Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, September 10, 1931, Image 3

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    lursday, September 10, 1931
lee Glubs Provide
Student Music Work
Jlow. Freshmen Participation After Try-outs
Iri Fall—Bands, Orchestras Constitute
Instrumental Organizations
Possessing vocal and instiumunti
ivoiablc imputations throughout the
oilumty'for varied evlin-curricular o
Oigamzed m 1002, the men’s gre
illegiatc Glee Club in 1914 and sim
oi four consecutive years the Club wi
Itib Association. Under the leader
lip oi Ridiard W. Giant, director of
10 dopaitment of music, the Club was
ade up of sixty-seven students last
With tryouts taking place early in
ictohcr, the men’s group affords an
pportunity for first year men to take
art in the activity from the beein
ing of their collegiate work In last
oar’s organization, sixteen membeis
'ere freshmen, twenty were sopho
ioios, sixteen mniors, and fifteen
'ere seniors. This distribution has
con given to show the opportunity
n freshmen of making the group
ither than os any fixed distribution
flicthei the freshman class this year
ill have sixteen representatives on
ic Glee Cluli depends entirely on the
dent which then mombers show in
10 Fall tiy-outs.
In addition to the advantages of
raining given to members of tho
ioup, the Glee Club makes numerous
ppoarancc' - ' throughout the College
eai It gives concerts throughout
ic State as well as to College audi
ices and takes part in the mtercol
>giatc contests which are held every
Pleljos in Military Band
Selected by competition from the up
jrclnosmen in the Glee Club, a Vai
ty Male Quartet is chosen. This
rrup has attained popularity for its
jht. senu-populoi, humorous type of
usic In addition to supplementing
■gulai Glee Club performances the
uutet appears at smokers and gath
ings of all kinds.
Like opportunities for vocal work
re afforded women students at Penn
tatc Both a Glee Club and a quar
it aic organized eaily in the yeai on
competitive basis. Usually consist
ig of fifty members, the women’s
ioup sponsois the production of
tality choral music and makes at
nsf one public appearance, usually
i the form of a mid-winter concert
ho quartet is chosen from the mem
;rs of the Ulee club and makes ap
mrancos with that group and at var
us social affairs
Band work for freshmen is con
ned to the military organization
Inch plays at the student Monday
‘teinoon reviews. First'year men
•c selected on a competitive basis and
•o excused from all other R. 0. T. C.
ork. Two nights a week are de
)ted to piactico The ; fieshman
roup lemams intact throughout the
ist two years of College while in the
inor and senior years members of
io Blue Band are recruited from
Penn State Laundry
320 West Beaver Avenue Phone 124
Beginners—6 P. M., .Daily Other Groups—4 P. M.
Students, Ask About Phys. Ed. Credits
Rear of Hotel and Theatre Phone 9799
Made-to-Measure Garments
Suits $25.00, $29.50, $34.50 /
Suits Pressed Free Entire School Year /
Nationally j Justly 5
Known 'j^ Famous
For Clothes Becoming to You,
You Should Be Coming to Us
Freshmen—Make this store your headquarters.
IB , •
al organizations which have attained
East, Penn State affords students op
letivitics along musical lines.
•oup became affiliated with the Inter*
ice that time has progressed rapidly
ms champion of the Pennsylvania Glee
tin'll ranks.
Consisting of seventy-five pieces, the
Blue Band is the premier unit of the
College It appears at all football
games at home and at a majority of
those played away. Concerts and
other appearances at athletic events
complete its program Under the di
rection! of Bandmcbtcr Wilfi':d O
Thompson, the Blue Band is made
possible by financial aid given by the
Athletic association, the School of
Phvsical Education, and by the de
partment of military science and tac
tics. •
A college symphony orchestra, num
bering about sixty memflirs, gives
several concerts throughout the year
and plays at the Commencement ex
cicises and at a few outside engage
ments. The performers of the orch
estra aic selected by competition from
tho entire student body. Twenty
ono freshmen were included in its
organization last year.
{Continued from first -page)
The House of Representatives deals
with rules of lesser importance, gov
erning the women’s dormitories, quiet
hour, signing out for social privileges,
and appoints all chairmen of social
events. This group has no voice on
any of the Senate’s actions, merely
making suggestions to the higher gov
erning body.
