Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 14, 1930, Image 1

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VOL. 26, No. 34
Mid-Year Vacation Is
Dropped in Calendar
Proposed to Senate
Okay of 1930-31 Plan
Urg-ed by Students
Is Predicted
7 ; , -■ —....
Will Hold Registration Tuesday.
■Wednesday After Finals
Under New Plan
College Senate at 8 o'clock last
night adopted the student-proposed
Calendar for 1930-1931 without a
dissenting tone This schedule
urged the abolition of the niid-ycur
A one-hour convocation for the
Y. M C A. in the second semester
was likewise approved This date
is to be determined by President
llcl/cl, depending upon the avail
ability of a speaker. Scholarship
Day in the second semester was al
so sanctioned, the time and date
to be set by the President and the
committee on academic standards
The Saturday half-holiday dur
ing the football senson was retain
ed. its selection to be made b) the
student bod).
The fate of the 11)30-31
was in the hands of the College Senate
last night after the faculty commit
tee headed by Dean Charles W. Stod-.
dnit of the Liberal Aits school had
iccommendetl adoption of the stu
dent-endoised piogram proposing the
abolition ot the piolongcd mul-yoai
Although adoption of this plan was
predicted in authoritative circles, ad-:
heicnts to the progiam tried for the
hrst tune this year weie expected to
pul up a fight foi the retention of
the bctween-semcsteis’ recess.
An unofficial canvass of College
deans icvenlcd that the diopping of
the contested period would be backed
by tho Schools of Engineering, Ag
nculturc, Mineial Industries, and
piobably Education
Others Neutral
On the other hand, the Schools of
Libeial Aits and Chemistry and Phys
ics found the period of distinct ad
vantage to theu office forces, but
weie reluctant to push the cause with
out fust making a thoiough investi
gation of then faculty staffs
Dean Will Grant Chambeis of the
School ot Education leaned towaid
the no-vacation plan, but expressed
tho belief that likewise thero weie
many advantages to this yeai’s ar
Di. Flank D. Kern of the Ginduate
school leported that since his school
wu> not seriously affected, eiUiei
schedule would be satisfactory.
Heeess Helps Registrar
Tho vacation pcnod, according to
Registiai William S. Hoffman, en-j
able, his office to legistei ull grades
and havo a transciipt of the studcnt’sl
lecoid in the hands of then schcdul-j
ing officeis befoic legislation .Foim-|
eil), this mfoimation was not nvail-j
üblo until thiee weeks aftei the sem-|
cslci hud begun I
Student objectors to tho lecuss l
point out, however, that since this 1
mfoi mation helps only the student
with n below grade, theie is no lea
son why the laigc majoiity of undci
giaduates should be imposed upon
Intcicstod pnities uiged the im
mediate posting of grades by instiuc
tors ai the lemedy for this pioblem
Dean of Men Aithur R. Wainock
was unable to dctennine definitely
w bethel the icccss had aided his of
Calendar Oka.v Otherwise’
Tho botucen-seniestcrs’ period was
Uiu chief point of difference between
tho two calendars intioduced to the
Senate earlier this yeai.
Tho student calendar pioposcs the
beginning ot the second semester
Thuisday morning, Febiuary 6, with
icgiutiaton the two days piecedmg,
whereas the semester would begin
Monduv, February 9, with legistra
tion on the Friday and Saturday pie*
ceding, under the fuculty plan The
fust semester ends Saturday, Janu
ary 31, under both piogiams.
Tho only nunoi diffcience concerned
the Chustmas vacation, which would
Prim #tatv @
I VISIONS Women's Fratcrmlics As
Constructive Force on Campus
Miss Ray Visions Fraternities
Constructive Element on
Penn State Campus
Women’s fiateimties that me a
constructive force on the campus and
useful to the College administration
whenever the welfare of the institu
[ tion and its students is at stake is!
