Thursday, July 23, 1931 American Drama Had Real Origin in 1920/ Clark Says ’revious Playwrights Clever Craftsmen, Critic Thinks “A full-grown drama lias developed in this countty from its first bath eleven years ago," Banett Claik, dramatic cutie of New Yoik, said m Ids lecture, “The Ameucan Drama Comes, of Age,” Tuesday night Until eleven \onrs ago, America’s playwrights weie no more than in genious craftsmen, according to the visiting lcctuiei, who presented the fourth of a senes of talks bv visiting lecturers. ‘Some of these craftsmen seemed, at times, to point a waveung finger to ward sonic valuable diama,” lie said, 'but out of the 10,000 to 40,000 plays written in Aniei icn none can be found that have ical ait ” Febiuaiy of 1020 was given as the date for drama’s birth m Amcuca by Clark On this date Eugene O’Neill’s first full-size play was produced. Be fore this date, accouhng to the speak er, no dramatic woik in this country was genuine “It is better to cry incoherently thnn to say nothing intelligently,” ;aid Claik. “Before, men like Hearn were clever nnd nothing moio ” “The artist tak-s reality, aqd makes a s\mbol for it which be lomes reality,” ho said “We ;emem ier Victonan times, not as thevweie, nit very likely as Dickens painted .hem So w ith all ai t.” Modern di.imatists cate little about dousing un audience, he -«aid Their ntcrcst in technique is slight Thcv iave no set lules, are unhampered ’or this teason, among others, they re successful Those new playwrights deal with any character They do not seek ‘queer’ people or impoitant people, the dramatic critic said. Paul Gieen was his example of on 3 who “diops down hw> net and picks up enough sharacleis to last him foi a lifetime.” “And a play i«, first of all, a per son," he said “All gicat plays ie volvc about one man ” Claik told of the inability of pro ucors to lend the modem play wrights, binding them and checking iiem, cutting and revising No poi nt would dare to touch a comma in lugenc O’Neill’s woik, he said “A playwnght in Newark icfused alf-a-nnllion when a pioducei sug estod he should cut and revise,” said lark “The man staived for two cars, but he’s now among the best f the modem field ” The man he re irrcd to was Philip Barry. “The new school of playwrights enl with things and people they know nd know* well,” he declared. “That : why they wilte glamoioully’’ :UIT TESTS AROUSE WIDE INTEREST AMONG GROWERS Unusual interest in orchaid fertil ty expouments at the College has jeon shown by fiuit glowers in ten states and Canada, Prof. F N Fa ;on, of the department of horticul .ure, icvcaled yesteidav. Talks on the subject of maintaining ertility in the apple orchaid, based n experiments here, have been giv n by members of the horticultural tnlT it meetings in Virginia, Dala ;aro, New* Jeisev, Ohio, Massachu ■cits and Now Hamp^hne. The First National Bank of State College DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier < Our strength of resources, our complete modern facilities, and the spirit of. service shown by every officer and employee, make this a bank well able to give you the kind of service you will appreciate. Pennsylvania’s HISTORIC INDIAN CAVE •"v ” Extensive Scenic Beauty „Authentic Indian History ‘ i 1 iH -1 Ve*. Located at ' -A ' ’ FRANKLINVILLE HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. - ‘ “Pennsylvania’s Moat Into eating Natural Wonder” Lions, Lafayette Omit Grid Game in 1932 According to a newspaper ac count lcleascd fiom Enston, Penn State will not play Lafayette on the griduon in 10.12 because of rchcdule difficulties. The Lions will meet the Lcopaids this fall at Easton Two football games for the Penn State eleven have already been scheduled for 10.12 Pitt will be met Thanksgiving Day at Pitts buigh, and Harvard has been sched uled foi earhei m the season CLARK FORESEES DRAMATIC LIBERTY (Continued from page one) New York’s expenenccd dramatic critic believes “Now, in Europe, if you say that you once «nvv a play of Eugene O’- Neill’s, you’ll be feted and invited to any number of dramatic gatheungs,” he said. “Europeans are intensely m teiested in O’Neill and his Ameucan contcmpoiuucs ” Most of the cheeks laid upon dra matists in the past have b-’en remov ed, Bauctt Clark believes Produc-, eis no longci tieat playwughts as something