L ,-, ) (:: .:., . , ~., .. 40, "FOR THE GLORY ,II - .. * , t ..:- , ..• OF OLD STATE" I run a r ::k",.. ....,..T,.,-ass.4-,.. VOL. 27, No. 28 WHITEY KAUFFMAN TO FURNISH MUSIC AT MILITARY BALL Tours North Following Extended Theatre Engagement in Miami, Florida WILL APPEAR FOR THIRD TIME AT R.O.T.C. DANCE Student Officers May ConlinUe Co-ed Colonel Precedent Begun Last Year Whitey Kauffman and his arches tia will furnish music at the Military Ball to be held in Recreation hall Feb ruary 20, according to terms of the contract signed Wednesday night The orchestra, uhich tins bean se lected by a committee headed by Sam uel E. McKibben '3l, has been play ing at the Public Olympic theatre at Miami, Florida, since last summer Recently it began its northern trip and among its appearances was one at the Georgia-Florida Thanksgiving football dance held in Savannah, Georgia Last week the orchestra performed in the eastern, part of Pennsylvania After an appearance at Pittsburgh they played at Erie this week When Whitey Kauffman plats at the Military Bull this yeas it will marsh Ins third appearance at a Penn State military function. The last tune he played here teas in 1028 May Appoint co-ed Colonel, Although definite plans have not been arranged for the selection of honorary student co-ed colonels, con tinuance of thy custom begun last year will rest on the results of a questionnaire to be conducted among the student officers In the event that the cadet officals favor the continuance of the custom, a plan will be evolved by the student colonel acting in cooperation I‘ith Dean of Women Charlotte E Ray -One of the - problems met "with lust year, Pursell stated, wits that some women especially fitted for the ',ora tions were not nominated because they were part of the group selected to name the colonels. If the cadets fa vor continuance of this feature of the annual Military Ball the plan 'which will be adopted for the selection of lionoialv colonels will elanunite this possibility, Pursell said THESPIANS OFFER `1931 SCRAPBOOKS' Present Musical Rouse us Mrst Production of Nex Year at 7:11 O'clock Tonight Jones then made the attest and took As their fast offering of the 1930- tine B-Befonte man to the county mil 31 season, Penn State Thespians will but not before the alleged nuscienn' present "The Scrapbook of 1931," a had succeeded in Weakling, severe revue featuring the Thespian dancing pint bottles of whisky which he ban chorus for the entertainment of the concealed in a gum sack nearby. Serum Ball guests tonight at 7.15 o'. I In dlault of bail, Banner wa , clock in Schwab auditorium committed to the county jail anti The inoduct•on will be of the roue his case Is biought before the Febru hoe consisting of interpolated musi- alv session of the County court IL cal numbers and "black out" skits was airaigned berm. Justice of th' Kenneth L lioldeiman 'Bl will act Peace ' , tank P. Millet, Wednesda , as master of ceremonies while James- night, and Emma% charged with Ulf S Norm 'B2 and Edwin S Zlalmed offense 'J3 will enact comedy toles. Co-eds I will take pact in the comedy skits COUNCIL GIVES TRIBUNAL rot the second time in 13 years when Smith 532 and Miss POWER AS THEFT COURT Marjorie Fisher '32 poitiay diame ters in the "black outs" Returning to Penn State musical, Takes teflon Because of Numerim. shows, J Ewing (Sock) Kennedy, star Losses on College Property dancing comedian of 1026, will lead the Thespian male dancing chorus as, partner to Miss If Grace Baer '3l I Following a compitunt of thefts The Vaisity Too. campus .)1177 arch- Student Counml passed a n evolution at esti a, will enteitain with a stage pie- its meeting Tuesday night that env sertation as a feature of the revue person disco‘ercil in the act of theft The musical section of the show about the College should lr• habil will include numbers by .the Rhythm to Dial In the Tiibunal and, at it , Boy,. 