Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 20, 1929, Image 1

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VOL. 26, No. 25
College Physician Proposes
Free Infirmary Treatment
Would Support Service
By Slight Increase
In Student Fee
Hospital Charge at Penn Stale
Low—Covers Dispensary,
Maintenance Cost
Free hospital service for students,
made possible by slight increase in
registration fees, was proposed by
Dr. Joseph P. Ritenour, College phy
sician, in an interview yesterday
The measure would, according to
Doctoi Ritenoui, be of especial ser
vice to those students who are living
on limited incomes, necessitating
self-help during thou college careers.
“It is students," he remarked, “who
cannot afford to pay foi the present
hospital service that need it most.
Denying themselves rest and recrea
tion to earn money brinks on illness.
The consequent expense of confine
ment in the College hospital i 3 too
great for their fin&ncial condition "
Doctor Ritenour explained that
with free hospital service it would be
possible to send a patient to bed as
soon as symptoms of illness appeal.
In this nay serious cases could be de-1
tccted at an carlv stage and a short
er" confinement would be nocessaiy
The delay occasioned at picsent by
unwillingness of many students to
pay the required fee allows cases to
reach a serious stage befoie action
cun be taken
T»o Solutions Possible
Two methods, according to the phy
sician, might be adopted to secure
freo accommodations. Stu
dent hosiptal organizations have been
organized in* several universities,
.whiles .others have raised health sei
vice fees to caie foi such emeigen
The hospital association is n group
of students who voluntarily pay dues
at the beginning of each semester oi
year. If hospital confinmcnt is ne
cessaiy foi any member of the or
ganization, the association itself pays
all bills This plan, however, requite-.,
a large number of participating stu
dents to put it into opeiation Suc
cessful organizations of this type
havo been foi mod at both Yale and;
Wants Positive Health Attitude
“The health-service fee charged at
Penn State is fai below the aveiage
of most Amcucan colleges,” the phys
siuan declared, “although it has been
raised to $4 on account of the added
expense of the new building. Tin.,
fee is planned to be sufficient only to
maintain the hospital and dispensaiy
costs and does not coici additional
expenses of patients ”
The College phvsician remarkeJ
that his opinions coincided with those
of Dr. H B. Chenoweth of the Urn
veisity of Cincinnati, who addicsscd
the ninth annual session of the stu
dent health seivice lecently
Doctor Ritenour stud that it was
the desue of the health setvicc to
develop a positive attitude toward
health. He continued that by this
he mennt mousing the desue of stu
dents to preserve and promote henl’h
rather than simply to avoid illness,
the negative phase
Fraternities To Begin Contest Late
In February—Forensic Council
Offers 2 Trophies
Sixteen fraternities have onleicd
the mtorfiatcrnity debating league,
which will open the last week m Feb
ruary, according to John L Barnhart
’3O, manager of the contest.
The following fraternities have en
tered the league* Alpha Chi Rho,
Beta Kappa, Beta Sigma Rho, Betu:
Thetr. Pi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma 1
Chi, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi,
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tan,
Phi Lambda Theta, Phi Sigma Delta,
Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Tau Phi.
Vaisity debateis, and anyone who
ha*i participated in an inteicollegiate
contest, aio ineligible. Seven minutes
will be allowed onch speaket and foui
minutes for the rebuttal
Two cups have been offeied by the
Foicnsic Council to be awaided ns;
trophies One cup will be permanent-!
frun j&kttr A
To Attend W.S.G.A.
Conclave in West
Heler F. Faust ’3O, president of
the Women’s Student Government
association, will represent Penn
State women at the National Stu
dent Federation congress to be held
at Leland Stanford univeisity Jan
uary 1 to 5.
Appioximatcly 250 repiesenta
tives from the leading colleges in
the country will convene to discuss
student problems. Although the
women students have been invited
to send delegates to the congiess
m pievious years, Miss Faust will
be the fust women’s representative
to be sent fiom Penn State
Harrisburg Jurist Scores Local
Resident for Sale Near
, College Campus
In a sweeping statement against
the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor,
especially in the vieimtv of Pennsyl
vania colleges. Judge Albeit W John
son of Haiusburg condemned the
praetico and sentenced Simon Rudy
ol State College to six months in
jail. Rudy was convicted of selling
a pint of liqlior near the Penn State
Wilbui Lcitzdl, oi Slate College,
a founei deputy prohibition adnunis
tintor, testified that Rudy had been
selling liquoi to students for year.*
The defense attorney pleaded that his
client was being convicted on insuf
ficient evidence, and that Rudy should
not bo blamed for all the clinics
mound State College
“A lot ot foolish, half-witiod col
lege students aio veiy icady to buy
liquoi and if theie aic any bootleg
gers inside of ten miles, they know
about it," Judge Johnson said on im
posing sentence.
