ESTABLISHED 1904 VOL. 26, No. 45 PIKE’S PSYCHOLOGY DISCUSSIONS BEGIN TOMORROW NIGHT Psychiatrist Will Otter Annual Series of 6 Lectures ! On Abnormals { SHOWS FALLACIES OF . FREUD IN FIRST TALK ( Danville Physician Plans Tour to j Slate Hospital for Final j Clinical Speech ! Dr Horace V. Pike, ducctoi ofi clinical psychiatry at the Danville f State hospital, will begin a senes of j lectures on abnormal psychology with ! a discussion of “The Unconscious J : Mind and Some of the Fallacies of the .rkVTTY in Freudian Method of Investigation” in r rllNl r,K Illr.N Rooip 28 Physics budding at 7 o’clock 1 llimi 4 VUIUIIWW tomorrow night. Dr. Pike has delivered lecture scr ies at the College for the past seven years, giving talks during the regu- iar College term and during the Sum-j Fire Chief Succumbs to Henri “Abnormal Functioning of the Con- ‘ Attuck- Flames Menace «ctous Mind" will be his topic in the New Potter Plant second talk next Wednesday The following week he will speak on “Pei-, ‘ f-onaiity and its Dtsoiders ” He will, A member of Penn State's first foot also discuss “Relations of the Emo- hall team and fire chief of State Coi tions to Physical and Mental Health” lege. Philip D. Foster died as a blaze on April 26 m the boiloi constiuction «harity of As the last lectuic here, Dr Pike the new power plant thicatened the ml review Causes of Mental Di- scaffolding and wood work of the Kcase, and will answei the ques- mam building Fuday afternoon The Do So Many Become In-fi le bioke out about 12.30 o’clock the subjects consider- 1 c "“7 of ‘I™ 1 s 1,01 kn0 ""' cd .n the series, the psychiatrist sell although Alcvande. McGrcgo,, wipe. ■ conduct a clime at the Dandle State •"tendont of const! action. behovesthat hospital during his last add,css He spontaneous combust,on stmted in Mill rc\lew the topics ho has colored, ™» tcr ‘“l "> tllc ' ,hant J'- in the course at the College, dealing 'He denied that a l ed-hot holt drop with specific ca«cs of mental disease pod on the loof ignited the tni cov nt the hospital. An inspection torn onng Duung lunch horn, when the of the hospital will he included in the' workmen weu* not present, this would trip, which will be held either April be impossible, he pointed out 26 or May 3. I Damages are estimated at less than flrst-lecture-hore,, Dr.-P.iko and t-he-deatmietfon- will -not- do will explain the working of the uncon- ; ) ay building activity The unit Will scious mind, discussing processes of ji K . ready foi use late in August, Mi character-building which go on dur- McGregor said mg childhood.. He will mention some 1 r. „ „ of the falsities he sees ,n the Fieu-’ F,rc Chl ' C Collapses dian method of psycho-analysis 1 When tho fire tiucks aimed, Mr Emphasis Mill be placed th.ough- 1 Fo,tc ‘; n, audience decision at the conclusion of -—- the Oregon plan debate uith Lafayette ' Thl . spm „s have changed the date oi on the Higher Education iiuestlon CS u,Nation of then mythical night In the Kutgeis engagement on “Di- ( , ]nl>> .. Lt . Cofo N 01 1,.. fl01)1 jlmch ai mament the Nittany debates ic- lo A , 5i Milton c . Young •Jl), pies teivcd a unanimous verdict fiom the |d( , nt „ r thl , orCTmz „ tl „ n , unn „unced judges vest til du\. Kenneth Hood ’3O, Lawienuj N. Kcl- ... let '3l. and Oiville A. Hitchcock Mi ,T' ,C “ ba,ct ' whlth I ’ l °' ,n-.t.tutlont, dubs and peiionehtios, uus ongmally included in the team’s ' v, , l j Opus, itinerary hut uas later cancelled. , self-styled props,etom Cheste. am, - T 1 .. _ ... , Field, two dancing waiters, will be tin* Prof. John H. Fnrrell, foiensie tenth, hus scheduled an engagement i _ . . , it , , . mil, Western lleserre umieisity at \ Oempetitms fo, the loading loles Williamsport Fnday, unde, the »„ s . have heel, piaeticing iegulaily, hut pices of the extension debating class. 