rata Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Puidi.hrd eend•weekly during the College year. except on holiday, by t.tudents of The Penne,l wools Stole College. In the Intere.t of the College, the Mullen., faculty, alumni, and friend, GING BOARD ALAN B CUTTING . 31 Badness Manager ALGFItT J. MILCSINI '3l Circulation Manager BARRI C WOOD At Atheriking Manager WILLIAM B Urn:MAN '3l lorcit.n Athirtt.lng Manager JANFT L 11ROWNBACK '3l Women a Millar THE MANA WILLIAM E lILERICII MI EM=I Mann:lnc Editor WILLIAM C. IIcELVAIN MI xe„a moor CHARLES A SCHMIDT Jr 11 New. rditor NORMAN n sontmt '3l Nev. Dl!tor r I ouisr norrrDiTz .31 Nom WA Ilana,ln. Editor /Iwo R Freer . S 2 Meth It Rite, Jr '32 Stewart Tanneend William Ii Irvine •12 rlaaalorr ,rellt . 32 F.lward W. White '32 2lfrmber ravt.•n lute, collegiate Nr.V , PaPer Assoaalion Busmess Office Natany Pontang Co. Bldg News Ream 3t2 Old Main FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1931 CRIBBING-OUR NEW TRADITION! The ,tholactic ethos tonnunttee's report on student elibliing nes eats n none too savory condition lime. Last vein when the name group completed a pieliminatv sar sty, Coulon' and a few faculty membeis woe tho onto ones to heal tlpnesults Incidents occurring at the end of the Inst. semester leant one to belie, e that Lithium; has ino,sed the stage mime it should he dis cus,cil in oluspens It is tune to come into the open, admit that time Pi a PINII condition hone, and take steps tau and unpn osement Authomtatrve and competent faculty and student groups should take the Ll:hiring problem under consider - ntaon munerhatels The wmmrtteee report gives a con mete hams for action and it would he a gross mmtake rt it were allowed to collect dust on the aundenuc shelf One fact must Ito kept in mind when the necessrn lan of action is detour red It is that there should be no sepal titian of student and faculty interest Blame— although the [aim is thstasteful—cannot be placed on maim faculty in student,' Some students mould cidi undo any conditions, some faculty monitors conduct then courses and finals in such a manner that cribbing is hound to clop up It Is not a case of faculty v 01... student,. It is a case of faculty and students selans a tanceiou+ growth, one that smacks of lateness A LOST ART Mans, loans yarn ago Diogenes wore himself out LS lag to find an honeot man Today it seems that the niodein Diogenes will v. cal himself out tiy mg to find an intelligent tonvei•ationahst By °atm and onset ration one would say that the art of convosation had pas.ed into the limbo of othm fro gotten things It is anni,lng to note what Lommonpiace, trite, and ON en banal topics arc Injected into every everyday con sin batten Can it be possible that our forefathers ovete s..vung the same Inconsequential, mslgnificant, dull thing- in tones past" But history thspioves that, fel at one tone people at least knew how to make tom - salon The other day a bit of spicy talk like this was over build on the campus It IS a typical °sample. One lad as telling about the distance front hi. home to Elm, lint it ought as well base been any other loan. And in of dm to contain° the conto,ation anothei member of the gi cup added thus phenomenal discovery, "Anyway, it slue is far if you're walking" If this be cons gite us athemc 115 W mans' tunes a (lac, is one accosted with "Nice day, tent it?" And you ',Rote five inmates talking about the weather in which neither of you are interested. 01 again it nught be, "Well, hoc's the 1,10" And the ual reply comes back like an echo, "Not so had." Why not simply grunt, it's camm on the facial muscles. Then these is the fiatca nay dinner table cons er sation—or is it lack of cominsation , At anv event one n ould be hind-pieced to call the usual type of dm ]er table small-talk "cons ci sntion." The wind is not pliable enough to coves such prattle Yet it goes on, .ind on, and on, endlessly. To all th, there , but one conclusion The alt of coned Matron has 'wised, let us hope fo a I egUel eetioll. BREAKING A PRECEDENT The shades of publaabon ti aditions will piobable curl up it, tees and blips assay at this, but Ise feel in the spit it to put in a M01(1 toi on, colleagues across the ball, minds , the lulu State F, oils, reputed College In for mei seas , , Moth prided itself on its alnlity to linger on the serge of suppression The editors leaped oak joy alien an into professor clamped up the step, to the old down-twin office wavrog a copy in one hand and dragging a blasted reputation after him. The meas ure of success VIM judged ho the