Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Published semi-we/4.1, daring the College rear. except on held.n, students of The Pennsslvanla State College. In the Interest of the liege, the student% faeult, alumni, and friends. nuan R RILFV JR '32 ruimr num) R TRrAR . 12 lannarlna IMltor PD\ ARD W Aoltgllnt F•Illor TIIFODORt A CFRIIILL '32 Snarls Mar WILLIAM II IRVINE' '32 ,t raor W STFWART TOM, NCT:NtI .12 WF:NDELL L REIM= Dn•lneeu Monnner SAMUEL SINCLAIR 12 Chr olutlon Mummer LIN Y ERR 12 Athertlnlnn Manner EDWARD S SPERING Yortlnn Atht 111nonner COLLIN E FINE 12 Ann Cl:volution Mnonnor C lloltrON 12 No .1 1 tutor A. Aduertmlnß .Honorer MARY NI WRIGHT 12 MARGARET TSCHAN 12 Womrn'A rllt, Ronven'tt Maine. Editor toutr: MAPCMARDT 12 Womotei Nowt Editor I=l lane,R Ileatoado "InlMlph 0 Ilerel Jr '33 Robert 0 Taehan '33 Imuld P ilns .11 Rollin C Stetnmelz '3l Richard V Wall . 33 W d 3%111mm• it 'l3 Ern. II hilmunkaa '33 leather Easton Intel enllealate Newspaper Asamation = I= :==! FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 THE CENSORSHIP MYTH Afton the eliao., ni an eventful sem, a yea, that has cited the eilitai ial polity and business oiganization of allege paper, thioughout the country, the COILFCIAN. ,th tills issue, changes hands New staffs anill ducot is policies. Neu, capable men volt attempt to guide it ough nnothei yeai, a yeas that mommes to camp ith it all of the difficulties of the meceding one. A college edito, has a peculuu problem. Ire must, onsidei his pope, :iv a means for student c•picemon, ml yet he Lae a Imy definite duty to pm form for the liege that hold., it. Through an edam's knowledge of student offal's, Inough his connection with the %mumus organizations hat make up student activity, he is often able to look :eyonil mete student opinion to see the consequences of ash pincedute ,hick might be popular at the time with student body, hut which mould not V.Olis tonaids tudent at college welfare. The iminopel maintenance of this balance beta eon ening the intelest, of the students and the college lm been the pitfall into ostrich some °dams hose fallen to unsucee , sful Nentine into sensationalism was the ecent elan& ulna mlohed Columbia Unn.eisity in a teat deal of untamable publicity. Dirt the edam of he Sperhrloi accomplish any teal good by his vigorous mi often imfounded °Nooses , Would not wise editorials, rased on facts, and prompted by an honest attempt to lama e emsting conditions, trace been ultimately mole occesstul" A Seal's S cntmc into the lesponsibilities of the nil Omit has solved to dispel cm tam myths that Italic •cited in connection with the office of editor-m.(lller. here has nmei been any attempt on the part of non tudent groups 01 individuals to conhol the policy of his popes. Criticism based on clear thinking and facts tax alm.ays been seriously considered and has usually ed to an im mitigation with attempt to improve the con litioni under fire What mote is to be domicil, MEN AND SUPERMEN It , fund IC WILT° the claim made iecently in a ..01 FCIAN inter len that chemists} and physics CM Sc, C invariably the most difficult given at this College. men nho ale hauling themselves in ehemistly on imilar fields, it should be compaiatively as easy as i•ngli,ll composition may be to the Lobel al Artist Ad mittance that men who must obtain this knowledge find t 00 difficult lo admittance that they are ill-adapted to Fel: wont To the Liberal Ai list a speembred comse in them 4ti t ,ould be difficult, Al ithout doubt; is there any in hcetion that the physics student uould not find haul lcdding in an whence(' language' Theme is no picot hat analseation in the clessmom is any less a task than nalyration in a laboiatoty. The