Page Tvro ' V PENN STATE COLLEGIAN | Publluhcd jeml-wcckly dorln* the Cohere year, except in holiday*, by students of The Pennsylvania State College In It e Interest of tiff College, the students, faculty, alumni, and friends. TIIE MANAGING BOARD James H. Coogan jr. ’2O Russell L. Rchm ’3O Ldllor-ln Chief lluslness Manager Charles A. Mensch ’3O Calvin 13. Bnnvis '3O Managing Fditor Advenlslng Manager Robert P. Stevenson '3O Henry R. Dowdy jr. '3O New* >dltnr Clrrulntlon Manage* Quinton E Benugc *3O Sports fditor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jacob L Cohen *3l Cnarles A Schmidt jr. ’3l William C. MclCivam ’3l Norman B. Solder ’3l Roy E. Morgan ’3l William lv. Ulerich ’3l ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERS Alan B. Cutting ’3l Algcrt J. Mileski ’3l William B. Heilman '3l Jinny C Wood '3l WOMEN’S EDITORIAL STAFF' Grace M. Woodtow 'SO Maiy J. Adams ’3l tt omen’s f ditar Avoelate Editor Helen 1\ Faust MO Janet L. Brownback '3l Manakitiff Editor Associate Editor Martha J Gobrecht M 0 E Louise lloirodit/ '3l News fditor Associate Editor Member Eastern intercollegiate Newspaper Association Entered at the I’nstoOice, State College, Pn , as second-etaas matter. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1930 WHY REPEAT? This week the College Senate will adopt a calendar foi the forthcoming >eat. Genetally agicetl on the main outline oT the 1030*1931 calendai, the mid*year recess tiled lot the first time this year piescnts the only ob stacle to mpid approval of eithei of the pioposed cal endais One plan would tetain the tcn-du>s suspension, wheieas the otheis would drop it Action on these pio* posals was putposcly postponed ponding a teport on the contested petiod Whatever purpose the tnal petiod may be found to setve, certain facts ate unavoidable m the Senate’s con sultation of the mid-year vacation Reflecting a weak ness of student bodies tlnoughout the count!y, Penn State undeiginduates should not be expected to ftown on a toccss, whcthoi it be foi one day or for one week. The teccss in question, however, conics at a most mop poitune time. Theic is only one way foi a college stu dent to while away ten days dunng job-less Febiuaiy, and that is either to test at home ot to go awaj on a pleasure jaunt The foimei, while less expensive, is likewise less stirring. Neither aie long-felt needs, ex cept in unusual instances While it is tine that thete will be a student exodus icgaidless, that h no ic.ison why the recess should be of ten-days duiation. It is tcasonable to expect that a shoitei period will discourage the exodus, while still nffoiding an opportunity for two ot three days of rest oi oi pleasure, depending on the need or the pocketbook of the individual student. The only justifiable excuse for a prolonged tecess is concerned with the cleucal duties of the Registrars office Emergency measuies should be mged to overcome this objection Penn State, by creating the new School of Physical Education and Athletics, takes its place in the fiont janks of educational institutions now administering to the physical needs of their student bodies The move becomes even more significant when legaided in the light of the present agitations for the development of intiamuial athletic progiams as opposed to extensive inteicollegiate competition Penn State now may take khe lead in the slow but decided movement towaid a sys tem of “athletics-for-all" in Ametican colleges and uni versities. TIME TO ACT A ■•tiong dc«uo to comply with public opinion, by abandoning the questionable piactices of “Hell Week" u clearly evident in the icsponsc to the Collegian ques tionnaue foi warded to Penn State fiatcimty'presulents. ’ Furthei investigation icveals, moreover, that second- ' joar men foi the most pait, block the sincere efforts of tippeichissmen to substitute moie humane tactics at the houses that steadfastly refuse to fall into line with the foi ward-looking ginups in then campaign against tough initiations. Thn leluetance on the pait of sophomores to have a hand in overtiuowing an obsolete tiadition may, in cer tain instances, be tiaeed to nn objection aheady voiced against the continuance of “Hell Week ’’ Dean Guiles W. Stoddait of the Libeial Arts school cxpiessed this objection in declaung that “Hell Week" fostcis the for mation of an umuly