iday, Octolier 23, 1031 - YEARLING ELEVEN WILL MEET PITT Sidelines '35 Gridders Engage Panthers Here Tomorrow Afternoon On New Beaver Field plain Ell. t. Abe Stonoberg, Ike di, and Nen ton, seniors, are ends and tackles sr 110 will face Nittnny Liens tonun OW after in Archbold Stadium. All four cml the llousepat t. 3 contest on Bearer field last fall. ——o— holding the spotlight as the only team playing at home this week-end, Penn State's freshman football eleven will seek its last victoi y against the undefeated Pitt fresh man at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on Ness ➢eaves field. In the Orange backfield four terasis on ho phoed here last ar .:II lake the field against an State tomorron afternoon. i. Cramer. Fi,hel. Moran, and ant: combination mill be hard stop _o_ Coach Lally Conover has announc ed that the same lineup which faced Dickinson Sens:nary last Saturday mill stint against the Panther yearl ings with the e • ception of Allen, left end, mho mill be replaced by McCabe Hasty Sigel, halfback, has been caused acting captain for, tomorrow's tilt. Pitt is the only college freshmen ,team ',lnch the Lion cubs meet this I year, and the latter are detesinined to avenge their last-half 12-to-O de feat of last year Refusing to be (its heastened at losing their first game last week, they have shown spirit and fight in this week's stiff workouts and expect to give the Panther eleven a close battle ach Vic Hanson of the ()lunge team in an effort to gumd nst injut les, has announced that quad will base no more scrim . sessions dining the leniamder e inesent football season. ——o— oe Moran, S,lracuse backfield • and star middlenoght of the tinge ring team nag elected to • proadenc) of the junior class Sracuse Untier.tly last meek. ——o— on mrestleis gained an added t t h is neck lot the appioaching .11 'Mien Aka Tinnbull '33 who out of school last semester r y as red eligible for the 165-pound mlneh he held before the see semesto began last minter. ——o— Alrend> Penn Stale alumni in 'est Virginia and Southern , nn.)lsania are making prep ation for a pep rail) to he held Morgantonn on the ese of e Lion-Mountnincer grid clash Not ember 21. ——o— idue must anticipate an easy af oon in Pittsburgh against Car e Tech of an unusually hard ggl, as the Boilermakers intend use sixty men in uniform for to on's game at the Pitt Stadium his number twenty-one ale major ea, nal 1n eight game football shed e for 1933 nos announced 3es rdat by Ilarlard. Penn Slate ho mill engage the Crim,on at Inthrulge next fall e, not in• tided on the Joßoning 'ear's rd IMI:1=1 Jam Walsh, 12, line conch, was n to the New Haven hospital slay night suffering from a torn ment in the right knee, suffered le pal ticipating in n scrimmage the second and third, teams Mali Curiie,,tlie:litcle tenon lot ;pulled defeat to ihd Lions thp IVi)pe•buril hnOunter, s !nett ° IA c uith influenrp and ill be replaced at fullback it) ' in Como) for the New Rh er me tutunrrou. ullet Lou Kiln, Navy's ace half ., will be buck in action tomor against Princeton, Head Coach Miller has piediettd, Riot, who been out because of injuiles, will .ble to play ten of fifteen minutes lie eiltical stages of the gam, lock Sutherland's Golden Pan iers hale been unimpressile in our preparation for the Notre , nnie encounter nt South Bend imorroa. As usual Sutherland as eNpressed his traditional pes mibin concerning the outcome. $l,OOO I'OR 21e . 'have'leisNel Accident Policy Ideal for Week-end Trips FROST A: DOTY Peoples Notional Bank Bldg. TEXAS HOT WEINERS Allen Sheet All Kinds of SANDWICHES lIOME MADE PIES FRATERNITY PRINTING ~TATIONCILI Al kl,Aziro.s INVITATIONS PHONE 83 PROMPT SERVICE Nittany Printing & Publishing Co, Hose Impressne Record Conovar has been trying Taylor in the punt formations, and it is pos sible the left halfback may relieve Sigel on some of the lock plays. The passing is still uncertain among the fast string butts, although Basset, one of the iesetves, has shown prom ., as a icemen. It is probable, howmei, that the Lions Vail depend mainly on a limning attack tem°. TOW. The ',stnrs come to State College milk a formidable tecold. In their first game of the season,. they more victorious against Wyoming Semin al y, 12-to-0, their plunging