Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 23, 1930, Image 1

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    „ //'`f.7 4- -.Semi-ylteekly
VOL 26, No 60
Will Lecture on 11. L. Menchen 111
Room 100 Horticulture
At 4:10 O'clock
Gives Wharton, Deland, Cattier,
Atherton, Glasgow High
Rank as Authors
With II L. iilencken a, his topic,
Dr Fred Lewis Pattee will conclude
a week's conies of lectuleg on "
of Amen.. Litelatuie Since 1800,"
when he speaks at 4 10 o'clock t h u
afternoon in Room lOU llortaultuio
Baltimore', exponent of the 'de
bunking' type of tlitithri NN 111 be stud-
Lontempoi4lleS, aS the
noising fun te m .1 nev, school of Lyt
ton! thought Di Patten dealt no nth the
INC of the flee wise mot ement in
hteratme yesteiday nftelnoon.
That the Amm can no el has
cached its peak m nil feminine
nutees ions the al gument adianced
by Di Pattec ithen he (Init.o4ed
"What Women Did to the Novel" to
the final Ltbmal Ails 'came Tues
day night
Fi‘e women of alino.t equal tank
have lea the litelaty field in tail\ mg
the standaid of feminine auLhois to
new heights since 1800, in the opinion
of the poles...oi enielatio of English
litinatuie at Penn State
"A pioneer in het blei aty N4OllO,
ude Atheaon antithited many
present authoi., ho lute athiexed
success lot 'IRAs ideas," ID Pattee
&dal ed, in naming the log 0 omen
to v, ite in the new eta
"Miss Atherton Nviote Eiekwrhkc
tteatinents of (heels rny the in the
nineties She .n anted Van Dine de
tective stones befoi.e Van Dine
thought of them, and she intmluced
biographical novels mah "The Con
gum ," a life lu.aut v of Alexander
Hamilton," he dechn ed
Second to eine! the stage of on
ing nos Edith IN hail., aLtinihng to
the speaker Lacking the olit,inalit,t
or intensity of Miss Atha ton, she hat
won a high plate in toineinpoian
tanks tot in GAIL nit, fastidious
ness, and peirett technique, he as,co
"Edged Nun, , utne, pointed iiith
Mrs Whattons itovels ate n dt
ugnosic of the dt,ea, of m tlficiallty
modern ut thinlmn Het wort c ate
exott, nirtintain. and Lo.inniiiiht,in
in their tendenues, U. 15 Di PatteeN
Mnagatet Deland, autlun of "The
Awakening of Helena Racine" Ntan
the thud author on the 4perthei's
while Ellen Glakgow, who vote
Wonmn'n Senate kpprine4 1t0,140.1
:11entherslop Roll to Rouse
Of Repre4entalnes
Undo the let ision of the W S G.
A constitution as num mud be the
women's Senate at its meeting Mon
day night, the (louse of Repiesenta
lives will con,st of &legates from
the chum:Lou,. and club houses, and
the chanmen of Once nen commit
tees to function On noinen's student
goveinmcnt. Dean Chailotte It Ray
and the pi esulents of W S It A, W
71 Years of Compulsory
Chapel Will End Sunday
Farmers' High' School Establishes Attendance
Requirement in February, 1859
Sesenty-ono and one-half 1 curs of
College compulsory chapel mill end
with the sei vice to be held in Schwab
auditoilum Sunday ram mac; at which
Prof .John P I mull, acting College
chaplain mill address chapel-goers on
"Ale You 'Getting It?"
In a statement last night, Milan
Moe e, secretory to the pi esldent,
declined that compulsory chapel
mould he abolished with the last ser
vice of the semester on Sunday In
answer to questions concerning those
who base failed in chapel this semes
let Dean Win nock stated that the
College has taken no definite action
and mobably will not do so until Into
this SUOMI.