Dean Chailotte E Roy's hope foi;
Penn State women, as expressed in on 1
I article in the February issue of Alum-!
ni News
j Recognizing fraternities as a lu
cent development in the highei educa
tion of women, Miss Ray visions the
.women’s fiatcimty of the futuie as a
vvoikmg unit of the College icsponsi
•blc foi piomoting the happ.ness and
success of all women of the College
I With the coming of national fia
| ternities to the Penn State campus,
the Dean lecogmzes the question of
{housing as one of paiamount impoi
i tance. A now plan employing lodges
instead of houses which has woiked
successfully at Svvarthmoio and Ran
dolph-Macon wua cited as a possible
solution to the pioblem Likewise,
nnothet question is the numbei of fia
teimlies needed to meet local con
Aid Local Development
“Cnls' clubs have maintained high
scholastic standings f’om the outset,”
: Miss Raj asseits
The high scholastic standing lc
quned for membeiship m individual
societies as well n» a uniform schol
astic standard established by the
Campus Clubs council weie given as
leusons foi high scholaiship among
[the women’s fnilornitic*&
An oppoitumlv to develop socially j
! \\as believed to be one ot the best ad-1
of tiatuiulies in a survey
I among women membcis A moiej
Ihome-like life and added participation j
lin outside activities weie fmthei ad-;
[vantages. j
j The entne womens student body isj
[given mole picstige thtouah the pies-i
jeitce of fiateimties foi them on the
I campus, the Dean lepoit- National;
societies tend to inue the women’s!
j student body to a highei level in the
[estimation of the men students, she
also believes
First of » Temporary Piv-iilonlc To
Hold Meeting Thur-day
Fieshmen will nominate and elect
fivo tuul class piesidcnls when they
meet m Chcimsliv nmphithcrtie at
7 o'clock Tuesday night The five
nominees icioiving the most votes
will each bold a meeting.
The first meeting by a fiial piesi
dent will be held at 7 o’clock Thuis
day night Dates foi the othei meet
ings have not been announced. A
pci manent piesident will be elected
following these meetings
Prof Charles L Kinsloc, head of
Experienced Terrors Will Meet
Nittany Mil Champions
At 7 O’clock
McAndrews Returns to Former
Heavy Position—Struble
Will Box Klepac
Pointing to their fifth consecutive
victoiy of the season, Dick Ilailow's
undefeated Giecn Teiiois will swap
punches with the aggiessivc inteicol
legiate title holding Lions m the Re
cication Hall ung at 7 o’cloeV tomoi
low night
With victones over Dartmouth, Vir
ginia MiUtai., institute, Virginia
Polytechnic inst.tiue, and New Yoik
university ahead) recoided. Western
Maryland hus one of the most dan
geious teams Coach Leo Houck’s pio
teges will encounter this season
Ted Klepac and Doug Cio'-by, intei
collegmte cnampnns m the 173 and
IJS-pound classes lespectivcly are the
mainstays of the team and in Houck’s
opinion "two of the clerciest lighteis
| m inteicollegiate boxing”
| Klepac Captains Team
! Although a champion in the light
heavyweight division Klepac moved
down one weight and according to le
ports is even moic effective m Itis
new bcith When Captain Geoige
Kkaitis withdrew from college the
fast IGO-poundei was selected lo finish
the seuson in lus stead.
When the opening gong sound-,
Julius Epstein, bantamweight titb
[bolder, vill face FLlci as his fust op
’ponent of the season In the Wes.
! Virginia moot his foe was forced t>
'foifcit because of’illne-'S Flnlei,
who won thiee out of foui bouts, will
provide plentv of opposition to the
shifty, jabbing champion
Davey Stoops, sta*. sophomore
featherweight, will be pitted ugains.
Hastings, a newcomci to Western
Mainland tanks, who has not yet been
victoiious in the squaied imp Au
thouties giant Davy the edge in tin.
