Thtusday»-July 30,1»31 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE TWENTY-SECON3> SUMMER SESSION OFFICLAL ANNOUNCEMENTS '• fContoiacd from fint page) MONDAY, AUGUST 3 P M-—Student Assembly and Group Singing. Direction of Professor R. W. Grant. Auditorium. P J£—Lecture. “Problem Children in our Schools,” by Dr. H. V. Pike, Director of Clinical Psychiatry, Datreu*" State Hospital Auditorium. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 'J*2O P M.—Demonstratioa in Physical Education by Department of Health and Physical Education. Recreation Hall f-00 P. M.—Recital of “Dramatic Sketches,” by Frances Homer, Distin- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 guished Actress, New York. Auditorium. jdJO A M tc 9:00 P. N hL—Exhibition of summer students’ work of Depart ment of Art Education and Fine and-Apphed Art. Exhibition Gallery, Third Floor, Main'Engineering Building. jso P. IL—Lecture, .“Contemporary Tendencies in. English Drama,” by Mr A. C. Cloetingh, Professor of Dramatis. Room 315 Mineral « Industries Building. pOO P M —Annual Combined Concert of the Institute of Music Education THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 Chorus and Orchestra. Professor R. W. Grant, Director. ♦ Auditorium. g;00 A. M. to 9:00 P. JL —Exhibition of summer students’ work of Depart ment of Art Education and Fine and Applied Art. Exhibition Gallery, Third Floor, Main Engineering Building. ■T:00 P M.—Summer Session Commencement. Address by Dr. Clarence A. Barbour, President, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. | Xuditorium. | NOTICES AH membera. of the Summer Session Faculty are expected to join the i—Afm ii- procession in gcadpmig costumes preceding the Commencement I program. Credits will be granted only to those students who remain for final tfrgc periods. “ The tentative dates selected for the 1932 sessions are as fallows- Inter- Session, June 20 to July 1; and Main Summer Session July 5 to August 12. STUDENTS TO SEE . . PIKE’S HOSPITAL (Coafimted /torn £ref pope) ia cne year. Prohibition done little io de ■ creasy the'number ■who go uaane through alcoholic influences, be said. In 1916,3.6 of these in. Danville cama pf liquor. In 1930, IL9 per cent owed their insanity to -alcchoL ’ Four percent e£ the adult popnja —/ AlechoEe Insanity Greater tsm "are drug addicts, the lecturer 'declared. Sixty tens cf opium arc .ced in the United States each year, -while only three tons is needed “to apply _the entire world. - Eighty-ffrven percent of these at Danville become insane because of of these influences. Dr Pike said. - Only thirteen percent owed their ab . jarumllty to "physical injuries, or fcorders. STATE COLLEGE ALUMNAE , s - WILL HOLD BRIDGE'PASTY ■ 'Tbs State College Alumnae -dub rill hold ft bridge party in the base- CONTINUING OUR REDUCED -• PRICES ON LINGERIE E GOLF'S College Cut-Rate Store 1 -.Watch the" Window for Specials on Friday and Saturday . GRADUATION CABDS and GIFTS - \ TANDY and NOVELTIES TO TAKE HOME' PROPHYLACTIC VACATION, SPECIAL , - -25 c Tube Listcrine Tooth Paste Free with ■ - Each Prophylactic Tooth Brush 47c . Pennsylvania’s HISTORIC INDIAN CAVE ■v. . > . ■ yr . . ' Extensive Scenic