Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 18, 1930, Image 1

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VOL. 26, No 35
Flint Suggests Substitute LF. C. WILL HEAR
For ‘Hell Week’ Practices PROTEST ON DORM
* 'proposes 'Hen OPERATION PLANS
tutc To Fraternities ! ■
Educational Probation
Replaces Former
Rough Tactics
Freshmen Receive Instruction
In Fraternity, College
Outstanding developments In the
campaign against "Hell >Veck" fol
low :
(1) Harrold P Flint, executive
secretary of Tau Kappa Epsilon,
propotcs a orogiam of education*
ul pledge probation in place of the
old-fasliiuned lough tactics.
(2) Conference spenkeis voice
unanimous denunciation of rough
fruternitv initiations.
(1) Chi Upsilon. Sigma Phi Sig*
itia, and Ilcla Kappa win places m
“Honor Roll" by banning “Hell
.'t standaultzcd freshman piobation
period, entirely devoid of any "Hell
Week” pinctices and emphasizing
moral and educational pledge train
ing, v/as pioposed by Hanold P
Flint, executive secictarv of Tau
Kappa Epsilon, m his addicss to fia
teimty piesidcms Satuiday after
The plan conststs of a senes of
gioun confeiences and examinations
in fraternity and college histoiy,
ideals, and principles linked with a
sane, healthy program of fun partici
pated m by both pledgee end mem
“Immediately aftei the pledging of
the freshmen,” Mr Flint iccommend
ed, “an uppeiclassman should be nam
ed ns a ‘big biothci’ to tho fust-year
man' It should bo this uppei days
man’s duty to make himself the best
fnend of the pledge in his chaigc and
gradually impress house duties upon
Prefers Plan to Paddling
WlTtif lluTpledgC TuTTs^co''perform
,i house duty, his ‘big brother’ should
tell bun and present a hypothetical
case similar to hi&nnd ask the pledge
to solve it,” ho suggested
Tho speaker maintained that this
plan ,s lmmcusuiablv bettei than pad
ding the fieshmun oi administering
some othei form of u>cless punish
ment He advocates its uniform
adoption far all chapteis by national
Out'imng the substitute for “Hell
Week," he stated
“Thcie sjiould be*a so.ies of meet-;
mg. foi tho pledges at which they 1
would be mstiuctcd in fraternity j
and college infoimation The fust of
Ilia conferences, which alwuys should
(Continued on last page)
Decorators To llegm Preparation
Tbmsday for College
MUitury Function
Dcgtnmng woik immediatelv aftei
the Syracuse basketball game Thurs
day night, decorators will transform
the Recreation Hall into a dance pa
vilion foi the Mihtaiy Call to be held
the following night
The Hall will be decotatod witli
American flags, suspended oveihead mj
an unbioken line fiom the oichcstio!
shell to the top of the balcony, the
lowtv lading of which will be corned
with pmlc bunting. A shield wll be
placed on each pdlai und small but
teilly banners will vaiy the decorating
Woid has been leceivcd by Captain
Stunit Cutler that the Jumoi Prom
committee of Colgate umveisity will
attend the nulitaiy fonnal to ccnsidci
hooking tho Ipanu Tioubudouis foi
their dance at Hamilton, N Y.
The combination blue leuthet pio
gurm and memory book selected ns
fnvois will bo distnbuted when tick
nts aio pm chased Tickets will be
placed on sale fiom 7 until 1) o’clock
tonight at the Athletic stoue oi may
bo purchased fiom cadet oHicers
In adopting a new policy to enlarge l c S inn H not impervious to the wiles
tin, hucmihc, the Pam Stale Fan,la " r P“V 0 " ,lunt , ot thc
v,as voted tliu uflkial publication of ‘ L '- v olc.u'ly piovcil Nm weic the
tho School of Agriculture by facultj m™ -.tuilciiU numum' to tho subtle
of thc school at a mooting Friday. , •■l'l>“ 1 »r r , s ‘ ' ‘dentine, for then put
. . . . tii chases left tlie co-eds fm behind.
