Pa IP3 PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Published semi-weekly aunts. the College year, eleept on ho ll days. l 1r by students of The Pennsylvania State Collee, In the interest uf the. THE CAMP USEER College, the students, faculty. alumni. and friends. ALAN II CUTTING 11 BUSIII.II Manner ALCrRT d MILFSEI Circulation Manager lIARRY C. WOOD MI Advertising Manager WILLIAM II lIFILMAN 'II I I nu., Advrrtising Manner ./ANFT 1. lIROWNRACK MI Woolen's Editor F LOUNE lIOTTEDITZ MI I Woolen s Managing Editor Man,lnc Editor NILLTAM C dIcELVAIN Sports Editor JACOB L COVEN News Editor I=l Nov, Editor NORMAN D. SORLER . 11 News Ed it or Hugo K Freer IS Melt IT Silos Jr 'II Stewart Townsend 12 William II Irvine '92 1 heedare A Serrill '3l Eduard W White '3l mrarvg ASSOCIATE TOITC/RS I Tom., Marstorclt 'l2 ,Istornret Trelmn 12 All, AI Werbt '52 1 ASSOCIATE DIMNESS MANAGERS Sr..° lleK,n \\'.O.ll I. Rehm a:. I In Y. Flip '32 t...11m I: I Ink .32 U4t,nr4l 9 Sperin..3 . 2, Member Eaqtern Intereoneglato Newspaper Asaociationi Si Ruda. the Phi Sig mandolin plunket, bad a date last took-end suth .t stunning blonde uho had Duco .0.14 and a little, domesticated, Memenn !name dog. Ile SAM' with the gill is bile Si Natany Platting Co. Bldg.; ns cut. taming the canine Austin. 312 Old Mnin I acenaonene ==ii=== Business Office ' News Boom TUESDAY. APRIL 21, 1931 ARTHUR J. WOOD To et aluate pi opeilv none forms of accomplish ment, distance v. essential, but for loveable pet , +onal chai.letei isties the (loser the association the tr net the op pr motion. To those whose good fortune it was to be i.itimatel) associated with Professor Arthur J Wood, los unselfish de, otion in furthering the broad aims and ..sisting the personnel of his depart tment has been an inspiring °sample The deportment of mechanical engmeming was his life, and he xo4.ed long and an duou.,ly, faithfully and lu,yall) to mule it ghat lie thought it should be. Ile had high ideal. of Toofes&nal attainment, a n gel honesty and alai ity of thought, and a deep and shouting ,mpathy, foi the trouble and difficulties not ont} of inns students but of his stair When he rust entered the pi ofession of teaching he came to it mall the linttgiound of his fathers long caloof as a In ofessoi of engineeiing and thus N, Ith the and ft aditions of the true educatin thinly °stab isheil. He ,eived his ideals faithfully Planer enipha ,, upon the fundamentals tins of paiamount moot tame and the leinalLable, growth in the ileum tment and the cteellent success of the giaduate, attest the soundness of his judgment tlllollgllollt ills long pet iod of service in the department As an engineer among engineers, Protestor Wood stood well firs term as president of the Amer lean So ciety of Refs gel ating lingmems r ein e,,ented n depart ere Of polity m that soerety in that he sills the first non-cinuntri end man selected for this position—a tribute both to the man and to the educator 1119 fundamental v ark in the dmelopment of methods of measuring heat t tansnusslon on him a place in leseal eh, and gave hull a Name of the value of pe•Tal eh which nest To all of his associates and literal., his death has come as an iriepaiable blow and to hn fannh goes our mneetest sympathy in then time of gonna To those lemanung, upon ss toot fall the tasks of cawing on, their imam the stimulation of his example and the law"m of his hopes fat the fatale of the gioup he hted and solved so well. 11. A. E. THE HOUSE MOTHER A nem institution, the house mothel , has p adu qlb milked its so ay into many national fraternities tr roughout the country, and has taken a strong foot hold II ,evplal colleges during the last three yeare lion a movement for the instigation of the house mother was in its infancy in 1029, a report from the Liter fraternity conference defined such a matt on as "a social mentor for a fr eternity chapter who would help in the admin,tration of its house and do such moll, about the house as the user age soother of the mem ber, Would do about the home" Although advantages of the house mother are plain .1 , , far as =prom.