COMPLETE CAM COVERAGE Vol. 28, No 59 COLLEGE OFFICIALS REJECT DAYLIGHT SAVING PROPOSAL List Limited - Period, Confusion Produced by Change as Chief Objections WILL NOT TRY SYSTEM DURING SUMMER SCHOOL Group Expresses Opposition to Additional Time Plan for Early Fall Months Daylight saving for the College faded to gain approval at the meet ing of the executne committee of the Board of Trustees, Friday. The fact that students could hose only a limited period to enjoy the benefits of the tune change before the close of the regular session el. one of the objections considered at the electing, Adrian 0. Morse, executive secretary to the President, said Con sidering the amount of confusion in solved, a change ens thought by the Board to be impractical at this time, he said. Objections Expressed Because there was no way to sound out the opinions of summer school students, the trustees did not feel that the change should be incorporated for the summer session. Sentiment against daylight saving time for the early fall months was expressed at the meeting. Another objection brought before the committee was that only a slight majority of the faculty had expressed themselves in favor of the time change No other action to provide for an extra afternoon hour of rec reation was taken at the meeting New Budget Considered Daylight saving was originally pro posed at a Student Council meeting. Petitions favoring the , change were circulated among students and faculty mamba, and lute' presented to Col lege officials for consideration. ' The question of the College budget for next year was also brought up for discussion. Because of a possible re duction in the Federal and State'ap propriations to the College, various way to economize in 1932-33 were conmdet cd No definite action was taken con cerning, the budget problem, Mr. Morse said, as the matter was brought up merely as a means of preparedness for next year. The appointment of a new basketball coach seas postpon ed, pending action by the Board of Athletic Control WORK STARTED ON LOCAL AIR DEPOT Site Beturen Boa!share. Oak Hall Acclaimed by Eagincens lIII=III Rumor, concerning an airport for State College rooter aimed when ground wits broken last week for an an depot which will be located be tween Hoalsburg and Oak llall on the, route of the proposed improved road between Potters Mills and Boalsburg Plans, which were announced Fri call fm a field 2,000 by 2,200 feet Aeionautical engineers have ad judged the site one of the best in cen tral Pennsylvania because of its com parative freedom from treacherous air and fog conditions A hangar, fifty by arty feet, will be eiected to accommodate sere ice : planes and transient ships Lighting will be installed, and mechanical and fueling service, as well as weathei in- I formation, will be provided for avia- If the field o, apples ed by the Penn hylvanm Aeronautical commission, the an depot will be ready tot opening in three weeks, the announcement states. Shuttle nervier to the Pittsburgh, Halt ihburg, Philadelphia, and New fork airlines will be maintained and cio44 country trips to any point 4% dl ho provided D:. Lewis R Watels, vice-presi dent and dneetor of research of the di PUS ...;_ k s.: l4 sr r i n ' .. ±: 1 ' II run „..... ~, , Elections Chairman Favors Clique Affiliation on Ballot Riley '32 Declares Against Any Proposal for Shortening of Voting Period Commending the present election , R Riley '22, ehan man of the election• change the reinstatement of clique off against any proposal to shoe ten the vol F "In view of the fact that a large than in pievious year a," Riley said, "I period so that the number of voters might be diminished Furtheimose, the remote possibility that the ballots might be tampered with oveinight does not warrant confining the voting to one day" The