Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 11, 1930, Image 1

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VOL. 26, No. 38
! the COLLEGIAN Office. ' ! PUIIIOSB- b\ Kaiiium mown, tin »•
Plans, Elimination of Prhatcly! phi DELTA theta [Horace J. Uarncs.. E.\cculi\e of; Xatuul Histoij. aecoMlmir to Piof
Operated Fraternities as ! CIII RIIO j National Group, Iteplaccs j “^aepn.tnren'r - ‘ h “
Rooming Homes DELTA CHI j Dr. Gerstenbory | The’thnusum exhibit, which w.ll
DELTA UPSILON | ' include only the luijret bones, will
OMROA nrctTA TlP<3Trnv : be placed in the School nl Minei il
AUTHORITIES TO RENT ° ACACIA 1 RESIDENT U. D. HETZEL ! Imlust.ies- new mm.eum The »-
HOUSES IF NECESSARY I pm kappa psi i TO WELCOME VISITORS! Mro,m*?V,ff l r\nZ!‘,Mn nl th"
SIGMA CHI t j collection ’
‘Standardisation of System Is
Movement’s Purpose,’
Officials State
Plans whereby the College will op
erate all women’s doimitory facilities
foi the 19d0 Summer Session and
eliminate puvate operations of fra*
leinities ns looming and boarding
houses, weie announced yestciday by
the College admmistialion through
Dean Will Grant Chambers, duector
of the Summer Session
The moiement is to aid the college'
and Summei Session to “standaidire'
its doimilmy seivicc, fuinish room'
unifolm living accommodations, and [
to fin dehniteiy the icsponsibihty fori
the quality of these sci vices” at the
Summer Session, officials report.
The announcement Horn College of*
lieiuls contains the following state-'
moots winch ha\e been given furthci j
(Aplanation foi the Collegian in par
enthetical inseits
Women students, not residents of
town, will be pel nutted to live only
m doimitones opeuited by the Col
lege (Students, should they &o de
«ne, may loom m private homes in
town, as heietofore, under placement
of the Dean of Women
If the demand of eniollment of wo
men students esceeds the capacity of'
doimitoncs on the campus, the Col
lege will undeituhc to lease a suffi- 1
cient numbei of frateimtv oi other
houses to bo operated by the College , Lutest lcp i lt , s to the CoLLEnUN
as p:ut of its dormitoiy system (It questionnaire show that five mole
is estimated that about twenty such fraternity picsidents wilt join in a
houses will be needed for the coming movc to bau 10u(th lmt ,at,oii piactic
sununei for looming puiposes only) cs These answcis weie leccived uf-
Musi t«i R.pJitml sumnmiy was published
Dming seivjce will be offeied onh ,p the P lcccd,n * «■«» of the Col
in established College dining rooms I " E S. I I^ N . .. 4 , .
on the campus (McAllister hall will ,™ ,s bun, »' < tbc tota * numbei of
taie foi about GOO students, and a ' h , o| ’, t S r , «TO-"‘''wn om*sing "Ilell
survey of the lestaurants and board- ) Vcck twenty-seven Five me in
mg clubs of town is being taken to r, "° r ° r lough initiations and three
I'eteimiiie the maxii.iuiii facilities, ? re „ Lillies iccoived thus
available The College will not pro- fal nu ,"' bCT thuty-Ove with twenty
\»le bo.ud ut fiatermty or other *' oust “’ ,ls > ct unlu-aid ftom
houses it might lease on the campus Plutcinity picsidents "ho have not
(»i in tovn, and women students udl lotu , lnerf thc “ lequeMcd
ltgistei with the undei standing that * Ils soon M P? 8,b, «
that the suney mn> be completed
Two of the fi\o latest lephcs re-'
(Continued on second page )
o tynj th ]t mfointnl initiations arc held
ENGINEERS CHOSEN , entirely within the fraternity house
In the othei llnee gioups, the in-
FOR TALK SERIES r "'"! nl v l,cW *■’»“>'
in the house Paddling is pinctited
_________ by foui of the five chapteis and thice
n«.... c,„.r ..u i send then pledges on eminds outside
De.rn Suclvett Selects I, Speakers of Statv C(ltkw TvW} ndmit thllt
To Address Seniors Dunn? these ci lands may muse the pledge
to be out all night and lose sleep
Semester Lectures
Si\ spcakcis ha\i* been obtained Tor
the Fiut.iv cnginceimg lectures to be SUPPLEMENT’TO PRINTER
given in Chennstiy amphitheatre dui
mi' Uie second semcstei, Dean Roh-
