Fake 'Pro PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Puhllmhed semi-week', doting the Wee. yea, ascent en holldsee., he student. of The l'enne,lvonla State College, In the Interest of the y College. the eladentn, recoil, alumni,' and friend, VTR MANAGING BOARD ALAN D CUTTING 'SI 11. Inc. Manager ALGFRT .1 MILESKI 'SI WILLIAM IL ULERICH . 31 Editor ROY E. MORGAN .31 Circulation Manager HARRY C. WOOD 'll Moonlnc Editor WILLIAM C OIOrLVA!N II Atlvertl+l, Nlunneer WILLIAM II lIFILNIAN Sports Editor JACOB L COVEN 11 News Editor herei.n Athertlsinte Msnaccr eirmu.rs A SCIIMIDt .1r •31 JANFT L 111109V2•13ACK '3l I=l E I DUNE 110rFEDITZ •II Worms Mann One Editor NORMAN II SORtER •]1 Nene Editor 1=1:1 'lna K Freer 12 Haab It 1111 e, Jr 92 Steuart Towneend 12 Minuet II 1n1ne..32 lbrodere A atrrill 92 ',heard W White •12 I% AS , OCIATF FDITORS t Martart, lArlmn . 12 Mary SI Wrlcht 'l2 Lin 7' Fri . 32 Imou C ,Irgenn 'l2 Samuel Sinclair 12 I' 1 Ink 12 1% eml.ll L Ham 'IS Ivluarol S Suerlas '2 Menthol. Eastern buncolleguito Newspaper Association =EMI! __Natany Printmg Co Bldg. 312 Old Magi Business Office-. News Room TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1931 FOR TUE I. F. C.'S CONSIDERATION Mettopolitun new spapeis last meek earned nn itein conceining dissere.ion sibich has spiung up in the ranks of the Nen Yolk Unneisity Inteifiaternity Council Flom tonic tr time this year, college publications hose ',tinted sinulni reports dealing ugh friction mrthin then fiaternity groups and the necessity for teorganization In contrast to the, is the flimlv-mehled, alive Council here The imision of the rushing code—alnaNs a difficult problem—has been dealt with effectively. Intl animal ports base been handled competently But, the Coun cil has side-stepped one issue It is the dmeloprnent of Caine effectne system of fiaternity dance regulation w Lich will satisfy all the houses This would include an imestigation of underclass s !siting, open vm sus closed dances, and satisfactory pro. isions for the rase of the minus of guests As it no M., the five dollar fine for %Isamu s lolanons m is myth, half the dances announced as closed are soon "opened," and N 1 hen a dance IC effect!, ely closed, the house holding the dance is condemned. The most seimus complication to arise this yenr, hossesei, is the stealing and genmal disorder pies alent at crowded open dances. Two houses reported thefts I• get this week-end. At one house, tomes stele torn up and desk draueis tansacked Guests' coats store mis- Lid. Thn, sante thing has occuned at sea oral fraterm tie. this peat but the house holding the dance cannot be censured. Fiateinity menthols should not hate to act as police to protect then gun and then guests' propcitv Unfortunately, the condition has been grossing worst until it is beyond the control of any single fin limit) A thorough investigation and solution of the 'holden] would be a worthwhile accomplishment for the Council All letters which are written as contlibutions to the Latin But must hear the signature of the author If fio.l cd, the signature mill be uithheld and a fictitious one supplied but under no circumstances m dl anonym°, letters he published. SPORTS OUT OF SEASON? In keeping oak the primly put pose of intramulal , poits 7 t? pros ide athletic training for students not quite up to ‘arsit;. standinds—a plan whereby tom n ainent, tould be held out of the legulin season fox the spot t o, vvol ths of Lorvodel otlon A to °We'll conflontlng nit, nom rol sports is Inch of coaches and salmi vision on the pant of experienced Ohm's An firm the .port's regular season, teams Ism esenting fraternities and ,ther otganizations could scene the benefit, derived from attention on the pant of varsity lout hes and lettermen from the regular squads The student crashes, possibly many of them members of the ne, School of Pht sisal Education and Athletics, could in tui n gain the expel loner of actually handling tompttitit e team, It cannot be denied that lank of equipment is an mho seisms detiiment to intramural sports at Penn State Pal taulai ly in football, if the grid tournament m the held dining the lull in smuts between the mintei and spring season,, the winch needed equipment %Could be plentiful, and an Innense in the number of participants might iesult. Although