fullback, Nate Weinstock, scoring both of the touchdowns. They have another sic. tory to their credit, against the W J yearlings, 18-to-0 Last meek, they Mete held to a scoreless tie by Carnegie Tech•s plebe eleven BLUE KEY ELECTIONS (Junior Ilunatary Campus Saciel,) Adam B. Barnhart '33 Philip J. Fen} '33 James H. Finley ',33 John S. Gilliland '33 Earl A. Hustoli ji Chalks A Landis '33 Earl A McLaren '33 James B. Main '33 Fred S. Pietee '33 Fairfax A Reilly '33 Rii; mend S Stein ;31 John B Snalne Kenneth W. Weis '33 Dean P. Withan. '33 AUBURN CLUB srrA , re-s-FINEST-NON.FRATE.iisfiy - eLm3-1 In the Tow n's Nicest Location , North Butrowes and Ridge Avenue—Foimer T. K. E. Residence 3 Lounge Rooms at the Disposal and Convenience of Students Rooms, $2.50, $2.75 Dining Service Phone 9664 Sir Philip Ben Greet And His Distinguished English Players SCHWAB AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th Auspices: The Penn State Players Board "Comedy of Errors" "Hamlet" (Ist Quarto) 3 P. M. ii P M SEATS AT CORNER ROOM Telephone Reservations to College-500—Treasurer's Office Rea & Derick„ Inc. DENTAL NEEDS PATENTS SHAVING NEEDS TOILETRIES 25c Hush Deodorant 19c 30c Kolynos Paste 9 9c $1.20 Konjola 81c $l.OO Probak Blades 67c • 94, $l.OO Sheer Depilatory___69c 50c Pebeco Paste 32c $l.OO Tonal' 69c 35c Gem Blades 32„ Pepsin 67c Cream $1.20 Caldwells Syrup 25e Listerine Shampoo 50c LePirro Nail Polish___29c 50c !pane Pastel6c $l.OO Cheramy Dusting 25c Phillips Tooth Paste__lsc $l.OO Ayers Cherry 35c Lifebuoy Shay. Cream 24c Powder 73c 50c Orphos Paste 9 7c Pectoral 69c 75c Molle Cream 57c $2.00 Coty Perfume, 50c Pepsodent Paste 30c $1.20 Scotts Emulsion____73c 50c Aqua 'Wive 33c All odors $1.43 11.00 Lavoris 71c $l.OO Lyons Nervine 69c 50c Mennen Shay. Cr.____3lc 81.00 LePirro Perfunic___79c 60c Lyons Tooth Powder_ _4lc $1.35 Pierces Remedies-93c 50c Wins. Shaving Cream 31c Evening in Paris Powder 50c Prophylactic Tooth $l.OO Earles Hypo Cod____7lc 50c Sway Shaving Cream 33c and Perfume Comb.____B7c Brush 33c $l.OO C. &C. Cough Syr. 69c Yardley Shaving Bowls $1.25 $2.00 Coty Face Powder, $2.50 Absorbine Jr.____sl.9B Yardley Shaving Lotion___B3c all odors with Perfume $1.39 Home Made Ice $1.90 Bromo Seltzer 69c CASHEW NUTS $l.OO Jergens Lotion 78c • CREAM Kotex 31c per BOx 69c lb. 24-Hour Film Service '35 Lineup Penn State '35 Pittsburgh '35 McCabe LE Rocker (c) Webb LT Hoel E. Johnson ---LG Katz Woolbert C Shotwell Kessler RG Ormiston Kiemman RT Kopolovich McLaren RE, Wojihovski Mikelams OE Muajas Sigel (c) LH Nickmck Taylor RH__ Weisenbaugh Shemp FB Weinstock I.M. GRID TOURNEY OPENS WEDNESDAY Alpha Chi Sigma Starts Season By Defeating Phi Pi Phi On Practice Field Alpha Chi Sigma defeated Phi Pi Phi, 6..t0-0, in the opening intramural gild game Wednesday night on the Beasei practice field. The score came on a twenty.Lfne yard run off tackle in the second quarter by Ronn) Meyeis. The winning team made three first downs to the losers' one. Tim games, instead of one, will be played each night, beginning on Mon day, according to Francis E Schell '32, tournament manager. The first gams sill start at 7 and the second at 8.30 o'clock This action was taken because of the large number of teams in the competition. Eight-minute quarters will be used instead of ten-minute periods, as in Wednesday's game. 'With the entry of three new teams this week, the total ssas brought to fifty-six. No more teams wdl be admitted to the tourney, accordlng to Selull. 3 Games for Tomorrow In tonight's game, Tau Kappa Ep silon will engage Theta Upsilon Om— ega. Tau Phi Delta and Delta Chi were scheduled to meet last night. Tomorrow afternoon, Sigma Phi Ep silon and Sigma Pi, Chi Phi and Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Sigma Kappa and Alpha Gamma Rho aie scheduled to play Winneis in the lust hoiseshoe matches on Wednesday were, B T. U Delta Sigma Phi, Theta Kappa Phi, Kappa Sigma, Theta Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Chi - Upsilon, Theta Xi, Alha Phi Sigma, Sig-ma Tau Phi, and p hi Delta Theta. This afternoon, Watts Hall will meet PM Delta Theta No. 7, Phi Kappa Tau will Playk, Elaia, Beta Theta Pi will engage Chi Upsilon, and Sigma Tau Phi will meet W D. It. S. All first round winners will report for matches at 1.80 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Charles P. Schwenk 'l2, tourney , head, annbunced. 