ESTABLISHED 1904 VOL. 26, No. 50 LION BATTERS OPEN SEASON TOMORROW WITH ST. FRANCIS Bezdek Selects Captain Fry for Mound Duty—Picks Stokes As Relief Pitcher YOUNG, HELMS, LIVEZEY, MUSSER SHOW PROMISE Hobbs Replaces Drill in Center Field—Riker Shifted to First Base Post With Captain Rod Fly on the mound, Lion batsmen will open the 1930 baseball season against St Finn cis college on New Beaver field at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. From an abundance of new material and several experienced twnlers on the squad, Coach lingo Bezdek has selected the Nittany loam to assume hill duty against the Loretto nine Rod has been handicapped for sever al weeks with a bail knee, but is now in excellent physical condition Fry has pitched Against ‘aistty hatters in two medico games this week. Although a trifle wild at times, lie has exhibited enough ability to give bun the first pitching assignment of the year If his wildness develops, tomorrow's game Bezdek plans tot use Hal Stokes, another vetetan from last season Weather Hampers Squad Cold weather made indoor practice necessary on Monday and Tuesday, but the Lion players base taken the field during the lust two days for long practice sessions climaxed by five or six inning games between the first and second teams. This after noon Berdek will direct the squad in is light drill, devoting his attention chiefly to the battery candidates The Nittany infield has shown promise in early season workouts. Ed Young at first, and Jack Lisezey, shortstop, are greatly improved field ers. They have also connected solid ly in daily batting practice. - Dan Musser, third baseman, and Bob Helms, at second, will complete the infield tomorrow. Sol Saltzman, veteran receiver, is rapidly approaching last season:, form and will tale Ins place behind the bat Frank Diedlich, in left field, and Coop Fiench in right, are the experienced players in the out field. With Drill, who was listed to start in center field, will be replaced by Chuck Hobbs, pionusing outfield guardian Drill has accompanied an'' engineering inspection parts ,and will not return until after the Easter holi days. While Couch Beedek has been grooming his men far the opening battle, several recruit players have rapidly foiged to the hoot George Hoopes, diminutive thud base candi date, is one of the outstanding in field substitutes, and promises to gne Musser a hind fight for his thud base post. Pitching for social innings Wed alto noon against the hind hitting varsity, Al Dawns showed lots of speed and a shall, In eaking calve. With mole e‘perience the stocky right-hander should develop into a valuable twirlci. Reed Rikei, last year's yearling outfield., has been moved .up to fast base on the second team, altonating this position with Phil Moony,. 3 ENGINEERING GROUPS MAKE INSPECTION TRIPS Seniors View Hants, Laboratorie, Senior eleetticol, elet.tio-chemical, and civil engineers left on then an num inspection tours of Peonsyl% an irt industrial and manufacturing Plants yesterday. The electrical and electro-chemical engineering gi oups scill be the guests of the Bell Telephone company at a special demonstration of electrical and sound eNperinients in the Philadelphia Academy of Music. The electrical en gineers also will view telephone soil electric plants in New Jersey and Nov York. Slaking a elicuit of the sual-wes tein section of the State, the civil en gineers will inopect 'admit testing laboratories, rives unmovements, steel plants, and motel supply com panies. ~ 1 Irutt ar• ...y vi ~,,,„ McAndrews Named Leading Athlete i • • Malty MtAndieus, captain of the Nittany ring champions, was named Penn State's oustanding athlete at the thud "S" Banquet last night McAndrews climaxed his boxing cured this year smith a steiling victory noel Swan of Nay to cap ture the 175-pound intet‘ollegmte croon This season mailed his thud peal of ring competition He N,115 varsity center on the Lion fothall team during the past sea son and a reserve the year before Ile is piesident of the Athletic Association and Student Tribunal and a member of Lion's Paw, Par no Nous, and Friars, campus so cieties FREE HOSPITAL IS UP TO STUDENTS Raising Fee From $4 to $lO Wil Undergo Referendum in Spring Election The fate of the plupo3ed $lO Ae fox flee ho.intal, sex vice' next year will rest with the student body at the opting elections, Student Council de cided Tuesday male To elaufy the piojett mole fully, Council Instiucted the Elections com mittee to indlcate on the ballot that the flee hospital