Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 07, 1930, Image 1

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VOL. 27, No. 15
Modern 75•R00m Colonial Hotel
To Accommodate Visitors,
Convention Groups
Overlooks College Golf Course
On Lakes-to-Sea Route
West of Campus
Completion of the ne•v seventy-fise
loom Nnttnny Lion Inn by the Con
solidated Hotel Service, Inc, of New
York City, sometime in February, is
the expectation of Raymond II
Smith, Comptroller of the College.
Overlooking the golf course, Nit
tany Lion Inn is directly behind the
west stands of New Beaver field and
near the Recreation hall facing the
mew link of the high
way. The structure is of a long ram
bling type situated so as to command
a view of the Bald Eagle and Tussey
mountain ranges
The inn will be furnished with a
colonial type of furniture in harmony
with the large spacious lounge rooms
and open fireplaces The main din
ing room will be able to accommodate
several hummed people while a num
ber of smaller private dining looms
will be mailable. Approximately
seventy percent of the rooms are dou
ble and each has an adjoining bath.
To Fill College Needs
The Consolidated Hotel Service,
Inc, makes a specialty of•constiuct
mg hotels for college towrs and is
operating colonial inns throughout
New England The inn here seas
named by the Board of Trustees of
the College, but is being constructed
and ',ill be 9perated by the corpora
According to the officials, the rapid
giom th of the College has exceeded
communit,r-11,,,lopments. _ The nee,
budding is a result of the lack of suf
ficient hotel facilities especially over
meek-ends sinulai to the annual
Alumni homecoming and foi conven
tions that might be brought to State
College executnes are of the opin
ion that although 20,000 lepresenta
byes of thuty mganizatiors attended
conventions and meetings heie last
yeas, a modern hostelly nould attract
ninny mole.
Present plans for the spring sea
son at Penn State now include the
Pennsylvanin Intereollegrate Dramatic
contest, ILA henna], Week, the Eas
tern Intercollegrate Boxing tourna
ment, wiri4,h was held here tut, years
ago; ano the Interscholastic Track
ol t
champ! hips The School of Eng,
neering 1 ill be In charge of the In
dustrial/ ferenee ard a short course
for irduc, executives and manag
e] 9 MO n's Day and Commence
ment alon with the all-College dances
will brim visitors who may find de
commode on at the Nittany Lion Inn
Cooperalir e E•cclitzle, To Addi ass
Agriculture Conference on
Not,einiter 29,21,22
Menthols and officers will have then
opportunity of hearrng four of the
Natror's foremost leaders coopera- nouseparty Queen in 1 orn
trse agricultural organmatrons ashen
tlm fifth annual Cooperative confer- Dinners of Gay Nineties for Jazz
enee is held in Old Main, November,
20, 21, and 22. Caterers who could satisfy the up
Representirg v• of the largest Ipethtes of the Creeks and then
organivations of its Lind in America,
HPQ 's with dainty s lands mere
01. D Allenbach, president of the
Inter-State Milk Producers associa.' dote in demand among the eight men',
tion on ill addles" the group on "Sound fiatermtles at Penn State thntY
itiarketrag`Organmatron and Member. years ago than are the hottest of pi,
slip" Quentin Reynolds, gereral bands debated over by the fifty-odd
manager of the Eastern Stales Parer-lhateinitres of today.
do Exchange, the second largest co- The smoothest orchestral arrange
operatrse organrzatron In the country, meats of "The Merry Widow Waltz,"
mill speak on the background, the ric, "Tell Me Pretty Maiden," and "After
complisbments, and the aim of Ins the Ball Is Door" were as nothing
ingainizatron. 'compared nth the delectable full-
Following the annual barquet, Fri- course darnels served during the long
day corning, November 21, Charles Intermissions at those affairs of yes-
Wilson, member of the Federal Farm terday.
Board for the Northeastern States,' Dance numbers cycle. Important of
and It. E. Babcock, general manager, course, for it seas by the variety of
of the change Foundation, the largegt, clams for the dreamy waltz or the
cooperative orgamartion in the rag tune We-step on the tell tale
country, will deliver talks about'dance programs that the popularity
their respectrve organuatrons. lof tine HPQ was measured Parth-
Three members of the Penn State ful escorts filled out these cards In
faculty will also speak during the advence to insure their ladies the
three day session. .fohn IC Stern and honor of being the "belle of the ball."
