INN STATE COLLEGIAN ' THE MAN \GING HO UtD Coogan jr. ’3O Milton M. Hosonbloom ’3O lllnr-iit-Lh!et ltuiiincM Manager A Mcnsch ’3O Russell L, Relun '3O anaging Ltftinr AiUcrtialng Manager P. Ste\cnson ’3O Calvin E Baiwis *3O Fililnr Limitation Manager i E Benugc ’3O Henry R Dowdy jr '3O Sp»rls Lditor foreign AduriUlng Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Cohen MI Chiu les A-Schmidt jr. Ml ' i C McElvain Ml Norimm B Sublet Ml ! Moigan ML Willmm K. Ulcuch Ml ASSOCIATE BUSINESS M VNAGERS ' CuttuiK Ml Algol t .T Mileski Ml | B lloilmnn Ml JLmv 0. Wood Mi I WOMEN’S EDITORIAL STAFF I Moodiott Ml) Alms A Adams Ml ' Uimdi'i I ditor A>d suppou fumi its student stands Thanks- Da} Ncteitheless, that it not Rood reason wh\ late should pennit its singing and cheeiing to io teiiiprn.tiv oblivion Jack ol spnit-niovoking songs and ehee*s was one reason Jor the appaunt let-down Head ulei Ilcicklon behoves that a snuppy jel! oi two impiovo the cheeiing situation eonsuierabl} e. he toels that a peppj song would help, pai : dutuig the football season Unquestiopahlj ; leal need foi impiovcmeiu m the cheerily at contests Mote inspiring >e'ls «urelv ate need- jcais wc have lamented the luck of a slitting song “Victmv" unquestionable' is good So Xittanv Lion” Xeithci, to our wav of thinking. is suitable to an occasion such «s a sustaincr a louclulown Then, we believe, theie ts need tg with a /ip Somohnv we feel that none of gs fits into the paiticulai pictuie we have m Regaidless, if s v udent and alumni talent should >ughh combed, a snapm song mav be the icsult a} the collegian appeals to the student both, and ft tends of the College foi ?ong and cheer Beluving that the injection of “new into the famed Penn Suite Spmt can lie achieved .nally improung the singing and cheenng sitiu (oi units a, stionglv intlorsed b} student lend ts dme foi new cheeis and new songs ice the Penn-Penn State footbali clash was sec .embei 1> m a tentative «cheuule lelensetl eaily 11, the announceiiunt that the Lions would not Finnklin Field m\t fall was a scveie shock io Xo leason has been advanced toi ik Pei haps. oui big biothci lrom the citv ob holding the cninlle fm Ins little cousin m the A \ ALIANT FIGHT nlo Pittshuigh alumni, self-sided /Van State nked on m uma/ement Thiinkbgiv ing Dav, Hugo s U»2'‘ edition of XiU-ans Lions, pinned to emlh eiful X Y U and Bucknell elevens m pievious eis, fought vahanth igaiiiat Pittslungn’s claim the national footbnl clown Bowing bcfoic the • ptovoss ol a line-uiisliing back, Paikinson bv he defeated giidmen ‘inpiiscd tlie football wot Id mg a one-point maigin ovci the East's most 1 team at half-tune Although the taulai claun idimablo stlength shoved in the last halt, the night back until the final whistle, never enneed victois an unearned inch inpaie this putuie with the one painted bv PitU aluinm at al’nin Stair uillij the night hefoie om was filled with foi met gieats und lobicto E.ieh woid spoken fiom the rpeakeis’ phu n. the chatged an, wounding Penn State men of Piacticallv cveiv hpeakei clamored for unhoin heroes, Penn State’s attitude lowatd athletic bios io the contuuv All that matteied to the«e « that Penn State .should have a place on the top allege football heap game tomonow • Oh, yoii»ipnllnzi vith Cmnininiih, R’jxl A Blue Tale Speaking of Bvid Ininga to mind that «he ot"hei dav one lad with a fioren stiut