0 bin composed of Flank F. disci ellen, to a Clutha teal berme Moi Ili '3l, Richnid A. Whetstone '3l, I Student Beni and James S Hornbeck '3l, and n midi- I This action, arcing fm net loss of tine, by the Piano Quartet, IV. Jny aiticles in the halls i ecentiv, imikes Kennedy '32, Charles J. Miller '32, possible checking of petty thmely Nevin F Decker '3l, and Wh , tstone, about the campus by pimiding a pun accompanied by Donald A. Shelley '33 ishment to be meted out by the Tri on the organ Simon Muclo Jr. '33, Lunal. Howevei,_if the Tlibunal con banioist, and Veto A Aluise '33, tic-, alders it necessniv Student Bonid will cordionist, will play in an mstrumen- conduct a Nailer Dial and will set MI act the punishment. Another feature of the entertain- I Bruce V Weidner '3l was appoint ment will be a tumbling act by a trio rd to attend the meeting, of 'the compoheil of Holly W. Davidson 'al, Borough Council follow mg nn invi- Mclvin A Foisy the '33, and Alson Wain of that giouii to send a seine- Meredith '33 The show will start sentative. Anoth, action culminated promptly at 7:15 o'clock, +mem ding to in setting o'3o o'clock fen the time of an nnnouneement by Whetstone, prom- meetings in the tubule instead of 7 dent of the Thespians. o'clock. JOINS ENGINEERING FAGGOT CIIEDSEY WILL GIVE ADDRESS Ilinty C. Rountaee graduate Pier William It. Chethey, head of in industrial engineering, has been the department of mining, will •iinak added to the faculty of the engineer- on "Transpintation in Antlnnen.° mg extension department. Since his Milling" before the mming extension maduation, Rountree has been em- night school at Frackville Tuesday gloyed the American Midge Co. night N. Y. 'Tribune' Describes Farmer's School in 1862 Reader of Musty Clipping Mails Letter, Story To Principal,' Centre County "Poisons desnous of knowing more about this institution, with a view of sending students to it, or otherwise, would do well to address the Presi dent, Di Pugh, Pam School, Centre County, Pa " Someone believed this 45 written the New Yolk Tiltiviie of Janus, y 16, 1862, and last reek College offi cials tecei‘ed a letter addressed to the "Principal, Palm School, Centre County, P.i." In this lette, was n clippmg from that issue of the Ti 11111)4C which told of the Fin met's High School It was sandwiched betueen a notice saying that two men were arrested "by Fifth Fleeted office, vesteiday, on a charge of aiding and abetting tits recent price fight bet,een Elliott and Winkle at Weehawken" and a note telling that the pupils of Wald School No 96 score extremely giatified at being able to supply our soldiers on the Patentee with 408 pans of stock- Inge " Thy College buildings, the article related, were, with the ba,ement, sre stories high and covered an area of 172,000 square feet Along with a farm of 400 acres of good limestone land, the total ‘alu2 of the emelt, of the school was about $175,000 Ole Main's new edition cost more thar $700,000 Students were required to do tine( bolts of manual labor daily whirl enables the school to accept student, OFFICERS ARREST LIQUOR SALESMAN Marked Five Dollar Bill Trap. Suspect as He Attempts Sale on Campus 'Chat wed with selling whibky on tle Penn State campus, a man who gas( 'his name as Harry Darner, of Lynr ;street, Bellefonte, was arteste( Wednesday afternoon by the borougl police When lie attempted to peddle lam to workmen at th-J new College Inn Bauer was ieported to Chief of Po lice A E Yougel, who immediately detailed