STATE COLLEGIAN itml-wc'Vtr daring (hr Colttga jrcnr, nrriil on holMnr, The Pennsylvania State Collrge In the Interest or thr nitents, faculty, alumni, and friends THE MANAGING BOARD Coognn jr. ’3O Russell L. Rohm ”10 itr-ln-Chlef ttustnrns Vanaver Monsch '3O Calvin E Barw is ’3O ting i ditor Advertising Manager Stevenson '3O Henry R. Dowdy jr. ’3O "s l.dilor Clrrutallon Manaret Quinton E. Bcauge '3O Spurts Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS ahen ’3l Charles A. Schmidt jr. '3l McElvain ’3l Norman B. Sobler ’3l rgan ’3l William K, Ulerteh '3l • SSOriATR lUjSINESS managers 'tilting ”51 Algol t .1. Udeski ’3l Heilman ‘5l Il.uiy (' Wood '.51 tHlrni /nh r< nlli '/Kill, tXrwtpupcr A Twnulion lie Poslatltre Stale College, Pa, ns xtcoml rim* matter 1 TUESDAY, MARCH 23, IMO KINGS OF THE RING one of the most coho fnl and guppmg sttug :• histoty of the lntc*i collegiate* Association, A boxing team again ptoiod its supmoi ity stein Intel collegiate ciiclc* by emeiging tn fiom the Palesli.i it I’hiludelnhn Satuidiv the championship, which it has held inteumt- hi ee veais 'I he Nitlniv contingent dep nt- ate College Tlmi'div with a dogged dole! o letain the title it hid won la t \eai With in mind, the Lion pack was not to he denied innship men appealed foi the last tmu m the .eaung the innionns of I’enn Slate* boxeis so men, Contain *Mut\” Melndicws, takes llegiate boxing as long of the 173-pound di* ile the olhei two, “BiU’’ Stiuble and Bom lie as iunncis-up m the I(50 and 1 SVpnund .pcctivelv Although falling just shoit of te title posts, the valiant woik of Sltuhlc and jughout the season anti at the Intcicollogiates aity commendation Thtee oihci men made appeatames in the Inteicollegiate Toinna ing the Blue and White Of these men, loop alone was the onh one to gain a title ig, anothoi ncwcomei, lopliccd Chatkowskx mited class, when the latter hoc tine ill just pioliminanes Ehng was iTcfc.Ued in the A deeii gash o\oi the left eve was all that “Al” Lewis iiom acquning the 1 r»-poutvl yeat’s \ictoiy maiks the fouith time that ■ Houck’s boxing teams have annexed the In to title Beginning m 1021. the Nittany L-ons irious again in 1')27 and 1112') The student appreciates the achievements ol Coach Ilmick ion and look foiwaul to moie championslun >t his tutelage rY CENSORSHIP OF PUBLICATIONS •nt Hot'el does not condone lacultv censoi- Ilegc publications His island oil this ques oon became evident to both faculty and pub >ards following his inauguiation as President Late In keeping with his e\pie«sod desne, geis as consois have been entnely removed aibhcations’ pie But the belief tint tcnsoi idenl publications does exist lingcis on liom hen such a ptactice ma\ have been una.oui- uight of censoislnp is unpleasant to students alike A Philadelphia I'uoid edilonal wnlei idea of ccnsoislup is detestable to ftee s mcniLeis of a democratic state, and con >f a demociatie college, student oditois evoiy- t their pm liege of unhampeied action, cm by the bounds of decency übitmg faculty censoisbin, President Jlet/el io value of icsponsibilitv to the ilovelopment . imtialive and cluiactei If college is the linund foi potential business and then anything that tends to iiitenafv mhei cs of leadeiship should ccitainh hold a mijoi he cuiiicula Such an element aie student as a whole, an 1 publications in pailictdu lvsosslup defeats the chief advantage that c*an the student fmm publication woik Each publication, of com sc, Ins its faculty nd- mm any membei of tlic bomd cm lesoit fot , no publication is blue-pencilled helotc be- I Theie is a wide gap nelween advice and niembets do not rensoi Penn Stale student FRESHMAN RULE NO, 17 vunutely 150 fieshmcn attended the ITVJ mg Thuisdav night, a total that amounts to !c mote Limn ten per cent of the yeailmg >t the benefit ol those fieshmcn who have I the Handbook, wo icpunt Rule No 17 shall attend all cla**s meetings . . ami shall he