Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 20, 1931, Image 1

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VOL. 27, No. 36
IN 1931 I.F.C. CODE
Interfraternity Council Discards
Preferential 'Bidding as
Primary Revision
Sterling Brown '3l Advances 3
Assessment Provisions
For Annual Ball
After more than two smooths' con
sideration, a fifteen-day rushing code
Sor 1031 was sanctioned by Interfra
ternity Council as submitted by J.
'Richard Smith '3l, chairman of the
icommittee in charge, at a meeting
'Wednesday night. Consideration of
a change in date from April 10 to
April 17 and a method of assessment
for I F Ball were also brought before
the fraternity group.
Outstanding among the revisions
incorporated in the new rules are the
abolition of preferential bidding, an
increase in the number of dates with
rushees, and the advancement of the
opening date to September 17, the
first day of Freshman Week.
In the new regulations fiaternities
may schedule two dates with a fresh
man at the beginning of the sea,on
with the provision that the remaining
two dates are not scheduled until the
completion of the first two. It was
also decided to eliminate luncheon for
September 18, second day of the per
Provisions me made for all fresh
men expecting bids to appear at the
Dean of lien's office on October 3
for bid cards submitted to that office
'by fraternities on the previous day.
, On receiving these cards the fre
men are gianted until Sunday noon
when they will appear at the _fra
ternity of their selection A silent
period has been designated from 8
o'clock Friday night October 2 until
6 o'clock, Sunday night October 4
Following the acceptance of this
code, Sterling E. Brown '3l, I. F Ball
chairman, suggested three plans of
assessment for the formal, and advo
cated holding the dance one waek
cr,than the date set.
Budget Discussed
Two budgets, for $5O and $7O per
house together with a stud subscrip
tion fee will be discussed in frater
nity chapter floors and will be brought
before the Council IVednesday night.
The suggestion to postpone the I. F.
formal until April 17 is the outcome
of the change in date of Junior From.
Brown explained.
"Being furthm removed from Eas
ter vacation, this date will be more
appropriate for the all-frato oily
function," he Matrad, "because the
111 st date follows only three days af
ter the College recess ends"
Frank Diedlich '3l, president of
the Council, in closing the SO,lOll
asked that fiaternities po ovide ade
quate checking facilities at house
dances and censor 'gate crasheis' at
nil college dances lie triked tot
greater cooperation in pi eventing un
dmelass visiting at haternity dances.
;%lorality at Chapel Senices
The Rev E Saunders, pas
tor of the Maley Street Baptist
, church of Brooklyn, New York, mill
sneak at chapel service Sunday on
"The New Morality"
This will be the first time the Rev.
Mr Saundeis has addressed a Penn
State audience. lie was recommend
ed Dom the platform by the speaker
at the freshman week chapel service,
Dr. John 14 Moore. whom he suc
ceeded at the Brooklyn church.
The speaker was captain of tile de
bating team and won /us letter in
track at Brown university, where he
seemed 1119 B. A degree in 1910. In
1018 he wins awarded his 31 A. degree
by Columbia university, and graduat
ed from the Union Theological :cm
inary the next year. In 1920 he took
a graduate course at Cambridge uni
versity in Englund
Representing the Penn State clinp
ter of Sigma Xi. national scientific
research fraternity, Dr. David F.
McFarland, head of the department of
metallurgy, attended an installation
of a now Sigma Xi chapter at the
University of Pittsbuigh recently.
Advanced R.O. T.C. Staff Elects Mildred Wentz,
Helen Buckwalter, Anne E. Mellinger
From Field of 8 Nominees
When the clarion note of a bugle sounds forth at 11:30 o'clock
tonight, the three honorary co-ed colonels, whose identity has
been kept secret for weeks, will make their first appearance as the
climax to Penn State's annual Military Ball. The 'COLLEGIAN
learned !late yesterday that they lull be Helen Buckwalter '3l,
Anne E. Mellinger '3l, and Mildred J. Wehtz '3l. '
In case some unforseen circum
stance arises to prevent the attend
ance of any of this trio, the choice
will be made from the following five
senior girls. Laura J. Griffiths, El
eanor Hays, E. Louise Ilotfeditz, Anne
E. McGuire, and Isabelle J. Wieland.
The three colonels Wert chosen from
this group by the student ad%anced
It. 0. T. C officers after a nominating
committee had named eight-eligible
Following strict military etiquette,
a bugler will begin the ceremony at
11 30 o'clock immediately before in
termission The co-ed colonels and
their escorts will be accompanied by
a guard of honor to a platform where
the former will be presented with
capes and certificates. After leaving
the platform, they will make their
way underneath tlri crossed sabeis of
the R.O.T.C. officers, to begin the
grand march.