Sergeant Seel, of the Student Police fore", and Plisate A. V Jon, on the case Seel applouched the man 'and offer. ed him a unasked five dollar bill fat tut, pints of whisky The offal sea , accepted, although Earner said It was going to "beat it" I:amuse 11( believed that he had been leporter to the pollee I=l STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931 on tin "payment of the rely low sum of $lOO per session of ten months" The college year commenced on the 19th of February and closed on the follovong 28th day of December. The writer of• the artmle told of numerous failures of like institutions in the country but said, "From the catalogue and circular before us, it would appear that Pennsy hania Is likely to be more successful on her at- tempt to found an Agricultural Col The course of last:lnchon was said to be of four yews length and v,ir, , "Tons of Money," a three-act farce, "designed to be as thorough as that will provide the Penn State Players of any of the Agricultural Colleges with comedy antics fat the Senior of Europa" Owing to the addition Ball week-end production in Schwab 'of buildings, the school was then auditotium at 7.15 o'clock tomotron toady to accept 300 students m place night, of the tot race capacity of 100 I Ralph Radcliffe in '3l leads the Icast as Aubrey Allington, a young BOWERS CHOSENEnglish inventor Notification of a large heritage goads Lim to by des- I crate measures to get it UNION CHAIRMAN, As Aubrey's wife, Florence Sneddon '32 will appear before the footlights. forever with a new idea ~ , Ir x fic oo mp . l 3 i c , a, t : Ncl o l a l us t t t et hr se ,„1 7 , lo o r r en tl ez Student Activities Association Elects Temporary Head to maiden aunt, who hoe definite idea , : about everything which does not eon- Permanent. Position ,corn her. Mason Directs Shoe Raymond A. Humors '3l sins elected Corning to take the fortune assay Immanent chairman of Student Un- from the Allingtons, a cousin apnears on at an organization meeting of the in tin person of Genige Maitland, ictnity leaders Wednc,day night. played by James hl Nix '3l But be , fore this real cousinatrised, conic. 3ince the formation of the Union, 3owets has served as temporary sion is cleated by an imposter, enact hanman of the group I ed by Harty Lerner '33 Ulerieh '.ll, the repre-1 Jesse M McKnight it '3l will rip. ,entative of student publications, seas pear as a butler plotting to gain the hosen vice-chairman Until the re-'fortune, being helped by Alice I) urn of Miss Helen Buckwalter '3l ,Bierstein '34 as he. parlor maid ac 'rom practice teaching, Miss Eliza- tnmPlieo. Seth C Bell '32, vice-president of NV S I A lawyer with seas,. and oily man -3 A, was elected to serve as tempo- nos skill be Emanuel Frisch 'l3, who nary secretary ' informs all parties of the legal status Although no definite action nos tat.' of the fortune Bertha E Bruhahes n, the activity leaders discussed the '3l will appear as dc oecr_•t wife of ideisability of pieparing a calendar the unknoun - cousin, Iminuassing the at the end of each college year setting imposter lutes for the following year of volt- I Speaking in sloe monotone, Beni, sus meetings, social functions, and mm L \Num. O cull enact the role of mesentations of the component the family gardener The production groups represented in the Union its under the direction of Donal D Not a Legislatise Body ;Mason "Sonic confusion has arisen in the Robert Ci McCloud '32 designed the minds of students as to the purpose Tudor-style set winch will be used foi ,f the association," declared Bouei q, all the scene, Under the duection 'a pointing out that the Union is not of Donald Shelley '32, the Players' suporsisory