Saturday, September 10,• 1932 Student Publications Review Large Variety Of College Activities Group of 7 Comprises Important ,Campus • Undertaking BOARDS SET , ECTED BX STUDENY COMPET,4ION Periodicals Will : pp.ll Candidates For Editorial, Business Position&.Soon - Seven student pUblications, covering a wide range .of Collage interests and serving .as -a review d• campus life, form one important division .of the. !activities groups at Penn State. The -Penn State .COLLEGIAN, news- , Paper; Penn .Stat(r Froth, humorous' periodical; - Old ?lain Bell, lifarary: 'magazine; LaVie, yearbook; Penn. .State Farmer ;jnd Penn .State ;Engi neer, departniental . periodicals; and Student landbook, informational guide, rePrefient the field .of journal istic.activity at the College. ' Itistruet freshmen i .The Ccg..i.Eciari, . m :LF, capacity as official College .newspaper, is publish ed semi weekly throughout the COl lega' year. Its entire news service is comilucted through ,a staff selected from (competition among students. Its abh is to • cover thoroughly every campits news source and present .a complete review of the activities and eve/ is of Penn State. 1 . oarly in the year, freshman .edi-, to ial candidates are, called out, and f i bilowing a six • weeks instructional' --- ' - - ' . ourse in - newspaper writing, am-' , as signed work on the paper.- As &mho- . snores these men work under the: /direct supervision- of the junior man- - aging editors and news editors. At' the en'd of tirp, ~,.sophomore sophoore year the junior manailogi•;editors are named 1 from. the' so ;Iron - tore reporters; these - men, usually. lx. , ;br:eight in number,' are directiv -responsible for 'issues' of the pa •fp . turn, -under the .su- 1 •• e . - ; Pervision • •senior editors. The same mi . ....13. •',.',.are followid . with business 4 r •i#ates, Who Will be calk .ed - bat7.l tlpatter-part of the fresh-. ,mam - Year. •`',-.' - . . -, , ' • Penn State 'Froth' -•-• : ' . The Penn State-Froth; College .comia 11'-inaga'aii - IC:gpreSmitS : g.:the.... • lighter -' '-• side' of college-life:in:tivelv,enumheri dining - the yeni.'" - lii - contents are ;chiefly short. humorous ; articles, light -verse, sketches and jokes. (, Froth folloWs,very. much %the same plan as • to; editorml l and business can . , ' didates 'as thatPused - by the news- Paper with the exception that election -to the board is based more upon 'the amount of work' contributed..than. up on a competitive Choice from a group of candidates in' any given .class. - The Old Main Bell is used In fresh man classes in .English compOsition for classroom study. It consists of, stories, sketches; features,. controver-j - - sial articles, editorials and verse. Its editorial policy is to stimulate stu.• .dent writing and thinking construc tively, as well as to entertain. Competitive -System Used Election to the board Is competi tive. A supplementary board of con tributors, consisting of those writers who,' no matter what their class. standing, have proved valuable as-: sistants, was instituted last ysar. The Penn State Farmer Is a de partrriental journal ' . 'dealing chiefly with agricultural topics : in..feature articles, technical: article's, :and de partments. In addition to a circula tion at'the College; it.hitS many agri- • cultural' readers • throughout the' State. 'The: Penn State Engineer ac-' (Continued on page seven) Start the Year Right, Trash Get Acquainted With Crissman's Barber Shop (Under the Green Room) West College Ave. Greetings Freshmen We Invite You To Inspect • Out Full Line Of • SUITS. TOPCOATS •.; OVERCOATS Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing GERNERD'S On Allen Street • STUDENTS WISE PATRONIZE • KEE.L. .... • For All Student Supplies Cathaum Theatre Building Executive Secretary ;I INTERCLASS GROUP DIRECTS FINANCES Budget Committee Regulates Student ,Incomes F,romi. Dances, Sports Control of the . financei of the. classes at the College is' vested in a , committee'of students, which includes eltiss treasurers and Neil hf. graduate .manager of -athletics: as ex officio members . . - This Interclass Budget cmnmittee controlS -the income from dances and' from inter-class sports on the campus. The policy and aim of the cominittee, I is to bring- the finances of ail extra curricular activities "under control 'so that those•doing the work - will receive proper remuneration. Receive. Saiaries •Chairmen- of 'class. dances and the presidents of the classes , :spOnsoring the...functiomii•ecidie,YeriuAraticin - for itheir, services,: 1 Both; receive ,Salaries of ..