Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 04, 1930, Image 1

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1904 •
VOL. 26, No. 39
Changes in W.
To Receive 5-
President F
Proposed Innovations
Include 1 O’clock
Closing Hour
Group Probes 2-Hour Extension
Of Telephone Service
During Week
Thnt the proposed changes in the
H S G A constitution will be given
v tiial of approximately five weeks
win. indicated yestciday by Helen F
Faust 'SO, piesidcnt of the women’s
student organization.
The pioposed changes discussed at
last night’s Senate meeting included a
1 o’clock closing hour after 12 o’clock
dances and a plan of signing for so
cial functions at each doinntoiy lath
ei than at the Dean of Women’s office.
Under the new sjstem foi penaliz
ing “latenesses” a co-ed will lose her
date oi social function privilege foi
the following week-end if she is more
than thioo minutes late Tiic Senate,
as at piesent, will handle cases of ex
cessive lateness
Consider Telephone Service
Although the extension of week-day
telephone seivice fiom S until 10
o’clock was not presented at the re
cent mass meeting, it still lemains
among the pioposals A tcoiganua
tion of the House of Representatives
is the finul change undei considera
Suggestions for fuithei amend
ments submitted by students duung
tho past week weie piesented to Sen
ate last night All student contribu
t.ons accepted as worthy of investi
gation will be considered in detail
w ithm the next few weeks.
Tho changes being discussed were
piesented to tho women students at a
mass meeting last week Those which
Senate votes to tty out will latei be
pussed upon foi permanency by the
to eds
Bandmaster Thompson Rewards 21
Musicians at First Concert
In Mtd-w inter Scries
Twenty-foul semoi membeis of the
College Blue Band weie awaided band
keys by Bandmastei Wilfred 0
Thompson at the opening mid-wmtei
conceit m Schwab auditoiium Sun
day afternoon
Anthony T Buiniskv, Wajne S By
eis Waltci J Culp, Call .1 Daubei,
James M FethcioU, Clifford K Geary,
W illiam A Haldcma’n, J Paul Hive
!j, Roheit A Hughes, Edward A.
Kaiei, Alficd R Knoch, and Clem
ent V. Maslovvski were piesented with
the that ms
Otheis who received the awards
weie William A MeVickai, James II
Monte, Thomas D Pnxon, J Robeit
Pottei, James R Roberts, Raymond
E Roush, William H. Smith, Ntcholas
11. Snyder, Moncrief A Spent, Ralph
L Wilcox, John C. Winslow, and Rob
eit A Wmtei.
The College Mandolin club will of
fei the second mid-winter conceit m
the Auditorium Sunday The Blue
Band also will nniKC a lenppeaiance
outdoois in the final lecitul of the
senes this spung.
“The Elemcntaiy Punciples of Tele
vision,” a new engmeenng extenson
(ouisc, was announced yestciday bv
Hugh G Pyle, instructor in engineei
ing extension.
Tho couisc is to begin as soon as
possible under the supei vision of Pi of
Eatl B Stavely, of the eleiti cal en
ginceung depaitmenl Among the
subjects discussed in the couisc ate
problems of television, the photochc
trie cell, the Neon lamp, and televi
sion equipment fot umnteuis
fir mi #tatr
S.G.A. Rules
■Weeks Trial, !
aust Indicates!
NAVY CAPTAIN Who Led Middies
To Victory Snturdaj
Cresting the wave of Nittany oppo
; sition, Navy's Icuthei pushing salts
{gained a 4-to-3 victory in Reel cation
i Hall Satuxlay night to uphold then Competing against twelve othei col
pcrfect ten-yeai iccoid befoie the lege glee dubs, Penn State songsters
! laigest Penn State audience c\ei to Wl it se ek the rational title for the
| witness u dual boxing meet. 'tenth year in n competition at Cni
, Clinching the meet foi the Midship- ncgic Hall, New York City, Sntuiday
{ men, Swan, buily l'ght-hcavvweight , night
was forced to go an e\tia lound with 1 The same songs will be used in the
slugging Bill Stiuble befoie receiving nutioral contests as those used by the
the judge’s decision. Da\ey Stoop, Nittany glcemen in wnmng the east-
Coach Leo Houck’s find in the feathei- ctP state competition last week. A
‘UrADCUIfi nrrmre ! weight division, was stopped foi the feature ol the piogram will he the
Wl/ilUllll 1/Lvii/LIJ i fust time this year by the i ugged in- traditional singing of KremserV
. m . . —. .. - tercollegiate champion Fitzgerald af- -Song oi Thanksgiving ”
MAN fRANF SAYS te ‘ r .? l ?° I, '“ t '‘, ns: an a,l, !' tion “ l ,oumi , 11 cuiicn* em,,
mnn, Vliflllij uriilj A' Lewis, Lion punching ace, am! _ ~ .
