Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 28, 1930, Image 2

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»h«d daring the College jtnr. except an bnlhlovi 1
'*» o« Jhe Penn*ylf«nla SUte College In the interctt of the
Ihe atunentu, faculty, alumni, and friends
H. Coogan jr. ’3O Russell L. Kehm ’3O
I- dltor-ln-Chlef Huilne*. Manager
A. Mensch ’3O Calvin E. Banvis *3O
Imaging hdltor Advertising Manager
I*. Stevenson ’3O Henry ft. Dowdy jr. ’3O
News Fdtlor Circulation Manager
Quinton E. Bcauge ’3O
Sports editor
. Cohen ’3l Charles A. Schmidt jr. ’3l
C. McElvmn ’3l Norman B. Sobier *3l
Vtorgan ’3l William K. Ulerich ’3l
Cutting '3l Algert J. Mileski »31
B. Heilman '3l Hairy C. Wood '3l
Laitcin inh-)ri>Uoijut(c Newspaper Association
at (he PoatnSiee state ( ollege, Pa, aa secaid-clas* matter.
e hell clanged Two stalwart sons stepped to
ter of the ring, pinned themselves foi a final eL
til put then heart ami fist into those last few
tof fighttng The clanging bell brought the
111,1,1 to a close. Matty McAndiews and Moon
fuendly n.’als in the deciding bout of the Penn
hivy meet two years ago, tiudged to their cor
await the decision of the judges. A diaw was
:lict, and vicloiy was put out of icach by the re
ban on an e\tra round So passed Penn State’s
oppoitimity to shatter an undefeated Navy bo\-
iid that now is eleven yeais old
t tornoriow will be anothei day, aid anolhei op
ty Whether Marty and Moon are the p.menial-.
row’s ring drama or not, the stage is set foi a
ending Penn State is maiktng time until the
uses on what promises to be the greatest box
t in the lnstoiy of inteicollegiate fisliana Mean
?ol!egc cannons boom their welcome to our
ind foes, the Midshipmen.
nod to action by the loud criticism of the onco-
Penn State Spmt, campus societies have join
's in the piomotion of a giant pep lally tonight
eh Leo Houck and his ling waiuois on the eve
combat- with Navy's undefeated boxers Al
unusual in the annals of Penn State sports, the
mty was grasped, not only to urge the leathei
on to victoiy, but also to determine whethci the
body would respond to a call to aims The call
vtlable, and the turnout tonight will tell whether
ikewise vain
proposed metger of Inteifiaternity and Intra
louncils would he unqualifiedly goqd, if theio
ij in the plan. Unhappilv, though, theie is an
obstacle would be in*the way of the union of the
ncils, as President Fred C. Sehweiei of Intra
ounul makes plain m his repoit, if it were not
d that each oigamzation ictnin its own lushing
nd that is an unusually formidable if Such a
we would think, would have as its ptimaiy pui
adoption of like lules and lcgulations in like
s This would be paiticularly tiue of a msh-
n now theie is no distinguishing differences be
ic Intelfiateimty and the Intiamuial Councils
an then lushing codes And this, unfortunate
e only difTeience that counts ff theie were
lushing coile, a fieshman would have to be told
1 fiatermty was local and the othet national
irtninly is no othei way of telling With the
shmg code—and under the loof of the-same
-minor diffeiences would bo completely wiped
what tinees of distinction still exist would
ciowdcd ft ate! mty houses each week-end attest
Host complete downfall of Penn State’s hitherto
«ystem of “open house" dances. Until this
only pioblem that confronted Inteifiateimty
tvas that of the “stag” line Now, howe.ei,
by undeiclassmen is a question of immediate
If the existing abuse persists for any length
‘dosed house" will be inevitable Then copious
I be shed by uppeiclassmen who now lefuse to
question squaiely At least Inteifiateimty
lames uppei classmen fot non-obsei vance of the
id uppeiolnssmen letui n the compliment with
weeping bow. At best it looks like the great
of “passing the buck ”
question of co-ed privileges, although a vital
using no loss of sleep, if we know oui male com-
However heated the aigument may become,
ly theie is no one leady to champion the pio
tension of the closing hour from 12 30 until
. The icnson foi this indiffeience is plainly
liowcvei. Reluctance to push the idea, we feel
, may bo attubutod to the ndded expenditures
ild ncciue Iheiefrom At piesent the 12 30
ves many a dime because of the limited fauh
apiooms heieabouts. Unless one eui tails his
umo, it is a known fact that a stop-over is pio
if the women’s dormitoncs aic to be reached
uled time from othei than the campus and
i fraternity houses This being so, men stu
nuld not bo expected to be uigent m then
oi the time extension. Foithwitli, wo piopnse
co-eds decline their independence once and foi
The chief featuie of the Ag Musicale in Schwab
auditorium tornoriow night will be lustv bellows
fiom the shoilliowis.