$75. ~Meniters.. of the committee receive two _complimentary tickets to the function under 'the arrangements established last year .by the 'budget group. , . . The' committee systeni of , int,erclass budgeting was set up lo insure the proper handling of the returns from student enterprises on the campus. It works a : separate unit from other student governing . agencies. Buy Your Meat froyryishburn and Be Sure Of Satisfaction, Both in Quality and in Cost FishburiA . . Meat Market 104 West Beaver Ave. Phone 557 Your Mgney,Goes Farthe'r At The College Cut Rate Store Corner -Opposite Postoffice Toilet Articles Stationery Patent Medicines Fountain Pens Candy Greeting Cards Cigarettes Gifts for All Occasions Eliiabeth' Arden Lentheric Toilet Preparations VERSATILE PLEBES liffi( LEAD CHEERS I .New Class To Elect Own Leader At Mass ,Moeting—Given Numeral Award Freshmen with natural aptitude for appearing 'before • crowds, leading song^ and cheers, and performing acrobatic stunts may begin as early ao their first year to develop their tal ent and gradually advance to posi tions as junior and senior cheerlead ers. The new crass will elect their own cheerleader at a meeting during, the yea:, after all , candidates for the post have appeared before the group and beer. tried .out. The freshman who secures the position' will ,he awarded hic class numerals at the.close.of the yea:. Head , Receives ;Letter During the" early part of the sopho more year, the head cheerleader wil: issue a call for candidates for the vtir sity'clieering squitd.' Those who 'turn oat..will worlt•ounder the supervision 'of junior and senior members of the_ squad at football games, mass meet-: ings. - and the various athletiocontestr At the conclusion of the winter sports' i season three ,of the group will be se ['eked as junlor cheerleaders. Frcan .the three juniors a head' cheerleader' will be selected the fol loWing spring. 'The outioing cheer, leader, the director of athletics, the ',graduate manager of athletics, 'the. °football' coach, and the president of the athletic association choose the new leader. Junior assistants receive class num culls for their work on the squad while the two ,senior associate leaders receive a four and one-half inch circle .The head cheerleader is award ed a block letter '"S" of the same size. STUDENT COUNCIL, BOARD CONSTITUTE GOVERNMENT ,(.Continued from yage.o7,le) p events. This group has no voice on . any. f the Senate's actions, merely Making suggestions to the higher goy : arming body. .. Class officers at Penn State are elected each spring .at a time desig, nated by Student -Council. Men and women students hive separate' Glee; tions and.elect a different set.of offi.. cers.. .An elictiona 'committee ap. poiOted . froM 'the.. .respon. Slide for .. the proper carrying out. f an. Elections4de- - -whichAms.preViously.. been adopted:E'and tlib - . : - vielation'of diiqualify any. candidate. ..' ..6. ,system ."open politics" is car ried out at.. Penn State.' Various groups of fraternities, clubs, or At number of non-fraternity men may, organize under a party name and nominate students for the class offi-, ors. Officers of the freshman class, however, are not elected in this man-. ner, but are chosen at a class meeting, after several nominees have preSided at preirious class meetings. Agent for Helena Rubinstein 'rk‘TN STATE COLLEGIAN ' THE -P i tWomen's President I PHYLLIS BEIDLER '33 P. S. ,C, A.. FURTHERS CHRISTIAN IDEALS ,;Association Directed by Seamans— ;:vammaker Leads 'freshman Group An integral part .of the national and intercollegiate movements, the Penn State Christian Association is .an organization of students and lac alty working to further Christian at dtudes 'and ideals .on the campus. .Harry W. Seamans, as general sec retary, and William . .E..Hammaker '3O, associate Seeiettny and freshman lea fier,,. compose the graduate staff of association. A - cabinet of students ander the direction of a presitl,nt are he principal leaders in the Penn State organization. Cabinet Directs Work Any student is eligible to become a member of.' the association. The •7r eshm en are.organized into the Hugh Seaver club and officers are elected the members after a series of meetings. ' Among the services per 'ormed by the association are the nnployment inireau,•rooming service, 'book loam, and the Handbook. Candidates 'for 'the. Cabinet take part in.thp phase of work most inter ?.sting to thorn and gradually assume positions ofyincreased responsibility Until , they lare.....designated for posi tions by the , out-gning Cabinet. ' . . • .722 GRADUATILaAST JUNE . - A.'itewlgger4ria7-efor tie, :,;the' College - Was reached , ast'lune , when , -72'2 seniors received their diplomis at the Commencement exercises. The 1931 'Penn State grad uates numbered cos. GARRISON HALL • Formerly FRIENDS' STUDENTS' HOSTEL 334 West •Beaver Avenue . . Good Rome for Boys Best Board and Service Reasonable It Is Oor Privilege On behalf of Warner Brothers to welcome you to Penn State. For YOtir Entertainment • • We can promise you the outstanding pictures of - every major producing company and the greatest array of hits in our history. For Your Convenience There will be daily matinees at 1:30 and an early evening opening -at 6:00 so you may fit your enter tainment to your study program. Get the Movie Habit!