Open Politics Here
Class officers at Penn State are
elected each spring at a time desig
nated by Student Council. Men and
women students have separate elec
tions and elect a different set of offi
cers An elections committee ap
pointed from the Council is responsi
ble for the proper carrying out of an
Elections Code which has previously
been adopted and the violation of
which will disqualify any candidate.
A system of “open politics” is car
ried out at Penn State. Various
gioups of fraternities, clubs, or a
number of non-fraternity men may
organize under a party name and nom
inate students for. the class officers
Officeis of the freshman class, hgw
evei, arc not elected in this manner,
but are chosen at a class meeting af
ter several nominees have presided at
previous class meetings.
NEW Senior Class Women's
Groups With Common Interests
Form for Professional,
Social Benefits
Filling a need for assembling:
groups of students with common in-1
teroats, ninny clubs have been organ
ized at Penn S.ate and then num
ber is constantly inuoasing as new
interests arise.
The mnjonty of the clubs have no
requirements of class ranking but en
roll mcmbeis fiom students who aie
interested m becoming members for
the social, professional, and othei ad
One of Jie oldest clubs on the cam
pus is the Penn State club, an organi
zation of the non-fraternity men. It
seeks to provide for its members the
same advantages that arc possessed
by membeis of fraternities The club
holds an all-Collegc dance ns well as
other social functions, promotes inter
unit athletic competitions, and aids
non-fraternity men in becoming bet
ter acquainted. Non-fraternity men
of all classes arc eligible foi member
ship The president of the organiza
tion is an ex-officio member of Stu
dent Council.
Cosmopolitan Club
The Outing Club has for its aim
the promotion of interest m all foims
(Continued on page eight)
WELCOMES V 017—The Ontj Second Floor ttarlicr Simp In Town
“There’s a Iteanon" Why Vou, Too. Should Cllmh the Stair*
(SIVE US A TRIAL Acrovi from Foul Office on Allen Street
“You Can Get It at Metzger’s”
Penn State Seal Stationery 60c to $1.75. Fountain Pens $1.50
to $lO.OO. Eversharp Pencils.
Student Desk Lamps $l.OO to $7.50. Alarm Clocks and
Watches $l.OO to $6.50
Penn State Pennants—Banners. Pillow Tops, Souvenirs
Athletic Goods of All Kinds
Official Gym Uniform. White Jerseys. White Pants
Sweat Shirts Sweat Pants Rubber Soled Shoes
36 Upperclass Groups Choose
Students for Success
In Varied Lines
Two freshman scholastic honoiaiv
fraternities give the enihest recog
mtion to •jtudents who have been suc
cessful m scholai ship during then
first semester Thirtv-st\ upiiciclasl
- recognize fuither achieve
ment in various lines Intel in the col
legiate career.
Phi Eta Sigma awaids membci
ship to all freshmen who at tho end
of their first semester have attninec
a 2.5 minimum average and to al 1
who raise their giade to that by tin
end of the first yeui. With chnptei'
m twenty-nine colleges thioughout
the country, between Unity-five am
forey gain membership to the Ponr
State chapter. Alpha Lambda Delta
sistei fraternity to Phi Ela Sigma
performs the same functions foi tin
women students. Each yem fioir
five to eight women usually fulfill tin
2 5 requirement
The honorary fraternities usual!'
set up a minimum standard which i*
necessary foi a student to secure be
fore ho is considered for mcniboiship
Membeiship is not automatic on the
fulfilling of the paiticulai require
ment but depends on an election held
I by the active chapter at the College
Neatly every line of college activity—
scholarship, journalism, debating—
has its honoiancs which usually ■•lect
juniois and seniors When undci
classmen have been exceptionally out
standing and the society ruling pei
mits exception is made to the custom
of excluding underclassmen Elec
tions are m mos. cases held twice a
year, one in the fall and anothei in
the spring.
Journalistic Work
The highest tanking honomry foi
the recognition of scholarship in all
schools is Phi Kappa Phi which was
established at Penn State in 1000 To
become eligible foi election a student
must be in the uppei twentieth of the
class on the condition that his avci
age is at least 24. Election takes
place in the senior yeai.
Election to membeislup in Pi Delta
Epsitonj men’s national fraternity,
is on the basis of achievement m
journalistic work on the campus pub
lications Alpha Theta Epsilon is the
women's journalism society. Alpha
Beta Sigma is a professional journal
istic fraternity foi men students ma-
(Continucd on page four)
Text Books and Student Supplies
Complete as Low as $5.35
Complete Line of Smokers Supplies
(Continued fiom page one)
vcnis, one expuing each year.