Accoiding to the sages, women always liaie it
Or if they don't have it, they somehow conti ivc to got
it. And so, hcie it sets the infamous Duke on the
dunce stool and piovcs tint his “To a Bi own-Eycd
Co-cd With Mouse Coloied Ilaii” was but the pnenlc
attempt nf a Invo-sick hermit It is
Response this way is quick and complete,
Though as you suggested it’-, not quite elite.
Thu is not in defense
Of my thyme and loa-on,
Only plain sense
Your tempei to season
But haish woicK shuck, when biocres aie soft,
And thoughts tend to lmgci alone and aloft
To leave you illusioncd
Would be a blessing no doubt,
(Tlio Daniel, then, lot gives oui bout . )
Sunshine and biee/es can bode no ill,
And now I caie nought foi the victoi’s woik-skill,
I heed only the joy of new spnng’s tin ill.
E C K. ’5O
Down With “Good Health Week’’
With all this talk of Good Health Week cnculut
mg hithci and thither have come many due icsults.
By actual count 21 fiatermty catcieis were filed and
l'H men fainted on learning that they were being
slowly staivcd to death One fiatoimty cateicr up
on being told that he should seive at least one good
meal during the week lcplicd that eveiyono ought to
be glad that weeks aren’t nine days long
And while speaking of food the othei day, Miss
M J A ’3l said that she had a consuming dcsiie,
while J L C "U expounded the gag of the child that
was ijised on trollev fme
The wealth of a Mnigan
Is not my ambition,
Fame is not all I desue
I’m not a slave to
Silly supeistitinn,
Blit I’ll knock wood befotc I'll aspnc
Then speak not of riches
Oi lionois tried and tine,
My tastes ate simple—
Al! I want is you
The Egg Situation
While fiom one gioceiy* store to anothei
in search of the one that sells the manda inpe colei y
to fraternity caterers, Daniel was suiprised to find
that the town groceiv business is facing a financial
“We didn’t know until it was too late," the gioc
ors said, “that many fiatcrmtics had abolished ‘Hell
Week’ Until this ycai we could count on*3oo ficsh
_men buying ail egg every day foi a week, making a
total of aLout 3200, or a little more than thrcc-foui ths
of an egg foi each student in college ”
Now, it seems, the old adage, “A paddle a day
breaks an egg a day,” doesn’t hold, and the giocers
me o\oi stocked
Daniel investigated, only to discovei a huge sirnj
ply of eggs that weie laptdly aging to the point at
which they arc usually sold to fiateimties The sup
ply is so gieat that it would requuc a week foi thn
teen C & F’s, woikmg day and night, to ioil all the
eggs down Allen stieet
Daniel suggests that Inteifiaternity Council ap
point a committee to investigate the situation.
And then there’s the I F. C official who thought
that the Interfiateimty Ball pioposcd for Apti! 11
would mteifeic with the W. S G. A convention be
cause Dean Ray “might want to thiow a smokei oi
something foi the delegates that night "
Parisians Will Form t,, ~ _
, French Colony Here * neLamp US Query
- Jn ymti opinion i« Hell \Vecl{a rfnm-
With a faculty winch includes a '
matinee idol of the Paiismn stage i I-L*SI u>lc M SLATOFF ‘l2 • •
and a former member of the Kais- iberal Arts
ct’i letiniic, a \eiitable Punsian I sniceicly believe that the contin
colony will be established at the j uutlon ol lough-house initiation, in
Ficneh Institute heie this summci. ! °^ lul "'oids. Hell Week, should be <1 is
George Vitra\ of the Theater Pi- <-ontmued among the fi eternities at
gallc, Pans, and Dr Louis Cons, Ptmn State, as the phvsitul suffering
former French tutoi to the Kni°er's 'undeigone bv pledges is not in hnt
family, head the list of lectuieis | monj with the significance and ideals,
Pioi Fiedciic Einst, heading the ol any i'tatevnitx. Contuiy to pie\a-[
Institute, will have as his othet as- 1 lent opinion, this bnibatious practice]
«ociates, Di. Osmond T Robeit, 'does not impress an initiate with the!
