,: :Saturday, September 10, 1932 p-,,yAgsll . )r TEAMS .. `- .BATTLE FOR LIONS Five Freshman Groups Compete 18 For Yearlings—Baseball 1 " Team Secures Cup :y:lll , !prin State is represented in the . -intercollegiate athletics by twelve varsity teams . and filie 'fresh- Mhp:teanis, which each year meet col lege aggregations from all over the country: l'iPootball, baseball, basketball, box-. idW, wrestling, lacrOsse, track, erdss- Cabtry, socmr, tennis, golf and gym- . iikitics are the ,varsity teams, 'while the -freshmen are represented by -' .fopt basketball, baseball, track and aiiss 7 eOuntry teams. Tau • ~.l iL ast "year the Lion teams had a MOioere season .as a whole, and none iained an intercollegiate champian slifli.;,' The baseball temn, however, won.the Triangular AsSociation cup, for wilich,Pen'm State competes with Colgate, and SYraeuse, and turned in air undefeated • hairy record. oagh Nate Cnrtmell's track and cOss:conntrY teams maintained their uS•ual brilliance. The einderme . n went through the season undefeatCd, tlro — cress-eountry taam won•itsmeets with Pityand Syracuse. At the Penn' elays' at Philadelphia, Penn State's a Vrintnfedley relay' team gained first ilace and the championship of Amer. ica by turning in a time of 3 minutes, 315 seconds. The cross-country lam: placed third at the intercolleg- 4te A. A. A. A. meet: - , ii ~ pain 3 .Titles' I Penn State's soccer team, under the y v eteran tutelage of Coach Bill Jeffrey, ids° remained undefeated. Four ;vie tbries .and three ties 'const4uted the *Ord of the hooters. During the last hhirteen years, Penn State's soccer .teams-have had the best record of any team 'in the East. Four times in the last six years thay have been unde lepted. I +This fall the usual difficult sched- ' +'P his awaits the. Lion booters. The Lafayette, Syracuse and Army games will: be played here, while Harvard, Springfield and Haverford will be met A*4si. • . ' [ With the boxing team placing sec erd to Syracuse, three Lion bOxers :fought their way to intercollegiate C.inpionships I season.' . .In addi li li,- at-the nat . li tegiatp boxing tnament ' I' Tile -:try-Outs; ich , were held " I=re. last Spring, ~, Litain Davcy - Stoop and Al LeNVis ' ' HIYA Knew Barber Shop YOU Hair East BeaveiltWeConi:Flppr Across from POstoffiee Snyder, proprietor • MODERATE PRICES PREVAIL Moore's Dress Specialty Shoppi East College AvenOe BE TAILORED If Xon Want To Be Well Dressed You I)lust Keep Ypur Clothes Pressed C. W. HARDY, Tailor We Specialize hi Refitting Clothes That Are Misfits ALL WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY pi . v.•Us -A Trial and. Be Convinced For Delivery Service—Phone 24 ,...... . East Beaver Avenue Opposite Postoffice ' Upsta' s s •, . • ' • TELEPHONE 590 CLARK : MOTOR. CO: 224 East• College Avenue -•- - - State-College, •11. a. • • PACKARDAUBURN.- " • ~, , . - SALES ANp SERVICE t, ' §org - e; - das, Oil, Tf?es r Accesioi* •• • - • • • Car Was - Wilk - ; • • . , TAN,FSERVIcE, Grooms .Gridnien S " f 4 G~3' ceao•• 808 cgOin gained national championships and the , right to enter farther 'Olympic trials. Lion wrestlers won. four of their. six meets, tying one and losing one: The golfers won .every. match except the last which they .dropped' to Col gate. Although the basketball team annexed only six out of fifteen:games, it'ciaSed the season with the first vic tory over Pitt in 'five years. With five letterinen returning a good sea son is in prospect. Although football fortunes were not so good last fall, a lighter sched ule this year makes a more success ful season probable. The gridders began preetice September 6 for their first genie here with Lebanon Valley op October 1. 'The Lions will oppose Waynesburg here the following week,. and will meet Harvard at Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October ,15; The Alumni "Homecoming•- battle with Syracuse is scheduled for Octo ber ,22 here, and on October . 29 the Lions will meet Colgate at Hamilton, Personal Stationery Your Name • • On. Every ,„' -. Sheet ,- • —PROGRAMS , -. , —.— • . . IIstVITATICNIS' CHAPTER NittanY ;Printing. and PublishiniComp6'ny 110 West College Avenue Opposite Front Campus CAMPUS . REVIEWED • IN :7 .PUBLICATIONS (Continued from impe three) . .....