Tuesday, February U, 15)30 Hermann Shi: Line-up As! Sol Saltzman Moved Up To Forward Berth On Varsity TEAM LOSES SERVICES OF MAZESS, HAMILTON Coach Places Lee, Macomb on First Five With Stahley And Fred 111 and With his charges slated to round the season’s halfway mark when they meet Pitt Friday, Coach Dutch'Her mann has shifted the Nittany court lmc-up mdically dunng the past few days’ practice. •Sol Saltzman, who has been play ing regulnily at guard, has been mov ed up to foiward lie is not a strang er to this post, however, having held down a foiwaid beith on piep and high school quintets. Moit Macomb, rangy junior, is Sol’s lunning mate on the new combination. Mort jumped center when he played fm West Philadelphia high and on the Fieshmen five hole but'has been used as a reserve forward on the varsity. His height gives him a de cided advantage in snaung the ball fiom off the backboard. Ed Lee occupies the guard beith vacated by Saltzman. He has seen action in the Bethany, Western Maiy land, Carnegie Tech, and Pennsyl \ania tilts and is a reliable shot from the back 'court. Skip Stahley and Fred Biand arc the only two legu lais who have retained their custo maiy posts Whether the above named quintet will have the call dur ing the invasion of Pittsburgh this week-end depends on its showing the next few days, Coach Hermann ic vcalcd. Mazcss, Hamilton Out The lcscrvc team which has been giving the rcgulais a stiff battle in eveiy scnmmnge and sometimes out scoring them, also has been consider ably altered Rod Fry has been shifted from his fiist-stnng forwaid post to a guaid berth Paul Moss, icsorve guard, is now playing foi waid. Experience in high school at this position enables him to fill this assignment satisfactorily. Bub Davis and Dave Millei, foi wards, alternate with Moss to bear the burden of the reseive team’s at tack. Joe Webet fills the lcmaining guard berth The jinx which has dogged the Lion varsity this seasop prevailed again following the Penn game when it was learned that Jack Mazcss had been confined to his home in Scran ton because of illness Jack has not boon well since last summer and it is feaied that his services will be lost to the team for the season. Bill Ham- R. F. Stein Motor Co. Stoiagc, Gas and Oil 24-Hour Service Phone 252 Little Dlottet vow and then, rt awful to all biim 7less writ Penn Printing Company Phono 112-J Slate College, Pa. “YOU CAN GET IT AT METZGER’S” Text Books, Both New and 2nd Hand - For the 2nd Semester See Our Want List of Books—Cash Paid for Second Hand Books Special - 500 Sheets Good Typewriter Paper, Only - - 89 c Laundry Cases, $1.75 to $4.50 Alarm Clocks, $1.25 to $4.50 Loose Leaf Books All Sizes and Prices Penn State Seal Stationery -65 c to $1,50 L. K. METZGER, 111 Allen Street :ts Lion Court 3 itt Tilt Nears SHIFTS Court Line-up as Pitt Game Looms ffGßMfn*** ilton, icsorve center, will not be eligible for the remaining games Racqucttc, a sophpmoie, hm, taken his place and in a shoit while should ably lill Hamilton’s position. Superior foul shooting on the part for Pennsylvania played an important iolo m the Quakeis 28-to-22 victory over Penn State at the outset of mid year iccess. Penn accounted for ten free throws out of a possible thirteen, while the Lions totalled six of the thirteen gift tosses nwarded them. The Nittany quintet caged eight field goals to nine for Penn. The Quakers lead at half-time, 14-to-G. SYRACUSE DOWNS COLGATE TO TAKE ASSOCIATION LEAD Syiacusc courtmen, conquerors of Pitt, made a strong bid for triangu lar association honors Saturday night by virtue of their impressive 3.J-to- M victory over Colgate. As a lesult, the Oiangc quintet holds undisputed possession ot first place. Colgate is second with one victory and one defeat, and Penn State Child The Maioon five downed the Nittany team, 25-to-24, in an eailier contest. Association Standing Won Lost Pet. Syracuse 1 0 1.000 Colgate - 1 1 500 Penn State 0 1 .000 COLLEGE OFFERS BIRD COURSE “Buds and Bud Life,” a new couise dealing with practical, eco nomical and ecological aspects of. bud life, will be offered by the natuic education department during this se mester. Cleanliness Courtesy Excellent Service CLUB DINERS, Inc. Spring and Summer Samples', >■ Now On Display at Smith’s Tailor Shop Dollar Dry Cleaning Repairing 133 ALLEN STREET STRUBLE’S RETURN BOLSTERSMITMEN Newcomer To, Box in. 175-pound Class—McAndrews Takes Unlimited Berth Returning to Penn State after a semester’s absence, Bill Strublc has, again been diafted into the Nittany boxing folds and will add welcome stiength to the upper