Pago Six Price War Is Denied By Town Merchants Piospect oi a pine war between Slate College meuhants anil the piuposed coopeiatne buying oigan iralum was emphatically denied last night by Thomas G Uaugh, in le pudintii g a statement atti ibuted to him for the liusmcs, Men’s asso ciation at a ucent meeting of Inlet fiateimty Council Mt Ilaugh claimed that mund business policy would foilml the adoption of such a plan by loud mei elmnts FRIZZELL WILL DISCUSS ‘CHRISTIANITY’ IN CIIAVEI. Aclmg College Chaplain To Addicss Audience at Sunday Serene “Is It Necessity' to ‘Piece’ Chusti amty !” is the question Piof John II Fitz/eH, acting Colic 'e chaplain, will a‘> the chapel audience during Ins addiess in Schwab nudiloiium Sunday morning. Tim College chaplain add*esse* the Sunday audience onto each \eai in addition to times when scheduled speakeis me unable to appeal Piofes-oi Fus/ell hist came to I’enn State a* an English mstmctoi in P. 102 \\ ith the exception of a si\- icai absence fiotn I'CM) to 11)2(>, he h is lieen active in English, debating and public, speaking heic since that tunc ' Foster Coal & Supply Co. Genuine Anita Punvsutuuney Phone 114-M (Ik ; yv ca/b , V, \ K^ q \ : ps#** N fc«s"'' A ! |theatre] 1 1 / Institute on Internal Urges Action bi Uigmg the acceptance of the But ish pioposal to busip battleships, a cablegram was sent to the Amcncan ! delegates at the London Naval con fcicncc Wednesday night by the thud annual institute in Internationa! i elutions held in the Methodist thtireh undei the ducction of Fioderick .1 Libby, cNccutive seactaiy of the N T a tionu l Council foi the Picvcnlion of Wa.. The cablegram, a copv of which was '•mil to Piesitlcut Heilcit C lloovci itad, “llundicd poisons institute in tei national i elutions, Stale College, Pa \olcd tonight disappointed tiend cmleienco emphasizing pawty uu duh Uigu fulfillment lloovei pledge accepting Butish pioposal piogressivc abolition battleship with lcduction othei classes this makes possible ” Favors World Court Advocating the entuincc of the ! United States into both the Wot Id Cout and the League of Nations. Mi Libby declaied that public opm lor will guarantee that the decisions ot tile couit will be upheld, in his U!K‘ bcfoie the institute which con tinued fiom Sunday until Wednesday. Rea & Derick, Inc. It & I) Remedies for Coughs and Colds Relief and Cute is us saiod by the use of these piepniutions. “STORES OF SERVICE" FRIDAY and SATURDAY SALE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Candy Specials Jubt received another barrel of Jelly Beans 13c a lb. 2 lb. for 25c Jumbo Jello Beans 18c lb. 2 lb. for 85c Chocolate Cocoanul Eggs 5c each 6-l-25e Fresh Shipments of Martha Washington and Whitman Candies Weekly p/8 US PAIN IN 10 MINUTES S NEURITIS SCIATICA w BACKACHE LUMBAGO Mrs Rena Diehl. 309 Columbia street. Elmira, N Y, says I have used the new prescription colled Paimlac for Neuritis It gave mo wonderful lelief I will never be without a bottle Painalac is a doctor’s prescription, it’s now and different' it is guaranteed to give quick, lasting loltef, even in the most stubborn cases You will be amazed bow this new prescription “draws out” deep-seated pain. Don’t suffer —got tris modem tieatmcnt today, no recommend it,—and sell it on a money-back guarantee, and this guarantee “counts” as wc know'this doctor’s piesenption is dependable! Remember the name. It’s called luiess ML^iktC^OdS ~ . itional Relations >y Naval Conference “Eduratois arc ccmanUy opposed! Inslruclion at PoimtamUlcu to compulsoiy student nulitaiy twun-j in},,” Mr. Libby stated Wcdncsdav ! John Y Uo> ’JS has been selected nurht when asked his opinion of coni-1 ui one of .!