number of oh] a-hug gcstne and downright smutty jokes they could crowd into one issue. And the Penn State student goggled at these jokes but neglected to slip a copy of the magazine in the laundry case he vent home Thr, >eel F. nth has eliminated a good bit of this impala, dirt A drop in cash sales and a few grey hairs among the business staff have been the lesult. htudents have been braid to complain that the comic has octerlotated because thole aren't enough dirty jokes in it. Student humor embraces such "stuff" We don't mean that this yew's Fi nth has become hilariously funny because of this clean-up policy, yet the limbic is corn- THE LION'S DEN e don't mind people getting personal, but mhy or eat th should they get that sin on Valentine Dan That same,' tennis -tom hems should be filled to oyei finning mith sacelhuine seine and °miming senti ment Yet ,nine of out lens thoughtful crams turned out day by taking it as an opportunity to castigate us tin ,"ong-doing or .uppir.ed ,tong-doing. We ex pected Iliad luck, but by all rules it should base conic on Finlac. the 13th. Nos% %%hat s null you third: if somebody sent }nu annul Valentine his° thin? 1=1!I 'Wen, see thought the same thing—only with more ex clamation mail, It's a good thing that nut closes claw didn't sign his—oi ni*be it nls n hes (me sin -005013 hope not')—name else we'd probably base been tempted to thiou some ink balls at his—m hen— eputahon Of touts°, ne could take refuge behind the thought that thine is nothing original about the ulea, and inc really did consider it mei ely as the dismantled soicc of the plebian mum its When the second nos- SIN e tame, though, out sane] b self-confidence was con sole] ably and. mined It AS.ts note allegoric tl and less odoufeious than the first, vet the Nob stung, just the same Hine 'to, Daniel cent into the Lion.,' Den To see chat he could see, But the lions sau Dan flint, So let', hold a jubilee. Natuialls, Daniel was a dean fool to go in theic in the host place, hut in out subconscious mind we could seem to heal a cholus of "Amen," nn all soles Om mom was only Inca eased Intel in the morning, howeym, when one of Uncle Sam's messen go, left a package at the OtTice addiessed to us We didn't luv,, whether to c‘pect an infernal machine or c niece ,tich of (13 namite Finally, gatheling courage, we decided to open the package and solve the mys tei (m,t like they do in detecti‘e stoi les) To mu scum I,e, what do you think we found , Well, it sea., a pound Inn: of chocolates all done up with nvl 111,1.1 w ith the deal est sentiment insole It "To Daniel Long may he lue" Still and all we wee club,ous, what if the senile had put in that humble ['chute to Inge of nony cm a pinch of arsenic^ Indeed, MC were co dubiou., that if any one wants the cand} all he needs do is :mid in his name and address and ten cents in ,tamps, and it, ill be mailed to him at once' One nerd knom., stunt to e•pect these days E‘en Indio announcements aie so peculiar It must be the influence of the machine age For instance, the othm night the announce, unsmilingly stated that the ne\t numbei mould he "'And Then Your Lips Met Mine h 5 .pecial pe,nis , ,ion of the eops i ght, ousel " Von, ne holm ulig ire got idapped the Oho night ll'. pi ninthly didn't get in tinieh n ith the r fight nu nos Nov I So). The C% Co-ed says that she attended the lee tares last week-end for hoe oesn Edth-fiention. And Pi alai nitv Fled conies bath to sac that he plan. a CI usade against daylight-sac ing time, because he does not want anyone to think that he 1. sup], ll'hu h I emind, its Aai r gm( pined the 'Tent, 01 .llay Q111 1 (.11" 1111111 1111111? Remington Portable Typewriters See the New Features ' AGENTS AT PENN STATE (' Cathainn Theatre Building EMI= I=l Vl°let , ale blue, Gallit smell bad r!lTVrrrn I!MEMI ED!1=11111 !3;!MEM=tII On the Remington Before Buying Ti PLiZq CRIBBING REVEALED BY ETHICS REPORTII -0- (Contonird p nst first page) entirely free from soy dishonesty Con.idered by I.,ses, the f esh men and juniors hail the least cub bong The sophomoi es Met e the uoist oil enders, with the semis meow, mg the middle position Dm idling the quiz pimps into thi ee classes Recoil ing to the percent of cheating dis co,. ed, 82 and 85 percent of the soph. onim es watched fell into the two highest menus. Consulei mg all students obsei veil the 'Label al As to nominations wed e most force from cheating. Agricul ture m it, a close second, a ith Mining. Engine°, mg, Chemistry and Physics, and Education toPowing rn miler Onl‘ a few Mine, and Education gm otitis NtCle obset Ned, howevm On the basis of the ...hoots of the stu dent: in all examinations, the outer as Libel al Arts , Education, Engi nem ng. Mines, Agricultme, and Chemistry ens] ales. The questionnon e sui vev Naas com pleted mccently. The students int.