= the moral tone of fraternities, a single fault in the ststem rany sweep a,ide every factor in its faoor All the advantages are dependent entirely on nipper selectmen A great deal of care must neces sarily lie taken before choosing a woman to take up a position mithin the walls of the modern fraternity Now and then it may he posOile to secure the IllviecN of n capable house mother at a nominal saint but under ouhnoly co cumstances it would be e • tramely diffietilt to obtain a woman of education and bleeding at p cost within the range of the aver age fratm nay And ,ertainls no (dim type of N,Olllllll o mild be definable for position width would r equite tact and expert matingement. Many fraternities ore operating at a dose finoncial min gin and the additional es.pense of a housemother ought coon become n Widen. A common objection to the house mother is that the presence of a matron in a fraternity would tend to cull) the nottnal expo ession of students who others,,e wouldunbuiden then minds in an unrestrained marmot. Where the "house motheting" system has been in effect it hits been commonly agreed that members of a fin tunny hose often concealed grudges out of (lament° t, the house mother. Proper conduct mithin a fraternity should be a ploblem to be corked out by the individual members. The piesence of a house mother might noise the motel tone of a group, but only inn supeifitinl and shallow manner. The Clap Phiep Mere a such! atoll Satuedny night All the home talent was there, onmous to pet for m. Thus did, too, but we couldn't see them on account of the rows of craning neck, in front of us. But judging front the Penned erhoop, of the moh and thc wild c'hortations of tinder of Car emome, Maimed (the Alungooge honstlf), thou put on a great shore Well it se ab a line Maul, onshore, and we ' re for •011Hel rind better collar et dances Speaking of crowded dancing, Spi ing bt ing, proof of the hue extent of pet mmous toe-•tt inkling in ow peaceful hamlet 'rite onlv pet son o e saw um ing unblemished white shoes Satin dint night way inn Tt ullinger Pt ()bald% he wasn't dancing much. _213 Old Alain' Cl.nrlet A Schmidt Ir. 11 i While Fi nth is judging co-ed attraction and manly In e, scc scant to suggest paces fon too masters of the alt of emnession, a 'nthen to unsung field Fot All-College Face Conti" tiomit tie scant to nominate Ali Cm of Fold, of the economics depart ment )Vliile lost in the plocesses of "selling his gtoceries," Mt Fond makes mote and belten faces than Lon Chaney (net did Ile can espies any thing hom the utter anguish of a conceit.' check to the light-heal tedne, of pi me seem dies, all the in lute snail ming met my in his than Anil tot All-College Blatt boat d Ai ti.t we want to nominate Mi. Mitch, who also deals in economics. By a mole sti oke of chalk Mi Mitch can esplam the Law• of Malginal Pi °ducts% tv, by a few niggles he can tell ,)ou why pi ices base risen in Oshkosh, indicating at the same time rages in Brazil and ad vancing lent in Madagascar. Without chalk the man is inactical4 speechless But ne supply chalk free with this contest Any other nomsnations, Did 3no eser notice the co-eds strolling to gym , It seen. that the homehei ones alna” lime then bloomels lolled up hurhei (we should base said the ramie beautiful ones lime then bloomeis tolled down lonm ) This is not ns it should be, folks Seen about toon and campus Hugh Templeton Men I methods in minimprop er taking a sun bath in the nude on the Phi Psi roof f.3eding sickness of dairy g eattle w ere . . Ito ha, Ice sae. 3au from an airplane, Hugh announced teeentic by Pi of Samuel .. . Also many a co-ed atop Mac Hall . I Bechdel, of animal husbandry but they Mole dressed, quite di essed . . . The Phi Sanna Delta family placing 'feverish indent baseball on then lot . . Pr %lily Br and taking a pan of gold e‘entng pumps into chhoe shop to have them re-soled . . Denim e illm ion James chess ing gum at the Ball Doris chatting m ith a miutot or the second than lounge in Old Main . . . Sue Reevs and her bally talk . . The local fin estin s at Tau Flu Delta chasing out to make mai on cot est files . . . . . -huh demonstlntes the ciluency of this school in ptm