1 tho thaructoi s who ml take the spe- I cmlty paits have not been duhniteh ... ~, r.Ri, mor km non . solM-tcd A duncing gioup of twelve' 1 1 LANS CAIU) Si oTLM I Olt mcn W iU compinc a mixed thoius NON-FU VTEKNITY FRESHMEN during tho show. Tiic revue, \\huh will builesrjue In ordei that lion-fiateinity flesh* happenings at the College, was u 1 it nien may leteive scholarship turds, ten by Kiehaid A. Whetstone Ml and founerly available only to fi utovmty Frank F. Moms MI. Music foi “Lo fieshmen, the freshman Y MCA Cafe Non’’ has been piepaied and ai* toiinril plans to issue cauls to the tanged by students. noii-fintcrnity men ut the “Y” hut ■ - o ■■ Tho new system will be the same nb , HIBSIIMAN, STKIHLE VTTEND that used hy fiatcimties Individual ],AUI'I[IX U.U.H.NI CONCI. SVIi laid . and envelope-, must be lilted oul _______ liy the student in owlet to won Edmud K. Hibshmun, in tli.irce ot in ado' Ht the llvo, eieht, and thil teen Alumni relations and Dean Edwaid Metis lienoil. The “V" hut mil be stoidlc, ot the School of Mlneuil In nsed Hi. u disti ibiitinir tcntoi till the dustues, attended a nicotine of the •■cholurslui) eai ds. Penn State Alumni of Dauphin Conn l\ ut Hun isburg Tlnii id in night The meeting begun ut 0 HO oVlocit TRACKS URPL \NK CROWTH fir tut j&fctte A DIES PROM Heart Attack During Power Plant Fire PHILIP I). FOSTER AT CAMPUS BLAZE Dr William Altai, Kiiiduatc assist, ant In chemistry, will loctuio on "Ai thm Schmtriei” us the si\th numhei ol the Geimun lectuie senes in loom 0 Lil>t*Jul Aits bmlilmjr at ■> »'< lock this afternoon Di. Altai is fiom .Vienna, Sclimt/lci’* imliui city. ..1'.,. 1 A' the nc\t lccluic of tlu* senes. STATE COLLEGE, PA., TI NATIONAL OIL, GAS LEADERS TO HOLD CONFERENCE HERE Engineers Will Sponsor ConcUn e In June—Hcchler Appointed Committee Chairman 300 A. S. M. E. MEMBERS MAY ATTEND SESSIONS Authorities Prepare 17 Papers On Scientific Topics for General Discussion Foi the thud consecutive yeiu the national oil and gas power confciencc will he hcl> Penn State ni chitectural students Tho last tiavelhng exhibit of the series, which will be sponsmed by the Aichitcets* club, will be shown from April 21 until Mav 2 It will consist of diawings b> members m the American Institute of Aichitect* DR. ALTAR TO LECTURE ON •ARTHUR SCHNITZLEU* ’IODAY •DAY, MARCH 25, 1930 w workonPowefunit ßoxers Retain Intercollegiate Title As Captain McAndrews, Stoop Win Individual Crowns Twenty union stcel-woiheis nt the now rower Plant being erected bv .1 G. White company foi the College are alleged to have gone on u stuke H'Steidav because non-un ion workmen had been employed with them in construction woik The duiation of the walk-out was undctei mined. The supeiintendont of the con stiuction company! in demmg pet sistent rumois that the stnke would last longcn than a dn>, stated that he did not anticipate senous de lay in the steel work. A repiesen tativc of the union is cvpected heie today The sections of the job af fected will piobably be completed within three weeks, constiuction bosses declared COLLEGES ACCEPT X‘!T N.C.A.A. INVITATION Maity McAmlic\\-s luus amv . ed * 5 Institutions Respond to Call „ re . e y° arft followers oi _ s.. . . ' , Penn State s fistic fortunes hate For District Conference been pi cdictmy that Mai tv Representatives would “come thioujjh” with a boxing championship. Dut until this yeat the genial lushman A huge nurnbci of institutions a!