Whitey Kauffman and his Victor
recording orchestra will play at th
all-College function. Appearing at'
the Publik Olympic theatre at Miami,
Fla , during the last six months the
band recently began its northern trip
and will conic here from recent ap
pearances in Pittsburgh, Ens, and
Harrisburg.. -
Favors are in the form of blue and
white leather programs bearing the
Penn State It 0T C. shield on the
cover. Utilizing both the College and
the national colors, blue and white
drapes will he employed along the
sides while strings of alternating red,
white, and 'Mai lights will from a
ceiling. A revolving crystal ball re
flecting multi-colored lights still atop
be part of the decorations.
Prof. 'Haas, Scientist at Universtly
Of Vienna, lhil Gist. 2 Talks
On Physics Subjects
"Modern Physics and Our Vies,
on the Univers"," will be discussed
by Dr Arthur Haas, of the Velvet oily
of Vienna, at 7 o'clock tonight in the
Chemistry amphitheater. The Euro
pean physicist mill speak at 1 10 to
morrow on "Light Corpuscles. Mate
rial Waves and the Lams of Physics."
Upon recen ing the degree of Doc
tor of Philosophy from the University
of Vienna, Dr. Ilium became a Ice
turd there After going to the Uni
versity of Leipsig fin a fern years in
the same capacity, be rettnned to
Vienna where Inc has served as pia-
Lessor of physics since 1923.
The Viennese plivsicist, rated by
many us second only to Einstein ,n
the livid of theoretical mechan co, lec
tured in the chief educational cen
ters of thi, country during his first
tour here in 1927 Sigma Pi Sigma,
national honorary physics fraternity,
together m ith the School of Chemistry
and Phs Ines and PM Lambda Upsilon,
national honorary chemistry frater
nity, have secured the services of
Dr. Haas
In 1928 lie Gibbs Committee of
Yule university appointed Dr Haas
co-editor, with prominent American,
English, and Dutch scientists, of the
commentary on the works of the
great American phy,icist, J Willard
14 ill Fill Position 4 ocoled by Diehl
As Board of Control Mad
Election of a chairman for the
Board of Athletic Control will take
place at a meeting of that body on
March 22, Neil M. Fleming, gradu
ate manager of athletics, announced
The recent resignation of Ambrose
N. Diehl '9B from the board of control
necessitates the immediate selection
of a new chairmao Mr Dichl has
served as trustec representative for
eleven years and as chairman for
ten year:.
Col James 11. N. Andrews '9B seas
appointed by Abe Board of Trustees
to represmit them on the athletic
board. The football policy for 1932
and 1933 will be determined at the
name mcettng, Mr. Fleming 'Lemke
Attempt Fifth Consecutive Win
In State Championships
With 4 Colleges
Seeking. to annex the Pennsyhanta
intercollegiate glen club champion
ship for the fifth consecutive time,
that; Penn State singers will com
pete with four other colleges of Ur ,
state inWitheispoon Hall, Philadel
phia, tonight.
Under the direction of Edmin 0.
Ifa vey '3l, the group m ill v.e for the
honor of mpresenting Pennsylvania
in the national contest to be held in
New York city on March 14 Alberto
Bimboni, directoi of the Oipheus Mu
sic society, George L Lind-ay, direc
tor of music in the Phdad•lpina pub
lic schools, and Nicolai Montam will
be the judges
Special entertainment engagements
have Loon arranged in Chester, Eliz
abethtown, Elkins Parh, and Reading
Miss Edna It Roderick 'fn., soprano,
will accompany the glom, together
with Robert G Thrash, '3l, magician,
and Albert Kaplan '34, violinist Jay
Kennedy '32 will act as pianist for
the group
Combined Clubs To Sing
With the University of Pennsvl
tams entering the contest for the
first tune since 1010, the laurels will
be •sought by clubs Lions Juniata,
Moravian, and Lafayette colleges, in
addition to the local singers.