__ complishes the same ends in the En .ginearing School. Although publish ad by students who are elected an nually, articles are frequently con tributed to both magazines by faculty members. LaVie, the Penn State yearbook, is 'published by a Staff elected through competition in "the junior year. In addition to covering the activities and events. of. the, year, and giying a corn pieta cross-section of 'campus activi ties, clubs, .and organizations it pre sents the history, of the Mass and rec ords of Mass . members. LaVie calls candidates in the sophomore year. Twelve men are selected to serve as junior editors, and - this number is cut to six,staff 'memhers to edit the book as seniors. , The Student /landbook, published under the auspices of the P. S. C. A., is a guide prepared primarily for. the use of freshmen. It is an informa tional book. New York. A new opponent, the University of the South, will be the Pennsylvania Pay attraction, on No veniber 5; While a game with Temple at Philadelphia on November 12 . will dose the season. .Freshman football candidates will be called out soon after Freshman Week. Games .will be played with Pitt freshmen; Bellefonte Academy, Kiski, and Wyoming Seminary. The. freshman cross-country team will en gage the Pitt yearlings and compete in the C. 4A. meet at New' York City. • 'CLASS OF '36 • • . We Invite You to Inspect Our New building Our Modern EquiPment Will Assure You SERVICE AND QVALITY. • . . • Penn State Laundry Phone '124 320 West Beaver Ave. • WELCOME •CLASS OF '36 • DRY, GQOIIS 4%.*D NOTIONS . SIILII LINGERIE HOSIERY • • LINENS • - ' • • • '•EaWrollege•Avenpp WATCHES -- DIAMONDS . JEWEIRY Watch Repairing HANN.. & O'NEAL FRONT CAMPUS HORSEBACK RIDING ,• , Special Tickets on Easy Terms • • Open Day and Night • • Free Instructions-,-Make Reservations Students—Ask About Phys. Ed.. Credits CAMPUS SADDLE SCHOOL Rear of Theatre • :•• • , Phone 979 • "Welcome---Class ~of '36 " Headquarters for Tennis Shoes a for Boys .and Girls • • •,... . • It; Q. C, sppgs • • • , • BOSTONIANS • • : - /ENNA JETTICK . , -.College Boot Shop THE PENN STATE • COLLEGIAN Soccer Coach I RILE JEFFREY STATE RESTORES $1,000,000 After having'.eut over sl,ooopo from Penn State's biennial appropria tion in May, the State legislature re stored the amount 'at a special session this summer. The e figure in cludes $995,392 . for maintenance and $35,734 for, building. SPONSORS ART EXHIBITIONS Art exhibits, sponsored throughout the year by the department of archi tecture, bring many outstanding col lections here. The exhibition room is located on the third floor of the Main Engineering building. 1903-04 Freshman Handbook Reveals Early College Customs, Regulations Eighteen freshman handbooks rang ing from 1903-04 to the present time and preserved in .the Penn State Christian Association headquarters in Old Main, cast an interesting light on College customs and conditions ip days gone by. In the earliest book of the collec tion, board for students is quoted at $2.50 a Week, while room rent is rated $l.OO. The statement, "Tuition is free in all courses," is inserted 'in a con spicuous place to further 'convince the i student that his educatien maybe re ceiVed at a bargain. In 1903 there were but eight social fraternities, the ancient volume re veals. "On Sunday the rooms are in spected by the Commandant at 91 a. m. At this tir?! the student is to be in his room and in full uniform, excepting cap," is one of the College regulation's explained to the incoming student. The next handbook, 1004-05, pre-. lsents the-first systematic set of Col lege customs. In.this code of restric tions, the student is directed to leave, all class rooms in the order of his class precedence. Freshmen were' prohibited from going out after 0 o'clock unless accompanied by an up perclassman. Another harsh regulation prevents freihmen from carrying a cane -ex cept in the event they defeat the. sophomores in football. A list of thel Student Supplies... Upright .& Portable Typewriters Loose Leaf Note Books Fountain Pens and Pencils -TEXT BOOKS The Athletic Store, nc. season's varsity scores reveal , that Penn State defeated Pitt, 59-to-Cl at ; Pittsburgh. I The handbook for the following year! adds to the' customs code a few red strictions which have survived down to this year. In the 1912-13 "bible" there are a series of stringent "don'ts" ' that prohibit freshmen from wearing ' I • miffs on their trousers and warn the new students against any destruction! of property on Hallowe'en. According to the list of customs only members of the three upper classes were permitted to kick the j football between halves of ,u varsity encounter. Green dinks for freshmen becam e a custom I'M. the first time in' 1912. Two years ago first year stu dents appeared in blue and white' clinks after nearly two decades of the green hats. • PENN STATE FAVORITES • CINNAMON ROLLS CREAM PUFFS • ' DOUGHNUTS • , • Always Open f The Electric'Bakery • • • Phone 603 127 West Beaver Ave Die Stamped Stationery Official Gym Uniform Drawing Materials Laundry Cases NEW AND USED CO-OP CORNER Page Seven Penn Dairy Milk Cream Ice Cream 210 South Barnard Street Phone 250