l'ate Tour Sidelines Following an agreement between the lettumen at the close of the 1931 season, the Nittany Lion back team will engage in its foul dual meet of the season this cat without an elect ed leader. Immediately after the opening meet, which 13 with Pitts buigh May 7, a captain will be elect ed to succeed "Chick" Mosingei, 1931 leader =MO Possibilities of a Penn State- Washington and Jefferson foot ball gam in 1911 x ere nikanced in, a Pittsburgh nen...paper this neck, fallen mg a statement from Washington, Pa , that "Fats" Ilenr3, acting director of athletics at \V and J. had conferred moth Coach Bob Higgins n Isle attend ing the National Collegiate box ing tournament here last meek end. No doubt Coach Joe Bedenk is be ginning to wonder just how many games In. baseball team is going to be able to play this %ming Last tear six contests ome cancelled on account of lam while too have already been left unplaved on this tear's schedule. =MI Joe is keeping a careful etc on Al Delimits. Lion righthander, ulth the hope that he will lie able to work in some of the big games on the schedule in that. De- Boni., a regular pitcher on the 1030 nine, is slowly ii orking him self into shape after missing last season on account of injuries re coiled in an auto accident. Coach Cunt Paul ha, (ha% n beastly on Bob Higgins' football ',quad for lacrosse candidates this spring rrith McMillen, Ihr,ch, Kane, Bob and Andy Snyder, and Momhouse listed on the stick ,quad Mike Kaplan, Steve Hama, and Salle ralm.ardh um Lion gaiddm, si ho made good at the In dian game in the past Prohabl) with the idea of get ting a line on future professional material, Charlie Schoeneman. trainer for Stein llamas, former Lion hea‘3n eight, was among those nho witnessed the boxing tournament here last week-end Schoeneman acted as trainer for Gobi.* Goldstein, Virginia's 135- pound champion. The Old Main Art Shop invites the weekend 'Visitii irslio call and see our new line of Gifts Opposite Ftont Campus THAT CORSAGE We are prepared to take care of your late orders 1 State College Floral Shoppe Allen Street Phone SSO•J NOTICE The Best Place to Buy Coal in State College is the Hillside Ice and Coal Co. Highest Quality'of Coal at the Right Price Phone 1364 Study Room Furniture Flat Top Single Pedestal Desks, 28‘1 , 1 12.50 Flit Top Double Pedestal Desks, 30",5 9 25.00 I====3=M IMMZIIZIMVI=I Typewriter Tables, 18,„30 4.00 T3pewriter Tables with Drawer and Slide 8.50 Chiffoniers 13.50 Book Shelves 9.50 Magazine Racks 2.00 Chairs 3.50 Special Pieces Made to Order, Estimates Freely Given DEPARTMENT OF Industrial Engineering Wood Shops Engineering Unit "B" F T FACE SWARTHMORE I AT 2:30 TOMORROW Weather Causes Cancellation o Juniata Game—Dave Meade May Pitch Opener Score another decision for Old Man Weather over the Nittany Lion base ball team Scheduled to open the season against Juniata Wednesday after noon, the Lion batsmen were forced to cancel because of the cold, and as a result VAll make a third attempt to morrow afternoon to get their 1932 season unties way with Swarthmore College furnishing the opposition The contest is scheduled for 2 30 o'clock. The Garnet tossers profuse a little more opposition as a first game op ponent than either St Francis or Juniata might have offered, since they will come here with a 12-to-1 victory ovei Lehigh and a 2-to-0 de feat at the hands of Army already on the books. Presenting sewn veterans in the first string lineup, Swarthmore is ex pected to rely on either Bob Schembs or Willis Stetson for mound duty with Bob Caftan behind the plate. Schembs is captain-elect of the foot ball team while Stetson will lead the 1932 Garnet soccer team Captain &pier will cover lint base foi the Little Quakers with Abrams at second, Danes at shortstop and Wm*, third base. The outfield will be composed of McCracken, Stevens and Harlow. Little change is expected in the Nittany lineup except at first base, Whew "Pepper" Marsh is ready to step back into the regular lineup, thus relieving Phil Moontes for out field duty FOR SALE One Good Used DeSoto Sedan Mechanically Perfect Towing Service Nittany Garage Phone 49 134 East College Avenue $lO.OO THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WILL MAKE THIRD ATTEMPT TO START SEASON College Boxers Match A.A. U. Ringmen in Skill, Says Houck Have Good Chance To Gain Places on Olympic Team, Nittany Mit Coach Believes "The college man stands just as good a chance as the man who has come up through A. A U. competi tion," declared Leo Houck, Nittany Lion boxing coach, yesterday, in re ply to a story by a Philadelphia sports writer which gone the college ring men very little hope for winning places on the United States Olympic boxing team. "Satuiday's bouts here mere of just as high calibre as mill be seen in any amateur tournament," the Lion men tor continued, "and the boxers are just as skillful The fact that Tony Balash, Syracuse University's fresh man light-heavyweight, who has won over seventy bouts in amateur com petition, was beaten by a college trained boxer, Sam Zemurray of Tu lane, is to me anothei boost for the class of intercollegiate boxing." Houck named D'Allessandro, of Temple, Captain Davey Stoop, Nit tany Lion bantamweight, Wertheimer of Syracuse, Breese of Kansas State, and Tardugno of Columbus Univer sity, featherweights, as collegiate mitmen who should go far in the fi nal tryouts at San Francisco. Bobby Goldstein, Vngima 135-pound cham pion, is his choice as the best college bet for lightweight honors Defending the chances of Al Lewis, SMOKES AND CANDY For Interfraternity Ball Graham & Sons The Little Sloe With. Mc Big Ideate College Cut-Rate Store $l.OO Smoking Pipes 15c $2.00 Ambrosia Sets Cedar Flake Moth Bags__ 10c Watch Opr. Nindow for Friday and Saturday Specials After the BALL Tonight and Your Dance - -- 77 - SaiiirNight LUNCH at the Fenway Tea Room. Opposite Front Campus. Special STAGE Attraction MONDAY EVENING THE Penn State Glee Club Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Champions, Recently Awarded Third Honors in National, Contest at St. Louis , and The Varsity Quartet In a Popular Program \ And On The Screen 7 Spencer Tracy (Star of "Sky Devils"), Doris Kenyon, Ralph Bellamy In a Fox Picture "Young America" Directed by FRANK BORZAGE Who Gave You "7th Heaven," "Bad Girl," and Other Fine Pittures r AT HAUM..