imagined he was the (’oiiimandei’- aiipktne W hiU* coming dnv.n the lev camptis sidewalk, thm student saddenlv look o|f hut faded to --lav aloft Tim tail of the imaginnti'e ar« plane was damaged consjdaablv But the stiango pmt ol the whole mishap was that the student counted i multitude of nmtiuun Sl.’ls Some Progress and Some hick Tn 177 ii, it is said a -hot tinm Xev England was heaul aimind Jte woild Some tinv* ago a -oicer phi*- ei in Caiubitdge made i ‘hot that gave Penn State a championship, inn tinct* davs later the news leached State College llevmt riiltn hi - i/nl “Fni/itii < ’ herit-ix s/m’s Old Molhor Hubbard Went to the cupbna-d Io get her poor deal A bottle. Bui when she got there A copper was there \nd was sniiim* the cork Of that battle ‘As silent as -tudv bout in 111’ Phi Mu Alnha Male’l hem Register, 100 ■\t ihe Umui'ki of 111 noi- tins fail two fie-li- men lang the dooibdl of a fi demit} house ‘I would hke,” sa.d one, ‘ i iinyle loo.n v uh Mi Santa I Clau'- IJlHij Fngulaue Wav Xoith Pole, Pa Deal Biotkei Claim Xow, }ou little led-laco bolonci, don t voa for get those piesenla 1 oidoied horn vou ,ome time ago. If }ou.toigct one single item I will mnnsh vou L} di«- plaving unusual dcsteutv with m., semestei u.2o blade on that blooming bcaid of voui- In case }ou do not lemembei, I need ldO blnebooks, a nad ol papet of the piopet su\> to make cubs, a' tnuis'ation ot the Snanisn 11 textbook, and a cignctte C'ank up vout Hivvei and come to sec me soon, old timei When voti tome leave rou’ wife it home, mid I will get vou a date ..:th oui liatemitv cook Vo iv coldlv voui Man} Phi Beta ' Kuppa ’ kev s ate nothing moie than Yale kevs Many irmoi i me non Imih ntim/ tin lint that then nilt f<< mi hioie laothall i/unui tlinim / Ilia, nn- ilni/nuhuih din/i Smh Optimisl't l The (limhet.. Club will meet in Room lOi m New Mam tonight Hung >om p.uachutcb and cn- jov uhe fun m,- St\RK Blips o Hahpi ffc <£ , s Christmas i THE fiEPLTATIOX OF THIS ESTMIUSiniE.Nr FOE GOOD TASTE, CORRECT STYLE AXFJ HIGH Qt ALITY, MAKES GIFTS I!E-\Rl\’G A STARK EROS. & HARPER L I RF.L DOURLY .1 TTRACTtVE Manhattan Shirts Interwoven Hose Stark Bros. & Harper .V EXT TO THE MOVIES T£D3 PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WANTED: YELLS Ymi! Stiitei Yell tcadas believe that Peun State needs veto e/icer« to keep that old I’rnu Stall} Spuif at tin Itiyh ex: pilch. Shoit, snappy, iniil phntlt of uihmle me a few of the infiuhita. You can heiji the ('iim ' Sind i/oio loninbithoHß to the Soud mill Cheer Editor of the IOLLFGIAN f Yap ’ State 1 ’.NEW” ELL Ya}' Slate! Yay! State Yuv* State’ Hco-iah Penn State! Hoo-rah Penn State* F-E-N’-N-S-T-A-T-E Penn State ’’LOCOMOTIVE” YELL Rah! Rah* Penn State’ Rah’ Rah 1 Penn State’ Rah’ Rah’ Penn'State’ Rah’ Rah r Rah’ Rah’ Rah! Rah’ Penn State’ ! ! “COLLEGE” 1 ELfc Boom’ Ah! Coo! Penn State! Yell' Yell l Yell! Again' WVre fiom the land of William ,T 1. C Ml Penn' State' Slate' State' Hold 'em' Pcnnsy 1 Stile' ' ' “PEP” \ELL Ray' Ray* Ray! Ra}! Suilo' State* State' State' Fight! Fight' Fight' Fight' * Oh State, Fight' Let’s—Go—State (12 hand claps) Oh State, Fight' Fight* State! Fight’ ‘IXDIVIDU \L” YELL “1100-Rah” Hoo-rah! Hoo-iah!