“The patents oi these 1,000 students
expect authontics to piotcct then
sons and daughteis when they aie
away lioin home,” he concluded.
He added that Rudy received a veiy
mild sentence
Dr. Louis Navins To OJTer Last Talk
Of Priexllej Lecture Series
At 7 O’clock Tonight
Completing a series of five talks,
Dr Louis Nuvias, Pnestley lectuic
couisc speaker, will lecture on “Shap
ing Refractory Oxides Into Insula
tois," in the Chcmi&tiv Amphithea
tre at 7 o’clock tonight
The Priestley lectuier will explain
a piocess that he has invented bv
which non-plastic material such aa
magnesia and aluminum can be made
temporarily plastic so that they can
be molded into any desuod shape
Last night Di Nuvias discussed
; the ptinciplcs undci
i Ivrng iho manutactuie of porcelain
Dr. Grover C Chandlec, professor of
chcnustiv, acted as chaitman.
D. Navias is in chaige of the cut
amic research wotk of the General
Electric company, Schenectady. New
York. He did ins undciginduatc
woik at the College of the Citv of 1
New Yoik and seemed Ins Doctor of
Philosophy degicc at Illinois univer
Who’s Dancing
W.S.G.A. To Discuss Resolutions
Sponsoring Cooperation
After Vacation
Senior President, Government
Head Among First Co-eds
To Give Approval
Women leadeis, voicing approval
of the effort to secuie unlimited cuts
foi seniors, feel that the women’s
student government association will
coopeiate with Student Council m
its movement to gam these pi ivileges
A resolution sponsonng toopeia
tion between the two bodies, which
wub tabled at W S G A. meeting
tins week, will be discussed at the
fust meeting aftei the Clnistmas
cess A bnef period is being allow
ed foi women lepresontatives to de
termine the consensus of opinion
among the women
Giacc JI Woodtow ’3O, president ol
the senior class, and Helen F Fau,t
’3O, president of W. S C. A, weie
among the first of the women leadeis
to approve 'the pioject Otheis fnv-'
oring the i. ove include Josephine T
Lees ’3O, piesident of W. A A,,
Louisa E. HofTedit2 ’3l, piesident of
the junior class, and Satuh F Went
zel ’3l, vice-president of the class
‘Deserves A Trial’
Miss Woodiov. in hoi statement de
elaicd that the unlimited cut plan de
selves a trial She also added.
“Some of the people will undoubt
edly fall down in then studies be
cause of excessive cutting If th„*
plan weie in use, however, piofessoi*
would at least be foiced to make their
lectures more interesting so as to
hold the rtudents." . -
According to Miss Faust the plan
has its good points and a timl of on*
yeai would leveal its success oi fail*
uic She believes, howcvci, that on!,*
those seniors with an average of l.»
should be allowed the puvilege
Advises Lettering of Cncerlcuder-.,
Clowning Lion as Rooting Aid
Lettering of chceileadeis, clownin r
in a lion suit, and approval of ilia
special cheering section aie lecom
tnendod ns menus of improving the
spmt of Pern State looters i*r a me
sage to the Song and Cheei com
The yvutei advocates placing tb *
cheerlertv’eis in front of the special
section. The head checrleadei wouii
weai an “S,” while each of the fi.*
other lendeis would wcai one of t'u
letteis composing the name “Slate.”
A student clowning m a Lion oubt
as did the Lufavelte Leopold between
the penods of the Homecoming Day
game, a’so is suggested The wnte
fuithei advises that such a peifoi
niance be given at all contests, the
Lion to become Penn Stnte’s mascot
in all spoits
Dear of Education Will G Cham
bein will attend the annual national
confciencc oi college deans of educa
tion in New Yoik City Thuisdnv
Lincoln’s Signal
Seventy-fifth Anniversary of
Penn State Marks Epoch
In Education Stride
Celcbiation of the Seventy-fifth nn
niveisniy ol Penn State in 1930, vvitu
the fo.inal dedication of a new build- :
mg in each of its six undeigiaduale
schools, will also maik another mile
stone passed m the using tiend of
American higher education.