eil I Euckett, head of the Engined- 'La 'ic* Ollicmts To Distribute 180 b
School, announced C u ,m-.s I.; K..d „f March
hmudl van Ul.ueom, sales supc
' ism of education foi the Wosung
house company, will he the hist With the exception of scveial pic
speahei Di L F. Picher, head of tin es the J!>10 St uiui Sn/ip/ioiniMsus
the department of mchitecture, .mil sent to the pi into) last week and will
(li'iieial R I Rees, asistant Mee presi- piobaldj, be lemlv foi distribution bv
dent of the American Telephony ami the end ol Mai eh, uccoiding to Fu*u
Tcdvgiaph company, will speak lat-i C Scluveiei MU, editor of the sup
.l. M FiUgrinld, assistant to the plement
dmiiman of the committee on public Eighteen bundled copies ha\e been
lelations of the enstem laihonds, will ordcied to supplj the sennas and jun
speak next, with Colonel R. L Stieet- ion, who will iccene then issue fiee
m, vice piostdoni and general mnnftg- or account of the class dues Aftei
ei of the Aulmuium company of tho uppeidti«smcn hnxe been supplied
America, as the lifth spoukiu Dm- those copies left will be put on sale
ing the Industrial Conference m May. The supplement will he distributed
one of the outstanding visitois willthiuugh the College tien-uiei’s ofllce
giM* the last addless befoie senior this join In piouous ones the \eai
ingnieeis book Ims been given out at several of
“ " tlio local stoics, but the system of one
REVISED TRAFFIC RULES ecntial ofllce has been thought to be
Restrict Spaces to Mnin Kmuls am! GUM CHEWED HERE DAILY REACH FROM !
3 Special Areas
Prrai#tatr A
‘Local Fraternities Will Aid in
Censure of Initiations,’
Schwcrer Says
■ “Hell Week” at Penn State was
istiuck another blow last night when
1 Fred C Schweioi ’3O, president of
lintiamural council, expiesscil a be-'
ilief that local fraternities heie would
'co-operate with the nationals m do
ing away with lough and dangeioua
initiations. j
“The ten local fraternities would j
, willingly join in a movement to ohm-.
’mate ‘Hell Week’ tactics,” he stated,'
“I believe that a numbei of local and
national groups are but awaiting the]
outcome of the Interfiaternity eon-'
erence this week-end to deal definitely
with the pioblcm ”
Sthwerei allied himself with thej
laige gioup of Penn State fraternity]
men who have voiced opposition to’
“Hen Week" In his opinion, paddl-i
mg and foolish cminds arc worthiest
as a means of inculcating a pledge i
with fraternity ideals j
Replies to Questionnaire
Smoker Confined to Delegates
Planned Instead of Mass j
Meeting Saturday j
Penn Stale's second Intufiateimiy;
Confeionce will get undei waj Finlay
night when chapter piesulent and sun-!
101 I. F C and I JI C delegate* at-,
tend the foimal banquet in Centie;
Hill*, count!) club beginning at 7'
u’clock I
, Picaident Ralph D IleUel will wei-|
come visiting speaker in the opening'
, address of the eonfeteuee lie lull be j
followed b) the pnncipal speakei,
[Hoiacc J Barnes of the executive.
1 committee of the national Inteifiutei-1
j nity Conference Mi Baines is taking
! the plate of Di. Geistenbtng \ Iml
'wiled last week that he would be un- 1
j able to be piesent
j Mi. Baines lepiesented the national
i Confeionce at the leccnt Southeastern j
| Regional confidence and on the camp-,
jus ol thut* southern unn cisilies He ,
also will lead a peisonal message to
the Penn State session picpaied b\ ,
IDI Geistenbeig
To Introduce Guests
Archibald M Holmes 'JO, chan man
ol the confidence and toastmastei of
Ithu dinnei, will intioduco Msiting 1
Those .no Samuel i
! guests ot honoi
IW McGinness, Theta Upsilan Omega,
Xoimun McLeod, Delta Tau Delta,
Sail, Delta Phi, J
| Harold Johnston, Pi Kajipa Alpha, E
lA. N'oiton, Sigma Phi Sigma, Haiold
|1 Flint, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Wilbui
M Walden, Alpha Chi Rho, Hemy
IW Chuich, Beta JCnppa, and B M
Davi&, Phi Delta Theta C J Wil
rkinson ot Phi Ganm.a Delta will be
! unable to attend All the usiting
'guests ot honoi hold e\eiuti\o office,
jip then respectne national frateim
j ties
! Dear of Men Aithui It Wainoc!
