Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 24, 1931, Image 1

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VOL. 27, No. 47
Executive Group Acts Pending
State Senate Passage
. Of $940,000 Bill
Specifications Call for Indiana
Limestone Trimming, Red
- Brick Construction -
Desigim for a dairy unit and a home
economicsc building to be constructed
here by the State as emergency relief
for unemployment were approved Fri
day by the Executorc committee of
the Board of Trustees. .
Pending the expected approval of
the $910,000 budding 101 l by the State
Senate and Governor Pinchot early
this week, Charles Z Clauder, of
Philadelphia, architect for the Col
lege, was authonzed to prepare plans
and specifications according to designs
which he submitted,
It Is expected that complete blue
prints of the buildings will be in the
hands of contractors for bids by the
middle of next month, according to
Adrian 0 Morse, executive secretary
of the College. Thr3 sill provide for
beginning of excavation by the first
week in May.
'Both buildings will be built of red
brick resembling the latest construc
tion on the campus and will be trim
med nith Indiana limestone. {Wide
the structures arc each to be two
storms in height, the dairy unit mill
also have a large manufacturing sting
extending to the rear of the min
office and classroom section
May Ile Completed in Year
With pillared front entrance and
coned projections at each end, the
dairy building will fare on the 'Coun
ty' road opposite the greenhowes and
u 11l have its center aligned with that
Of the dairy cattle barn. The rear
si nag. containing all apparatus of the
flullegc dairy plant, will extend toward;
the barn. ,
Designs for tin home economics
building specify a frontage of 200 feet
aith a two story face which resembles
the Maln Engineering unit. Two
Wings, extending to the rear at each
dud, will be pancll-41 at the front in
llmeslona v.bile pillars of the same
initerial will guard the main ent
rance: This structure will be located
midway between MacAliister hall and
the fomr.r Mining building, facing
toss arils Old Main.
All trailes,ork. such n, plumbing,'
and lighting, will be designed and
'tarried out by the department of
grounds and buildings aith the ad
*ice of College engineering experts.
Jt is hoped that LI, units, costing
$OlO,OOO, will be completed by March, l
1032, Mr Morse declared
The spare vacated in the Women's
building by removal of the home
Economics department will be weal
as additional dormitory accomodat
ions, Mr. Morse stated. The present
Dairy unit alit be converted into
classroom space according to the
plans of the Trustee group.
Representatives of mens' and wom
ems' fraternities will meet no the Phi
Kappa Psi house nt 2:30 o'clock Sun
day afternoon to complete arrange
ments for the mterfrat-imnity debat
ing contest which will begin immedi
ately following the Easter sacation.
At that time the question to be used
mill be decided as well as a definite
schedule for the meets. Two cups arc
awarded the winner in this tourney
One, presented dby Delta Sigma Rho,
honorary forensic society, requires
three wins to secure permanent pos
session while a second is given an.
nually by the Forensic council under
whose auspices the contest is ar
ranged. . ,
Dr. Arthur S. Burrell, of the teal,-
, tis training extension department,
Profs. Harry G. Parkinson and Clar
born S. Anderson, of the rural educa
tion dcpartmont, are nttending the
fourteenth annual Vocational Educa
tion conference in Boston, Mass ,'to
day and tomorrow.
Prof. John R. Bracken of the School
of Agriculture has completed a do
clopment plan for the United States
Veterans' hospital near Coatesville.
Thu project covers an area of 400
anion including a driveway extending
More than u mile in Rom the Lincoln
. . A 7,
~ . ..;,..-::7 ~,,,,,,,:
Staff Will Distribute
La Vie Early in May
LaVie, senior year book, will be
ready for thslribution the early
part of May as the printers arc
making every attempt to have the
annual prepared on time, accord
ing to Harry J. Poorbaugh '3l, edi
In all probability, the year book
will be distributed from the Treas
urer's office and seniors will need
their first and second semesters'
matriculation muds in order to re
ceive them. After the upperclass
men have received their copies, the
publication will be placed on gen
era( sale:
Davis '32, Smith '32 Compete for
Presidency—All Students
May Cast Ballots
With George K Davis '32 and
Charles P. Smith '32. named as can
didates for president, All-College bal
loting for student officers of the Penn
State Y. M. C. A. .111 take place
today and tomorrow in the main
lobby of Old Main
All students are eligible to vote
for the officers who will goern the
association during the next school
Ilene Clarence E Christian '32 .111
be the only candidate present-ad for
the position of treasurer by the 'Y'
Cabinet A blank• space will be left
!on the ballot for any additional can
didates uhom the voters may wish to
support for the office
Announce Results Friday
Nominees for secretary arc Homer
X Marta '33 and Robert M. Maxwell
'33 Polls will be open 'from 9 o'clock
in the morning until 0 o'clock to the
afternoon with a period of polling
from 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock both night=
ResalLa of the balloting will be
announced in Friday's COLLEIPAN.