Commits°, chapel attendance has
been 'conned slice the opening of the
College in Feln half 1859 At that
tune Penn State as known as the
Fat wets' High School Ind in the tides
and regulations of the institution.
chitnel nas greatly strewed
Chapel ,en ice was held each
morning. en 11110 before dinner and
supper the students mould march into
chapel to listen to the Narrous re
ports-mluch mere risen on the Pro
ceedings of the day When the stu
dent, body had grown to such a de
gree that it sins impossible for all to
eat in the same place, the semces be
fore dinner and supper mere discon
Doily - chapel, which had been in
continual existence, except for the
Aloha Lambda Delta To Conduct
Initiation Tomorrow-9
Co-eds Eligible
The Penn State chapter of Alpha
Lambda Delta, fieshmun women's
4cholaiship fratermts, will be install
ed by Mis Vinnte Barrows of George
Washington Univewty in Women's
building at lice o'clock tomoriow af
mg the Lei onion, membeis
and then guestv ecll lane chimet in
the Unit ei , ita Jul at 7 o'doel,
I.lplia Lambda Delta, sister Irate,-
nits of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
men's honours, ma, mganved at the
Uni,eisity of Illinois in 1021, and has
clurpteis at sp. am,rsitierr, includ
ing Mailman, De Purism, Purdue, and
Mis 4 Clholotte It Rot , denn of sin
men W.ta elected to holm. e menthe'.
ghtp In the local chapter, Mee,
Helen E ChM et. asststant titan of
it omen, faculty MAVISOI. and E Lou
'se liolteddz.'dl sun. adc,ol
Sophotnote nomen eligthle Ili dul
l. !umbel, ate Elizabeth C Bell,
Rosemat 5 Poi bee, Mat gat el 1.01 ah,
S 5 Ma Cl Mullin, Jean E
and Katinyne Sl Stant, Ruth
Ctoovlhets, iMation P !lonia and
Elizabeth 31 tfalb ale the ft colonel
A 2 5 average tot the he J seme.-
tet of the heslunan veal of fm the
come }cat Is teguned tot eligilnlits
To Present Solo, Group Selection,
In ❑ouse Partl Program
Mote than 150 men ate ptepating
the annual combined tontett of the
Men's Glee dub. Otehestta, end Man
dolin doh to he green nutlet the so
pelvimon of Rithattl VI Giant, Col
lode inusnal diteettni June b m uudttouum
01 The pioanam, which mill consist of
brief mimed din ins the Weild Wm,
seas abolished in Jsine 1927 Sunday
:Impel had a very humble beginning
The facults held Bible classes in the
mousing and conducted a iegulas ser
visa in the sites neon B tb the es
tablishment of the fast State College
churches in inSS. students mile per
mitted to choose betneen cempulsosy
church and chapel
The lust sonic° tins held in a
classmom in the most ulna of Old
Main (tom 1858 until 1868 From 186
to 1883 sett ices uere conducted in
the cent.' ming of Old Main on the
second Coot, and flout that tone until
189,1 the old Chapel, as it was in Old
Main at the time of its lazing last
year, suns the scene fat chapel set
vices In 1903, Schaub anditonun sins
constructed and chap) has been con
ducted them since that time a
Among sonic of the outstanding Col
lege menthols who ha, conducted
son l", dining the polloil of cam
pukoly chapel are Rev John \V
White, lath. of .lumee C. White,
trustee and doom of the IN hde ,chul
atahips, Di .1 NI Grecoiv first Mogi
dent of the linivepaty of Illinois, Di
Lowtente AI Collett, Di Benjamin
Gill, Re, Robes t Reed, Dean /kali.
Holmes and Di Flaiger Motto.
Acting College chaplain, Lot the
petted include Di Fred LOU 1, Puttee,
It. II Dotterel. and Nor John 11.
Ft reel!, the meeent acting chaplain
Co-eds Elect Rosemary Forbes,
Eleanor Haskins Junior
Class ExecutiN es
II Louise Marquardt seas named
president of the women's class of
1932 for next tear as a insult of the
Junior women's election returns of
Wednesday night.