apple:lth to the buo ahem cot; mt lupines diffelently trained minds There cents to tic no es üßence in farm of one or the other as he staffer come We heal science students quibbling bout then long bouts, but these ale a past of curlieu- M not of indnidual tout ses This notion that chemistry and physics coin sec are the bane of the College in then iequitement of supermen .4 an antiquated one Possibly it was built up uhen into haid,wilsing physicist conceived of himself as unman because he felt ti,m-burdened No matter whole he idea otiginated, its usefulness as a theory in good atgument passed WHAT'S IN A NAME? Among, the imptmements of the last lout years on the College grounds may be listed a ielocation of the Campa• dines A gloat many necessal y changes ncie made The task is now nen, completion, the final or engement of loads is finished, and yet no adequate rams have been gin en to these highways. StudenLs and f molts, asked to direct visitors mound the College, ale at a loss. They can point and speak of the west, east, of north, and beyond that their conversation becomes nmtelligihte Since this needed improvements neat completion, it might be well to consider suitable names for these I.thveys The pi went impiomptu titles, East Di se, College Bat ns toad, and the like, arc fat from being universally u.eil If these names wete intended to be final, it is cot trimly an indication of thou: inndequney tuft no one uses them. The selection of mote lasting names, that could be referred to with pride, is necessary in order to give these loads some definite chat acteristics. Since signs t un t ampant on the Campus, it might not be bail notion to designate the di ices appi opt lately in this OLD MANIA the diligent bibliophile, we have at hand n very notmoi thy addition to nun collection of liteiniV and journalistic Cullom. This item is called the B-I Pace-Settm, and 1, the official (sac suppose) mann of Company B, Foul th Regiment of the National Hanoi- al!, Society of Pei slung Rifles at the Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. We live & lean n. Who At 0111(1 suppose, for es ample, that "is oh the ads ent of Monday often noon evien s, the n egiment will march as a cepai ate unit It is felt that the Riflemen hill sense as a shining eV, ample of efficient mil aril y dull as pi actieed in an arms." And set it's a fast—they have a sepan ate guidon and even thing We don't knee just ml hat a guidon is, but it sounds pi Ott) ti mks, and vie can hal dly wait fen that lost Monday often noon I.lClt. We also loam n that the Rifle boys are "mentioned" this year's Lit Vie, and they'te e 1.14 pi nod of it. Natui Attem all, it weans something to he men tioned IP to Vie And that's not all. Sergeant Pm abet "has are ranged with Mrs Mallet to make an oil-cloth coves tom the new guidon." Good old Sarg' Alma, the Helping Hand. Then, too, did you Imo, that Captain ltollyei "has the honoi of being the (11 , 4 lionormy member elected to B Compam, Ith Regiment of the National Hanoi my Society of pei,hing Rifle, (note to printer can 'so help it if they spelled Pershing m ith a =mall 'p' 9 ) located at the Pennsylvania State College " Well, he eras Think of It , It isn't finery one seho gets honors like that And it seems that "a short business meeting Neill be held Apiil Ith " At the opening of this short busi ne, meeting the members 11,111 use and repeat to gethei the Formal Opening of Meetings, which goes like this "We, members of Peishing Rifles, tealming the many advantages to he domed through a closet and mote complete connotation among students of Mili tary Science, and seeking to make the most of nut opportunities and responsibilities as members of the Resolve Office.' naming