‘ENN STATE COLLEGIAN lihed eemt-weeVly during the College rear, except on holiday*, lie of The Pennsylvania Slate College, in the intereat of the Ihe student*. faculty, alumni, and friend*. SING BOARD TIIE HANAI K. ULERtCII 'SI ALAN D CUTTING '3l Business Manager ALGERT J. MILESKI '3l Circulation ’Manager HARRY C. WOOD 'SI Advertising Manager WILLIAM R HEILMAN '3l Foreign AiKirtlxing Manager JANET. L BROWNBACK '3l Women's Editor E lOUISE lIOFFEDITZ ’3l Women’s Managing Editor Editor MORGAN '3l Mnnaulns Editor C. McCLVAIN 'SI Sports Editor COHFN '3l News Editor ZS A. SCHMIDT Jr. *3l News Editor B. SORLER 'BV News Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Frenr '32 lluuh R Itiloj Jr '32 Stewart Townsend *32 i. Inine ’32 Theodore A. Sirriit ’32 Edward W. White *32 WOMEN’S ASSOCIATE EDITORS lnrqunrdt 'l2 Morgan t Tuchnn '32 Mary M. Wright '32 ASSOCIATF BUSINESS MANAGERS *rb '32 lone C McKecn '32 Samuel Sinclair *32 link 'l2 Wend,-It l/ Rihm *32 Edward S Sperlnc '32 at the I'nMofflrf, State College. Fa, as second clasa matter. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1031 GIVING CO-EDS THE NEWS n the lust fc*vv months the CollfgiaN in its nt t<» advance the intoie<*t** of the women students College ha» been tiytng to open more news sources futuie Women’** Editors in older that tt may t& leadcis bettci. One of the oiganizations which mod the Colm-gian representation h} an ex nember is the W S G A Senate. e Senate ptofcis to mete out penalties to the who, willy mil}, must accept them as the} ate . an} oppoitumty of finding out icasons for the le inconect stoiy m the last issue of the Col coniet ning women students' % lsitmg of men’s fm housea is anothei example of wh} the Women's should sit in on Sennte meetings The MSG cets, untinincd in news value, natutally ha\o no f the ioluti\c news importance of then sona action It is the duty of the Women’s Editoi, •i, to Keep the co-ed population of Penn State 1} infoimed conceining the laws.tn which women ts aie subject It is logical that, since the W S makes those laws, women students aie entitled lepiesontation. The piess is leprc-onted every- in democratic law-making bodies We might an equal!} fan icpiesentation. ROTH JURY AND PROOF imoriow Penn State will assemble once more to I those undoigiaduates who have w'on academic lacy Into one houi the College will crowd its locognition of the honoi students who base* the respect of then classmates , to emphasis which an educational institution on high scholaiship is a fail cnteiion of its uc iunking The interest shown in Penn State’s Scholaiship Dn\ ceiemomes should be a logical of judging the attitude of students towaid the which they piesumably came to college foi—to knowledge. lowledge consists of fai more than classroom g, but the existence of extra-curricular methods ation cannot by uny stretch of the imagination be red an excuse for neglecting classes. At one in the development of colleges there may have 2i eat distinction between the “nctiv ities man” and olai The difference between the two gioups to shght glance at the piogiam foi Scholaiship Day is nt pioof that scholais have activities as well. The who has no ideal but classroom proficiency is a line Rnthcr, the fact that an undo graduate mgh scholastically has become an ’indication of ncstness m accruing a well-rounded education \ou attend the scholaiship exeicisos tomonou, II have an oppoitumtv to find out two things ly pio\e foi youiself that academic leadeis aie leadcis as well, and you may judge by a glance ittondancc how fai Penn State has advanced to ie of the ideals of a gtent university FACULTY IN ATHLETICS suggestion made m the oditoi ini columns of the t Shitl<‘)it if adopted bv colleges who sponsor nal spoits on a mthei laige scale might go a lys towaid bunging about a closei lclationship tei fellowshij) between students and facult} • editorial loeommends that the faculty, pul i’ in spoits buch as tennis and golf, he en- d to entci teams in the mtramuinl athletic icnts The idea is not as impincticnl noi impos- it at fust mnv seem ic than once it has been pointed out that one of diantuges of a laige college is that, as a gon- e. theie can be no intimate association between ■ und faiult} In many cases attempts have been i