ENN STATE COLLEGIAN (shed semt-weekly during the College sear. rfeent nn holiday, SIC of The Penretylvanto Slate College. In the Interest of the the students, famine. alumni. and frsends 3=ll ALAN B CUTTING '3l 11.incel Manoster AI GFRT %lii.rsKi '3l Cirrolatlon Manna.' RABBI' C WOOD '3l nt r MORCAN •v Mlnonne rrlllor M C :do FLVACI MI EMMEN Afl,Prll.lnv Nlnnacer \NMI TAM II lIFITAIAN 'SI Mostr F.litor lor ittn Athert.not Mnnacer 5 A SCHMIDT or 'll JANFT I ISROWNBACK 'SI Women r }Altar Ncui }elstele N P sorT,nt .1t r routs!' TIOFFFDITZ . 31 Women s Manlstn. Editor Ne,ss riltior MARY .1 ADAMS it 111:1==Z!!!!1 12=I rant '32 Ilanli IL . Mk, /r . 12 Steuart Tnninnenil '32 I Irvine '32 Ihrittlore A 5,1111 'l3 I .Iv.ard W White '32 11=1 J, it I. Nchriin 'l2 Samuel Sinclair '32 W. ml, II L. Rehm 32 1 ilti aril S Snerinc '32 I== Engtern Into callemate Novgpaper Association at the Panlaffieq Slate Catkin, Pa. aa mond-chute matter 313 Old Maio NAtany Plant - mg Co Bldg. 312 Old Mom ll= FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 AN ACCEPTABLE CHANGE e m °nasal to change the Commencement cal to include Class Day and graduation e\elm.es on y, Monday, is a sensible one the calendar is now, Class Day and alumni re ale on Monday nitn Commencement Tuesday. rs aluays dull, especially :Olen it lams There r enough happening to fill the day and students est, simply mall, time until the nest morning. young alumni, coming back for Houseparty, are to lease Sunday thus being unable t, remain for ,i's rcumon the proposed change is adopted, Alumni Day mill aturday enabling mottling graduate, to enjoy 014 as tell as the lemmas Class day eser- II be held Monday moimnp, uith Commencement , fternoon, a time of day much more suitable for •sun than the pi esent arm angement nr State fiaternities hate made no attempt to vt houses daiing tcgulai session as a feeling of has het etofoi e prex ailed Speedy apps ehension hreves h o broke into seteral houses Wednesday bald, eaus^ this sense of seem ity to be retained ise, as in the cities, houses may hate to be locked with mcomenience resulting to the members. GOOD PUBLICITY particular edLcational co journalistic stir esas then Pi Delta Epsilon announced its foul th Intel tit journalism contest In fact it is Noy mob at a gi eat many students faded to see in the cement the attempt rat only to aid journalism ,ylvania high schools but to promote closer rein •tsscen the College and high schools from V.llO. • the future Penn State ii ill emerge compctition is artanged fot scho , astic new spu d maga7ines Cups ate awarded to the schools ir each of the fields Individual ct•tictsms of the issues submitted, are °timed to the con , IA ith an award planned for the publication show greatest progress in accmdance with the crtti- The contest opens in Februal3 and continues open atm.] of Penn State students may contribute to the success of the competition. It, doting istnum vacation, each student would speak to the .1 of the high school from li.hich he was grad rging the enhance of school publications in the the succes, of the competition would be assured lactic officials and Intel fraternity Council ate ommended foi the outstanding work they pace pi onioting a-nuitul spot is this year Alt thei c was sonic ci iticism nising because of into, ins tin ough poor condition of the playei s, a. moral foothill touinament was a decided sue- With all o' Penn State's fraternities and non-flatel nn} quintets entering the basketball tent, and a good tinnout expected for wrestling tog, the unite: season seems destined fen an outstanding :elms of competitions ITS NOT THAT BAD ailing common to all, faculty and students alike, g oneself too odiously. To judge countenances "face" salve, one would think that the weight voild itself has been transferred from Atlas to ective shoulders sometime during this last week. ei nil, you know, most of us still have on oui backs, food in our stomachs, and at least two in ow pockets. No one has been selling on Co-op comes yet. Ninety percent of us will to a good Christmas dinner. The other ten will if they release their dutch on the "rainy Is soil. .nine doesn't cost a cent and often ban good le Yom• pioblems ai en't unpossthle, And, inc.! , Mcrzy Christmas—if you don't take your .0 sonously. THE LION'S DEN Another AlhAmerh.nn Now r; the season for All-Anm icons If von don't behete us, just pint: up youLlatest paper and find out You see the yea: has no, been Woken up into