same until it is closed by the piopei auth i lonsonnble excuse is oflcicd” assmeti should not allov a lecuiiencc of meagte class meeting attendance. When i.Ufon occuis it is time foi the Tubunul to > act fouefully '1 he luiiiout at the last I not constitute a quoium \s a icsult husi oitancc* to the onluc class could not be tian iiiother meeting will be held sometime tin, wise fieshman will attend. The Show Window Despite the fact that the Campus Cop course is rot cm ipyjsoiv, theie aie manv deep seated piejudiees afloat that make it lathei unpopular Some attnbute its unpopularity to the new cleverly hidden paiking aieas and the aesthetic tinflic signs that bemeasle the campu, Others finnkly think that too much nuthoiily is investeil in Chief Andy Zaigoi and Ins stahvait gaitci*—heg pnidon, we mean supporteis. Pm oui own wait, we don’t like the way he paits his hail. Ilowcvei, ma\ wc suggest that the Campus Cop unit hold Monday afternoon dulls, select ofliceis, and then get Dean Ra.. to appiovc of a list of co-eds fiom which thev will select then honotaiv co-cd col onel ’I hi* R O T C sprung into fame and popu kuitv ovei night when it took this decisive step and theie is no icasoii why the Campus Cops can’t do the same In owiei to mike it seem moie lealistic and foi null ve suggest that the co-ed cop be given the beat mnth of the Iloit Building some night when theie is a full moon All we ask is that thev just let ir know about it Aftei they select the honotary co-ed cop, they will be iblc* to give the Campus Cop Hop, piobihly to be bold m the stock pavilion. The newly installed co ed cop will mnich down fiom the pliUmm tlnough an aisle funned by two low* of campus cops (in um foim) bolding ciossed tinflic summons above the matcltcis At 1 ist mu fame Ins pencil ated outside of State College Lour, PHI, who built the 01 iginal Lion’s Den, p'ovidid ih» lions, and then jumped in it him self to (Icmoustiatc it when the weaken ones deniured, wiote us a lettei the other day stating that he had seen wni'c columns lie dilfeis with us on the su piemo thiill, namely, sitting down on an electiic light globe It is his (uni conviction that the supreme Hit ill comes vhen one lutes a piune and finds no seed m it Moie opinions tire hcieby solicited What i-. v»ui supieme tin ill * We dme tou to tell us Within the last week or so, a vast numboi of fieshmcn have discarded their pledge pins anil now then n.anlv vest aie adorned with the official Balfoui emblem of the said fiateimties They aie now pnvi loged to s.t m meetings anil wonder how the elder hi olhei s get that way. In behalf of the S P C A we imdiallv welcome you to the cliques of Penn State May vmt nevci bo foiced to vote moie than once’ At last we have accomplished something in this column 1 Did vou notice that they moved the ashenn away from the Old Willow Mcmonal Now only the lollypups lemain, but they arc going one by one heic and theie, etc About the campus Emma Wnlsei steps out of Maple Lodge—beg paidon again, we mean Alpha Onn uon Pi—rememheis she foigot something and steps back m again. Women aie like that . Anne Gil loulv, one of the eo-ed colonels, talks with a pnvate . Phyllis Bedlei of the Playcis And who wouldn’t like to have Floience .Sneddon for a maid Whitoy Guernsey fiom the O E Hei imtagc, a big pietzcl and stein man fiom Rending .. . Dons Matthews, a Giangc Doim dweller, who gets a sur pnsingly laige amount of telephone calls . A couple in close embtace over by the flagpoles in fiont of New Main Spnng’s hoie anyhow* now Thev say Di Tschan is not exactly in favoi of the new campus tiaffic Regulations . A populai co-ed (name on lequest) puichasing five packs of chewing gum at a luhc Feminine gniments on the clothes line hack of the S A E house . . Robins on the lawn of the Della Asylum Oh, foi a good old* fashioned iazr sheet THE CAMPUSEER TEE PENN STVEE COLLEGIAN I The Playgoer 1 IRANCESCA DA UIMIM. n tragedy 1» f ICdirvo lUnry linker, xuirnl l>> Arthur C I Unclinrh, mill |>r,_ Hit l'orni Mnt« ]1'l«»tr« | l n «cii i Malntpstn ........... Itnlplt llotril 'TI i Giilri dn I’nloiln . . Smil blur *l2 l.uminllii . .. .. ... Milam Voting ID | I’unln . ... Arthur Cimnimcliim ’ll I’i|K‘ ... ... . Nell Cuinphill .11 ' Cmrllniil . .... Jiimn Alter ‘lt > it* n« .. .. .. Kenneth !