A larger amount of news and tech-. . .
Committee Will Present Staff I
Reorganization Plan to I
Council Tonight
Adoption of a competitive system
ol La Fie elections may come when;
'the lccommendations committee sub-'
nuts its plan of staff icoigani/ation
[to Student Council at the meeting mj
room II Libelal Aits building at 7 30 1
o’clock tonight. |
! The three present annual staffs,!
editorial, business, and art will be le-j
j tamed under the.suggested system The,
'scnioi editorial group would consist!
'of cditoi-in-chicf and college, class,!
‘activities, fraternities, and women’s! 1
(editors. Tho junloi body would bej
[composed of twelve assistants, while]
[the sophomore staff would he unlimit*;
Foiming the senioi business boaidj
i would be thc business, photographic,'
|and circulation managers Six jumoi'
[assistants and an unlimited number!
of sophomoics would complete the’
• taff. An ait editoi with six senior
I subordinates and no set number of
[junior candidates would make up the
art group
; The committee also iccommends at
'least two faculty advisors und one nit
jcritic They would be chosen by the
j 1931 staff and lcmain peirianent as
j long ns they desue to hold the posts
and niovc satisfactoiy.
Election's me planned foi Mav, fol
lowing publication of the Im 1 n i Thu j
incoming scmoi and junior editoinilj
stuffs would be named by the outgo- 1
mg scniots with the counsel of thuiDi Singewplde Will Show Views of
editorial advisoi The new* seiuoi r- .
, . , . ... Uarh Continent scenes
and luntoi businc** locids would be
selected bj the old senior business
executives ulso with the advice of the Picsentmg a tiaselogue on Soutl
! facttltv business advisoi The sue- Ainca Di Josoph T Sr.KCvalde ji
ccssful ait aspuants wou'd be chosen 0 , j whns n ol >] kins umveisiU, will ev
by the art rditoi with the counsel ofj plaip an j ,ii Us) tinto h.s oi
the ait culm | the Daik Continent to students am
To allow for thii tiansitlop into thc;f acult j ot lh(! jl Irihistiic
system. the committee \mll ie-i St l,nol in 2UO Mining A at 7 .'l
commend that the Mil fa, , „• *■>■-1 o'dotlt Friday night
ouitives cull for aophomovo candidates . 0 r
immediately Fiom tins g.ovi,, the Llo, - to - Smgcualdc ,e ,• pioresso o
,1,11,01 stair would be elected neM tall economic geology at Johns H0p.,,,,
mud anothti call issued for oopho- “ ral ■' cstonmie tiaiclle, Loo
inoio asnnants The lieu senmi and ’“‘""’c hc “ hj 0 , i'* - t n''
ijun’oi boardo then would bo cliooon iettneo in South Afina and t atelle'
ifron, those two g.oupo nest May a f-j thioughout the eountii, lal ng Mew
,te. the appeaiance of the U, Vie “ inteiosting stones
Finn, May, Itldl on, oopho,note ll ' 2n th , o geologist piesenteil a
candidates would be tailed ,n Sep- 1 ••< travelogue ot his tom thiough
tcinbei and icgulai semoi and jim-. South Amolma He spent sot a-a
,101 elCttion held in May. Only the nio-lths in the Amazon countiy and tio
, semois on tho stair would iccoivc ! Andes Mountains Iho lecture ‘s pal
tho Lu lif Ley, ami the lefumt of La i 0 * u SC| 108 t a N* s otiangod venm
• I’ic fees { l»y the School of Mmeial Inclusli ics
Valentines Prove Vulnerability of
Cynical Collegian to Cupid’s Dait
I St Valentine's cherubic nr elm must
[have worked overtime here* Pi Kitty, if
; the sale of gieetmg cauls by local
! I book stoics may be taken ns a m*
•.tenon. When Cupid laid aside his
bow foi a v.oll-emncd lest at the end
lof the duv, moie thun foiu tliousund
lanows had left hu quiver bound fo.
