STATE COLLEGIAN | daring the Colteee year, except nn liiiHdae*. he i > ennßyl*anla State College in the interest ot the tnts, faculty# alumni, and friends THE MANAGING BOARD >gan jr. '3O Russell L. Hehm ’«() n-Chiet Itualnenx Matmcrr ensch ’3O Calvin E. Barwis '3O t Editor Advertising Manager evenson ’3O Henry ft. Dowdy jr ’3O I'dllor Circulation Manager Quinton E. Bcaugo ’3O Sports editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS en ’3l Charles A. Schmidt jr. ’3l IcElvain ’3l Norman B. Sobler '3l an ’3l William K. Ulerich '3l ton Intercollegiate Newspaper Association Pnxtoflice. Slate College, Pa . as aecantl-etaga matter lESDAY, MARCH 4, 1930 JEKYM. AND SIR. HYDE ie two sides to ovoij stoiy, apparently. .Plough, theic are two sides to the stoiy o£ defeat at the hands of Navy m the Re- I ung Satuidav night The two sides to c*i aio concemed, (1) with the lenetion of s to the decisions; and (2) with the justi iv, for such conduct ite Spmt, if it enfolds all the cardinal vir spoitsmanship, was sadly lacking Saturday •r the decision went against Stoop in the t bout—fiom then on, every adverse de oundly abused by so-called enthusiasts m The climax was, icachcd m the last bout n MeAmliews pleaded with the ciowd to ig lest the lefetee stop the match The out entire affair will be a flood of unfavorable oughout the college woild, foi the infla\ quailed, if not exceeded, tr numbers the he inteicollegiates last yeai While a laige ppeiclassmcn joined in the demonstiation, (so the ushers attest) weie in the majon t makes the situation all the .more alaim piacticc is not nipped in the bud, it will ie incoming genciattons Then the cause and Penn State Spirit will be a giaml and nd Then we will wish foi the old Ainioij, t was sacrificed for Spmt thei hand, peifect behavioi on the pail of iody was perhaps too much to ask undei wees, Aftei Stoop clemly nutpunched thiee rounds, it was a distinct shock to e judges wanted an extia round The de end of thiee iomuls was downught lank, I foi the two judges, Mi Levy and Mi. Ii of Pennsylvania The Stiuble-Swan bout doubt, but theic should have been no ques ho won the Stoop-Fitzgeiald match after n thiee lounds. That decision set the nd eveiy veidict theieafter, howe\er just, to stienuously The decision against ; next to last fight was just like thiowing blazing fire. The ciowd knew no other i its pent-up feelings than a notous vocal e the facts. It would be extiemely difficult lopulai decision now, because feeling still be student body Howcvci, it may be noted ie laige numbets of looters who kept then round at all times, taking evety blow on their Xavontc That is plain evidence that to take defeat, howcvci huit one may feel ul consideiatiun, each student feels that he thing—whatevei he did—he stands aequit othci hand, if he did wrong, he should le •tter next time. HAT THE PUBLIC WANTS lctiopolitan dailies in this State last week repoits of Intoifiatcinity Council’s action penly foi the abolition of “Hell Week’’ at x’ot a few of these newspnpcis commented ion in then editonal columns To uidi- :’s icaction to the movement, an cditoiial buigh Post-Gazette of Febuiaiy 25 is le- It follows. ENLIGHTENED INITI \TIONS soi able lesult of the campaign foi the of rough and humiliating initiations into at Pennsylvania State College is no ;he public has a light to expect. The in ty council there has acted against the ugh jinks," which, when not physically the candidates, weie nevei woithy of ms of the college oi the oigunization , 11 of the undcigiaduutc gioups tliem incliVulually banned the practicesand the ate that all the fiuteimties on the lam entually take the «.ime stand oung men leach an age when they can site lank in a modem college bettei lowdyism or ciuclty in the name of fun 1 of them It is not to be ovei looked .latois aie members of the uppei clnss sequently ate oldei men who have ic enefits of cultuied expenence. Exhibi int must be leguided as hysteua and not befitting either the pnitieipnnts or itions to which they belong tnter-pioposol at State College that in : the form of inculcation of the ideals, usefulness of each fiatcimty among its mends itself. The Show Window While walking out of Recreation Hull Sutuulav night we heaid someone singing the Navi/ illuvn in a sweet, temlei voice suggestive of a conciete mixei m full blast and suddenly-applied butkes Losing thoughts of mnvhem, niscmc, and blunt instiuments welled up m our minds and we inude a silent wish that Penn State should foie'er hue hoi boxing judg es fiom the ianks of the cx-Uimcisity of Pennsvl vania boxers and her astute lefoiees fiom the Uni voisity of Michigan and points west Handsome new yo-yos will be piescnted to the judges to play