In the same ballot Rosen= s
Forbes scenic ed ice-pt esidency of
hei class es oh Eleanor V Haskins
gaming the sm.,. etaie ship Mn nun K
Gorge seas chosen ti eases el Cs hile JI
Lydia II nller sear elected next ;. ern 's
social chairman
Although the limb. of Notes cast
lot each gal aas not li:sealed b 3 the
election comic gave, rt bas unofficially
admitted ho a inembin of that boaid
thatlc,s Matamudt Nson the pies,
dential post by a scant pluialit3 over
het opponents, Anne A D'Ohei,
galet S Iloposnod and MNitle II
All, Verb, gained ‘at-tot,tdelav
oval June 1. Total!, ande Blm, Has-
Ltrn, totalled a !nutlet numbet oI sole.,
lot 4011 el(113 Sillp than eithel Eleanor
M. Hill of Irma II Holton, sum 0010
het opponents.
illns Gnme obtained the Pmt of
ti easel et In I.olllpetaloll 011th Cathal -
me I. Hat Cs Millie M.+ 11.11101 10500 -
ed souni thalleldeqlllll (Met UM.% M.
Duset, alma Egoif, and Maty M
Members of Tau Beta Pi, natronal
honer at v engineering flirter rut, held
then annual spring banquet at the
Centre Hills Country dub Monday
night Mr. Adman O. More, e‘etu
tree neer eta,, Pr at Earl B
of the department of elecir ital en
meet mg, and Prof John 0 Keller
of the engineering extension depart
ment n ere the .peaker s on the pro
Glass Houses, Energy from Tides
Predicted for Homes in 2500 A. D
Council To Meet for
Last Session Tuesday
Assembling tin the la.,t tune this
yen,. the 1929-30 btudent I ounil
will insect in loom 11 Lihn al Apt,
building at 7 o'clock Tuesdat night
SeNeial committees edi make
then final report at this time, the
most impot taint or which en dl be the
recommendations lon let 410 II et'
College trailltiona h. the Custom,
coninnttee teimrt will be
thmed on the teai•it • ot the studont
refet entlinn onuacted 1.1 St en CCh
Atte, the bumnetir meeting the new
Council Sot 11130-' I v 111 lie Install
To Superintend Commencement
Day Procession—Replace
Student Leaders
Fatultt members II I eplate the
usuul student mtu'null, n the emu
mentement dny Pr. et ,ion June 10,
Pt of Chu cute Ii Lollege
matshall, announteo 3 °stet dm
A teptetttentatne (tom each sthooT
will take clange of he gladuatet, %the
will form at 9 30 o'clock Ft etas mote
mg at a place dettlguated fte each
group The plot, ',on to Re, en
non hall, where the commentment es
ert,t, 1%111 take mace, is ttthechtled
to at,,, t at 9 99 o'cica
Prof Adam I. Bunn has been set
acted US mot snail Um graduate. from
.he School' of Agit.lime, irho wrh
tioremble in front of the Ant nurture
budding Prof James II Olen me still
cake charge of the graduates in the
School of ( hemistry and Physics,
oho urn scheduled to rimet on the
west side of Pond laboratom
&hoot Leaders Appointed
Giadoutes - Nom the School ot Ed
ucation will be trained into a !no
el:salon in flout of Engmeming F
by Prof Math M Vt diet, while those
graduating front the School of En
gmeermg will be meashalled by Prof
Earl B Stavely. Mgrshall of the Lib
eral Arts group wdl be . PI - Of Mune,'
IV Stool. who will loud the proces
sion hon. the Liberal Alto building
Prof Ogden B Mahn has been sel
ected to lenl thi gloim of graduates
front the School of Mineral Indus
tties llu. mocession Hill faint in
front of the New Minimal Industmes
adtmtc students will meet
111 front ,k; the Boum, building A
maisll.lll tot the group has not been
Ranking: trt ad.*, otn each
school hasp hecn , ekteted to x.inst
the faculty non chalk Fin ILA Steele,
float the School of Ag; Ruh ot e.
