Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Puldlahed semi weekly during the Colleac year. except on holidays. students of The Pennsylvania Slate Caller. In the Interest of the leae, the student. fondly, alumni, and friend. UT NllFl.i. T. REM( 12 11.knma llnnai er nunn R nltry JR 1 rditnr nunn K FRFAK •12 'Atrumnin g rditnr Circulation Ilnanner lIN v rim •12 rnwAnn Iv AitiTr..l2 n , at.mni rarer A.herli.s, ltann,er rim ARD R SPDRING .1.2 Titrononr. A crnmct. Snort‘ moor rortivn Ad, I llnnn,r COLLIN T . FINK .12 sTrwma lowNsTNn 12 dl ssr, c whros Ne,a r.Wnr Av.l Atharlklnr Mann,. r MARY M WRIGHT . 92 MARGARFT TSCIIAN •12 Uonmes Mannvinr rdltor Wolnen'a Pallor I CMISP VARQUARDT .12 I=l Er=l finny IT IlenJamin . 33 Ralph 11 llctsel Jr 13 Rnhert F TAelmn .33 I!= I=l Hon P Newell 11 Elisabeth 'AI Kalb '33 14.thel .terarland .33 =II til W 11',stein •11 1101 Art II Barrington '33 Alfred W Hew, jr '33 Willard V Neytor 13 Arthur 1' 1"111111Ad •33 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1931 THE UNEMPLOYMENT FUND Announcement that an attempt mould lie made to rule from Penn State's faculty $25,000 for State ale unemployment telief has natul ally brought forth inment and miticism, not necessarily directed at the lea of conti Muting to the idler of the needy, but lath.. the inadvisability of distmbuting funds throughout c State when local conditions arc none too good, and hen it is vely inobable that an unusual number of udents mill lie forced to lonic College next semestei amuse of financial It seems that opposition to this ohm ity fund is .ngely based on prejudices formed heroic all the actual acts 'AMC known, on suppositions that contra ibutions %ere to he in the foram of compulsory assessments, and r tho usual suspicions detected at wholesale giving for enei al chum ity pin poses In oidei to bleak down some of this opposition tatementi, have been issued by the General Committee n charge of the relief to the effect that no great pm torn I the fund will be turned ovei to any agency for put .oses not definitely known to the committee, that thole ar implied obligation to donate, and that an individual's ,eisonal charities or relief work ale not to he looked nto in questioned and who e such oast the prospectne 111/scriber is entitled to fr'r his subscription accordingly. In justice to the genetal idea behind the State ollege Unemployment Relief fund, it must be. stated hat the committee recognized student and borough needs placing them first on the list of possible iecipients of he 'chef funds Time are many, howevel, who be love that it is unreasonable to expect Penn State's acuity to contribute any part of the fund to other sec ions of the State where there may be individuals or institutions in a far better position to rendes aid Them is no doubt that mole would give and in iratet amounts if it were definitely stated that the and.' mm null he expended in such a way that emery trident m due need of funds would be taken care of, nil that every needy case in the immediate vicinity of tate College would be attended to before any of the mount would be used rot general relief work throughout he Commonwealth The Student Loan fund at Penn State .as always been di ained to the limit of its lesour ces nil has inadequately met student requirements Here an opportunity for the establishment of an ample 'nil permanent fund for student needs, IN PRAISE OF THINKING Thinking no an nit, of a life uoik, is not levered ,y Arm lean colleges. In fact, the say suggestion that looking could be a life monk n good for a hearty laugh. 