floe seasons winter, spring, sununca, fall, and the beason fen All-Amu:an football teams Some All-Amer can teams seem to have been selected to puzzle the fans They select play ems that most of us never hale heard about in ordet to make tie think But out team coos not selected on that basis No, sir, you've /maid about nut boys—and gals—pi obably too often The team as selected without the aid of Grunion Bunion, the peat spelt el I tie, is as follow,. Left End_ -. Bishop Planning Left Tackle Peggy Hopkins Joyce Left Gnat d One-Eyed Connelly Center Senator Nye Right Clinic! Amine Semple McPherson Right Tackle. Ex-Senator Heflin Right End _____ , Judge Lindsey Quarterback ------ Joe E Brown Loft Halfback II L Mencken Right Halfback Playor Thompson Pullback Al Capone These choices, let us say tight now, can be backed up by eery good loosening Poi instance, oho can think of too better running mates than ,the Bishop and Judge Lindsey , Name them and you can bane them. Then Peggy Hopkins Joyce already has tackled so many that she can almost be classed as a pl., One-eyed Connelly made the team by a unani mous note. Who could keep hint out? Centel Nne (paidon the pun) on the °that hand seems bound to keep en elybodn out As for Mis MePhel son, we con fess that oe're light pat teal to het To complete out lint no have E'-Senator Heflin, oho seems bound to tackle enelything that all the other politicians lease alone Out backfield really is a mattel Toe E 'Mann soon his post, mouth open, and Mayor Thompson led all the test light from the opening gun Although H L. almost lost hs post by getting marl ted, he still seems to be capable of passing the bull Al Capone seas the only candidate left lot fullhat h, all the rest had been shot As substitutes see ,lceted all the "V" Cabinet as well us the Campus Police We should be able to send a- many men on the held as Xnute Ruckne Then sines these wasn't a notes boy mailable, we wash ous hand , of the mattes I=l A herdhne inn Harl.l,lng paper rend FARMER-SCIENTIST CROSSES FLEA WITH FIREFLY Jvat think how Ml'eh ensue, 11,11 be lon roIIIZO to find them nom? You Nei er Can Tall. Pity the poor fellow who got "athlete's font' tram Intoning to spott et ents Mel the auto It it nitlillet sin mine lie if it hail been halfway "It's a nasty mess, but sne ale hying to lion it '—so says a Penn official zelative Is the football =MO But, as any housmife knom, you gotta wash out a na.,ty mobs befog a noning it will do any good, Ac you well know EIMER!!! But we can't say A wow] in rhyme. ••••. ..... So, to von on, lint tumhee fo, the New Yen, AROUND THE CORNER Foi Historical Dates Only Modern and plogressive as the Univeisity of Colorado pretends to be, and as indeed it is in many slays theie remains on the campus a hangosei from the days when Colorado mils a baby college—an an aeluonisro that threatens to become more and mole detrimental as time goes on. We refer to the time-honored, but disgraceful cus tom of regal ding the library as a social center Time was, it is easy to imagine, when the Uni versity contained lose! than one thousand students, that there nay room in the binary for a lasso poi cent of the student bads , to study and to chat Today with snore than thice thousand students and several hun dred faculty members on the campus in Boulder the same attitude would be almost unbearable. But added to this the situation has become steadily worse. Today the library has degenerated into a com bination conversational center and dating bureau. Signs on the (loots asking for "No Table Visiting" have come to lie not meaningless, but actually farcical. It is an actual fact that many students, finding study impossible in the library, have found it practical to take their books to restaurants and soda dispen saries near the campus to study. University or Colorado THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN ,RUSSIAN MUSICIANS ' TO APPEAR JAN. 12 Cherniaysky Brothers Will Give Second Artist' Course Presentation here Three blethers uho have travelled on muNiell tours through thu ty eoun tit les appear heroic a Penn State audience when the Cholla:lv:thy trio (presents the second Artists' Course number in Schwab auditorium Jamu -1 I aty 12. Upon five continents conceits by the Cherrnayskys base ,d,ady been °flor et! The distinction of playinr before the courts of every European mirth v has lent intei national iceognition to their NNOI Among unusual places in which the of this tendency