The iolc pluyed by Alnnlmm Lin
coln m the piogiess of Amcucan enu
cution is known only to a few people,
cducatois claim. The signature of
the Gicnt Enmnciputoi, affixed to the
Moinil Land Grant College Act, dui
mg the dnikcbl days of the Civ.l
Wm, was icponsiblc foi the founda
tion of colleges and universities
which today cnioll nearly half of HI
American college students
1930 Lettermen Urge
‘No Captain ’ System
Believing that the appointment
of a captam before eucli game would
result m better team play, six sen
ior letteimen yesleulay mged the
adoption of the “no captain” sys
tem foi the 1930 football season
Captain Jack Mm tin, Maitv Me-
Andrews, Dutch Rickci, Skip Slah-
Iv, 11. Escn'oach, and Manager Mc-
Clements opined that all of’the jtm
ioi s eligible foi the captaincy v ould
make able leaders dut mg the sea
son, anJ that an honotaiv leuloi
could bo chosen uftei the lust gnne*
The team would latum to the pics
en* system after nc.t yeai, thev
Students May Hold Exhibitions.
Hockey, Skating Sleets
At Sports Park
Piars foi a winter spoi ts cm nival
to be held sometime 'atci in tne yen
aie being considered oy a committee
'appointed by F. B.ucc Baldwin ’)0,
piesident of Student Council, at a
meeting of the Council held Tuesday
This committee, composed of Rob
eit A Young ’31,, Raymond E Best
’3l, David McLaughlin '3l, and Ed
ward W White ’32. is planning a
program of hockey games, skating
kontostb, and echibitions details
of the carnival will be annngod so
that the event can he held as soon
the pond freezes.
In oulei to impro.e the f.itiliUe
of the winter spoits dc.clopn.ent, th -
committee is planning to piovidc* Toi
| the election of lights and diessirg
booths. Some signal also will be in
stalled to notify skated when th.*
ice is safe for skating
May Form Hockcv League
Officials are, considering the oi
ganizntion ofan noc
key league w*ith a cup to he used as
a tiophy If enough intcicst h
shown m this spoic, a league will nc*
organized sinumi to otliei irtcifi.i
teinity spoit tournaments
A second committee, consisting of
j Chester W Gatictson ’39 and Got don
[H Putlum ’3O, vrs appointed to ii
(lange foi the election of tcmpoui'
lights oleng paths boidering build
ing piojects These lights will be u--
ed only until the new lighting sy
tem ds devised by College officials is
Ileischeil A Coirt ’3O, and Ralph
Hutchinson ’3O, weie named as a com
mittee to investigate tne changes <n
the ROTO camculum that a..*
being considered by the College Sen
ate The Council also pissed a leso
lution piolnbitmg students from soll
img Penn State oi class iccngmtion
pins without peinissiou
Fio.ijoi.t R.,ipi, d iia/d adj.t-- COLLEGE POETRY (facultv committee was'em ipa.ed if
- ce a meeting of Ino State Gtunge at n ... _ ‘ . ,
Dean Fiank C tflulmme. head .Mmluii.r last Fudav and on the foi- AWAITS RELE 4SF .\ ' n ,> v/ D ‘ ' V ’^ !c ’
the School of Cheiutuy ami I’hv.ns ■ lowm. day spoke m Huimbmg be ’ ° KLuLiLiABl* 1 I wx D K Adams Dutchei,
>s chaumun of the Ihnd national, fou a jo nt nicotine of the Charnbc. . ! . TI V
svmposium on uigamc chemisti} ol o> Commeiev, the Kiwams Club. and Hdils •'ShuHling I\vt" V- -p. , \\,ar * ,Yi q« ,
the Ameinan Chemical -ocicty. to be Ur. Dauphin Count* Agneulluie E\- Pitwl \nihologv On Life i,,.,,, •. 0 ..... i’.’ ‘ r ‘ m'!.'