—lt's an Old Penn State I, C A . ll ' Atih : ' . ,‘ , 64 ar ier iitolliCisihcatrc,' _ .. GEORGE W. SULLIVAN, Mgr Campus Honor Societies Perform Triple Function Lion's Paw, Senior Group, Constitutes Highes . Recognition for Undergraduates For the promotion of Penn State spirit; for the maintenance of the Penn State honor code; and for the prciervation of Penn State traditions, the campus honor societies exist ac tively. The Lion's ,Paw, founded in 1907, k: exclusively a senior class society and membership in it is considered by the student body as the highest honor of its kind to which an undergraduate may aspire. Only those members of the senior class, not exceeding fifteen, who have achieved prominence in Col lege affairs, and who have been held in high regard by the student body, arc ,eligible for membership in this organization. Upperciass Societies Membership in Lion's Paw is not merely .an honor bestowed for past service but rather entails a new ob ligation to work with a group, having :or its sole purpose the furtherance of the best interests of the College. Members of Lion's Paw are not out wardly conspicuous in their activities toward advancing the ideals of the College but accomplish their ends by directing and assisting the efforts of all organizations that are sincerely in terested in the welfare of the College. Skull and Bones and Parmi Nous are two upperclass societies whose memberships are largely composed of prominent seniors and juniors. The two societies choose athletes, sports managers. and other students who have excelled in various extra-cur ricular activities. Both have distin guishing. hats. The purpose of these organizations is to promote good fel lowship among all College men re- gardless of class or fraternity affilia tions, to back every worthy College en terprise, to promote sensible College spirit, and to correct any tendency to ward a disregard for recognized Col lege customs or traditions. Blue Key, founder in 1923, is a so HENRY GRIMM ~ 20G East College Ave. Custom Tailoring Cleaning Pressing Repairing Custom! ciety recruiting its members from the junior class. Almost its .entire mess ber.Thip is made up of assistant sports managers. The remainder of its mem bers are chosen from the ranks of other junior activity men. The primary function of Blue Key, is welcoming and providing, entertain ment for representativeS of other col leges while they are the guests of Penn State. , Other services of the so- ; ciety are ushering at athletic contests; and engaging generally in pursuits! which reflect the good name of the, College. Sophomore Society ,Druids, founded in 1907, and Friars, 1912, are strictly sophomore class so cieties. Their chief purpose is to maintain College customs, especially first year obligations. They also en deavor to promote the welfare of the College and to foster and promote good sportsmanship at athletic con tests. Women students have two campus societies, Archousai and Cwens. A limited number of women prominent is the senior class constitute the membership of the former group and sophomores who have been conspicu ous in some activity compose the lat ter. BASKETBALL COACH RESIGNS Following seventeen years of ser vice at Penn State, Dutch Hermann' resigned as Lion basketball coach last Spring. Earl E. Leslie, director of physical education and athletics and head coach at the New Jersey State Teachers College was named to suc ceed him. Regular Meals—A La Carte Service Special Dinner Every Sunday LAIRD'S TEA ROOM Speehd Low Weekly Rates to Students G. R. LAIRD, Proprietor - 228 West College Avenue State College, Pa. ROOMS FOR FIRST SEMESTER AT THE COLONIAL no West Nittany Avenue Offers hotel comfort at moderate weekly rates cf $2.50 and MOO. Few choice rooms available. All have running hot and cold water, plenty of heat and hot water. Homelike, newly furnished. Inspect The Colonial—You'll like it! "Finest. Club Residence in State College" THE Hu The Most Complete and Popular Priced- Store In State College Featuring Men's Wear SHOES and Women's Ready to Wear We Cordially Invite All Freshmen To Make this Store their Headquarters Page Thne SCHOLARSHIPS, S LOANS . AID WORTHY STUDENTS Applicatlims for 1932-33 Awards Exceed Available Funds Eight loan funds and over forty scholarships of various kinds are available to deserving students in the College. In addition, there are three scholarships awarded each year by each State senator. An effort is made to distribute all these funds to those who are most deserving. Each scholarship is list- I ed in the College catalog with the requisites for obtaining it. Information concerning any of these is usually obtained from the office of the dean of men or the dean of wo men. - .However, applications have again this year exceeded the available funds. Here's A 4 ACTION Antacid Powder BISMA-REX 4Y oz. jar 5 0 c ROBERT J. MILLER