STATE COLLEGIAN eekly dorina the Collette year. except on holidays. onnsvlrsnia State Calker. In tha In ttttt t of the Sanity. alumni. and friends. I=l ll.lmmot Ittnnnver I. ]lt 11 ROltr.RT NI HARRINCTON .13 Circulation Inn firer PAM. 111FRSTEIN 11 dAor Local Athertiritir 3lnnsiwr WALL '33 33ILLARD I/ NESTER •11 Eorrign A.hortkirm Rum. r ARTHUR E l'llll.l.ll'S 33 Credit 'i tuna,. r AINKAS 11 MARION I' 110 MI I. 11 ris I Womsn's 1 altor INMLTZ •11 ISALLLT. MeFARLAND . 13 fm women's Mannumu. IS ill 11 ELIIAIIF Tfi 111 EAT 11 •aa Iftm. Womuis Nev, nbtor Um II Prothero . :11 Wm 31 Stestmticr '34 Ili rn trd II ll,wetixwem. 'II lames M Sheen 'II OCIATF lICSIIISS NIANACIRS If I'dhar Furman 31 Jo I=l lESDAY, MAY 3, 1932 TRIBUNAL .f (trainman customs will fm sonic time ion of vigmous student debate. But as dent body is wining to have freshman as pat t of the legislation of its govern long should those customs be vigilantly y flesh:min knows that the punishment ting is a haircut and, for nimor offences, .tools and sign weaning. Since the obeli ight and Spit it Week it has been possible o go free of any penalty by the slight f obsening the few remaining customs lotion Student Tiibunal Is obligated to vu punishment in a just !minim lalsed last week that resulted in Till, n and then reinstatement with the add, :oard's sanction in its action arose over unpoitant, technicality. It was not a her haircuts and signs and extenqions ishinents It all 1 °sled on the right of tented f the Constitution of the Student Ti ib vev of the Tribunal,' reads under Sec libunal shall have the powci to &sem ., subject to the approval of the Student dent Board, if any appeal be taken " for appeal \vas given when Tribunal sh offenders on the game evening that After a long and difficult task of seek habitual offenders the Tribunal can not ugh in trying to eliminate further ter let to fulfill sentence. However, Boaid justified Tiibunal's hasty resigna clatified the matter of appeal. Jointly tudent Board considered each cage of the without any appeal having been made. stand., vindicated in its sentences and powers while at the same time it, too, cies of higher appeal. ting conditions the only objection which victed under fair trial, can raise is that got away with equal and even grjaver II knew the penalty They were playing for the same stakes. Too late now, it icket to complain about injustice But 'right and glorious "next" year, classes operation in reporting violations and in unal throughout the entire year on, if inclined, the student body should cast It', a case of one thing in the othm—not Juke-warns attitude toward the whole MORE MORT use of daylight saving tune at the hands e committee of the Boaid of Trustees onit pm tinily Justified by the circum rustees chose to consider Just what the faculty and students might be lather upon the melds of daylight saving 1 to the Ti ustees that, since only a slight faculty seemed, from a hasty moan y, inge, the complamings which would wise .yorable to d s. t. might destroy the calm extra sunlight They also decided that ent request for the new time did not ge because this yeas the students would for about five weeks. These men also nee the summer session would be longest of the d. s, t and since there was not •e a ical`ciystalliration of opinion on the ho summer people, the change should not iterations, apparently not brought out, tion in a dilfei ent light. If the matter °cause it is late in the season to start it, the whole furor about it must again be to stir up a decision. Exponents of il. s. t the thing was sidetracked because of decision and will again seek considera . vorite So it would be well to check over lie proposition. Then, too, il. 9. t must t goes on from year to year and is not annually. go administration, tealming that a great •ulty opposition conies from indilTerence yards any change and that the summer have endorsed enthusiastically d. s. t., a definite policy on the merits of the iosphere would he cleared. The situation CA MPUSEER EEMSMI We respectfully suggest that the next time Chief Yougel sees fit to tun his cat ever out new glass, he drive a lawn mower. We'se been sort of keeping an eye on him since the last COLISCIAN (Hats off) print ed Ins name as Alfred instead of Albeit. Some of the sophomores must have been going to these news rape: movies. One of those things for which the Gleelm had cords is the age-old custom of cold tubbing Ever since the days before water heaters raised false hopes it has been considered one of the samed ceremonies of the male population of this institution of hire learn ing. But last Thursday night seas the turning point. About fifty Mac Hall co-eds of the vintage of '35 were immersed, in spite of the fact that Panhellenic council is iepoi ted to have thrown cold motet on the whole idea. The case of one little innocent particol aily basted heart-sttings. She seas just stepping out in a new pan• of step-ins, and manfully refused to shed them She didn't. 