uiisu -petting tin gets known only to
himself ami his contidants.
| That even the sophisticated col-
Meeting With Chapter
Heads Tonight
Caterers Request Clarification
Of College System for
Summer Session
Protest voiced by fiutcinilica fol
lowing: the Collette decision to oneiate
women's donnitoiies at Summer Ses
sion will be heaid at a special meet
ing of Interfiatei nity Council with
ckaplci presidents in S’ginn Alpha
Epsilon house at 7 o’clock tonight
Catueis will discuss the -amo ptob-
I lem when they meet at Theta Xi a‘
| (1.00 o’clock
That the plan does not meet with
'entne appioval was evidenced by th»
heated discussion whth auioC in the
conferences of f.ateimty piesuionti
and catcicis Saturday afternoon Re
moval of a valuable soaice of income
to chapter members and possible dum
age to new houses weie cited as. dis
trict draw backs at the presidents’ ses
Moie detailed controversy arose at
the cateieis’ meeting, centering about
the lent that the College will pay
iand when this will be determined Aj
1 evolution lequcsting clarification of
the College plan on this point was
passed |
‘Lecnl Firms Hit’
College opciation of Summer Ses-I
sicn dormitories also was scored b> .
J Fled Haivey, president of the 1
State College Business Mem's associa
tion, in a statement la-t night It i-
Ins belief that the plan will be detn-'
mcntul, dnectly or nuluectly, to ev-j
|oiy town meichant j
j “Local business concerns dependmg 1
I upon the six weeks’ trade lo t’de them'
jovei the dull thiee months’ period
I will be forced to operate at a loss,” Mr
jHntvev declared, “and townspeople
jwho ofTei board and rooms to Sum
!ram Session students will be niTcctcd
! uriavorablj "
1 An increase m puces dunng icgulai
I session was piohesied by Mi Ilarvcj
as a result or College opeiatron He
bel'eves that puces would have to h»
increased to make un foi the deficit
occasioned dunng the thiee months'
period Othei ofhceis of the Business
I Men’s Association heartily endorse
his '-tand, Mr Harvey claimed
penny valentine of the “uispbuity
vaiietv” had its devotees, it was out
of the ! ruining with those that con
formed with the spiut of the duv
In conti adietion to the old adage
that “woman is liekle,” the tarn as te-j
vealed that men wire pionu to huv|
valentines bv the hiilf-do7c , r, *
while thu co-uds umlmed then pm- 1
eluises to one oi two The luge mu-:
junty of both men anil women, how
evei, icrnHUied faithful to two old
sweethearts “Mother’’ and “Dad." or**
dealer listing this tvpe of valentine
ns Ins most popular raid
Although u bashful letieenee v u
noticeable on the pmt of the iniu**
Dr. Boucke Receives COLLEGE PHYSICIAN Mai Hallet, Jack Crawford
Second Transfuse SIQ M Tq pj ay fa
FOR FREE SERVICE i7o , ; ,v,
Kenneth T !• ttrSnrons ’.50 be
came tile .second student to gi\r
blood to Di' Os.vjUl F. Douche, head
hi the e<oroiii.c3 depaitmcnt, in u
successful tiansfusion at Cleailielci
hospit I Satuidny morning
Doctor Bouehe's eond lion is said
bj hospital attached to be impiox
mg dailv Officials Itlo last night
stated that .t is possible that he may
ho leniovcd liom the ho<pital with
i** the ne\t two weeks
Heischell A Cone SU, the fint
student to furnish blood for the
economic- head, was uleascd fiom
the College Infmr.aiy Satuiday nf
tei being tonhned there s ncc Wed
nesday. A cold and lonsilitis weie
the 1 casons foi his con'mement
Will Gi\e Hardin? Lecture in
Room 107 Engineering A
At 7 O’clock
! Opening the twentieth L’bcial Aite
lectuieiouisc Dr Harold F Aldeifn
of the depaitment of Instoi > and pel
meal science, will speal on ‘ The Pei*
I sonality and Politics of Wjuen G
[Hauling” in 100.11 107 Engineei ng A
! at 7 o’clock tonight.