omission of clique affiliations from the ballot resulted in voters ask ing each other about them and caus ing sonic confusion, Riley said. If the clique system is recognized at Penn State, there is no reason why their candidates should not be desig nated on the ballot, he believes Op portumty to vote a straight clique ticket, however, should still be boned, "Cliques as a whole observed the elections code and cooperated with the committee," Riley added. "Theme is nothing wrong with the manner in which cliques are getting the voters: to the polls " A non-fraternity oiganization rn the elections this year IS an encourag ing movement which should gain strength by next year, the elections chairman said A non-fraternity group an class elections is always ad visable, he added Possibility of graft in this year's elections was practically eliminated by the stamping of ballots u. they were distributed to sotcrs mdnadu• ally, thus preventing ballot box stuff ing, Riley stated An added precau tion which he recommended for next year was to put the ballot boxes in the Registrar's safe co.ernight during the election pence] Additional minor recommendation, mlnch Riley made were a three or four day interval between nomina tion; and campaigning in oidei to prevent late entrants, the continuance of the 'l' average requirement fel candidates, the t,‘ enty-five dollar limit on campaign c•pensns, and the holding of elections in a similar place as this yea in order to minimize in terference in voting `LA VIE' SECURES NEW FRONTISPIECE Color Pm( of Old E plum Figure Will Fulton General Theme For 19.12 Yearbook Fo!liming negotiation^ ~th the' Metiopolitan Museum of Art at Nev, Yolk City, a color punt ieproduction of an Egyptian figuie has been se•i ailed foi the frontispiece of the 1932: LI. VI!, according to Charles W. Rice' 'B2, editor of the annual Entitled "Figure Representing Mil lions of Years," the mint follows the general Egyptian theme that is being canned out in the yeathook The oii gloat figure is of jade and was un earthed from King Tutankhamen's tomb, dating back to the late dynastic period which e‘tends from about 500 to 350 B. C. With the alms three sections of the boot already at the pmt.'s, minting work on the activities section began Saturday, Rice said. This section also includes photograph of the eight sen lot "belles" who were selected this yeas by a committee of faculty and townspeople instead of by a group of students, the plan which was used last yeas. An event section, resumed altos a lapse of smetal yeats, is one of the [entitle, of this year's / a s Ime In eluded in the section isle si, pages of informal snapshots based on stunt night, the flown show, tug-of-mat, tap du), May Day evncises, and other campus events. WOODCUTS, ETCHINGS, BATIKS DISPLAYED IN 2 EXHIBITIONS Two e•hibitions, one of thu ty woodcuts by Norman Kent, of Rochester, NV ' and the °the, of eight claws, thu teen as tam "dots and sea enteen batik., by Ifarry R. Gamble '22, are being shown in Room STATE COLLEGE, PA , TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1932 is system as highly satisfactory, Hugh Is committee, iecommended as a minor filiation on ballots and declared himself sting period r number of students voted this yeas 'ould not favor shot ten mg the elections PROGRAM PLANNED FOR MOTHERS' DAY Scholarship Exercises, Co-eds' Celebrations To Feature Annual Observance Scholarship exercises, a tea foi s :s -iting mothers, and the annual May Day celebration by women students unit feature Penn State's observance of Mothers' Day this sseek-end The annual Scholarship Day excl.., rises isdl open v,ith an academic pro cession of faculty members and honor society initiates Saturday morning. Students elected to honoraries sill assemble in the main floor lounge of Old Main