Prof, William V Dennis of the ded Early semester calls on Presy and
partment of econounez, the faculty lumbers in order to on
and Prank E Manning, agricultural erne them as patrons and patronesses
economist, will speak. stirred up great rivalry among the
I C run
tA ,
'" •
• .. 44 ,
. .
. 9 ,
• ---t:g.•;;;42!,
1930 'Who's Who'iLists 28
Members of College Staff
Agriculture Schcol, With 8 Representatives:,
Leads Faculty in Latest Direetcry
Biographies of twenty-eight of the
present Penn State faculty and staff,
including two visiting lecturers, have
beer published in the 1930 edition of
"Who's Who in America"
Ter members of the faculty hate
been allotted two or more inches of
space. Dr. Wheeler P Davey, pro
fessor of physical chemistry, and
Dean Will G. Chambers, of the School
of Education, have been given 34 lines
each, slightly less than three inches.
President Ralph D. Hated and Dr.
Coil E. Marquardt, College ci.amirer,
represent the administtative stuff rn
the book.
The School of Agriculture, vath
L• ographies of eight of its faculty
included, leads the College. Dean
Ralph L Watts, Prof. R Adonis
Dutchei, Dr. Roy D. Anthony, Di.
Stevenson W. Fletcher, Prof. Flank
D Cardnei, Dr. Frank D Kern, Prof
Thomas I Moire, and Dr Ernest B
Forbes are the men listed from this
The foul men of the School of
Dr. John 'Williams Will Discuss
Structures of Molecules
In Amphitheatre
Dr John W Williams, assistant
professor of physical chemistry at the
Umteisity of Wisconsin, will open
the fifth annual Priestley lecture ser
ies in the Chemistry amphitheatre at
7 o'clock Monday night
Dr. Williams will speak on "The
Structure of Molecules as Revealed
by Dielectric Constant Studies" in his
first lecture Monday night The topic
for the series of talks which will con
tinue until Friday is "The Relation
Between Physical Chemistry and
Electrical Engineering"
The five lectures will deal with the
borderline between physical amis..
try and electrical engineering Mon
day's lecture st ill give some of the
physico-chemical data on which the,
remaining lectures will be based.
Sponsors Fifth Series
Dean Prank C. Whitmore, of the
School of Chemibtiy and Physics,
v.ill act as chairman of the meeting
Monday night, while Dean Robert L
Sackett, of the School of Engine°,
will lead the meeting Tuesday night
At Wednesday night's se,sion, Piot
Groves C. Chandleo, heed of the
chemistry department, will be the
chairman Prof Charles L
head of the electrical engineering de
pertinent, will preside Thursday
The series of lectuies is being pre
sented through the coopmation of the
depaitment of chemistiy and the de
partment of electrical engineering,.
Four seiles have been given in for
mer years by the chenii.lls depart
ment in conjunction with other de
partments of the College These lec
tures deal each year with the hold°,
line between phy..ical chemiqty and
some other blench of science
Prof. Wheeler P Davey, of the de
pvltment of chennsty, has anyount
ed that the Priestley lectures v.. 11 re
plete the regular session, of Physical
Chenustry 10. All of these talks are
open to the entne student body
Chvmstry and Physics who received
mention arc Dean Frank C Whitmore,
D.. Wheeler P Davey, Dr William
R. Ham, and Prof Edwin W. Runkle.
In the School of Education, the three,
;nee listed. Dean Will G Chambers,'
Dr. F. Theodore Stunk, and Dr
Charles C Peters, have each heel
giver •more than two inches.
01 the School of Liberal Arts, Dean
Charles W Stoddart, Dr. 0. Fred I
Bosch, and Dr. Aso E Martin hose
been brographed, and representing the'
School of Engineer tog are Dean
Charles L. Sackett, Prof. Percy Ash,l
Prod Char Its L Kinsloe, and Prof
Arthur J Wood
Prot Chesleigh A Bonnie and Prof.
