Page PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Published oeml.weekly during the College year, except on holldo, by students nf Tim Penns)lmanin State College, in Me interest of the College. the students, faculty. alumni. and friend.. ENDELL r. REII\I •i 2 Ilunlneqn Mant.cor SAMUEL SINCLAIR 12 RUM R nn.ry JR '3 Ftlßor NUM X rnrAR •v Cin.ulation Ma:lnver LIN Y. Itll '32 Acluertking TOWARD S SPFRING '32 Ilatm,ing &Woe EDWARD W WHITE '32 Assistant Tailor TIIFODORP A srntur.i. .32 I °reign Aaht :longer COITJN r nnh •a 2 Met Co-evil:ion .51anne . er arssr C FiON '32 Sport, Editor WILLIAM II IRVINE •Y Et x. Editor STEWART TORSI ND '3 Atherllslnc llanncer MARCARF.T TSCIIAN 'SS W.,ntes . 23 Munnt Inc raanr Noss nfltor MARY M WRIGHT M 2 Uomen's Radar lOUME MARQUARDT I, Womtn's Noss FAIRr ASSOCIATE EDITORS Sidney II IllenAmln .31 Ralph D Herd Jr 11 Robert r Tartan '33 Donald l' any . 31 Rollin C Manilla. '3l Diehard V Wall . 13 W .1 William, jr 13 Ernest II Ltikaualizm .33 E:=2i=nl=:=2:=l TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1931 THE FRATERNAL GAMBLE A game of hide-and-seek, guess, and be lucky or has just been concluded by almost siNty fratei tittles and 1200 freshmen It onus stienuous game, nith much presumably at stale; their bane been, no doubt, worries and elation, happiness, millet heartbreaks and despair, miked into the lives of the participants. And Nshen it's all owl, 2000 invitations to enter frateinities have been extended, and 400 acceptances have been seceded. The scramble is finished for another year, and loose ends may be picked up at leisure. It is possible to 4nm...estimate the importance of the results of this haphazard process by which a class is eventually divided almost evenly between fiaternitt and non-fraternity mere It is gratifying (if you're a zra tctnity man) to think that here was a ni-n and just selection between the eligible and ineligible It is easy to raise bartieis and distinctions that ate absuid if they are analyzed. The ideal of brotherhood is a splendid lure To those who uere fortunate enough to find bids and desires that coincided, it represents temporary satisfaction at least. They will soon discover that fraternity life is not roseate continuation of rushing. Their importance is already diminished, their status changed from king to servitor. But the majority urn accept this, and slip into the great mould of the average, and be content Some new pledges will wonder before they grad uate whether they are satisfied, 'whether they sere um° in choosing as they did. They will encounter condi tions and situations unheard of in rushing talks. Some, too, should but sull not realize, when they tend to feel superior, that they were remarkably lucky, and nothing wore. There are necessarily many who will no. er justify their selection as fraternity men In the same way, there are many men among the great group of non-fraternity students who are better equipped than their fraternity classmates to ssear pledge -pins. It Is impossible to make fair decisions when they are based upon chance recommendation, and a few hours of acquamtance. Some in the freshman class have been merlooked by many houses where they would fit merely because there was no friend or alumnus who urged their cause In many instances nomiratetnity men may go further and be mole content than tho=e nho hase the backing of chapters in esery state in the nation It is possible to establish bonds of friendship nluch are Just as strong as much,aunted brotherhood, and to gain 'imminence on individual merits. Their icon, golden circle mound the word fluter mty, no curse set on the wmd non-ftatmnity Any stu dent who has watched the great game of rushing closely will set up no sharp line between the two types. The rew pledge, in his elation, and the unpledged, who may feel dissatisfied, can avoid a popular delusion if they remember that chance, as well as merit, plays