1• a pastime, now and then, it's a good way to telas rum /laid moil.; but any process that is mote than poi edit mould be looked upon as lacking en dity. Speaking in tough generalities, students can be th ,ded into three classes those Mho talk std enuously; hose who act strenuously, and those who emerge tram half-stupor to social occasions There went any lonisers in the lot. The talk., clop the imnble no listed noted coating of thought, find a quick solution o all pn oblems, and mouth then findings Those who et n ash (loin meeting to meeting settling pi oblems with turn of the smst, it's hand to tell what the final lass does Outs is a complex c‘istence. There ale fifty and no solutions to every in Worn, and as many deviating dens about the col trot solution. We al en't timed to ielve fat below the sulfate in this inane of conflicting vidence, to separate pi °Judie° and piopaganda from t uth. Vat if college students bad been so trained, there mull not lie so many public oft ma's tanning around Ike chickens Mlth then heads cut off. thole is, nn Intik, a solution to the pi Wein of depiession—but to late we have been gin en a thousand half-baked untl otes. A college that trained five students a year solely in IC olive, of thinking would probably be a gloat college Inc day, if only because of its singular ty. It would fuse those five any activities, would segregate them om f rate, nines, would make them forget maths; would ive then, a chance to search out a few great bulbs .. but why toy with the idea? Thinking isn't a great rt any mote, and what student would he willing to iiego honor for the chance to think' Hemlock cock ids ale a flung of the past, CAMPUSEER' I=l We want to correct on error sse made last week We mentioned, in connection uith food at Mac Hall, that "aspen ngus on ,nggv toast" ,as quite an item on the menus mci there. This sins a misrepresentation of the facts, atm! a e'le about it. The ti uth is that, fos sonic time now, no such dish has been served at the McAllistes Mess. The Gals complained about the sogginess of the toast, and the assuagement quickly did something about it. They don't solve anv toast at rill now. The backgammon cure has finally invaded our little metiopolis Almost any moiling you can find the Kappas sprawled on the floor, thouing the tmo little cubes (We haven't heatd definitely, but prob ably if the Kappas ale the Thetas are too.) The game is not oactly backgammon inasmuch as the Kappas don't use a board, but that doesn't reduce the c‘mte ment. On the contrary, it makes the game a good deal taster, and much easier to play It's more fun, too, you don't base any incentive to snap your fingers leguku backgammon But the tamer game is fashionable rm, and we expect the Kappas will get ;maid platy soon One of the first things that a Libel al Artist learns is how to think on his feet, to stand up and tall,. The more advanced students can do it almost any time, whether they have anything to say or not. It 'Nunes a little tesouicefulness and the knowledge of a ihetormal dm ice called developing a paragraph by a epetition Poi instance, if you're called upon to discus , tho foreign policy of the United States in re gard to Cuba you get up and say, "The United States has a paternalistic attitude in regard to Cuba. We , have a fatherly intmest, and we watch over Cuba as though she mete—et—a child or something. There's a fathom and son relationship, soi t of, and we keep our eyes on Cuba and hand of see that nothing hap pens damn their that isn't all tight In short, it's a paternalistic attitude, sott of " The difficulty m ith that method is that you have to have one fact with winch to start We know sonic people oho get around that successfully, and sonic mote ssho can speak platy long by talking in circles. I'm people sulm hate thstinginshed themselves in this field use hate founded out Long Lung & Tongue Glob. We nominate for menthe, ship Red Laudenslagm (Pies ;dent), Stun Hants, G. Kelso Davis, Bert Lunt, and the mustachmed Anderson front Alpha Kappa Pi The fiatemty guy is a satchel of air. Putting those hooks in Old Main lounge was an excellent idea, although MC don't get much chance to look at them because se usually have enforced read ing to do alien were thole. We think it could be bettei to put the hooks in the lounges at Grange Dorm, Mac Hall, and the Women's Building. If the books welt In those a ailing I cow ae'd have lots of time to lead them About Town & Campus• An S A. E named Hipplet got honorable mention on the All-Intia-Mural Football team without playing once . .. The Alpha Zets had a harp dance, overalls