fen the student body Mothers have psi Conned ate the po i-Ito be an integral and unified wink, aces of Maharajas in India and the !This does not mean that the natural Atli= kraal of a Kalil tribe A ,btruets existing between the lower visit to Robin Island,. habitat of a! and upper classes have been broken colony of lepers, was included in one dusts, but lather that recognition of dinerary. isistinction bet, eon classes has stmt ' The toms of the till], lasting over slated filen sly iivalry and loyalty to a p.m,' of twenty yea's. began ashen one's class A man who feels hon. th seem childi en Leo CIICI massky, self one of an intimate group—a menthol of his clans—has that sense coot Muting the atilt part of the id belonging to t h e college which ensemble, began pm fmmimeos When the man 1,110 Societe attends classes he ma., six years old, v. hile Jan, two Rom day to day end never partici yews younger, started concert amt. with his brother when he vies Orson pates in inaleigiaduate activities can never hope to attain. Under these The youngest member of the thin, conditions, it is mini al that the inem- Mischel, joined the toss brothel.. when hers of the freshman and sophomore he Val, seven also Starting Ills mus ical comer when he was foul wain classes should regard then upper old, he floss plays the s mloncello rn , class b,otheis with a cgtatn respect the musical group ful envy Under the old system here Since each member of the tam has at State, lower-class customs made moved himself successful as a solo- 1 the division between looser and upper ist, the work of the three Mothers classmen quite distinct, and the un iq wo,, iepresente „,„ „ 11 do-classnicn had a cont nual mesn ability to understand each other AI-j five to successfully win their way through to the Junan and senior though all are temper mental, mums liave commented on the unity, 53 111. I 3 ears pathy, and precision of their con- 1 Dating the last ten years, however, sorts these has been a definite trend in most GRADUATES TO INVESTIC ITE i COST OP CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 Complying with a Icquest from the I National Commis-ion on ante and Enforcement, two graduate students have been appointed to in-, sestigate the cost of administenng, criminal justice in American title , John It Roberts and It Paul Camp , bell, graduate assistants in the de !partment of histoi y and political su ence, me stationed at Johnstown and Altoona respectively They mull, ,turn in the iesults of their suit eys ,to the Mosses commission before Match 1, when 111,e data from other cities all over the United States mill be collected and compared PI MU EPSILON ELECTIONS ITlonorar, 31.hemalln0 Vacuity Dr David Duncan 1)1 William R Dam Thof. But L Robert4on Graduate, Joseph 1 CaircPy Hsu t R Kiehl Untold E - Mot gan Flank D Pt other Walto R Van Voinhis Undergraduate, llctvm E Cann '.ll Chaile, C Havana°. '3l George Ft,nniek '3l Jack AI Cialmm '.31 P Hauck "II Edward L Johr,ton '3l Ealm.aid K Kr't Samuel Id 'McKibben '.ll Km nat 1' Emily 'll Ltungston It Tomei "11 n1021(i P Baket Timm(' IL, 13tou n '32 ' .11ou'atd Cupples 'll2 Eugene ll' Pry ,p °.12 ' John C Heibett '32 Coleman Hemel '32 William 11 Ramom 21 '32 EiNatd Ross '32 Douglass El Smith '32 Christmas Greetings The College Diner Closed All Day Christmas Christmas Greetings 'TO YOU BALFURD'S Tailor Shon Jim's Shoeshine Billiards and Hat Cleaning Shop Wishes you a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year E=MMJ JlM'S—Allen Street Letter Box Decemlxr 17, 1930, State College, Pa. Eddm•, Penn State COLLEGIAN Dent Sit I note from Tuesday's COLLEGIAN that this year's Senim Ball Commit tee has I:2Clded to make the Bull an exclusively uppm-class function May I take thin oppottunitv to eNpress my hearty app; oral of then decision' For seventy-five years Penn State has enjoyNl the leputation of having • cue of the most eonmatt and truly teptebentatlse student bodies in the East Unlike most tiimer,nes whole the men of one class ha, little as .oeiatton ssith those of anothm, stu dent spirit hoe is liugelv the result of the luigot um‘eilities away ftmn the idea of student life and student actisity It seems to me that mole rnd mote colleges are nm, interested tutning out coati-machine-made MAKE JANUARY YOUR MOVIE MONTH An E .ceptional Plop am: Down on the Stanford Farm cfNi ic-I,\W;f6, . paipgereseniwiokthers NAVY • HARVARD WASHINGTON COLGATE "CROM the foothills to the bay" •the