the idea of combing mutt amural squads for cite miaow.' should not be emphasized in clew of the fact that it is only a secondary consideiation the fact remains that while not a motive of intramui al spot ts, the development of varsity material is an merit- Ale insult of massed student participation in athletics If the tournaments were held omit from the regular ,ason, earsity tennis mould mobably reap a substantial inn in fit On the other hand, the possibility of lack of interest no a sprint nut of season should ceitainly he considered before a distinct change in athletic policy is undeitaken Basketball games in the fall might be unpopular ninth the at erage stoutest, and it night he difficult to arouse sufficient Intel eat in spring intramural football. Hem- Lvov, if the system pinned 'limitable, student interest mould naturally follow, THE CA MP USE ER The Soph Hop mimed to be the most oval-etmid ul qUlet, me hoe had so fat this )eat The human toce vas sell r opt counted hi a deeidedli nifcron class of unpin is (out own excluded), social hostess, from the Scion ipp,lnnom, a dark-hinted menu vendor front the College Sandi, ich rhspen,ami, local talent ft oat Altoona, Bellefonte Ti lone, Lemont, Gum Stump, one-half the 19:10-'11 College Dttectoly, and out own In‘ieterate SophshoppeL, Dean Watnock. Thole vas supposed to be an maestro too but all e heard seas a bunch of limn molts blaring Refus ing to hole in •uch a cheap bats di not the otchestta possekked, three or us ,amed boldly in undet one camel pile °cocoa, espeendli designed for that pur pose The bead of the checking tom locket, John Hem) Good, ua, so astounded alien se emmged front the dna depths of our coat he forgot to collect out half dollar Castile of us sett ono else just paid and pool and purl for the pi Imlerie of hiring then ',maps thamin about the locker loon, IIE=t!I Heie's one nom the math d2p.iitinent n pi des sor, espoundlng .1 maiden, to the class sail, "Now matah the blackboaid closely and I'll go through it again " Ec Wendy flouilini did not du In v.llri, nor Is Ein,tein living so Finlay often noon on, of tho,e led and yell°, baiges lunched into the Co-op hail.an with a cnngo of asset tad femininity An the !fop A crow lof ship pets who had ansiZapdy been *malting the .hipments immediately da,hed up and elanwrd the fn eight Altos final adjustments had been node and the aupeitluous peelings and °thin debt, had been cleaned unsay, three stems of womanhood, 1,010 left un claimed in the middle of the afloat "Gee." said one to the other, "Did he bay Penn oi Penn State," A sparrow, one of the little thing, in fife, flew into the midst of a wrestling bout Saturday afternoon and receued alino,it as much attention as the wrest ler., until he tools a particular ch.llike to one of the trainei., and flew ap among the steel rafters Thud aiiriihtant wrestling managers will be supplied with - DaNY or idles in the , future_, and an effort 1, being made to obtain span ow insulanee on the is restling equipment Dr Mome played a vietiola teem(' in psychology class the other day ,ohjeff was intended to put the dna, to sleep by hypnotism We think he takes too ninny pains, oe knoo a lot of pi ofs oho nuncio lee. lose About the Ton n and Cantput, ,2 A by dot Duke Mn, us ta , ,e his tousle tench. Marion Kern, to the Hop' Eastbuin and Colonel Anne per fopung a manerp.ce on the dance floor Veto Arthur Alms°, lint 'd in the Directory as rooming at Mac Hall, concerning Which on Wonder, mas the first Co don a paper hit at the dance Bob flee c, in e m,allov. tail coat and sc eating ,lut.l glows he hal on other clothe. too . Too of out low! aesthetes. Hum mel nshbut n and Ft ink Netibaum, Wet o the first ll= Lola Haul chewin4. cram violently and fa,matingly at the meet (meta.° that if you min) . . Cy Sable, ashy us to mention in this column that he had a cane . . So did mu Dad. Cy, and vie can couch for the fact that he kneu hoc to uce it Isn't there sonic ',et of designating fiatiamty booths so that they can be found mole easili, Tom my Shoemaker tiles the espontent of siccing a gold digger on himself . . Ileum like it . Whatm weekend this lazt nne was the Navy was hole in the afternoon and the As my in the evening and we feel sure that me heaid a gal exclaim "Will the mm Ines net, come" o~ 1 \ _ F( 1 ~,, ~_ I ~~~ I ~~~ Montgomery's Get Clothes Scrutiny And they doses,. it— Theie's n heap of t goes into a suit of Montgomery's The young men who near them use mighty particular . . . ".0 . 