and everything ... Mongoose Maimed didn't make any noise at the Phi Ep affair, but Mooney and Tim Norris were thole . . Was it the English Lit Department that sent the faculty those announcements of the maisonette show with this new and 011gmal spelling• "William Make piece Thackeiy"... Shame on somebody ... We went to a pledge dance last week-end where several of the pledges had dates For Christmas "Give Books" One Volume Editions of Famous Authors $1.95 Each Volume Ilonore de Online Shakespeare Anton Chekhov Robert Louis Sletenson Ilnecaecio's Deeameron Leo Tolstoi Alphonse Daudet Voltaire Alexandre Dumas Oscar Wilde Conan Doyle World's Great Ro- Gustate Flaubert mantes Victor Ill,ngoHrk Isen World's Great Ad- Itudyard Kipling ,enture Stories Guy de Maiipassant Worl t i' n sG_reat Detee- Edgar Allan Poe e Stories In Flexible Leather Binding $1.95 Each Volume KEELER'S Cathauni Theatre Building TM PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WPSC TO SURVEY PROGRAM APPEAL Reports From Extension Agents Alumni Forms Will Serve as Method of Evaluation The popular tv and scope of pro grams over WPSC, College radio sta tion, is hnng determined tin ough m antis Limn °stormmn agents through out the State and returns front ques tionanes in the Manor? News, Duca for of Programs Herbert Kocpp Bohai has announced. It is now a regular part of the du ties of faculty members engaged in field extension wm 1. to submit leg ulnrly reports on the reception and elarity of In nadcasts, Mr. Knepp- Baker said. Extension , workers re. I port also on the poptqarity of the pro. Igrams m their sections of the State, lie said. Reach Elery County Although the aghicultural, engineer ing, and mining extension centers are confined to this State, reception of IS'PSC broadcasts outside tho State is being gauged by answers to cou pons in recent issues of Allmon Seas v.lnch reaches all Penn State grad uates. "We are highly encouraged by the tetuins from thesa sm‘eys," Mr. Noepp-ttakei said. "We hale found that our broadcasts are heard in every ,county of the State, and in many see bons of adjoining states. The edu leational series has been given wide aehum." LIBRARY WILL CONTINUE EXHIBITING COLLECTIONS Arrange Displays Similar to Carroll Shoes for Second Semester A serves of exhibits simnel to the Lewis Carroll collection now on dis play m ill be sponsored by the College library during the second semester, Willard P Lewis, College librenian, has announced. The series ttall open v.ith an exhibit 'of Washington material, so loch will be on view dosing the month of Feb ruary in honor of the Washington Bi- Centennial celebration. An exhibi tion in honor of the centenary of Coe . the's death so 111 be held dining March sponsmed by the department of Ger i man. A collection of prints or book illus trations mall feature the May exhibi tion, m.hile in June matelial dealing m ith Penn State will be on display. The Penn State,gflection ssdl include programs, annotrficements, and rec mils of the Collage Student, and others possessing any material Which ought be used in the exhibits ale invited to communicate with the lihiariani The exhibits will !be held in Room K on the second floss of the libriny. WPSC SCITEDU,LE Wednesday I nn—Antnn Tchekuf n "Thu Bear . ' n &arm. direbletl by Prof Arthur C Cloctinszh Fr[dal •- • . I'rof A L Patrick 100—Prof ThOMILY E Shearer. Topic Ink r Chrirtm.... 'lre, and It, Conscrsalion,.. Is Prof George It Green Staff Would Aid Students in Need (Continara front fii at pane) oward the application of 'a large unount of the fund for student and, Dean Charles W,Stoddait said. It vas Ins own opinion that students .hould be helped with loans to con, elete then• w•orl. her e. Dean Robert L Sackett, of the En nneering School pointed out that M oody six students from his school had been forced to leave College from lock of funds. These men had already nvested the greater part of the noses any money, but were unable to ob. `am the small extra margin necessary 'co carry them through the semester. Tn the Engineering School there sas a large number of the faculty vho favored placing the relief funds 'or student use and to aid members if the School who had lost their work here recently, Dean Sackett said. Dean of 'Women Charlotte E Roy estimated that ten percent of the wo men here would find it necessary to have aid from loans during the next imposter. 