! The lectuie will be based on pci
1 sonal ime->tigat.ons’*inade «.t Tea Pot
Dome Ik Tiofessoi Aldeilci am! \.il
oiTei detailed matenal on the acun
| lien ol Piesidcnt Harding, espeua'ly
duimg his administration
’ln Speak on Harding’* Personality
! Speaking on the life of the picui
| dent, Doctoi Aldetfei will deal with
! the effects of Ihuding’s ciuh hie upon
'lns peisonahty and tiats. the poll
i tic-, ol his nomination, and the col
lapse ot his “administiation Special
emphasis will be placed upon his teini
| m office and the men it ho influenced
[his cuieei
Doctoi Alt'etfcr was g.aduntci.
fior* Bluffton col’egc in 1922, lucened
hi. M A pt Syracuse umvei3ity in
1920, and his Ph same in
; slitotiOn m 192 ti ile is h member rd
Pi Lambda Sigma, honoiniy pre-legal
tiaieinit\, and has been a mcmbei
ot the faculty foi a numbei of yenis
Fioi I'innkim C Bamci, of the
jouinalisr" dcuartnient. will t..IL oi
‘‘Pioftssionalinng the >.cwspapu
Ma*’” Match 1 as the second numbei
l ot the senes Othei speakers listed
aij Dean Chailcs \\ Stoddait, Piof
. Waylnnd F. Dunnutn, Piof Willur
|L Weinci, and Fled Lewis Pattec
ipiofessoi cineutiis of Ameucim lit
\nierica*i Society m Borne and New
Federation Select College as
NEW BOTAM UNIT OPENS ’Pi motor toi two umi*. ho coached;
Recent inclusion of Pen Slate i WITH SPECIAL EQUIPMENT itlwllWhS UwihM ttfJn, i
r ffioup ol ten .cc edited s.hou! 1 * . . . , ]
wliosj tf*a<l**atcs ui landscape aiehi The new Botanv building, with non*' In ‘ the emu. lieennie nuiMc c. i-,
Uauuaieel'Kib’efo. thcfeUowdups oltl | :m( | lC seaich laboiatoues fo. to * L,u «nd tollow-,
<u the Amei’can Auucmv in Rome, lejruln. and specialized induction m »iu yeai sci\ed in the ‘•ame capuuti ,
uiTotih students in that depmtment botanical subjects, was opened to t>r t,u '• u,u ‘"l K ‘
01 the College an oppmtumtj to con. c lus«e~ Wednesdn- after seictal do- *’ ‘"T ’, °,f lh,u uh , tmml " txA
pletc then sUulic- aluad Inis to install special equipment. of the New \Ol k x lines am imi«u cm-
Tlu tdlow .hips pu> foi ihue The building is one unit of a laigct hlThcVnim
seai- ol btnd” .n Emope i.itli an an- stiuctuio piopo-ed to cave for futuic . , . ' ‘ ' ~n noU, K [M nm j
mini stipevd ol and aicawmd- expansion, plans foi a Kroen- ' * ' k 0 n “ n ‘* nm,umu nnu
ed or t.'e bnaio ol cmnpct.t'ie chmin- hous lanpe to he added to the south- . ~l lfl tll , >
nfon, held each jcai in .line I-onvi fir e' posuio Each student will have *' j ‘ - *\