Hall, haul-hittmg gob. stat-iiil the , Dr , Hal ' c y Gau1 ’
Sneaker Will Ponfinne T-ilku nn 'meatest c\hibition of the cncountei in huiftli inuMc clme, ivill head the JuiU
bptaktr Will Continue Talks on 146 ~ fß hi. ‘"h “"'""‘tee D‘. A.thui \\oodiair,
‘Quest for Life,’ Tonight, .opponent, AI non the bout by a de- f P l , ma ‘ i“' ctal f the tjnncijit, flee
m club of New York, and Miss Mmgaiet
Tomorrow Night ■ .... ... Dcssofi, celebrated New Yoik musi-
Marty and Julie can. aie the other judges
, , _ . Captain Mutty McAndiews and Amongthethuteencollegese\pcct-
The kmd of a God you worship de- Julie Epstein wcie the othei Penn ed to entei the competition .ue Yale
,cides the kind of a man you me, de- state rmgmen to win, while Bom Ca- rimceton, Columbia, Foidham, New
i»Th e( n Dr \ H f m> T H f .? ani ;. IIS r U 3! son! and Alex Chaihowshy met with y o ik umvcisity and Dartmouth Oth-
JJ L?r nlrZ- f p" l “-‘ ver<ie dec " lom b * thu J «r victors from the west
his four addresses to Penn State stu- R ant ry mteicollegiate champion Ep- e in states also will piobably compete
Schwa b a aud^toMuni^ I voste^d'&v C< moiri- ’ out^"lU ' d t£championship*
Jn * leceive the verdict in the* hist'bout j n the ten times that thev entc*ied
Contrasting the exisiting ideas of 'Vith Stoop, figured as a ceitam win- the national-competition. Lion song-
God, Dr. Ciar.e said “The best concep- nel *» l08, "K the M!, - ond “«o aftei a sters have e-aptuied several second and
tion of God that we have is Jesus ’ e,mic Nittany hopes for victor\ thud places,'but have novel secuied
Christ Jesus was the oustanding fac- 'Vere considerably dampened - the title
tor in history and thc v greatest poison- ‘ Meeting an opponent almo-t a-hcad
ality the world has ever known.” taller than himself, Bom Casom game- ,T /F!(TR OR A TOT? S
To live is to grow. Dr. Crane de- ■ 1' went down to defeat before the on- V;VUUEi\XEi VIVAIUIVO
dared. “If you aie alive you grow, but s’aught of Wallace, Navy’s ITS-pound BOW TO DICKINSON
if you stop glowing mentally ami sta.\ turning the tide in favor of the
spiritually, you aie dead Life is a Webb-coached pugilists
continual seaich aftei ideal living and Tiewg the meet A 1 Lewis dofeateu Carlisle Debaters Earn Decision in
when the goal is attained we find that Ilall, but Captain Moiot again gave
we have only stalled and must con- Nacy the edge bv icpulsmg the attack
tinue to stnve for the lewajd aheud.” oi clever Alex Chaikowsky in the niid
“Chust is to God as a word is to an dleweight setto As the deciding fat
idea Chnst is the expression of toi 0 f the meet Swan teceived the of-
God,’ Di Ciuric believes, "only by ticial'/ veidict ovei Stiuble Dickinson debuteis defeated the
such a conception of God and by 1 cal With hone of Metoiv o\ei the aith Collt:^t! ft,l( - nblc team heie Finlay „ Lfo .n r .n of CaptL 3l»‘t 111 "'f ‘ U.enu.s.xth annual do
quences can we hope to attain sue- . j,„„ „ t n,,. » n hate between the two institution.
MM m tl>o quest to life Aud.e'te stepped th.ough the ropes to A , wuv „ f ba | lot
Dr. Crane will deliver the lemain- punches with Chappie, huge Jt ‘ the end of tlje cutest gave the dc
mg two lectures of his senes in the •^ n,lu P°j lt ’ heavyweight \lcloUslc.ts tWlon Ul t j, e by a scoie o!