1,, mote pasticulai to please them Any wooden nose boasting about the new ones SPRING'S FINEST $25 $35 $45 , ' MONTGOMERY'S INS= NATIONAL INSTALLS NINTH GROUP HERE Alpha Tau Alpha, national prates eional aternity of agricultui al edu cation. installed a chapter here last night following a dime. m th,. Old Main Sandwich .hop yeoterday at 530 o'clock Thirteen senior:, too juniors, two faculty member,, and nine count) teachers and gi aduate students welt initiated at-the ememony of install mg the ninth, or Theta chapter of the f eternity. William A Moyle% and Clarence S Anderson, professors ,in the depart ment of rural education, and Donald C. Ilendei son, of the agmeultural ex tension department, woe members of the oiganization before coming here. while Professor Harry G Parkinson and llhlham F Hall, of the ral al ed ucation department, 'wets initiated yesteida2, The national mesulent of the or ganiration, Dr Aretus W Nolan, acted ns im.talllng officer lie is head of the depantment of agi 'Cultural educa tion at the Unnve,tty of 1111nons Alpha Tau Aloha ouginated at the Unit etsity of Illinois 'ln 1020 as a local hate, nfty fm men shownng pro fessional promise As agricultural °du e:am, Snore then it has rimmed chapters In enght oth-tn colleges mith aural education departments =MI i.~~i..~.ria Agraeultural Education" Society Established Chapter at College Yesterday ' Begins nt Illinois Seniors who acre initiated ale John C. Mick. Ar thur G Campbell, Joseph II Cook, William C Criswell, Hugh C Hayes, Remit B Hess, John L Haat/cut, Thelon V Lea is, Norman P Marine., Elmer H Schneer, Rob ert H Stealing, Albert it Simkins, and John L Stookey Juni°, ale Melvin L Bhsh and Ralph L Rudy Associate members chosen flora county teacher, and grad ' mite students were E H Dab, John W Decker, Lyle J Hayden, W S leffnes, W. N Neuman, George R Pastan, Donald L Remade, 11. A. Tiouthian, and Daniel R Womer COLLEGE LEADER TALKS IN CHAPEL Unisersil3 !read Urges College Men To ONereerne Cmetnesness 113 Altitude of Nlind Urging College men and women to think together on present economic,) r and spiritual questions withl an attitude of/mind that overcomes coNetousness, Dr Moidecal W John son, pi cadent of Howard university of Washington, addressed the regular chapel audionte in the Auditorium Sunday moi "Religion does_ - not penetrate right) ly into present day fields of economic endeavoi," Dr Johw,nn pointed out.' "Religion must spi ead over all of , human life and its products which in c : dude economics and ethics, for only in them any will scrotal n civnhzationl continue to dominate the um Id " International relations of today deal smith the sti uggle tom oil, lion and s coal, and arc therefoie, of an coon-, mum: nature in cant] ast smah political nationalvon of Ares ions historical pencils, the unrvers]tt president ad-1 ded. . I Gas Oil ' HELLER'S 282 SERVICE GARAGE • 1000 EAST COLLEGE Free Hair Ciit Buy Your Next Haircut with the Money You Save in Your Laundry Bill We have reduced - rates 2070 Penn State Laundry 320 West Beaver Avenue Phone 121, WE WILL CALL FOR YOUR WORK Letter Box ' Edo.ol, COLLEII!AN Dear Sir: Many criticisms of compulso'ry 11.0 r dents who ate compelled to take the T.C. limning have been made front I coins° would, in the event of writ, many standpoints, but 1 believe one i have no place in the tegulat fumy. very impoitant one has been lost sight, Chemists, engineers, industrial lead. of in the wealth of criticism avail- ors, teachers, farmers, and farm en able. This criticism is made f tom a I ecutives all would belong on their Jobs. , practical standpoint and it shuns to The chemist making the gunpowilet, l etc that 11 0. T. C tt wrung has little the csecutt‘e directing the constt tic or no poetical value. Ilion of as planes, and the fainter tats- The put pose of the basic comae, asling the food' has each a high position set forth by the College catalog, is to jin the combative man-pow or Snore provide systematic aulitaty and lead-I this college matinees technically ership training winch will be of value 'limited men chiefly, when we subtract to the students in