a strong role in fraternity selections A SHORTER RUSHING PERIOD? Front a group of fraternities experiencing vaned success during rushing season, a unanimous approval of the present rushing code xioulal be next to impossible. Nevertheless, there seems to he a very definite and emphatic agreement on one phase of the code, and that cower]ns it•- length. The fifteen-day period sins undoubtedly too long and Interfratermty Council would not be making a mistake to cut it down seater rally nest year To say that the last seek of rushing began to drag would be stating it nuldly. During the final days before the season's close ninny fraternities originated their own silent periods end kept a few meals "free from rushees " Champions of the fifteen-day rushing period say that it is impossible to make the proper selection of lieshmen in a curtailed poised. If the period were lengthened to twenty or twenty-five days, fraternities oulil experience the same difficulties It is next to impossible to judge satisfactorily the qunlifications of a prospective pledge in a few weeks Frattpities RMee that pledging has a ;neat element of chance connected with it, so why prolong rushing until all minces ned are thoroughly tired of the whole affair? There are a few other details which will have to be thrashed out in Council. For instance, there has been n great deal of sentiment against beginning rushing on the first day of Freshman 'Week. And that two-day silent polled at the close of rushing is certainly an escel lent opportunity for the lead-pipers. On the whole, we believe that the code this year was neatly satisfactory except for the length of the rushing pelted. Although it must be admitted that there me some points against it, we would like to see a rushing season nest yeas composed of two five or sin day periods with a day's lest between each pencil. CA MP USEER A husky fieshman who looked like he might be a good football man was very temporality rushed at the Tau Sigma Phi (League of Nations) House The brothers were slightly disappointed when the possible athlete began to ask questions. "lie;," he inquired as he was enrol ted into the house, "have ya got any good rooms here?" It then de‘eloped that the gentleman had gang ,ter tendencies Ile missed his gat. There m asn't anybody to shoot, at the moment, but he liked the feel of the thing in his pocket. Felt sorta lonely without it The brothels suggested that maybe he'd get over that while he was taking Rotrisie. PPrhaps this fellow has seen too many movies recently, but, accolding to his own story, he's a full fledged lacketeer. Used to ion beer in the coal re gions, but theta's a depression in the gangster busi ness sight non•. When they took the big racketeer in for his free meal he made himself right at home "I guess I ain't brenkin any rules if I take my coat off," he said. And berme you could say "Who-shot-infickey-Duffy?" be hnd nemoycil the coat, parked it on the back of a I want chain, and seated himself. He had the boys pretty hell Tattled before he finally scrammed. Note for At St Benediet's College the freshmen arc required to steer Princess Eugenic huts instead of disks. Sony, girls.* The Delta Comm. at the University of Missouri hare decided to spend no mote than a niel.le of their young gentlemen's funds when they ale invited to the local soda fountains. The girls hasten to explain that this measure was not resorted to in an effort to increase then dates It's just to help the depression along. Callously enough, a joke from Froth has been ieprinted in The Woad's 01111110,1, Ireland's humorous magazine. We hem• that Al Buono, Froth editor, is pretty happy about it, while Flank Tejon, a true business man, is eonsideling how to word a letter de manding to know, how the Irish dared to reprint a joke mahout first asking the permission of the copy eight au ners Over at the Theta house the girls were having difficulty in getting