The Orpheus Club of Philadelphia.
male choral society, 101 sing several
numbers tonight under the direction
of Mi. Bullhorn The competing clubs
will loin with the Orpheus Club to
form a chorus of 210 voices, will&
will sing "Prayer of Thanksgiving'
under the lend,ship of Marshall Ban
tholomea, director of music at Yale
uni‘ersitv '
The puze copg, "Feasting I Watch "
by Edam d Blew, will be ,ung by al
the clubs, while Richard Iv Crant'•
proteges hove chosen Grieg's "Ayr.
Malin Stella" as choice song and Mr
Grant', arrangement of "The Blue
dnd White" as college song:
Di Asa E Martin, professor of
Amet man history, will be the spout,
er at the regular agriculture lectures
in rosin 100, }MamaHine building
nt 10 nob el. this affrarnoon sober
he th•cusses "William Penn."
"Federal Quarantine Against In
sect Pests" will be the subject of a
sumlai lecture Wednesday afternoon
by Di W C O'Kiine, head of th^
department of entomology at the Um
,emity of New Hampshire.
Piof Chester D Dalile of the dmr•
husbandry depailment is going a scr
les of lectures on ice meant manufae
timing tins week at the Ontario Agri
cultural college.
Trustee's Graduation Thesis Explains
Ancient History of College Polylith
Dispelling mystery concerning the
poly nth, in front of the Armory, a the
sis written mole than thirty-one year,
,ago' by William L Affelder '99, at
Present a College Trustee and Vice-
Piesidirnt of the Hillman Coal and
Coke company, Pittsburgh, Was re
cently discovei ed.
In the intioduction, hlr. Affelder
Points out that the column, which
contains Croy known variety of
building stone found throughout the
state, was constructed in 1896 with
several objects in view. The import
ant ones stoic to enable the geology
student to see at a glance a general
but accurate section of the crust of
the Keystone State, with the rocks
nrianged in geological order; and to
determine the relative ability of the
various stones to withstand atmo
spheric detei wration,
The poblith consists of 281 samples
niacin ed front almost 150 different
localities and represents a span, of
New Student Custom IVill Aid
In Relieving Corridor,
Lobby Congestion
Retains Jury 'lnst System for
Tribunal- Actions—Opens
court Meetings
Establishing a nen custom at the
College, Student Council Tue,day
night ratified a motion which prohib
its ficshmen from using the front
entrance of the new Liberal Arts unit
beginning Monday morning.
By diverting freshman traffic to the
rear door, it-is expected that the con
gestion in the lobby of the building
between classes will be relieved They A series of weekly lectures con-1
new• ruling onill be incorporated here- coining Diesel engines was announced
after in the regular fieshman ens- )eaterday by Prof Arthur J Wood, I
Any group desiring to hold a engineering. I
"Penn State dance" outside of State Tomorrow Mr A J Poole, manager i
College must in the future apply for of the manufacturing sales depart. i Students Start Mote:nem
permission one month in advance to meat of the United American Bosch
The 4111,1,\ is Leing carried on' lit
the Penn State Alumni association corporation will give an illustrated
, the committee on scholastic ethics, ape
of the county in which the dance is lecture on the "Robert Bosch Fool In. ,
panted by Student Council with the
to be held, as the result of another, jection Equipment" at 10 o'clock in: p ap mval of President Ralph D Met
resolution passed by Council. room 200 Engineering D 1 .01 It is Whored to he thellist of
Open Tribunal Trials Continuing the setter, Dr Paul II
Scho easel, of the engineering re-its kind conducted by a College stu.
This action was taken to abolish search department, still talk next : ,"e'..,_ ,_.„
l" bo dy
bull session on the any unauthorized dances that might Saturday en "Knock ng in Diesel En-i ~ s tudent
tint of cheating in examinations gate
bring discredit to the College In glues" Dr. Schoeitzei is in charge
the event that a county Alumni a=so- of the College oil spray rescaich i rise to the incitement The partici
ciation is not in existence, the dance pants, a group of "V" 005 Lots retui n.