body "No attempt has Little Symphony oichebtia will plan . aeon made to establish an organise- popular tunes lion such as exists at Wisconsin andel A blood English farce, "Tons of the same name. The Penn State Money" ens milt.on by Will Evan, group emsts solely for the cooidina- and Valentine It uas play"! in Len non of activities to serve a common dor in 1922 with great success solicy and for mutual aid." the neull-eleeted °halm= ex 'SOPHOMORE WOMEN CHOOSE "lamed that Student Union has no, 'egislathe power emei oiganizations I MISS HAIDI CLASS IDVISOR -eprew.nted in its membership, but - erves merely to make recommend,. I In accordance with the con-titution ions and coirelate suggestions for of the woolen , s moomme class he welfare of extra-curricular act, ties as a whole Marie Ilaidt, in.tructoi in ph‘smal education, was elected ndviwi to the • second-vear omc n at a class meet PROF. ZIEGLER , lIREAKS LEG Monday night • Piot. Pe'civet T Zieglei, of the The constitution which ma= drawn tnimal husbandry department, while up and adopted Ltd year by the pie, moil.ing in the Stock Judging past- eat junior this, minides that the 'ion Tuesday afternoon. sustained a sophomore women shall elect n uoni 'nuken leg by falling from a ladder an member of th, faculty, the v.ife Mule attempting to ieplace a light of a faculty 'math .1, ore monism les lulb suffering much pain, dental the tonsil to act as then pm- Professot Ziegler was reporlJ a. sonar as well as class adyisoi for one resting favolably last night Former Prospector Forsakes Desert Countries for Technical Education Prospecting tin ough mow than Agi in sulTuscil hi., face and he con -1,000 miles of cacti-co:el ed desei t tinned. °lmlay in Ai none and lunching un-; "I esen u Jte pnctip niv4elf ler the burning sun of Sonora in Old sitting 01 flea or my stuck with tin Mexico, John W. Mrock, it %petrol wy miss howling in the distani,, jack student in the Mine! al Industries rabbits scan ling through the me.- ehool, gained first-hand infot motion quite unit the unexplainable night n geology and the title of 'Desert sounds. Then, 1. nothing like the Rat." I night in the open, sigh the rugged Miock, a Mai yland far nn's son, flocks mountain outlined ft inn eke was, not satisfied with merely the, and the cactus t escaled by actical expel cues gained by pick, the moonlight." shovel and microscope, togethoi with I Included in Ins ti avelogue aac Was a parcel of dynamite, so he °molted throughout the mane soutlnse,t, and ,in college and added chemistiy, info- seven al excursion. into Mexico. In all eralogy, metallurgy and other sciences his travels, hooves or, lie never visited to his store of knowledge I the Gland Cannon of the Colin ado, When he finishes Ins course in Feb- Mecca of tom rats. although he doe. runty, he plans to letui n to the min- not consider his experiences lacking ing fields, but not to in ospect Ile in color or wanting excitement. ill take over the managership of iii He then exhibited photos contain ' pioject In rho At mina mining dist- i mg evidence of his extensive tinsels. riots. A vast pantie inia of the youths, cut . - - - - "Doling my timely," the roman became evident in ah scenes chaining prospector declared, "1 lune worled life on the desm t, in the mining camp, with the !elm ei and scientist as well Indian villages. Mlwicon adobe slinchs, ns embryo poets, artists and novelists and on cattle imalies The first group WOO mainly interested , Strange desert plants. a picture of in moung and geology while the sec- a Gila monster, the prospector's pet, and ma,. made up of all classes. in- 0111 Bill Betk, 7 1-r.rar-old prospector, eluding the college Dian They moll:- rodeo scenes. Boot MI cemetery at ed for the color obtaured from theh Tombstone, .