head of the Piench depaitment at , tiue woith of his icspectne fuitev-
Smith college, Pi of Rene Guiot and ' nit\ ”
Pi of Jeanne Guiet, of Smith col- HARVEY A. KROW '*l2
lege, and Pi of Paul Blanohcl of i —Liberal \rts
the French depaitment heic.
Co-ed Chats
In view of the fuel that Ponn State WMk , ,s J , u,t , '“"ww
is tanying out an estonmve pi nitres- I >-' 0 back to thildhood nnd
1 sive campaign, and ulong with e\eiy- ] P immatute tucks on undesei\-
thing else the status of Penn State I in p i><-shnien State would he lettei
women n gradually being laiscd. it is j '..L'/vIVa , „
unfoilunate that the advance of the! L,v A £* s c * GOODLING 22
' women on campus should he letaided —Education
Ly a condition ousting m the cento- . 1 think Hell week is a good plan
of then social life Moiootei, v.aie 01 '"formal initiation. It helps the
it not foi the n.*i row ness and unwil- 1 I'Oahmcn to icalize that the fiatei
lnigness of the girls themsehes to n, & l' c ,s joining is moie than just
hioadfin, this condition could easily , an ordinaiy club ”
be icmedicd The case is the kind of J 11. EISETIAX ’3l
evidence upon which the W S G A , —Liberal Arts
Senate bases it l * judgment and penal-j “Hoi l Week is detumcntal to the
t/os a gnl who has bioken some cus- I P*imaiy purpose of college, and should
tom oi lulc ]bo abolished bv the fraternities at
Undei piescnt conditions a gul cun j Pt*nn State The more 01 less sleep
be convicted simply iiuon the susptc-1 less week undeigone by the initiates
ions of any fi'lou student That stu-! 13 ceitamly not condume to high
dent, swelled \uth the bit of scandal | scholastic standing The idea a
she lias been able to uneailh, goes tojinar’ 0 uoith is dcteimined by the
a senatoi, lopmtu what --ho has pel-• amount of sulfeiing he can cnduie
haps seen ami Ims based wild con-[ is an ancient one, and has no place
jectures upon, and then exalts to her 1 in oui present da> stnndaids o! In
roommate over the fact that “That mg ”
gnl will get wlmt’s coming to her DAVID I. DILVVORTH jr. M 2
now.” j -Mineral Industiies
♦The unhappy pait of tlio whole af- “I believe that Hell Week is a good
1 fair is that neither the defendant noi | idea foi a certain type of pledge.
' the one who accuses hei appeal befoio j namely thoso whom it would aid m
j the judicial body m peison The I making a bettei fiatei nity mnn Jlow
' accused can deal hetself aftei being jevei, the idea of quiz, mg the pledge
1 questioned only by pioducmg evi-, on finternity histoiv is bcttei foi the
1 tleneo If the Senate decides that the 1 pledge who does not icquiie physical
nflundci is guiltv she gets a “cam-' punishment, to make him appteciatc*;
pus” or some othei penalty Quite of-; the benefits of fiatemalism ” 1
ten these senatimal acts are based DEVERE I] DECKER *JI
upon unjustilublc conclusions, Even —Education |
lif a girl is innocent, howevoi, she | “Hell Week has in no way bioughtl
, often finds it much casiei to take the ■ out anv gooil feature in my college I
I penalty m siknee lathei than con- life, and I can see no leason foi con
gest the eudence, foi, aftei much un- tinuing such, unthinking tactics”
pleasantness, she may be able to cleai , , - -
herself of the chaige, but geneialh
she finds the>liaige still holds
Such a stale of affaus is a iclic of
foimer days The system followed by '
any modern judicial body is to ie-|
quire the onepvho bungs the chaigcs!
to appear'agHirfst the defendant be- j
fore the court In this manner the j
defendant can leply to any charges,'
and the accuser must necessarily' pie
•ent lact? lathei than smmises.