Auditorium at G3O tonight and to- a , ll Kht s to the face and body gave 54 The debate was also the
moriovv night Sub-divisions of his lrt3 populai Penn State captain the j llst to b u conducted heie uinl-*i a
general topic, "The Quest for Life”, decision new system known us the Oiegon
will be used as topics foi his address- 0 cioss;cxamination tvpe
«•* , , , ALUMNI APPROVE Penn State otalois uphold the af-
Besuies the foui talks which Dr fumative side of the question, fnvoi-
Cianc will delivoi, students may make DISTRICTING PLAN mg the adoption ol the Wisconsin F\
auangements for pnvate mteiviews penmentul college plan as a means ot
b> mak'iig appointments ut the “Y" iughei education
hut The spenkei will be Available hxecutnc Board Names Committee A dual debate will be held vith
foi those inloitnul talks at any time To Nominate New Council Washington ami Joffcison >lll the
dming his btaj m State Collage In K „ isw | Ssstem same question uml.i the "logon plan
Di Clone is p».toi o£ the Elm Meich 11 _TI,e .illumatm; team aik
Poll! Methodist Episcopal chuich of t '“ ve tu " u ’ lll "- , te.i, uhilc the neg-
Scianton anil has leetui ed in vnnous Revising the piesent sjstem of * u| ve gioup w ill n| peal lieie
colleges and umveisities thioughout alumni oiganmation, the esccut.c- r s>tl5 >t1 ! 01 moet-s at e scheillaloll "'tnl-n
-the counti v ' board of the Alumni association at tnyette, Nc» Yolk imivei sits .and pos.
' 0 its meeting last week anpioccd a dm- sibly Geoigc Washington umvoisits
FOR PROOF OF RELIGION' A committee was appointed to studj ■}'*" meet. W cstei n Ue..eice at
present alumni lists and make nomin- v ' t, Mulch _S
Frisrell Sass Lose W ,„ Sale Work, f’Lin ‘ MMcS ' ALPH^f^jli^i^LDS
In Chapel Talk llauisbuig, James Milholland, Pitts- PROVINCE MEETING HER!’
... laugh; J Beatei \\ Into, Philadelphia
Theie is no necessity to proto iclig- Emcison Davis, Now Yoik, and Boju
ion in tho opinion ol Prof. John H A Mussei, Suanton
IFiu/cII, acting College chaplain, as In oidoi to ineieaso intoiest in th
expressed m his address to the chapel new alumni plans, Dean •Vithui R
audience Sunday. War node, and Edward K Hihslmiun,, at Penn State for the lust
Pro/ Fnzzcll in drawing an anal- sociolim, uddtessed a meet- time, the bi-annuii! province convert*
ogy between the conrmonplucc things mg °f the alumni association m tion of Alpha Tau Omega was held
or life and religion stated that al- Johnstown last Tuesday Mr. Ilibsh- ), CJC i us t week-end with icpicsenta
though we know only n little about spoke before a similar meeting tncs ol seven uth<‘i chnpteis ot this
the laws of nature, yet we accept them nt Umontovn Wednesday. province in attenilance
a'' facts Religion, he believes, is rm „„P,. o r c i ur-MiDi'c Stewart B Daniels, e\eeutivo secic
ready foi similar acceptance t,AUI ' I LOMI LML * ELLIUKUs tau of thc f luU! imtv, was pimtnml.
