Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 18, 1932, Image 4

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'trio llamas N,lll return to Phila.
tibia for his next fight late next
nth, accoiding to an announcement
Chai les Halsey, manage! of the
mer Lion athlete «ho is at San
aneisco No opponent has let
si selected foe llamas in tins bout,
sorts either Sharkey,
apses, Sehineling, Schaaf, or Le
Brightest of S) racuse's bright
topes 111 the title bouts IS Joe
loran. 155-pounder, 'olio in
neat)-too collegiate bouts lost
inl3 one and that now in the
hampionslito bouts here last )ear.
I his season be has non scorn,
Ire b> the K. 0. route.
The SN I flellSO Daily Change points
t that by the devious route of eon,
iatis e scores Ainly is favorite at
e Inteieollegiates today. The Cad
• doisned the Lions, 5-to-2, and the
on. clung close to the only other
idling contentlei, Syracuse, by a 4-
3 loss.
Penn ties her hopes in the
tramble for the Eastern ring
roan to four men: Captain Jim
1 .1. rd at 111 pound, Harry H eeks
it 161 pounds, Jack Bailey at 175
mud, and Charley Nuhulson in
he 115-pound bout.
Al Weithenuer, a 125-pounder of
oni Syracuse is mighty confident,
spleen btraight ,ins for a tee
-1 in collegiate boxing. Before he
ded on the Hill he sos runner-up
the National A A U. title bouts.
ob Higgins has almost given up
is of still ting his spring football
Louts before the Easter holidays.
less some muasulous ueathei
ocean. he sum lime to lose
early tune that he salues so
The first entry in the hst for
the Olympic preliminaries here
in April is Dan Plne, light heary
n eight. from Catholic Unnersity
in Washington, D. C. Undefeat
ed in collegiate boxing, he is cred
ited with ten pins, including sir
hoot Lail,
PoHoning the example that Pitt
arted this year, Carnegie Tech will
oil: the co-captain idea for the Plaid
sketball team next year. While
tt had tAyo forwards as captains,
e Tartans chose Smith, a forward
id high seoier this season, and For
s, a valid.
Study ' Room Furniture
Flat Top Single Pedestal Desks, 2 lx3B $lO.OO
Flat Top Single Pedestal Desks, 28x44 12.50
Flat Top Double Pedestal Desks, 30x52 25.00
Student Tables, Double Draper • 7.00
Student Tables, Single Drawer 5.00
Typewriter Tables, 18x36 4.00
Typewriter Tables pith Drawer and Slide 8.50
Chiffoniers 13.50
Book Shelc es 4.50
Magazine Racks 2.00
Chairs 3.50
Special Pieces Made to Order, Estimates Freely Given
Industrial Engineering Wood Shops
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Fire Sale Closes Saturday Night
Interwoven Socks____ __ ____23c pr.
. Neckwear 14c '
Men's Dress Shoes $245
Men's Sport Shoes $2.89
Women's Dresses _52.95
i Many other items
McMinn Passes Brand To Gain
Individual Honors With
141 Point Total
The king is dead—long live the
McMinn, Mho made a uhirlwindi
rise from the reserves to clinch a
guard position on the Lion vaulty
quintet this year, has usurped Captain
Fieddy Brand's-two-year feign as rul
er of the scoring columns. The bully
guard tossed in 54 field goals and
thirty-three fouls for a grand total of
141 points, While the Lion leader trails
by tuenty-tmo points, luiving caged'.
only forty-one field gbals, although' .
looping thirty-seven fouls, for his 119-
point total.
Trailing the tuo leaders in total
points tallied are McFarlane and
Bub Davis with fourteen field goals
apiece and thirty-three and twenty
kis fouls, respectively, for totals of
eighty-four and eighty-one. The rest
of the pack is fai behind, the leaders
being Dave Thomas and Doc Conn
mall thirty-one points apiece.
Not only in total point score but in
foul shooting and as erage points per
game does the new rulei establish his
light to the throne. Ed's thirty-three
foul , were mode on forty-eight tries,
hick gives him a percentage of .680,
while he has averaged 9 5 points a
gains in every encounter of the season.