Bollinger To Speak I im, from a trip, thought something
must be authorized by Student Conn.!
cll. i "Mechanics of Combustion in Diesel , should be done about it So they
The committee Matting un the ieso. l Engines" still be the subiect of a lee. I did something, organizing an informal
tattoo, of which Marry W Lightstone tare on March 7byMr W F. Josch. -tsoup to collect data. The forma'
'3l is chairman, recommended that ini, of the Westinghouse Electric and:committee sons appointed in April
names of chaperones be submitted, Manufacturing company On Match' 1020 ,
that no one be admitted to such dune- 12 Mr. Val Cionstedt, of the Lyco-1 Eleven hunched students wme un
es without a written card of admis., l
ming Manufactiiiing company, will; den obsess awn in the June, 1929, ex
sum, and that the nniiimum tax-be s2._ come hero to talk on "Aare Engine , animation week. - Nineteen oly.crver•
In -an effort to revive interest in
Cooling." Mr Cionstedt is one of i participated, each cotming about sca
the enforcement of customs. Tribunal the leading airplane engine experts, enteen undergraduates in sixty-six ex
meetings will again be thrown open
in the country , animation groups No names of
Mr L Ii Morrison, associate eili- molatois or suspects time mentioned
so ill ueer i at any time
to members of the three upper classes .. ..
The jury trial system, in force sincer b. of rotsri meg....l nv
September, was retained by the Conn- ' the lecture March 21 on "Practic.dl To pro ide an accurate result, the
oil Aspects of High Speed Diesel Enginclobserveis were carefully nista tided
A committee wa, appointed to con-: Design" An slie's discu ss ion on solid' and followed a definite procedure. The
fer with College officials in regard au injection will take the Mace groups watched woe chosen so as tr
of the regular lecture on March 28
to presiding coot racks in the new ;rite a cross section of the ‘ll.llot.
Liberal Arts unit. Council members: \ wilts of four lectures cull b., f ,h,w, and ~,,,,,,,,,
given April 11, 18, 05, -and May 2 by .-
- ---"
were also asked to assist in quelling
Prof Clarence E Bullinger, head of 222 Cheat
petty thievery about the College by
reporting -offenders the department of industrial encl., Too hundred and to entv-two, 2 01
neciing Prof. Bollinger will base, nercent, were detected cheating, while
his talks on the principl,s of indu.- 1 10 pei cent fell mid. susiiimon Of
tool managemento Dr Schwmtzei the sixty-six groups, twenty-tut
gave the opening talks of the series ,b,,,,, c d cr i1,b,,,,,
FOR PRODUCTION MAY 16 "Review of p by 31 to 80 percent
recently on Review of 011 pray .e- , of the students with nineteen report
,arch," and "Solid Injection and Air ink no dishonesty at all
Women To Take Part in Show—Hold Infection" The scope of the Januaiy, 1910,
I These lectures will be open to all,
final examination project stn., ',lactic
'tryouts Tuesday, Wednesday Diesel engine students in addition to ~b
doubled T lin tt -fit e student
faculty members and graduate sta,.lgontS towel...di on .some toenty-four
dents. 'Unless others is.. announced'
'dint Prof. Demme! Fishborn and bundled taking qui/ -es in one Wri
the talks wi ll take place at 10 o'clock cil laid set cnty fit, oou i Thry
J Ewing Kenneth have begin , wor' in the morning in room 211 Mani
on the 111t141C and book parts of th, :l ' is ' cot . ei cd 590, 21.1 - . 1 1- iiii co l o ‘ t, using
next Thespian show, to be staged Engine,iring Wilding 'mooted methods, and 16 pm cent more
May 10 in the Auditorium, was an-' exhibiting suspicions signs
nounced yesteiday by Kenneth L W.S.G.A. SUGGESTS Ile too moues every student ci M-
Bottle] nom 'II, inanagei of the pro,
t bedA thud of the sections found
dilation LESS PHONE DUTY we cheating ratio t arying from .10
For the first tun, at n Junior Prom , Ito 100 'lucent, while folly-Duce meic
,how, the women parts in the chorus
and cast will be open to co-eds. huh- Recommends Reduction of Hours furl (Continued on o
second page)
mg the place of an all male show , Freshmen In Dorms to Co-Ed
, which has chiliad:air.' previous, '
Prom productions This plan 14 in ac- Customs Committee
cordance with inganizations at tither
schools such us the "Mimes" at the
Unitersity of Mulligan.