\r coma arid other sputa surroundings, not the pittance they famous in Sr 0511.1 history were de r mimed."_ . meted by In aeons.. maeons.. ACTORS TO STAGE `TONS OF MONEY' TOMORROW NIGHT Radcliffe '3l Portrays English Heir in 3-Act Farce for Senior Ball Guests - PLAYERS WILL EMPLOY TUDOR STYLE SETTINGS London Comedy Depicts Involving Search After Inherited Fortune Tottrgiatt. Executives Will Miss ' Student Hits R.O.T.C. Session of Trustees Statement; Scores `Moral Obligations' Neither Governor John S FlShel nor Gmeinor-elect Giffoid S Pin chot mill be present at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees to 'be held in flarmsbuig Monde: , It mill be the last day of Gores nor Fishei's term both as tiustee of the College and as gmerrun, and Council Ruling Bars he mill nut be old.: to attend the meeting, according to Adrian 0 Underclass Visiting Morse, C‘Celltll, 0 secretory to the Piesident Go‘ernin Pmehot mdt not be a member of the bond until Tuesday FRESHMEN WOMEN 'Ld N estei clay . Although no official attain c,as OBTAIN PRIVILEGES' t ii ,.. 1 . . e c t 1 g 1:3,; .}, e the d e c ., o , uzc , i , l ,t :l o i n i tes, class visiting provides that unit..., thew is an all-College function under classmen ale pi olubitcd limn attend. W.S.G.A. Senate Revises Co-ed mg chapter dance, Since the Bull Rules—Juniors May Date , Semen is tent to to the up pet classes the $5 fine will be in effect Before 4 O'clock for the violation of the i tiling, .a.- , cot ding. to Diedrich _______, Fie,hincn women may accept a bid, to the Senior Ball and also attend SENIOF c PREINT 3....: the other four big dances, according 2..2 to a i tiling passed by the W S G A Senate tin, ucek pei nutting. first year 1931 BALL TONIGHT gels to attend all anus instead of limiting them to three --- DMlngulshed ftoni the , ophomol es Austin Wiley Band W:II Furnish who may be Is Ith n , ,,n from yo! 8 oclock only Jumor m Daum may have Rhythm as Upperclassmen dates at any tone dui mg ue.l,day, Open Soc:al Season tadal 8 o'clock, while the coma, and - •_ - - sophomme plivileges ale unchanged Serums may be accompanied be non ant tune during the day until 10 o'- newt; mien the lid of Penn St ite's clock doling the week and .ophomote, " ..1 ''."., Set coat bandied couple, may date from 4 until 8 o'clock mll sunv to the smooth rcthin of Third Change This Icar Austin Wiles and his Golden Pheasant Under the old tale the first veal cafe oicheqi a at the Semen Ball in guts could attend only three of the Buell:awn hall floin 9 until 2 o'clock fice big dances and stele given eight tonight socutl functions dun nit the first se- Raymond Il Chan ratan of mostet and tin the second semester the Bill committee, hits introduced There hill be no Inc, ease in the nuts- several ;melt , nod innmattons to bet of social functions pre, ously make the ovum class function dam granted to freshmen mime', but the;. cot flout those of fotinen Nen. GIN - may now use them to attend ,tny mg a fasor for the fast tone, the offal, that they choose. committee has selected a Mond:tine Thu, is the thud student gosein- book compact of blue and gold, and mmt constautional change this .tiat , is-page ptomain of heavy white The fir.t pt ovule I n penalty of . one paper, Nu oh k ite cot ,' minor for lateness, unnecessary not, .ind pencil in the &wanton/is, and falline to sus Flank F still act as oat tot social functions, while the ma am of ememonie, another unto,- iiecond extended I) 2 telephone smug lion, and nil] Lo in charge of the for m the dormitmieu from 8 until 10 matron of the grand march There u ill o'clock during the 'gait,. ..lso be a "Paul .loots" and