“Love is the only factor which will ON ‘PERSON YL EFFICIENCY’ speaker at the meeting held during
save the world,” the spenkcr con- 1 the week-end Following 11 shoit busi-
ciiideu, ‘‘and the source of all love is Prof. Carl G Gaum of the cngmeei- ness meeting Fndav night, a formal
that unfathomable God Let us trust mg extension department, completed a dance opened the activities winch in
in Hint" lecture course on “Personal Eilluency" duded get-logolheis Saturday mom
y at New Brighton, last week mg and afternoon with a formal ini*
BURGE DEMONSTRATES ME \T Some ot the topics deve'oped m the, tuition ami d inter that night ,
CUTTING TO 2(500 IN ST \TE cou,so "ere lults ° r ‘■omluct, value of Chapter . from Carnegie Tech,
At seventy-eight demonstrations tions, and equipment Thcie is a dc- kins, Pennsylvania, Lehigh. Muhlcm
held throughout the State m the past maml in business for more trained berg and Gettysbuig were represented
four months, Charles A Burge, Col- men anil women, according to Pi of. at the convention
TIJVTI\fITITTkIIITPM A <1 ■ Oswald F. Boutko, head of the
VIIIINHIr Vlr nl tl- i dcjmitment of economics and suciol
lUlUJlUf IULII, H*J OR ' y> piobably will be unable to re
- stime his College duties until nc\t
i Swan Clinches Battle for Navy JCCOUnt ° f hls Ut -‘ akL ‘ n ' Chamber Music Group To Offer
I By Outpointing Struble The doctor is at picsent confined Concerts at 8:15 O’clock
i t -n j j to his home after t (.‘turning fiom _ . , > .
! In Extra Round the Cleat field hospital last woe* In Auditorium
______ lie is eomale'-cing slowlv aftei a
| McANDREWS, LEWIS, AND 1^ h “'- v ““"o-
Stoop Drops o\ertime Decision
To Fitzgerald, 125-Pound
Middie Champion
counsel, stnmluul pmcticu mstim.- Washington uml JolMson, Johns Hop-
Bouche May Abandon NEW YORK STRING
Teaching This 7,™
NATIONAL CROWN Miss Grace Leslie To Give Sonjr
To Compute With 12 Sectional
Winners for Sonf? Title
At N. Y. Saturday
Twenlj-Si\th Contest With
Penn State Teams
Attend Bi-unminl Contention
Recital in Fifth Number j
Of College Course j
\ppeanng in State College foi the
first time, the New Yoik Stung Qiini
tc. pieimei chambet music oignniza
tion, will ollet the fifth Ailists' Coutse
prngiam in Schwnh audilonum at
8 IS o'clock tonight i
Ottokm Cadek, Jaioslat SiskovskyJ
Ludvit Schwab. and Deduch Vasku
compute the quaitet Then will be
as>i ted In Giace Leslie, well-,
known conti alto j
Dtoial’ l “Quaitet in F Mujoi,” Ja
plajetl hj the stung ensemble, will
open the piogwim Miss Leslie will
sing seteial se’ections, including the
“Min Song” by Buctho\en, as the sec-'
ond numbei j
Plnj Classical Numbers
The quuitct's icmiiton of thiee
pieces by and Bocehenni, fea
timng a “Minuet” In the lattei will
foltow ‘ The House that Jack Built” |
In Homei is one of the four selections
that Miss Leslie will sing in hei ne\t
gioup The quaitet will conclude the
piogiam with the piesentation of j
Tschaikow sky’s “\ndunte Cantabile' j.
and “Mollv on the Shoic” bv Guungei J
Mi Cartel? and Mi Si-ko\sk\, belli
violinists, lia\e studied unrtei LeopoM
Auci and have appealed at mimeious
conceits m Euiope Mi Schwab,
cola playei. also has gained fame as
? piani-t and \iolmist Mi Vaska,
ielhst ot the gioup, plajert with scs• |
eiat Euiopcan oichestias, including Journalism Professor To Speak
the \Vu.«» symphony In lft7 j l!iin Enjjineerinj;
Mi-s Leslie, who will be accompnn
art at the piano bv Mi- Rahatd W At 7 O’clock
Giant ol the music depaitmcnt, has
appealed in gland npoia and also is
well-1 nown as a curneit -mger. She Pioi Fianklm C Bannei of the
ha- gnea conceit- at Miami umvet- depaitment of journalism will -peak;
Mh, Umveisitv of Xew Hampshne, <•» “Piofe-siomiln-hig the Newspapei
and Sj iacu-e utmoi -itj Mar” m the second Libeinl Ait- lee-'
D tuic in loom 107 Alain Engmeeii»g|
VETERANS CAST IN ta^J^"; npoi „ J
outlined huclh be the -peakei Mmw-i
mt, how depaitment- of jouinah in]
mil inu\ei-it\ ‘-toi eliou-e- of infoi-]
mation’ to the Ameitean pies- lit* 1
wiP stle— the \aluo ol college- in]
the ad\ nmement of newspapers J