conect this lather unhealthy situation. Cer itiuctnis encouiage intimacies with undcrgind lomelimes to the point wheie the close association i unwise. Moie often, howcvei, tiadition has to '‘pal’’ with a "pi of” bungs contempt fiom tudents. couise the plan to have fnculty teams paitici foothall, baseball, or tiack would be impiac it in the minoi spoits which arc indulged in fre by membeis of the faculty, it would bo highly - that a fnculty gioup might offei stifi compoti the student teams At any rate, dnect contact the student body and the fnculty would lie god by such a plan, not to speak of the benefits ie older men would deme fiom a moie mgan lem of spoils. OLD MANIA We heard a stoiv a few dn\s ago about an inci dent which came off m Fathei Rhoton’s ps}cholog\ class It seems that a discussion came up o\ei the evils of cribbing on examinations, and there was a good bit of blathei pio and con Finally some co ed all imbued with the Spint of Righteousness and all that, said, “Mi Rhoton, why last yeai my loom mato and I had to take a chemistry final. Well, my loommnte cubbed, and I didn't And she jlttnhtd and I p(lSß(’^t ,, ' M heieupon Ed Zorn, who’s soit of a dope an}\vn}, stud, “Y’kmivv, that’s funny, Mi. Rhoton Because last }eat mv loom-mate and I took an English final, and I cubbed and lie didn’t And T pasted and he f bulled"' And then people wonder wh> we have gangsteis m this countiv. Tsk, tsk Anvwav, a few da}s latci Miss Vntue Tnumphant got up and gave a heated oiation on Couitcsv in the Clas«ioom Theie! I guess that'll Zem }ou n lesson. Well, some da} we’ie going to schedule that couise In case vou haven’t heaid, the dope is that Fathei Rhoton is all foi making students think, which shows that he hasn’t been aiound much oi he would n’t be so idealistic. Never the less, we'll have to admit it’s a good idea, and nobody but a nice old gent like Rhoton would think of anything like that An}how, Father thiows a qui/7 each and eveiv iccitation, and the questions lun something like this. Do we went clothes on account of instinct oi the wcathei oi what, do fui-heating animals won} veiv much about things, uihoJt makos college piofessois get bald, usually, who shot Jake Lingle, is falling in love a habit oi just a tufF hieak; wheie oh whole arc the dignified seniors. The idea being that the student gets completely baffled and he has to think about something or he’d go 'tmk laving noits It’s all vciy complicated and psy chological, but vve’ie for it tooth and nail Father Rhoton, we maintain, is o k, and we’ll back him to a Wete }ou at the Housemlle file Wednesday mte 7 What, you vveien’t 1 Whole’s that Penn State Spirit, huh 7 Well, we weie, and vou should have been theie Moie fun! Somehow vvt’ie all the tune having our illusions shatteied, but last week was soil of a field-day foi ilUision-shattoimg in tins department Fm one thing, we got in the know about how gu}s get to be class piesidents and the like, which pmcttcally luined the whole da} But the leal climax* to a long and coloiful carcei of having illusions shot to hell came thn> way Evei since we enteied this college we’ve looked upon co-eds with a nasty sneei on our pan, icgaidmg them a*- altngethci unneccssai} featuies' of the campus, and milking them seveial feet below bottom on the social scale Ah, but the flesh is weak! In spite of all om lelcntless disappiovnl of Penn State Students m Step-ins, theie was one wien we had a jaundiced eye on—venlv, a smart-looking lass "Theie,” we thought? "i*- a damsel deceiving of more than passing notice” Sr we used to kind of woislup hei at a distance, and the lust thing }oti know we weie losing weight and getting lings and things undei oui eyes Well, the othei dav we weie coming down the walk fiom Old Main, and who should bo stiolling m front of us but Miss Wondeiful. We sighed iaptly and sidled up behind hei in time to hear hei remat k to her com panion, “Gawd, Sue, didjoou gotta loada wot Joe was handin’ nio lass mte 0 ” Bov, we’ve gained five pounds since then And we mustn't forget that Tin*- guv R E Galbiaitli is r Seen aiound a lot of swal plnith is Don’t tell iih l We know it’s lousy, and you don’t see ua getting all excited about it l A Reminder Mother’s Day SUNDAY, MAY 10th Send her a card