The high light of the meet will pio
bably come m the next lound when
Bom Casom and Doug Ciosby attempt'
(Continued on third page)
Will Install College Group Composed
Of 8.1 Fraternity Members on
Penn State Faculty
Tho installation of a local chuptci
flt Sigma Xi, national lionormv ie
search frateimtv, has been set ftn
iApiil 1 Dean Robeit L Sackctt, o!
i the engineering school, announced
1 yesterday
Twenty-tluec chapter of the fia
teimty aie icpiesented by eigbtv
thiee mombeis of the faculty ut Penn
State These mombeis will compose
ihc iocal oigamzaticn
The soviet, has been in existence
foity-thice yeais, having been found
ed at Cornell in 1887 to establish i*
lcllowship of lesearch scientists
Among the piesont irembeis me Pies
iulcnt lleiboit Hoovei and his wife
They became irembeis dm mg thou
undeigiaduate days at Stanfoid uni
Undeigiaduate students aie not
granted full membeiship but munv
clmptciclctt semois and giaduatr*
students as us°cciat(“ membcis if they
allow piomise of rbilitv lodooiiginal Dean Sackctt announced
Full membeiship is onl/ gianted to
giadunto student* and faculty mem
keis who have pidved then qualifica
tion by icseaich work completed ami
publi died.
Prof Ford, 0 T. Spesierd To l'cueh
Econumics. History
Pi of Cauol W Foul has been
added to tho faculty of tho econ
omies dcpnitmcnt, and Orville T
Spcssind to the histoiy depuitment,
Dean Chuiles W Rlodduit of the Lib
Icm ill Aits School announced yestoi-
Open Conference
Today; McGinness, Flint Probe
‘Hell Week’ In Talks Tomorrow
' Questionnaire Reveals Attitude
Favoring Abolition of
Rough Practices
Government Requires Petition
From College to Replace
Present Uniforms
That distinctive umfoims foi the
College R. 0 T C. unit leplace the
present equipment was lecommended.
bv the Dop&itmcnt of Military Sci
ence and Taet.cs yesterday. In oidc*
to secuie the new outfit College of
ficials must send an official request
to the War department
Beginning next September the gov
ernment will furnish a umfoim allot
ment ot 810 a yeai per man, which
is an incie&se ovci the piesent amount
allotcd to colleges, nnlitaiy official-,
announeid This sum will moie than
covci the cost of new unifoims
Becomes Student Propertj
According to military authorities,
the new umfoim wh.* v i has been rec
ommended, will be siniilni to R O
T. C equipment at Gcoigin Tech, Coi
ned, and Rutgois At these colleges
the umfoim consists of long liouseis,
Noifolk jacket with belt, and ovei
&ea r cap
It pieient plans me adopted by the
College the umfoims will become the
; student’s piopeitv aftei the tvvo-ycai
couise is completed In the event that
v student diops out of school the gov
ernment will buy the second hand uni
-101 111.
Ne\t jeai’s fieshnian class would
bo the hist gioup to give up the pio.s
ent equipment, it College authouties
decide to uiuhe necessary lecommen
dations to the jro\einment It is
planned that sophomoies weai the
umfouns now in use until IIKU
Mto on the window ledge An (libb
giH»pcd tilt* iope, and stepped fiom
the lodge, the loop g.i\o \uv and he
tell to the sidewalk He suffeied
Varsiix Coaches 'lo Icmh Kot Um« f.aUme* of both wrists end unkbs,
md ul'O intemul lujunco
Groups GiMn" Instruction in
ItitliwJ.'al Spor's
T« divoisif\ arid to add interest to WILL HOLD DANCE
couiscj. in physical education, classes j u pc.mnnent mteiesl ’U Keep llecord
%wl> hcieuftei be divided into jnoups Ir health on the put of ill the umn-n , Io j„ M „n. Pi Kappa Al