ohng pt aebeal expel fence Tot the boy s Flannel, bloom suddenly . . Who no Penn Stoics most Os en-dlessed loan . . Two Alpha Cht Rhos eluvong thou uncut t.. dint n Locust Lnne nt 5 30 Satin day neon nng . . Lac, osse season and bandaged noses agate . . Those m ale-eyed high school hats here Tot the pro-s contest o, er the meek-coil tiont such as these do gaping f te•hmen grow . . . Cy Libel man in the under m eight class because an ttnatomy , student' used hun fon a skeleton while he was home nt Eustet . . That very fine hand they had at Beta Sigma Rho Fl osh still slits ing on lawns . See you Into, pals, gain' so maim Actions Speak Louder Than Words A new shipment of spring suits . . . alluring light colors . . . interesting patterns, satisfying fabrics, at popular prices. ji MONTGOMERY'S di it MI WO 1~ 1 LNIJ bi 5313M1E /...TL ,3",,Li.;:',L.1;,' PROFESSOR WOOD DIES OF IN.TURIES Cool tinted 1900 to 1002 he was nil instructor in the Worcester Polet,chnital Insti tute Dui ing the next too roots, he solv ed as a In ofe,ot at Nlawai e col lege In 1791 he tame to Penn 1 State as assistant ofessm of mul -1 may inechanical engineering In the 1 next four, teen roll, he wa. associate rplOf CR COI of 1.111,1 N . mocha...ll en gine. tog and then of mechanical en ; em,' mg. In 1022 he was made head of the mechanical engineei ing depart ment. Funeral Sen lees Today Professor Wood was ' a past pies, dent of the Amer can Society of Herr, geratrag Engrave., and a fellow in the American issoc.ation for the Ad. aneeraent of Science jje wrote na -1 morons tests and bulletins on research in Netts II is research on efi met at ion contubuted mach to the modern :eft gel atm ear. Funei al sm lees will be held fi om the Presbt tei ian church at 2 o'clock this afternoon, with in 'torment in Pine (knee Mills come , tery 25 HIGH SCHOOL PAPERS I SEND EDITORS, ADVISERS Representalts, at Central Press Conference Hear Jour.lisk Rem esentatues of possibly tv.ent3 - five 'ugh school papers throughout the State met here Saturday to discuss thee present pi obluns and future hopes among themselves and sr th others further ad‘anced In the sr orld of morn:ll.m This central conference of the Penn sylsania School Press .rssocratron was addressed 133 newspaper publishers; editors, faculty members, and stu dents in the morning meetings and at the luncheon 'm tit.? Old Main Sand wich shop After the lunch, the rem esentatu es, including members of the editorial and business staffs, as ,ell as fac ulty ads ism s, n ere escorted on sight seeing trips about the campus and kitten to see the baseball genre Men's and e omen's honorary journal- Ma, campus fraternities, Alpha Beta ISlgma and Alph r Theta Epsilon, aid ed m enter taming the visitors -0 FINDS C trrLE DISE ISE CURE In the Cie - Rent at COrnell tit . as in 42 other leading•collegeS; , there is one faborite smoking tobacco EVGINEERS walking across cam pus to a lab in Sibley ... arts Goldu in Smith ... lawyers on the steps of Boardman. Not much time between classes ... but enough for a pull on a pipe of good old Edge orth! Cornell men know their smok- ing tobacco. And they're not alone in their choice Han ard, Yale, Illinois, Mulligan, Stanford, Dart mouth, Bo,doin—all report Edge , ,orth far in the lead In 42 out of 54 leading colleges and universities Edge.orth is the favorite pipe tobacco. Cool, sloe-burning burleys give tins smoke the character that col lege men like. Try a tin of Edge uorth }ourself—pact. it into your I pipe, light up, and taste the riots natural savor of fine burleys, en hanced by Edgeworth's distinctive eleventh process. At all tobacco stores-15Q the tin. Or, for generous free sample, circle to Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Vu. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO UM Edgeworth In n bletAl ''''' - .11111 r ------ ) of lino old Iberia, • o w n l r ., l n t , ln ti olu ,y r a I Laz e ! re 0 ENOR)IID worth'. dlntlnctlvo M, q VTLl h ow:r r tWo " n " Y- I,READYMODi where I n tuo form. N: ,?,,, ~. —"ltendy-Rulthed" gt/Grw, and "Plug bile,' "All 1 =- elxe•, 150 rocket . Nu, woo, Doekogo to pound ~6- : ,, , ,,, f . , .......5tice humidor tin. ,-,-,',1,-,--t-,Z':,-,,,-- MlMlanniMmeilnilir. 