curling tendrils of smoke from pipes loaded with Edgeworth nse to meet the sunset fire. In the Stadmm before the big games... watching spring football pracnce ... m the great hall of Enema ... over on the Row and up on the 1-1111 .. . men of Stan. ford give Edgeworth the preference over all other tobacco brands. College men everywhere are tum mg to Edgeworth! In 42 out of 54 of the leading colleges and univer sines Edgeworth is the favorite pipe tobacco. To win the vote of so many college men a tobacco mutt be good. If you've never tried Edgeworth, begin today! The pocket ten is only 150. Or, for generous free sample, write to Larus & Bro. Co., toy S. sad Street, Richmond, Va. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth!. a blend or fine old burleys. with Its wont! savor enhanced by Edge, worth . s distinctive eleventh proton. Buy Edgeworth nye. where In two forms —"Ready-Rubbed. and .. Plug Slice " All sizes, 111 'look°b pack to ound humidor tin. Bachelors of Aits and Sciences In the cities, at least, a man may have four years of college and leave with his degree, but have little of the friendships and memories which after all are as important as the actual learning We at State have success ! fully resisted this tendency, but in I the last few rare there has been a decided laxity in enforcement of un der-class customs, and the lines of distinction between the upper and lower classes am no longer as clearly drama I believe that every Penn State man is in amend with the legis lation which has abolished haring, ilangei ass class maps, and reckless destruction of property as a result of Stunt Nights and pajama parades. But this trend towaid equality of all the classes should not be allowed to mach the point where it threatens the exmtanes of the very traditions which make Penn State student spirit something more than cheering for a so inning football team I feel that the stand taken liy the Senim Ball committee in announcing an exclusively upper-class dance for January 16 is a definite step in the light direction If the Ball commit- tee of ouch succeeding year carries' on the precedent established this year, I we shall find the entne student body uniting to le-build traditions regard mg class distinction which will do much to preserve our treasured spirit, and other lines will be (hewn which CHRISTMAS GREETINGS And Best Wishes for Mr Now Tour GFANERD'S 140 Allen Street R. F. STEIN MOTOR CO. 121-123 S. Burrowes St Storage, Gas, Oil, Repairs 24-Hour Service Phone 252 A IVIERRY HAPPY NEW YEAR Fenway Tea Room We Give You a Christmas Present with Purchase of Five Dollars Electrical Gifts Always Appreciated ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 202 South Allen Street Rea & Derick, Inc. Drug St.,. of Seirke Wishing You • The Best Season's Greetings Thanking You for Youi Pah onagc A MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Nittany Mountain Koffee Shop STOP HERE On 'Your Way To and From State College and After the Big Dances Friday, December 19, 193 do not necessarily have to instill mity in lower-classmen. but wl will tiling out the ads sang. of I eying on until they too ale upi classmen, with upperclass privile' With the Senior 801 l this year longer just another all-college dal every &mini will feel it a dab privilege to give his whole-hear support The Ball will be just ab our last opportunity to unite soli as a class. The Juniors, too, will doubtedly enter into the spirit of thing, for they are, after all, only 4 step removed from the Senior ch and it will strengthen their stan..l as an upper class. I shall watch for the success of Ball this year with eagerness, for deptinds to a large eNtent chat. State is to remain State, oi been "just another university" George H. Young '3 C~-ITH~,~ L M,. ; . -,'FYf NtOmtt~ca`tf~N4~,'fi~~< (No matinee during Christmas days. Vacation opening time p m, ideating Satuiday ) EMEME tCn Franc., Ka, Johnson, Charles Ihekford, Lewis Stone i "PASSION FLOWER" SATURDAY— Louis IV°them, Rob Armstrong , "DANGER LIGHTS" MONDAY and TUESDAY— Fa) \Vra}, • Victor Vammil in "CAPTAIN THUNDER" WEDNESDAY— Doug FasrbanTo, Jr., Noah Decry • WAY OF ALL MEN" THURSDAY- FREE KIDDIE MATINEE for all children under 1 I y ears, of at LOP p m. Special program. Ad may attend by paying the reg matinee price. The Nittany THURSDAY and FRIDAY (Eve ) Marian Norm, Jack Whiting i "COLLEGE LOVERS" (Closed until January (111.) Make January Your Movie Mo NG YOU :- CHRISTMAS