with while the fights aie in piogiess and ten decisions will be bended to the lefe’ee at the be ginning of the fights. The lefeiee will be given .stereoscopic mov s of Niag.u.i Falls along with \ain and knitting needles It was suggested that a lock ing chan be added but the College did not feel that it was able to hem the added expense Besides it might prejudice the judges oi the lefeiee At last we ha\c good news foi those fiaterm ties who aie a bit hnckwnid and do not icceive iceog nition of then sterling woith Come out of \om ob livion and become famous’ Modish ‘ Hell Week" and get \our name on the tiont page of the Coi.iu.ivx This stoiy conies fiom one of the fiateimties out Locust Lane way It seems lh it one of the biethten had wntten down the name of his Hellefontc 1 uly lose in pencil on the walls of the house telephone booth Imagine his surpuse when one morning he woke up to find that the booth had been painted and the nll-irn portant numbei had been obliterated Lacking in genuity to lemembei the numbei oi the initiative to tediseovei it be was foiced to date i co-ed the m>\t week-end and consequently lose his social piestige m Bellefontc It’s just one of life’s little jokes Nun*- bei 157,200,701 Thu. story comes fiom the Collegia's' office but is neveitlieless tiue and will be vouched foi b> manj esteemed journalists Oui sedate contempoian, the State College Times, punted a stnij in its columns stating that a tablet marking the exact googiaphicnl center of the woild wns*to be erected in the new Old Main building The news icachcd the enis of certain official- on the Collkgias and a lepoitcr was almost sent up to get the stoiv fiom Dean Wainock About the campus Russ Rohm, who gathers in the countless shekels tins paper -.ells foi Bud Ilollni of the Beta’s, who sells ifv-utantc just for something to do Stan Bun owes, captain of the iifle team . Thej say he hasn’t missed a taiget since 1910 Doc Piitham, fiom the T N E’s, an othei man who we wouldn’t like to have shooting at us Someone lefeis to Aichtc Holmes as the Vag- abond Lovei That icfuse can is still standing be side the Old V illow monument . . They don’t even j paint it in the attempt to beautifj the campus We have the shell-tom battlegiounds here, lots of ufics, , and a bunch of guys i utmtng .uound m soldici suits , . All wo need now is a wai Theic has been an abundance of anti-R O.T C liteiatuie about the cam- 1 pus lately . Somebody thinks we take that stuff in | earnest, evidently A well-known mdividaul calls , foi a young lady at the Mac Hall Institute and finds j that she has been campuscd . Imagine his enihar- | lassnient! We might add that he said cbuldn’t ; be printed even in tins column We baited a joung lad> on the stieet the othoi dav to inquue if she were the gul v ho woio the ex otic giecm pajamas to the Ilc-She shindig She clev eily squelched us b> asking if we weie the one who diopped the bottle at the Senim Ball The nerve of some people’s childien’ THE C \MPURI3ER IN THE VNI V E PS 1 T Y V A N iV H II JtnlievWiOfvrii, Oocand secl jS&O'ri^ New Spring Patterns 50c to $l.OO Stark Bros. & Harper NEXT TO THE MOVIES THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN DR. PATTEE HEADS SPEAKERS’LIST AT The steps taken at last night’s Sen- ENGLISH INSTITUTE: ** * «&£ AMU A i A U iLi j change to the women of Penn State. The uiles now up foi tiinl aie all nieaures which if lived up to bv the gnls will aid matenully in model ni„- ing student government The suggestions foi fuithcr changes that have been submitted manifest the mteiest of the guls m this attempt to improve their conditions, and Senate has piomised that if these pioposa’s piove valuable they may be employed at a later date It should be lemeri beied, however, that the ability of the , Visiting Lecturers To Assisi ' In Conducting Session During Summer 1 ZONA GALE WILL VISIT COLLEGE SECOND TIME Courses Start June 30, Close August 2—Contemporary Writers Scheduled Hi Fied Lewis Pnttcc beads the list of si\ visiting lectuieis who will tonic hcie this summer to assist in conducting the weekly sessions of the ■ Institute of English Education. 