classes of Coach Leo Houck’s intercollegiate champion mit team. , Unless the unforeseen occurs Coach Houck will place, Strublc m the light hcavywoight division, and sluft Cap tain Marty McAndrews to the unlim ited post Such a change would not! affect Marty seriously since he has appeared as a heavyweight in the mn* joiity of his ring appearances. Joe Milter May Return, In Stiublc the Nittany coach will have a veteran who has already en gaged in six dual meets Although; he was successful in hut two out of six stalls Bill has acquired valuable, experience and in Houck’s belief will prove one of the mainstays of the team. | Another possibility is that Joe Mil let, who was absent from College last semester, may return. In this event Ilouck will piobably use him in the heavyweight berth, retain Marty in the light heavyweight class and con duct eliminations between- Chaikow sky and Strublc for the 100-pound di vision. Yesteiday maiked the first legulai piactice session for the Nittany leath ci pushers since vacation period be gan. With but five days, to ptcparc foi the second meet of the year with Western Maryland, the Lion mentoi is conducting strenuous conditioning workouts for his charges iCO-ED RIFLE TEAM RESUMES WORK FOR COMING MATCHES With a victory over Massachusetts Agricultural college in a telegraphic meet to their credit the women’s rifle team will resume practice this week for matches scheduled with Washing ton, Pennsylvania, Cornell, and Mary land universities. Sixty women aie striving foi pc Sitions on the team. The installatioi of thirty new taigets in the A’rmor; has stimulated interest m the sport Lieut. Lyman O Williams, rifle coach reports ALUMNI TO HONOR GLEE CLUB While in Philadelphia at the annual State Intercollegiate Glee Club con test, the College Glee Club will attend r banquet given m then honoi by Penn State alumni Pressing THE PENN STATE Cl iNittany Cinder Traci ! Six Meets for St i With the North Carolina Tar Heels i as a newcomer, the Nittany outdoor ; track team will enter six cinder com petitions this spring, according to the schedule released yesterday by the Athletic association. Couch Nate Cui tmcll will open his season bv taking his runners to Chapel Hill, N. C, foi a dual meet April 12. The Lions will again enter the Penn Relays at Philadelphia April 25 and 26. Pitt's Panthers will arrive to score their second victory against the Lion trackmen here May 10, while on May 24 the varsity will j'ourney to Syra cuse to engage Bill Oiangc. The I. C A. A. A. A championships at Cam biidgc. Mass, will close the schedule as in post yours. The piebe runners only competition piobably will be against Pitt year lings as a preliminary to the varsity meet. Schoolboys will run in the an nual Interscholastic meet hcic. With the expected return to school of Captain. Gcoigc Mobley, prospects DR. THOMAS ADDRESSES * 74 MID-YEAR GRADUATES Declares That Land Grant Colleges Have Preserved Democracy Congratulating the college on its progress duiing the past few years, Dr. John M. Thomas, president of Rutgers university and former pres ident of Penn State, addressed mid year graduates licic January .11. The importance of lapd-grant col leges was emphasized by Doctor Thomas as having ‘‘performed the great seivice of pieserving the dem ocracy of American higher educa tion ” Penn State, he claimed, has always had a hard fight to retain her rightful position as a State College. OFFER DAIRY "CATTLE COURSE livestock and dairy cattle will be of fered in the second herdsman’s short course to be given heie, March 2 to 8 Herdsmen in charge of College flocks will supervise the practical; work of feeding and care, while mem-: bers of the dairy husbandry depart-! ment will teach technical subjects GET CORRECT TIME ALARM CLOCKS Crabtree’s It Is Not Too Late To Send Valentine Candies WHITMAN’S and MARY LINCOLN '79 c Robert J. Miller *55"" REMEMBER so dontyou FORGET flowers TOR ST. VALENTINES DAY Perm State Floral Shoppe t Team Schedules 'ring; List Tar Heels REKERS WINS 2-MILE AT MILLROSE GAMES Flashing a time 4 and *5-5 sec onds under the Indooi Inteicol legiatc standard for the distance, Paul Rekers rcioidcd a spaiklmg victory in the international 2-nnlc run in the Milhose meet .it New York City Saturday Rekers decisively defeated Stan ley Pctkicwiecz of Poland in 9 minutes, 20 1-5 seconds Along with McDowell and Mmzucco in the 70-yard high iiuidles, and D.u hnglon in the 70-yard dash, he will compete in the Meadowbiook games at Philadelphia tomotiow night for the outdoor season appear bright er than last ycai For the first time