r Page Fotir 1931 Baseball, Track , P H W I ZIT I I i N A S PP TROPHYM Schedules Released Lion Batsmen Will Play 18 Games—Runners Open Feb. 7 A ba,ball ,thedule of eighteen games fm the 1931 season ,üb mitted List week to the faults matee on athletics and auaa, the final notion of that wool, fm anon] .anction Wintei and ynmg tiaLL schedule, %sete announced b 3 Neil 11,1 Fleming, graduate manag,ei of ath letics After a 's lap,. the batsmen udl renew the custom of opening the wason nith a southein hip Begin ning Ap 11 1, the team a dl neat Eton, North Caiohna State, Duke, George .tou n, and blimeibitv of Mai land, be fore retuining home tot games with Gettr,hing and Dickinson 81=1:11= Tao not them Dip, hose also tylen arranged fin the Lion nine During the first part of Mao the team will meet Sy laws° and Colgate away, fol. loued by a journey to None Biunawicl i and West Point tot engagmients with Danger...nal Arnn nom the middle of Map until June 0, the hat,men hill ph* =even games, all at State Col lege, uith Juniata. Muldenbeig, Sus quehanna, 13ue15:1,14 illanina, Col gate, and Tempts With the Maltose gam, in Neu York city Fehivaii, 7. opening their indoor season, paled Lion iunnms wili compete in four invitation meats next month Penn State soul send representatms to the Meadoubiook gmnee in Philadelphia Felnuaiy and the Now You, A C meet on Feb ruary 10 Pet no,ton to compete to the Um eyea.l. of 111,4 Vii gone Indool era • ebruni 3 11 has also been tentati‘el!. ranted The %%niter %,..IN.ll,lii dos larch 7 with the indoot champion DEAL & SON Plumbing and Heating Fraser Street ' —J _~ s Prom California to New Haven . . • the FAVORITE pipe tobacco of college men is WHEREVER college men pause to load their pipe you'll see the familiar blue tin of Edgeu ortb! At California, at Tale, at Williams and Cornell .. in America's lead nig colleges and unit emitter you till find Edgeworth the favorite smoking tobacco of the college man. College men et erynlicro respond to the appeal of pipes—packed with cool, sloe-burning Edgeworth. Be guided by their choice Try Edge worth yourself. Taste its rich nat ural sat or that is enhanced im measurably by Edges orth's dis tinctive elesenth process, Too will find Edgeworth at your nearest tobacco shop-151 the tin. Or. for generous free sample, ad dress torus C. Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, 1 a. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO • fiIeT VI R 9 P r e ' PEiTt i ftßW Fagg EO6. `-- t ifON Pib c Gt WO al/5/ rol.trlvorth It n Lip nd of line old burltya. with Its natural envoy mita:teed hy Edge. worth's distinctive olaventh procoen. Etlaworth win re In two forms atly-Itublwel" and "Mtn; Silo , "All also, 16[ noel , . t. pa. La, to pound humidor tin. cl.aon from Stephenson, Pi Kappa Al- College To Grant No 'ph., to annex the 115-pound title Phi Epsdon Pt gamed it, °al!, first Deferment of Fees place "inner ulna Phd Epstein de fatted Harry Ruthrauff, PI Kappa Al pha, In the final of the 125-pound class That no defmment of fees will be I After a close fight in the 135• pound panted to students when they leg- class, Paul Feuer°, non-fraternity, ister fon the second semester, was p neceired the seldict, over Harry Zim announced by College Treasumr merman, PM Siesta Kappa. In an Williams G. Mtn totlf y °Andol j all-Phi Kappa Sigma final Bill liens• Not, ithstanding the present boon- zey defeated his flaternity brother, ness dept ession'and an anticipakd I Bill Deepen, to win the 115-pound Li number of students who hope for tie. Tom Slusser, Delta Tau Delta, deferied payment, 1111 Alan ton ff !sends scored a knockout victory oven clammy that the College Administia- 'Phil Moonves, Phi Epsilon Pi, in the tan belines