- } ias stepped aside, l enouncing iead> havesignified then intention of personal glorv foi the sake oi sending delegates to the distiat con- b JS team. letuncc of the National Collegiate Saturday night Ins sacidices weie Athletic association to he held heie icwaided with an inteicollegiatc Saturday, nccoiding to Dean K I. ciown in the light heavyweight divi- Sackctt, vicc-piesident of the gioup won while diessing foi his last bout who called the meeting , af a x,ttan\ leathei pushei, the un- Invitations sent to foity-live mem- daunted Mmtv was as neivoiin ns n l>ei colleges and umveisities weie an- lit weie going into his hist light swcied immediately bv* mun> medium- 1 Coach Leo Houck paced nt hs side, si/cd schools in the gioup, the Dean' hand*, thrust tn pocket, giving lust icports. Many institutions also ic- minute ndvice quested pel mission to send moie than “Use join left and jou cun't lose," one delegate to the meeting. he said "It gets them even time Among the membets who nlieadv You’re* going to win, boj—now go in have icspondcd aie Alfred college, theie and get him " New Yolk, Svvaithmoie..Susquehanna. Mart} "Gets" Him and Buikncll Cornell and Columbia ; Muitj got him' Lushing out with othei membets of the distnct, ai..; tei ufic i.ghts n nd using his left to not ceitain that they will be able to ( advantage, the Lion vvuinoi fought send icpiescntativcs i jn uphill battle foi thiee loumla with 1 To Hold Luncheon rugged Swan, of Navj He flooiud hi- The conference vyiU be opened at 11) fou twice in the last lound hut the: o'clock Saturday ui&mng in room 107 , nigged Middle own* ba«k each tune Main Engineering building bv Dean f°* nioie The judges oi deled that Sackett Di Charles W. Kennedy ol the stiuggle continue an e\tia lound Piincoton, national president, piob- With all his “hiah up,” Muitv ag ablv will tome heie to addiess the gmssivelv followed Swan mound the meeting, although no definite iepl> ting, dcspeialely Using his Ui-t ounce has been lecclveil from him as jet ’ ol stiength to msuie victoiv When A luncheon will bo held foi the vis- tK annountci declaicd the Lion :toi at 12 :!0 o’clock eilhei at the ta,p “ lhu Champion" enthusiastic ud- Univei -it} club oi Centic Ildls Coun- nmu,s uu ,unl h,m in tnurnph to ths ti> club Neil M Fleming, giaduate liu ‘ sSin * ‘ 001 » . , , manngei of athletics, is in tliaigo of Dave} Stoop bantamweight this pint of the piogiam i" 0 "- K lo »’ of his lemlei . .. . . . , . ,* Tiading beiths with Julie Cpstetn, As an ento.ta.nmont (a mo, tho u „ to „ lh , l,« guests oT hoao. at h „ t „„ th(J mt . „ f , Iha scmi-linul round of the notional DaM!V a „, wiesthng tournament to be held in „ ... , ... r, . opposition to win the 110-noumt title " 'T" n? „ , "”°r “U' l •'■■suia Pon n State .Vf anotliu, Tin* also mil attend tho finals m tho clla „, I „ onshlp u ,„ m 0 Lewis Protests RHODES EXPLAINS iGTJ/U 1 T?1?T A rpTTrTmv'* "‘•‘leht post, It ■ Na\> After belli}; outpointed fin t\\ ( > Chtl ISiwmeer Contrasts Comply VT‘'\, th “ Annupol.n urn tnupl.L 1 Julir oil his truaul and domed him Simple World S>stems in m the tmal lound Third Series Talk Ticketed as champion fmm the lit ginnint: al the suivm, sttudi \) Leu (Contlnued on thud page) Prof Rebind S Rhodes of the uu! cngincei ing depul tment spoke on "1 he Cjrr'K’rrCA'lVT rri/'w rriATTr Phisicid Natme and Relative Sire of. ollilOUiN 1U IAIAV Hungs Round About Us” la-t night. A rp TXf r TT?T?CI7CGTA'\ r ns the thud of the engineering lectuu A 1 Ai> Al-iiiOljOOlUiN senes Piofes«or Rhodes continsted the E smallest objects Known with the lat Ke lt strut bodies He compnietl hjihn gen atoms, the least complex of exist- ing woth] units, with Sinus and Vn- . | tares, stars whose bnlUance fiu <*x- . . . . , . Paul C Stetson, siipei intendent <»5 cecils that of the solai svatem . , ~, , „ 1 ... ~. schools at Unvton. O. will head the Method >• bv which scientists esti- , lst of i L . ttl , u -rs at the lust Inteisos mate sire lelationdups between win Ids s , on t() bt! hvW he , t fll>m j une lb un .l was explained lw Piofessoi Rhodes t ,i He also gu\e a huef explanation ot jj, Stetson, m addition to his legu how scientists measme objects, both , „ ol j Vi | .. C , NC( | lx< summei ln minute and large, including a ilesinp. tuie , at tht . Umveisities oT Michigan tion of the latest Known planets ie- Jni! Chicago He also is a memhoi centlj iliscoveied in the outsknts of 0 j the ixeculic l committee of the N\i-: tho snlai sjsteni lioiial Educational association j -o \mong the lugulat facult\ member 1 CO-EDS NOMIN’ \TE W. A "ho will pic-sent ionises at Ibis spi f-AYmoiwa i,'o» nro-I'iAvv ciul session aie l)i Cauol L) Chnm l -| CANDIDATES IOH ELECTIONS I|n> D , \\ Huitiminn. l)i - Chaile C. Petets, and Di Hiik-i* \ 1 M ith pielini.naiy ballots to be nisi Jiooie. Vuuous mt-mbeM 01 the edu in McAllistei Dull lobb% Monda\, ciitumal extension stall also will teach nominees foi oflkes in the Womens Qno ol the special e\ent« plmn-ed Athlelie association weie nnnouiu-d f Ol thy u M ,-wi‘cK session is an exciu yesteida\ bj the W. AA. boanl The hioii j )e conducted Satuidnv, June two candidates icceiving the highest •»,. The tup probnblv will be made numbet of Notes will compete in the to the llettysbuig hattlelield linal elections scheduled foi Apnl 7 „ V. Romujne Chapman Ml. Snui J ]«uor M \CK REVIEWS MOKK Lowenbmg ME time E MtCuiic ".'A, ... ... . nni- MilihciU \Wnt/. 'lll ;.if thu mm- IN >*A I IM'-S U CONrUthME l|i)ec'. foi piesjili-nt. Those selected .»> (Mlwjiait , T , , _ I run WHS n«wn: Career Wilh I IN many Leader ‘Comes | stirring victor, | Through’ To Take Jggh* Ring Diadem W MARTY DEFEATS SWAN AFTER 1-ROUND IJAT I'Ll: Epstein Relinquishes Rerih to Dr. Clininplm, Dr. Moure, Dr Peter Dr. Hartmann Complete last Of Speakers MUCH WctMIKCWS ..mmm? two imliuduHl nouns ani* : DA VIM/' ADDIAYAIC tluce -nond phne-, the- Lion battlcia DuAlnU UrrltlALO lum.i-.ul 1" pomti, to annev then set joinl umsccutno Unpin. Duk Jjar riTIWIWATC llTnfEe.i * Gietn Terrors top- LLlmllmlt JUUbEljiiK ! Nun.v b% one point to take the ______ }mimu-uji portion wjtb 1-J (ounteis | !■ allow mg close on the heels of 1/he Referee lo (»i\e Decision After Midshipmen, New Yoik untveixttv o Hounds—Teams Will Split luuitli pLuc mill 11 point!. . , 1 (Jeoigetown gaineied 1 tallies, while i om! in Case of lie 'Sjiacusc. and Pennsylvania each . . gained a '•injrle counter. M 1, T. fail , ed to send a winnei bevond the pre- One of the most dia-it.e lUle chang-, | lmma , i- since tolloKO Imsina mis mnURU- At „„ utlth mmUnK „ r mtoi'cnl ■ nlcil in 10'I mtio.luccci bv tlu | t . Klnt , u.ntomlo.s m a -nclc vine, a lnleiiolloKintf„,., ;l u„„ ,t XlUam tt . Jm , hook thl . „.„ u l iN -„iy .