undei the supemsion of vaisit\ utn- Premies Colorful Effects for Vnnunl s , uduiU w A A hold un in- n »u >mil |f,. in hi, n C Ba-'nei of
letu. coaches. Piof lliiro Be/dck, Yll-Ccllci;e Hop in \riuor> 1 tensne ‘ henlth week ’ campaign lioiv t!ie jom i ihsi idc pin line nt, v ill -peak
duectoi of athletic, announced ves- , | .., mirr| ... ... M-’cbiuaiv ‘2l to 27, Lauui M tll .luptu cd.l.os m the hijrma \\-
* " . Doi-e’ ”2, than man oJ the liealth npsilon house Mi Runnel will
It is expected that b\ this method I committee, announced\esteidn\. 'disai > tLiinuiiic method* of miblish
natuia' athletic übilitv, winch would A subdued coloied lighting ctlcdi A , 4l)1 unpoitnrt mcnsuie m the ob- MlJf vm.iU pipei l'xnte*imt> edi be undiscovered, will be u< , backjriound foi a netwoih of blue < u "health weal.,’* Di Jo- to*- hue ooe. asked to bung copies
found by the coaches The coaches aile j stienmejs will be the stiijie se ph p Uitenoui, Collejro ph\sicmn, ~f then chuptei paper- with them at
will take the class divisions outside f Wt the annual All-Collcye dame ol v.ill ki\c a lipid phvsital examination tin nine
whe* weathei eond.tions peumit the Penn Stnte club to be held in ti all tic.hman and sopnumoie wo- j n ( ,td'i th..t a penianiat ici.ud
Thu ..uious squads Mill he lotate'd the Annoi\ ton.nimw night fnnn h
iluimj, the sene-slat, each athletic te 12 |
inctiloi Inking ihnige of a dilfeiem Tin* Campus OwR placing fio>»
gioup at the tla*>s meetings The specie' amplifying hand ‘■hull at on»
lutci* will teach the fundamentals of end of the (looi, will furnish the
the spoil which Ihov coach iiiusk Refreshments have also been
Coaches Houck Cai Imell, and Con* munged loi l» the committee in
o\u will instinct the gioups in ho - chaigo.
in*,*, tiack, and hasl.clball while Ruth* The dame will he open to the entile
ci told, Higgins, and Spculel will <ollcge with the cvceplion of the
teach golf, football, and wrestling iieshman fiateimtc pledges who aie
Eugene C Blschoir will teach gioup? haueil flora attendance In action ol
m advanced gymnastics. the Student Trtburnl All
leiniti pledges will he pei nutted In
attend and will be allowed custom-*
PROM GROW \DI>S MEMJJBR oll ‘ ro J tUu (lanc ,
Kluaheth M. Cionei ’lll has been Ticket‘ foi the dame, which me
appointed an additional member ot pei couple, mav he ohlmned
thn Jumoi Piom committee, Eat I M fiom club memheis 01 at the dwi.
Lindenmuth Ml, ehaumon of the com- o
nuttec, announced vesterduv.
Who’s Dancing _,, ———- .
■~ > To nllow students who leceived a
Delegates and Chapter j
Heads Will Hear
Samuel \V. McGinness nutionul |
pi evident of Theta Upsilon Omega, i
taiy of Tail Kappa Epsilon Mill be the I
puncipnl speakers to piobe the “Hell!
Week” pioblom befoie Intelfuitcinit} ,
Conference delegatee toirouou ,
Tlie\ will nddiess assembled fia-|
teinity piesidents at the luncheon im
Pin Kapna Sigma at 12 ‘lO o’clock to-1 ARCHWXLD M. HOLMES
monnv afternoon while Mi Flint will!
discuss the topic before the entile ----- -
Conference-gioup at the smoker to be jj p p MA V CTPSJIVE '
IhM m the same house tomoriou f l . Ifj/il ullllYlj dav session
„,Bhl Atlhc-..'to,m.on ; li-cii»s,onM, j n j * Trr jlm..c I Bam.-, a memta of
..IcGmnMi. will jiiuiO’it . -nits of CIID SPO lift W( k lh , ...otalnt comimltoo of tho na
tliaili. ami jrmplis '.lnch hf liu- pit- l Wl* rtl IVJIj LPHtIOLi , t . t ,,, mU c mtc. "ill
paicil to illustiatii his tnlh | .ptsil. at the bomiutt follomiig l)i.