' New oßM^rs will be installed along
with the new cabinet on Apt it 11,
according to Raymond A. Bowers :31,
present student head of the Y. M.
C. A.
Officers of the Y M. C A me
automatically made heads of the
cabinet. Nominees for the positions
acre chosen by the cabinet at a
meeting Sunday night.
Jury of 5 Will Judge 6 190lufw,
Tomorrow Night—Sophomore
Soeiet3 Pledge.; Aid
So( freshmen WIII he tried before
Student Tribunal at its meeting in
Varsity ball at 7 o'clock tomorrow
night, according to 'wraith:at John
The six first-year men who have
been notifl,tl to be present at this
'meeting are: John Cubbon, Robert C.
Derrick, Andrea. J Calk°, Lester
Schaefer, Delbert C. Thomas, and
Norman H. Updergrove To'niete out
justice for customs bmakeis, Zorella
has selected a jury composed of James
L Harkins *at, Robert I. Ilutchin
son '3l, Joseph Needle '3l, James W.
Trullinger '32, and Joseph E Laßuda
"Those sophomores who break WC
tOlll4 1,111 find that they will be en
forced rigidly until Moseup Day,
shish cc US advanced to April 25 by
notion of the customs referendum last
spring," Zorella stated.
Friars, sophomore campus society,
has pledged its suppoit m aiding the
drire of other campus sometics to
enforce customs, 11. Paul Swan '33,
president of the group, f evraled yes
A statement of the work of
students attending Mont Alto for
estry school has been recently coin
piled, according to Prof. John A. Fer
guson, head of the department of
The record, which includes the
number of hours spent and the work
completed by the students while at
Mont Alto will be used for publi
-1 cation purposes.
Prof. Earle I Wilde, of the horti
culture department, was elected no
, tional president of Pi Alpha Xi, na
tional honorary florists' fraternity, at
the society's convention in Cincinnati
last week.
The Junior clogs in the mining de
partment visited the underground
limestone gnarly in Bellefonte, lust
Anne E. Mellinger Will Compete
Against Mildred J. Wentz
In May Queen Race
Primaries Place Bowman '32,
McMahon '32 on Ballot
For W. A. A. Leader
Officer, of the Women's Student
Government association and the Wom
en's Athletic association, togvther
with the May Queen and her attend
ant will be chosen by rote of all
women students in final elections to
be held in McAllister hall lobby
Results of balloting in primary
lelections Saturday determined that
Elizabeth C. Bell '.12 and Jean E.
Simmons '32 mill contest for the
presidency of the IV. S G. A with
Muriel E Bowman '32 and Marie E.
McMahon 'B2 selected as candidates
for W. A A president.
Anne E. Mellinger '3l and Mildred
.1. Wentz '3l won nominations for
May Queen, while L Sue Allen 'Ol
and Margaret E. Barnard '3l were
named as candidates for fre3hman
attendant. For vice-presidency of the
W.S GA. Angelm Bressler '33 and
A Elizabeth Preston '33 are the nom
nees, and Virginia E. Detwiler '33
and Barnet R. Benne '3l mill con.
tend for the W. A. A vice presidency
Secretary of the W S C.A scull ho
the candidate defeated en the find
election for the presidency. while
Marjorie G Groat '3l and Helen A
~llooser '33 or, the IV A A. score
!tonal nominees.
Doris M. Acker '3l and Eva At
Rlichfeldt ',lt have been named as
!candidate. foi treasurer of W.S C A
and Marie L, Fruehan '32 and Kath
' leen N. Meek '32 have been chosen
as nominees for W.A A. treasurer
Nominees fon W.S G A. senator
from the senior class are Dorothy W.
Cummings and Slmnm E Gaige,
v.bile S. Louise Everitt and Helen A
Hoover are running for Junior class
senator Margaret It Barnard and
Helen C. Palmer scull contest for the,
sophomore class senatorial positlon.l
and An. N Light 'ii will compete .
v, ith li. Anna Van Sant '3d-for the
position of taxa senator.