at 10 o'clock Faculty members in academic dicss and pre sentot s and recipients of special prizes, cups, medals, fellowships, and scholai ships, and other scholastic assaids cull gathei at the same hour in the second floor lounge At 10 10 o'clock the procession will move from Old Main to Schwab audi torium, whole the exercises will be held. Dr Edwin C. Broome, superin tendent of Public Instruction of Phil adelphia, will give the principal ad chess, speaking on "The American Scholar Up To Date" Prizes, cups, and medals to be awarded at the exer ewes will be on exhibition at the Ath letic store Thursday and Friday. Visiting mothers will be guests of Dean Charlotte E Ray and women students at a tea in Old Main from 3 Ito 5 o'clock Louise Dailington '32 and Miriam E. Gauge '32 m ill officiate as hostesses and the receiving line will include Mrs. Ralph D. Hetzel, Miss Ray, His Arthur R. Warnock, Miss Edith P. Chace, Mi,. Fiank W. Haller, and all MOlllOll. trustees who are present. Opening at 6 II o'clock, the annual May Day ceremonies will be held on Holmes field The programwill , elude the hemlock chain procession, l maypole dancing, and the coronation of Muriel E Bowman '32 a, May Queen. MARKLEY SPEAKS IN CHAPEL SUNDAY Addresses Audience on 'With All Th) Mind' at Regular Weal) Worship Ser‘ice "With All Thy Mind" ma., the sub jeLt of the chapel address by Dr. Maly E. Mathley, ..euetary of the boaid of education, United Lutheran ehuich, at the regular senice. in Schwab auditorium Sunday morning. D: Markley, who has travelled e'- tensively in India, told %%hat the Indian college undcogiaduate thought of Christianity The Chic.tain icLg ion gives not only to the v, etched and impoverished, but also to the aver age: Person, slit said "Christianity gives us a unique ax lioness of the needs of the world today and a col esponding idea of our iesponsibilities." Di. Markley. said. "It also gin ea us a sense of our in auequacy to answer problem a , . old am the scrubl itself—problems ot na tionalisni and inthistty," she said "Then e are gloat mons of uraulti outed nhich one should make beat upon cement piob-: Icons," the chapel speaker said "In tellectual Inusery and comage me all that in needed to utilize these untnlled nesounees," sine sand. DEBATERS REACH FOURTH ROUND IN I. 111. TOURNEY Penn State doh debatels defeated Ph• Kappa Nu Friday mght and 1 , 111 Epsilon Pt tot felted to Delta I.lp,ilon MEZZEISE=MI M'CRACKEN NAMED AS SPEAKER FOR 1912 GRADUATION Associate Director of Council On Education Will GiNe Address June 6 CLASS DAY EXERCISES TO OPEN AT 9 O'CLOCK Program Announcing Week-end Activities Arranged by Committee Head Dr John W. McCracken, of Wash ington, D C, duectoi of the Amer ican Council on Education, has been named as the speaker to address the 1932 graduating class at the com mencement exelmses in Recreation hall June 6 The aual ding of diploma, Hill take place following Dr. McCracken's ad dress at 3 45 o'clock, while the Cla, Day ...mos ale scheduled to begin in the Anditomm at 9 o'clock in the morning. Program Arranged A tentatne piogiam diaun up by Prof Julius E. ICaulfuss, chairman of the Senate committee on public oc casions, wlt open on Fiida‘, June 3, with the annual election of trustees A play, "The Nat Palm," ho the Penn State players is also scheduled as an attraction foi the first day Alumni meetings, class ieunion,, a baseball game, and a Thespian pie duction are part of the program at. ranged for Saturday 4 conceit be the Blue Band constitute. one of the major pat is of Sunday's ptomain The tradition... in . ..4ession of the i graduates, beginning at .3 15 o'clock, 0,111 nrctede the folinal commence ment exercise, Monday afternoon The senior honor men and speakei, have not as yet been selected for this occasion Conclu ling the 1, eek-end acti, the College Glee club and the Sym phony orthesta dl combmc to pre sent a concert Monday night, to he folloned by the comm encement. de ception for facultl, , alumni, and guests in Rem cation hull the annual giaduation dance ‘,lll begin immediately follocung the deception THESPIANS TO USE 6 SETS FOR SHOW Will 1:111 1,103 Scener) N'ariations In Pre,entmg We the People On Prom Weekottul Si. sets of se nett oil' be used be the Thespian, to presenting then 11:12 produetton "We the People," the &A -t idne folloo leg Joiner Prole, atcottl- Ing to Kenneth }folder man, co-author of the shoo. and designer of the in in cipal scenes With the plot of the shoo satituing Ainetitan polate•, too of the main scene pot tr.t3 got et ninent budding, a Washlngton The ft not steps of the capitol budding foints the setting tot the inaugutation of the President the shoo chile anothet scene de pots the office of the President of the eountiv A temesentation of Atlantic Cat's nnlhm dollut pica, scene of a bathing Leante contest a halt featutes the campaign of the pi esulential Land 1- eate fen us another Important set in the Aom Robe: t J Emet ty . X.; n, to chat gc of the stage tenth Simi log the leading t oles tuth site S Malined '.lB, Rohm t C Ay etc and James S Not is '.'2, as nm ptoducros, Nell lam 13 Edwin, ds, Jt lii port, a) the part of the c we pt emdent n, the shot, Emanuel Pm - lin 'std, east in the tole of the su preme coat t Judge, is pi ON Welt °ppm - tuna) to join st ah the ch let gloom chasm c of the ti num, Seniors To Meet Tomorrow Night A regulai meeting of the elan, of 1O,;:', int!l be held in the Chenuntry untphitheatte at 7 o'Llocl, tontotio, night, aura dung to II AWN Oh Mo ens outgoing swum elan, piesi- Tottrigiatt TRIBUNAL REASSUMES POST AFTER RESIGNING Judicial Body Quits Following Misunderstanding With Student Board Head--Settles Imaginary Differences Folio, mg hasty resignation after (memo, Student Tribunal resumed its a joint meeting with Student Board Fi As a insult of this action, Tribun, nine freshmen of fendei s who some ongi customs at the Tribunal meeting Wedn HISTORIANS FAVOR CONVENTION HERE Recommend Commission To Call General Slate Teachers' Meeting This Fall That the Penns3.lsania Histoiical commission call a general historical comention here nest fall scan the rec ommendation made to that body by the conference of people interested in Penury Ii auto histois held here Fri lay and Saturda y Teachers of history in Pennsylvania tints el sales, colleges, and high schools a ould he in‘ited to attend the confer ence The Pennsylvania Historical L011111,...,1011 a ill act on the recommen dation at its meeting May 20 Dunaway, Espenshade Speak Other work accomplished IA the conference included the formulation of a piogiam for presentation to the commission designed to meet the needs of the research scholar Mean, of cot relating historical research work in the State to prevent duplicating and to promote a greater degree of efficiency were also discussed Prof A Howry Espenshade, head of the English composition depart ment and author of "Pennsylmuna ' Place Names," U. 15 one of the prin cipal speakers at a luncheon Satur duo noon Dr Wayland F Donau ay, professor of history, reported on re search projects non unier nay here at a meeting Saturday night at which historical research York in %arrow, sections of the State nos discussed. Prominent Y loiters at the confer ence included Dr Albeit Cook My er, of Philadelphia, a leadmg author- Its. in the country on NMlliam Penn, llr Solon J Buck, of the UMsel oaf • of Pittsbingh, Dr Rol, I' Nichol of the Linn er,ity of PennsNlvania, Ur L H of Lehigh Union-- sits, and Dr Paul Gates, of Buck ireP Unnersity. HONORARY ELECTS 13 NEW MEMBERS Pin Kappa Phl SLhola+tic PraterniO Impales Group at Ileettag i 5 