to be slapped to the South Sea islands while the play is being rehearsed. “Hollywood’s chief hindrance m its attempt to produce genuine drama rather than ‘lollypops’,” Mr. Clark explained, “is that there are too many restrictions One cannot hurt the feeling of Tiny large gioup, one cannot afford to offend, o ie must play first and always to the box-office “Owen Davis went to Hollywood," he said, “at the request of one of the major studios, to ‘reform’ it At least this studio suggested that Davis could do a little reforming ” “Within a month he left. ‘You don’t really want to be reformed,’ said Davis ’You couldn’t be satis fied if you weie leformed’” “And so American drama will re man on the stage foi some time,” Barrett Claik says. “A change in ; motion picture production is very much to bo hoped for, but as long as the ‘lollypops’ satisfy the public, ‘lollypops’ will be produced ” lie smiles, shakes hands as he rises, nnd lights a third cigaielte CLASSIFIED LOST—In Libeial Aits building, small zippei bag containing $5 00, compact, comb, fountain pen. Return to AM.W, Omega Epsilon house. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—Typing reports, themes, theses on short notice, at icasonablc rates. Inquire GOO-J, 111 W Nittany Avc 2tpßo FOUND—SmaII purse containing small amount money, key and blank checks Owner can claim Saturday or; Monday, A L. Baker, 1 Hoiticulture Bldg LOST—VTighna Polytcchmcal Insti tute pin, pcails and rubies Masom G in lower pai t Lost between Cornc Room and Beaver A\e Please re turn to Anaboll Sober, 301 S Allei St. (Phi Kappa Psi). COLLEGE DIRECTS HOME EDUCATION 12,000 Students in 21 Years Have Taken New Correspondence Courses From Here More than 2,000 persons hnve taken coiicspondencc comics in ng iiculturc .md home economics of fered by the College dunng the lust twenty-five years, necoidmg to Pro fessoi M.nrs, director of the courses Professor Mairs has recently an nounced a new fiec course n Potato glowing, piopared bv D E. L Nixon, “potato wizard,’’ the College roseurch plant pathologist. The new course consists of eight lessons on seed selection and care, soil preparation and tillage, harvest ing and handing the crop for econom ical potato pioduction. Doctot Nix on stresses what he calls “potato mentality” as one of the chief factors for success in the industry. Eight fiee home study couises are offeicd in general nguculture, eight lin animal nulustiy, eight m horticul tuic, six in dairying, live n home economics, and seven in miscellaneous subjects. A punted college bulletin containing descuptions of all the courses will soon bo available PROF. YVURFL TO TALK ON GOETHE’S ‘FAUST’ Gives 4(11 Lecture in Drama Series Tomorrow Afternoon “Goethe’s Faust, One Hundred Years After Its Completion” will be the subject for Prof George Wurfl, of the Geiman department, in a lec tuic on diama in room 115 Minoial Industries building at 3 o’clock to lnonow afternoon. The lecture is one of a series on the diama of many countnes, given by cxpcits in vauous phases of diama Previous talks have dealt w ith Greek, French and English drama. Prof David D. Mason, of the de partment of Romance languages, dis cussed “Francois ib Curel’s The New Idol” m the thud Tccluie of the series last Fnday afternoon. KAPPA DELTA PI, PSI CHI IN COMBINED MEETING TONIGHT Kappa Delta Pi, national honoiniy education fraternity, and Psi Chi, na tional honorary psychological frater nity, will hold a joint meeting at the University club at 7 30 o’clock to night Dr P E Davidson of Stanfoid university will speak on “Charactei and Moral Guidance,” and Dr G H. Ficke, of Lafayette college, will dis cuss “Religious Education ” Faculty nnd students who are interested may attend. PEACE CARAVAN COMING Under the auspices of the Women’s International Longue foi Peace and Freedom a Peace Caravan, formed m San Francisco, California, is now on its way through the country infoim ing the people concerning the Intel national Disarmament Confeicnce to : be held in Geneva, Switzerland, next February “You Can Get It at Metzger’s” Penn State Souvenirs and Novelties Beck Ends * Pennants Pencil ,Sets Calendars Albums ■ • j ' Pencil Sharpeners. -; Tie Racks . Cigarette-Cases *Pm Trays ' < 1 Pen Wipcis Playing Cards Wooden Bowls Large Assortment of Books at Half Price