held nt Pi mcekm unnjnsily De- tension . t> ' !' 11 Coo ° an Jl
tmnbcu .10 until 1 \ D HeUel pointed out the benefit U tn " “Lite ' Q
Fifteen piomncnt oiganic them* deuved fiom the education fund oi
i a f. oi the totiali\ hate been invited .Uoxcinm JohnS Fishei's admimstin- Ulldl!l lh . lltll! 0 r "ShuHling Feet, SENIORS WILL USE
o lead pnpeit, ai the meelmg wmd. t.on In lefomng to P. indent Hoov- v Puin state Anlhologv.” a collection | * r»n, T r/in at t
tluce bundled membeis of the sou- u . mcs-mge to Congiess on the pio- 0l , )00m , \ n Pt , im Stlle stlidenbl lib l ARMORI 1< OR BALL
ets aie eM-cc-lcd to attend Dear gies- and piospeutj of the nation. U cr edited bv Rohm W Hale- ’.IV
Whitmoio has been seuetaiy of the I Hit. .peakei showed that the nat.on am i ntm ln tho han<i , 0l -! .. „ ,
oiganic for the past live; has advanced a* the jouth of Ainei- mvaitmj. lelease m the late spi.m'' l “ mm lec '1
yeau |a.’ liar, leceved better education. ' c . ivuh summu * ’ *'| Suitable *1 ban Recreation Hall
■ Dedicated to Pm pie u l ll, College |
rs» j /~c it tileiaiv *oucl\, the book v ill contain 1
•IT OlcitG Colleges I ' K " o, l' ol ftußtcvn Penn State stu-j
, dents, nuinv ot whom aie still undei-j \ buKckeil Vimoiv detimteh ha-.
giaduateo Di Fieil Pattis been ikumd upon ai the setting fo
Officiills Will Dedicalu Modern *h. s wnttcn an nitioduction to the the •semoi Ball to he held human*
it *i i* it . i . voluine IT In announcing this U-’ciaion, P.ail
Umt for Undergraduate ls Uk . tlmo sucll a p '.io. d,,,,™. 1.d,,.,,
I Schools Next Fall lection has been at}mipled, I!ale\ i that the audition ot music will be na
| _______ believes, ami eflnits aie liemjr mmk pioved and (hit bitt*” iccomodatiom
j t' have it mduisjd !)V the College max he anaiiKed foi the iioud th m
!mtsi upon pa&sape of the lUmnil Aa t a the ln:t oPi. a' I’c-m State antiud m Bccieatnm II ill
: The leal foundeis of the Pein • 1 “|| a » .(.mmittie tee] vud Wil-
Htate of todnj weie Ficdciick Wut*.'. Ha'ej wlu’e 11 iimleuTiadurte. \\a->- "thu the supenoi acouilß^
II N McAllistei, and Dt Evan Putrh., r member ot the r.liet?e fmervn ol the ba.ldii’K toaenhei witli the fact
the lint pi evident. Doctm Push, a team-, ami of DJta Surma liho. na- that the loom a.ailabte will be sut
chenust who had tinned down temp- tional hou.ian debatini: fintciuili li- -ent foi the dancoi-, makes the Ai
, ( f>»n: offeis to entcu Roveimnent sei- H t ««- fiei|uent i mtnbutm to thr. moij mine de-uank than Uecieatum
College rails oißii befoie the Mm- v.ce. launched the new. agucaltui il Ok. Hell and acU.c .» the round- Hall 'I he lomenienl location oi *h •
nil Ml, only to stiidonl, MlniM i ! oclixul nil’ll iri(, of Puiitl. Quill IUI.-dv m tin cm ,>f i,iclu,.'.n
puntions weie in the fields of law.j Fiom that tunc u ilil tile „ wealhei and the betlu .ipp.auiii' •
medicine, or Uu mmistiy now swim,' the College has piogiessed at times .COMMITTEE SKLJK I’S CLVss of the inleiim whwii de.oiated ala. •»-
open fm those wno r.snuvd to emi-|on the ciest of awift flowing wnvei. ... . 'lluuned tlu committee m inakinj
nonce tn indu-tij and ngueultme In-, at times in valleys dail.envd bj the Kl *' o IUK 1 i *> l vllt - Hus deu-nm ”
cictU’Cd population and the «,welli lg shadows ot overhanging clouds, hue , . . . .
output of new. bom fuctones demand-1 alwav.s piogicssmg ' A standaid ila i s ung loi Pcnn , r .‘ 1 | ai.i./,., *u,n tZ.H . n. L . L ' n \
ed tlallied Icadei hip in suenLlic in-j Tiustee* of the College havu nidi- Slate men has 1 een appiovcti by a s;,' ■■ a'.,. '* , " Y *M'
vehtigation and j.ioduction |calcd then desue to observe the sev- toirmittee appointed by l Bmi' l ;.. !'_ * ,,c 5 1,11 !