phone calls. The phone would ring, a gal would be summoned, and when she came to answer she would find the receiver hung up. This went on for some time, until-they found out about a Fresh named Martha on phone duty. It was she who asked who was wanted, calmly hung up, and then called the girl. And Martha didn't seem to be hav ing fun, either. It occurred to one of the Thetas that this Fresh was probably used to those old country phones that Sou have to crank, after hanging up Yen, that was it. She asked Martha about it. "Do you have a rural phone at home' , " she said "No, replied the Fresh, "we have a bell phone." No, that the local guessing contest is eves: A fiosh at the 0 E House took out his rushing calif and consulted Band's Manual ... Another one out there scent upstairs to test the beds by bouncing on the smings Many a house is happy that the scho lastic averages didn't come out any sooner . . . A freshman on a luncheon date at Kappa Sigma said of the Sigma Nus, "I like those boys pretty well, but I think some of them dunk" ... Some of the brothers hail pools on the number of pledges they'd get .. Too thousand bids were sent to about twelve hundred flash ... Well that's over Now where is that list of text books me mere going to buy? ariP, PENN STATE COLLECiiAIq Fraternity Averages Phi Sigma Delta 1.61 Sigma Tau Phi 1.58 Triangle 158 Phi Pi Phi 1.57 Acacia 1.47 Elaia° 1.4 C Tau Phi Delta 1.44 Theta Kappa Phi 1.40 Alpha Gamma Rho 140 Delta Theta Sigma 1 1 4 0 0 Phi Kappa Psi Sigma Phi Alpha. 1 40 Tau Sigma Phi° 130 Phi Delta Theta 1.30 Phi Kappa Nu° 1.5 F Sigma Pi 138 Alpha Chi Rho 1.35 Theta Chi 135 Beta Sigma Rho 1.33 Omega Epsilon. 133 Phi Epsilon Pi_-___ _______ 130 Phi Mu Delta 1 29 Sigma Phi Epsilon 120 Chi Upsilon. 128 Kappa Sigma 1.28 Pi Kappa Alpha 1.25 Sigma Chi 125 Sigma Nu 125 Chi Phi 1.24 Delta Tau Delta 124 Sigma Pin Sigma 121 Theta Xi 1 9 4 Theta Nu Epsilon 121 Beta Kappa 1.20 Phi Sigma Kappa _ 120 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1.18 Pi Kappa Phi 115 Alpha Tim Omega 114 Phi Kappa Sigma 1.14 Delta Upsilon 1 13 Phi Gamma Delta 1.13 Phi Kappa Tau 112 Alpha Chi Sigma 1.11 Lambda Chi Alpha 111 Alpha Phi Delta 1.10 Beta Theta Pi 1.10 Delta Chi - 110 Phi Lambda Theta 108 Delta Sigma Phi 107 CO-EDS Conic in and see our new line of KNIT GOODS Moore's SPECIALTY SHOPPE CO-EDS Ma gC I OW'S QUALITY SHOP Your Headquarters PLUMBING AND HEATING Albert Deal & Son 117 S. Fraser St. Phone IG3 EXTRACT': VANILLA A. Pure Extract of Vanilla Bean without the addition of artificial flavoring or color. $l.OO PINT Skit' Star:la-C. "2:c_acts Used at The Corner WHITMAN'S CANDI 73 REYMER'S CANI - 73S KEMP'S NUTS , HEINZ (Many of the 57) College Dairy Products National Dairy Ice Cream La Touraine Coffee (Special Corner Blend) All Standard Brands Cigars and Cigarettes ENGINEERING MAGAZINE STAFFS TO MEET HERE Publication Editors Will Assemble For Conclave October 16-17 Penn State will • be host to the staffs if thirty engineering college maga •mes when the Engineci ing College Nfagazines association holds its annual •onvention here October 16 and 17. Tentative plans include a number of neetings and speeches designed to aid ho delegates with thee• problems A dinner, and (lance have been arranged car Saturday night at the Nittany Lion Letters of welcome base been sent to thuty engineering college maga zines. 50. Alpha Kappa P: _ 104 51. Alpha PM Sigma• 102 52. Theta Upsilon Omega 101 53. PM Kappa 100 53 Tau Kappa Epsilon 1.00 55. Kappa Delta Rho .99 56. Alpha Sigma Ph: .91 Alpha Zeta 100 Dread. _ 1.94 CM Omega 1.87 Laodelphm. 