plan uould be pro posed to the College Adminibtaatlon if the student body sated "to raise the health semce fee flom $4 to $lO a year" In voicing its apinosal of the plan, the Ins estagatmg committee headed by John L Bainhart '3O pointed out • that $3 instead of $2 nook! he as sessed each student at the beginning of each semester. The committee stressed the fact that now $1 is paid each yeah foe dispensary soviet!, "Foe an additional $0 a peace," Bainhait declined, "flee hospital sec lee would enable esmy student to seek medical cale and attention with out additional expense. "The rovealing pact about the plan," he assoted, "is that both the sick man and the cell man will bene fit andel such a system." Women student, al - minced the plan by a vote of 150 to 49 at thou elec tions Monday. 18 ORATORS ENTER FORENSIC CONTEST Wtnner of l'innerrox'. Competttion Will RepreNent Penn State In National Taunt* Eight students niil seek the [loom °presenting Penn State in the slothl National Otatot teal contest in an all-College foi ensic competition on a Constitutional topic in Sclm auditoi lute at 1 20 o'clock tomoi row allot noon P. Paul Campbell "10, Oiville Ilitehcoel. '32, Kenneth Hood "10, L. Nell Koller '3l, David Kush '.ll, Car ly W. Lightstone '3l, Margatet Lm oh '32, and Samuel Nathan 'l2 one the candidates en ho 111 out fan the light to enter the let:lona! elim inations at Cainegie Institute of Technology, Patsbuigh, Coy 2.. The of uGouv, all of uluth Mill be based en a topic connected Cs ith the Constitution of the United States, v.lll be on iginal No addle'', Mill be mole than 1500 winds in length. STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1930 COLLEGE SELECTS MAY 10 AS DATE FOR MOTHER'S DAY l'rofessor Frizz°ll To DCiINCI Welcoming Address at Parents' Meeting VISITORS WILL WITNESS MAY QUEEN EXERCISES Athletic Events in Afternoon Players Show• at. Night Conclude Pt ogram In conjunction with the annual nation-wale obseroance. Penn State will celebrate Mother's Day o n Saturday May 10, Prof. j 01 %IS Koh Cl, secretary-tiousurer of the Assoc• atm!, of Parents of Penn State, an nounced yesterday A tentative program for the enter tarnment of the visiting mothers has been arranged by Professor Keller, opening with a Ineeturg of the parents in Schwab auditorium at 10 o'clock Saturday mot fling Prof. John H. I , llz/ell of the he speaking department will welcome, the mothers to the Penn State rain pus at this time Following Proles , sor Frrnell. F. Bruce Baldwin '70,1 president of Student' Council, and Helen F Faust '.lO, president of W.' S G. A, will delner short addresses I To Attend Tea At the conclusion of the meeting, the visitor', still be taken on a con ducted cumins tout, including inspec tion of the Health Sets.e building and the Grange Memolial dm nutorv. A tea has been atianged in honor of the mothers to be held in Women's building at .3 o'clock Later in the afternoon they will wanes', the crowning of the May queen In ad dition, vacuity and fieshman track meets ate scheduled with the Um ,eisity of Pittsbuigh on Netl. Beav er field a, well as an intetscholastm meet. . l'he — Penn State Philm's will offer "Skidding," a comedy of American family life, for the entertainment of the mothers Satuidoy night Con cluding the celebration, DI Remy II Tweedy of \'ale unn.eisite will ail die9,4 the pai cots at Chapel exercises Sunday mining. 2 MEN INJURED IN OLD MAIN BLAST Nenton Weater, John Cook Seterel) Burt When I))naute Charge E•plodes Premature!) While adjusting wile connections to a change of dynamite, Fineman New ton Weaver, and John COOl,, '0 oamen on the New Main building, mete so musty injured shoitly before noon Tuesday. Cook, who was connecting wiles it the bottom of a twenty-lie font cum-- pool excanation, reef:ll,d n tompound tincture of the left fin calm, /0 ad dition to a badly lacerated face Both of his eyes mine injuied by fly mg sand and gi , isel Weaver was snatching Cook adjust the wiles when the esplosion ,can ed He was snuck in the face by sand and nuclei which injured Ins nose and put nut his left eve tins face and hands were badly cut and bruised The 110110110 n scene endeavoiing to blast out limestone lock which im peded the excavation of a inof Main age 011 the southeast cornea of the New Mono building Cook, thinking that the main control %Wad, sans open set off the explosine by =king final connections to the battery His face seas just, a few feet horn the change of dynamite Candle-Light In Old Main Windows 65 Years Ago Marked Civil War