(»!) Amenian students to pulsoty K 0 T C. “The etrect of j attend the Fontambenu School of Fine compulsorj military tiaininn; on stn-jAit. at the palm." of Fontairbeau, dents r lo make them believe in foice' Fiance, this summet lathoi than in international peace. While feeturing a dejjiee in aichi* ticatics" [lecture here. Mi Roy non the tins'* .... i medal foi design olTeicd bj the Amen -13 ARK QUAR \NTINEI) WHEN | 'wm Institute of Aiehitcctuve Ik* CO-ED CONTRACTS SMALLPOX! sul fl 0 1" Now Yolk .ilioul .June 1 to attend the tuchowcck Thirteen students were quarantine The school is conducted under the ed, and seoies who were exposed sub-1 patronage of the Fienth government milted to vaccination, following the foi graduates or Amencnn umveisi lepoit lccentlv of a mild case of tie- and colleges Piofcssois from smallpox in a soionty house on the leading foreign and Amencnn col- Ohio university campus leges aie on the school stair timing The co-ed who contacted the di- the summei sense was 1 emoted to the college hos- - pitnl, and latei recovered However, D 71 » the scare caused the quarantine of vQrnfillS LjULldlTt the patient’s -oiority house, and the ' rush o[ students ami townspeople who Sophomore editorial anil business iMshod to be vaccinated necessitated stalls or 01,1 ,1/imi l,ell will lepoit ul n new supply of vncunc fiom Colum- the la i I'ir cilices at b-IJII tonight bus ' | o PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS j al( -‘ taint Dental Needs Sqtiibb's Paste 20c Ipana Paste .'lie 111. West lirush 37c Di. West I'uslc 16c Forhan’s Paste 39c Pepsodenl Paste 31c Pebecco Paste 33c Prophylactic Biush 37c 50c Tooth ttrush, special 27c 1.00 Listerine G9c 50c Kolvnos Paste 33c Toiletries 1.00 Coty Face Powder Gsc 1.00 Meflo-GIo Powder 81c 75c Houbigant FaccPwd. 47c 1.00 Coty Perfumes 69c 50c Hind Honey, Almond Cream 31c 1.00 Pond's Creams 69c 60c Pompeian Creams 39c 50c Woodbury II & A Crm 29c 1.00 Jergen’s Lotion 69c 25c Hush 19c 3oc Cuto\ Items 21c Hair Needs, Patents 75c Fitch Shampoo 69c 1.00 Jeris Hair Tonic 63c 1.00 Wildroot Hair Tonic _Blc 1.10 Flaxolyn 1 89c 1.50 Agarol 95c 85c Kruschcn Salt 69c 1.00 Lucky Tijjer 81c 50c Palmolive Shampoo 37c 1.25 Konjola 89c with CONSTANCE BENNETT Perfect Screen Lovers in a Supremely Thrilling Drama! in Technicolor MONDAY and TUESDAY I MARCH 3 ami 4 Matinee Daily at 1.30 —La Showing T’o THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN FRENCH ART ACADEMY HONORS '2B GRADUATE ,‘ Sclcits John Rmj fur Aihanccil iouisc, lotuinmg in Septembei lerts foi freshmen icportuii> posted in office. Try Our Home Made Ice Cream Thu finest made OC the finest ingicdionts Be con\inced Shaving Needs 1.00 Wins. Aqua Veha 00c 1.00 Gillette Wades G3c 10c Squibb Shave Cream _'J3c 35c Palmolive Shave Crm 23c 35c Eveready Blades 25c 50c Wms. Shaxe Cream 37c 50c Molle Shax c Cream 37c 50c Autcstrop Blades 33c 50c Ingram’s Cream, in jars and tubes 33c 1.00 R&D Bay Rum S»c 25c Palmolive Talc 19c 35c Wms. Combinations __3lc Baby Needs 25c J & J Cas .J[ 9 \ tile Soap 19c (• 25c Mcnncn's J: Ta * c 19c -aJL 25c j L. Talc 19c 50c Milk Magnesia 33c ‘loc CastoVia , 23c 1.00 Horlfck Malted Milk -74 c 73c R& I) Worm Syrup 49c 33c Owen’s Nurseis __3-l-25c .