William It Chedsey arc the only mem
bers of the School of Minos! Indus
tries that received mention.
Dr Fled Loss IS Puttee, professor
emeritus of Amen can literature, and
Fred Fuller Shedd, edam of the
Philadelphia L'vening nutlet tv, are
the two College leetmers in "Who's
Who of America"
Lederer Fines Rayan. Cummings
Wine Substitute
Chalged with attempting to solicit
orders for a cheap some substitute
among fraternity houses mahout a
too men nem fined $5O and
costs by Burgess Eugene H Led •ru
uesday morning after they spent the
night in jail
The men, Leroy Rayon and Harold
Cummings, both of Washington, Pa
were arrested Monday afternoon by
Sergeant Seel and Corporal O'Malley
o, the local pah.e force and held over
night until money to pay thou fines
nes fornaided
Will Enforce Lay,
As a sales inducement, the tun
offenders are alleged to have offered
formula with each puichase to
change the ace into an intoxicating
homage. It is believed that they
base been opmating in college toss,
throughout the country.
When appi enended, Itasan and
Cummins had in then possession num
erous lingo oideis for their autos
lions students in several Virginia col
leges Only a fens sales acre made
here before the tan limn mere tal.en
into custody
"All such attempts to surmount the
prohibition lase vvll he deqlt with Just
as seserely," declined Chief of Police
Albeit E Yougel, m issuing a scorn
ing that borough officials ale rat
ing est.'s , effort for a stint enforce
meet of lamer lass, th•s week-end
Novunatmng to , advise. to the
Womer'q cis , . of 1U will be open
urn! Monday, November 10, an de
etdod at the sophomme cols' class
meelarg held Tuesday night m Old
w. ~lon is made to elect an ads,.
;In, women Inembct s of the faculty,
a wet of faculty menthols, us women
residents of the borough
hou,es A young (II st obit
gatton N.. 15 to meet the ualttn ,
gi ones of chapmones, and Inn lu.,t to
bul them good night,
The "barbarians," ss the mn-fi
termty men were called, .5.11 V to rt
that not all went happily with dr
merrymaker a of those days Grens
mg the tracks near the u , e behind
the present golf caul so +ll it the
Bellefonte Central train could not
make the grade, the "barbs" gleefully
watched their for garbed Class
mates with then ladies, each shad
owed by a chaperon, trudge senuly
into town.
Housepattms have berm celebrat
ed to connection with Pcnns.l,lvanta
Day since Dr. Edwin E. Spanks be
came incmdent of the College In
those rally days thew vies a more
fro nod Dt ogram mith u mihtniv
rade reviewed by the governor, off,.
eins of the National Gunn!, and state
and college officials
During the \Var this practice seas
intetrupted and since then the gt.t.
est celebration has been on Altman
Homecoming Day vialt Penw.yhrinat
Day devoted candy to houoepatty.
enior Ball Head
Names committee
R.ll - 110ND E. BEST '3l
With the naming of a committee
of fifteen members this iicel„ Ray
mond E Best, chaniinn of the
Senior Ball, 'null begin ac'i,e prep
arations nest week fon the annual
upperclass function to on held
January 16
The following semi',inane nam
ed to the committee DI Elimbeth
Crozier, Sara J LO,Cllb.lf:,
sell K Axe Non, Geoigc 11 Bolich,
Albert W Ege, L Jam, Graham,
Charles G liens, Robert C Kieffer,
Anthony C. Lcppe, E John Lesko,
John S Spicer ji , E
Stokes, Pails 1.1 Sweigart, Che,tei
D Thayer, John L. Thompson
iminou, the gleemen null give "The
Lost Choid," by Sullivan Piano ar]
organ accompaniment lo planned for
College Dean Asks Fraternity this number
Aid—Police Will Enforce Plan Instrumental Neielo
Liquor Oldinanee ' The Campus Orris mill present eon
cut arrangements of the latest pop
ular music dining one act. With the
addition of this' %nihilists, the inch
e• ri i hrs pope•e•l nnirrtnal s'roirg r.
fects as mut of its ensemble
Sunplur.enting the oichestial
rangements, 11) in,Liumental quartet
employing a gnitar so rythmic pc
conmamment v.ll present a nonrlt,
mob.. Other musical numbers ir-
C 11.12 on act by Miss lingel Her.frer,
mainnba soloist, a piano duet by Jay
W Kennedy 11 and Nevin Docker
"31, and several violin solos
Unrolling. an entirely nen, 0,00-
merit of ningical stunts, Robert C.
