Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 03, 1932, Image 3

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e Lions
ports Editor
Western Maryland Holds Lions
Scoreless After Initial
H,alf of Contest
°of were needed that the
wrong when they as
•tate's athletic glory tc he
ettei of the past, that
pplied Ly the sprint med
al, when they upset the
sing out Navy for the
at the Penn Relays Sat
unexpected feat skyrock
any Lion hack to a front
to East's track ranks and
arse even from Philadel
i iters
+ + +
Latent possibilities of a powerful
Lion kimono twelve were uncovered
Saturday when the stickmen downed
Western Maryland 4-to-0 on New
Earle, field -
Playing the entire game in a down
pone of rain, the scoring possibilities
of both teams were hampered by the
slippery field All four of Penn State's
goalr were made in the first half, key
mg the second period barren
Two minutes after the opening play,
Cramei took a long pass from the
ecnter field and tallied the first point
er for the Lions The Nittany center
repeated this play several minutes tat- I
ei to make the score 2-to-fl.
out in the Lion tri
the lanky figure of
Dunaway, erstwhile
man. NOM h. de
one of the fastest
nee men Penn State
+ +
clay team's success bol
morale, tho practice
which ended spring grid
gave local fans then•
ty to look over the ma
aigempt to recover
lost football glory next
Wilde, things looked en
oth on offense and de
almost evenly matched
ed lots of fighting spir
brilliant football, and
so brilliant However,
of time to wear oil the
fore that opening game
y of Octobei
+ +
Unable to bi cak through the Green
lerror's defense, the Nittany scoring
was stopped until late in the halt when
two long passes from the other end
of the field were completed by Cioohe
to add another point in Penn State's
favor A minute Intel Moulthrop ex
ecuted a difficult shot to complete the
day's scaling.
The second period was marked by
good detense well: by both the Tel
rors and the home team. Time after
time the ball Sons carried within range
for a possible pointer but the play
was never completed Excellent goal.:
mg was especially evident.
Weber Sees Action
c" relented a wealth
material, including
c Collin% Merle Mor
.kentp, and a newly
quarterback by the
rite Reiter.
+ +
Starting Edel and Croohe at the
homes, Coach Einie Paul used Dick
Smith, Captain Callson, and Judd at
the attack. Cremer was shifted to
'the contra position.
Coach Paul moved Kane from cover
point to first defense with 'alehouse
the framel position tioulth iop
and Henry filled the other defense
berths while the veterans, McMillen
and Gwynn, were seen at the point
ar.• , goa , positions
Antonson, Crawford and Day broke )
into the game during the first half,
while Zimmerman, Johnnie Hassan,
Keeler, Kaulfuss, Phil Hassan, end
Weber saw action in the second per
s just "one of those
as Lion sports teams
. The lacrosse twelve's
.f Western Maryland
G-to.o whitewash
wartwarming, but WO
get enthused over the
5-to-0 shutout at Har
r Penn's spoiling the
itial appearance with
t Most discouraging,
he sad ending to the
and invasion. Charlie
imson's still hurler,
at pretty well.
+ +
Ship Stabley '3O, forma Lion stick
man and now coach of the Clean Ter
i roes, stinted Resnick at goal, Ham
null and Barnett at points, and Pat
terson, Kleinman and Callaghan at
the defense. Captain Doughty played
the center position and Satz, Leitch
and McNally were seen at the attack.
The home positions were filled by Ma
honey and Boyd
le Lions' four hits
more than Syracuse
e same Mr:Desens.
neidentally, will be
Triangular associa
on Saturday.
+ +
know formerly that
eclat aspiration IC to
. speech at the dinner
alumni club gave
leered things up con-
also revealed that
test athletic &map
fumbling the ball
five yar'ls from a
Bucknell and failing
oss which would have
basletball victory
Twelve women, participating in
archery, tennis, hockey, baseball, re
lays, and stunts iep•esented the W.
A A. at Bucknell University, Lewis
'burg, in the second annual Play Day,
Saturday Other schools participating
in the events wore Cedarcrest Col
lege, Dickinson College, Elmira
lege, and Susquehanna University.
Accompanied by Miss Marie E
Haidt, the women who made the trip
were Maria E. McMahon '32, Elsie
Dailington '33 Harriet R. Henrie
'23, Alice M. Marshall 'l3, Reba
Michener 'B2, Doric M. Acker '34, M.
Barnet Allen '34, Marjorie M. Cur
tin '34, Helen Tananis '34, Betty B
Thompson '34, Dorothy Ward '34, and
Elsie Douthett '35.
the llamas-Lough
e Foley '33, who
tonally during sit.
to the enemy's
sere, by becoming
arring partner far
eroding the fight
. . Coop French is
for the Penn A C
pa Taus were out en
watch Mother Mar-
. Skip Stahley's
o Western Maryland
as so effective that
,ut a war whoop .
icmte at Duquesne's
rime Fu day Ye
aid hats a workout
golf team around in
day . Carnegie
I team will meet the
.ebruary 25, tho Tar
ale ... And have von
o in you, house , ...