-3-4-1.00 15c Kotex Marvrlmi* dlcpstant tjjTfJi imdanU acid which»» to pfTcetivp forftom matUm and Cobh t.l Hit First Special Produc- tion since “The Patent Lea* tliei Kid.” Better Hum “Weary River.” Yom heart will tingle to a new thi ill when yju see Die lapterous lo\e scenes; so ciotj at play; laxish .scene*' in Technicoloi ,* thrillm; polo match; .ill the bi; moments oi Rex Beach's best-selling noxel xxoxcn into .i masterpiece ol the ist Cppiplete A.tternoon ns at 3:00 Intel views with senior, All members of the fencing squad mechanical, and industrial ongmccis who have icpoitod earlier in the sen will be conducted by repicsentatives sop will ropoit in Recreation Hall at of the Westinghouso Electric company 7 o'clock every Tuesday and Thurs op Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday day nights Appointments may he made in ad* 0— \nnco by applying to C. F Bryant rx , v n ~ „ , . ir Room 202 Ens.meuns.B- , 1 ' . ll " o,c “' \ Bouclc »«h ° to thank the many students who vul* o—— unlccicd for Mood ttansfusions dm- Town Girls' Club.will hold a dance < int ’ iiw sor,ous ,llncs ‘ i ° r Dr * BoucKe a', the Alpha Gamma Rho house Pm- They fcd 11 ,lcc l‘ llpbt of K rnUtmlc to d.iv, Muicli 7. Subset iption is SI pei thc stuilt!nt ' ? who offered to md in his couple. The dunce will be a fice so- ,CCONe,y but " eiu unqualified, ual function foi all town gals. "" ■■■ ■ i ■ ■ All entites m the Soph llop pio- CLASSIFIED Kiam contest will be submitted to c-i.r> /•* . , . , Itobeit B llouob at the Omega Epsi-; 1 S-'I-E-Completc tUNeilo outfit, leu house befoio muln, E ht host P,.- S?" J ‘ or J6 ' c ’ l “ lk " ,t day The posters st ill he not loss than ! Pho "° 69 lt|,W 12 by 18 inches and must contain the! ■ ■ ■ - name of the orehestia, price, place,'— . t and time of the dance. A complimen- 1 RnillfonlP I ,lfp AT lAWfi tniy ticket wdl be given to thc pel-I L " UIUIUIC L ' IIC AUWd sons submitting the best and the sec- 1 J. A. (Pop) Garrison *27 o’ul best posteis. All material sub-1 milted will be used for advei Using | AGENT purposes. j Opposite Post Office -Phone 517-J For Good Food Served Right Tiy the CAMPUS GREEN ROOM EAST COLLEGE AVENUE Regular Meals A la Carle Service Dl\\\EK PARTIES ASD BANQUETS OUR SPECIALTY How One Good Service Leads to Another If you have been served well in one department of this bank, remember that we have other departments and services which you could use with equal benefit. The First National Bank OF STATE COLLEGE, FA. DAVID F KAPP, Cashier Announcing:— The Soph Hop RHYTHM BY ' OLIVER NAYLOR and his Victor Recording Orchestra Featuring “Harry Prue” America’s Foremost Drummer New Radio Lighting Effects in Decorations Friday, March 14th RECREATION HALL Subscription - $5.00 Friday, February 28,1930 WANTED—Position ns llousokeoL or Practical Nuihc Elderly Piefe led. Call Mis. Patterson Phoi 52-M ltp-W LOST—A black toy Pometnnum d on Tuesday evening Fmdei plun call Mitchells at 708 East Colic avenue. Phone BJ-M WANTED—A few more students c : siious of seeming Clean, Ligl welUhcuted moms and good horn cooked meals. Haims Boarding ill 512 West College aienuc. t Tweed Topcoats The fabric is \ery pop ular for springtime Topcoats. They look different. They are diffeienl. There aie few fabiics which have the vari ance of tweeds foi un usual colorings. Thcie is probably no single fabric so well adapted for this pui- Thcie is a wide vari ety of these excellent fabrics fiom w'hieh you cannot help making a happy choice. pleasingly priced *30*35 *4O FROMM’S opposite {tout cuinpits