Thiasher enteitain house
party guests in one of the act, Danc
ing -h.t.s vie poss.bnities for the
• rory In a rec.tal before •he produc
tion, Donald A Shelley 'J.: will pre
sent r ten-minute on gin program of
popular music.
Dancing at all fiatc-inty houses
must end at ^ Wad: i:jeir,lit and at
midnight in confolinnt on with the
College regulations in rug irds
housena'ty, De in or Alen Ai thin It
Warnock announced this stink
Women guests must be in then
houses r at late: than one hoar fJlloa -
inn, the close of the den, while men
may only be in esert at the fretcrnity
houses at which the women line a
long as the chaperone 1 :ma•ns on du
t, Th^ College has also n tiled that
the fraternal,, mat not hold cadp
mousing breakfasts oat_ito the souse
Dean Warnot4 has a,1,c1 that ,II
fraternities cooper ao IP the oto ere
once of•the ole, m o , llei that th:te
may he no serious critic ,, m of College
social function,
Chief of Polite \lots I. Yougel
stated that the State College hot
ough mould enter", all lignot lint
et.plained that ottc
any !tenon ivt o 1, Isql, the 'id's
once of trt ,nitatiox h loci
ot_ttpant o: an a loornbila t ati -
nut liquor, and eon , , t lie ,buy cat cen
tumult; liquor '1 ht vtolato,
be held o' et until unit tong of
"We I,ne a ropilt •ti ill to adla.ild.
eenscr i ,ntly ,e mu •t innintala ILA
nd attic! In LIII. L I 8(1110I
Burges4 Eugonti i f ti n ,
State College Igo inigh m CO
Chief Yoe„ el', biatina.ig
In (I,nnstr) 111 , 1 , 11 lle.trn
Al , 13I) O(lo ~ 'Enda)
Debt'. 11 , 1; the tlna of a ,(.1 I, 0
lnehe englneeralg ler tall es, Dual
Rohm I, L. Sackett.
school, I, , p.ll,
Ricci am! the Iloc.
Chem amphit
o'clock this aftci nc
Crosby Mold, mil
speak toda},
the "Young Man
day Mr Field, n
erg expert on lerr
venter and an expi
inevt fair of eons°
in ICS !own,: tt
Colorado 1;4,o am,
Dean Sathett wilt
ages of the Cr
tore in the Colo,:
He will ...lam he,
,vlll pi event
.the Sc.
vat] be gupplual to
dam which will al,
ovate, !viers.; for
rai. t .
Ott Vl,.
'To Give Vaudeville Performance
In Schwab Auditorium
At 7:30 O'clock
Miss Edna Roderick '3l Will Sirg
Popular Numbers During
Musical Program
Introducing a plc:l7,lam of nos cal
‘autlevillc to housopartv gucqt., th,
Peon Stat.< Glee club will nrcient
ow:It acts of entert onment a S<h«nb
ituditornon at 7 '3O o'clock tomorioa
the shoo, ohich mill include sing-
Irv; by the mganmation. orchestr..l
accompaniments, a magician's not,
and no‘al =sea' numoen, mill be
concluded m time fot toe fratcinity
dances at 9 o'clock.