Colleges Register for Competition
In 1-Aet Plii)s April 16, 17
The annual contest of the
Pennstivanin Intercollegiate dialec
tic association viill be held in Selmab
initiate ium April lii and 17, according
to an announcement by Pier Arthin
C Cloctingh, piesalent of tin group.
Fit, colleges have already signified
their intention of seeking the prize
here for the best one-tiet play present
ation. 13041(1C4 Penn State, Drexel;
Franklin and Marshall, Buchnell, and
Grace City are now registered for
the contest.
Winners of la year's competition
held at Beanell, the Penn State
Players adl present a religious sketch
named "Prayers for Passel," written
by a student at Purdue The east is
under the dimetion of Professor
Senior Engineers 'Wins hear Mr L
K Silicas, vice president of the New
York. An Brake company, Waterloo n,
New York, speak on "Changing Con
ditions in Transportation and Con,
morce" in the Chemistry amphi
theatre at 4 10 o'clock Friday after
The apenker has had wide eNiriri
once in the field of tron,portation,
having hewn general superintendent of
!unitive powei on the Chicago, Mil
waukee, and St Paul railroad before
Wang Ins present potation
The Botanical Society of America
will hold to biennial convention here
June It to 10, according to Dr. Frank
D. Kern, chairman of the program
Dr. Citadel C. Peters, Dr. Carrot
D. Champlin, and Prof. Mark M.
Walter, of the School of Education,
attended the annual three-day School
mates confei once at the University
of Pennsylvania Thursday, Friday,
and Satniday.
Classical Language Professor
Will Discuss Life, Works
Of Roman Writer
1931 MARKS 2000 YEAR
Department Head To Speak at
7 O'clock in Room 107
Main Engineering
Speaking on "Vergil Poet of the
Past and Present," Dr Robert E
Dengler, head of the department of
classical languages, nill deliver the
fourth lectute of the Liberia! Arts
series in Room 107 Main Engineer
ing at 7 o'clock tonight
Dr. Dengler will discuss the life and
corks of the famed Roman epic poet
and tell point out his position as
representative of the Augustan age,
the most bnlhant period in Rome's
history. This year marks the too
thousandth anniversaiv of the diust.
nous Latin writer's birth
In addition, tin lecturer will gne
an analysr, of Vergil's works, showing
the type of poetry he employed and
its outstanding features. He will
also point out the poet's place in the
life of the Renaissance and Reform
ation periods.
Served in War
After beine graduattd from the
University of Pennslhania in 1015,
Dr. Dengler received hi; Minder of
Arts degree the farming year In
1927 he revived the degree of Doctor
of Philososphy from the snore insti
tution Ile was a student at the
Sorbonne, Paris, in 1919
Dr. Dengler served as interpreter
in the World War for almost too
years. Last seamier the lecturer oils
educational director on a cruise spon
imred by the American Institute of
Educational Tranel Ile stopped in
Italy for three week, and traversed
the Vergsl territory
The speaker has hero prominent in
linguistic and archaeological antis ties
and is a member of the American
Philological association, American
Oriental society, and American Insti
tute of Archaeology lid also holds
membership in Phi Beta Kappa,
scholarship society, Phi Mu Alpha,
honorary musical fraternity, and Phi
Sigma lota, Romance languages
Vergil's "Aeneul," which will be
discussed by the lecturer, is the out
standing example of the "artificial"
epic, N,lnch Dr. Dewier classifies ns
a Doman imitation of the Greek Ho
merle poem, in that it wa, not built
up by word) of mouth from time to
tune but was w ripen as a single
composition by u single uuthoi
The College will celebrate the fif
tieth anniversary of the old soil fer
tility plots by holding a conference
on Juno 24, 25, and 26, according to
an , announcement made by Prof.
Frank D. Gardner, head of the de
partment of azrororny.
Representative% of nll land grant
colleges and univcrAties will be in
vited to attend Headquarter% will be
in the nest Nittany Lion Inn where
there will he an informal reception
on the night of June 24 and a dinner
the following night.
Collegian Rivals City !'
Press in Ring Extra
ll'hen the COL! EGIAN presented
it' "Bri,ing Finer' to teadei, Sat
urday night, it equalled the :+peed
01 metropolitan t otary presses,
made State College aperht
too. and offered a complete story
of the Intercollegiate Basing 11-
nuts eNactly twenty minutes after
the last decision was
To necomple.h the feat, an auto.
mobile made the trips from Rec
reation hall to the minting officeat intervals during the meet, and
too unlimited marathon repot tore
emulated the famous Meek oho
curried the neos to Athens.