civilian, industtnal,; these fi am the total we have left slu m professional cancers, and of mil- I inisingls few s uhe might go to war. I Italy value to the govonment should !pelsonelly compute, from enrollinent the nation call upon them in tune of date in the College bulletin, that out enungency to act as limiters of its of a registration of 3432 men only defensive forces A bided use, hut about 711 of less than ..21 per; cent how far it is followed and fulfilled isleould belting in the regular army Of easily determined. j the remaining 2721, (over 79 per cent) As fat as leadership training and a feu might be in specialized govern disciplinary training m concerned it ment teas service—metheal, chemical, is plain to be seen that no positive re-' etc.—fin which no milttary banning salt at all to obtained In this part would be particularly needed, but the at the course no attempt is made to most of the remainder would be in meet potato any practice in leadership; I civilian positrons for which no =Mary and any such attempt uould he bound, training whatsoever is necessary of tie result in failure, fin, since no eves useful more than five pet cent of students' continue this trammg in the advanced comae, it it. . evident that no more than this number me sufficiently inter e.t.a' in the course to cooperate in it The discipline is lan, and necessarily so, for the students tightly feel that it is °heady too much - of an imposi tion for them to be fenced to take the course The militaiy value of the basic course is negligible, The tiaining ad ministered is that risen to a p-svate,! is highly technical, is of use chiefly , in Clench or similar ululate, and I much of it Is obsolescent This train-1 mg, nimeover, is easily forgotten, and most of it is lost even before gradua-' tion by those not inteiested in the ionise. The little technicalities of t scouting and patiolling taught, which I would have at most only a very sligh , application to modern um fate, ale un necessary because they ale mad, chiefly of an ordinaly grade of cons mon sense I hose the void of an in Ix Still n Crntlemon's Game HATS CLEANED and BLOCKED MQRRELL'S Billiards Opposite Paathince AMERICAN Watches for AMERICANS ELGIN WALTHAM HAMILTON ILLINOIS HANN & O'NEAL Jewelers ntriaror that the automata., rifle, to Which a considerable portion of the in , all action is devoted, is obsolete and has been I enlaced by a much n aps oved model. To top it nil, a majority of the stu- (Signed) Chillies E. Stevenson ANNOUNCING 4emphill's - Saddle Shop All Kinds of Leather Work Suitcases Repaired In Rear of Penn State See eet Shop New Spring Wash GoOds Voiles—Dimities—Batiste—Checked Lawns—Shantungs EGOLF'S LA VIE Photograph Sittings AieNow Being hide at PENN The QTATE HOTO L'HOP 212 East College Avenue • State College, Pa You Will Receive Your Appointment Card Please Be Plompt How about some loyalt __p up anu _ for alma mater, but what use are you to her ,if you are not loyal to "dear old self"? In 'fact, good health is 'essential to good letters, whether they be on your sweater or on your -mid year report! Give yourself the daily treat of two Shredded Wheat biscuits in good rich milk. For breakfast they give pleasant nourishment that keeps you on your toes all morning. Late at night —when the .ang goes out for a final bite, make your order Shredded Wheat and see how well you sleep. Nothing you eat is more easily digested than Shredded Wheat. Try this happy way of cheering for yourself and see how much more valuable you are to everybody! ' tNATIONAL BISCUIT - COMPANY C I "Uneeda Bakers" HREODO 'HE ST g 'aehday, Rla rch TREAT 3 PNEUMONIA CAS Thee eage4 of pneumonia are be vued fm in the Infirmary, Dr Jos P ftitennui, College polled ye,tel day Although no ous patients .11 0 rec,nang treat!, the Infirmary 1. not filled to capac he added. latince hl 130 Laurence Tibbeit and Great "THE SOUTHERNER" WEDNESDAY- , _ V,c,!or 11cLaglenj Fa, Wm* Coy in TIIURSD kT— ,dd vunpho. pr Levi, Slone i "31 PAST.' MEM John Gilbert, Louis Wothem Anna l'age '•GENTLEM I:VS FA'Z'E', The Nittany TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Return Shooing of Cohn Chic and Star Cast it "JOURNEY'S END" THURSDAY— "NOT EXACTI.I CENTLEAIF, HEM i SA TURDAY i "GENTLEM AN'S FAIR WITH ALL THE BEAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT