"FOR THE GLORY OF OLD STATE" tatr --,- st. 4 - , Lit3to\Ry VOL. 26, NO. - '62 oples FRANK S. EDMONDS WILL TALK BEFORE GRADUATING CLASS To Address 620 Seniors on 'The New Liberalism' Next Tuesday Morning WOLFE, CAMPBELL GIVE CLASS ORATIONS MONDAY Dr. Iletzel, Baldnin, Hocklen Haller, Coogan Included. On Speakers' List The lion Frank Spencer Ildmonils Will address the graduating class of 620 members and friends on "The New Liberalism" at the seventieth coni mencenient exercises 10 00 o'clock next Tuesday morning - Faculty marshalls headed by Pro:. Clarence E Bullmgm, College maish all, will assemble the semis at 9 15 o'clock for the commencement pro cession to Recreation Hall. Student marshalls have been named to assist the faculty members in marshalling the graduating class preparatory to the march. Baldwin To Speak J. Theodore Wolfe will delivei the Valedictory address in Schwab auda 'tonuar at 9.00 o'clock Monday morn ing as the farewell to the Class of 1930. R. Paul Campbell, salutatorian will open the class day exercises when he welcomes fronds, patents and alum ni to the Campus F. Bruce Baldwin nill make his last appearance as the official head of the graduating class when he de heels the second address of the Colny mencement day program John N Engel as chaninan of the mange• merits committee will . be responsible tot the order of the day The third speaker, Scott S Geesev, class poet. will offer the class poem. Sup K. Molter. class donor for the girls, will introduce Helen F Faust, Bow glrl,'Giace M Woodson, Slipper girl, and Josephine T Lees, Fan girl, telling of their activities during four „cars at romp. qtatos Pipe oration will be delivered by James 11. Coogan it , following the, duos poet's offering and Caroline S. llallei, Mu rot gill, will look into the past and tell of the progress made by the gill's class She will also ptoph csy the future Olive E Ostethout so ill pl esent poem in honor of the gladi.ating doss followed b,s presentation of class bull ets by Isadore E Ilekklen Class hon or: will be awarded In the inembei+ 01 the class who has been outstand. mg in scholarship and extia-cottieu la: nets dies dining then college rill ee, The clues memoi ml w ill be ded,atell ht Sidney II LIMP. and Colonel J l rankhn Shield;, p. ebulent of the (Contanuea on thud page) `MEANEST MAN' IS PLAYERS' FINALE I=l l',V!!21111 Closing then cur not aniata season, Penn State Plaveic will in teitain housepai ty guest: .ind a 111- mencement isitois xnh the in escnta tam 01 "The Meanest Man In The World" at 8.20 o'clock next Monday night in Schaal, authtoi The play is a thus-at.t comedy by Atguatin Mac Hugh and enjoyed a B: oath% ay run a fen penis ago At this tone Comge M. Cohan us ell Lam% n actor and playm mid. played the leading sole in the pi e,i,tation The pioduction is duetted by Piot David D Maxon Rotph Radcliffe, ji '3l- .11 1 PloY the title character Ab the meanebt man in the world. The story is built mound the fortunes of a young lift et who because of hue kindness of bruit is unable to carry out the duties of his Profession. With poorly knocking at his door, the young batitstm sudden ly turns cold-hearted and with the tiansfoimation conies gIICCO.t. Phyllis G. Rodler '33 will play the Centime lead as the Inoman N,ho slinuises Radcliffe's success As the tardy paid employees m Radcliffe'b office, Jesse N McKnight '.ll and Ann L. Miksch '.12, wll fmnish the emu edt high lights of the pioduetion Others pla}tog lIIRJOI . toles ate Jpntes F. Abet '3l, John Rothe, fold '22, Reginald It. Kcatton '.12, John .1, tiorhees '1.3 and Saul 0 Sh e et 12. Simleo Thorpe '33 enacts the tole of mallet of ,Itinlchlre and Ruth Whet plats the part of the lead ins chat actet's I,istet. HEADS initial Inter-session in Summer Curricula , GMMl22l=i3;M=l SUMMER COURSES TO OPEN JUNE 16 Chambers Will Conduct First Inter-Session Curriculum Offered By College A. the first step in providing Cal lege cuiriculn throughout the year. Penn State's initial Inter-session -In conjunction uith the regain, Slum. Session will begin with an assembly it Schnab auditorium at 8 o'clock Monday morning, June 16 