[will discuss the dc\etopmcnt of Penn
[State Intel fraternity council following
[the intioduction ot guests ol honoi
,Pioi Sheldon C Tannei, faeult\
muHltei ol Intel ftatei nit) council
boaul ot contiol, will outline the func
tion of this gioup
Luttcn ol explanation containing
full details of the Continence will li
mailed to all fraternities tins week
Base- leaung Co-op coined at G Id
('clock will pioude tianspoitatioii to
and liom the counti) club.
i A smekei foi Confeience delegate. Llounm K Dutton *5O, Anne I,
hir been substituted foi the ma*. K ,IJ L Ml), Josephine T Lees "10, Olt.e,
( meeting of all fiateinity men which *- Osteihout ' >O, Mabel \ 'lhomas
was to be held in Recitation llall Sat- ’ Kut\n S Voting Mu, h.n>.
uidnj night The smokei will be held ’ L bosen to sum* as
ir the Phi Kuppj Sigma house mum heads .
dintc!) iollowtng the close ot the hoc- Giau* K Dietuch Ml, \iine LMe
mg meet with Western Muivlund tu ,UlU ' *L 110,1 t» Reesei Ml, Dm
Reeleution Hull t aJ\W ( umming ’ !J. K 1 -,*be»h Ta
Ir addition to the guests of l onoi * ,m ' Lv.l.n l
semen and junioi I !• C and I M 0 the lut of clinii mmi
delegate!!, chuptei pusulents, adus-
oi tu nsuieis, cateier, siholai ship , I)U. SPAETH TO TALK IN
chnnmcn, and cditois ot chuptei pul*-; XT ., V .„ .
Illations will attend the smokei NL\l AlvilSlS * KOOrKAM
PETROLEUM ADVISOIH BOVItD ' l,,sul ' ul " ,U Lecture un
Mining foi oil instead of dulling
as suggested to a gtoup of State oil
i, n ,•* T>i i i , „ 1,1 Mvrnumi 'spaiui as lie Joui'n
Xo h l 'ru l U " Mmd,e- Ol 110 A,list ' Cou,-o -0n,.,'
mm., hood or the de.,u. lineni of „ „, ml
ut-v. .it a moolrntr or the ISt.olouin S , UK -
P.O'hiaion nduso.y boaul l„ th. ■ ~L U
School ol ll,noiul Indiuti le. 1.,-l .smooth , non .atone o.tut
" „ . 1 h.ii T.mtlc ton plocioli' oliltoiu.locos ut
Advantages of mini nit. r.oftsv.- Slot,, the. •.,• 11 H„ int-.ou.t-
Boomo pointed out, .uc the uMiaotion . u ll 1,.,1|,.,,, „r tl„.
ui \iitu.ill> nil ieeosviable oil, moie
economical inoceduio «iltu the tm- 1
tin* espeniliUue. and a I,'toatci ton-j
tio 1 ovw thy lid (I Ilu believe- tha*
the dil r culties of
Uuydj os 01 come
heen | t.wulable” Ihimijrh hi* i.ulio talk
nmf talking nioue skits
■\n e\hibtion of the finest toll
lion of Hanoi's t>afet\ limjis m the
count! \ also will put on displac
Othc” exhibits will include u model
.mlhraulv mine, n coss section of
n model coke plant, and othei min
ing de\ ices
Officials Plan Group Discussion
At Bi-annual Conference
Of Mid-West Body
, Planning discussion gmups l» hmu l
..s a nucleus of the bi-annual con
vention of the* mid-wooteni section
of Uit! Intercollegiate Association of
I Women Students to be held licit* fiom
'Apitl Si to 12. \V S. G A officials an
nounced tentative* plans foi the eoti-
f t*icnee yestculay.
Th,* conclave* will opt a Wcdnesdav
morning Am il 'I with regi-tiation of
delegates at Ginnge dounitoiv Ail
nifoimal leeeption will he held theie
that night fo> \i-itois
Ituguini sesmns will begin Thuis,
day morning vdien delegates will he
welcomed Uv Pi evident Ralph D Hct
/el. Dean Chailolte E It tv, I' Biuti
Baldwin ji '."O. pioaident ol the men's
student council, and Helen F F.iust
' >U, ntesident of W S G A I
, Vnnouiicc Spankers
, Mis-. Thvisa W Amos, dean of
Women at IJnivcisiti of Pittsbmgh
and piesident of the emeu lean Asso
ciation of Deans of Women, will ad
, dies-, delegates on ‘'Peisonality, a
, Real Objective* in Education” Thuis
day afternoon
Miss Mai Hi.i II Ibehle of New Toil*
city will speal. Fudiy aft**inoon on
“Ilie Activities of the Natioiiul Stu
dent redeiation of \meiiea ” Mis-
Iliehle, a giaduate ul Wtlleslev tol
lege*. is executive* secretary ot the* a&-
The ln-t geneial ousinc"- -ession
will lie* held balutday attemooa at
whi'h time* convention delegate will
elect olhieis anti choose the* place loi
the* he,l convention
Man V. ooilimg 'JO ha. been . i>
inunti'i b\ womens Senate .is tnair
man in «.
haijre nl tl
1 (Tin Ballads Nc\t Tuesdav
\'.‘j nineties’ illustrated b\ lantern
I 11)1* \jv tu)f' jjaisuiHJ) is know i jm|
“ni«n who made nuisiL mulct-1
AIDING DR. BOUCKE iikmhvi:s Will Sat
—. | Set mid Somc-tei Kviard.
Senior Chosen Fiom 81 Student'
Volunteers in Examination j
Here Last Monday
Kidney Disorders Necessitate |
Remo\al to Clearheld
For Operations,
| Doctor Ihuche's comlituni late last
| night Has described as improving in
‘a special dispattli to llio (Ml/egum
sent bj Dr Woolridge of the Clenr
fiold hospital.
I The dispatch follows
I “Doctor Douche's temperature is
normal His blood count is much im
proved and he is under no His
general condition is improving dtulv "
Heiichcll \ Cone MO was selected
fiom a gioup of thn tv-one student
volunteers to cue a blood t*nnsfusion
to sme the life of Dr Osvald F
Boucke, head of the depmtment ol
economics, who is soiiousiy ill m
Cleai field hospital
Seven students went to the hospital
last Sundae, but could not meet the
e .actin'; icquit einents, .and wcio ic
jectod 'lwentv-foui submitted to
tests Monday, and foui weie letnin
ed foi fuilhoi examination i
These weie, in addition to Cone
Kenneth T FitzSmions MO, Thomas
J Powei» Ml, and Rtchaid R Mc-j
(June M» Fuithu tests levealed that I
Cone’s blood be used and the turns-!
fusion took place that afternoon The
l\pe of blood icquned is said to oo
cui m only one of ten pel sons '
111 far Seve-rul Months
Docto; Boucke was tal un ill with
kidney tiouble list Septembei, and'
two weeks, ago it became ,
to iciwvc him to the hospital m •
Clea'lield Eaily list week special- 1
istx found that mi operation could
not be pel funned without a blood |
tiansfusion Ycsteiday physicians
te])oited a slight impiovement in the
naticnt’s condition J
As head of the deputment of ecu- [
nornics and sociologv foi seven veais'
and i faculty membci lieie foi twen- 1
tv-une yeais, Di Boucke his gnmed|
ration-wide i ..’cognition in hts liehf ;
tin ( Harman (iradtialcs, lull
College Waits far \erdiet {
To aril Diploma
cst c", was ai tested shmll. b.-foiel
mul-veai vacat.m bv ( met ÜbuLj
F oucel loi illegal possession ofi
1 i;i oi |
I Ilannin was leleased after n luai-J
ing hut Mondai night undei ilaOOl
bad nvv tbe ne\t tenu ol countv
couit He giadmUed but hn j
, diploma l, heme withheld to uwiiitj
dcci<4«u of the ioutt, iiicmdmg toj
Dim \itlmi U Wamock
' \ Fold ii'.id.m which was the
piopeitv of Darnel \ hull.van and
iontaiU“il a ci’go of lifpim was con
iiscated In police dui mg the same
\\ec!.-uid Sulli\an uho Ini liei-n (
-ii-lictlt'd nf to student".!