today. Our selection of “Mother” “Mother and Dad” and Special Cards for this oc casion is complete KEELER’S Cathaum Theatre Building ‘End Sophomore Customs, 9 Say Tribunal, Class Heads Campus Representatives Stress Retention of Present Freshman Rulings That sophomote customs should ba done awav with is the general op inion expressed bv lvpiesontative membeis of each class m an inquuy conducted this week. Fteshmen lulcs are a ncces«itv, accoidmg to the view-, cxpiesved John Zoielln "11, piosident of Stu dent Tiibunal, expressed himself as entnolv oppowd to «ophomoie icgu lations, stating that thev aie not en foiced now because upperclassmen refuse to repoit violations and to en foice lulings Freshman customs should be kept ps they aie, with oveiy lulo being checked stringently, lu added “If sophomore customs could be en foieed lignlly,” said Harold A Mcyets Ml!, nwvl} elected senior class presi dent,” I believe they should be ic tained, although the piesent status of second }eai uihngs admittedly 13 verv pom." "The piesent customs applying to freshmen undoubtedly are benefici il and should he continued,” he said, KAPPA GAMMA PSI TO GIVE CONCERT Ilnnorar.v Music Sncietv Will Offer Selection*. From 5 German Composers Sund.i} Presenting selections ft om five famous Geimnn composeis, Kappa Gamma Psi, national honorary music fiateimt}, will give its annual con ceit m Schwab auditorium at 3 o’- clock Sunday afternoon Maj Wil fied 0. Thompson of the department of music will duett tha oichestia "The War Match of the Pnests” fiom Mendelssohn’s “Athalia” will be pln}ed by the ensnrble as the fust numbei Then next otfeiing will be an ovcituie, “Dm FUdermaus,” by Stiauss Ei nest P Black Ml, violin ist, will plav Beethoven’s “Romance” ns> the next selection The oichestia will piesent the fourth numbei, a suite in tines paits, bv Schumann The movements aie “Allegio Pompuo.” “Andantino,” and "Allegretto non Tioppo” The next section of the piogiam will be the ; famous "Moonlight Sonata" of Beet ;hoven. llaiold F Hetiick ”12 .will prxsent u piano composition, At Virginia and Kentucky ... down where tobacco grows . college men choose this one outstanding SMOKING TOBACCO THE men who go to the univer sities of Virginia and Kentucky know tobacco ... they see how it grows and what makes it good. So when Virginia students, and the men who stroll down old South Limestone Street m Lexington, pack their pipes with Edgeworth, their choice tells volumes about the cool, slow-burning quality of this favorite smoking tobacco. It’s the same story everywhere— North, South, East and West. In 42 out of 54 leading colleges and universities, college men prefer the smooth, fragrant burley blend of Edgeworth. Try Edgeworth your self* You’ll find more pleasure in a pipe than you ever knew before. Every tobacco store' has Edge worth, loethe tin. Or, for generous free sample, write to Lams & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va, EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edcoworth la n blond 1,, mr»ii of lino old hurleys, with its natural savor ,/ r^r T;!: '■* fg| Buy Edgeworth any- r whore in two forra. —“Ready-Rubbed" aml“l>lUKSlict-" All Vlt&Z slacs, 15 1 pockot Js2«Ttf3 pockoßo to pound n B humidor tin. “but probably they would serve their purpose better if concentrated into a slightly shot ter penod of time.” Hm ry A. Baudcr, next } ear’s lendci, believes that sophomore regulations should bo ab olished entirely, leaving no distinct ion between second year men and up pciclassmen He agieed with the others questioned as to the necessity of keeping stuct customs during the fust }eai With the possible exception of wealing a hat, sophomore icgulations should be repealed, in the opinion of C Wilson .indeison, new leader of the class of 1031. Sophomores, ought not to be foiced to wear coats, es pecially on hot days in fall and spring, ho believes “All freshman customs should be m force,” snid the sophomoie presi dent, “until the Easter .vacations, when those who have obe}ed the reg ulations could be permitted to assume the status of second yeai men ” “Rondo Capiicuoso,” aj the sixth number. Two selections fiom the Wagner opoia, “Tannluusei,” will be played by the orchestra. These num bers, the “Pilgrims' Chorus” and “Fest March,” will conclude the all- 1 Gcinran piogiam I The orchestra, of perfect little syin-, phony proportions, consists of twen-l ty-six men, all membeis of the organ- ; izntion S Eugene McKibbcn Ml and , Wilfred 0 Thompson coilaboiatcd m arranging the year’s concert. R. F. STEIN MOTOR CO. 121-123 S. Burrowcs Sf. Storage, Gas, Oil, Repairs 24-Hour Service Phone 252 NEW LINEN SUITS and - PANAMA HATS at Moore’s Dress Shop East College Avenue GIFTS of MERIT foi M OTHER at CRABTREE’S Allen Street REA and DERICK, Inc. H Flat Fifties of Luckies, Old Golds, Chester fields and Camels ' ’ 29c .