the sine- ROOTERS CONTINUE IN SOCCER GROUP =011:1 Nen Leagne—No Change no EM!C=I!!! Penn State continues as an act, e inembei of the Eastern Intel collegiate Soccer Association, is Inch still re match intact m tin the 101 Illation of o nc, leagues, Nnil 111 aduate managed of athletics, le , culled yesterday A. stated in the Cod u.ims the ol ganination ,n, disbanded, gning place to two new leagu nip, h Penn State mipi not included Al though Penn State is not a member of cpthe. league, the College no per d to form a thud Lnigut% com posed of lonia me;; action menthol Sssuaooe and N.n y, togy.thm vtilt .the pi ' , sent associate inemly-,, Tem- I lde, Weston Maryland. and Ducknell. Mr Fleming io not set cm tam !whether act , on will be taken to (min .0 new leago n, no Od , llllCeinCnt, 1111%e ham made be any of the collurc , clinch ale not and, ited with the new Middle Atlantic and Nato England leagues. The in trantration of tlyi leaspie, will not affect Penn Slate's eligibility f 0 r intet collegiate ch Itninonslup4 Hon eve, menthe, or ill champion ship teams in 'aUii edl 101,01%0 th. I . gulation foto and ,11 one goat tet block later ;et ,pc , !hell by the AO. letn. A4soe.ntion b> lasso II \ NNER A OGRESSES M EETING OF I'UBLISIIERS . ASSOCI \ TION Pt of nanklin C. Banner, of the tom nalism depot tinent. spoke cm '''Yhe High School Page m the PI ofession rl Nen simian" before the rellll4\lvanca Publisher .1 asset mains in the Wlllcum Penn hotel. Pittsbuigh, Puday. It„ .1 Linnet, 11111)1,1cm of the Scranton Tio.re, at ged menthols of the ilS,Oc cation to sonata,. the Penn Plato applopmation hill when it cones Jackie the State 'madam e. Ile also announced that the detainment of Journal,sm of the Pennsylvania St Ito College had been chosen as one of the twenty lending depunments to the counts p. RETURNS FROM CON I , ERENCE Prof. John A. Fel Susan, head of the , forestry department, °turned Sun. , day Corn a council meeting in At- Untie City of the Allegheny Govern. ' flout Forest c coellinent statue. Unemelassmon will nut be allowed to u sat f's eternity dances tomorrow nmht, Pi ant: Meth nth '.ll. inemdent of Interfi atm nit council Onhestra Prom Clmeland Au,tin Vi des null bung his ouch mil a direct tint, Cie, eland, Ohio Lou thin engagement hoe Noted tot thtus svneopatmn mm do, hmenom, thn bend has lino ,lasted rightly from the Golden Pheniouit cafe and radio -tThon WTAII, Clmeland Patlitng the dancer, in a myriad of (ranted lights, a I e‘ol \ mg. crystal bnll ~,p ended hem the tentel of the ft !need cm lain sect tun, fat ming a ceiling deem atton ,111 mosnle the moat hghting effect Tod% e lunge tenths plated at vartom, netnts on the so'. drupes, tontrin cluatic I,glas • Ind a levolmng to.ttte (at,ts or b",or nib,, lent been to wed to the Rail Ineltnl,,, Got croon elta Ottleld Ptnehot President and il, Ralah I) Petrel. 311 and Mt, Ftanklin Shi Ids, Dean and 11, An thin 11 \Vat nod,, Dean Chatlotte RAN, than and Mrs Ralph I. Watt, Dean am! 11m Chalk, W Stmldatt. Dean rod Mis Will Giant Ch. mho, Dean and tins Robett I. Satkrtt, Dean and \I, Paluntil Studle, Dean mad Alts Stank C Whitmote,lll end ills Pathatil ‘1 Grant, 1)1 and AI, Joseph P Raenour, Col. and Alto Waltet It McCall, y, Mn and 'di Nell M. Flenung, Mt. and Mr. Hugel Dr/del,, 11t and Airs Ray II Snoth,l Mt and Al, NValtant S Roffman Who's Dancing S, 1111,1 13a1l I 8,11,4,mi/1100 Irthy) 'loinorron Night Alpha Chi Sigma ( In) Italian OnIv) ( In fin Irdry) Aloha Natant Pt and Dana I.ht At Alpha Kappa Pt ((lomat) (Vinany Mut ) Kappa DOW Rho (open) (Mlle nod (Thud) Men Doonnot s (mike] iptat) (.Sit loon Ke;h110 Plp K4mm signet (open) (Valved Tro) Phi Kamm Pm (open) (A My AlllO Sigma Phi