"lonueto . m landscape nichitectuie an indiMdual lockei m the luborntor-, Uor.a editoi of \. ho - no ini Mu
me eligible foi the ewaid, au.oul.nir te<. while new nueio-copcs have also sc ami inanaKinK dncctm or the
v V‘ua John IE limchen, head ot the beer added OtUei facilities mcUule coiniminit com et t mmemea He
derailment msut-piool steel cases, an heibai- ha* v i itten the theme snr>.*' foi >-c'
Ir ..fldil-on to U.o icoognit.on In =■"■> “ Suut"’” f!™’“Shckv‘ ll" a“‘ "
jthc Ameiuan Academv, Penn State vgPJT
i ha- been sde.ted as one of the eiyht
Ichaitci membeisot the np.\lj-oigam/-
c«l l'ccloiution of j’lofi'S’iiomil Siho
01 Landscape Auhitvetuie uitoi
sunej luid boon made oi thuty-thicc
veliools olTeiing anuses in the sub
. .. ' '■ «l .<i will piesent it onc-houi
, i♦, ] i, Penn St I‘l- Penstate Homestead Jessie is dead' 1 side bv elicit \eteunauans in H)23 piogtam at lowu Meuon High
f<n , |?ip l^dcM'l |'m uimiictition wlmc Uimcrsillv fumou- for the "win-. It ,s n»'tc possible that .lo sit did school, Vi tlmoic, Ft ida\ mm ningr, and
u .low" m he, stomach, the pride of ’ "‘*l • n hmli/c that s„. han apeuu.e - i.xitnl at R. dnoi High school that
The K,Ernies ~mtcl iXi l'enil Slate hnc bee,, ,l,e»„, g he, .-,,.1 Me,l .k-.* « the n],e,.l- ,„ K lu licfmo the coated S.llunl.n
ch vrtoi membeis of the fedeuit.on .ne m bovine Paiadise since Fudnv noon ls s ' lul lo been paitiles, night the Penn State Club ot Phiia
: rni »ii.ii i 11......,, Ohio State Cam- F««-altv membeis students, and Col '1 lie dom mad,- he imi famous th.u dclphn will give a dmiiei in tlioit
1 q.I „ f ,i 1,’,, Won en Michigan lege M“itois. accustomed to taking oc- bucle* lologist . fion South \fma, honoi at the Penn Athletic Club On
.i mmsuv ’ * cusimiul peeps tlnough the po.l hole, list,.dir. Japan. P, land, the Plnlli- -he utmn tup the GUe Club will cn
* (( 'a hci side, will mouin the passing 'pines au.t mu neon- olhu loieign t'Mtaiti at the Masonic Home in Kli/-
•V OFFIC'I \LS ASK Hit C*K \.\C Desnemlenl I eeau-e of hei ttnnsfet LUlint ' u-i I ivc wi ill, n to Urn College al elhtown Sun,la\ nftcunoon
TO vddrrmwuogkt boot J.™ k«>ci. STTJSSnSiITia«
Dr. Hoary H Crane. Scranton mm- had he, ~,t,hu,.l ~o,lal JChM.' o',' 1
istcr and one ol the outstanding «'' ll .uuains out vm a...,,., r.. !
speakers m the east. Mas incited to ,i|>e,U„e. she e,„„„„tte,l sine,do hi >'« s „1“ [Z",r "he' d'cnmit a depnitmcnt Incline -u
address the student hotly sometime m banging heiselt on the stall -tan- mmn]( | j t f ul f)l Uu . " to* on l.ennan wnleis, Kmest Koch.