The Union, according to the plan
would receive and act upon recom
mendations concerning student wel
fare, make it possible for a group to
seek advice concerning its piojects,
act ns a doming house for dates of
‘■vents pei taming to student interest,
seive ns a source of general informs
ion through the Union manager, and
ulvise the administration on the uses
*o which the Union feutures of Old
Main should he put
Elect Permanent Officers
The Union has no legislative power
nor is it a supemsoiy body, accord
ng to the ratified plan It deals with
jioups and TiOk individuals and has no|
nowei ovei its component groups ex
cept in making suggestions in the
orm of recommendations after un
minious consent of the commutes.
The student members are named by
*ho constituent gioups. As ratified
ij the Senate committee this orgoni
■atirm was to be tiled for one year
iftei winch all necessary and ndvis
iblo changes were to be made
Following the election of perma
icnt officers, the Union organized a
nass, meeting following the boxing
nteicollegiatcs, held an “open house,"
and acted as a souice of student in
foimation thiough its bureau situat
ed on the main flooi of Old Main. It
also advised the ndnumstra.ion on the
use of Old Main as a student center
and received favoiable action fiom its
Following the election of now rep
resentatives foi the 1931-19.12 Union
and the election of officers, the retir
ing president in commenting on the
Union said “During the first yeai
of its existence the Student Union
has unified activities to a greater ex
tent than has evei been done before.”
, Although the depression has cut
the emollment of many colleges Rog
istrai Hoffman, of Penn State expects
the College emollment here to be at
least ns large as last year.
Fust Class Shoe Repairing
11G Fiazei Street
r visf# r
\ HE |\ ITTSS"9 lON
. J ' -‘I
' l State CmXEGEIPENNsyLVfINirt
On Penn State Campus
Visiting Families Will Find
Delightful Accommodations at
Moderate Rates —Booklet on Request
(Continued f>om fiat page )
trousers, students considered then
ward-robe foi the yeai complete.
There were less pleasant moments
for freshmen who aimed shortly uf
tci the turn of the centuiy than for
thoso of 1931. The Old Main bell
unger could 101 l about it
“Believe me, those boys don’t know
how easy they have it,” he said “In
1902 when the boys came m to town
they were started off with a bang.
No sooner had they stepped from the
drays that hauled them from Lemont,
but some lowdy sophomores got a hold
of them and made ? eni walk the chalk
line ”
“It wasn’t anything for tho fieshies
to be greeted with a lot of old tonia
j tbes oi eggs thrown at them ”
1 Pleasanter memories? suuouml the
banquets which each class held, and
the scraps which surrounded their oc
cutrence with an added savor. To
Willinmsport, to Bellefonte, or some
othei nearby town, tho class-mates
would go, pursued by othei classes.
At one time sophomores greased the
railroad tiacks near the college to
prevent the freshmen front setting out
on tho expedition
Even after 1871, when co-eds were
first udmitted to the college, “dates"
were scarce Not only was the supply
ol available young women limited, but
written permission from tho president
and the dean of women was required
beforehand. For a number of yeais
no more than five co-eds were en
rolled at any one time
Changes in the yeais have obscured
Double Sockets—Lamp Cord—Attachment l’luf™.
Regular Carton Type 51.20 for SI .OS
All Kinds, of Electrical Supplies
All Kinds of Repair Work
Electric Supply Company
Opposite Postoffice 1 202 Allen Street
A “Real New England Inn*’
John .V. LeVine, lieitdenl M<
111 Allen Street
Pago Tin
(Continued pom fiat pa<y<
speeches, anil delivciv constitute
work of the squad Hew .ml
achievement in forensic lines is i
foim of a Key given hv the Colic
uny student who pin ticip.itcs u
intercollegiate debates in one ve.
For the puipoae of administ
debating alFuns, there is n Foi
Council made up of nine mu
appointed bv the scnioi,
dent fiom the three uppei
president is elected and holds
bership on the Student Count il
Forensic Council sponsois the i
muiul debate contest and .lids i
Sophomore Speaking Contest
which all sophomores are* cligil
many old legends, anti with Hi
pemance of new the old has 1
but foui years fiom now some
bei ot the class of ITU! will pic
ask, as have thousands before*
“Do you remember ..
Get Acquainted With
Opposite Postoffiec
Phone 871-J
State College, Pa.