Captain Brand and Noisy McFar
lane tail in this respect with foul
sheeting asetages of .660 and .529 and
percentages of 7.9 points and G for
the games in so hitch they played.
The team totals reveal some signifi
cant information, chief of which is
the fact that, although the Lions this
year soon only six 'out of the fifteen
games on their schedule, they out-1
scored their opponents, 535 to 509
Both the team and their opponents'
tossed in 199 field goals, but the super
loi shooting of the Lions, mho
made 137 out of 227 tries count, as
compared to .their opponents' recoidl
of 111 out of 196, gn es then, the edge. I
If it's percentages you're interested
in, the Lions' foul shooting percentage
is .603, and their opponents' is 561
Aserage-point-pet-game totals show
that the Lions scored 35 7 to their
opponents' 33.9. And if you're trying
to account for the Lions' disappointing
season, witness the fact that they lost
out in three games in which they were
tied and one in which they were ahead
at the half.
The Indnidual scoring meiages
Noma Cr FG F-T IPi TP Av
McMinn 15 51 3348 111 141 06
Brood 11 41 3746 160 119 7
Mel•arlnne ___ 11 13 14-44 541
s h i t
Dulls 14 26 2940 411
Thomas 13 11 5.10 900 41 -
Conn II 12 7.11 GU 21 2 2
Alders 8 4 I_ 3 333 0 1.1
9 4 1. 1 I 000 2 1
Wlllunt 4 2 0- 0 000 1 1
All-Intramural Basketball Teams
First Team
Doubles, Penn State Ramblers__rf Meredith, Kappa Sigma
Gaumer, Beta Theta Pi If G. Paxler, Penn State Ramblers
Wantshouse, Delta Sigma Phi_ c Sigel, Alpha Sigma Phi
Brewster, Penn State Ramblers_lg Irwin, Beta Theta Pi
Taney, Sigma Nu rg Deturck, Penn State Club
Honorable mentions: Anthony, Penn State Rambleis; A.
Bixler, Penn State Ramblers; Charles, Delta Sigma Phi; Macaleer,
Pi Kappa Alpha; Phillips, Delta Upsilon; Raquet, Pend State Club;
Rose, Beta Theta Pi; Shea, Penn State Club; Spangler, Sigma Phi
Sigma; Wilson, Phi Gamma Delta; Wunderlich, Phi Gamma Delta.
Coach Hermann Advocates Uniformity
In Interpretation of Basketball Rules
That unifoimity in the interpreta
tion of basketball rules in the differ
ent sections of the East is a necessary
step is the belief of Dutch Hermann,
retiring coach of Penn Status varsity!
cogs team
, "The dnect cause for the disailvan.'
toga a team undergoes when playing:
away from home may be atti ibuted, I
believe, to the difference in interpreta
tion of the rules in different localities,"
the Nittany mentor points out. "Thus,
n team is at a loss as to what tactics
it may legitimately employ and suffers
in the struggle for the ball."
Coach Hermann pointed to the dd.
Sciences in interpretation of the use
of the hands in New York state and
In Pennsylvania as a pertinent ex
ample of the reform he advocates. He
chores that the rules ale essentially
•atmfactory, but that they are not in
eipreteclsimilarly by referees in dif
erent localities.
Ed Kelleher, coach of Fordham's
•ashetball team, recently sounded the
.sine sentiment forwarded by the Lion
The Best Place to Buy Coal in State College is the
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Highest Quality of Coal at the Right Price Phone 1364
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the unexcelled selection of Im
ported Donegal Tweeds now on
display at the Edward Tailonng Co.
Made-to-measure for $26.75, they
represent an incomparable value
in style, fabric and tailoring.
At Smith's Tailor Shop, 110 E. Beaver Ave.
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Second Team
mentor Kelleher claims that inter
pietations of the cage rules in Nosy
York, New England, and Western
Pennsylvania diffel so greatly that it
cc impossible for the results of Intel
sectional encounters to be considered
fairly on the basis of comparative
Action on rules changes in general
in the court sport is expected at the
meeting of the rules committee this
month It is almost certain, Coach
Hermann feels, that something will
ha done to insure ,more uniformity,
especially defensive tactics, since it IS
in these that opinions of various ref
croon differ so greatly.
