre- Dame'.. University while Norman Thomas, Socialist can didate, was the winner of the Colum bia University • student poll. Roose velt polled 1,355 votes to 912 for: Hoover at the University of Pitts burgh and 302 to 249 for Thomas and 49 for Hoover in the~Notre Dame vote. STUDENTS TO TRY OUT ( FOR PLAYERS’ SHOWS Aspirants for Productions of This Year Must Sign Up Today Students desiring to try out for Penn State Players' productions to be given this year will sign up between 3 o’clock and 4:30 o'clock today, to morrow, and Thursday afternoons in the Little Theatre for preliminary tryouts, according to Frank S. Neus baum, acting director of the dramatic organization. Those registering will be assigned definite- hours for the tryouts, which will Begin Monday night, Mr. Neus baum said. Any student in the col lege is eligible and anyone interested in dramatic work is requested to on to.: his or her name for the trials, ac cording to the acting director*. At least four productions art planned by the Players this year, the first of which, “Hay Fever,” by Noe’. Coward, will be cast immediately. Roosevelt’s Main Proposals Outlined by Professor Law Thomas for More Governmental Participation, Alderfer Points Out Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election, predicted by the New York Times, will not frighten business, said Joseph T. Law, assistant professor of poli tical science, in commenting on the Democratic presidential candidate yesterday. “Roosevelt does not propose either socialism or bolshevism,” continues Professor Law, “but he advocates sound .money, a balanced budget, re duction of governmental expenses, governmental reorganization, and non-payment of the soldiers’ bonus at the present time.” Feeling that in all its activities the government should have sympathy for the common man, the Governor* favors relief for the farmers and the unem ployed, definite planning to provide for. them and to protect them in the future, added Professor Law. “On the prohibition question Roosc- j veil advocates completely clearing the; ground of the mistakes and wreck-! age produced by the Eighteenth! Amendment in order lo build, with-1 ESTABLISHED PRICE FIVE CENTS FRESHMAN CLIQUES TO ORGANIZE NOW, BOARD ANNOUNCES Smokers for ’36 Men Planned During- Next 2 Weeks, Wood States ’35 HEADS WILL DIRECT POLITICAL FORMATIONS First-Year Elections Scheduled Immediately Following Thanksgiving With freshman class elections moved from February to immediately after Thanksgiving recess, freshman poli tical cliques will be allowed to or ganize now instead of second semes ter, as a result of a Student Board decision yesterday. Smokers will be held this week and next week for organization purposes, according to John A. Wood *33, Stu dent Board chairman, who made the proposal. Final organization of the freshman Campus and Locust Lane cliques will be under the direction of corresponding sophomore clique chair men. To Name Trial Leaders At the elections immediately fol. lowing the Thanksgiving recess, three and possibly five trial presidents will be chosen. As in previous years, the junior class president will direct the first-year elections. Each trial president will be given a definite topic to bring before the class for discussion, Wood said. By secur ing freshman sentiment in such mat ters as freshman customs, deferred rushing, and the swimming pool pro ject, student governing bodies will be able to legislate better on these ques tions, he added. Reasons Cited I Reasons given for advancing the i freshman elections were that the [freshman class president has hereto -1 fore been only a figurehead, and that the new arrangement will make pos : siblc the creation of an office which will be of value to the class and the College. Present arrangements in dicate that the freshman president will be made an ex-officio member of Student council. “I think that it is the ideal system,” Wood said in commenting on the new arrangement, "because in the fresh, man class there are a good many problems, unknown to us now, which will be brought out as a result of the earlier class organization. Better co operation with the freshmen as a group will also be possible,” he added. ‘LA VIE’ BUSINESS MANAGER, EDITOR TO ATTEND MEETING Arthur E. Phillips ’33, editor the La Vic, College yearbook, and Milton L Baldinger ’33, business manager, will leave tomorrow for Cincinnati, 0., where they will attend the Associ ated Yearbook convention Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This conference of College yearbook heads is held annually as a means of exchanging new and modern ideas in 'earhook, production. The National Scholastic Press association is spon or of the convention. out interference, for real temperance and for the prevention of both the old-time saloon and the bootlegger,” he concluded, . Norman Thomas, the Socialist can didate, stands for more active parti cipation of government in the entire economic and social life of the na tion, according to Dr. Harold F. Al. derfer, associate professor of political science. "He would utilize more fully all governmental agencies to regulate and control private interests against what he deems to be the welfare of the people as a whole,” Dr. Alderfer continued. "He stands for-direct and work relief to the unemployed and destitute classes by the Fcderul gov ernment and is interested in the en action of all laws looking to further protection of the wage earning and consuming classes. "Like his party, Thomas, believes in public ownership of many utilities and industries and steeply increased inheritance and income taxes,” Dr. Alderfer added.