Nine bandied copies of the final
edition wine sold Saturday night.
Moro than 100 copies of the morn.
ing edition vets purchased, while
the total of paid subscribers for
the oceli-end numbered inure than
Members of the professional
press in Recreation hall were
astounded when the paper wan
given to them before they had fin
ished writing. It was admitted
that several reportms bought the
COLLEGIAN berme their own stories
weto on the who
Miss Vought Resigns
As College Librarian
Resignation of Miss Salmi W
Vought as College libiarian seas
accepted by the Board of Tiustees
Friday and will go into effect on
July I. Miss Vought has accept
ed the position of librarian in the
Office of Education of the United
State Department of Intenor.
Miss Gladys R Cianmer ss ill
continue as acting librailan sn
skluch capacity she has been at
cork since Miss Vought, tools leave
of absence on'October 1. The Col
lege administration has not 3,..t
chosen a successor to Miss Vought,
according to Milan 0 Morse, ex
ecutive secretary.
Constitutional Change Permits
Membership of Faculty.
Alumni, Students
In response to a faculty-student
request, the College Outing club ap
proved changes in its constitution
which will provide fm Intuit>, stu
dent, and alumni membership at its
meeting in Old Main Thursday night
Outing act', ities planned in the
new program include hiking, camp
ing, map-making, sketching and photo
graphy, nature study, hoi seom m i,"
hunting and fishing, and winter
spin is. These edl U, under the , 1
direction of committees appointed by
the club oinceis and athletic as...el
ation presidents.
To Foster ISinter Sports
Menthol ship apph talons, 0 Inch
he obtained at the Union office
on the first floor of Old Main, will
L_• accepted during the two weeks
prim to the Easter Ideation Follow
ing the recess, there will be a general
n.-tang to complete reorganiration
projects and spring outing plans
Working with the department of
pill swat education, the club expects
to foster a pi ogram of wilder •ports,
including skating, skiing, and sled
ding. Because of weather conditions,
this plan Lull depend upon the quiek
functioning of students to talse ad-I
%mange of fa‘orable conditions
Present officers of the club are
president, L Alden Les enberger '32,
vice-president, his Viola IS Shaul,
'11; Miss Bertha M Lohr 'a I, occ
rain v; and Miss Edythe 0 Luhr'72,
trednurer William Clarke '27, holds
the position or outing director.
talhe %. Kell '.1.1, Man P. Kaplan 11
Enlph E. Elan.. ':II Cast in
. 3lnsler Hodder'
Three mum. van face the fora
livint, here for the first trine when the
Penn Sate Plavefs en let 11,111, lb
son's "The Master Rudder" Satur
day night.
Übe A. Kell '4l, appearing. fur the
first tune rn a Player.' productron,
writ play, the pant of 111111 a Wangel
uhrle Mae P Kaplan '34 Null uprise
her maul boss as Aline Sutures,
urfe of the enlister bulkier
Ralph E Ernie, "11, in the (Amine
' tei of Ragnai lii ri t, make; his deb
ut before the Penn State audience,
du, diama The 3-act play arts
fist produevil in 1892, being one of
lbsen's Tart milks. Direction of the
cast in under Frank S Neusbauni, of
the English composition demi] tumult
Special scenery 11.15 been designed
for the play by Gilboa S Shott '22
ho planned sets for the production
of "Thu Mash and the Face" Stage
work is undo, the illiection of William.
H. S Lauder laga 'l2
Bulletins for the MI summer MOO.
con hose been mailed to all whn at
tended the lost lession as well as to
every school superintendent in the
State. Prof. Palmer C Weaver, assist
ant director of the summer
revealed today.