fi>l the juw \i'iit C'Utjied anest jit-j
tu heinsr twined In fnemis
Hu* boiiiuirli jiolilc bail b'ivn
intf clo-e M.itih ot Sullivan*- mine- 1
inent- -inti* tltuv Inst liunud nl In-,
a r £lll wm* found m Hiunimi’s ioii,n,
quttit- at in|iuis
:or. cii un.i:s c count \n !
mi:s \iti:r m m:\rs mkkc
| Attin ten unii of -oi\n.o at tlu>
!( allege, Pi of Chnik , >> C roc-lnan of
[the- mechanic il engim-eiing de-pint
I me-nt di( (I at hi- home hoi c- last Ta
|iln\ His (k-ntli w.i- the le-alt ol coni*
Registrar Expects Record
Enrollment ‘ for Sem ester
I ’’ ‘
Graduates F.-nor Seefriny
Help Fioni Undvrgradiutes
And Othei Cl.t'-*st ,< »
Conti ibutmns to a fund *<n m.v
-; imti ot a swmimtnjc pool at Pernt
j Mate bo solicited limn <111(10111
1 iwtotdni? to .lamt 1 ' I' Komi, than
-1 man of tin memorial uunmitUe ol the
class of IDJH spo’isoi itif' tilt- pool \
(lutstioii' am sent to membeis ol the
clj.s who late p.ned pait oi ail ol
, then pledges losealod that u huge
ntitentage of the gioup fanned con
!tnbntum> lnmi munbet . ot olhu
c Sasi.cs
i Kcim will piobubh consult student
'leadens in tln* ne.u futuie on the
poss-ibihU of leccocmg student tn
opciution It is pi inner! to setuic the
iid (»f nil nu-mbei' ol the J'*J> gtoup
I who iuo’c ahenh conuihutid m ws
' m iiicf the icmamdci ot tlu- aiuounl
tdtdgcd b\ tne* class
I'cvdck 'lo I.sinuate Costs
Hugo Hc/dck. dean ol the School ol
I I’litsical lalucation and Athletic- will
'submit in estimate ot the msts n|
the swimming pool and llie bunding
! m whcli to house it in the Minn.'
f'tdlcjre .uilhoiilns will ion ion tlu
c-tima!" with a new to include it la
the lollcgi budget to h* submitted
jto the icgi'luiui c in p» 11
j bian 'ti'dii. i* at |ui si nI piepai
mg loligh slate In s ol tin pool and
tuildmj' Ihe e will In s'lb'uitud ti.
L l*e l allege aich.lect within lhe m ' l
Ti.'l.iwiur i!u.' stmtnl It*-.
•U llllU-l si ,-Ujl) ,ih H«st[,i<io[l pi ii
miiJJi- v.i'J Mlxj. pin- i'} Knit Him
Mill IK> hull v ill «*• iijiL-n fi , m
" >0 iiMui.l. inn! I'niiji nul lu>m ! h
.MiMiim,' .111.1 '."til ■ o\ o«A tills .iru-m-iii. 1. ip.
He used evdti i\(h foi swimming 1» s
auis mill toi th- lls. ol i hmki k nee 1
I he athlete h id is conidciing
pools in olliei* ti'.ilH urn- hut no ot ii
mte si-e his \c’ li.t.l* ue< u!ed upon
l oiisu'eiation is i'so bung g.\ui to
(Continued on last page)
Cradualnn of l.\ectime Kt-siill
! lit benuu Stuff Mme-up
Kiisseil 1 r.ihin •:n. Will act a
ha-ares man igei ot the (oiin.tvN
tm the lunaindei ot tins College \c n
Oihei nicinhf ol the senna biisi
■ss stall wilt c ich nioce up to a >kv
.*< linn* the diitns m ad\el
manage.. \> In! lleni\ I; Ihiwih ’ld.