when Dean Will Chant Chambeiv, ducctoi of the mstitutc, will officially open the Wen. titer annual Summei School. inaugurated with the idea of fin thcring the plan to offer College courses throughout the entire yea-, the Inter-session w ill occupy the time between the close of the second semes ter and the opening of Summer School The new• stunt couiscs, howeser, may •he taken separately, and considered ' as an independent unit Offer Nevi Coarsen Ot. Fled 'Lewis Pattie professor omoritte , of Penn State heads the list of SIN 1. uniting lectuieis oho still assist in these meekly v:glens Other prominent lam art , figui es selected to speal this summa our Lone Gale, Percy MacKay°, Rohe i t nest, Eunice Tietjens, and Path me Coluro Neu 1,01.1140. , me being offered tn English composition nod physical edu cation, is snot! as special gtailuate classee. for superintendents, nape, %mot s, principals and teacheis in put,- he schools Student, finol t‘sent ilitfetent states, Canada, and Home lute hare °molted for these courses e the 19.10 Sununu Session, :lemm ing to Piot Palmer C Weasel, assist ant director of the Suminei School The cession sntll last [ion, dune '3O until August S and .111 include classes in the Ftenth and English institutes, commencement snill be held August 8 PROF. ROBERTSON icrecivcs PRIZE FOR TECHNIC 1L PAPER "Analytical Octet emotion of Mag netic Fickle," a technical gaunt curt ten by Prof Rutter, L Robertson of the department of electitcal eel tog, sins unaided fit.t orae at a con‘ention held ',wale in Swing field, Ma44atlneiett, The panel nag piepated In , Pi ofes 10l liobertbon m conjunction n de Tei ty of the Genoa! Eleettie tom pan!, of Sthenectath, Sew Yotl, and was list P 1 esented at a summet con tention of the Ametnan Institute of Electrical linginems held June 24-2/1, 1929, at Swampscott, Massachusetts One-seventh of Students Obtain `3s' While 9 Per Cent Fail Last Semester Fourteen per cent of the 25,207 1 °cation gar e the most holm points glades gn en in 3,1 edit course, lot by dispensing 70 poi cent .. .Is" and the rust semester 1920,10 Acme "35"; only 5 peicent below grades It, 0 1' while 11 percent wet:, ratlines, actin d- I C C nos nest highest Nclth 29 pet cent t )1 UN'S CIA:I: ('I I FII .1S 0111.5 mg to an anal} sis of glade chstatbn-1".1." and I pet cent Cadmus, nhde I or, I' lion nude by Regtstiiit William S. hygiene ay.ailled 6 pet cent "Js" its 1 FR 1.1 , 1( IS Al 0 plll,sl 01/ .. . Hoffman. !computed to 17 pet cent belov, el:tiles . Francis C 11 ood '3l was elected The hugest pettentage of grades; Liberal Atts school treattcled the, president of the men's Glee Club at wore "2s" girth JO pet cent of the ag- ,In gent numb. ot in edits fun :1-Lour th e regulon meeting 11 ednesdne night gregate total being of this denonuna- I contacts, when 10,030 units note al-; Chat les C Ile , . '3l will assume the holt, while 29 per cent were "Is" and toted out of the total of 25,207, %clot:: cue in esttlent ial :lull, nest seat lb per cent woe "Os" !the Enstineei mg school was sect,nd kth i t o Lion in 0 Hai nee '3l 1,11 be Soon nag the highest nom ages no- 1 with 1100. Minimal Indust ten thsttib- i b„moo„,, manager s on , e t o , 5 ..,1 „os ,on dtng to school., Agt 'culture and uteri it total of 00:1 lin We posuton still be ttthen by John Education - students teems ed 17 purl On the basis of noon age numberf , , , °- ix Gat bet '32 Robe, t If . 1 5.1eFalls rent ".Is," n, lute those enrolled in lon edits taught l* milt, alum insti uo- Io : j, ~ ( ',o'er, Ida noun of o no Chemlsttc and Phceice NO el e twat:led i tons each of the 95 tenches s in the m .,,, 0 , 10 pea cent The School of Education ' lon eet number .... . . i gave the least seethes below gi ades ' School at Liberal ails insLi acted when i 'nreal. ierrived Rohn es and 110° Widen!, 'the School of Chenostiv the Chenig , tiv and Phyqic, school was and Hit sits a ith .11 inqiurtors, each the most bbetal. handing. out 10 be-' (welting' 105 student , i, Tolltoted i while, louv in e‘ety 100 glades. ;the Matta al 111,1114 D :es .ehatol o :tit 43 l)elta (tanna t at Phi Delta 'Chan DI Lac Lett.v., Ph} 1:1 attaltuta to o%u} tt,tt adttn. (Can pus Oe Is) STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 30. 