The sfiici. ilcals "ith Inc imlniilual ..... Pri-aonl c.. ( nn ,] IVtitinn llct—'l’ s "t.|toiiiiii B .nliht--- Folio"-
pioblems of the chaplets of his fia-, , ixik the iiitmducLion of honoi quests
tcimty, and he believes it gives an To Welfare Committee if I|,\1|,\ AtchilaldM Holmes “JO, .chan man
aecmate cioss-seetion of lepiescnta-j t-.,, »t the Conleience, Dean oi Men Ai
tne fiatei.iity life Mi Flint has! Upinions r.ivor , t j uu K Wainock will leview the de
mnde a detailed study of “Hell Week") i % elopment of llie Penn State Intel fin
ami ih influence on fraternities’ toimtv Council and Piof Sheldon 0
thioughout a nuinbet of yeuis Hav-| additional su.-ps to sccuie the su- ( jmt?i u , lht , eum , imiLS ani j t-ociol
mg specialized m developing adequate ‘‘-it YW-lfaie committee s consent foi Q ,|opui tmerit, will discuss the I F
substitutes for the customaiy lough Jn Intcrfratcrmtv Ball m \pi.l will j, oaU , c ,f CO! ,trol
initiation pel tot', he advocates that an t'e liken despite the lecent advene i ... ...ii i.„
ovPmlnil Um.l of tiainintr in the Peci-ion if the student attitude is fav-, !• i ec bus tianspoitation will be a
cvUndiu neiiou oi tinming in ini 1 , Aichiluld M Holmes MO In-! r oidcd so and fiom the countiv club
history end ideals ot a fiateinitv oiabie, Aiclutiakl M iio.mcs .»u, n T , , ~, ..... r „.„ n comer at
should replace “Hell Week” | tci fratermtv council v !ce-pi e-sidc-nt. H bu v ’' l^ u Co op
, .ii n - ~ , -,, declined yesterday ,u ») odock tonight
A one-sided ballot in favoi of u
movement to do uvvny with lough in-l "Another petition piobaolv will bei (o Hold Discussions
ilintum piacticcs has been cast by pi evented If the concensus or fia-’ Hubert II Hogr, executive secretar\
fraternity piestdents in replv to theiteinitv opinion still domes a ball, ~,i Theta Chi. is the latest guest to ac-
Colleoian qucstionnane Twenty- Holmea stated, “the same date, \ptd .in invitation to the conference
nine chapter heads would join in n 1 H, will be htamed j c’luplci ndvisois will lunch at Kap
bun against “Hell Week,’’ ic-tuimi \ ciowdcd Sp>mg social calcrid i; tu Si tfm a at 1J ’5O o’clock tomonow
tabulated last night show Five aie iml m unwise incic-as.- ot student c\-j , v , u n The me other luncheons Mil!
champions of a lough initiation per- pendiUnes were cited by the W’elfaic be held at the -ame time Mi Daint-.
lod and tluce aie uncertain of then t committee in denting the petition ii.uviv S«.lt, Delta Sigma Phi, Ui
stand Eighteen have not vet ic-, The calendai, in its opinion, previous-, \\ ,|] Mn , s Dye head of the English
tumed then ballots <!.• planned foi a set nuniboi of fum-j i.iteiauue djjiaiUrent, anil \V K
| tions, would p’ace an added strain on , ]\i,»i 11 aie the speakers foi this dis-
DICKINSON niKRHMAX HUItT | th- un<UMß.a<luau. paLkcltad. .11. ic„ ,v„n In a to M, Flint nnjl
iv t%itIVTIOX tike DKILL’i mclusio'i of a mvi aliau ine J.ktt.'in-s-., who Mill discuss Hell
■* jgiou}) “ n.»t vet com meed'’ of t - Jimm \V Cliuich jnesnlent ot
Mink, iiink-isoms fiatoirntj mfonn-; , an , , I " u '' r ' , B"l» Kninw "ill -n-al. nt thn lun l li«n
nl initiation at Did-m-on collogo, f “'■>’•'l ->t tlio -talul .lato 1 in o-nlonts m I>l.i Knn-
Thomas Gibb, a freshman, was sui- No objection to a fiateinitv dance pi .Sigma (.1 ip.ei i.eiinuur-, nice - injmeil Tuesday when he fell in the hist srme-Uu was voiced, how- mg at Delta Sigma Pm, wi.l hear \\ m
fiomu thud stoiv window ot the f-a-u'e Intis fiatei nr •• liu uil ahc..d, \\ dden. Upha tin Lh'*, mil '■
teinitv house dnimg a “luc drill” j has d.s.u.-cd a ball pait of the -\ N. tmi. picsidcnt ol Sigma Hit
Tho.fio-hnion wolc boinit icqunwl inog-an, a mojK-tod '-•am..