'And the undies eerie moved beyond a doubt to be eminently washable in cold water. Your weight free' You remember the old gag, "Take care of the pennies and somebody will take care of sour gill." Well, the old Campuseer IS here by crashing through with an epoch-making revela tion as to just which corner the end of the depression is around. You've guessed it. Or maybe you haven't. Any Nay, it's Co-op On Co-op there is a weighing machine, apparently put there to snuggle any spare change in sight. Directions follow. Step on scales. Place lips close to hole where lots of pennies were last seem 'Blow. That's all. Suggestion quite gratis, thank you, though it will be grate a blow to the owner of the scales. We tally-hoed up to the tennis courts the other day, naively expecting to get ir a few games of the jolly old sport All of which goes to show that we don't know everything yet. We warted mound for about half an hour and then sallied forth on a court after somebody had nailed a ball over the fence and then gone to look for it Just as we were preparing to devastate our opponent with our cannon-ball serve, an oily tap on the shoulder brought out attention to the fact that this court was reserved for intramural matches, concerning ulna the tapper mas pretty sorry So we retired up to the terrace for a while By and by another court was emptied, and your fa vorite columnist again sprang to action But after two-thirds of an enthusiastic volley Frank Musset 7 paddled up behind a green eye-sited°. Frank was sorry, but tins court and the oilier three were re served for varsity players. We pretty near got once in the pence, but it was dinner time anyhow, so no contented our self with breaking our racket over our knee and going down to price golf clubs Seer About Lotsa people at the Stove-Up Dance move up to the balcony .... Pete Updegiove looks oso happy about being cut in upon by one of the Sigma Pi brethren .. did we say one' . .. Grant Fleck, solos, who eNpl.tios that he lost his last four cents on a bet that one of the Phi Mu Dolt freshmen wouldn't ride down Allen Street on a scooter . .. Charlie Rice parts, for the length of an entire dance, with Mamma, . whose first name is Alice . Jeannie Barwis, who really shouldn't near that kind of a dies, at all ... Big shots congregate about the orchestra in the light The freshman co ed who would like to crash this column . .. but who will have to try just a little balder Registrar Bill Hoffman in a 1911 numeral sweater. Linen Suits the big item foi this spi ing and summer Riviera and Irish Linen Suits in Single and Double-Breasted Models $16.50 and $18.50 A Ness Shipment of FAIRPLAY SWEATERS AND HOSE ha Just arrived Colors in the latest pastel shades Sweaters $2.50 Hose $1.50 MONTGOMERY'S _ x - AI linnStd4 THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Greater Participation in Elections Evidenced by Statistics This Year That mote Penn Statt4students ate paiticipatina in class elections ever, yea: is evidenced by the fact that 81 5 pet cent of the cliglkiic•voters this sear voted, as compared with 82 per cent last year and appiosimatelv 70 5 per cent in 1910, according to a study of the elections statistics. In this year's elections, 2219 out of 2682, or all but 413 of the eligible vet-I went to the polls. Last year 2130 students voted, while in 19'10 only 1762 dropped ballots irto the hoses. Contiaij to tine usual situation in previous years, 87 per cent of the' sophomore class voted to esceed the freshman figui es, w h ich arm aged only 758 pen cent In the junto. class 600 members voted to give that group a percentage of 86 The Mine, al InilustitC4 School polled the best ielative vote this year when 154 out of 170, on 90 4 pen cent voted. A 00 pm cant vote gave the Liberal Art , School second place, with 553 out of 616 eligible vote, going to the polls. The Engineering School was thud with 86 6 pet cent, followed by '3l ORATORICAL CONTEST SCHEDULED FOR MAY 20 Frttrell Atmounces Date of Annual Estemporaneous Competition The annual Sophomore E‘tempor oncoir Speaking contest will be held in Schviab auditinium May 20, Prot John H Primell, head of the public speaking department, has announced. Contestants will select a s topic from a large list of .subjects on the Wed nesda} preceding the date of the can tos. Si' moans of eliminations will be held Thursday night, fmm which the siv finalists will be selected. All sophomores are eligible foi the competition. A puce of fifty dollais 1 , . awarded to the minnei by the Col lege while the second place victor le ceive, a twenty-lice dollar awaid pre sented by the Forensic council. MEET and EAT at the Imenst Lane Sandwich Shop Sandwiches, Cake Fountain Service 214 East Nlttany Phene 310 PLUMBING AND HEATING Albert Peak & Son 117 S. Fraser St. Phone 163 -MEN HERE'S VALDE gCLIP THIS ADV. c. i t a Ad nl 4 ttl: ' l yea to a Designed with rigid handle. For fhe man who/ prefers ei this \ DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY 4RAZOR 1111 on no Gold ' Star Hollow Ground Bled., end In,. proved Trrple Nickel Plater! Guard. Try the Blade Men s Garb +he swing handle of fi•o regular razor Not A} 25c It Theet2_ei.