Chartcied seven yeais befoic tlu enty-hfth anniversary of the granting l Baldwin Ml), comoi rlass pic .nlent 1 i n ,“ S ,’ fn Y, ° LY Y ' n 'V *!'
passage of this act, the Pennsylvania iof the institutional chattel. The ev- Thn veai both jununs and sen- 1 1,,-., i... ti' . i'I** 1 **
Agucultuiul college, foimcuv the.ent will take place in 11‘tfO. with 101 . mav nuuhase the nmr, but m ..... .a‘... iL. .V"E. l? u . M ‘,' *
:ure Paves Way f<
tion of at least one institution of
highoi learning in cveiy etntu of tlu
By a singly stiol.e of his pen, a
man who hail won his edu.aliun bv
tlie light of a hit. made possible to
countless Ameiicuns. these i islitu
tions dedicated to “promote the lib
ciul and pi tctic'l education of the in
dustnal chi'-se*. m the sevetal pin
suils and piofossiona of”
Widens Student Field
Yearlings To Meet Informally hi;\ds student Ehwid Group 1
For Underclass Frolic Proposing New Calendar |
At S:3O O’clock
Plebes Secure Special Customs
Pri\ lieges—Co-eds Obtain
Free Functions
Laving aside customs rules as a
spe.ial pnvilege foi then annual
dance, ficshmcn will meet then class
mates at an infoimal fieshman liohs
to be held in the Aimoiy at 8 30
! o’clock longht |
i Uoon uimal at the* atfau men an 1 1
! women lust-jeai students will be* ie-'
ct*!\cd In piommont student leadeia
Otllceis of all classes, menibeis of
student go.cining, and ,col
iecuan ei'iton have heen invited to
attend the dunce by the committee
There will be a bhoit penod befoie
the timing whieh fieshro
will have an oppoitunitv to mingiC
witii classmates Hobev Botdoif’-
oichestia will furnish music foi the
.'lfau, which will last until 12 o’clock
Decorate Armorv
Dean of Women Chailotte C Ka»
and Mis F \V Hallei w’H seive us
chaiietones Dean of Men Aithui U
Wainoek and Miss Mane Hault hu"e
also iiee’i invited by the committee
A simple decorative scheme has
been ilanncd by those in charge
Sticameis will be hung oveihead and
diuped along the walls to constitute
the mam coloi effect The otehesti i
will be slitioned on a uused platfmn
at tne side of the flotn, with an uv
piovised backing to impiove acou -
t’C .
Permission to escort gills duectlv
home after the function has been
gianted by Maittn S. McAndiews ’3O
president of the student tubunal Wo
men leadeis have agieed to list th
dance as a fice '-Ocial function foi
co-eds, pel nutting all women to at
Uppetclnssmcn othei than those n-
Mted will be evcluded fiom the dance
Freshmen will letam then custom
to pcimit identification wher tlu>
an ive
I Piogianio consisting ol a single
[catd listing the older of dances wih
ibe distubuted to the hrst-jcai wo
Jmen to laulilate dancing anange
, meals Cutting will be peimitted as
a means of fuitheung fellowship
Di. Hcl/el E’omts Out Benefits of
Governor’s education Pun!
i‘an tual, the committee, hovvevci
pfh Tilt " lif “■•‘■onimend the College Senate *o
IV deluv action on Ine piopo al until the
tiation will bo lie Id Septembei 22 and
12 5, with the fiist opening
Djnct Authorities Will Appoint! Sonomlioi -’J Thu
ipiovision 1m the selection of a holi
Women Colonels us New Jdaj during football season by the
Custom for Dull |• tmlents i\rs ictainnl while tin Ai
iinistuc* Da> holidij, tiled this jear
Fullcn .an lilt i-'.an'lile oi ni.ii' | 1.j,-<,(T ]!tl..icn Siiiic-ltrs
niommctu colleges in the uuinU,,| , „ ,
... * ~ , 11 anhsjjiM’i' iclc'ss, will leirii
outstanding bomoi women ’till be an ~ , , XT ,
, . , ** , , , , . Wednesday noon Xotetnbo, lib, ,ml
pointed honoiaiv student coloneis ioi , ~ , ~ ~ r ,,
* „ it . t i i. -n vil continue un'il the following Jlon
the Mi itatv Bal to be holt in Rocien-I , , » .... ,
, , r, , . , n c'j\ o n Tne Lhu&tnin* \ntt
.oahall.Fda,,.,,! 21 Rohct. hj , hu .„ lst! u . „ m-lEthan-I.