• t_e 'l2 i hrnnn tin Rimini I'hjlllt Ikidkr 'll ,1(11111 . . Ilortnce Sn,,|ii„n Cniitnln . ICnlpli UmltlifTo 'll I'u.i* ..... John hltriiHJmm tl i John Voorhcid '"I Ilonjnmui Connnl *I. Uutlierroril 'J2 , Snlnej Ilenjnmbt ’ Cliiirk t 1 ctrlto* *l2 ladles in Wailinx Inn, Ut Hums JO Shirk) Thorite 11 Jus tine Iluilhing IJ. n-troth) 1,-) Ml Uuimi , Ostensibly', it is not fan to compnie Duectoi Cloetingh’s east with a pio fessioiul tioupe, but if Saturday .night’s play weie to be eomlemned fm one fault moie than anothci it would be on the scoie of amatcuiish ness In no scene, at no moment, could the critical thentregoei imagine | hunself cun ted to the thieshold of piofessional acting The playeis knew 1 then lines, but they lacked the en thusiasm that would have made the uudience live in the clmiacteis poi itinycd Whereas, “Fiancesea da Rim -1 ini” should be a thing of fuc*. Satui |dny night’s rendition left the audience | cold and unmoved Blank Vcr-c Rendition > It is difficult to lead blank vetso pcifectly, and something that few* act j ois can perfotm even ueihtably* But in Miss IJeidlei, Dnoctoi Cloetingh 'has an nctiess who can give to blank Jveise the delicateness and tone that | makes foi aitetiy So with Saul Shei ami Aithui Cunmnghum 1 But the lines of La*ciolto as ic .cited by 'lilton Vcung veie moie ipinse in then effect. His enunciation | was deal cm than that of an\ of the 'olhei actois, and be is to he commend ed foi that, but even clearness can j not substitute foi the piopei pauses land preciseness of pionunciation that ’ makes blank vei’-e a thing of beauty 1 Although the phi use lias become al most tnte thiough constant lepeti tion in this column, we feel compelled, l nevci theless, to state once moie the ( need of cleaiet enunciation on the | pait ol the student playcis A num* bei m the audience Satuiday night 1 icported that thev could not hem sat isfuctoi ily Oi the entire cast, Mr Slier and Mis* Bcidler most natuially suited the .chaiactei portiayed The jester 1 bring* u lightness to “Finnecsca da | Rumni” that is seldom found in tia* ;gedy, and Ned Campbell pci foi mod I admit ably in tin*- iolo Ralph Het/d j looked his pait, but was inclined to be | a ti ifle affected. Should Men Remove Hats ? Whether the jet was suited to the play is-o question,. It 3 diahncss and sclemncss affected tlic play m like marnei A moie modem setting, oi « moie maikcd change in sceneiy, would have given “Fianee'ca da Rim ini" it 5- needed eoloi SPECIAL THIS WEEK Double Chocolate Ice Cream Only 35c Quart G'The Sweetest Place' Qt REGORY’O ************* JHr*******2* <* < ■ * ' *; ,* | * . * * | Go Grade A | t tourist third f 1 cabin ... I ! LEVIATHAN I * * 2 Tins season, brand new Tourist 2 * Third CabinonthcLEVlATllAN, * * World's LargcalSlup.. ibeentirc * J second calmiassigncd to "Tourist * * 'Kurd"...all its beautiful public * * rooms and staterooms...its cle- * * gunt, op< n upper dock social hall £ It which gnes you n full sweep of it * tlicsea.4 its charming cloistered * J smoking lull...itsvastopenand 2 * enclosed decks for play and prom- * * cnades . luxuries and spacious- * * ness exceeding former standards 2 * for tins class. Second C!u«s, as a * * class, übohshed ... new Tourist * 2 TlnrdCabinrated f, GradoA”ainl 2 2 tbc LEVIATHAN the only liner * * tooflertliispccrlcssraliiig! Mukc * J lmstc in booking this new, luxu- * it rious way on tl|C might icsthseday * * djerioClicrbourgaudSouthauip- * J ton. Rates low. * 2 CxetUtm Tourltt 77. M Cattn 2 2 Accommodation! alto on United * J .Suhm (mliiii Llntrt . for at * J little at tlo ;S a day l * * " * OFFICIAL FLEET OF 103 COLLEGE ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS FOR EUROPEAN TRAVEL * * * * ★ * ★ ' * ' ★ Conjollyourlocol steamshipogenlor * | UNITED STATES f * LINES i I W\V Dnxliljon. ficnrrnl Aecnt J M'. l.lWrly Axe PlttMiurnh. I’n J ★*★★★***★★****★★***■***** PORTRAYED ‘Luncmlln* :n Pln> | Chapel Speaker Addresses Audience Saturday 0 NVirloct fif Rmrihml T.lTa MILTON C. YOUNG Then, too, we wonder wliethei i wa* not customni v foi gentlemen t remo\o hats m the piosence of lathe (lining the fomteenth contui\ Shnul not Paolo have icmmed his liat whil paving his icspects to Fiancesca And (inallv, in the chmch of all pine os should not the men have iemo\c then hats ? Duung the weddim scene m the Catholic chuuh ..11 th men woio theii hats, a piactice wlutl would nevei be allowed m model; times, at least Contiaiy to expectations Dohoi’s ‘Fiancesca da Kinnni" as pie-ented >y the Penn Stale Plavcis Satuidav ]uitc well iecei\ed night was those who entered the Auditomnn anticipating an entertainment of puie tragedy, “Fiancesca da Rimini” un folded m welcome lehef, leasing the impiession that it is good eveiy now and then to see and learn something of the tiagic diania of the past DIAMONDS OP DISTINCTION Crabtree’s A world-wide market place Eighty-five per cent of the world’s tele phones can be j cached from any telephone of the Bell System. This includes those of Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and—by the new radio-telephone link spanning the Atlantic —most-of the countries of Europe. Already many American business men are using this service to expedite the transac t A system of snter-conneettng telephones “OUR PIONEERING WORK HAS JUST BEGUN I ‘SOCIAL ORDER CREATED I FOR MAN’ SAYS RUSSELL I “Tho social order was created for 'man, not man for the social oidei,”: dcdai cd Dr Elbert Russell, professoi j ol Diblo interpielation at Duke uni-; \eisit\, while addiessing the chapel; audience m Schwab auditorium Sun dae morning. “Pci sonality is snciificed for gam un mateiial things; wheieas if man Jsncuficod physical gain, he would ac j (juiie pewmnlitv,” Di Russell avoi led. Wc use oui vealth in securing lu\- 1 lines while education is becoming n tmnoi issue, the sponkei stilted a** tuithei emphasis Twice as much 1 money i* spent foi nunotics nnd lu\- unes than is expended foi educa tional puiposes, he declined as proof Dinner DISCUSSION GROUPS Discussion groups on the subject of “Fi lendship," for fieshman women aio being directed by Miss Chailotte E, Ra\, Dean of Women, and Miss, Helen E Clcmcr, her assistant, this It. F. Stein Motor Co. Storage, Gas and Oil 24-Hour Service Phone 252 Spring Shoes For Men FROM *s^l2 BOSTONIANS QUALITY FIVES College Boot Shop 125 Alien Street tion of foreign business and arc finding it quick, convenient and profitable. The future possibility of talking directly with almost anyone in the world who has access to a telephone is enough to stimulate any man’s thinking—not only from an engineering standpoint, but because of its significance to American industry. BELL SYSTEM Tuesday, March 25, 1! TO HOLD PROHIBITION Students at Tulane umvcri vote for the icpeal, retention, 01 fientton of the national proh amendment, through a straw conducted bv the Titlunc Hull student publication. The wet not taking sides on the questn welcomes comment on the V' net, and is planning a dchntc held just before the \otes are ■ April. IiLOuLO THEATRE]! rmsi* I TUESDAY— Urdu Garbo, Charles Hid 'Marie Dressier *in Eugene O'Neill’s “ANN V CHRISTIE" WEDNESDAY— oI>i* liront, Regis Tomm •TR VUED" ■ THURSDAY— Ukclole Ihe. EIHoU Nugei “SO THIS IS COLLKGi FRIDAY— El Ilrendcl, Sue Carol, Jack Mi “THE GOLDEN CALF SATURDAY— Ukelelc Ike, l.onn) Rulmi •LORD HYRON OF HROAD Nittany Theati TUESDAY— Cnnslamc Dennett m “RICH I’EOFLE” FRIDAY— “SO THIS IS colleg: SATURDAY— “THE GOLDEN C\LF