1930 NEW RUSHING CODE RECEIVES CONSENT OF I. F. COUNCIL Committee Meets With Dean Warnock To Work Out Revision Plans GROUP ADOPTS SYSTEM OF PREFERENTIAL BIDS Violators Will Forfeit Social Priveleges for Ensuing Term. $5O Bond Interfraternity _Council anal nye , ' tho now rushing code at n meeting Wednesday night nftei a committee meeting in conjunction with Arthur R Warnock, Dean of Men, had woik ei, out the mechanics foi revision of the piesent system Under the new rode, no rushing shell take place before 11•'30 w ednes day morning September 21, the open ing day of College. This differs from last yeni's plan when frateinities were permitted to rush doting Fresh man Week. . The season 5,111 be divided into two! periods, the first ending at 10 o'clock' Tuesday night, September 30 The! second period will begin at 11.30 , the following morning and will enrl i at 8 o'clock Friday evening, October 3. Adopted as part of the new system, preferential bat plan it:guiles all freshmen to present preference card, at the office of the Dean of Men OA Saturday afternoon, October 4, The-0 cards sell be sorted out together with thi fiateinity bid tarts which are to' be sent munediately following the close, ox the sti.onil period. As the 111113 tome in, only those, which me closest to the fiesliman's" first pt °fel cnee will be ad% anted to the rushee and the remainder witn held It 19 hoped by the Council that thr plan will move a death b'ow to last minute "lead-piping" methods. Violations of the lashing code w ill bo punished by I'M lettuce of the $OO bond pros candy posted and the sec pension of - all social in:silent, for I the first semester of the immediate year Names of offending fil -1 ter mties will be published in the Cot,- ' LEMAN an formerly THESPIANS TO PUT SONG HITS ON AIR Will Broadinvt 'Maehew, ln Dutch' Numbers Next 15 eek From College Itutho Statton Songs fi sin the musical t. °mu!) ; Inc Ad., Permit To ph* "Duchess in Diitch,'"rhesputn Dune' house party offei mg. m ill lie In o a st- cast from the studio of station NS SIC et 5 o'clock Tuesday and Fran* al- I Debride steps foi the pi ate( bon of ternoon Ithe amateur standing of Penn State's ! "Your Doe Is Ms Life" and "Lis., tablet, acre taken by the \ :blare ten to the Moon" ale too of the 1111111- B0111(1 of Control when it on. decided hers to be broadcast to el the College, that all under geminates 110011 rag to station Julius Epstein is the enter athletic competition during thrr author of the ly I ila While Lion N j summer nmat, secure permission Cohen '.12 com Posed the music I advance A singing Eton us composed of to, eh e An% order gt admit° m Hiring to play' men will appeal for the hist tune in:organized Newnan during the skirl- In Thespian production o hen "Docile, inei 1111.1 s: .reply in outing lin Dutch" is staged in Schwab ands. to the Board in et accor ding to tot aim nest Satur dos night 'the new tole adopted This step ma: Itichar .\ Whetstone tit, as "Jack taken for the mutual protection of Wilson," will play the lending role in both students owl College the musical shoo opposite T Mc-' 'rhe athlete ',eking this pm ribssion Clore Donahey '32, who poi tutus the, mini fro nigh the •cnote eimunittee part of "Kitty Kennedy" Milton C o frill information coiner ning tic Young ',lO and Edwa S Maimed 13 I team that he wrdvs to plat 51 ith as au ant nit the eomerti lends well as the to Luinslnnees of employ !Daccted is' .1 Honig Kennedy ; nom. and the name and oiliness of the "Duttliess it 'Nadi" COlloolll' the ciriploNei The committee 0 ill :vent athentur es of two i I stow no as a I p e rine.sion to pia> mils in those c• revs I aboaid a floating universitr. to ss huh uL betas es the :wont ant will norone neithoi moires \ ado able consulmation Students failing to obtain nein..