75c and $l.OO CUT RATE SALE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN LIONS TO ENGAGE SYRACUSE ELEVEN _ Q _ (Continued I; out 2 , 000 one) for tomorrow's clash Except for Grimshaw and Brewster at the wing berths, Moon McMillen at left tackle, and Captain Lassch with Moonves in the backfield the starting clesen be uncertain until the kickoff. At sight halfback Higgins may start either Torn Harper or Spike! Collins, but Conn seems colt= to supplant Bob Snyder at quarterback in the starting lineup &macla may be replaced by Andoson before the starting whistle sounds. Parker Berry and Stan Stempeek have been waging a duel for the sight tackle assignment and the injured Tom Curry and Marty Heads might i appear in the first chosen in place of Fred Ease and Stan Bedoski. Of this foursome any two may receive the call. To opposa the Lions Coach Vie Hanson plans to use his setman back field combination composed of Qum terback Cramer, with Motan and Frank as halfbacks, and Fishel at the fullback post. Will Make Trip by This Captain Elicit and Abe Stonetrcrg will be Hanson's selections for the terminals and Lombardi, paired sirth Newton, is scheduled to start tin contest at tackle. For the guard posts the Orange conch plans to use Kennedy and Thrall along olds of Stark at center. Leaving at 7.15 o'clock this loca n mg, the Lion party will include Gum shaw, Brewster, Slusser, and Rosen berg, ends, McMillen, Stempeck, Berry, and -Cob, tackles, Curry, Kane, Bedoski, Basch, and Mbler, guards: Zanachl and Anderson, cen ters, Collins, illooncw., Hat pe 'Mlle, and Long, halfbacks, Conn, Snyder, Maealeer, and Thomas, guar tetbacks; and Captain Lamb, and Wantshouse, as fullbacks The lemamdel of those nicking the Syracuse trip Include Coaches Hig gins and Bedenk, Manager John D Page, and Lust assistant managers, Rinehimer, and Stern Officials for tomoiross's game .ne Referee-1V G. Crowell, Swarth more. Umpire—T. J. Thorpe, Col umbia. Read linesman—W B 1101- lenbaeh, Penns . yhania Field judge M. Waters, Williams Any Time Is Lunch Time at • Locust Lane Sandwich Shop We cant you boys to feel at home when you visit us You are welcome to visit our newly equipped kitchen at any time. Home Made Pies, Cakes, and Soups ICE-COAL-COLD STORAGE Hillside Ice Company North Patterson Street Amusement Service Corp. Orchestras for House P'arties and Dances Representative—GLEN A. CLOUSER 6565—Phones-8960 614 7th St., Altootla Pa Our Opponents 1:1171=1M1!11 South Bend as in fca: a battle royal tomorrow when the undefeated Panth ers of Pittsburgh clash with the Fighting Irish. It looks pretty even, but well say Nolte Dame—possibly front folce of habit. Colgate-N. T. Here's another game seloch should cause the prophets plenty of grief. On paper, the Meehan-coached eleven has the edge, but we have a hunch that when the final Ith.stle blows, the game will either be a tic of the Mar ' oon will be on top by a very close nun gin. Lafoette-W d. .1 Aside from Colgate, Lafayette meets its toughest opponent to date in the Presidents. II on ever, we be lieve its going to be a Maroon vic tory, by one or two touchdowns. West Virginia• Detroit Whether last week's inipicsrote sietooy over Washington and. Lee meant anything or not null be appar ent alter the Mountaineers meet Gus Dooms' team On the strength of their showing, honorer, we pick them to conquer the Michigan eleven, al though the score will be close. Lehigh-Brox n Penn State's newest opponent is in foi a hard ant:moon, weld afraid, against the Povidence eleven. The Brown team which beat Princeton so badly ought to triumph over the Tate coached gridmen by at least too touchdowns. Waynesburg-Nex Ri,er We don't know much about Nets Riser, but after a certain afternoon last month. ,e'le inclined to favor Flank Wolf's Yellow Jaclmts against most teams in their class. It's quite probable they'll run up a platy good score tomorrov. Lebanon Valle-Dartmouth The Big Glean will be blood-thasty after last week's surprise defeat at the hands of an nvipneil Columbia elm en, and it looks as though the Annville team will be smothered un der an avalanche of possibly eight or nine touchdowns