- VIM CIL nerve a m ern e.entative lot, cool ing from all closes and all school. An attempt It as made to question a highei -than-avel age type of unda gr actuate Setting 57 percent of the students as the consensus opinion of those oho cheat, m‘ty of the ninety-too under gladuates questioned blamed the stu dents The faculty and the examina tion system mere also pointed out a= being at fault In reply to a question as to under stint eirtumstancos they, ,ould cheat. orly sixteen r ephed oraler no condi tions The other, declined they Mould use dishonest means in such circum stance, as when netc,saiy to pass the course when others did, when the culmination na, unfit,,, and when they could help friends To the query of how to reduce dis honesty a large number recommended gloater dependence on daily stork for grades Other solutions ads aneed stole more adequate proctorrng, elm'- , ration of the honor point system, fan er esaimnationg, (loser contact he tween student and instructor, and a more ses me penalty for the guilty I The quest.on of the penalty found foitv-two students advocating failure in the examination, and twenty-tmo ravoling a substitute quiz Nineteen suggested indult: in the course, ,ith thirteen declaring that the offender should lie expelled from College I=l Based upon its study of the accu mulated data, the committee caroled tht co teconunendations Rn stly, that at the piesent tune ne base neither 0 mattering not an Imam stem Consequently, °abet sic must strengthen the ptoctoi Inc; method or establish a definite hanoi system Faculty-student committees in each School m department •to determine which e‘anumitions shall be pi octoi ed and which givett undei the honor sys tem Neese suggested Secondly, that a reason for the acuteness of thd situation is the luck of contact beta eon professor and stu dent. A system of advisor s and stu- Schrafft's • College Chocolates Ice Cream Chicken and Waffles SERVED . WEpNESBAY and SONDAY EVENINGS For Real Home Cooking Bring Your Friends to the FENWAY TEA ROOM Oppo , ite the Campus EAST COLLEGE AVENUE Sodas Confections CHAS. TURBETT $22.50 SUIT MAN RICHMAN'S FINE CLOTHES , at PENN STATE HOTEL TUES. and WED. Feb. 24th and 25th Showing new and correct styles for men and young men. The new qualities and values surpass any thing we have seen or of fel ed in 52 years. Call at hotel or phone 9640 and I will call with samples. Satisfaction guar anteed. Original Stool Pigeon Not Jail Bird, Reveals Natural History Collection The onglnal %tool pigeon number ed 110: %lain, by the ballelful and not 6y the cellfal Polthemune, he enticed then, Into the net mdh his eyes closed and not heed 011 it pe eunatry tennid like those of he, mod em An old pigeon stool, poqsiblt the last one in esistence, has Nought to light these facts The stool, on esln bition m the Kiamm collection of natmal histmy objects on the thud floe: of the Education building, is pint of the equipment used in taptui mg the once =mous passenger pigeons The estmetion of the, bads, lunge flocks of on loch once hid the sun, is :lucent , tali Mutable to this opim tos, in the opinion of Pint Going° It Moen, head of the name educa tion doom tment. The stool is acconnvimed bs , a Oct. about 35 In 1I feet, of light notes orb. oloch onus (Lopped when the stool dents in close pei sonal touch wa4 sU onglo suppot ted Thndlo, that V. het cool possible duung e.arninations students should la placed on level floors and some dis tance alma to 'ammo temptations Such rooms ns the Armory. Recreation hall and 100 Holt building are et.- sondes Belies ing that the situatimi has leached ar acute stage, the intestiga- Ong bode holds that both the student bode and the administration should take action leading to a sweeping ic foim When questioned as to whether hi , belies ed the situation at Penn State swiss than at other unites sales, Pi it tessol Nesbitt declaimd he had no knots ledge of othm college, upon which to base a sooty. Headed by Piot Russell B Nesbitt, the cominittec is composed of Di 41 thin P. lioness, Di BIM:, V. Moose, Horny W Lightstone '3l, Ed aaid W. White';?, and R 31 Itlamvell '3l The group solil continue to study the =tenni collected and eNpects to make mole definite i ecommendations Wei on TO HOLD HERDSMEN'S COURSE A herdsman's short course, & signed especially for