it best not to divert pmost exciting bout of the afternoon, from the oust pope } . i to gain first place in the 160-pound Time Table Changes 1 Johnny Guelll, Delta Upsilon, used his height and leach to ad, antage The folloss no ar e th e c h anges en d i Tlr.,ta, in a slugfe9t for the 175-pound additions to the second semestei time; crown, Scoring the only knockout of table I the finals. Bill McMillen, Sigma Nu, . . .. ABCh 43S—Flom T 11 to w 2 ! brushed Buck Under, Beta Theta P. 251 Danz near the end of the first round, to AgEe 4—W S 10 M 2, We,t er, Dennis ain the heavy, elght tale —2OO Hort , For 39 , Flom F 1-8 to F 1-3 'PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Lib I—W S, Clamor, Lib K—Pr.le 1 1 PhCh S—Nev, Hour% Si S 8 Th 2. 1 PhCh 6, New Hours Si S 9 Th 3 i ships at Madison Soigne Carden The Penn Relays will open the out done season on April 21 and 25. Syr-, abuse, Noith Carolina, and Temple. traelanen mull jouiney to State Col-1 lege on comcculne sseek-ends and on May. 20 the varsity and II eslimen will compete against Pitt assay, tot lowed bs the IC-4A championships at Philadelphia May 20 and 30. The; Pennsyhania Interscholastic meet silt be held in conjunction Mall the Tem ple contest EGOLF'S Special CHIFFON SCARFS AT $l.OO " EGOLF'S SHOEMAKER BROTHERS • I'hono 530 1006 Nett College Avenue ' Our Service to the Community I—Modern Furnitm c Storage Service. 2—Speedy Moving Van Service all over the Country. (All Loads Insured) Expert Repair Service on all makes of cals. WHEN a man reaches the point where he realizes his lack of money in bank is due to his own fault and not that of others, he has also reached the starting point of success. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK ALLEN STREET "The Bank With the Clock" T IN ow gegen know WHIT FOOT-LOOSE REALLY 311 HAAS ... -,-,,. T. Record Nu. IJ. - i6•U, 10 inch, 73c Cllll 11111 I.IITIF I:till 1 1, (from “Suott and Lou") 11 ax 7 . rorg I Al o.s A Li mLL Mios (WllO hlioSt, Me to butio!, lonoLoote)rn':jre,l'clr4aud Record No 23514), 10 end], 75e 'I et Pt ~el i. oon—itunibes rer Troi 7el NIT Series It Tenout.e Tel Wll o. (Clebieg, f Culdurunt Ramblers Oneluresegide)—Fol Troi Record No. 23 19. D. lOonth, 75e TII WIIII , I I r Mll COM MS / , (..., AT T.. Si ..., c / uuts—Art GIIIII4OI Me Witnitcrsug Phmeni) ~ Columbia - Records —.— (continued (ruin thud page) !to defeat Yutz. Dledneh, Phi Delta FREE MOVIES 7 00 I'. 111. Wed, Jnn. 28 203 Ig. Bldg "Horse-back Riding" h. Dr. J. P. Shigley Ladies Im3ted CAMPUS - SADDLE SCHOOL Hear of Theatres l'hone 9799 To be bore—"l Altss A Little Alin," certainly is fintratcstepper-melody. And "Cheerful Little Earful" doe., pack natural dance-enticement, an befits the hit tune of a Broadu ay musical hu. But—it's Ben Se'yin's canny baton that has extracted men' cry last karat of terpsichorean gold from these grout numbers, and-011 this nuuctit record—Las made them perfectly grand dancing! Try these others, too, at your Co lumbia dealer's THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN !WRESTLERS TO OPPOSE I W. VIRGINIA SATURDAY (continued from thud page) von form The Mountaineer giappleis have already competed in four dual meets, two contests u ith Waynesbuig, both of which the West Vtiginm team son by large inai gins As their fir..t major match of the season, the Moi gantoun men then met the Univei city of Michigan's team and last Thuts day they engaged the =Wien final the University of Indiana. Reports indicate that Coach Steve liarrick has a seteran team of gap- piers for Saturday's duel and should the Lions prose sectors, they will tune a comparatisely easy time in their next three engagements against Chi cago, Syracuse, and Piinceton. CLASSIFIED MR