Page Tr ~ PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Pulltithed ...weal, &mew the Collette >ear. except nn Lnhda>e. he etnaet. of The Penneeltnnhe Stale Collette. in the Internet nf the Collette. the emaenle fneutte. nlunznl. end fete.. L C nrmt 'l2 !twiner.; Mlnnger 111200 K I nrAre 'l2 sAmurl, ,INCLAIR 'l2 :sl , lnqeinr I AI.. Ctr 4 ult. ion llannrcr FDWARD WM o: 'l2 110 1 ritlt 'lt M. , l4(nnt 1 door Advert NI, Mnnnpar ruronone A SI 111111 L 'l2 rim MID S RING 'l2 Spnrin KRlnrun /UM. , Ignarer WILI TAM IIVINGI 12 ret, COI lAN I' I ISO 't2 N.en P.lttor A llnt.on livnver IV CITY, Alt r 1011 Ngr: , : n 12 C IieI.F(LN 12 Non“ Aro A.herll , llll2 Mtn% MARY *I NS RIGHT . 12 C 2 SCRAM 12 Women', hlitor 'Woren'a Stunt tnr I (Mar I oulgr MAI - MUM:I , I 'l2 Umn. n a Nan. , I olitor MIMI n miry IR •a nhfor IM:=II=1 Stanrylt nf PrLl,ll P Ilarrl Jr 13 Rnhert r 'Dtrhan 13 Donald P hnv 'lt Ronal Cr 31 IN 1.1111 V Wall 'IC V, I Willwrrt Jr 13 I rneD. It itikluskr. .33 TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1932 THE PRESIDENTS' MEETING Lack of "enough bu,ine,, to ti ancact" has been the leason nthanevd by Intelfintemly Council ntr..l% fni T.uhne to heep up the custom of calling fiatcuuh• 1 1 esident , togethet Not being able reckon in definite tei os the ical benefit den lye(' from such meeting, in the past, acute t.nablc to deter nine m pieihet the outcome of a gather ing of hatenint% head, this lean Ilov es en ,it doe, seem that such meetings . could erns e benefit,' trent On -11 1p conducted Election to the office of fc Ilea nay mesident mall it vely little rimy The Gieek \3," is seldom anvied Ile is quite often it emendously ielleved ashen ten m of office has been completed and lie can take a seat in the 1010 of the lodge loom Dui ing his semester of office he has hail few lea! confidant, within his fin trinity, and few 01101101 chance, to leceive any 51.111111- ',lido advice lie mould welcome any chance to talk oven his pc ohlenis and teem,. advice fioni those ,ho have expel ieneml the •rime difficulties We believe that a voice; of ,ell planned pi esidents' meetings mould be welcomed by lintel ncty adminic ti atm s. The meetings should not take the foith of hap havmd but definite topical mom ants should be ai longed ss tic a suitable speakel and plenty of rppoitunity fro open discussions and an euliange of problems Fel instance, a eon.mileiation of the quos tmn of cutting do, n the tune of meekly meetings mould cet tainly he Ighantageou, it is an old ploblem, 11=11 discussed in fiateinity join nals, but one that is still tinublinc, many fn atm unties. Tn heal an out,olm dis ncss this pi ohlem could not possibly have the saline salve local conclave In addition to a diseu.sion of pm tinent questions, r meeting of lintelnay pa esident, uould pans ide an cscellcnt metins for Oa, mu, organizations to get then plans beton e the difTei ent houses. Of coal se this is a function ol the Council, but at times a mole ditect means should he pros ailed and a mote sine and for ceful method of mom mg the complete cooper ation of all fraternities. For instance, all appeal to ft ales unity pi essdents Po the support of Student Loan Fund pin gets would he exti emely helpful Rmnll}, petodic pi content,' meetings uould af fa~d a splendid oppoi [unity for a ili=cus.ion of basi n,. to he brought Wow the Into fiato nay Council, the pi °hnna, y discussion gin mg the pi contents a chance to act as a steel mg committee If this pm cedui e noe folloued it might be possible to shotten the meetings of Council and increase the amount of vm tins tole business taken up by that oi gant7.ition Announcement that the Players a ould des nte the la oceeds of Satin day', show to the Student loan Fund, and that Military Ball officials hone decided to make thenr dance a benefit affair, indicates that some student groups hose t calved the set ion , ne=s ofpres ent conditions and are doing all in then pm,cr to to ram ate with College author tie, in then attempt to ender financial assistance to haul lu e,sed student, rats ()nage of these afl all S 511.111 Ito IA hole-heat telly tendered TODAY'S HISTORY Almost all student:, study 111 , ,tm y at scone time in college, Ina only a small pen rentoge find the time to lat,} much attention to the Instal y of today it isn't tqun ell in a coon c Vet the v.0r1,1 Is undeniable ^trugglint, undo the mulct ot onpot Lint forces, nen nestanie , ,, possibly, cull Led omit 111 till, lion lad Or Fl tens. It', Ju=t possible that the hnstony of today will he looked upon by the thud and (math genmations of students as impontant. Centenoly the chances of the, ale good enough to make the oppoitunitie, for Inst hand obseivqtnon valuable Newspapens and magrwines ore filled 'wall noterpictatnyci tieatments of pi went situations Not all of this is wonth-while, hut the tr, tn Ithrltrb Drunn 'Gam.' Mich/Am.' CLUB TO SPONSOR I) INCING INSTRUCTION FOR S 9 UDENTS Dancing lessons for small charge will be sponsored by the Penn State Club in the second floor lounge of Old Main in ' , Arum., necoiding to Leon ard T '32, club pi esident Instruction will be supervised by Prof James T Larkin., p , of the