in a long stretch of years the Lion trackmen suffered defeat in dual com petition last spring, losing to both Syracuse and Pitt. RIFLE TEAM WILL MEET ' GETTYSBURG, CARNEGIE SquuJ To Engage in Intercollegiate Mulches at Pittsburgh Winning four of its. fust five matches, the varsity rifle team will close the dual-meet season this month with matches against Gettysburg and Carnegie Tech. The riflemen will compete m the in tercollegiate shouldci - to - shouldei matches at Pittsburgh Apnl 5. Navy has been the only team to down the College marksmen so far this season The freshman team won its open ing contest last week scoi mg 16G points against Gettysbuig’s 443 This semester the yearlings will shoot against West Virgimu, Univeisity of Maryland, Carnegie Tech and Prince ton freshmen. Eat at Craig’s Restaurant GOOD FOOD Oy e £ EVP*} SATURDAY AT 9 P M , MT. ON A NATIOS-WIDB N D C. NETWORK GENERALI ELECTRIC GRAPPLERSPOINT ! FOR TIGER MEET! Face First Test of Season at Princeton Saturday—Lions Defeat Chicago Team ; Showing added power m its vic-j toiy over Chicago, the Lion wiestlmg team undci Coach Chailic Speulcl yesterday began piactice after the, mid-semcstoi iccess with a view to! conqueung Princeton mutmen in the] meet at the New Jei'-ey institution! Saturday j Pimccton offeis one of the hnides fl tests that Nittanv giapplers will face 1 this season. The Oiangc and Black j team was at its best lust Saturday when downing North Caiolina 15-to -18 Lehigh has been the onh oppon ent to defeat the Tigeis so far this season. Return of Peaice to the fight foi unlimited honoi s will stiengthen Penn Stale’s chances in the heavy classes The bantamweight assign ment fm Saluiday’s battle yet re mains in doubt, as llnikms, Ross, and Maize are waging a close fight m that class In the meet with Chicago Fiiday pi cv lous to mid-semestei vacation, the Blue and White matmen emeigod victoiious by a score of 25-10-3 Falls vvete recoided by Campbell and Long, while Sunderby m the unlimited class was the only one to scoie loi the Illinois icpicsentatives INTERFRATERNITY DEBATING WINNER TO RECEIVE 2 CUPS | Two cups will be offcied to the win jnei oi the Intel fiateimty debating ; tournament which will begin Febiu ;aiy 25 A cup which will bo ictaiiicd foi ono veai by the winnei will be pie seated by Foiensic council, while a second cup, donated by Delta Sigma Rho, is to be aw aided permanently tc the team winning the contest foi thiec years CLEAN SURROUNDINGS the Horizon HERE they come—the nucleus of an all-electric merchant marine. Yesterday, they were*’ a dream. To-day, they are well over the horizon, linking the ports of the east and west coasts with fortnightly service. The goal of the Panama Pacific Line is to build three more turbine-electric ships, thus enabling weekly New York- Fnsco sailings. ' Even now, the three liners, California, Virginia," and Pennsylvania, constitute the largest fleet of turbine-electric commercial ships in the world. - -aw— -*■-* TV Besides propelling these ships, electricity hoists freight, raises anchors, mans pumps, turns rudders, drives •winches, and warps the vessels into their berths It lights lamps, spins fans, operates elevators, cools and cooks food. Its magic touch is apparent on every deck. All electric equipment, above and belowjdeck, is a prod uct of General Electric.* 1 ■The' productiorvand of such equipment has been largely the responsibility of college trained men who are working with General Electric and who have aided in bringing these ships over the horizon. 1-cge Tiireo PRESIDENT lIET/EL TALKS TO AGRICULTURAL ASSOCI VITOX } President Ralph D Hetrel nddiessed the Apricultm.il Extension nssocm [ lion ol Washington anil Gieene coun i ties Thuisdav and Fndav on a tup ] thiough the western p.ut of the State. ! Doctoi lletrel was letuinmg fioin i r confcicnce of the executive commit i tec ol the Land Giant College associ ation held m Washington, D. C While 'in Washington, Pa, he spoke at a meeting of the Kiwams club ami to the alumni of the College DR DUTCHER SPEAKS BEFORE GEISINGER HOSm'\L STAFF j Piof. R Adams Dutchei, head of I the department of agricultural ami i biological chemislrv, nddicssod modi leal and suigical stalls of Getsingei Memouol hospital at Danville last Monday, telling of his icseaich woik in human nutrition and utunnnes. The hospital*.staff plans to \isit the College in an inspection tup soon Foster Coal & Supplj' Co. Genuine Anita Punxsutawncy Phone 114-SI Give the bank roll a break . . . wear Edward JLy CLOTHES jmade ro\rou 28.75 P&is 38.75 Displayed at Smith’s Tailor Shop ""X /K