—S H. B.
New Things For Spring
Neckwear -
cets Good Bond Paper, BY2xll-75e and 85c
(2 Grades)
lon Fraternity
Free Delivery—When You Need It
in, 4-0; Lio
Penn Stale (0)
Hoc,,re, of
ntuuckl, rf
kanumk. If _____
Inhr, xx
Will. 211
Marsh, 11,
Swim. t
II t her :lb
Woo I
I rf
Gk ,r scr, of
NI Car fr If _
Serve, Innlos, I 2 1 I t, G i N 9
Knn State_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
llorvarol 0 0 2 I I 0 I 0 x-5
Three base Mtn—Wood, Sheldon Home nuns
—Lumeas Sin blon Stolen 11111.1-11.ohr 2,
Walt, Di.:ens. Sheldon, Clentnia, San,
Hike hllm—hkenffras, I Intke left on Sake
—Hamlin! 11, Penn Stele Base on bells,
btof( Menale 4. of 2 Dttynn I Illt by pitcher.
All.ncle ILispian) Strutk mat, I:, kltnth.
h l Onvcnn II
Moulthrop Scores
Flash Fine Form To Overcome Pitt
Although hampered by a wet course
and a light dri7zle which continued
throughout the match, Penn State
Rolfes flashed line loin, to make a
clan-sweep of Pittsburgh by the score
of 6-to-6 in then first match of the
. ason here Satui day.
In the closest battle of the after
noon, Captain Freddy Bland beat
Regis Wolff, Pitt's numbei one man,
With only one dour! Wolfi m former
amateur golf champion of Western
Pennsy tennis
Bill NACIO4 played a brilliant game,
shooting a pat 70, the lone4t seine of
the afternoon, to min me! Bernacky
mitt' 8 down and 7to go Chick Mug
set and Bill McKay, third and iouith
men, iespeetively, moo the other h o
singles matches by comfortable mar
Captain Brand palling with Nacios
demented Wolff and Beinacky in the
fist doubles match, while Mussel and
McKay anneNed the last contest to
contribute the sixth point for Coach
Bob Bothell°id's men.
Lion netmen loll( meet Lafayette
May 20 instead of May - 19, as an
nounced on the tennis schedule, at,'
cording to John A. Hammer, man
ager. The Lehigh match still take
place May 21 instead of the previous
day, he said
al OT H E 111
'PAY • '
* One day in all the year
to honor the one who
has given all her days
to us! What a privilege
—and what a pleasure
to wear a flower in her
honor—a bright blos•
som if you know the
joy of Mother's pres•
once; a pure white one
if her smile is but a
treasured memory.
Say it with FLOWERS
2 *
To Mother
11 0 At Home
By Wire
State College
Floral Shoppe
Phone 97
Near Post Office
Too Much Devens
It. II 0 A E
O I I n 0
011 9 1 0
O 0 4 0 0
O 1 1 0 0
11 1 0
O 1 1 0
O 0 0 0
O 1 0 2 0
O 1 0 1 1
Crimson Triumphs Via Shutout
Route, s.o—Phil Moonves
Receives Injury
It 11. a. A. r
0 2 0 e 0
0 2 I
0 I I I 0
2. I 0 II 0
I 0 0 0
000 n n
Returning yesterday afternoon from
then disastrous Eastern ti ip, Captain
George Hoopes and his varsity base
ball mates last night began practice
,for their first defense of the triangu
lar baseball championship, scheduled
for Saturday when Syracuse appears
here in the first of the association
- 2 3 Iry 0 0
- 0 1 I 1 1 0
-03 1 1 0
The Nittany Lion batsmen ran afoul
coma fine pitching performances by
Yale and Harvard twirlers in their
Eastern invasion, and dropped 11-to.l
and 5-to-0 decisions to the Big Three
teams after Princeton had nosed them
out in twelve innihge in the opening
contest on the tour.
George Parker, Yale ace, held the
Lions to four scattered hits in Thurs
day's game at New Haven and on
Satuiday Charley Devens did even
better by whitewashing the Nitta%
representatives while allowing the
same number of hits Neither Al De
: Penis, who worked the Yale contest,
noi Dave Meade, who faced Harvard,
could hold the opposing beams in
check Deßonis yielding fourteen hits
and Meade fifteen in eight innings
Linksinen, 6-0, in Spite of
Atherse Weather
Aside from the three losses, the trip
was a costly one, for it probably
marked the end of the Nittany Lion
Playing days of Phil kfoonves, who
received a fractured yaw in the Prince-,
ton contest and is now confined to the
Univeisity infirmary there. Moonves,
trapped between second and third
base in the tenth inning of the Tiger
flay, was hit on the Jaw as he slid
back to second by a ball thrown by
tha Tiger first baseman. He finished
the game, which went twelve innings,
but, was immediately taken to the in
himary, , where the fracture was heat
Meade Ilit,Hard
3foonles' Jaw Broken
'1 : , .