End Sixtsdive years ago Sunda}, light- none dulmg the wai, and tile fen ed candles gleamed from eve: y boys V.llO roe fineed to remain an, dow in Old Main. as jubilant students road} awaited learnt , . of the lighting tended the ending of the Civil War in,When the news Lame, elated students Penn State's last great celebration leageil, sought a method to lima 0 With the lighting of those thaw. east the tidings to menhir iesnlents mg thaws on April 13, 1805, 10010-t In the absent e oCelecti is lights or gels of what suns then the "Ain mil-1 other di urinal Plummindon. candles hind School of Pennsykimin" 000th-fume placed in the ,%111410,s of Old fished an early Penn State tradition iMidn, which was then a dormitory and inaugurated a custom winch sir-'eucted only Lon seals liefoi.! 13.- N:hied ninny victooes of the College they used for .elebialmus late]. acid Alth oug h Al, II 0, 1865 m ro k e d th e unknown dui tog the hest yetis of use of the van, news of the Union!College tAistence. Council Sets: l May 17 For Annual Move-Up May 17 was designated as Muse. up Day by action of Student Coun cil Tuesday night Isadoic C Honk len In was funned chairman of the Move-up Day exerssas: A Move-up Day dance Saturday night will climax "Spirit Neel,," wrath will extend tio.a Thursda, until Satu.da3. Other members of the committee, appointed by F Mace Bald, in '3O, in eydent of Strident Council, are Archibald ill Holmes 'lO, Elan C. Reese 'll, Wil bur It Zunmei man '32, and John A Wood .0 M'LAUGHLIN GETS INDEPENDENT POST Milburn, Anderson Selected NI Minor Posts—Locust Lane Dark Horse Hinted David CLudghlin, Phi Kappa Ps , , member of Student !Maid, cc cen•ed the senior pre4nlentul TlOlllOll - of the Independent clap-o Tues day night, Evan C ,ReLse, pacts lead er, admitted yesterti, McLaughlin was Chosen unninniou,- Iy, Reese said Concession b} the other aspirants was made beim e the meeting, all agreeing to suppoi t the non nee Completing the Independent to het. the ternesentatne named Robot E Aldbutn, Pin Kappa, baseball squad, 'and Chmles H. Ande,on, Theta CM, Narsity soceerman Yawn nal ton Cot the .eeretar•liip, whsle Andocoo ate chosen for the treason ollme Dark Horse. Alenitoned The 1931 Locust Lone tuition adi elect Monday night to considm as unts sin musty, it 1, I elan ted Po,- sanity of nominating t h e gi oup en n didate was emn cased by a student ptomment to pobtical atran A Jail: horse Will us in the Lute.t. Lane Leith, many olreive, predict Jack H. Eiseman, Phi Epsilon Pt, Lt Vie husuiess manatt,er. Anti Paul A Mitten; DeltS lipsaun, 19,11 basket ball manager, hate been spoken of most pionmiently thus fat. Under ground currents, bonnet, hold that the post may tail to John It landsQ, Alpha Chi Rho, Old lhon Bull bus - nosh head, of Miles Studies. Ome.ra Epsilon, assistant baseball inanagti Gmage Lumeh, Delta Upsilon, tat say Callback, null have as his Con ning mates on the 19.12 Locust Lam. souls M.D. G. Sndei, Lambda On Alpha, football letter ratan, and Paint 0 Shepard, accoiding to C.-111111Si pol ttimuns. Smile! is said to be nut Cot the mom cl.iss seCt ettuyslup and Shepard fel the tieasinet's office 1932 Campus field Narrous The field in the 1912 Campus ma t chine has a:unmet! &Nen to Med E Lel% Is, Sigma Pin Epsilon, sanity Lox., and lack Staley, Alpha Signet .recut ding to a 11.211 bet of IS , ganization Final decision ee ill he made immediately tollmeing the clone • of the Castel iete+s, he beheeeil In the ft eshinan I iKust. Lane clique, William I, C,,nihni, Lambda Chi Alpha, and End A Huston, Kappa Sigma, ate repot toil socking the nomi nation Among the house:, fainting the faction aie named Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Upsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, and Alpha Chi Elio For the opposing 1983 Campos clique, John It Napoleon, Pin Kap pa, plebe borer, is lammed as a like ly candidate JIMSIIII.IN TO SPE IK BEFORE \ DELM \ \ GROUP Illb hewn, not I elm V of the Penn State 41.1111111 ilSroClitt IMO M 111 addi cxx the Plahultlphi Alum ni on "The Reotganuation of The Alumni ANbociat am" at the Penn Athletic club next Wellntealay night. Tatirgiatt. IMPROVED ROUTES Dr. McConaughy and TO LINK COLLEGE ' AND ENTIRE STATE' iv-a- Biehie Address W.S.G.A.Body Today Highway Through State College Will Cut 25 Miles From Lakes-to-Sea Trip TRAFFIC BETWEEN CITIES MAY BE DIVERTED HERE Boiough Contemplates Paving N. Atherton St.. Widening West College Avenue Al !thin ht`e suns. stt,dentA and alumni tlavelhng 41.10 , 4 Pennsylvanta in any