'Up to this time available 'oans have been established largely by the Pennyslvania Pedeiation of Women and by alumnae clubs in the State. Practically no aid for students 2ould be expected from local banks, Dean 'Warnock said. Only students oath substantial local credit or back ing could expect loans from them and then only for short terms. Pressure for jobs at the Christian association office bureau becomes greater each day, while opportumt.- 'cticaP•- are practically non-existent except for shalt odd-jobs, the association re• ported El= HOLD JOINT YULETIDE PARTY The Freshman Forum, composed of all fourth-year members of the Y W C A, and the Hugh Beaver club of the Penn State Chi istian Association held a joint Christnias party at 7 30 o'clock last night in Room 405, Old Slain A program, closing pith the sing ing of Christmas carols, was given by members of both organizations, Claire M. Lichty '3l Is the president of the Fieshman Forum, while Wil liam H Glover '34 heads the Hugh Beaver club. TO DISTRIBUTE PROCLAMATION The freshman proclamation will be' distributed to yearlings at a class; meeting sometime before the close of, the week, according to Maynard P. Wood '34, chairman of the sophomore; I committee in charge. . COMPLETE LINE OF . : Penn State Jewelry Plaques and Pennants THE ATHLETIC STORE Ori Co-op SuGGUTIONS VOR HER COMPACTS Dorothy Gray, Houbigant, Yfll dley, Evening in Pei is $l.OO to $42.50 PERFUMES Coty, iloulngant, Globous, Corday% Evening in Pans, Karess, at new low prices 89c to $27.50 POPULAR GIFT SETS That Please DeVilhiss Perfumizers 47c to $4.69 LADIES' POCKETBOOKS and UNDER ARM BAGS Calf Skin and Genuine Steeihide $5.49 to $12.09 PROF. 3IACK TO INVESTIGATE SILK FOR WINTHROP COLLEGE Pi of. Pauline B. Mack, of the de partment of chemistry, has been ask ed by authorities at Winthrop Col, ;lege, South Carolina, to assist in pre , paring specifications for the material used in the uniform sill. dresses e nulled there. Pauline E. Keeney '33 and George Fulton, graduate assistant in chem -1 istry, will assist in the investigation. Professor Mack's report to the Amm lean Home Economics association on the prevalence of mineral weighting in silk was responsible for the request from Winthrop College. Tyrone Laundry Co. 1206 Bald Eagle Avenue Tyrone, Pa. Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year HOY DRUG STORE Agent Phone 419 See the New Chevrolet Six SYNCRO MESH FREE WHEELING 60 HORSE POWER , 65-70 MILES PER HOUR $475 and UP McClellan Chevrolet Coinpany SOUTH ALLEN STREET 1931 Crop PECANS Quality Guaranteed For Christmas Plano Your OtSder Nov for n 1, 2,8, or 5 lb. package Martha Washington Candies Wo Wrap for Mailing, too. Tuesday, December 15, 1931 , C A THUM Note: For gift purposes, special Ctiristmai Ticket Books at. $1 00 and $2OO are on sale at the box of Nee. A most acceptable gift. Ask about them. No matinees after Thursday. Yam :lion opening time of 7.00 ~ m. start ing Saturday. TUESDAY— Eddie Cantor, Charlotte Greena nod in "PALNIY DIYS" WEDNESDAY—, Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper in THURSDAY— Stan Laurel, Olirer Hardy, in their feature length comedy "PARDON US" FRIDAY— Helen Tnelselrees, 11. I 3 Warner, Less Cody in "A WOMAN OP EXPERIENCE" SATURDAY— Seth Parker and Jonesport Neezhbore in 'WAY BACK HOME' NITTANt THEATRE TUESDAY and 'WEDNESDAY— Lionel Barr) more, Nay Francis in "GUILTY HANDS" _ THURSDAY— "THE CHAMP" (Closed After TI ursda3) SLIGEWIGNS FOR HIM PROPHYLACTIC BRUSH SETS 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.39, $1.69 MEN'S TRAVEL SETS $4.69 to $13.98 WILLIAMS' SHAVING SETS $l.OO value 87c MILANO' PIPES $3.50 value $2.98 YARDLEY SHAVING BOWLS MEN'S LEATHER WALLETS $l.OO to $7.00 HOUBIGANT SHAVING SETS $2.00 to $5.00 All Plactical and Pluming Gifts