1 83 Kappa Alpha Theta 1 80 Kappa Kappa Gamma 177 Delta Gamma 1.G7 Alpha Onucron PI 1.48 Phi Mu 135 Theta PM Alpha 1.33 Local Fraternity. Better Ice Cream and • .'" Better Candy G iihl'a ' 7iPil , 'S Taxi Service Phone 492-R J. C. SHEFFLER 138 South Atherton Street No wonder men smoke PIPES! EVERY PIPE SMOKER has thesat isfaction of knowing he has one masculine right that the women • won't take away '•." • from him. They t do leave our pipes alone. And though 4 5, • the girls may not 7 `;'• know it, they're leaving us one of the finest smokes .Ikvete a man can have There's something calm and soothing about a pipe and good tobacco. It leads to clear-headed thinking. Per haps that's why the leaders—the real men of the world—are pipe smokers. College men like /7 1 withaecool,pasto7vd it s burning Edge worth, the favor ire pipe tobacco in 4 2 out of 54 colleges. It's cut especially for pipes, to give NI A rte cooler, drier smoke. You an buy EL;Leivorthwherevergood tobacco it sold. Or for a special sample packer, write to Larus & Bro. Co., soy S. sad St., Richmond, Va., EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with as natural savor enhanced by Edge worth's distinctive and exclusive elev. enth process. Buy Edgeworth any where in two forms —Edgeworthßeady. Rubbed and Edge worth Plug Slice. All sues. 'l5O pocket package to $1.50 pound humidor tan PROF. FRIZZELL TO CONDUCT DISCUSSION TOMORROW NIGHT Piof. John H. Primell, head of the department of public speaking, will lead the third discussion of a series conducted b:.- the Penn State Christian association in the Little Theatre in Old Mom at 7:95 o'clock tomorrow night. Prof. 'Frizzell will speak on "Activ ities" and will analyze their value in college and the time that should be de voted to them. The series of discus sions precedes the organization of the Hugh Beaver club, freshman organi zation of the Christian association. TO TALK ON UNEMPLOYMENT Dean Robert L Sackett, of the School of Engineering, will speak on "Unemployment reduced by a ten-year engineering plan" before the engi neering section of the Land Grant Col lege association meeting to be held in Chicago on November 15,10, and 17. THE TOAST of the Campus! At all the best-served dinner tables at State you'll find Stroehmamds on the Menu, Three Times A Day. There's a good reason for this. Try Stroehmann's once, and you'll know. • uto STROEFIMANN BROTHERS EMS= THE NEW Fall and Winter Gloves ARE HERE WASHABLE HID Egoif 50 s FABRIC $2OO to $ 3.00 ' cto 51.50 PHONE 12-R Ns, MRS. CATHERINE HOPKINS . 0 - N, STUDENTS WASHING ~ -: " WE CALL FOR and DELIVER FRUIT The Pennsylvania State College Orchards Mclntosh, Grimes and Smokehouse varieties of apples are ready. Prices 50c to $1.25 bushel. Winter apples will not be harvested until October. College fruit can be had from all State College grocery stores. A salesman will be on duty at the College Orchard Fruit Packing House during business hours. Packing House Phone No. 913-R.4. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE For College Meh _ THE _re' .%.,, SAXON-WEAVE, ~o ."'^ SUIT—S2S ..- IN '‘,. Blues, Browns, and Greys ~.0. 1 _, KNIT-TEX COATS—S3O ' • LA SALLE HATS—SS.OO HARRY SAUERS On Allen Street Tuesday, October 0, 1931 Robbers- entering the Sigma. Nu house early Saturday morning, se emed approximately $75 No clues have been found of the robbers who ransacked the second floor and who left several valuable watches un touched. Entries of the Agriculture school won ten prizes at the Eastern States Exposition held in Spline°ld, Mass., recently. .., CAT H AUM • • .. • A W. net 13.1.hcrs That.. Matinee Daily at 1:30. Evening Opening Time 6:30 p. m.) MUGS 111atinee at 1:30 George Arliss and Star Cast in "ALEXANDER HAMILTON" WEDNESDAY— Clke Brook, Peggy Shannon, in "SILENCE" Ruth Ettgng m Ydaphone EMEMEMO Nancy Carroll, in "PERSONAL MAID" Jimmie Gleason Comedy I FRIDAY— Chas. Butterworth. Minnie Lightner, =it SATURDAY- Doug. Fairbanks, Jr., Loretta Young, =IIIIIMMI NITTANY THEATRE TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— F. W. Murnau's South Sea Idyl "TABU" (With Reri, since brought to New York to feature IR Ziegfeld Follies) THURSDAY "SILENCE" FRIDAY "PERSONAL MAID" SATURDAY "SIDE SHOW" GOOD SERVICE State College, Piz