those interested in lisestock management, will be held for the third consocutne March 2 to 7 H. L. STUART Nittany Peg. Bldg INSURANCE R. F. STEIN MOTOR CO. 121-123 S. Ilurrowes St Storage, Gas, Oil, Repairs 21-Hour Service Phone 252 Sl,OOO FOR _le i Tial,ellers navel Accident Policy Ideal Sot Week-end Tilps FROST 8. DOTY Peoples National Bank Bldg. Rea & Derick, Inc. 24-Hour CUT RATE DRUG STORES Ice Service 'FRIDAY & SATURDAY CUT RATE SALE Cream SHAVING NEEDS 35c Wms. Shaving Cream 27c 50c Wlns. Aqua Velva____37c 40c Woodbury Shin. Cr. 29c 50e Sway Shaving Cream 33c 15c Williams Toilet Soap for 25c Dl.OO Gillette Blades • 89c $l.OO Squibbs Shaving Cr. 33c Bic Lifebuoy Shay. Cream 24e $l.OO Cheramy Vegetale Lilac ale 25c Listerine Shaving Cr.'l6c 50c Mennens Shay. Cream 25c 35c Williams After Shaving Talc t lc All flat fifties of Laxities, Old Golds, Chesterfields and Camels-29c Try the Nelv Reynaldo Cigar pigeon had attracted enough of his kind Troy silk threads were passed tin ough the eyeluls of the had and drawn together, !saying rt temporal ily blinded Then the "hunters" plac ed the stool pigeon on the stool, ad justed the ret, and jarred the unin tentional traitor Into the an Attracted by the cries of their un fortunate brother, many other pig eons would gather around and follow the blinded one to earth, he Instinc tively roturning to the only place with in Inch Ire mos familiar, the pigeon stool At the Ilion of the net, it is :and that as o snp as We of thice laurels of the bads ',Ole often captured, and this dQstinction, coupled Isith then close ln ceding habits, soon led to the extinction of the species, the last one of %Ouch died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1911 SOPHOMORE HOP COMMITTEE WILL HOLD POSTER CONTEST A postern contest to design placard; for Sophomoie Hop will begin today Ind continue until noon Friday Complimentary tiel,,ts o ill be ;minded au pi i.:es to the contestants noose plucuids place hist, second, oi thud All posters must be sub metted to Chailes A Landis '33 at the Phi Sigma Kappa house befoie noon Friday. QUALITY MEATS At Lower Prices Than Ever Before J. J. MEYERS 220—PHONES-3:30 College Cut Rate Store WATCH THE WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 lb. GRANGER $l.OO Pipe $l.OO All IA9 Value $2.00 For Candy for Washington's Birthday Week - End Specials $4.00 Demi-bosom Shirts $2.00 $2.00 Shirts $l.OO $1.50 Ties $1.19 $l.OO Ties .79 $1.50 Suspenders • $1.19 Our National Representatis e, Bill Charlow, will be at Our Store Friday and Saturday of This Week Nationapy l- ek,,„o : ,Justly Known Famous O,Do • 9 I CANDY SPECIALS Fresh Shipment Each Week Guaranteed Freshness—Also Fresh Martha Washington JELLY BEANS 10c a Bag 15c a lb. R. & D. Chocolate Covered THINMINTS 39c lb. Fresh Shipment of Savigne Nuts—ln New Packages Chocolate Dipped Raisins 39c lb. PE day, Vehrunt y 20. 19:11 , FROTH VAUNTS CO-ED REPLY IN EDITION ON S V.P. TODAY Featuring an answer by Florence C. Davis 'B2 to its recent co-ed challenge, Penn State Moth, comic magasine, is on sale at all neu stands today. With a ...lotion to the mystery of the lost geology hook mined by Elvn e E Natio er Sll, eihtot-m-chief of the publication, anonymous chance , tures hs the Old Man of the See also' appear. C THAIJitt (Due to unusual length of Sat uralal owning athletic program. there nail he no 4p0C1:11 Into slam at the Cullman than neck ) FRIDAY— Constance Bennett. Adolphe Mellon,' Robert Slontgoiner) an "THE E tsiEsT WAI" Llurel and Hardy Corned% SATURDAY— Jack Holt. Constance Cummings in "THE LAST PARADE" MONDAY and TUESDAY— Matinee Dail) at 1:10 Warne; Mom. nod I'llaphane In 90006' Joe E Brown. Winnie Lightner in "SIT TIGHT' WEDNESDAY— Pilot Nottonal nod Vilaphone pr neat Louis Stone. Leon Janney in Booth Tarkington% THU itzDAY— Dorolli3 Madill;II, Ned Spark In The Nittany FRIDAY— Bernice Claire, Ednaril E Norton in "KISS NIE WAIN" SATURDAY— "THE EASIEST WAY" Laurel and }larch Corned, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 11.1rna Loy, Paul Page ma "I'IlE N %DC:MY FLIRT" TIIURSD 4Y— "FATHER'S SON" DENTAL NEEDS Free with each bottle of R. D 29, a 50c Tooth Brush Both for 69c 50c Pcpsodent Paste 31c 50c Dr. West Tooth Brush 37c 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush _ 50c Orphoq Tooth Paste_29c 40c Sqwhits Tooth Paste__27c 65c Forhans Tooth Paste 39c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste___-33c 25c Listerine Tooth Paste 21c 50c Kolynos Tooth Pastc__3lc LePirro Cleansing Cream, $1.25 value and Le Pirro Face Powder— $1.50 Value Both for 98c