wiP till tic iapaut\ ot ii’iidatnm
nuinnj: o
L*c tic*" ol inn Inis in s and uh
tm ud slid. r..i rijo. si will not to
In'd lint’l s, met n.e in M*l ut junim
4 Schools Report 75
Failures During
Last Term
College Admits 25 Fiom Olhci
Closes at 5 O'clock
licliel tlu ell. *il l n. .it tui Hu
•iiiu-'l-r would ivied tbit of anv
llliMolh liond 'I l. LSiLi w s ( \p| r ...
til in Ucyi-tuu \\ .lit nil N Huffman
lultil 11-tull Kyi t> lllon biy.Ul Mv.
tudin mommy
Tint it i\ i hyut i . based „ n lt polls
Hoin loin of tin* si Imol. .il 0 ioo il
tli t st\en: -liM‘ .tuditits t.nled |.i,i
him' toyethi! with stu
nts not in atti.iid.iiKe hist m inustu i' pcitcd to Make* up tot tins
trioii,) in lin.'l ii'i;i ti ition hyuu-
'lik Utyi-li u t'puls a tot il m
lolimeut ot non thm UK.U students
In that ot lh pi i\ loii' wi-5!,,],
Hi unluied Hu- up iunr lh,u <! Last
lith ol the student lmii\ woiiii h.m
p. sop lp*n non nnojj Toj-nj pi l ;..i 11 ,
hist myht
(Irule Repot ts Vi.ulai.le
"'ll Hull titan stilled Hut n JOtit)
tinhnts did H„t tit'oil befoie this
iiioiiunir ins wm’.iis uoithi he hud
piissul todat He added tint in
•tali a i is. ( olhv'i olhi ds • nriit Te i
it tieiessm n tin- ft.tine to ink that
i loi tin In t t.n yi.ule iepmts |
lust sun, stet will oe a\ ulahle to i\-
i.\ stmknt at the olbie of srhultilui -
otlieis The .idled imd-suuestu \a
lation ! i. made this po-sib’e Hie
Il> yisti.. pi taU d nut
l’t the list of fail ue. tie bihool
iof Libetal \ip leu!- with tventi-si\
.white A* r i leidtui “ i s vt „ tl d i.|j,
enrhti en leu tailul n< tlu- luium
•turn selmul. the School of .Mmeial lu
'(tustnis tost s<\en. mid oL*u it stu*
, tit nts on piobatum lluuked out
upoits me atailable as ut ft on* the
i’lymcei lay and c’leiu.stn aln.ols
\pjn oMiuati 1 .\-iiw .1.11.--
tils liom oth-i colit '"(‘s aie t\pul(d
io be add-d tin- u i,n Di ( ..*1 l
[ M.uiju i.dt, c <dh <*e <\ani..u up.,t
that this ttyuii is in ith ti'e suite a
’host i,i p,i \„.u \i n
Ihelitshmaii ml ophiM"ojc il.tss.
is s'lniihl noth i\eud lfidll wlnh
moie than mui junims mid -fun sen
id’s lendd leyu-u Pies, romlmi-
I > W I’ll the yiadli UO .'ll I S]l( Itll *tt *
i mtMi'r . Mz-vilV
To Mai tin. Pro! Wnliur
for Stud* Mi sea. p,
i p itm< \" oi hi'.m u d Pioi I !,o'i
11) Walhu o! thi dmut u m
jot mu i *i„mi i i my h r • b i n >.* i • -
!.a '.ibbu'ii.d h n. - to. lm- . i , i
'! , < oll.yi o/tiuls
| IH \\ l!lll» S I)\ e In 111 el t e
I 1 nyhsh liti'.Uuu dipiitiunt, ..mi
\n/oiia win.i in p 1 m- to iompMi*
the es<.Jii! %nlium ol his “Jlistmv (i
the I nil((l Si ius ” ,nu imy tile }u i -
od limn IMP to the n i suit Pm ( -
a, Wall,, i will a n, .nn on m ( -
'< i-wi rnsjiuiio., ui). to uni-'tiy.ii■
nodefi ('(Mlopmi its o| suntan «nd
mimiiip. 1 uiyinumy pi. nt m tin