• , MONDAY ONLY . Glee Club Sings at '7:30 and . . A Warn& IltplhoiThialic : 9:00 P. A, ~,,, Lion welterweight titleholder, as nn Olympic possibility, the boxing coach declared that there ate few sluggers of the Lewis type who ate also out standing as boxers. He rates Flynn, ➢loran, Eldred and Chandler Page of Mississippi, as outstanding collegiate possibilities for the Olympic 160- pound berth, and ranks Doyless Hill, heavyweight, highly as Olympic ma terial. "Colleges have furnished several Olympic boxers in the past," Houck said. "'Rags' illadma, former Penn State heavyweight, made the trip to Pans in 1924 as an alternate, and ex cept for an injury received in the pre liminary trials would have easily been the first choice since he had pre viously defeated the regular repre sentative KAPPA ALPHA THETA WINS CO-ED L F. BRIDGE TOURNEY Kappa Alpha Theta defeated Alpha Omeeron Pt in the final match of the women's interfratermty bridge tourn ament with a margin of 59 points. Marjorie W. Fisher '32 and Mar- Pane E. Smith '33 represented the winning team, while GladVs 'A. Kauf man '32 and Marybelle Zahn '32 play ed for Alpha Omicron Pi. GOLFERS PREPARE FOR FIRST MATCH Coach Rutherford To Rely on Bland Nacios, Musser, Sickle in Pitt Meet April 30 Repeatedly balked by the inclement weather from conducting organized practice, Coach Bob Rutherford is en- ! treating old Mother Natalie to warm things up a bit to enable him to get! his golfers in shape for the first meet! of the season with Pittsburgh here,! Aped 30. Although the College gieens have! not been put in the best of shape the vaulty men, in an effort to ,polish off thu pre-season rough spots fionf then play, have been making the sounds at the least let-up of the weather. Two veterans, Captain Freddy !Brand and Bill Nacios ass rapidly approaching the high 'degiee' df pie eision that distinguished their game last year. Names, a Junior, won the College championship last year sup planting Captain Brand who had held it the two previous years Chick Musser and "Bus" Sickle will likely complete the Lion quartet which will battle Pitt in the opener. Now is the time of year to have your roofs, valleys, gutters, con ductors, looked after. All work guaranteed.' SHEET METAL SHOP, R. ROY WILLIAMS 1341 t, Frazier Street 211 West Beaver Avenue Phone 3374 The things you like to eat . . . well prepared . . . Carefully served . . . and moderately priced. _ . . ,THE COLLEGE DINER "Hello, Hawaii" Bringing Hawaii within speaking distance of the United States is one of the latest achievements of the Bell System in its pro gram of telephone service extension. Five years ago the United States had tele phone connection only with Canada, Cuba, and the Mexican border. Since then, Bell engineers have so developed radio telephony that handling calls to Europe, South Altaic; A NATIONWIDE SYSTEM. OF INTERCONNECTING TELEPHONES , ylvanin senator, will deliver the prin. Philadelphia Alumni cipal address of the evening. Mamas, under contlact to fight 1.3. To Welcome Hamas T.. Loughran, former light , heavyweight champion, in a return bout at Convention hall, Philadelphia, May 11, is returning from the Coast by tiain in order to begin training for the bout as soon as possible. The former Nittany fighter bad first planned to retain East by the way of the Panama canal but changed his plans after signing for the Loughran bout. Penn State alumni of Philadelphia will welcome Steve llamas, former Lion athlete, with a reception in his honor at the Penn A C., Wednesday, April 27, - following his return from, the Pacific coast where he has been , continuing his quest for a chance at the world's professional lmcavyeeight boxing title. Guests of honor - at the reception c._. will include Mike llamas '2B, older 2 TEAMS LEAD IN BOWLING brother of the famous ex-Lion star, Alpha Phi Delta and Theta Upsilon Malley Harvey, manager of Stove, and Toes Homey, heavyweight bo ~, er intelfraternity bowling tournament who is also under Harvey's manage- Omega maintained their leads m'the the result of last week's playoffs. meat. Fletcher Stiles, former Penn- '' a, Street and Spoit ENSEMBLES Here's the low down—a smart patch pocket sport suit—extra paw of sport slacks—to contrast in match—swanky sleeveless sweat se—a snappy pair of sport shoes, cpmprise an outfit of gloat veisatility. Suits $25 to $35 Sport Slacks $7.50 Sweaters $3 Sport Shoes $5 to $9 FROMM'S ALWAYS OPEN Australia, Bermuda, Samoa, and Hawaii is daily routine., Today more than 31,000,000 telephones can be reached approximately 92% of all the telephones in the world! Making the telephone practically world wide in reach promotes understanding Be tween nations. It has far reaching effects com mercially and politically. That's what puts the thrill into such Bell System pioneering. BELL SYSTEM Frithiyi, April 15, 1932