A volley ball tournament will be a
new feature of the intramural pro
gram this year, under the manage
ment of Harry A. Hopkinson '33.
Group managers No ill meet some time
next week to enter teams, one of six
men from each unit, in the tourney.
(Continued front first page)
favored to subdue the better man of
Borchers-Carey Al should ring up
hii. fourth victory over Ross in two
years to retain his well-supported
Rlng followers blanch at the thought
of Pete Updegme staltmg right out
after Toe Moran, the same gentleman
who added the Lion 155-poundm's
scalp to his collection in a dual meet
But if Pete is to do azt thing against
the boxer fa‘ored for the clown it
night just as well be when he is
flesh. However, if tlungs go badly.
Lion hopes for a second are shot and
so arc three points since either Clark,
of Army, or Huntel, Green Terror
155-pounder, will advance to the finale
If Tom Musser can wrest his right
to continue In the tom ney over Cooper
ha will tackle Olson, 165-pound Army
boxer, who goes into the semi-final
bout fresh and with far the blighter
record Wallace will probably win ov-
or Gutzman to meet Weeks, of Penn,
tonight to determine the abet finalist.
In the light heavyweight division
theme is no Lion entry. Bailey, of
Penn, will have his worries with Re-'
mos, Army stionghold, while Kaplan,l
Western Maryland freshman and
brother of a former Lion athlete, 'will
tangle with Frank, Orangeman. The
Kaplan-Frank affair will be plenty
close with the more expeuenced Sym
so= holding a little the advantage
over the Terror freshman. ,
$2.50 WEEKLY
All rooms with hot and cold
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Industry takes a hint
from the kitchen
The domestic art of baking is closely par
alleled in telephone manufacture at Western
Electric, where plastic molding is an exact
Telephone bell boxes, for instance, are no
longer formed of metal. They are molded
from a phenol plastic compoundcontaining
carbolic acid, formaldehyde and other ingre
dients—because Western Electric manufac
turing engineers saw the way to make a better
Stocker Collects 50
Points To Lead Plebe
Courtmen In Scoring
Collecting on even 50 points, Johnny
Stocker, forward, led the freshman
basketeers in scoring for the season,
according to the records for the seven
games played by the plebe courtmen.:
Stocker's ability to convert foul
shots gate hint the lend over George
Cummings, center, who hailed him by
three points The forward scored
only 16 goals from the field, but made
rood in 18 out of 25 tries from thp
foul line Cummings caged 21 bas
keta from the field.
Third in the scoring column for the
season is Al Mikelonis, Stocker's run
ning mate, who registered 30 points.
Fletcher ' and Kilmoyei, regular
guards, scored 29 points each while
Gown, who saw the most action among
the reserves, collected 21 points from
a forward position.
Most Sensational Suit
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Not sensational merely because the prices
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get Society Brand and Hart Schaffner &
Marx smart styles - - - expert tailoring
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them on, you'll say they're America's
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Society Brand Suits
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product a lower cost. These men developed
a new and exceptionally efficient type , of plas
tic molding press—and determined precisely
how long to bake the mixture and the exact
temperature to use.
In quickly taking advantage of the new
art of plastic molding, Bell System engineers
once more showed that they have the kind
of imagination that keeps American industry
forging ahead.
Friday, nirdi 19, 1932
Wyoming Seminary Will Meet Plebe
Eleven in Sole Contest Away
Three home engagements and one
away are listed on the 1932 freshman
football schedule approved this week
by the board of athletic control.
As part of the Alumni Homecom
ing athletic contests, the Pitt fresh
men will journey here October 22,
while the following Saturday Belle
fonte Academy will oppose the year
ling eleven in State College, while the
varsity gi alders face Colgate in Hain
olton, N Y.
While the varsity eleven is engaging
Temple in Philadelphia, Kiskiminetas
Prep school will end the home season
on November 12. One week later,
the Saturday before Thanksgiving
Day, the freshmen will complete their
schedule against Wyoming Seminary
at Kingston.