Beauty ■ : Authentic Indian History; - . - f *t>- ' ;c - Located at v j- J+kANK LIN VILTJS - ? HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. **Pcwwytr;•> -Men’s White Ducks SLOO ; Mfen’s Golf Hose .' * $l.OO Men’sAthJeticUnderwear 2 for $l.OO Men’s Neckwear 2 for $l.OO Men’s Dress Shirts . . - 1.00 - Men’s Sport Oxfords . $3.95 - Men’s Dress Oxfords. . $3.95 Women’s Shoes . -Pair $l.OO - . - -* ’ ' A ■ '*' " - t Women’s Full Fashioned Chiffon Hosiery $l.OO THE PENN STATE CuILEGIAN r» . n, rrt Soccer: Captain Bill Hutchinson, l€TlTl utCLIQ l earns Salhsaa, Anderson, and Moselman, r Basketball: Captain Sol Saltsnaa, Lose 40 ' rLayers Williams, »d Haaeu. In Eleven Sports CLASSIFIED Borae: Cspbin Me Epstein, i p WBUC STpOGRAPHEE-Typtaj -*» r ■ - reports, themes, theses on short i j Girmn, Kißer, Babb, Parks, and notieej at reasonable rates. .Inquire ! [Petrochko. Wrestling: Captain Ed COQ-J, 113 W. dittany Are. 2tpße Pearce, Davenport, and Stem. Base-' | ball: Captain Jack Liveiey, Salta- ; LOST —Pi Gamma 2£n pin between jman. Stokes, Young, French, Musser, 1 old M»f«, library, New Lib | Diednch, Drill, ,end Hobbs. j eral Arts. Name on back. Return to I I Lacrosse* Captain Don Lewis, Ed- 1 Student Union Office, Old Main. ItehS | wards, Antonson, Anderses, Decker, ■ ■ i Heppenstall, __ ami Kaplan. Track 1 LOST—D. U. fraternity pin, July 23, Captain Chick Metsingor, Rekers ] downtown. Finder please return to Detvnkrr, W. King, Shawley, Musser, j Ur. James, Kappa Sigma, and receive ; McDowell, Fullerton, and Osbeek. i reward. Xtpße j Tama Cantam Ralph Robinson, 1 .. _ I Thomson, Cotans, imd Cropteim. | FO EENT _ Desi „ b , e stcoDd -Boor Golf: Captra Jolumy Moray. : r()om . Prints' ton* In the eleven varsity spo-ta at 1127 N AtheAon St ltpßg i Penn State last season forty-53 men I I were lost to future teams either ■ 1 — * J 088 ADYEBTISEES i will rot be able to compete next year: Football. Captain Frank Diednch, Frtench, Saawiey, Edwards, Evans, Miller Duvall, Zorella, Kaplan, and Livetey. Cress Country* Captar*' Paul Rekers, Meismger, and Detwile: . ‘ J ? $3.95 i $2.95 The Prices Effective Friday and Saturday Cotv Specials $l3O Coty Face Powder and 50c Size Coty Perfume $l-39 $l.OO Coty Talc —7lc $230 Coty Dusting 1 Powder $139 $l3O Coty Toilet Waiter, special packages, of-as sorted odors . 98c Shaving Needs 35c Wms. Sharing Cream 2Ge 35c Palmolive Shaving Cr. 24c 40c Sqnibbs Sharing Cr. —27c 25c Lisferine Shaving Cr. 15c 1 PL Bay Rum— 59c 1 PL Witch, flaxd 31c 50c JGißette Blades_'l____3le 35c Lifebuoy Shaving Cr. 21c 50c Ingrams Shaving Cr_29c 5Pc Swav Shaving Cream 29c 35c Gem Blades .1 23c 75c Schick jZcfzor. Blades -£3c 50c Par Shaving- Cream. -29 c $1.25 Tardley Shaving • Bowl- --.3;—* $1.09 a Real summer SHAVING VALUE New Mennen Combination of Shaving Cream and Lotion, an 85c Value, for 42c Thrifty Prices $1.20 Flaxoljn ?9c $l.OO Nnjol 69c 60c; Sal Hepatica -37 c $1.50 Fetrolagar 93c $1.50 Virginia Dare Tonic 2_:-. ~ " Sr^o"Tanlac“:___—™_Boc sl.3spieree’s Preparation &9c $l.OO Cod laverOa:—.i_69c 1 Qt." SGn«al'o2Liiir:m9Bc r 60c Energise 41c •85c Jad Salts— 65c 75c Bromomint ._49c $1.50 R» &D. Agar , 93c s2£o Ahsorbine Jr. .