Hilton C Auung To Portrav Major
Role-—<» Experienced Actors
Rehearse Production
Six out of seven uctois who ate to
pollute majoi ioles in “Fmncescn da
Rimini." one hunilmlth play nnmvei
«.uy piebcntution of the Plajers, have
laten leading pait* in past shows
Dncctoi Aithui C Cloetingh levealeil
\ ostc*i day
Milton T Young ‘3O, who appealed
in “’llie Koval Fnmilv” eailiei this
,eai, will enact the leading lole m
the tiagic diaiiM He will be suppoit
eil In Mtxs Phyllis C« Betdlei M 3. as
the title chaiactei “Fianees>ca ” Miss
Benllci was seen lecently in “The
Good Hope "
Aithui R rtmmngham Ml, seen in
the last Naveis’ show, will politic
the tale ot "Paolo” biothci of the
leading cha’uctei The pmt of “Count
iHalatesta,” fathei of the biotheis,;
mil be taken bv Ralph l) Hetrel ji
M.l who was pteviouslv east in "The
Good Hope "
Miss Flmence E Sneddon M 2 will
appeal foi the lust time this vein m
anolhei member of “The I’oval Pant
ile” (list will eiiuct the pint of the
villain Neil G Campbell Ml, in the
iok> of the couit jestei, will be the
only untued actoi placing a major
chaiactei pail
Te facilitate use of Andv Lvtle cab
in. the I 31 C A council will allot
penult* to pel sons applying for Heibc il Giallls. pi.Ui-het of («■»//-
us( m the futuie ami these pei mis- (, Di John Mowtieth ji .
tons must lie shown to the cmctakei nnd Fmnl H Hillman, U S golf u
hefoic admission is gianted. j seaieli v*peits, wen* the pime.po!
Unde the new system, the name oi spenkeis Gioeiikecpett of lending
the oigani/ation and the date dcsiml eastern nickel clubs aNo addics-ed
will be vvuttcn on the lesuivation, and thu dineis
laie will he taken to hook only one 0 ~
paity for the &amc time
McKinney Cotton Pickers
Entertain at I. F. Ball in
Recreation Hall April 4
Shattenng the mdooi IC-1A iec
oid by S and l-.» seconds-. Paul Rek
eis annexed the two-nuk cmv n in
the cham])ionshi|i meet at No.v
Yolk City Satuidnv
Uekeis established himself as
one of the gi cutest two-nuluis in
collegiate tiack histoiv by icgis
teimg a new mail* of ') minutes
nnd 22 seconds Ignoimg the
tin eats of eaiiy pace-settus. Paul
look the lead at tne mile mail He
jumped Hagan of Columbia who
had gone ahead at the stuit of the
final quill ter on the home stretch,
to win by twenty voids
The othei Nittanj ti.nkmen
failed to place Pennsylvania tied
! with Coinell foi the team title with
l| 27 l i points
To Describe Noted Editors
In discussing stand nth
maintained by pimnineat ncvvsp.ipc* s
todav, the piofe-soi will let ill notable
eliton.i l attacks of lecent yeais on
politic.! l and social evils His peison
al expei icnce* as a join nulist in Amei
uii nnd Euiope also will pi ovule
tefeience examples tu the tall*
Expediences of the ’lighting poet
editoi’ William Cullen Bivant, Hmace
(rteekv of the Veil Iml 'liihiuu
William Rockhdl Nelson of the hun-
Mi’i Ciltf Stm, and a peisonal nn
piessior oi the late Melville E Stone
1 foundci ot the Associated Pic-s, will
ibe n tea of the highpotnt- in the
' speukei’s d scussum
| In hi journalistic c.ucui, Pint 1
has held positions with the
.[London Chnntitlt’, the /unison Cdy
I Lnn lint /’os/, the ( hn Pmlit \ < « -
; anil the Cluctiy'n Poily Join mil He
l 1 \vii" lecently selected as an editoi oi
! th' \iniin<ni Art'iot nt lion ot loniii-
' almt muga/ ne
golf architects address
Pionunent goll nichitects and na
itionnllv known spo'tmg tiguics ad
i'dlossed a gioup ol go!i mutsc gie-r
-jkc.'peis at a d'linet Thnt'dav night
. climaxing the feu da. gieenkecpci s’
tonfei erce
Changing the annual Young Finm-
Victor Recording Band
Signed tor Yale’s
Spring Prom
Dusky .Musicians Present Peppy
Kh\lhm Intel spersed by
Noa eltv Numbers
| McKinmy’s Cotton Piekci-. Aicloi
ißccoiding unit, will enleitain Penn
| State Giccks at *,he lii't Inlufui
leinitv Bali in Utcieation Hall Apnl
I. -Atehibuld M Ilolm.s MO, dance
Mum man, ai nounced last mglit
The duskv musician- otlei a last
peppy ih.lbm, supplemented b, -low
moving Llujs mimbei s lute, peistd
between the (knee-, the aitists pi<-
sont vocal and i l'ti* novcltu*.