Chat to 11 Montgonnn y, School of
Chemist, e and Phi ale., 11 ilham 1.
Saylor, School of Edueatton, At thur
C. Sugalen. :school of Enginteenng, J.
Theodor e 11 &lc `;toot of label:II
Ah t., and Glen \ But genet, School
of Motet al Indn-ance, ',ln set e ns
student nun
Robot t .1 Pot let Nt allot C Mason,
and Jain., It Stitt, t liosen Cot
tellent 0 in unlit u s ...tome and tac
tic, have been .clot toil to teepst I'ta
lessor Rulhnget in the lotniutmn of
the 11111111 pt aoe•timn
1\ mitten lo , t,twnns Cot all glad
uates stil Ie mailed this meek, and
final not ions still lie posted on
Conuuem cutout time mo.nmg . In ease
of non giadliates still nocindile to
the cot riliits of Roc I eat ion hall
It Kebto. '3l was clotted
itte , adent of the college band at a
meeting Wednesdat, night Donald
A Shelley ':2 ne as chosen ,ts •euc
tan while 'What 13 Ilannlotn '42
was named bwAne.s. nmnagel
NO% Method Requires Rushees
Place Fraternity Choice
With Dean of Men
Council Institutes Proceedure
To Combat Last Minute
Tead Piping' Evils
Ac the to-1 othual act of the neon.
adnurntlation. the !HUI/OW(1 inn Ohl
holding plan and a stn Inter pen
ult} fon code o nolations cons passed I}}
the Into: Nato rut} Council at a meet
mg night
Under the ne}nls tuanepted plan
Inds mill he sent to the office of the
Dean of Men ho finite: nine, as in the
pa-t, but not all odl he foluanded to
the fre,lnnen Eel one advatuang these
to the lan.lnee, the Dean ot lien unll
Icquile of each In eshinen .1 }} n atoll
fist no oultx of the veallnig's pie
fen ned athhations
ks the bids tome in mils those
eihith ale closest to the fieshinanys
lust inetelenee aill be adducted to
the toshee and the lennaindei alth
held It Is ',Opt,' Is the Council that
this plan v.ll pose a death Llot, to
last inmate "lead-piping" methods
conninttee compomal of John R
Small '3l, than man, Hornet If Math
er ",1, and Nekon Banuenbetget
'3l ii 91 ii ot 1, out the meLhani, oi
thL RUN, Willing plan and preo9l e It
1 . 01 u-e 1110 mg the 1930 lall Wishing
In mdse to put teeth into the pres
ent tushing Lode. ( ounial inenibeis
pioxided fin a stint. punishment
foe code ,iolations In 1111,111 0, to
the $lO fine of last seal, 11111101 the
in Ned code the offending fratmmtv
cull now he subject to a CM tailmenc
of the first semestet's social pus
ileges An in the ;oast the oar., %VIII
hi put ',lied in the Collegian
No definite attain on the 1) , 01/0 , 1,1
curtailment of the 'milting lie, and naq
taiten lit the Count I but the commit
tee appointed at the meeting Tuesday
%till decide the length of the pen nod
afu sitting meith Dean 1N mooch on
a ileicussmn of the temscil Lode
rrateriffize. NS di Part...pate 11 ali
Spet.l,ll Kt,Won For Annual
Ite,teo. Next rruht,