L. K. METZGER 111 Allen Street A Complete Food Service * The C or ner unusual Whitman’s Chocolates, Kemp’s Salted Nuts, Standard Brands, Candy Bar Goods, Cigars and Cigarettes TiiE PelnN STaTE COILEGiaN Electrical Application To Bacteria May Solve Man’s Greatest Problems An application of electucity to the smallest of living creatines pionmes a new* appioach to tindei standing some pioblems in the life of nun, accoid ing to Dr. M. W. Lisxc, piofc-sor of biophysical and biological chenustiy, and Plot. 11. P. Tittsk'i, of the bac teuological depaitment These Penn State profcssois aie actually measunng the decimal dif lerenco between life and death in Col lege laboiatones In living bacteria they find a small decimal chaige These lmcteim will die if the charges aie lost. The experiments show that tins cleeti ical charge conics from chemical elements the soil, a fact which shows that science mnv be able to discovci how fnimcis can select foi- Ag Chemists May Make Better Golf Greens in Future The possibility that agiicultural Scientists will be able to pioduce bet tei golf gicens in the futuie has been enhanced bv expetnnents conducted bv the School of Agricultuic, under the direction of H B. Musset. Foi the past two years Mi. Musser has been experimenting with a trial green. Ho selected 150 pci feet blades cl grass from thousands of blades on the finest greens piocuroble Blades of grass, according to Piofcssoi Musset, t'lflei like a family of chihhen Some have a special quality foi putting giecns, standing uptight in a unifoim carpet insend of lying in lumps They also diffei in then coioi and lesistence of disease The expci i mental fields, foi more than one can be developed fiom a single field, are found to become gieen eaihei m the spiing, and also stay greenei in dry weather than legulai giecns. A single plant in the green house in Febiuaiy* spieads to a six toot cncle by nml-summei In la-»t summer’s thought some lemnined gieen thioughout an August with only one-sixtv-foui-hundiedth of an inch ol rain which followed an unusually dry July Mv. Musser believes that this kind ot cultivation will eliminate a dispute between the puitisans of two methods ot producing a good gieen. One side fnvois seeding, the othei planting cut tings The College woik in this line indicates the possibility of producing strains hardy enough to retain all putting qualifications veni after pear, regardless of whether seeded oi cut tings. FR VTERNITY HOLDS SMOKER Alpha chnptei of lota Lambda Sigma, national ndustiia! education fintermty, held then anribal smokui last Thursday ntght at the Alpha Tau Omega fxateinlty house One hun dred and twenty-five members and their friends attended the smoker which was addiessod by Di F Tlveo doie Stiuck, head of the depaitment of industrial education, and national president of the grand chapter of lota Lambda Sigma. tih/eis to “step up” the electucity in the hactcua and lengthen then life A line glass tube enables the Penn State scientists to measuie these elec trical chmgcs in bacteria. The tube ha 1 * been constiucted so that it has a diffeiencc m potential between its two ends When bacteria pass through the tube, then speed is propoitional t>- the amount of the cleeti ical chaige in then bodies Piotessoi Lisso suggests that the oxpenmunts will help scientists to dis covei how food peimcute tissues of both plants and animals, and to learn moro baout the function of tissues The expeuments also may possibly discovei the solution of the living pro toplasm of cells. Movie Chats Less than a ycat ago, liene Dunne was comparatively unknown to mo tion pictuie audiences Then she was given the lolc of Sabra Cravat in the epic “Cimmaron” nnd hei bnlliant work earned her to stardom She is now* veiv much m demand and Metro has recently boirowed hei fiom Radio Pictuies to play* opposite Adolphe Menjou m “The Giont Lovei.” The littci pictuie has been made fiom the famous stage play m which Leo Ditrichstem stalled for so many yeais The bnlliant cast includes Erno*.t Tonence, Neil Hamilton, Cliff Edwards Ilalo Hamilton, Roscoe Ates and Baclanovn It lemainod foi Mnunce Chcvnhei, famous Pausian Punce of Poisonal i*v, to demonstrate that pictuies with mu-'ie aie still m demand—if they aie good pictures’ The out standing pictuie of tlie summer—with a iccoid of