Miss R Rodeos_ls '3l, assist
ing the glcemen in then presentstion
of popular songs, 'mill Mies tuo num
b"-, The soprano solmq
soil! par
sent "Ind•an Love Call," Tram th ,
musical comedy "Ro.e Mane," and
,"Serenade." from the "Student
ce Thu Glee club soil! accom
pany Miss Rodeuels
Selections by the seventy men Also
compose the or, - •atabr to
'The Road to You,' a nee mulch by
Flaglol, "Ore, Toe, *Mee, Four," a
Hawaiian melody, and a Russ,on folk
song, "The Sleigh" As their final
Girt Will Aul 7 Aothipolo, Gt.:Laud:as
In College Lnganeernyz W ork
To onl in the lowatch well. of nn
ul +tudylng at th., College.
the Nu, Depantment ha, prov,l-d
sevetal nieces of Ltitlllllllellt fm the
Engine erh.g . ,ohonl lat.! atm Donn
nnhca I. Sackett ,uviaunu•d Ye,tcr
1110,1(1rd n h m e , gine I.lln,
shapes and nu ,, ing it,-tehine m o des
that speedyl appaintits map be mu le
fel the sinus labotatoty and D•ecl
engine exp. intent,
Fm the ineOrirneal engine. mgeat
!nutmeat, the navy is supp , yingi a
Terry stoat tutbinic and it te:ngeia
tan compressoi IL Is Inel•ah'e that
a Diesel engine with n generatni Still
alim he pievideil, merottling to Ikon
Husky Orange Team
Will Invade Nittany
Gridiron Tomorrow
1101'1,S T , Break .3-1.: .1.n%
Pittsburgh Rector Will Address
Houseparty Audience at
Regular Services
As spe Omer fee Penn State's tiadi
temel fell housepaity chapel sets ice,
Dr Hugh Thomson Heir, instor of
the Shadyoule Presbyte.i.on chinch of
Pittsbuigh, eneit nclMese the legulai
chanel ceder P and ) ao,c, nt I 1 o'-
clock Sunday n ore mg Sch oak au
ottorinm los. •
Dr Iftei -see giatluateci from thi
Uniteisi , of Teynnto in 1894 aid in
'he feline]. R. et, rec,eail nts mu,
lei of arts dim, Too yealJ
s as moilnated fr on Wcateon The.
nicazital Seminole and a is ordained
Ito the Plesbyterinn ministry
1 he sit-abet 1,121VC , 1 doctor of
ruc n u ts dent co nom both the Col
lege of Cdtpot la, Ka:l,, ..rd toe
Coo., at, of Patshol gh Wg9lgg7.-
and ffe,on conf:nletl
upon h•n• the clegnen of do.:01 of Int
1.) , Kell', pa :o: tin „I: lode Oak
hind Pr •,toe .Itl P••tabu:gn,
- 1,411+1., Fuarton
let ran Llanch, dh,van,, Ind Shady
:ado Pie by', chulch, of here he
I ao ',ea e
watt, or the
..1 1 eetblv, Dr Lett holes the
env, t nrin 0 to tne
hue In nit to, campy. lie pit 'ch..
nerith•ly 0., 1,14,
in i •tt•barph 1,1, bloadot,
int nee. to but it
011 the n the no I , lmn :1 let out I , -
potht, I(P the a , dm Litci ally
hn 1:0•oel tn Ira has been heat
iranl polo to .1,
rot-tooethel fm all nt..n .ttlonto
V ill be hold in the basen.cnt loblo. of
(11 Maul owlet the C111(4:0°11 of the
Pon" St..te clu'o at 7 JO o'clock to.
h • II Istll cute,
in ..••.•••eal,, • Van A Alm•c
'3: c dl pl^v Ne. i,electione on the
.e.cardion 11 thee gathering, ale
the:. e iil he continued at
tigulat lacteal
'essie 11 Ends v
'y in Collelze Herds
lalt..kble infra tn ,torn o,t; In Ih • pa ,
hole, Je,ste II enjoy yl populality
colon dent to 1. y fee coos
She had not been suliu 0,1 to 0.-
tensice teiientch this fall and it ow,
decided to sell het. Although c doa
ble to the enn•c of science, Jesse 11
did not have the Nettie th a hotshot •
demand and brought an c•ttt cowl,
lon sale mice
licolantly thiclang that ,he had a
great. putt", than to iacen
tist, to gaze ihionich her stile, she
mesented tut addition to the ('allege
had in the foi in of a tittle calf ahrch
ttas born Oetobec 2".
If occa,zon demands it, another tow
still be selected to Jill the slkynoy
caused by Jezeni'a bamcliment.