'RP or Ant Co-eds Differ• iriy-, ~1 Attempt to Gain Popularity Title In an attempt to solve the problem of hou to be a popular co-ed, women students have divided thempolves in to two distinct schools, according to a survey conducted Inst week. With the exponents of pe'rsonality ranged against those nibs believe in being "yes-girls" and attentive listen ers, both giouns me seeling the same goal although then• nmthods of en snaring the male quarry are radically diffeient. • '- The personality advocates i define that elusive something. as Arcing a distinctive type, specifying it either as cultivated, pseudo, at natural. Those oho kno, and get results add that the type must he vitalized and that the co-ed must hie her type, cork at it twenty-foot boons a clay and seven days a sneak , While conceding that the personal ity adherents outshine ' individual mtensity, then opponents maintain that they automatically ',ethice the possible numbei of dates:- Basing their theory on the shrinking violet complex, the second moue, with ad lint psychology, is fin mly convinced that all men will talk when firoperly encouraged and that the cb-ed's date problems ale solved an lo'ng as she can endure listening to her ei.colt talk endlessly about himself. ' The snivey showed that,while the pelsonality women set the highest dating lecoids, it was the faithful listeners group which set' the best average Expects, anon consideling the remit, advised women's'eelfing the co-ed all-College dating record to use the 510 w... - ' the slower and more ieliable method rather than to try the flushing and qlippery heights. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS FINEST LINE•DF , Suits and Overcoats' for MEN AND YOUNCrI4.EII • . 4. , GERNERD'S 140 Allen St. Cleannig Pt essing Repairing Foster Coatand.. Supply Co. GENUINE Punxsutawney Coal Phone 114-II 2e.. '; 1 I 13=1 "Pennsylvania has approximately $1,000,000 invented m fish farming," C B. Buller, deputy commissionei of fishei nes, Mount Pleasant, told faculty members and students of the School of Agriculture in a lecture last Wednesday "Eight fish hatch eries me maintained by the State for the purpose of conservation and lee 'cation," he said With the opening of the trout season last week, Mi. Buller devoted most of his lecture to the life history of this fish. He told in detail of the careful attention given to the arti ficial propagation and rearing of flout in state hatcheries. AGRICULTURISTS PREPARE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Five con espondence courses am being prepa,d or revised by mem bei s of the School of Agriculture for distubuting by ,Tuly 1, Thomas I. Malls, of the agricultural correspond ence department, announced yester day. The courses include one of seven lessons in potato production, one of five lessons in farm drainage, and another of fourteen in fertilizers and manures Courses in home flori ennui e and poultry husbandry aris being revised. PRANK P. MILLER Justice of the Peace NEW OFFICE Boom I—Mononk Building ROUND AND SQUARE DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1931 FIRST CLASS MUSIC ADMISSION 50c WOODMAN HALL-700 South Allen St. BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT 71.0dillYa.0/1 to • 1 hthiref Ace Hoffman Studio' it Ki_ Entitles You to One 8x 10 ', Portrait for $3.00 , •1,,. /,. ~• 10, ..'! '!•.; This Offer Expires May 15 THE FINCHLEY HAT r , WILL BE FOUND HERE EXCLUSIVELY g Nationally wig Known 111447)Df Itieriiiity, April 21, 1031 • . 1 1. C :;. 1: 111 . AU . ..7 . 'A, ylAt n,., N01h0n:11.14c,.... , ‘.. .. ME= \Wince at 1.80 Robert Coogan. Jackie Cooper in Percy Crosby's "SKIPPY" 'WEDNESDAY -1101 IM3 d. Jimmie Gleason in 'BEYOND vICTOIt THURSDAY— Marione Dietrich, Victor Mel.aglen in "DISHONORED" FRIDAY— Dick Barthelmess, Fay Wray he "THE FINGER POINTS" SATURDAY— Spencer Tracy, Marguerite Churchill in "QUICK MILLIONS" The Nittany ;"-Wil TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— - _ Return Shooing of Laura La Plante. Stepin Petelnt in Edna Ferker's "SHOW BOAT" =CMS FEMME SATURDAY "TIIE FINGER POINTS'