Co-eds intere , ted in trying out fon
'the chorus or cast of this production
should report at the Thespian club
room on the fourth floor of Old Main
at 8 o'clock Tuesday in Wednesday
: etenings
I The r odactain of the moires of
I hours of freshmen women's telephone Zorella '3l Opens Trials to Students
duties in the doinntories will be eon.
sidered today by the customs coin.
mitten as a result of the suggestion ,
of the WSG A. Mouse of Repiesen- For the hest tine this school lean
tatives. a Tribunal hear ing will be open to all
The House recommended that then members of the three upper class,
hours of duty be slier Ceiud vo that when that body convene. at 7 °Mink
the hist year gills need take duty; Wednesday night run th e L i ttl e th„.,..
,from 6•30 to 0 o'clock on sect.-emit Old Main, John Zorella "It, pins
nights only I idea of the group, announced cos
I As the Customs' rule now read, tel day This announcement folios
' freshman women take telephone duty 'the action of Student Council Tut -dm
millions of years in the geological for-'rn 111cAlhster hall, Women's building.: "I nook! like to call to the atten
matron of the earth's crust In Penn- I and Grange dormitor y fr our 7 until non of uppoiclu.smen that fi eslimen
nylvaina., It is :127 feet high and 8 o'clock on week nights and from must w•sin cents and that lenthei
'neighs approximately 03.4 tons. 1 7 until 10 o'clock week-end nights jackets or weaters ate 'not
In order that the geological ,cries Thus necessitates that the first year inAcil as substitutes for thorn." stated
might not be broken. a few stones Si omen Imam° duty at lea n t none gorella. "Further, let one remind hat
from localities outside of the state every two weeks. I men of thou responsibility in r•port•
wore introduced into the polylith, he- With the new plan each ma , cases to Tribunal
cause a few very important form- freshman would go on duty once'
atrons were not available in Penn- month. Further suggestion of the
sylvania. In this way, the column thou in recommends that the proceeds'( Who's Dancing I
of the McAllister hall dance be given
can he used as a hams of comparison
between slimier stones of different' to the W.A A. fund for the building ] -
localities. ; of a mountain cabin fur the use of
Inquisitive freshmen, questioning all "omen students.
the reason for the construction of thel
polylah, arc often led to believe vain. ] WE Mat RESUMES POSITION ;
ous "wild tics" One of them is, At the request of President Rnlph
that' the column nos constructed as a D. Iletlel, Pi of. Palmer C. Weaver of
mirrored to "Jerry" whose *eon." , the School of Education will 'mine
ore buried beneath R. "Jerry" was his position as 1011110Selltattr.I of the
the mule which hauled stones in the National Education Association at
construction of Old Main seventy- the College. Professor Weaver held
,two years ago. !this position two years ago.
Cold Weather Keeps
Infirmary in Demand
With the possibility of a cold week
end, the Weather Bureau forecasts
slight change in temperature and
probable rain or snow for today. :
While students ship between pools
which form on sidewalks and gamble
on the advisability of slicker or over
coat, the College physitians will be
kept busy treating the rush of colds
and complaints usually experienced
at this time of the Sear
At the present time all space in the
Infirmary is occupied and College
physicians report more illness now
than in the same season of oilier
Announces 9 Weekly Lectures.,
By Prominent Specialists
In Oil-Engine Field
head of the departotont of mechanical
IWholesale Cribbing
Laid Bare by Ethics
Committee Expose
24 Percent of Students Observed in Checkup
At Exams Prove Cheats—Sophomore
Class Leads Dishonesty
Seizing barehanded a subject which heretofoi e has been whis
pered of only in the most confidential chats, the student-faculty
committee on scholastic ethics i uthlessly exposed cribbing at Penn
State in its report to the College Senate meeting last night and to
Student Council.