Coins, do dedicate this 'lneetirg to the betterment of Mi!ltaly naming at the Pennslvania State College, and the pet petuation of the ideals of Dut t , Honor, and Country" It's too had that there isn't a paraginph in thee denouncing the Communists, but then 'sou can't expect toii ninth in a Foimal Opening After the teedation, the memhets ,ill go on with then pet petuution of the ideals of Duty, Honor, and Country. Really, theco's nothing like peipetuating ideals, even when you have to perpetuate them with poisonous gases We might mention the fact that the members of Pershing Rifles wear a sett' petty blue C gold cold on then left should. This is so that people will not mistake them fin i m dam V II eshmen & ,ophomm cc taking 12 0 T C 41. the %my bottom of the sheet, in stilt thng bold capital lotto., me found this YOUP CLOTHES PRESSED' Shamefacedly see glanced &nen at our shoes, se hidh looked as if see had been cl ad in g Out - nigh mud nth them, en Inch we hod, and at out clothes, which looked as if see hadn't had them pressed fin months, which we hadn't You can bet that we felt pretty cheap. But enough of this. Duty calls, and We're going out light not, and pcspetunte a fey. ideals. THE MANIAC Men 11 Iles isn't long ennff, shd, Rosin aste,i,l,s in between imag,aphs, and the bell leak. it ) CATERERS DO THIS ONE Dimensional—improve Your Table Relativity—Raising Your Costs THE FAMOUS ROYAL SCARLET BRAND RELIABLE FOODS CALL W. D. CALVERT Telephones 909-R4-530 STATE COLLEGE Rem earn, ing R. C. WILLIAMS & CO., Inc. NEW YORK CITY THE 'PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Who's Dancing 1 LtterCnntni nity Ball Recreation Hall (Subscription) Kay hymn and Doe Peyton Tom - 1,m% Night Alpha Gamma Rho (Closed) Pone Area Alpha Phi Delta (Clo,ed) Melody limo Alpha Tan Omega (Closed) Mar and Whir Alpha Chi Rho (Closed) Camp. Onrin Beta Sigma Rho (Invitation) Chet Lincoln Delta Chi - (Invihtion) Nelson Maples Ph; Epgdon Pi (Invitation) Joe Vounneei Ph , Gamma Delta Sigma Chi and Sigma Nu at Nittany Lion Inn (Ins itation) Joel. I 1 dcv Phi Kappa Tau (Closed) Isle of Joy 0, chest'', Kappa Delta Rho At Nittany Lion Inn (Closed) Tiny Riff/mill Kappr Sigma and Phi Kappa Sigma al Phi Kappa Sigma (Closed) Jrtel, Snyde, Lambda Ch , Alpha (Invitation) Bill Lotto, f Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Closed) Varsity Ten Sim. , Phi Sigma (Closed) Cho; le. Alevandel's Col nnanang Siginr Pi (Clotted) Pane Noon 01 chest, rt Sigma Tao Phi (Invitation) Rhythm Kingq Theta. No Epsilon (Closed) Golden Sc; outdo Tat , Kappa Epsilon (Open) Joe POR`SALE PLY1101.77:1 SPORT COUPE Illt.zt Sacrifice Mr Ryder 115 W Ndtany Buy Her Something That Is Lasting— JEWELRY „ SHOMBERG'S Opp Post OfTwo 107 East Beaver Ave. FRATERNITY PAPERS AND STATIONERY E=l Nittany Printing Publishing Co. POPULAR REQUESTS AT TUE CORNER Oysters and Clams on the Half Shell Seafood Platters at The Corner A Complete Food Service Speaking Of Books - - Boleslasslo—"Way of the Lancer" It is the author's nett: is ith the Moscow Alt Theatie and in Holly wood, v.hich enables loin to diamatize so effectively he, nal repel once', on the Eastern front in "The Nay of th 4 Lances " In fact, he has been Loom 0 chiefly foi that wink and new real i/ed he had any pm t in the aa• until the publication of this s Mame. Tho Polish Lancets fought as unit of the Russum as my tot a tone, all the chile keeping in mind an independent Po land. When the Russian resolution came and the arms disintegiated, they fought independently as guc ulln bands. The story is a succesron of vividly - pictured episodes beginning ssith a hanging and closing with an eNrici lence with afi insane mom.. There arc snickers' mass meetings, battle