March undei the auspices of the bin- ehion- . ]ls . ]( ,. tide moie h \,« heeti tnstiuctoi in (.eiman, will dclnu an
dent YMC A , College ofllcials an- While innnn.ig hei Nitlanv \u!le\ , w ,| )()||l | ltM * nddie-s on "llune. the Pioldcnt’’ in
nouneed yesteidaj. pastucM Ihe College odd.U ga/ed, A ‘ u , 1 ,, a ~ |)oss hKj t]wt IVn . «« l*'beinl Ails at.) 10 o’clock
Believes New Tax Would Cover
Expenses—Way J*rov ide
New Equipment
Psyehhitrist May Be Added (o
Health Staff as Aid in
Welfare Work
•V seiwce fee of $lO was
piupo'ju.l i)j Di .Joseph P. Kitcnour,'
Lollcgo physician m a statement to the
Co: i.s/.ia.n a* n sum sufficient to m-i
•■uic fiec student hospital ovei
.* pel kkl of ten days (
An as‘-e«i .meat of thnt amount on
c\oi> Penn State student would tov-'
oi completely expenses of the hos-f
pital with no additional appvopriu-j
tion fiom the College, Doctoi Hi- 1
tenoui believe ■» J
In addition to fiee hospital seivive
\-in" pictuiei could be taken with*
out chnige vlnle laboiatory soivice
foi n.oie complete analysis of ail- __ - _____ _____ _ _____
mem> could be provided, the phy- QPAFTH WII I CAW
viumi claims Special nursing also Ul/llJlll TULiliUlf It
ought be oluined foi emeigcncy, I rpTlinr TAMIPIIT
“>-■% ho ami additional hoi- btlL l UKt 1 UlMlbll 1
jutul equipment could be piocuic'd I
I’eifoiriance of minoi opciations ami, ———
rmjo ..pnalion. ... omoiKoiuv cam, No , ed Author To Offer Fourth
would be made possible with the no-.
ipusition of new equipment, the] Artists’ Course Number
health cceutuo ,tatod ; At 8:15 O'clock
Mnv \dtl Psjcluatrist
Visits ot the College pbvsiuun to
students t onlincd outside the hospital I Spaeth, osJaioie,: h
and the addition of a woman phj-, cllllL , „ s America’, ino-t pnpulni
s.uan to the s'.ill miuht be made un- wntei and speahei on niuaic v ill lec
de: the pioposed fee. the duettoi tmo on "The Songs You Fmeot To
-ass Dispensniv soitioe would be ijenicmbci, a -Hilniiout Exposition of
fiec of medicinal thaigcs except ,n l.y. , t A,„o, icnna,'” ns the fouitn pin.
cases when- special medicines whose Bl „ m lh( . ,\itisls' Couise in
cost is p'olubitno of flee .iiliiiinistia-, Schwab luidiioiiuni at S lb ooloth to
tion am needed, ho deuaies night
Doctor Tlitenoui n tonsidenng also, , .
the addition of a payed,a,t.ists to the' Illuwtiatina h,s leetuie uill, lantern
health service st iiT. The specialist I™™ interpolations. D,«
could aid studenls soli me schola 01 S ' ,actU " |U '“V' 0 , "l 0 T fc "
tie mil,colt,cs a, well as othoi piob- 'eais, paiticuhulj there o
Icons with which they come ,n con- i"* S™ - , He h«- pieseiiled
tact Mental adjustments to college h ‘" ? n ‘ »H'e, lectuies of si,ml,,, nn
lire would ho his piobtum. ae- tl ’ r: ' ,lirorL “ ll * • lU ' l, ™‘ C “ lh,oU Kh
idling lo the physician ; th " COJ " tl '
Although vniiit< college** and uut- A. authoi ot ton hoobs on mu*it in
uu-utics Juno lai-od houlth son ice «*• huimmuis \ein and a-? a tompoioi
lots m high aSjo. the ?1U ta\ n ut am* sptakei, the kctuiei is considi:
pio'aont in oiled at a majowU of the 1,(1 bo die the most powe.ful in
:.ugei institution*. AuthoiHies un fluonto*. 101 the popului mg of good
Hie subject have condemned foes of music in Amenta in \tnis Ho
'css than that amount as insufficient hi'.'- been called ’’the man who made
