Friday, Alpy ££, lltti Sidelines The complete shut-out of the Nit tany trackmen by Temple univeisity in the 100 yard da a h and all but thud in the 220 yard iun Saturday reveal ed an obvious Lion weakness m these events. Pitt with Harris, Ulteijinck, ami Monheim is expected to score heavily in these events tomorrow, and liases its hope foi winning the meet on the ability of the dash men to outpoint the Nittany entrants. Captain Utterbnck, dusky track leader of the Panthers, was t(ie only' Pitt man to score a win In the field events nt the meet on New Bearer field last year. llis leap of 23 feet 11 inches gained him a victory in the broad jump. In addition Uttorback placed sec ond in the high jump and in the pole vault. He is the first color ed athlete to he honored with a cnptninc) of a Pitt team. I=2=l Three college lacrosse teams are outstanding this yeni for the cham pionship. nccoiding to Coach Ernie Paul, 'Nittany stick mentor With undefeated seasons so for, the Johns Hopkins, St. John's and Maryland teams aie the leading contenders. The Mniyland twelve defeated the Lion? by a decisive score. Army, which will meet the Nittnny team tomor row, lost to the Ilopkins twelve 4-to-l at Baltimme. Tufts college heads the list of Eastern intercollegiate baseball teams with an undefeated record. Pcnii Slate is among the ranking nines, with two defeats in seven gnmes Lehigh with one victor> _in eleven starts is on the other end'of the list. £ ‘ 0 gMikc Milligan, member of the Pitt g' ran track team, for two years he 100 yaid dash m the mter stic track meets held heie, as rosontativo of Peabody high sfrool of Pittsburgh. As a member o£ the Pitt freshman team he has b£en the outstanding performer, plac ing consistently in the 100 yard da3h, the 220, and in the discus throw. An ofhoi star performer for the fiesh riihn team which will meet the Nit tiny fiist-vear men tomonow is Kel ]&, who has chalked up a time of 2/5 seconds m the quaitcr-mile isin and has done the half mile in less ti(an two minutes j, Jolm N. ShafTer ’3l, guard on l ’the freshman football team last J.faH, has passed entrance* exami • nations for the ,Unitcd States Na val Academy and vvIII report - there June Hi. ShaiTcr plajed in \ both freshman grid games and received his numerals in football *, Penn State teams have piobably engaged in more athletic contests with Syracuse representatives than those of any oth-n college On one day the vaisity and ficshman foot ball teams and the soccer players battled to scoreless ties, while the Nittany haulers downed the Hillmen. Defeating the Lions twice in basket ball, the Orangemen lost in both box ing ai)l wiestling Spring spoit3 have been a complete sweep for Penn State. The batsmen, stickmen, and trackmen defeated the Hill athletes this year A tennis match, scheduled with the Orange, was rained out. Two Lion have been forced e M 3 Jlaiold M. Foisytli M 3 “YOU CAN GET IT AT METZGER’S” \ PENN STATE SOUVENIRS and NOVELTIES * ‘ PLAYGROUND BALLS and BATS " : ATHLETIC GOOI3S OF ALL KINDS L. K. Metzger , ' 111 Allen Street /' T Beautiful Electric Lamps $lO.OO Alladin Lamps $10.50 —$12.00 French Drip Coffee Maker $1.40 Dough Blenders 50c Wooden Spoons . . 18c—20c—25c Knapp Orange Juicers . ... $1.25 Sunkist Orange Juicer 35c Hand Painted Cake Cover and Tray $1.50 Ovenware in Attractive Colors 15c to $1.35 Window Shades, Awning, Linoleum Frigidaire THE KEEFER HARDWARE FIVE DOLLARS AND MOPE > THE FINCHLEY HAT * WILL BE FOUND HERE EXCLUSIVELY Nationally *s Known L'Klii PENN &TaTe lulLEulain NITTANY STICKMEN , TO OPPOSE ARMY Seek Second Successive Victory Over Academy Twelve At West Point Engaging m their last game n\vn\, a Nittany iatiosso tenm mil meet the Aimv twelve at West Point, at 2 550 o’clock tomouow afternoon Coach Ei me Paul will stait Gwynn in the opening line-up at the goul position, with McMillen and Dav nt the points Houck, Detkei, and Ed waids. v. ill play m live defense posi tion? Edel will play at eontci while Smith, Carlson, and Anton«on will form the Lion defense. 