11. Seniors To Play Last
Contest Before
Local Fans
Plebe Team Scrimmages Varsity
Using Syracuse System
Of Shift Tactics
The Penn State-S3recuce game
'omorrow afternoon e 111 begin at
2 o'clock Instead of 2 ID o'clock as
printed on the 11..01
A Law ei eicl L , 1 "1.0 .-men" ii cm
3 locus°, t.ilh ~,braily tit? strong
ot ,ai d soh a cistern frotball,
nllin‘lide the lair of the Nittany
ions to] strew atterooon , th the
, tetnnunt nn Is upant t jue of dues
enrs stanthrg
An equal], deterrn.ned Blue and
. .
'lute elesen cm-shot the °mimeo
no in a despeinte attempt to upset
'le dope and emeige Na`mious front
he eacatinter ,ith Coach Vie Man
on.; husky Ness Yorker, The fact
hat sne of Penn State's qatitnaz team
nil melte their List apsei.ranee or,
\:eur Bea‘ei field 2 cc an ad
htuiral ircentii,e to toe Lions.
Johnny Batdorf, pi *iv; te,
CitSoll on the ^road, uiii piobls:, •.:.
ect the team fro. , the nuarte
coot, 'tanked on either ade b
air Tutz D.earich and Ton, v
eins,echo to botn make t o tare
well appeal:ince en the ' tt - held.
Scrimmage •
- .Key er Kai C and
1r Irn no-ella tlttt - rttocanc - on
the hoe wal cent,. then Jinni
battle no the bon, pria, on In ad
dition to th^ s e pLyert, Cooper
Flinch, Jack I ivezev, Ea. I raltlalch,
Al Di...a11, .nd Joe Mittel, moot of
tthom wll era( 01^ race at nn envy
stotte, wake tee, exit to local
Phracall,, n State's team is m
vo be tin cona•tion that Wyse the
11..ehnell encountat numb, I:d
MOltllta ,II probably
be unable to sleet the rontest, and
Eduard.; moo not onto tl•e game at
any , tnet Stan Stec perk has been
named cor'R:clldl:'i• t. tide assign
ment/4i ha, been ..pvst,rt from Iv
curt scrnnmage4 twat t - ,el Kaye has
chained hit old pl,e at center
Dunng the past lin"- tA, varsal
has scrimmaged a picked town
from the • iLia I The ye:ti
ling, mete tho , aurill) drir.eti pi the
I'vlaeu , o offe,e, and the
Lion eleven had .one o:ffict:lty
, olvlng the Intraxte 'tam of shut
(Lontmutul ov Itfth page )
Dell Itepre,evtati‘o, tunfer IN all
Seri ICI, helm, meet
Itepie,entatr co of the Bell Tele
phone company ft om the district of
fice,. at Bellefonte and Bohm t M. Sty
li,. th. in change of the College tele
phone 'enure, inlet Student Coun
cil at it, regular Iseeting - WednesclaN
night to deem none whit action could
lie ttll.en to Immo% the 10c..1
JCL,' M. Count, inunaret of the
Bellefonte office, expl um II that the
icsalents of State College um,: for
the most unit fnnm Inctlopolitan
ti lots .intl expected city telephone or,.
Howes., the facilities to. &ruing
tins type whin• die inadequate for
tin% thittiet, ahtch I. made up of sea
oral 111 I at 1.01111111.1.11t1, 1 Ito COPtlllUed.
It mi.% sugrestco tort eny poison
11,1 nm; a ,erie. of calls at one time
should infutin the opelatoi of his in
tentions in mdci to facilitate connec
ters. An insititon sins e‘tended to
all Student Coup , il membeis to in
spect the local plant and the dish et
dim, of the telephone eumminy
A t onunttlee in Llatz ge of into, ela
~, blau, v ~ppotnted 11,0,n1 C
',,lngthhn '4l, la ennleot of On
Corned, din mg t lie nmellig
to coomi ate a wilt the Atltlein. Ass°, I
:awn in chi citing and sLhetluhrg the
tot lous slu•l,, 'lln, LotniniLLen
eolupo.le,l of Paul .1. Mit , Ln
ehan num, Soil Lunlonnwth
and Chalk. IC. llaiti,Lk