$1.89 ?5c- Freezqne - 1 -23 c $l.OO Ontgra _l 69c 50c Jce.lfint 37c SL'Marmola Tablets 71c $l.OO IL &D. Milk ' ' Magnesia. 59c 50c"Sqmbbs' Aspirin——39 c 1-U>. Epsom Salts™ 10c $l.OO Sqrribbs Adex Tabs._Blc $l.OO Squibbs Chocolate Viiauose l—- 83c Zi . Vqr qttrfermfam fra— — or Lemonade . Fresh Limeade 10c Fresh Peach Sundae 15c Far the Best, in Drinks and. Sundaes, Properly Served and Iced, Visit Our Fountain ,lf—-Stark Bros. FAt.SE REPORT 3f»Hcioas rumors ere circulating t «boot the town that the swim minx pool at Hcda Park had been rand«nne 39c sLo{KPebye- Grain Caps are water-tight 79c Other Caps, light weight 29c Fine Selection of Colors-and Combination .of Colors. New Stock Guaranteed Rubber. Tbe choice of everyone the world over.. Get it here and . get it fresh. 1 lb. Chocolate Coated Whipped Cream'——x_29e Fresh Shipment-ftf-Martha- Washington Candies just ’ received. Also a Fresh „ Shipment of Ann Warner Orange Slices— 5c &. Beechnut Mints and v .. Gum 3 pkgs. for 10c fill iese pfsconfinued’ ' * Model* of Parker Pencils - formerly *3 to *5 Ptseflicefergdasw tad sechiaictSy per fidy;; ef fiba4nakable Pamrurr. One gbea with ercyU»c-»t7le Parker Pea atJJJOtt $lO, iadnding Gtm» teed for TJ6- Doofold Peas. Tbit satziag offs good ooly fix • shorttme. Hurry] . Parker Quink’ , A new'lnk developed by the makers-of Parker Pats-and - the finest of Inks. , 25c Stationery Values Always the best for the least. Die Stamped and Plain. See our assortment and display. Prophylactic Tooth Brush.- and Listerine Tooth. Paste Combination, 75c»value.~ A value you cannot afforii to pass up at 42c- S' . . 'SaßeTOra r '• S - - ’ Boi .Cameras at- 89c, $1.69, _ : $4.00 and $6.00 - Hodqks to $lB.OO “A complete line—a complete color assortment .Dental Needs/ 40c Squibbs Tooth Paste_26c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste.—3lc' oOc-Orphos Tooth Paste—27c' 50p -Peosodent -Paste.-—3lc "50c ~Pebeco Paste 31c oflc-Kblynos Paste _29c 50c S. T. 37 Tooth $l.OO Pepsodent Antisep-.69c 50c jOr. West Tooth Brush 37c 60c Lyons Tooth Powder-43c ~6Qc Asiringosol 39c SU3D Mere!tan Sohilion_73c. 1.20 Glyco Thymoline. 89c $l.OO Lavoris —73 c -Toiletries and Beauty '' \Needs ;■? SI.QO April Showers Dustin? ' ‘—79c - §l.OO Squibbs Dusting - - - r—r^>-64C' . §l.OO Taanict Balh'Salts—69c' 25c ApriKShower Bath - ■' Crystals. 19c s SI.{KV Melle (SIo Ponder 73c’ -•soc' Mavis Face Powder.u29e' •52.00 Karess-Face Pwd. $1.59 §l.OO Evening In Paris Face ‘ Powder and 50c size Per fume - -- - i_B7c. 50c —J i—33c §LOQ Ponds. Cream—; 69c §lJ>O-Chenuny Dulcia . Ousting Powder ' 79c. $l.OO fiancee and Stress . -Compacts- ——87 e JLOO ‘Eyans.Depilatory—69c 15c Afrfolia —ir—-—-—23c . $l.OO ‘Odorofio : _ 67c 50c‘Jergens Lotion 33c $l.OO Kleenex __— 74c' 81J)0-7Ssh,'— 74c Tac'Jfoxzema— —47 c 25c c Jezgens Bath ' , Tablet’s 2 for 25c -50 c -Ney, Deodorant 37e - $l.OO Fiance FacePowd. 69c $l.OO flbobiga»t'Face, Powder I —;7le LePirro Items ' 51,50 LcPtrro Bath , - Powder —-98 c. s£2s LePfrro .Cleansing . Cream —. —-—9Bc 35c Cuticle. Remover --23 c $1.50 fcePoro. Faca Powd. 9Se‘ -ShOOJßatfa'Salts —79 c Toc-Ronge- ' -50 c 51.00 lipstick'——l --75 c 50c- Nall - Breach-'—' —33 c 35c LePirro Talc,- 19c' & Harper