Twenty to twenty-four percent of the students watched pro% ed
cheats in investigations by undergraduate observers of the June,
1929, and January, 1930, final examination periods, it Ns as revealed
by survey figures announced for the first time last night An
additional * ten to sixteen percent displayed eloquent signs of dis
That nfty-el en pe.telt of the stu
dent body cub, was the a‘ et age est:-
,mate of a queatlonnalle to nmet,tuo
replesentatlve students Then inch
vidual judgments lunged from ten to
one bundled ptrunt
Afilitary Rnll
(rrL °talon I lull)
II lnlr h u m/ratn
\ln Kappa Tao
(Invitation Only)
WlAte y ICuulTown
Ph. Lambda Theta
/nue and Gold
Women Orators Argue in Dual
Contest on World Free
Trade Proposition
With "Resolved That the Nations
of the World Adopt a Policy of Free
Trade" as the pi ulmsition, Penn
State's co-ed no ito, 1,11 inset the
lir inns vmmcn i Matt, in a dual
contest tonight
Manger ct larmh 'Bl and
Miss Hai met 111 Hai iv 'a; still uphold
the atilt oath e at 7 10 o'clock in
ichunb auchtca rum chile Miss Mar
mite Hatham as 'll and Miss Elwa
ieth N Henner '33 argue the negative
n Colleges site
Miss Lomh is tlo orh expeirence I
debater whom Coach Baku will use
She is smelt., of the Forensic soun
d and this B het ,cond teal in in
'emollematc comp, lanai
Pmf John If 1 , ...,11, of the Eng
lish composition departmcnt, urn be
the Hum men of the dr.cussion to
night At the end of the debate, an
open forum on lii be conducted and nn
audienca vote mobably mill be taken
On Tue,da) night, Samuel IMap
ler VI and Et nest C Millet '3l, Penn
;tate t epresentitnes , ,111 defend the
affirmative of 'he unemployment in
surance topic against William and
Stns of atots late Both me appear
ing fat the fiiNt tune in an Intel
collegiate conte-t
Adsocating affnmati‘e of the
'roe trade anc.tion in On egon style
of an guinent, Barn Lightstone
'3l, and Aalon I)t mkruan aril de
bate Dickinson it ptcscntativea at
Can hole ea Thursday night The for
mer has d_leated to memos Londe—to
Suit the latter is a nee coiner in intr.,
collegiate foi come cn Lite,
C 0.11.11 O'l3llPll last night named
Orville A Bit, kcal '4l, an I 511Itten
1 . Balding. '.3.; to diaile at Segue
I[lll, W,lelletee P lel .111etson, and
the Unavet slip of Pittsbuigh on the
We,tor'n Penn tap MAIO 5,
g, and 7 Bittlitotl, to a • ettran of
three yea,' 051101tonte s,hle Bahl
neon will v.:moment butt lot
the first. time.
history Department Hem] To Ui.w.,
Sinalmestern Indian lop.
NI/0.11(111V 1111 "Gllllll/ s of South
, ,tern behave.," Or Asa E Alert in,
of the (101.0 ton nt of 10,00 V nt poll
heal ,10111,2, \nil! 1110 no( and
une of the Lawn al At ts 1/t
100111 107 Main Engineei ling at 7 0 . -
clock Tuescht% night
The, l ectun iv, one of the sen irivc n
corny two we 'ho by nveinhen of the
College feLivlty, e. i.poni.on NI 11i the
School of fallen al A t , and follow,
the chmittioin en nil "1 he Org inn/anon
or .1 SV111),111111V 01 a" t o.cnt
en] h, harelconi.ten (AI 0 Thump
von last 'I tte•vinv,
Beeau, of the loony talps whop
he tool. to the Went, Dr Morton h
had exteptlonal opooltonay to study
the Inthans of Vouthoestet I Anterott
It tends Idol :led front a Inc months'
.01 VON' of the buttons of A wont., the
!canner has gained an th,ght at lint
hand into the. life
Doe to the filet that thee have h e m
lea , t affected by elide moo'. Who.
elite, the Southot,tet a Indians, mill..
whom Di IV:titan will deal. h tee to,
, telved mote of the to unitive V.ll
taetton, and marmot of Hying than
any eta o abottg nes.