IL-, ..0 than null at thu Ball, an- „ t „„„„ Dctcmbßl 13 ,
nounte.l jcstrnlat Halm* .M,„„!av a.a.auw, Jamia.y 3
Poitoi has nanual > umimiUt-t-coil j x „ , 1,,-Ufol, =«s, ( .n,
M,l,ait of I Iloibot injo-™ A, ha, hot.,, aimulttl m Ilia ,aopawil
l ame I. Cuit-msoy .0, Chailt-s I;Tht- m-1 st-mrslm mil
Hatbcuu ,0, j bloiUoa Hollar -.0, „„„ j„ , |lc „„ cri .,,
7o w' , o' 1 '"I«B» Thu.silu> moimo,:, Fob-
MO. HaioUi L Ohnmei. MO. J Ray-1, lia , v -
monil Stitt MO, and C Edwmd Welch i* _ ti
MU, to assist him in .nianiriiii: foi th? I ‘ lL ‘rm ! i-lti-ti alum mil ai
l-all Captain Stunt Gulin ~ n , hol.l 1 lu-silat ami \\ tihicsja,. l-t-.j
-•.ono as lacultt mhism I'"-”' : • iml 1 Momlav lias I-™ left
i open, since the cotnauttec* bcltctc.
NoKiilialins for 1! mj . that .1 social otilil. -util a-, in Intu-
Although no delimit* o’chespa h i.! 1 latunitt Rail, be held at this
been -e’ectcd, negotiations aio hem rj time
upi led on with Tod Weems Don Retain Raster Recess
Uestoi, Clin Umbaido Rod Xvhol'J Pimism-i is made foi the nine pei
and Dewe\ Bei ninin Fin.l at ai«r-> „,| f t „ u, L r t ,tt< iece s with the ii
ments will niobililj be concluded j, ation stalling it noon Thutsdn
cnih in Janttaij j A|>ul J. ind ending it noon Tuesdav
Outslandmy wonen in il.o fimu | Aptil 7* Momoiii.i D.ij will L« a’hmi.
>!. is lu\o bv'e’i nommitoii in lh.* d.n .is usual unit the* Mtn.C'Jci ending
Woimn’s U Jot Miv himmaiv io*-i ]■ t ula\, Juno j
mid* The lull u'lii.'l.ttu mil In ‘ „e„ t jenU,.!.,,.
its the mi1,,,-,..- tr.oi-, " lh M)i m PUtltl.,.l s,„l
lO J| U , j ' siilniitteil In the ;iu-
The to! ’lilu'Le 1.1. I'stulh.d i, Ist c , „ llmUl ,. ~ s.itnfneto,, |,io-
T'? U 7, hde-e 1 . !.! U'llet] it is not (ieliiinistieteil the. i
the liillstloli rw.s »,,1 he .nt n.ltsl 1 1 ,„.,,<lu.,ble helium sen ...
i f'\ is nteessiiit If ,t rouml th •:
„hi- itte, .1,1. 1it,,11,e the hel u ,, u . lt . , „ , ml nje-ue..! the tommit
-411 , tie to. I, ~„is •! 1-lUll llto ,, ]ut u ,.
the temilllttee n. .Ininui' IS .„ulelit mlenil.,, be .„l„„u,l ”
Body Favors Tentative
Pian Suggested by
Student Board
Advocates Lonuei Thanks/ivintr
Christmas Leases—Senate
Decision Postponed
'llu* College t ilu.ilu fm ne\t turn
mbmiticd In the Student Boaid com
mittee was appimed vcsteidav after
noon bv the iacullv committee, head
ed In Dean (halt. \V Stoddait
Believing that the piC'Ont vacation
Lc'v.ten ‘eme'-tei*- •d'ould be given a
lo: tin* fast time, v as dis-atded
l‘«r Midwinter I'liiutum