■ moolinc In Philmlclpl,,., Siitm.l.n ; fl „ ra lt , shnuldci-. For 111 moi it mi, soldi to dim- N -„, , ml | Pewi Stull. otchant inilo JuAa* m all ilunl meets u , ,„st SW1 „„, |lh ,^ s . Tmlay . In futuie meets, decisions will be Western .Mntvland, gathenng sticngth Civen bv the icfetee aftei thiee, am ( expeuenee, stands between the loundx of lighting Boxing fans will' tiaditionul nvuls The I.ions again be depmed -of -exciting four li.urnllU-ui* thv pack, however, buttles, since college lepie-entative-.; deeded to split the point in iu-e -l 1 U,urw > U,mrul - Sa> v i bv and Ted Klepac.oj \\estein Maiv biancis (jiant, of Pennsylvania was hind, tepewted championship peifoim i e-elected sen et.u v-tieasuiei ances , .. . Dnvov Stoop, Lion fledglirg, swept trim tlnv J.nn Issue,„l,„„ t|„ „„„h „ licl.l ol ll mlcncl 11',-pnunil. | .\ committee wa> appointed to ic- eis while Maitv Me\ndtuws climaxed ’poll on the possibility of adopting a i thiec-veai uphill battle, to canv n [s\stem wheieiiv boxeis who have made pm ol now lit* bask to the Lion lati the best lecoids in ilual meets will le On the olbet hand, .Tula. Epstein, seeded n* the championship tom na-!-.unhung b.intnmw eight, i diminished men. This sjstem wdl eliminate the j r title lad to his team mate, and met chances of two outstanding lightoi u defe it at the gloves of a champion | meet ng in pielnoiraiv bouts [ feathetwotght A 1 Lewis, knock- Anothc: ptojxsul whuh men id oul undefeated in dual meets, lonsulviuhle disiu-sum udlid fm pi t >-1 to.»k a lonu uumt fmm the •romgm.f si-ntati in ot the Inteu.dliKmte team) »«• "* f»te. aftvl “lnniniiting Ftsh aw at d upon the basi> uf Mctoms mjlotmei titk-hohlei dual meets Ii thn s\-tent is adopted the tournament will h>iu tneio- lv to decide titles 'Hu; United Slates Militniv Acnd enn wn* extended an imitation to join the association, and the cadet* maj entui the tournament nest sjason Vthlctic lepiesentatnes horn tht Naval Academv stated that the to compete. in the I*9'* 1 toumcv M COLLEGES ACCEPT W. S. G. A. INVITATIONS Will Send Delegates to Sectional Com lace Ifeie \pril ‘I to 12 Acceptance* hue he* n ictcivcd tinn' thnt'-lne ol the foitv-1..c col lege muted to the \V S l> \ see tional convention hole A pul 1) until IJ, Helen I’ Faust 'III. picsidcM ol the womens student kowi lnnenl, announced vc'toi dav Although onh foitv Oolh«'*> jic nuinhei 1 - in tile mid-wcstem tion in the as's to .ml 11,111- xontaluc*. Convent on Inndqu.n \ill hi. in doiinitei \, whcle all the di le uate will hi housed *1 he -indents Itunit in the* domutoij will stav m olhei canipu. and tov n dot mitotic* duMiiy the convention pound IMITHUIHCUM im\l>S Mt'Ur l*i ol* Ohe-dtinh \ Ronnie, head ot tin Ofoioirv dejiai Inient and Pi of “FOB THE ULOItY OF OLD STATE” PIUCE 3 CENTS 5 Lion Ringanen Place In Final Bouts to Clinch Victory SCORE 1!) POINTS WHILE NAV Y DROPS TO THIKD Gteen Terrors, No&e Out Middle Rattlers 11-13; Crosby, Klepac Repeat i Fium the melting pot ot col lege bo\ei*», J’emi State's fmtie ' uavnois. led by Captain McAn fdiew.s ami Da\oy Stoop, crawled I through the lopes ot the Falc*- i da ung Satuulay night, scarred (iiiul tiled, but pioudly beaiing j their louith mleicollegiate title to tlie Nittany Lamp. W-- id j . Four Champions Eliminate Lions j Bout (usom itirain found L’roshi ; ititrvro'l l'lo-poiuul Giem Teum, mi I nnsui mountable obstacle in the waj, hi n titlir Closin'* teammate, Kb -1 pat. jhiUmukcl biillmntlv in the nud iilewujiht fin\ to Minquci Bill Stin* Mu and win hi-* sts.nnd ion*otuliw* jtiown In the pi thminattus. Fit/- '.jiuiald, I'M'' Niw ihumpion, diopped 1 rjwtum limn unnjulitnm, anil YuMun jsiiutti, N Y L. heaw < weight. ikfcuLd Bob Eliug. t'enn ! Mate's last minute entiy. on Ins wa*- ito the unlimited championship j Eliminating Jack Gold, N’ew Yoik I * wuliei v eight, b\ v «v of the knockout 'u