two months in New Yoik at ?2 00 pi ices—jis “The Smiling Lieutenant,” in which Chevaliei sings a numbei of -.ongs and for which music was written by Oscar Straus, noted Viennese composer Mauucc was last seen m State College several jcais ago in “Innocents of Pans,” his fust American pictuie Ho will PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS A Complete Printing Service The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company Between Movies and the Corner * SWIMMING at HECLA PARK 7 Miles East of Bcllcfonto on Route 220 aoon ictuin .r. “The Smilmg I.icutcn : ant,” icgiuded as lus best to daU* Cluudetto Colbcit, Minnm Hopkins und Chatlu Ruggles aie in suppoit Polly Moran, famous as a paitnei with Mane Dtessler m some side splitting comedies, iceently under went an operation on hei nose that w«.- designed to straighten the pio- Uuiling “beak” Some thought Polly’s caicoi would teiminute with ho chief beuuty (?) mink gone, but in the latest Diesslei-Moian comvdy, “Poli tics,” th-ise two women comediennes Lave what is con.ideicd to be then funniest story to dite Mane’s unique methods of whipping tile politicians into line will bung you many a laugh Tallulah Bankhead, daughter of a U. S. Senatoi, who went to England and achieved success on the stage, then was biought back to America for pictures, is lepoited to have gam ed 10 pounds after being placed on a milk diet at the icquest of Para mount Her fust pictuie was “The Tarmslwd Lady ” She is now work ing on a new pioduction Aftci thiec yeais of “Sez Yous,” Flagg and Quilt, famous movie Leathernecks, are to be given a change of personality Stalling with their memorable “What Puce Gloiv,” these two loughneck Matmos, played by Victoi McLaglen ami Edmund, Lowe, have battled each other in! eveiv pait of the wm Id in succeeding pictures While it is hkclv they may , team together in some futuie pic-! tures, the chaiacleiizations will be! quite remote fiom the Flagg-Quirt formula McLaglen, bv the wav, has quite a different rale in “Annabelle’s Allans,” m which he is co-featurcd with beautiful Jeannette MacDonald. Two famous pictuies of foimei yeais mnv be leni.ule into sound pioductions, accouhng to iceently an- Congress Playing Cards DOUBLE DECK $1.20 SINGLE DECK 60c The Athletic Store ■ On Co-op Corner | SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT VARICOSE VEINS AND VARICOSE ULCERS Dr Walter K. Foley, of Minneapolis, Minn , who has a national leputalion for the injection tiealmcnt of VARI COSE VEINS and ULCERS, will hold a CLINIC in REI.LE FONTE and STATE COLLEGE, July 29-30-31 No charges will be made for examination and consultation, how-cver, moderate fees will be charged when treatment is given. The Foley method has been used successfully in thous ands of cases. There is no hospital expense, no detention fiom business and no anaesthetic is leqmicd The Foley method is used successfully both for VARICOSE VEINS and VARICOSE ULCERS. Dr. Foley will examine and treat VARICOSE VEINS during this CLINIC at the office of DR. K.L. CAPERS Appointments may be made by calling this office: Phone 12S J & M Bcllefonte Phone sfl2—State College Page Threg nouiced plans Univeisay is consul ennp leniakinp “'llie Hunchback nL Notte Dame,” with Bv‘ln Lupo-a, star of “Diaculu” in the pint made fa mous Lon Chanv>, while* Idolio is uddinp sound to “Tin* Hip Pa iade“ in expedition of tc-i-‘Uinp it. Wainei Bros and National will in.ike no more p.mpstci piduies, acc-oidmp to lec-ent announcement by Sam C Moms pcneial sales man npoi This, dv-pite the fact tint in “Little Cae-'Ui,” and “'I he Public En enn,” Waiim's had two of the best pimp pictuies of the* veil Mine* chil ill on’*- pictuies will be alien'd in stead, he lultU This is welcome news to most families MARQU \RI)T, lIOFFMW AT 3-D.n CHICAC.O CONFERENCE To eitei a discus-aon of the new cnllepe cuniculti established at Chi capo, and Yale, l)i Call E. Maiquaidt. Collepe E\anunei, and Repisttar William S Ilolfman ate at tendmp a thice-daj confluence of col lepe administiative officeis at Chi capo la-t week. Tile president of Chicipo uiu\c*isi t> will speak at the coixiice Dean* of Ilaivaid and Yule, n-, well as nd lepe admmistiatois tluouphout tin countiy, will be inei-ent SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Moore’s Specialty Shoppe