eturn from Disastrous Eastern Trip
Organized Cheering
Will Inspire Hamas
Oiganized cheering by Penn State
students and alumni will inspire
Steve Hama% forme, Lion boxer,
ashen he meets Tommy Loughian,
one time light-heavyweight cham
pion, in Philadelphia next Wednes
day night
Two complete sections of Con
sention hall have been reserved foi
the cheering gimps, according to
Harold It. Gilbert, assailant gradu
ate manager of athletics in charge
of local arrangements. Cheer
leaders will direct the yells
Lions Lose, 84, as McKune, Hart?ler
Cain tone Doubles Victory
In Meet Saturday
With Captain Ted McKuno and
Hank Hartzlei winning a doubles
match lot the sole victory of the con
test Nittany netinen lost to Penn res.
<met wielders 8-to-1, at Philadelphia
Pitted against a team that has met
but one defeat out of sev, clutches
this season, Coach Dutch SchlOss men
nevertheless offered still opposition to
the Red and Blue. One of the closest
contests of the day was a singles
match between Hanalei and Joe Case
Taking the first set 6.4, Case nos forc
ed to play eighteen games to win the
second, 10.8
Bob Davis forced Frank Fiala,
lormei Middle States Intel scholastic,
champion, to play the third set in an-
I othee closely contested singles match.
'rho Lion netmen lost the first set but
nor the second, c-a, and yielded the
third only after fourteen games had,
been pla}ed
Greene, of Penn, Neon from Charley
Shaeffe: 61, 6-1, Colton defeated
BO Wilson, 6-3, 6-2, KabacofT was;
Nittoriou, eve! Dave Cartel, 6-3, 6-2;1
and Elliot conqueled Captain Ted
iNicKunc, 8-6, 6-2, in singles matches
Case and Greene anne'ed a doubles
match with Shricltel and Wilson, 6-2,
Altoona Favored in Interscholastic
Track, Field Contest Here Saturday
High school trachmen entering the
twenty-third annual interscholastic
track and field meet hoe Saturday
still face then toughest opposition
from Altoona High's tunnels if past
records Pluto anything
Coached by Dick Bartholomen '2B,
former Lion tunnel and holder of the
100-yard dash and the 220-yaid dash
tecoids hoe an Altoona one-mile le
lay team non from a Moulton Instis
Me quintet in record tone at the
Penn Relays Satuidav olds to be
disqualified fot Jostling Red and
White ttatlimen have non the inter
scholastic high school competitionl
here for the past too Yeats
The meet Saturday still be this sled
into two classes, hill, piepaintoly
schools forming Class A, aril high
schools composing Class. B With the
deadline for entering set for today,
thitty-tire schools are expected to
Wiley L. Dlers "11
Wayland F Dunaway, jr ':1.
William E Ilartman '33
Mm tin J. Hooch 'll
Ratty E Hill 13
Rubel t E Tschan '33
Waltet W Walus '3l
Albert J Webet 1.1
Clyde H. Cole '3l
Selwyn Edwards '3l
Thomas J Miner, Jr. 11
Wilbnm P Lohr, Jr. '3l
Every Wednesday and Saturday
night at 10 o'clock E.D.T. Columbia
Coast-to-Coast Network
The Cigarette that's MILDER
Page Three
onto: the meet, compaled to tuentv
two enti ants last seal. Neil AI Flem
ing, gsndunte innnaget of athletics
ha , announced
Kid., champion last yeas, Dickinson
Serninaly, and NN coining Seminary arc
expected to fm nick the major com
petition in Class A, n hile Wan favor
ite^ beside Altoona in Class 13 are
Dedfoid Dußois, Eric Strong-Vincent,
ol basketball Some Jersey Slime,
Lost Has en, and Nos istown.
Trial , : in both classes will begin at
9.30 o'clock Satuidav mm mg, with
Semi-finals in the 220-3 al d dash and
low hurdles completed in the snot nine.
Final , , in all events cc ill begin in the
afternoon, cc nth the one-mile 'clay
closiim the pi ogi am for the slay at
.3 30 o'clock, If the nunibei at en
tut, in the half-mile esceed fifteen,
it IS pi °liable that Wale nill ho run
in that ecent in the morning.
Edwin K McMinn 11
Edam S Maimed 13
Maly L NiLho!son. Jr ' 33
John A Wood '3l
C. Wilson Anderoon '3l
Anthony J. Beiloski 'l4
N. Parker Bei y '3l
NoillY 13 MeFallon° '34
Harold Rosenbeig "31
Thomas A jr. '.ll
Day al J Thomas '34
Noi man 11 Updegrove '3l
Stanley L Zmtacki '3l