McKinncv’s ouhcsti.i ilteinates
wth Jem Goldkette’s Casa Loma
gioup at t’i<. (ji.ivsto-u Ba'lioom m
Detioit llnv an* engaged fot
A'.ih* spnng and plavcd at the
Cutne 1 ! .Juniin AViek li-i month
Al iv Dure isc lee
>inci houses icl used u,
- uution the alhm bee disc Mu dal<
conflicted with incviotis plans. Holme
:expects thit the ehang“ iiom Apnl
1] will ineiease the nuinbei ot iia
teimties eoopeiatmg in the lurntnn
The 9')o fee* may bo dcueised .iccoul
mgly. tin chon nun hones The is.
-ossnicnt will include booth and fui'ii
tuie* i ( moval i hai go
A comlnnutirm pi ogr .im-favui is
bung con-ideied fot the Ciieek foi
nal This and the dvcotulion -them'
will be decided upon n. the' ne.i' *iitme
bcxalise ot the shoit ptuod until the
ball, it was icvenled
Ollcimg a compiuncnt..iv tul-ct foi
■ cneh sign accepted, a postei ceaUeV
| will be conducted The postei s shculd
be submitted to Holmes .it th*. Phi
1 I>c 1 t.i I beta hoit ,e In the event lki‘
[the winnet is entitled to .• t ckit Mom
hi- ih.iptci, a momui’v .maul v ill bt
Locals AAill Cmisidei Proposed PI i i
'lhursdav Night—ALiv Pe'ilnn
Interfraterimv Ilodv
| ’1 he p'"po«ed si umilmii of In*i * -
[muial council b, lntuiiateimt ’
! council will la distu-st'd bv hual ft.i
-1 iiMimies ind Miggestioiis submitted
a. the next meeting ol the loc .1 coun
cil Ihuisdiv night
II the plan n acts with the fa* m of
the hull ti tu imtic's. a petit.on will
he pieso.ncd to Intelfia’uml . eoun
ctl. Pied C J-chueiei !U lepMts Un
question of ecmpeiativc bn mg ..1,0 i,
.being discu-sed bv the hual hoti-c-
Ihe eoopei Utvi bu*i»ig pi.m v .*
pU'seiUed to the fin d - jssi m
at its last uniting bv A\ K Minis
’l7 Fimmie eomimttees ot the in
dividual liateiniUC' v ill decide upon
the ltasiinhlv ol accepting the plan
A'lolatioiis ..I the undetela-s ml
foi visiting a*. daiiL's will b» mvrsti
gated bv the exeiutive Imrd and all
Mourn 1 guiltv w«U be tinul M.tnv ot
Hie local gioups have expies e*d the .1
intention ol -uppoiting the Itucitii
itcinitv halt aecoiding to lepott.s
1’ ARM I.RS’ A\ El'K Hill. l’K AUK
Pispl.iis tiaeing the mu faun mi
pinvomeiil, of the past will fia
,iuie the annual Panne is’ Week pi"-
ginm to he held heie .llilic 17, l.s i*n!
I 10 umlei the lea lei hip < 1 Kdw.ud II
Ivdliilml, ihieetoi ot the wmk
| All idui'es <d agmultmal develop
nu at in da ti v hu-hindiv me to U.'
shown it a spend expo-itom planned
u ihat speeilied! with this divi-um
'oi the ignculluia l nidii'tn Evei
depni tii’en! ot the Ju hool of AyiKnl
fiie. will (ontulmti' exhilut- shmunc
the pingies, m.i'li -Mice the List c*-
CO-ED.S miMv I’ AS’I h.R ’I II AN
AIEN, I ID//.!:!.!. DEI L AKLS
(’idlege women think i|imkn th. ■
mm in the opinion of Plot John II