Inter-se_sion bulletins have also been
sent out, Professor Weaver stated, A
none feature of these is the publication
of requirements for graduate degrees
and special State certificates which
may be met through inter session
Prof. A Holm Emeie,lialle of the
English companion depai Lulea will
given tall< on Honolulu at a mooting
of the Cosmopolitan club Friday
night. While on a leave of absence,
Pioresbor Espenbluide lased In the
klawalinn I its foi one yeah
16 Colleges in State
Ban Spring Grid Drills
Survey of 25 Institutionf Shows 9 Schools
Conduct Early Practice Session
In Curtailed Form
kening to the sentiment ag
,anir colleges base taken a decided st
survey of tv.enty-five institutions coin
teen colleges hose entnely ahandone
nine conduct spi ing pinta:o in a cut
Pennsyhania Caine:se Tech. an
schools smho have definitely decided to
football playing in the spring °diet
Will Argue Insurance Question
Friday Night—Schedule 7
Contests in South
Arguing the negatii.e of oomph,-
ment insurance, F crtun Sacbolt 'l2,
Coleman P. Heine! "12, and John A
Hochwill lei - nevi:a Penn State
agoincit Lincoln univeisit‘ debateis
in Schwab auditor nirn at 7:0 o'clock
Friday night
The cont,t w ill be Lomita:tad in the
At Actinic sty lc, and all three men
will speak conqtructi, LI% a Niel! ns
&In cr rebuttals Fin en, clation
-hips with time Chfoi h ucc
been earl icd un fin the pa=t One N,114,
and Penn State maim, hive bum
entertained Once tune, by the col..
mei! debate,
Prof John II Fri, ell of thy Entt
le-h composdaon department Cull he
the chairman and ail] lead the public
Damn aluth Mill follow the audience
Comphie trip Plat.
Plans for the Southern trip Ino•
been completed coth th- scheduling of
Hen colleges for debate on fret
trade and unemploymentiniananee
tome, Oreille A I litchenek It and
t' W Lightstone %O. toll leave
Sunday night to &And the latter
queotion against George Washington
mem site debato Monday night and'
and Mai} college mt the ful..
100 mg night
They eeill advocate the iOn mato. c
of free Linde at North Carolina I
State college, South Carolina um
and Rollins college On
Wednesdne , Friday and Saturday of
I next a eel., TC:peetltelV In defense
or the same question, Hitchcock and
Lightstone 101 l speak at the Ono er.
[say of not Ida on April 4 and eoll
I rod their top a ith a debate on un
alpha ment insurance against Georgia
I 'fteh representato es the following
R,o:r C !leads Rill Chow.° 107 Prion
Large Group or Applicants
Two-thirds of the students in basic
II 0 T C base signified their in
, Motu, to compete for an honors*
company which will be the nucleus of
a proposod chapter of Pershing Rifles,
Joseph A Kling '3l, head of Scabbard
and Blade. announced yesterday
From this number which arched
ictently, 107 undeiLl.msmen will he
chosen -nine tune this week by faculty
members of the department of null.
Lary science and tatties
The selection will be made so a test
of drill and manual of arms. All the
officers will be chosen from sunlit,-
moi while the largest part 01 (le
company will be fr•shlnen In fol
lowing Nears, 'election will lie be
I. dorm S. Ilaq d, tr ri,tee of the
College sine leinr nod editor of On
Petre.ylvania Pan rater, Oas Initiated
into Alpha Zeta, national prof, yoronal
nun k ohm al flatter nary, by the Min -
rill chaplet here Thur erlay.
In recognition of nolen 01 thy ...ere
we to ars kulture, old 00'
anode an honor are mendrerett-linge
ro tile fraternity, having been eleckd
by tit, Irrational council of the group
'Hie body consider, this the highest
honor which it can contra upon an
raga acnitura nL for distanguNlied u orl,
Ilzury W. Seaman., genta al J(.1:10-
tiny of the V. M. C A.. will conduct
edcle str,ton on the topic, "W. hen
Iv n Man Ready to Many" in the sec
ond floor lounge of Old Main at 0.15
, ainst football oset-enwhit,e., Pentis}l.
Lind ngam..t spiing 'duo. practice,
ducted by the Cocutd,%:, le‘eals. Si,-
d the call} di ills, while the lemaining
',tailed twin.
d Lafayette ale Once of the 1111 004
eliminate fton then athletic plum anis
college, 01110 11 111 not hold plantain until
nowt fall ale Allegheny, Drexel,
Genoa, Getta.buig, Clove City, lla
'el fold, Lebanon Valley, Suarthinoze,
iiusquehanna, Thiel, Ui sinus, Wayncs
linigi and Westimn.stet
It is v..v lILly that Penn all! re
sume the spring practice next year,
but it will be intiainutal n Ito nu
tnu•, au coding to Di. 0 Leßoy Mer
r dean of the &Abutment or ow,-
cal cducation Athletic authorgie, a,
both ( ainegie Tcch and Lafa)' ttc
have der' lied that these invtitution,
ale “Ituely through 011th the tally
I;ez4elt G 1,,, Opinton
1 A mall it 3 of tne school. hind!
continue 0111111' 101111 of in
uorkotitk confoi in to the I eNoltition
adopted by the l'a'ter n As•ociatton
f football coaches 1,1 Decendici.