1 Other prominent literary figures! selected to speak this summer aiei > fconu (Sale, Percy MacKayc, Robert! Flos*., Eunice‘Tietjens, ami Padime I Colum Tho senes will begin June’ '»<’ and continue until August 8. , I)i Patteo, fm many years head of j the* English depaitmCnt heie and now! , lecturer on Amencan liteiatuic at' Rollins college, will conduct the open-' ,mg sessions lie will speak on “Some i ! Phase* of Contemporary American' Literature,” a subject upon which he is an authority ; Zona Gale To Appear ( Eunice Tictjcns, poet, traveller, and , .journalist, will Iccluie at the Institute i I'lulj 7 to 11 on poetry of the Orient ! I “The Renaissance of lush Letters,” is tho title of the thud senes to be con-, I ducted by Padrmc Colum, lush poet and diamatist Zona Gale, whose play “Miss Lulu Bet!” won the 1921 Pulitzer pnze foi j j drama, will lcvisit the Institute the' 1 following week to discuss “How Fai i Must Novels Reflect the Cuuent' Taste’’” Miss Gale came here pie- 1 ' uouslj to lecture at the fust English i ! Institute ! Percy MacKaje, diamntie cntic ami , instructor in plajwntrng at Rollins' college, has been engaged to conduct 1! the fifth of the senes on “A Folk-1 Cycle of the Kentucky Mountains ” Concluding the session, Robert Fi ost, outstanding Amer ican poet, will lecture on “Who Owns the Poc*tiy , ” l 1 “New Hampshire,” one of his caily l 1 volumes oT \eisc, was selected as the jwinnci of the 1921 PuliUei pri/e foi i American poetry j \DDRESSE| COSMOPOLITANS ! Di Fiank D Kem, Dean of the 1 Gwidunto School, addressed a meeting! *f the Cosmopolitan club Fuday night ' tfanuel K Andujnr ’SO wns elected 1 ae-piesident of the club EYES EXAMINED All Kinds of frames, & repairs DR, EVA B. ROAN Registered Optometrist OFI ICR HOCUS State College Wed 2pmlnll pm Monday, Tuendaj', Sot 10 a m In S pm Thursday, Friday (•nrhrirk ISuitdirj; 421) Past Cntlrgt Opp Court Ilnuno A\rnue It. F. Stein Motor Co. Stoiagc, Gas and Oil 24-Hour Service Phone 252 ALBERT DEAL&SON Heating AND Plumbing 117 Frazier Street GET YOUR HATS CLEANED AND RERLOCKED FOR THE STRING SEASON at JIM’S PLACE South Allen Street Co-ed Chats FOR RECREATION BLUE AND WHITE BOWLING ALLEYS GOG Zi West College Avenue Why Waste Time Hunting A Good Place To Eat When You Can Get What You Want at Laird’s Tea Room Phone BIG-J Special Rates to Suit Everyone HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED at MORRELL’S BILLIARD PARLOR Newest Patterns in Spring & Summer Samples NOW ON DISPLAY _ at Balfurd’s Tailor Shop Cleaning Pressing Tailoring UNDER TIIE CORNER ROOM Which Pen Do Most College Students Demand?” College Humor Magazine Asked 137 College Pen Dealers 4||o/W larker Vutfbld” In a recent nation-wide magazme a Pocket Duofold to a Desk Pen. TS=a 94 - 72 * ° f - In the new census of 137 college set. A tapered end comes free. You pen dealers, 45.1 1 say Parker is save the price of a second pen the official college pen-more than See Parker’s new streamlined .to 1 the favorite over the next two shape that sots lower in the pocket nearest makes. because the clip starts at the top— One big reason for Parker Duo- not halfway down the cap. And see fold’soverwhelmingpopularityisits the name, “Geo. S. Parker—DUO convertible feature— like two pens FOLD,” that guarantees it for life! s°udy^tesk”. e AttacTihlg’a taper coil- w£.'lSPn%S N .Kb.7dTi , d , :ri!l , £ verts the Parker mioseconds from gills to cooperate with the rules now effective will determine whcthci or not any further revision shall be made. In seeking more ficedom, however, the women of Penn State must not lose sight of ccitmn slnndaids which society demnndi, of college women. In uddition, they must not foiget that theie aie some conditions existing at Penn State which make it diffcient from othei colleges. With these con suleintions fumly m mind Penn State women can, if they will, take n foi 'waid stude by cooperating with W. ‘S G A “That which man chnnges not, turn will change," an histouun has penned .Taking this as a coiollaty, and keep mg it cleaily in mow, we believe thn 1 228 West College Atomic Tuesduy, March 4,198 U a rate opportunity is piesented fjj Penn State women to fiustiate wlfj maj later piosc’to be the mexorabl stepr ot Time We welcome the mar mado changes To make them pei m nnent should lie oui aim theatre! I TUESDAY— Dick Hartlielmesq, Constance Ilcnnc in Ke\ lloach’s “SON 01' THE (SODS” WEDNESDAY— Lionel Barr) more. Llojd Hughes Jules Verne’s THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND* THURSDAY— AH Star Cast in “MEN WITHOUT WOMEN* Laurel ami JLnd) Cornell) FRIDAY— Joim Crawford, Ernest Torrence ‘•UNTAMED” Nittany Theatre TUESDAY— Conrad Nagel, Kaj Johnson, Louis Wollienn in ‘THE SHIP FROM SHANGHAI FRIDAY— All Star Cast in ‘MEN WITHOUT WOMEN Laurel and Hardv Cnmed\ A / V The more active the foot, Ihe more impor- tant the fit. Hence we're not a little proud of our success in ftting college menl $7 and $9. MEN’S SHOES Inspect these fine snocs at Montgomery and Co. iR9 Your Packet linS " Ilikß FotirHesA. tnpr*.* moSgii Isa : 1 PsItIIE SAME PEN I mm Like 2 Pens for the Price of One Itcmounr ,/m laix-reit ,*- (1 rni/ rmiAc] Unl'Lckrlbo /Vn^TAf" “»!•/.«/*,“ ‘/on. /iricc of a ?5 57 510 GUARANTEED FOR LIFE 17.4'% grcnlcnnl, rn/mctly llutn uvpTapvi