scenes, foraging expeditions and other events. In addition to a very inter esting and absorbing nairatist the book furnishes a very good idea of that comparatively unknossn part of the war on the cast front when Rus sia seas fast drifting' toward revolu tion. Frank—. Thunder and Dawn" One doesn't have to read far into this interesting solume to discover that President Frank is an idealist That the -ideals can be piacticably at tained is a question. But the anthill thinks they can—" Within the next ten years, we could, I believe, light 411. Rea& Dertek. Inc . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CUT RATE SALE "STORES OF SERVICE" ....•• • . . . TOILETRIESSe-- ' College Inn SPECIAL One Pound Cainpfii a Mai Sh ine Mentho Balm Lotion 39c ~., Tomato Juice mallow. and 31.00 Sheer Depilator)_`.. _69c 31c Cates Preparation, Cocktail $125 Rat -B-Q Toaster SI 00 Cherano Dusting Pd.____6 ° 9 l : . -- L i hiHl 2 114g°1 $l.OO Boob:gull Bath Cr3stals_B9e 1:_ , : : , (26 on. Bottle) 59c 60c Pompeian Face Pon der_ I lc. • • ... .. . . . 31c flier Kiss Talcum 17c 7 . ' 33c 61c Pdnd Creams 39c MOTHER'S DAY • CANDY DENTAL NEEDS SHAVING NEEDS We ale now taking advance • $l.OO Gueret Lilac 69c milers for 60c Bonded Magnesia Pliste___33e 35c Palmoltte Sharing Cr "Sc 500 Tek Tooth Brush 39e ' 50c Strobl, Sharing Cream____3lc . 25c Listcrine Paste 19c 50c Williams Aqua Velta 33c' 50c Solynos l'aste '9e , 10c Ingrain's Shaving Cream__3lc 50c I.lons ninth Pottderi_______39c 50e Old Gold Shaving Cream__39c CROCOLA.TES 50c Pepsodent Paste 30e 10c Fore After Shot mg Lotson_39c 50c Pepsodent Antiseptic .12e . 1 qt. St. Thomas Bo Rum___-79c Priced $l.OO to $4.50 i // //24111 101// \s, / /A 4 • 64 ,—_,„...../.,.........:-....,.... • .f. -.. • 11. 11 f ,i --- e ( le ,14,ta, ~, 4, CI II! iill-9 !1 A S 1 I D e ...w• il 1 01 ! ! il 1., 1 T e l i 0.... '4 6„t 14 1 ~„z zroo =' s, i A.lll RICA'S fIIOST DISTINGUISHED HAT FOR YOUNG GTNTLEVEN IN CO F.l EGE AND Rf'SINESS CORRECT AND eIIOHERN IN TUERY D1..1.11/. AND OF INCOMPAIMFLE CHARACTER AND QUU II Y. SEVEN DOLLARS AND MORE AGENTS IN THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES )31 Will Be Found Here Exclusively dfNatA W%g"ittritt• .it Nationally , <...:-.4 Justly 4 r S.. I ...--11.4 It \ 'N'ffv VA ' t Known d 1 Famous '?,' X . 4. ) ,'• N , 16,p t i -,•` .). , Suits and Top Coats tailored to your individual measure. i".:te-- ' $23.50—528.50—532.50 unusual the fires of renaissance and set the iedemptive processes of reformation going, if we hail the wisdom to recog lure, the genius to coordinate, and the As ill to utihze the raw materials of iencwal that are obviously at hand " Be that as it may, the discussion is interesting, sane and sensible. Edu cation, art, religion and industry all icceive their share of attention. Per haps the most sincere appeals are for a new or revitalized religion which shall no longer support war and its attendant evils, and for an educational system which shall lend away from specialization sleeveless sweaters new featherweight— for golf nq low aq $2.65 golf hose to match $1.50 M ' STARK ISPDS 01 [ARPEP Wqberyfrighere EMI= Friday, April 15, 1 CAT I=l FRIDAY— Warner Baxter. Marian Nixon "AMATEUR D ‘DDY" Also Charley Chace Comedy SATURDAY— Juan Bennett, Julia Union in "CARELESS LADY" -AIONDA'I Spencer Tracy, Doris Ilmon a "YOUNG AMERICA" Spectral Stage Attraction Evening Only-7:10 and 9.00 p. PENN STATE GLEE CLUB TUESDAY— Rove Hobart, Charles Bickford "SCANDAL FOR SALE" WEDNESDAY— Lupe Velev, Leo Can Ito in "THE BROKEN WING" TIrURSDAY— Loretta Young ECM= MITEMB NIT I TANY FRIDAY- =Si SATURDAY "AMATEUR D tDDY TUESDAY- ' "YOUNG AMERICA" WEDNESDAY "SCANDAL FOR S 'ME' THURSDAY "THE BROKEN {ZING'