Sign a and Theta XI at Theta Xi (epee) (Caeipea Ot , Is) ESTABLISHED 1901 PRICE 5 CENTS Lightstone '3l Denies Military Claim to $3 Savings ATTACKS INCONSISTENCY OF COMPULSORY RULING Cites Precedent Established by Wisconsin in AbolishinZ Requis.te Course In a Nur Tine. t futatani of Oa fulaaly clonal talent', eleased n. Tneaday COI I I GM, Ilrnt 1V lachtstone '3l testa , clay &fled that queents az c florally ohlleoted to (Al, It 0 T C and that the, teem: non,- mac 5.112 cot each how of Inc bnalc coals° "The Mot ill Act, mulct uha.b tlt • College recent. apni °situate!, half , milieu dog, s Neal It as in'orpt-ted Its Fedmal officials itleees a restamst- Inlay on the State mei tlt to prooida Icon, ,cs in agraultut e. Lic a, and the met home t , ," laght clone deelai ed "But it I. not mad-. ohl g.rtnry that student, be c totpelltal to take any one of all of them" Attacking tut the, th I^ , do, Hu talent's s'and thet the annual PI d ual ant - nom la hen lot, n, ,tti log ft and thet eft. e obligate, him to take P. 0 T C , Lightstone ponded oat that the undetgraduate Inc tau lily bound to study nen maltut e and the mechamc alts bud] a tteu point absuld and In moctical, it on', Light stona's contention Can. (talnnet officer, Rohn; To LLIppOIL ,LllLelllVllty Lusht clone cited the follonnltt luhntt of tie Perth on of the Jol tot ill /lit ehr n the Unit. I intl of icl.uimin i Im7rl -- grant colhnte hake Penn Sl.th. :Lot- Nhed coinpul,cn t It 01 C' "lidnaly tiannng :tuta Jinn to the Fede:al no Is de,. Iv placed In the ,une tat t•na the olln I bland, of leas tutu; mined Jost! u,Alon mdaan (antic , no ohs ion , ,k a ',ion e mutt on dr, sates as air the °tiles loam hes mentioned Jr do, not ap rear, hon CACI, fl rode , al legtsla tton, that instruction nt nuhtm y tat tles is .In, mole obhg.u°n on the so. divnlual student than to instturtion so agmultut ut nna.hann. " 'Comptil,or) R 0 r C. - Not \ s:ted "Ewa , if the St rte Log.olatun • ov 'he college ha, on. n fit to null,: it t 0 T C campulson ," I ighlotonc torytm ued. "the n atonal velment het eo the o te in college of 'moral' ic,pnn,ilnhh of dinning This SO IS VA lammed by Stint now (hem of Wfiltarn I) Alachitifio 'Thet e to is no Intent:on to icitunie inst.] action nulitaiy to ht. to he compuloot y upon the otititento any more than those la nao of lcant mg I dated to )ctil tut e and the me chanic at tv it One hi 11101 Is (.0111- pulsol y, all nme.t be, and n 11,1 m consule, the gt c rt con in to of bloat ninth ma iehatol to non neuttdtutt and mechanic, undo, tins noel vn dun,. (Jona! o.votent, it no apparent that it. mould he tnan actual to i squint ante otudent to take all of out 11 clan se. 'The statute indicate, that Conan CS, must have intended to 11,110,/ ,0111, diseiction in the State or in lb • col lege to detain to uhat extent att. (Continued on fouitli page) PLAYERS TO HOLD TRYOUTS MONDAY Come]. .1 lie ple.ler Mulder' l 11,,en .. I. r,t I`l.Q, of 5P , .311.; Group ActorN' tryout, fur the tin, .pi Illy or the Penn Star l'lnyt.t. 1%111 he held Altman:. nlght A pploant., Inteit it neael at the ileceN' office In 111 01,1 M.on 11101ratng 01 111ontla Tone or!! pl Ito of the 11, outn 10111 be aoognett nll,l the n-pnant, tege,tev 'l'he f, +t plethe.tloll hill be din oiled 1 / 1 Fund, S Neabaum Neushaton n enautallng the prat n lotion of "Tho Sort, 111111,101" by lbgen, to be produced on hint oh 91 Dazed U. lla,nn enit in,nvo onan fc of tin annin.ni liotinon s' "The Duncan 111,w." Ou 1)a -s Thu, nwstel e play has n month. played ,ucecv,fulle in New Yolk and in many I and m mlactlon, kt commencement. Pt uf. At Om C. Clouting!, plans I u punlucc Mal tin allimaly, mien D.he, " The play lull be tageLl Jm n • 4.