to 1 descend limn the thud floot by ( 111 L,njcl
menus ol a lojie looped aiound a cle-j l *
ACTS AS Chairman «l Second
I’rntcrmiv Conclave
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CO-EDS WILL HOLD 1 ;v,;e“!',
A. A. HEALTH WEEK llTh™™.!,
i-i tfui'-l* Ch.mtoi sihohn ihip ih.i.i
-1 nun will himli it Mpha Clu Sijrn\ i
College riiNMti.n To i:\ammu Ml tt j„, c |> M |>.,\*s of Phi UtUn Theta
Pushmm. gmihi none Women \ 'll them liiaphs Mill be i\-
*i lined to '•how the standing of fia
toimtu*'* befoie ml aftoi IUOO in all
• of i!v louiili 5
\s l'a'l of Proliant
nun 1-1 the n.nfi'Ui’io .mums muj be* pte
| Apu t ol the e imp iijrn will be \m - end, the- t ban mmi «1 eaeh delus
ion health pioKianis piesenteil each -nm Inn rniimim' 1 a .oeictaiv vho
nijrli at dnim in Me-Vllistoi ll.ill will mold the domic» ol each jC’otip
(lining loom Amonir the ivenls to be llw molds will be utinuoicinphi il
held ate sines ol sonirs compos'd .ml tin to enh me libel ot the dis
b\ the membcis of e.uh doinntoiv, a ‘U—io.i ittoup
! 1 e.ilth sloican competition b\ the-M-no Tommiow mirht 'lt Mint will ad
tlioupL. and an individual Haiti) pus- on .s all eunfote.vo delegates at a
1 te. u>nlt*st .inolvei at the Phi Kappa Sigma Inn-i
, | his v ill In held inimuliatel. follow
me jiooun will-give 'JLr'm'u ,'idii U ' l v"
.! CIIAPEL TALK SUNDAV Ij'inlu-'ni.u .Li. i>ui! .it the MimU.
New Voil. (’ln reaiann I'o Speak on
•'things Ma'tcr Mo.I” I
] 1 Mhile t etui mug to his home in
i l)i John M Mome. secte- Stoyislmvn David A Rhoades ’ Id
it.uvnt the Fedot nl Council of was killed cat 1\ last Thut sday mm n-
Chmclies of Chnst in \meiicn, will mi when the tai in which he was nd
' speal oil “Things That Mattel Most” inj. skidiled nuit Johnstown and u*l
hefon the Inst (.Impel audience ol the Itdcd with atiothei He was llnowii
6 Fraternity Executive
Groups To Convene
At Luncheons
Probidenl Het/el. Mr. Ramus
Dean Warnotk Speak at
IJanquel Tonight
With P*esi.lont llet/el joining ehap
tei piesidents in welcoming the guests
ot honoi, the scunnl Penn State Tn-
itiltiteinit Confeienee will be ush
ered m bv a fuunal banquet m Cell
t o Ihlb cuantij elub at J o’elotk to
'’l'C epriale gioups of fraUinitj
olJieds will attend luncheon discus
sii ns tomotiow noon, and a sntokei
lot all confeienee delegates at Phi
'\„piu Sigma immediate!} aftei the
Ik.miii: meet will tmminate the two-
, Letov M Rmkl'nldei ’5O. and Mi.
Mollis ate the speakers fo- the cat-