Penn State flatec flare,
the Memoir ral set ,ne , for the
time, ii the Inc untion of Pr of
Je•eph I Light, Lharrman of the war nt tee, to litter ft fitter lute tournAl to
join the pm ark nest l'uda3 in no
MI the na,al flateinnies 001 line
one leale•entati, only tog than flag
et coin, In a pouch nettlon of the
parade. if Inc nlan in adopted 'thin
dne,on null be the fifth net torn in
I omitng the parade sill he the
103 , 41 t a‘allt tt oup of the Penn, I
t an. Nottonot Guards, !tom Bonk
long. ,Ittinthrtt to nof T Is
hello, of the enttoteet our extension
c'epat totem. sho ha, been stleeted
ho the collimate° zo, IllalSllllll
Second 111 line Bill the tm• of the
G A It, ['allotted he the 111 0 T C
unit The setet4ll. nt the Symni•h-
Ain. lulu 11 ar and Woild Wat still
cantno.e the fonith , 00,011 and still
be tollotted by the piono,ed riatei nits
temesentate,,, stink public school+,
hot and gul scout hoops, and other
uul oigainzations cull close the m
18 Customs Survive
Student Referendum;
Dress Rules Retained
Revisions Committee 1600 Ballots Cast in
To Submit Proposals, 3-Day Probe of
The following. are the pt :impel
m opu,ul , l which the ion stuns com
mittee will submit Inn apm nil
v hen Student Boat d meets Mon
dm atm nocn•
(I) ghat Stunt Night and Tog aul be be the only flesh
e_suphinoie contests (2) That
More-Up Limy be held on the 'not
Satuiday in Not (3) ghat Wails
bonds be abolished on It 0 C
pion cs appro‘ed by local
amt commando (4) ghat sopho
mole class shall etsue one ploclum
atlon annualk ,(11th shall be dts
baded to the fieshoten class not
late! than Thanksgislng (5) ghat
the clause st he( In ft eshotcy are
cautnineid to keep their elate but
toned he (tiled out (6) That the
fiesiiinan-sonhoonne tootbail galore
ooh Its pos,ble anal d to the neab
loan class be abolished
A. A. WILL HOLD •—• tIIIIIOI , I, e , Till . : the.. COlll-
i tuned poll of :AM NM., NS, not stif
f licieot to line out the ante ia the
ELECTION MONDAY 'To': ` ,, nLe;:::.` , ' l rt i he'"e'se`. , - ,,, : , -
; -ks a i esult of the et .von , inolie,
French, Zorella Seek ExecutiN e ci,, , ,,, tall ~,,,,, op on the lost Sat
dm in Api II Ishii• sugge.tions fat -
POst—Es ans, Dept der Vie i m mg tout t ttial •o• a Iselin •I or 'I el_
For Secretaryship I bin, tl prat aim e linen been mom poi
aced in the 1.0” , on, conimittee', le
-1 pot t 'I he «iniinittce , ill ',Min It.
I ('oope t is, en,, std J, ln z n , e ll,, fin•ling to Student Mond Monti, af
bill sti it o lon tit N thletm Assot nano, tel noon
Stunt Night, and Tug-of alone
Of the s, en into, -.los , coot s' s
pit silionct in a snot nil cli,tioa Mon- ;
day The second ballot •a- caned M.
a la, k loam, no in the regularan- hate sin used the canip s. bide 111“...