to ptu.ido foi thti needs of a stud.-nt mus.c undei stavdab'e ’ betaus. >.f
body thou nctmties, his i.uho talk*. am:
In tilt* «nbiti.uv time limit movietone skit
of ton <la\ i on fice sot moo at tin*
College hospital, DocLoi Ilitcnnm ex*
plained that leu rtaj *is mine than Doctor ‘Mine'll was CMUialcii at lla\
Unco the lime of (.onlnmont at ••olleire an I Pumcton uimvi
piosent Thu tunc spent in sit. lie is a mcmhci of Pm Beta
thu hospital by a patient now is foui Kappa, honoin.i t-holn iia. fuitu
nml one-half ilu.-s ; nit, uni! Ph> Mu Mpho homunn
~~ " pi&giunis doling the tuui Thei v ill
Petistate Jessie Draws Curtain Over “i,oXKiu.n‘; S';k?Thm":
Side Window by Committing Suicide • l t“l» "“S*
Has Maui interests
Cocoanut Grove Group
Presents Varied
Committee Huns Musical Fray
At May 2 Affair—Band
Costs Undecided
■ .Mu* Hnilott, flesh fiom an engngc
-1 ment at the Cocoanut (Jroie, llollj
wood. uml Inch Ciawfold, ‘The Clown
t iintL ol Ja 7/," will dash m n Imttle
'of melodies at Junior Pioin in Reuc
ntion II ill Mai 1
HnHetl’s oichcstia. a thnteen-man
H’olumbio lceuidmg unit, non faim
‘with the movie voild, which s>eek>
jiola'ution fiom the strains of pro
du-tior noil in dancing at Cocoanut
I Close The band is on its. way to
If'.ow Voik Citv, i.hcie it will fill nil
eMcnthd booking at the Aicndia
' II illioom
The lilting tunes of HalleU's iiiumi
h«nu non foi him iccogmtion in col
legiate elides He plajcd at Cornell
Junior Week Febuiuij 7 and b, and
i booked foi a Colgate Spiing foimal.
111. hand also fiuntshed music at the
pas t\,o Sjiacuse senioi dances, and
appealed ut the Ohm .State Soph Co
tillion this leal
*Momimental Crawford*
With a special ontet tamer m thi
c mibination, IlalUtt's group piesents
. i aiied piogiain of diveision be
tween dances Rudv \ aIICL dcsciiber
th Mai Ilnllctt Orchestia ns “the
gi.Mtes: dance, nnd entei taming unit
ii Ameiica”
Saal to be eien moie monumental
limn Paul Whiteman, Jack Ciawfoid's
antic huie gamed tot him his title,
"Clown Pimcu of Jnz<:” Hh gio
lesquc and lihlilioUs facial evpiess
ion and* ot lgiiial humotuus stunts
combined with his band's versatile
plajmg stjlq have caused much faior
able comment
! Ci aw foi d's oichcitin is composed of
eleien men Pteiious to a winter en
gagement at Bcimudn, the hand
ntnd_ a nation-wide torn Ciawford
t Ist came into pinmincncc in Chicago,
1. ph.ung thcie in cibniet* and
bioiukusting legulailv
Tlu two indiestias will pla. contm
t'ousii ,it the J'lll function The
cjmmittie ha> nut jet decided the po
sition ot the bands, hut It is possi-
Id that the.’ i ill be pluced lit the ends
n the dunce flam Decoiatmg plans
ahi will be discussed b> the gioup
a* iU ne v l meeting.
Will Compete With * Pennsjhama
College's at Pourth Annual
Sing in Philadedphin
\ ic'.ns, with file colleges, the Penn
St iti Cdoe Club will seek the honor
i. lepiesenting Pennsyhanm m the
Nationn’ lnteicol’egiato Glee Chd»
ionlest a* the fouith annual Statu
eompititon in Witheispoon Hall.
I'hilmle-lphn, Sutuidny night
i Club tium lUnkncl!, Hnicifoid,
I Juniata Lifa.ettc. ami Moiaiinn col
t lege ha.e also enlcied the sing Mai
hnP Hi.t tholomew. diicitm of the
Yale (dc.. Club, wit 1 head the judgi ■
i coimmttei, consisting of \le\and"i
Smallens noted Philadelphia »uis«-
i Hail, aid \ Waltei hnimei, Amu-
I .an emnpo'ei