nainels, "thet 0111 ing pt act.. he not
!conniulkor.f. 011(111 the placct ‘, and In
ganirkd in model ition so , not Lo
11/111111A wlth titlro spin to 'I lie prac
tice during the fall NI .1,1/11 not
WI/ hoot, a day lin hiding
night and aftet 1101111
Penn State, Thicknel I, lhehtnson,
Iluque,ne, ample, Lehigh, 'Alulllen
buig, R ,Inrigton and Jefferson, ant
Inttslitirgli ail Or• lllllogcs blurb
still 1 etain a modified folio of sluing
football tom tug
Dean lingo lit '41.1,, of the 1,1110111
of vsu al Eiliscatton 1111 d Atblelci
IN r 1111/1141,1111r 0111/0•VII 111 /1111 athlete
system if hich ',Angels a student to
take pat t 111 rI/ dh.lll 111111,01110 hi fort
the it gulai flit Yeaviti
"Pi in lice this sin log ill Penn
State," Dean 60/dc Is In Innl li, "m dl
to on an Luta elv 4f/it/Wry 4.1414
Dui log the past m listen the students
in OM nSOI.II 1015. , 1,11 education
class, alt aided a serves of lectures
on football We intend to aline. thesoi
students to put the. thcories /1111)
41CL11.11 1111.11.L1L1, this di/rills Vie. silo
men of la mill also he i nn ited
to attend the Jails, milli In mill not snot
Online than lino wLeks and mill not con-
Ilia in nn} ma} mail regular spring
Spring. Dr:II ()pima!
Of llr_• nine colleges planning mush.
had gild .1011, this -piing. All lag
Buchnoll and W.i.langton and Jeffer
son oil! not hold ;wad., more than
Iwo 11 eel,. 'Hie Lem ,buti: and Wird,.
ington athletic nuthonttes plan to
tontinue the pie-season norhouh, inn
foul wool.. None of the college ,
answeong the COLILGIAN'S qumstion
ilane hoot scheduled dad , ' Pruetlo
pet link of 10010 than two howl.
Sluing football piattite old not lio,
tctually !conned ,tt any culler., In
the State of Pennsvluanm, Lim line,-
tionnalle matenls In alien word., if
I vat qty player does not turn nut,
Ills chances hl inalong the hist 1011111
01 the full moll not Ire mutes rally af
fected In no one mill the practice
inter trio with legulm spi Mg 011011,
In most college, the ti end ton arils
intramural practice in the sin ing.
I Alm than egulai pr actme, ha, icon
it, marked, the quer.tionnune ra
ed!, Coach Elmer F I.llydi n, of
Duque-nu, , rrtatcd "Sp, mg pi attic , .
ill Ire in the palm c of intramural
the Onth e r,clurl being n-
Arid to prii Hermit° The rumen, fill
Ire handl, fl Iry both Oa irrity couch, and
a rcitv lettermen IL is voluntur yas
Su a, the pinvery ale concerned,
and It will not Inn r,e milli a nran's
r !lance of nialslng the team if ht
lee, not turn out"
"Footliall plattau IS not conlitul
`uir in Cie 1 1.1lotr." staled Coach Carl
'4llllVeh Or Huddle'', "hut all players
tala par L in it It rt pr obahle that rt
tlstem Nlllll 11111 nit Imola,: in tin
pant: would find hintstlf at tt tsad
utnlatre din unit the eat ly part or Lb.
fait sue 011 I IlllSe,Ul, such a player
mould not he I.ept alt' the Lentil if he
were able to nuthe it"
r'ontaniting, f math Snavely stud
"We lac .pun., pun:Lite only for
iv'• who NJIII be tanditlateu for the
eatutty ttani chr tourge, all atm
!ma, In the unittusity are Invited
o tenet I and are I.:11,n equipment.
9ttr squad 14 Deem cal "
At Washnurton and Jefferson, at
•oniut; to limy lattlehales, ptrlthelly
manage,. the fundamental purpose or
oot fuoLbnll Is to train the, nem
bet s of the Piet lons Seat 's h trihman