Suiely such an open system would'
:bo beneficial to the women of Penn
State. Under piesent conditions an,
unpleasant ciiaiacteiistic in the
nutuio of woman is actually fo«tercd i
and nouitilted Theiefoio, solely by I
following parliamentary lule and'
foicmg open and above-bond action,
the women’s student bodv could do
much to help themselves to a consid
eration of fan, just and toleiant deal
ings tow aid each othei
Prof Chesleigh A Bonine will rcp
icscnt Penn State at a comention of
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, national min
ing fiateimtv, winch is to be held a
Norman, Oklahoma, Api il " and -l
Antioch Shoes
The conect shoe for women de
veloped by Antioch College
Repealch. *
Comfoit without saciifice of
See Them at
College Boot Shop
3'Jo Allen SUcet
Williams Talc
For Men
w ilh each bottle of
Wms. Aqua Velva
75c Value for 50c
Robert J. Miller
“Paddling and olhei fonns of the
so called ‘man-building’ expot
me out of date* Penn State is one
of the last colleges to adhcic to tliO'-**
;s Let us‘wise up ’ Hell
mane piactiu
Raiding night clubs is the novel
means that William J .Arnold, ,stu-
Jent at the University of Texas takes
to work his way through college, ac
cording to news icpoits
Your Headquarters
}'' , 'v
£ "5" ' 's ' - ,»
i % -0;\ ' „ .....^
’ v/ ' '-’fe
In an analysis of the purchasing
poweis and buying habits of Wash
ington umveisity students, it was
found that the men’s largest item of
expenditure was for candy while the
women’s went toward the cleaning of
Washington men pamper their
sweet tooth to the extent of $3,172 25
p month, according to the suivey. The
women s]iend $4,212.85 for clothes
Letter Box
All “Idlers to Uie rJllor” most hear
Die signature ami address of the writer
if desired. a nom do plume should sup
plement the signature -Nn rexponsttiilllv
U assumed hy the editor for sentiments
I expressed In this column
Eilitoi, Collegian
Deal Sir
Why not have some of this honor
toil space occupied by the honoiary Nitfnrrv Thontro
aateinities on the campus» They IVUtany I iIGOZTB
naddie and carry out other lough- FRIDAY
house tidies that the authorities nic
tiymg to piohibil I’m not speaking,
foi any of the honoiary fraternities!
crcept tlie hat societies j
Doesn't it seem sliango tliat to gam I SATURDAY—
a hat a man must '“bend over,” es-j
pecially after he has winked hard in j
his paiticulur activity to train that j
distinction? Isn’t that initiation;
enough , I believe someone ought to j tuESD\Y
slop this ami show the fraternities
that have paddling etc, that piogioss! Conrad Nagel, Kay Johnson,
m being nude Don’t vou*’ j I-ouis Wolhemi m
(Signed) A Student! “THE SHIP FROM SII \NGHAI’
The name of Montgom
ery’s in a topcoat is not
alone a trade-mark of
It is also a guide post to
the smartest and au-
.jOL Montgomery’s
fjl'tl ,j -j Tweny-fivc Forty-five
Thirty-five Fifty
/-'a brief pause
.for station
fDelicious and Refreshing
Stand by everybody! forCoca-Cola broadcast
ing a program of delicious refreshment from
every icc-cold glass and bottle. Operating
on a frequency of nine million drinks a day.
The happiest, shortest cut to refreshment is
the brier pause for Coca-Cola. The drink that
tunes in with all places, times,occasions and
moods. The casicst-to-take setting-up exer
cise ever invented, while its delightful, tin
gling taste will provide you with one of
life’s great moments.
Friday, February 28,15J3U
Bessie Lane, Charles Kmp,
Marie Dressier ut
. The Duncan Sisters in
(Note: We are compelled 1o postpnn
showing of “The Big I'.irtj ” prt
mouslj announced for this d,itc)_
Matinee Dailj at I*3o
Dick Darthelmess, Constance Bonnet
in Res Death's
Cecil 15 DcMille’s
Bessie Line, Charles Kmff,
Marie Dressier in
thentic styles.