18 To Make Trip Capt Lewis will plav in the out home position and Wcbei i* scheduled tor in home Ciamci, Ileppcnstall, Croohe, Ilassan, Kiclar, and Kaiser will piobnbly cntei the game Having lost only one game this season the Lion sticktneii will at tempt to repeat Uieir last year’s vic toiy over the Army team, 4-to-3 With a foinndnble list of victories to their emht, the Aimy iccently lost its fiist game to John? Hopkins uni* vcisity stickmen nt Balttmoie, 4-to-l. Colgate, Swaithmore, Rutgeis, Bos ton univeisity, Haivard, and Union aie among the college teams which have been defeated by the Cadet la uossemen with wide maigins. INVITE SOIL EXPERTS HERE Invitations for the soil feitility conference to he held hcic June 24 to 2G have been mailed to soil tech-' nologists throughout the United! States, Canada, England, and Western Europe. Lion Cindermen Will Meet Panther Team Tomorrow Nittany Track Squad To End Season At Stadium In theii final dual meet of the sea son, the underrated Nittnnv tiaekmen will oppose the Univoisitj of PiU>- buigh )unnci -> .tomouow afternoon at tin stadium at Pitt-bmgb Although defeated bv Ohm Slate. West Virginia, and Anm, the Piti theis suipiiscd their foßoweis Itv downing the Carnegie Tech te tm BG'/i-to-48K* Uttiiback, dvcathalon athlete, is the outstanding Liackman on the Pitt team In the meet with the Tin tans, litteiback won the hioad jump, tied foi lust place in tin high jump, placed second in the pole vault and second in the eentuiy. Lions Slrong in Heights Coach Caitmell has selected Ken nedy, Dale, and Ed Flemnk-en to icp icsent Penn State in the dashe?, and Gutsavage and Sam I’lennikcn to en ter the 440 Rekeu. will nm the BSO and compete m the mile. Olhei half nulcis making the tup to Pittsbuigh are Hughes, Dunavvav, and Willaid King, while Sicskv and Detvulei will also enter the mile Captain Meismgei anil ChaiW King will mn the 2-mile, while Mc- Dowell and Hill aie slated tu enUi the high hurdles, and nNo compete H. L. STUART Nittany Prig. Bldg. INSURANCE ARE YOU HUNGRY And busy—do you like delicious food and clean sm loundlng^‘ , THEN TRY Texas Lunch South Allen Street TEPPING INTO A MODERN WORE “THE THINKER” ... a telephone version The name Electrical Thinker might be ap plied to one unit of telephone apparatus. Technically it is known as a Sender and is brought into action each time a call is made in a panel dial central office. By means of electrical mechanism, it records or “remem bers” the dialed number and routes the call to the proper line. The steady expansion of the Bell System BELL SYSTEM A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM Of I N TER-C ON N ECTIN G TELEPHONES TO RUN m Last Dual Meet for Lion Trackmen L.A_ PAUL REIvERS *3l in the low huidie? along with Ful leiton P.ilmei and Band aie the Nittanv entiie. in the high jump WOULD YOU LIKE A DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED DINNER? TRY ' Fenway Tea Room Acioss fiom Front Campus There is no better reference than an established credit and a healthy Bank Account. We Invite Your Account The First National Bank of State College in volume of calls, number of telephones and miles of wire cannot be taken care of meiely by an enlarged use of existing types of apparatus. To serve the continually growing telephone needs of the nation, it will always be the task of Bell System men to devise, refine, perfect and manufacture new kinds of equipment such as The Thinker. Foge Tlii’cd PLEBE TRACKMEN WILL ENGAGE PITT Unhicd Yearling 3 rock Combination Will Meet Panther Freshmen 'roniorrow Aflernnnn An untiied freshman tinck team will face the Univoi«it\ of Pitts laugh yenihngs tommimv afternoon at the Panthei V stidium 3 lie me-it will he held in conjunction with the vai-itv meet In then oulv dual meet of the rea son, twunlv-lhioe fie-hmen, selected on the buns «.f Hi.n -bowing mliml meets, will nuke the 1 1 ip to Pilts- Lingh 'Jhe Paiitln-i fie-hmen have victmios in dual meet- to crjd lt ovei Kuki uni the Carnegie Tech plebes Included m the list *-elactj