sophomore class by causing an ov ei -emphasized sense of class unity among the pledges dunng then first year. Dean of Men Thomas Aiklc Gaik of Illinois likewise ngices that revolt, insolence, and auogance follow m the wake of fraternity haztng In suggesting substitutes for haunful initiation du ties, Dean of Men Aithui R Wamock pioposcd an im piomptu vaudeville show by pledges as a possible way to meet the demands of fiatcmity men who desire some soit of extiaoidmaiy activity or This sug gestion might be extended even further to appease the wiatli of ceitam unthinking sophoinoies Another sub stitute that ments attention uiges a moie detailed study of the fraternity's history and ideals. Whatever sub stitute should be adopted, Penn State fiatermtics cei tamly cannot, ignoic this challenge of then place in Col lege life. Pei Imps the most insistent complaint voiced against examinations in the Bull Pen is that conccntiution is impossible once the students begin their exodus, winch usually stuits from a half-hour to an houi befoie the end of the examination Another is that the loom is pooily ventilated and not conducive to mentnl alacrity. While “cribbing” piobably exists m the Bull Pen, suie- The Show Window Yestoiday we porfoimod an epic-makmg feat j 1 Aiiiung at Co-op Comci after 4 o’clock, we dashed to the ollice of our ndvisci, intimated that we weie anxious to schedule live snap couises (foi icnsons \ well known to ouiselvos), hud five such couises okay- | c*d, laced to Rccication Hall, filled m little blocks un til they looked like gieat big ciiclos to us, wailed im- i patiently foi out name to be called out, fell into line [ once moie, fished out some seventy dolluis, and finally 1 learned that we vvcie legisteied. That is, wo me I still in College Long live the Campusc'er* i From on unusually lcliablc souice we hear that [ thoie is a smpiiso in stoic foi Militaiy Ball-goeis 1 No, we aie not lefemfig to the long-piomisod ihsem- bovvelling operation by sabic-beai mg ollieers In- ■ stead, vve overheaul a student colonel tell one of his fiatermty hi others that the “suipnse in stoic" is a favoi. Each and every Wrfici who attends the Ball, i he confided, will get a biaml new toothbrush. And , that’s not all! Those who join the Sheepskin Bngndc in the balcony will be pioscntod with a tnal tube of I Ipana tooth paste About the campus Bob Stevenson, T U 0. mon- i aich, who also might write this column Blanche j Loftus, who was as unconcerned as cvci riming final 1 examinations . Charlie Spculel, lecent benedict, J joins the jo*yo ranhs . Pansy Delaney, who mav | oi may not lead the Chesiu Tunis .. . Evan Reese, | tiying haul to.looh less impoitant than his position j Hugo Bczrich, our newly-anomteri Dean . . Bud ( Engel, who fills his role as boxing announcer to pci- j fection . . Bail Linriemmith, stopped ever> five steps I and ashed whether the Vaisity Ten has been signed foi the Junior Piom Eleanoi Ilill, who thought | Piof Robinson, j a yo-yo was a new dance step scuuying late to one of his gcolopy classes o)i\e Osteihout, who plays her pait well . Dcpiessed by the service \vc didn’t get m the tap- ( looms heieabouis, wo set up an investigation com- i mittee which was later to be Known as the Cam- 1 pupeei’s Committee of Concomitant Collegians on Tarijing Table Titaness’ Aftei weeks of deltbein tion and months of fiiht-hanfl investigation, the icpoit of this committee is heioby published for the /list time in this or any other column. “The managers of local lapiooms,” the ltpoit stated, “aie chaigcd with hmng their help thuswise j “The last five to place m the Lemont, Snow Shoe, i Milesbuig, Centie Ilall, and Boalsburg beauty con- | tests aie brought together foi 011-mclusive tests of ; one soit and another. Fiom this group the ten found to have the lowest intelligence quotients me employed for indefinite periods.” The Cnmpuseei’s Ultimatum is: Up With The l Q and Down With The 3M P. (Market Pi ice). j Campus opinion to the contiaiy, the much-dis .cussed batween-semosters' vacation served one noble ' pm pose. No less than foui appendicitis, five tonsils, and thiee unnamed opeiations wcie successfully pei foihied duung the lnteinu Financial opeiations weic at a standstill, howcvei. Thoughts while studying Has Gmnv Green slip ped into total oblivion 9 . One novel sees hci Why doesn’t Lany Conovei get married 9 , He's the last of the Old Guaul left . . The campus is changing cvoiy day . Alumni won’t Know the old place .. Do finals exams seive a purnosc. 9 . Then, what is it 9 . How is Piesulont Hetzel? . lie should addioss the student bod> moie often An Intcrfiatcimty Confeionce should do things . . Theie are enough pioblems, such as “Hell Week lushing codes, and And . . / .V THE UNIVERSITY M A N N E li O " Starkßros 'llaberda ■?/i ers , JnTfic University AtamiT Manhattan 1 NAME THAT .ST/1 \’DS FOR STYLE WITHOUT SACRIFICING QUALITY Pajamas Stark Bros. & Harper NEXT TO THE MOVIES THE PEHN STA'fE COLLEGIAN College to run i SUMMER DORMS | (Continued from fust page) they will not bo pci nutted to obtain I meals at any fraternity house) I Men students will be expected, as | heietofore, to (ind living nccommoda-] turns wholes or available m town. Fraternities or individuals desiring to lease then houses to the College to be opeiated as dornutoiies for wo ' men should apply to Samuel K llos 'tcttci, duectoi of dormitories, foi in foi million as to conditions undei 1 which they may bo leased i Relative to the leavng of houses, i Mi. llostettei said \esteiday that of ! foi mgs must bo in Ins hands by March 1 Application blanks may be | obtained at his oflice m the Semce building The amount of iental for any one louse will be dctci mined by its ca pacity and facilities or equipment, of icials state Such houses ate to no jceupted only to the extent of then hoi nul capacity. In the proposed agreement for [easing it is set fotth that the College ait! hu\o full and exclusive control of the use and occupancy of the building and its. equipment The Col lege will pay all water, telephone and electric light chaiges for the duia tiou of the lease, but will accept no A Complete Food Service When It’s Your Move Notify Us ANYWHERE and ANYTIME PADDED VANS LOADS INSURED SHOEMAKER BROTHERS Phono 530 East College Ave. The Blue and White Bowling Alley Text iooks C\MPUSEEIt Underwear CATHAUM THEATRE BUILDING responsibility foi the safety of din ing loom mtd kitchen except*foi use of equipment for heating xvatei. Aplication blanks explain all othci nunoi details quite completely, and icqtiest infonnntion concerning the i building, the layout of its mtciior, fui nishmgs, and so foitli. ' Inspection of the piopoity andcquip ment will be made bcfoic and after leasing ponod. In cases whcic hous es aie found acceptable the iental will be determined by the ducctois 20 ENROLL IN DAIRY COURSE Twenty students from Pennsyl vania, Maivland. New Jeiscy, 1 an I Vnginia are emolled in the thud shod course in dany manufacturing being conducted by the School of Ag riculture ALBERT DEAL & SON Heating AND Plumbing 117 Frazier Street TRe (arner unusual GET YOUR RECREATION ’ THIS SEMESTER West College Avenue New and Second-Hand For All Courses KEELER’S WAYXESBURG CO-EDS EXCLUDE MEN FROM ANNUAL FUNCTION Piotesting against the piefcronce of outsiders ns dates to college social functions, co-eds of Waynesburg col lege haired men from participating in their second nnnunl ball Finlay. Women students diessed as men seivcd to leplace the outcast males. Men weio allowed to watch from the balcony with faculty and usjtois pro vided they paid the admission fee. TYhcn lUs Time For A Haircut Sanitary Barber Shop 108 Frazier Street CO-EDS Make SCHLOW’S QUALITY SHOP Your Headquarters Let Us Mail Your VALENTINE G“ The Sweetest Place” REGO R Y O Attractive Evening Gowns At Low Prices KALIN & CO. Tuesday, February 11, 1981 WEAVER M 3 OBTAINS AWAt Richard L Weaver M 3 was awi ed a Huimon Foundation Scholnra foi the region embracing Penn< vanin, West Virginta, Maryland, i Dclawaie, the exccutne boaid the Boy Scouts of America annou ed last wceh. Scholarships arc awai i ed to fifty-two eagle scouts each yt for outstanding wot K in the organa tion C4T*.:3I THEATRE TUESDAY— Ilcbo Daniels, Ned Sparks in "LOVE COMES ALONG" WEDNESDAY— Joan Crawford, Anita Page in "OUR MODERN MAIDENS” Sjitclironi7cd Picture—Music On THURSDAY and FRIDAY— Matinee Daily at 1:30 77 Stars of Stage and Screen “SHOW OF SHOWS” - SATURDAY— Ernest Torrence, Dorothy Sebastim ‘THE UNHOLY NIGHT” Nittany Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY— Helen Twchetrces, Fred Scott •THE GRAND PARADE” Also Clark and McCullough