Temple-Haskell Indians The Owls are going to have to stop Weller if they're going to beat the Western eleven tonight However, rt doesn't seem improbable that they will, and we expect them to emerge on the long end of the score Phone 136• J ROOTERS TO MEET CORNELL, ORANGE Soccer Team Engages Ithacano Today; Schedule Hillmen For Tilt Tomorrow Flesh float a decisive victory Duet Western Maryland here Saturday by 5-to-I, the Nittnny booteis left yes biday for the Empire State where they will engage Comell at Ithaca to day and Syracuse at Syracuse tomer tow This tip wall probably decide the Success on (aniline of the team because both opponents are strong combine turns. Connell succeeded in downing the fonmidable Prmeeten team by 4- to-3 Saturday. Although the engagement tomin now is the opening Intercollegiate match for the Ilillmen, they have shown consolonable strength in a mactice game with the emmilenctsl Rochester Kodak team, to whom they softened then fast defeat by a 3-to-2 score last Satuiday. 17 Pla)em Make Trip On the glorious Saturday, McEwan of the Change elm en scored four goals to &felt a mighty Syracuse City club team by I-to-3 in a hard fought contest. The 1111Imcn were also scheduled to engage the highly touted Utica tanners, who are re puted to have one of the strongest teams m the State of New Yolk, in a game on Ilenduchs field Saturday. A squad of seventeen players was selected by Coach Bill Jeffrey to make the trip The online legalar lineup ulna donned 'Western Mary land left State College yesterday ' They ate Captain Bob McKune, Bill lienszey, Hank Ilartnlm, Bill Shea, Al Daylon, Frank Evans, Dutch Mil len, Eddie Knecht, limb Masters, and BM Tyson It sins °opulent last I,ek that Dickinson mally is going someuhere this seal, and sic don't think the Cadets are the' team to stop them. The Red Devils ought to um by too or Once touchilouns. We really cannot say enough in praise of the Polo Coat Foi here is a Topcoat as intensely smart as it is practical—long and gracefully thapect— loosely comfortable—double breasted, full belted. A um Id of satisfaction—for it has a itch texture that is so Al aim—but not too heavy— and inexpensive too.. $4O. FROMM'S Opposite Front Compus He Went After His Man ... But Wanted His Woman, Too. Sergeant Mickey Dunn, "Big Casino".. fearless fighter. .flashy lover... who could outshoot a killer...but couldn't out guess a dark-eyed flower of the plains. THE CISCO KID Monday - Tuesday Odaller 26 and 27 'b T Eat Matinee Daily at 1.30 -- Puke Four 70 MATMEN BEGIN EARLY WORKOUT Captain Maize Will Coach Aspirant During Preliminary Training Tuesdays, Thursdays Seventy wrestlers responded to a call Tuesday to begin pieliminai shaping up Lame regain wolhouts begin in December. Captain Roy Maize will do ect work outs on Tuesdays and Thursdays un til the end of football season when Coach Speidel will begin jugular teaming Twenty more men me es protect to twin out fin mat Innis after the gild season. Los ones, junior weltetwelglit, and Turnbull, mudilleueight, hill help Maize in heading, the conditioning workouts. Serer letter cites floor last year's powerful lineup feint a sturdy base for the Lion's representation on the mat this yeas Besides Maize, Speidol will have Cillner, Reybitz and Tiansue wail< ing in their last year of wiestling Roetenbeig, Metzger, and Lonnzo arc espeiienced iriapplets with two year ahead of them. HARRIERS TO COMPETE IN TRIALS TOMORRO Coach Carlowll Will Select Men fo Pat Meet Here Next Week ,In an attempt to iielect a oar sit team to oppose the University or Pittsburgh harriers here next Satur day, Coach Nate •Cartmell will hal , time trials for his squad tomoricu afternoon at 12 :30 o'clock. The trials will he run over th varsity three mile course •rod .11 b limited to numbers of the visit squad. The initial time trials 'wer held last Saturday and the lace ova won by Captain Cl.sbu'in. The meet NO Ith the Panthers will b held in connection with the oar sit football game. The hairims will ru between the ladies of the footba game us was done but year when th Syracuse hill and deters compete here. O HENRY'S Romantic Bad Man with - • _WARNER BAXTER EDMUND .OWE , CONCHITA MONTENEGRO NORA LANE FOX PICTUtE, ' 4 /no Fox Movietone Ness ' mat Football For the Fan