- .51011 In advance may Le declai for into collimate competition because of failure to do on, aceorthrec to the Board 'rills title also includes or timpation in track laid an \ ,;en iced Millen, Cheerleader Selects 4 Junior Assistants A abut S Foust *.:2, Robert 13 Hee es '32, Emanuel Pet lon '.32, and Leon L Rnelcour %I? cue., chosen junan as4a,tant I heat hods In , t, night by Chu, les S Harper ',H, hem. cheo leadet. The nee aosi , tant died leader Well selected after time 1,001, of competttme trdnla girth the final eltnanatalro• taking place last night in the Al mor> Them any selected o ill lead the at athlt.t . dc e‘ento nest year andec the dtteetdon at the swum stall- WARNER. BROS. BUY CATHAUMAITTANY Maurice Baum' Completes Sales. Atte' 16-Year Career in Thealre33usiness Sntecn years t motion picture net vice under Ma • I, Baum. ended Monday when Warner Bros 'theatre. Inc. assumed full barge of the Cath aum and Nlittany , thcatt Cs Mr. Baum closed negotratronb cc lh the theatre comport, Tuesday after noon stipulating that the present man agement uould 10101110 in charge or both houses George 51111 , %41111i1i cos tume as manager of the theatres Tot the Wan net Brothel 4 corporation '•The more type of pictures, both sound and silent, suit cnntinue to n 0 screened and book.ng ‘,lll ,he "utast on as rth the name ideas of ouguual- LLy"Mr Bat.m an insert The Nlttans theatres' as leased by Mr Baum in May VIII and tA, o later he leased thr Brurtrnie theatre In In2G he Molt th present Catnaum baking and closed the Pastutre and " When I nest canoe to State College mores cost live en 01: I was forced to reline the mice to I••n erne m Older to show the better class pretur es Sind that trine pane bare aldermen, but only proportmn d to the Imre:mei] i cost of film pg the pr °author's," 31. I Baum declared. Although octane. from the enter tainment field Mr l'atim gill continue or the oral .n tote 'inns Re sill also engage in deielopment o. tee tone oesom ries as in the past The Wale, Bootheis chain of theatreo i. reputed to lie thecermet tangent in the United State-. Sub circuits moiled° such tow on an Hai ',hong. Pittsburgh. Philadel phir and Reading in Teensy', ania. A. A. BOARD MAKES AMATEUR RULING Undergraduate MUlett, Must \ ppl) Orgaturtil Spurts Who's Dancing Tomomm Tottrgiatt. COLLEGE HONORS MILITARY HEROES IN SERVICE TODAY Gen. Ednard L. King To Delis er Memorial Day Address At 10:30 O'clock HETZEL WILL REVIEW R. 0. T. C., BOA!. TROOPS Company A. Infantry Brigade Wins Ribbon Award for Army Efficiency Dena State odl pa> tihate to the nation's nuhtont harm, ti nth Memor ial Day mem ise; on the front LAM pus at 10 10 o'clock Dm+ morning. Genil al Kilo aid f. King, asHrAtant thief-of-staff of the United State's At my, lull delivel the raintipal LUCA nulumt unity, Or ganitation-, nod ,chool ehildten will gnthcr at 9.1.0 o'clock for the annual Moine] in! Da3 parade The It 0 T. C 111 ignite nal eNscilible on Holmes hold nod other orgunieations on Eat.t College menu°, betv een Mc- Allister and Hosier ,ateet., I', loot Ralph D Hetrel, and Col. Walter B Ale Casket., 'ugh members of the Memmial Dar comnuttee. Until reelect the ',made as It pabsee up Codex,. .venue ',aft main entlauce. The parade ec dl fun north on Bun ton,. street and the R 0 T C amt en.ll then moceed to font campus, ulule the other groups real march to Presu'ent Athetton's grace eteding the parade militari of fitaal, dl ',resent the too outstard 'nix captain- in the In Tade with see noel bout' sant noatpuo These aWalliS .I'l be in esenleal on the basis of nnh tart tills lent,t tin oughout the ,thool }ea, At thv, time members of Company A, of the infim* t moment, will be ac nrded bine ribbons This company, which i. captained by Lenunon C .nendinom n-f.rst - plaep-in-tha compet,tion foi e•cellence in military cacaos and tactics WOMEN PLAN FOR FRESHMAN WEEK Co-ed Campus Club. Wekonte Noe Sludents ',% all College Tours September 17 Row of women's oni.. Olgarwatinz Including W S C. A C A.W A A. and C,en :ill! t aid n to Penn Stith tint It next fill to t.t home t,, too °Men dent SN lien the Ne ednei•ila‘, Septendiei 17 lot Ft eshnhin 71 eel: Li. 1.1% Opentni, nit', t anima, touts eon-, dm led In Cb ens IN edne•ola a( te • Mini, the pima am will tnt tulle lae•nlei the tl tilt et eats planned lit the tot-' lege talministt ~lion a plena Nponsm