__ol2 Store Robert J. 1$11!"..1r ) Sparkling - Rhythmic - Elite II - May 13 - Recreation Hall THE JUNIOR PROM featuring ISHAM JONES and his ORCHESTRA Chemistry anal Physics with R 5 per .ent, Education with 78 per cent, rind , Agriculture with 69 per cent. A greater percentage of Mincial Industries sophomores voted than any: other class in the sea year, when GO out of 01, or 91 per colt of that group scent to the polls Pieuhmen in the Agriculture School, received the lowest percentage, 61, as a isn't of only PO out of 177 elig ibles voting Other high voting percentage,. by ciasse^ this sear were 91 per cent each foi the Ltheial Artr sophomores end jumois, 89 per cent foi Mineral Imlustoes freshmen, and 88 per cent ' each foi Mineral Industoes juniors and Engineering, and Chemistry and Physic, sophomores RETURNS FROM CONFERENCE Dear Frank C Whitmore, of the Chemistry and Physics School, eturn-' last week from a confeience of the division of chemistry and chemical technology of the National Research Council held in Washington, D C. We know why men smoke PIPES VVOMEN don't smoke pipes. They're not the style for wom en But Apes are the style for men, and more than that, a pipe and goodtobaccoves a man greater smoking pleasure , than tobacco in any other form. In 42 out of 54 Amencancolleges and universities A """""." Edgeworth is the favorite pipe to bacco. Cool slow-burning burleys give this fine tobacco exactly the character that college men like best of all. Try a tin of Edgeworth your - self! You can buy Edgeworth when ' ' V .t ever good tobacco • e • -,;,) is sold. Or ifyou prefer,youcanget A INN,. real man's a special sample smoke packet five: write to 1.211.19 & Bro. CO., tO5 S. sad Sr., Richmond, Va , and ask for it. E DG EWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge. worth's distinctive and exclusive elev. enth process. Buy - Edgeworth any- where in two forms leptratuß —Edgewatth Ready. 1,1 E no Rubbed and Edge. worthPlugSlice All WWl' BB„ , sues, tsc pocket 4 61 , package to ,42.50 An?, ' pound humidor tin „...f!U,`,lp._/ I=l 11 00—CnIlear Nc‘‘m Ilrlas Pomilnr 111tNIL • . Mettle 4 410-11urooevn Folk MO. Prof r Ikchler sneaks an "Ike bowl, Problem THURSDAY 11 ill—Coll,, Newx Ilrkfx roman. 111mtli. lIALL ATTENDS CONVENTION Prof. P. R Hall, of the department of industrial engineering, attended the annual convention of the American Foundrymen's Association At Detroit last week. POPULAR REQUESTS AT THE CORNER Oysters and Clams on the - Half Shell Seafood Platters The Corner unusual A Complete Food Service "GRECIAN4a MOOL'" a lz The definitely al cd,form-fittingf of the new seas( mend that your) be perfectly me —bust uplifted,) line slender ant smoothly roue With Maiden I its easy to at this naturally be fulsilhouette. Mt Form foundanor scientificallydesi to mould the figs harmony with ton's dictates. There rs a Minden Form for etery type of figure. FOR LOOK FOR THE NAME I; Reg 57 5 Plt OR flatdenXin CP,ASSIEKE "Maidenette Seam less" a new "wisp of a brassiere", for slight figures, with tinyseams under the basest that they're practical ible The ly dainty garter bele is of net trimmed with lace Brawn% $1 001142.95. Grrd22 $2.55 la $12.50 Garkr Bells, $1 00 lo $2 95 See Afe(den Form Min at your dealer or rr r to us for book're. Maiden Form Breniere Co ,Inc Dem. CO9-245 WEI, Are ,N Y. foJillirdlinf-drelslrd.rffallo.lllloo_lolll9llslilliLlPMlAllllVlThlollllillilferdl Sold Exclusively by BAND BOX Also Gold Mark Hose—sl.oo—sl.9s Tuesday, May 3, 19 XI SIGMA PI ELECTIONS (Honorer, Forentry) Lemma Y. Berg '4.1 Russel E, Rea '3l Ralph C. Saunders '33 CAT H AUN lIMEMS Chesty' Morris. Sylvia Sidney "THE MIRACLE MAN" WEDNESDAY— Jack Oakie, Rick. rd Arlen in "SKY BRIDE" LAUREL and II tIiDY Comedy THURSDAY— Jimmie Durante, Walter Huston Lewis Stone, Neil Hamilton in IMIZEZ INSIESEaI Joan Bennett, ZaSu PUP; m NITTANY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— Tom Mt' in Ilk First Talker "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" THURSDAY— "SKY BRIDE" MIES EISBEZEMI ,- , wy-takiL, RASSIEII SENSATION A new perfectly fit tsng "upllft" bras stcre,,lth aclescrls CI. ed clasnc Insert between the bust seasons, to allow just enoughustsc". "NON A LASTIC" girdle Made of special elastic (ta ct us e with MaidenForm)non. stretchable across censer from for ob. domencontrol with enough "glue" through waistline and back for body comfort. LiZellent "Maiden Form DoubleSupport"— the brassiere most popular with wom en of fuller figure. This newr everted all-elastic girdle nips m the waist- line and perfectly controls the hips.