RENT—One single and one dou ble room on second floss. Rooms nicely furnished and well heated Both looms on same floor, the sent sely reasonable. Phone 418-J or come and see for youiself 720 W College Ate FOR THAT TRIP HOME GET YOUR GASOLINE-OIL-REPAIRING KELLER'S 282 SERVICE STATION EAST COLLEGE AVENUE A Complete Food Service Sensational Announcement Due to Reductions in Materials We Are Able to Make MADE TO MEASURE SUITS As Low As $19.50. BALFURD'S TAILOR SHOP _ Under the Corner Room Only Small Down Payment' MODEL 7o LOWBOY—Prg, 4r, 14.146 6e7 and L prtand , fa tuba. "We don't know what it means to have radio trouble" says every owner of ATWATER KENT RADIO with the GOLDEN VOICE H ERrs a radio made not Satisfaction—every hour, every merely to sell, but to tent. day! Isn't that what you want? We seldom hear from Atwater lave it—with thc new Atwater Kent owners after their sets Kent, the most satisfying radio are installed. They're too busy in the world It's yours for enjoying their radio. They're a small down payment—pay satisfied. the rest as you enjoy. Electric Supply Co. 202 Alkn St COOK—Expedenced also as caterer and stewardess, wants' position. References fui lashed. Call 474. ltpE IF THE CO-ED NI ho returned my ge ology book to the COLLEGIAN office Friday 1, ill make herself known to me, I'll send hoi a valentine or something. E. It. Noderer, T.U.O. ltpC BUS SERVICE—DaiIy to points out of State at low .1 ates Round trip to Nov York $1233, to Washing ton $13.80; to Baltimore $11.90. to Buffalo $13.95; to Phillipsbing, N. J $9.18. See Cohen or call 572-R. I WANT a position as cook in a Fra tot nity Can cook and bake. Can .opply term e11e.% ItpE WANTED—Fifteen or more boarders at a very special price Also four to room. Inquire at 101 E. Foster Ave 2tpße ROOMS FOR RENT—Second semes ter $B5O Board $7.00. Toso blocks from Postoffice Inquire at 114 W Nittany Ass, Phone 46-J ltplle Th e Corner unusual Phone 219 J WARNING—The identity of the poi son who took the black double breasted overcoat from the Ford roadster in front of the Alpha GM Sigma house Sat. night of Senior Ball week-end is l,nossn. Unless the overcoat is mailed to Montgemely'h by Thursday, prosecution will en sue. lteom I OWN COAT Avlth brown gloves and clink. Will person who advertised in Friday's Collegian please call Alt house, Theta Nu Epsilon. ltE STATE COLLEGE BRANCH Lewistown Dry Cleaning and Laundry Co. Careful Cleaners DOUBLE SERVICE-50c QUALITY SERVICE-41.00 CALL BELL PHONE 858 WE HAVE REDUCED OUR RATES 2001 0 On All Underwear Buy Yourself Two Packs of Cigarettes with the Difference The quality of our work remains the same. Only the price has been lowered. Increased business during the past year has made this reduction possible. THE Penn State Laundry West 13emer Avenue I'hone 124 I'. S.-llnNe }our Dress Shirt laundered non. It will be ready when you want it. No Extra charge how to avoid beings A W-MPED ! ~~ -1 Eat wrong and you're sunk. AO that applies to studies as well as to swimming or water polo. Eat food that's easy to digest, yet plenty nourishing, and even the dreariest prof sounds interesting. Work is done-in half the time, and you get twice the enjoyment from your leisure hours. Shredded Wheat will do it whether you cat it for breakfast, lunch or mid- night supper. Easy to digest, packed with nourishment, and containing all the bran of the whole wheat, it's a natural food for college men. Two biscuits a day, in good rich milk, will do the trick nicely. Try it! NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY "Uneeda Bakers" SHREDDED HEAT M 7 7.ei sHREK-Ig°, WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Tuesday, Tanuary 27, 198 CO-EDS Make SCHLOWS QUALITY SHOP Your Headquarters