oil lit the Tielshing Club ThuistlaN night mid tt GM en tea Sant day late! noon Rend., morning tt bi rob lost At ill lie held on Hahne, held tin-' du t! u nteliatet of the 1" t 1 C A On, ton No and Ellen II it a lint tls huh. holm. uununt.c, snuettes, tell e j, tea foi the nett b oaten rte, mine, n title an non, rtes psgt ant int Intim,: all the m omen's us gent 41- Ito,. to 111 take place that night innot lawn In the, tent's o gi am to ill he tin eu nett It a. liethdral Iu tote penal. at Uillt II lane menthe, et (l A N 11 (' • and IV A to dl ttpl tin the bot k of these gam/at ions Professor Garver, Veteran of Civil War, Will Receive College's Tribute A. a pail of the lleiaelial i• I atuu 11141 goon] outdool nS C‘ol tolllbt I 00. Penn State oil! • ont inn genet ations alma_ pat homage to Its 0111,t lit (MIL' t. 12 h ,111111IS1.1111 a. oho in he+ hit trot a noted lint qinalt,l a di d I I I old! ;rite pain famed athlete, and Cwt Wllr t ..'ll C"1, , Xn I 01 the Cot nt 11 pall lotl el% the 1/1101 Pt 101 . . . Prof m. 01,40,, Mon on Gal eel, 82 , "1,1.11 111 the Nee toi 1. 1 tt nn • Ink!. fon men In of the Phs Da la I ilo , rp• of .7 nnln , I.Be I at ter a tiepin tment, ttdl rentoNe the union ire In,, lore botn,n ea the Thtt'" " mnovatonn doe u man nn nth such hare—al Gotten on noted lon he an d noN eo,gationg no the held of l'lnpue, Pt oft_ iCO. Cutter loin h•s early ll' iniblmhe.l pap. on •'l'w mina. ti nnint.. at Co nell unn etaitv Is het e Chat ntlrt of Nin Nom Action." "0 , - hr t menet! hia dein ee m setence. m, Mat a Pt m.sui e."'Nenetic Theo n ! ' 76 Ile taught tit that institution ince at 11olet ulin Action ' • Liquid ISO Pt en out to tin. time he' Pilots," toirethtii 111th man, °the, or had4t, eyed urt,h the Union (Dries or 1,..9 ”111,1,1 tame . . . . litnlng the C. 1,1 Mat Hits atrotcled Ind t o tom! row when Penn Stafe hap .1 11,1c1.-gtoutal fot his %matt,le n , a ... a a 10) i moment to 1101101 the antes a en athlete while at school• ri,a,t 0. the Cis Civl and \Ml'm ld Wen. "rot may mem., muted Ara+ that the, 101 pay ti elute to on, or the luau. If al .4. nett of ti. t 4 and antbete i.c rt, htrics of the I.a ate; Lonflet Council Approves Customs Revision Tribunal Changed IPRESIDES at Fir 4 Ili:Mnt; of i I \en Student Counul 10 ACTIVITIES MEN TO DISCUSS UNION Temporary Leaders Will Direct Selection of Delegates for Nen Student Body To touts, the proposed Penn State Student Union. ten delegates selected ill then re,peetise actisities ills sons skin meet under the direction of Desn of Men Arthur It Warnock before Conimen_ement as a result of discus, son of the project among activities lon/leis Wednesday night. ,1,7 , 1`-”ert of_ ton temporary rh ii.men to dueet sel,tion of tilt ming iton in thur dis,ons eas ae- Lomphslied le a motion passed at the as , urblt nt representate es of stu dent unt.rmts Dean W n nook, pres ent chmanan of the prehmintuy meet an ens delegated to name the lead tie m ea..h set. Don Coopei Fi each ''3l sees selected shairmas of the athletic division, with WlMaze F Llench '3l heading the publt at ens section Frank C Es et at, 'al will lead the assembly of 111119- ~ ..d. dramatrc and debating bodies Re. mond A. Rowel . '3l stns named to all togetho religious gam., try: I=3l C 111LI.nughlin and Helen But hwut'ei atstill conomt the selection of th leg it.o, Ii ort men, and ,onicr', I,llr gosernn.er.t , Ft.w6 I).eth !oh 'a .14 chaa non of ol'i Lounell's rueetlntr, With ht. ha 11 Vat 1,01 'll holm tut tho •.t oe lovot lon in Cnnlpo , Club. mount II Not man 11 Blau 44 a. cm Imteil tent mu y di:lmmo] of Penn Statue club and the new pi e,‘ item lot use in Tribunal procedu•e a to final session Tues day night Itia ma. 'DMus! mill be modeled after the petty wry is , t.lll of local tootle Nest >eat', Tribunal will con 'S..t at the p•coldest and one Other Ja11.02, lion Jummc nod president of the , UOOll,OlO class, menthol ex-of- Mtn, ulin mill be societal % July trill be picked in, the pre lent of the Tido:nal for eaeh goollP if nicer Thtee firtelnity men and hiee min-tintonity students of the .0101 class ndl be chosen at lon lore Loot the directory to