Sollat onelection this st •ek • tigntion I teshinan Finl c Sell it
I'm the •erlet/111111 1/ o ``ties. Rich: We'', Pants }u an. Pushball ',tan
aid I Detn ilei still tun against ''''' Tic-up Sot ap, still not be in-
Thomas I) Stan.. 'I he candidates ',hided al flosbmen-mphonune act,-
for iNiondav's election me the two ""
110111111 U, 'No each ,post i cten ing the; Submit Final Report rtne,da3
highest number of voles in the tog-' 'rho popular a tit° t eulterl in the
ulat halleting Alt of t Ile 301001:11101, stitching of throe customs from tho
passed th.• student left, end=4oll l 44lde ,111 sui ern! combination. of
pine the Inn
pit on a mote men NISI , douse, tedtiting the minibus oftos
"llium" and "tumor' in then to- loins to t,ent‘-thim. f 111111 go,
feieme to the tlasstfiration of spoil-, LAMA 01.111,11
dirt 11 lit , lie, mai
store elumnated according to the fiat IV 1./I.lor thee StrrltaiGl'lLl
amendment The three-lett. Itult niunhei to• its-one "f the
111.1 as abol.ched and a lola and une-I tono, statutes oluch f osh
font th Intl, block loam "S" substt- I „i,„ h um s il o , n mg th„„ fad es ra nk
toted foi o tootling, lam oise, troth, 41p1 not nun the
tennis hosing, rifle, gob, and moo,. Nest sea, ft e•lnen ‘.lll he pernutted
count. All these o,aid , and to hoop then coat, unhottnnul but
changes was be ellew, f o r the pits- then will not eng tire the tophoolote
tut ('allege soar t 1.4, in football unteotc as in Int
-Ihe Insignia 'S2aul" sws elmiinate I sums ,o,„,
Frt. , e it on. not a popular auatil The sophomore Lin,. shall 1, , ,t 0 but
and s t o'ill iccm l i'd hs n'.‘ndgm`; one pi es lamatoon v hall shill dis.
ot f , cannon spotto .. I nothei th 1111r.' I,lloltt`fl to lII,' fie -lona al 1, not
in an oils nas mode when the (moth 1.,e, :hot
a.dendon tit •111 , t1tIlted •
fOll, t',, .1,01, scut
0 , 0•4111,11 ( Ikt,',l ;re the t h e g „ L „
pt esrut alteellcadet .41 son., assic- them th• three uopn
taut the, 1...nrc0 insignia It is midi it le flint n nigh'
don ,ol th • pti , ttom of too an- 1, 0 4, 4,14. I ne st mtg.: that
so ode scnioi limn:lgo, in tech ...POI I ; in,rn s hl 1, band
and doing them on ;maid of the 'out , a l out the ci oon of thou It 0 C
and otio-too: th melt titcle letter "H unr, .loin U 11 and ,;.; I, J , t„„ ~o .
was the ln.t amendment na ,, ed en to •ui n at nenotiation,
'the two hilt ti,o,tonts m dash Colonel Mallet 13 Nit( Ida, to
sport Who lie not elected to 11,111- I.oololaotl or the II 0 T tunt,
ag,oshtps cull hOl,OlllO the Into Polito%mg the uconunel , l,lnn of
0 dent 110.0 d llnntlat afie,oo7l tin
PENN STATE CLUB HOLDS pcnuaate: d 1 -ulmt, It, trpo,/
DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT ;T, ' . l' „1:;" """' t"'
Moe an I 11 hate Band Wof Fizraush THESPIANS SELECT
m "‘ "" m '''' 1 " A r'"" ! PRODUCTION CAST
Condo,' nu: !he ollege Inv , 0
eta! torencl.n. the Penn State (tub 1)01 It hel.ti'in. Pt
hidd it. annual Maz. llop I‘olll to •I)uthe.. to I)uk(h• ii„t„.,
13 oil. h tununio, night in the \t
Blue and ulute nlf NUM.,
mg hunt both ' , llk , al the I,llcon, ,
and filming •i ,10n5..1 tqlrtt. in thcl~ tf ""
\ 11Iu ',tom. •tl and 1 IN(
• •
Stunt Night. Tug-of-War Only
Contests To Meet mith
Campus Apprmal
Eanhtten Ltnton, nultn6ng the
.ophoinol • Ll.n. '9. 1 (911,1111 1111-
(.119111!,(11 ac the ^estnt of 1600 Note , .
ca9t. dm mg a tinny-ar,..ndum
'on I ollune ttadn'inr• ofuni t tl tout of
I unto., ncc. Ito last ninln.
'' 1 i'n inal,i, that the ~, cot
tatomor the etteunation of fie-hzet,
nti ,oithotnote flu, twat., eta,.
I,in,t. in the minim ity by itenelm, of
Part% (Mt nn,; lone