echioda) Night Thn teen non menthe, net elected to Phi Kappa Pitt, hor,: utt scholas tic ft aternit,s, at a meeting of the society Wednesday night, acceding the lectin e bs Dr Carl W Hatch, head ot the depot intent of economics and souologs , on "Development , . in Russia Since the Retolution." D. Ft edei iek P Went m, heat , of the depot tnient of agocultut e econ -011111, was elected in evident of the societt fin nest sear. while Dean 'Ft and D Ret n, of the Liuluate School, tf, as elected see-president Ctt us V D Busse2., College Schedul ing Officer, was sect etary, and Pi of Andrew A Doi land, head ot the department of anumil y tt IV. chosen ttemittrei 'Neu monition- from the faculty un clad, Di Wincelei P. Dasey, head of the department of plutical chenu'tt and riot Charles L. Kimloo, head on the electrical engineering dolma men: Unueignaduates one Sue C Blivongame 'B2, Donis M. and D Warner ',12 Included on the list of non gn oda ate menthe, are Ilan 1;, S Boyd, Mary In Bur lief, ,lames M. Church, August In Ileinesen, lint is II Krunilauf. John D Long, o‘ntlitri 11. Beetle, and Charles II Strong Catolvn E Glonlel, 11,10. it 11ohne. --- Ilan!. 1) 11211, vice-pte•ltlont all.ll : ‘ l '''' It ' l "'" n \IN ' CIC """' genelal manager of the 11111 The,' 'N'll' '1 Noel, l'tant, 'I P.2,11a11 , t Eth tilL I I'llttll , Ind 1,121 pag e . Engulf: compony of, h,.IL o , • 1 ' ' uill dellvot an open leante on the de- ~ ign, t °nit! uttlon, and opelation of , ClIOSI: N. 1201'1121 PICESIDEN'r Ironmam of a Penn, Ivania chap-Ithe D l usel 1 12 ". -1 . 0111 buq1un 0 . 1 . 11 0 en- Dean DI 11Ln 12thni It Watno2.l. . . . ... . I=ll abut seemed like inmarianted intei po,ition as a judicial body by action in iiday. il meted out punishment last night to mall} found guilty of siolating College iesday night Ncgotiations uith Student Boat" followed a misunderstanding on the part of the Tribunal members at the Wednesday meeting Behosing that sonic period of tone must lapse be tween the time of sentence and the time for punishment, the Piesident of Student Board appeared before the I student judicial body Misconstruing the morn es of the Boatel President as one or illegal in terfeience rn Tiibunal affairs, the' I members of that organtration prompt le resigned The !mitter seas imme-, diately brought before Student Board,i Miele difficulties were smoothed nice and the seseral penalties of cu.-, torn siolatois, originally arraigned before Tribunal, were reviewed and found justified In adjusting the difiei once, betty ten Student Board and Tribunal, the fact that inteisention had been made to' insure the right of appeal to a higher body, and not to question the sentence passed on the isolator s, was cadenced Aceorilingls, Ti ibunal agreed to Igo-, teed with the eases of the offenders , found guilts , Wednesdas The Student Tribunal constatution,, al tide 7, section 2. clarifies the ques tion of the right of appeal in the fol lensing clause, Tribunal snail , lain the power to discipline any stir ant, subject to the approsal of the' Student Council and tht Studtntf Baud if any appeal lie taken " Piesenting the fundamental obit, I Use and purpose of the student Judi- I body, artnla 7, section 1, of the constitution st'ates further, "The ob ject of this body shall h, to interpret all College customs an I midi ion-, and to adjudicate all cases of in fiingements of these custom, and traditions as had (limn by the Stu dent Council " POSTER CONTEST FOR PROM OPENS Art.ts' Compeldson \ %111 CIIIIIIIICIIIe Toda3, End Tue,,la, Dante I=l A pmlci conte,t, u huh cc ill begin toil., and end nett Tuoi.iinc, u ill he conducted be the committee in chni ge of Jumm Prom, Adam B B,unhalt Prom Lhanman, announced Sun uo tompLmntut to.kets inc of to be judged b 3 Prof Hal Che,te: L W !sem., of th, 11011.0 [- men of architectule All po•tei , house, in charge of the contest, by Featuring [sham June , and 111 , lO piece recording or thebtra, the Pi on% or Inch is scheduled for Friday Ala) 13, erll condude the all-College dame program for the near Jone opened or engagement at the Cafe IN inter Garden in Chicago r eeently and is Li oadurstang nightly over stair. WBEIII Chicago The r ecording niche-ti a sill fur- nisi' 111 11 , 11 for the Indiana Lint,e,,,tt W lone C p.m, atom the week-end pte‘tou. to Cictou.t It Alag•la, I.llton •• plaunt, here, and lid! Pl.n tot Sant II Nate, Get mine Lk olnell Un1,0,,,te junto, atom the ttoslo, I , ,tbcl L Chem, Lathan tda3 In adilltion to Seldr•che • rein Ndt playing at tat um prom.- and punnet-keko , Jd• and ugen , tnt dance , at othet colleges the past ' , in meet all addltlolllll , 011110111011. ,ea• Jones teeently completed an en- dunces. gagentent at the Golden I'lle.vtant m 1 lean.. P....ants 0 ill he \tat Cleseland Ohto I, Bataan, .11dona .! 11111ata, Etlall a , Cotton Malt t Lllegon, Lott .1. , N 31 AN To 01:1,1vEit ,la clnann Clink E,lavtltatlt, I t limn a lat., Mat tan I. Coleman, Oot• DIESEL LIX, ruin: TOIIORIMIV cal, 1 Curia., Nlat valet S Gain, ESTABLISHED PRICE FIVE CENTS 'LION RUNNERS WIN FEATURE MEDLEY TITLE AT RELAYS Deft l Fa oi ed Na‘ 3 Team in Philadelphia Conle,l lot Amelican Cron n DUNAWAY. ANCHOR MAN. RUNS FAST HALF-MHA Othet Nittany Quartet Positions Held by Gritsasage, 110, Van lieuren. Dale Ili JAW, NI Sill t\ .31 &ming the most One .petted upset. of the Penn Rola% s the, tear, a Lion sprint medley lel., team, considered to hate little chance of ti inning, gain ed rust place and With it the cham pionship of Anieiten £lOOl a fat pled Katz qualtet in It minutes 28 6-10 seconds With the Nittan' team behind nn hen he took the ..tick. Dl111.1,1%„1110101 111%11 armed in 011 e of the faote,t half ninnies e'en nun at the annual game. colening the iliqamie In 1 ninnute, :it "etond, to um tionn a Sate man be ten ' , and, 6t it,a'ane Stan Lit tilt le lay, running. the 110, and da"li fol loned b} Dalt and Can Ketllell n thi.. 220-c and IME=MI Penn State tunny, also made to stt ong tel fot fn ,t place in thc tteoii mile tel., Satmilac, but lo,t to Bos ton Colley.° and Mob than The lace oath deselopeil into a battle lickeeen Manhattan and Penn State oath Bos ton College making a sßong Ind at the second and thud half miles .ht the 'tint of the last 860, the. teems atetc !Honing in the ordct they finished Donau ay again made a drimner Brush to come etthin te,o lards of the second late tunnel and o glint emit, of the Inst plume man igits.teage .1,4,111 staged this telae follimed lic Band Hughes, and the maim: man, Dunau.te It ill Meet In the • patial(tent,, Coat 11 Nate Cat [Hell', )111111LI, new not for , Innate, ,'though Sigal pieced fifth tompetition with out Aatuling lute Jet 01111 11110, C, in the count,. and Dale won to , (.111111114m nate I SatuidaN in the 100-Nofil (11,1, losing out in the final, Aldnch wa. orwin lath to enter the 100-N a.' but bust•• of an Hume,' lig. ,dui 110 t 01.14 the ti The Lion taachmen 1,11 compete In that fust ‹lual meet of the sear agaun,t Putt S.uuulat Both team, lute had little Ink !twat, com petition the, tits the Pantkt heung then lilt dual meet to Ohio State ht a , mall mat Rio 37 TO PARTICIPATE IN MAY DAY DANCE 19 Sophossort, Is rre,limatr 111/istti 11 ill Eultrlain Queen, Court I2MIIMOI=II!!! Thu t3- , C,11 dmtot,, nineteen ,oph oinoi 0 , and eighteen fte , hmui, tJI into Lin the Min Qat en and hi leoutt at the annual Mai I/a. telebia tior Satin d, SOPIIOIIIOIC %tomtit tthn till paitio pate in the dance, uhing nne of tin too polo, nn Doi, dI Ackgi, lI Ilamet Ilen, Ilaigaret 1. 1111natil, Ali" I) file,tun, Eta \I Chi Fumcu. Chinitine, it Cl Lat tin, and Lining. 31 Hanle!