School of Engineering, and vall be gin the second ,eel, m February All students interested should apply to Alfred It Mengel '33 BENTLEY, NIACKENZIE CHOSEN TO JUDGE AT STOCK SHOW Pints. Franklin L. Bentley and Peter C MacKenzie, both of the de partment of animal husbandry, will sem° as judges at the hart !shut g estock Show to be held 11 om Jan a:lly 18 to 22 Mr Bentley so ill also act in an of ficial capacity fat the Lancastet and Dauphin county show to be held at liar riburg at the same time. GO rsitoLL IN SIIORT COURSE Snty studeipt, hme enrolled m the winter sheet corns. en agtieulture and deny munufnatuung which opened last Monde}, according to Dean Ralph L Watts, of the School of Agee e Although the maim ity of the students ace nom Pennsylvania or, other states, Dermalk and Switzer land, are temesented. Jim's Place Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning Shop Have your hat cleaned at Jim's for the Senior Ball 117 SO ALLEN STREET flaVOl i tf j P that ea "t .41 ", be cop ed! lust take) "c: - .e L'ie... You'll know it's right I THE ARMELKOIN: SHOP, ..,,,,. 109 East Beaver Ave STATE COLLEGE A BIG BAG' FOR 10e obligations. We have a huge pi odue tive machine of oar son and no put up' a high tar iff wall to meted rt Can-1 collation is the solution—we must start out on a nen basis," in the opin-! ion of Dr. }Easel: The 'economist dun actor Ind the Hooter moratmium taking off the, straight jacket for a yea and then) putting it back on. Get many has been 1 making an honest effort to meet her obligations he said, but at piesent, l with the fail in international trade and, in prices, she is unable to do so. Silver payments, according to Dr., Huse, ,ould make “confusion wor se confounded " The proposal made bv i Congressman McFadden for the cos sum of lands to the United States in the payment of debts is objectionable' because of the human element to soh ed, he HOLD MEETING TOMORROW "Chtistianity in a Chaotic Weil(" will be the theme of an open meeting of the Penn State delegation to the Buffalo Student Volunteer convention in the Hugh Beosei loom tomonow night at 7 o'clock Invitations to attend the meeting have been sent to members of the fac ulty, P S. C. A., Y. hl C A , Cos mopolitan dub, and selected students. E Bell 'dl, ehanninn of the student &legation, will has e dial go of the meeting LIBRARIANS TO MELT HERE The Pennsylvania 'Amity associ ation will hold its nest annual meeting here an October 13 to 15, WlHold P Lewis, College librailan, N. 15 nine toed yesterday by the president of the association, Alms Margaret Jackson, librarian of the Hoyt Irby my of Kings ton. Apm oximately 900 Wu y ark el^ ale expected to attend PLUMBING AND HEATING Albert Deal & Son 117 S. Fraser St. Phone 163 . . . , .:. 1ia ,,,, ~,, Tuxedo Complete pith All Accessories $29.50 Arrow Dress Shirk Stud Sets Tin Rental Hoy Brothers Allen Street THE NEW Smith- Corona Portable Typewriter ON SALE AT The Athletic Store ON CO OP SENATE APPROVES 1932-33 CALENDAR (Continued from page one) semester rill! end at 1150 o'clock the follow mg morning With registratron on Tuesday and Wednesday, the semester opens Thurs day. Easter recess will begin at 11 50 o'clock Thursday morning April 13 and end at 1 10 o'clock Tuesday af ter noon, April 18 I Memorial Day, recognized as a full College holiday, mall be celebrated on Tuesday, Slay 10 The second mirn- I ester 13 scheduled to end at 5 o'clock 'Friday afternoon, June 2 and the elec tion of representatives to the College Board of Trustees will be held on Alumni Day, Saturday, June 1. Baccalaureate Day is set for Sun dae, June 4 with Commencement and Cl iso Day an Monday, June 5. Ex clamations for admissron are sched uled on Wednesday and Thursday, June 7 and 8. Dock the CAMPUS OWLS AFTER SENIOR BALL Call Shappelle at 670 Everybody Sells CANDY but We are the only candy makers in State College Gregory's Since 1914 SPECIALS FOR JANUARY NESTLE PERMANENTS__ LE MUR $7.50 FINGER WAVES .50 SHAMPOO .50 CO-ED BEAUTY SHOP OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ir The tt Nittany Lion's Ready to Serve a Buffet Supper Following Senior Ball 12 m. to 3 a. m. No Reservations 'Required $l.OO per couple Our Banquet and Dance Facilities Are Yours When Planning a Party •A Remember "A Price to Fit Every Purse" JOHN LE VINE, Resident Manager L. G. TREADWAY, Managing Director Tuesday, January 12, 1932 WILL ADDRESS ASSOCIATION Prof. Homan C. Knandel of the poultry husband, y depot tment will ad. di Les the New Hanipshne State Poultry Association at Concaid, N. 11., on Thursday. CA THAU I4 w.niaotr:psT4.t... , esmosei Greta Garbo, Raman Novarro, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone "MATA HARI" WEDNESDAY— Che4ter Mort,, Thelma Todd in "CORSAIR" TIIURSDAY— SSkia Estelle Taylor in "STREET SCENE" MEESE Paul Lukac, Sidney Fox in 'STRICTLY DISHONORABLE SATURDAY— Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, in "PEACH O' RENO" Also S S Van Dine Mystery 8. News TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— Triumphant Return nith Sound of I). Goffilliq Epic "THE BIRTH OF A is: \ TION" THURSDAY- 18:31113 SEEM SATURDAY "STRICTLY DISHONOR IBLE $5.00 =ECM