$3.50 Kaywoodie Pipes„_.s2.9B 10c Robl. Burns Staples per bos .$3.98 Imported Revnaldo Long Manillas—loc; box 98c 10c Blackstones, Optimo, Robt. Burns and Council man 3 for 25c Shaving Needs Fore, After Shav. Lotion«_39c 81.00 Gillette Blades 89c .$l.OO Snow, the New Face Depilatory 89c 50c Aqua Velva 35c 33c Lifebuoy Shav. Cream 2*lc 50c Ingrams Shav. Cream 32c 50c Menncn Combination 40c Squibbs Shaving Cr. 31c Skin Balm and Cream 37c .$1.25 Pinauds Lilac 89c 50c Mollc 37c 25c Listcrine Shaving Cr. 16c 47c Menncn Combination Talc and Creaml 35c Visit our fountain for real courteous service and the fin est in Home-Made Ice Cream. lIUO KEtiUEtsT INFORMATION CONCERNING SUMMER SESSION Forty-four hundred requests foi summer session bulletins and inquiries concerning the summer session cours es have been received thus far, Dean Will Giant Chambers, director of the summer session, announced yester day. x “This number represents an in crease of more than one thousand over the number of requests and in quiries received at thus * time last year,” said Dean Chambers, “and present indications point toward an emollment foi-the 1931 summei ses sion as great if not greatei than in foimer ycais” Suitcases, Golf Bags, Repaired 8 All Kinds of Lenthci Work B J. H. Strouse I ,Fiaser Street J Foster Coal and Supply Co. GENUINE - ANITA . Punxsutawney Coal Phone 114-M - College Cut Rate Store Specials for Friday and Saturday Posted on the Windows MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS Whitman's and Shellenberger’s Mother's Day Box Candy Other Gifts Suitable for Mother THE NEW EASTMAN VERICHROME Kodak Film—Foi Best Results—ln All Kinds of Weather The P ENN Q TATE JT HOTO vJ?HOP DEVLOPING AND PRINTING 212 East College Avenue Stale College, Pa. The Decorative Spender Doesn’t Adorn His Community like the Humble Saver First National Bank DRUG STORES OF SERVICE !RE SPENDING IS'SAVING MOTHER’S DAY Packages of WHITMAN’S CANDY is the gift of today. We have your package. Please her with the finest. Also a fine selection of Martha Washington and Anp Warner Candies for Mother’s Day—l and 2-lb. packages. We Wrap for Mailing A choice selection of Salted Nuts, cellophane wrapped. 1 lb. Jumbo Peanuts 39c- 1 lb. Jordan Almonds 39c - 1 lb. Chocolate Dipped Raisins 39c SNOW the new face depilatory for shaving 89c Friday. May 8, 1931 Cathaum y }.;. A-Wafn«r?ipltos FRIDAY— Gloria Snanson, Ren Lyon in “INDISCREET* SATURDAY— .Lew Cod\, Laura La Plante m “MEET THE WIFE” MONDAY and TUESDAY— Malinoc J)mh at 1:30 Harry Carey and Star Cast in “TRADER HORN” WEDNESDAY— Marlene Dietrich, Garv Cooper “MOROCCO” Added Attraction HORRY JONES in “Chip Shots’ THURSDAY— Kiltli Chatterton, Paul Lukas m “UNFAmiFUL” The Nittany FRIDAY— Jack Onkic. Jean Arthur in “TIIE GANG DUSTER” SATURDAY— “INDISCREET” TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY— Warner Ol.mcl in Harold McGrath’ “DRUMS OF JEOPARDY” THURSDAY— ‘MOROCCO’ and HORRY JONES in “Chip Shop $l.OO Prophylactic Hair Brush, bristles set in s9c rubber, each—. DENTAL NEEDS 50c Ofphos Tooth Paste—29c 40c Squibbs Tooth Paslc__3lc 50t Ipana Tooth Paste 32c 50c lodenl Tooth Paste 31c 50c S. T. 37 Tooth Paste—32c 50c R. & D. Tooth Brushes 35c $l.OO Lavoiis 73c 30c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 31c 51.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic 71c 50c Kolynos Tooth, Paste 29c 05c Forhans Tooth Paste 39c 60c Lyons Tooth Powder 45c $l.OO L'cdo, a tissue for re moving cold cream 69c $1.50 Ambrosia Comb—sl.39 $l.OO Evening in Paris Perfumes $l.OO Coty Perfumes.-. $1.50 Houbiganl Bath Powder $1.29 $1.50 Coty Bath Powder $1.19 $l.OO Evening in Paris Bath Powder n 89c