* Hoo-rah' ! ! (Plavei’s name thiee times) ‘Short” ell S-T-A-T-E (Playei’s name thiee times) R Mih ”.i) ‘SIREN” YELL Rav' Ray Ray! State' State' Stale' S-i-s-s-s-s-s-s-Boom' A-h-h-h-h-h-h' (Long Snen whistle) (Pla}ei’s name thiee times STATE' ! ! Team' Team' ! Team' I ' (Oi name of playei of opposing college) KAPPA PHI KAPPA ELECTIONS Facult} 1 Palmet C Weavei Philip G Armsciong The Green Room Pen civ al ’H ielreakfast chockful of energy—Shredded Wheat. Every food element—in Nature’s own proportions. Contributes direct ly to health, vigor and well-being. Shredded Wheat, once a day or oftener, is an excellent habit. Shredded Wheat**? All the bran you need Hillside Ice Co. ICE and COLD STORAGE ANTHRACITE & BITUMINOUS COAL FIREPLACE WOOD Phone 136 North Patterson street Co-ed Chats The Ameuean Women’s Hospital Duve which began yestciday and la**lx foi thiee days comes at a tune when it is pnrticulaily appropiiute that thanks bo o\pu“»xcd by gifts that will help othcu-^, Founded by Di. Elizabeth M. Modi- j or, the American Women’s Hospitals j are composed of hospitals and clinics i thioughout the nem and fat east i No disciinunntion is made in national-j ity in attempting to leach .is many' sick as possible and to tiarn muses I Duimg the >car of l‘)28 at the re fugee hospitals and clinics' m Greece alotyc 235,601 treatments weie given Outstanding among the vvoik of these hospitals is the eve seivice. Ovci ten thousand ticatinents are repoiled monthly. Special attention is given jto the pieventlon of tuichoma, piev . alent in the east, and other sight-de isiioying diseases Sutgical wards ate also maintained and child vvetfaic work is given speuul attention. Visit ing nurses are sent among the refu gees of tliesi* poveit}-stueken legion* io aid the people in keeping and at taining health besides helping ninny* foi whome theie is no loom in :he ■ «f the hospitals. This service supported by American contributions, has proved, and can continue to piovc a means of fostei mg fiiendly mteinationul relations. During the coming campaign Pern State women will have a chance -o show their spmt of thanksgiving and then willingness to conti ibutc to a w oi thy cause. Students Arthui L Altman MO Willaid Bullock ji MO Fiank F. Rathmel MO Walter R VanVoothisMO Frank E. Bicnnet Ml Thomas S. Goas Ml John P. Live/ev Ml Jesse M. MacKmght ji Ml Roy E Morgan Ml W Robeit Pavntei Ml Wake Up Lazy Liver! End Bilious ‘‘Blues*’—Quick 'When icncus, irritable, tired all the time, bran: ioggj, can't sleep, no appe tite, bad taste, foul breatt’—best thing lor you is old reliable August Flower. Peps joj tip quick! Rouses liver, sweetens stomach, aids digestion, moves bowels to eliminate poisonous wastes This am\.mg prescription kept the !/rjrdfcU.s lulc and heart}. Will fix you up—or tnoiicj back! Two sizes, 30c and 90c, Rea & Derick, Inc. FOR GOOD FOOD DAPT LIFE TO CHRIST’S SPIRIT’ VAN DUSEN SAYS Chapel Speaker Argues for Truth And Understanding In Life ' “Until we atempt to key our spiuU to the* spmt of Jesus Christ wc can not have u erue conception of the ical meaning of Christ,” siud Rev. Hen tv P Van Dusen, assistant piofessoi !of Systematic Theology and Philoso phy of Religion, at the Union Theo logical Seminal y of New Yoik City m his addicxs to the chapel audience Sunday The Reverend Van Dusen stated ihat we do not understand Jesus be cause we cannot see Hun m the cir cumstances and conditions of His own life. “Theie are two things I want in life." said the speakei "The first of these is some understanding of the Foster Coal & Supply Co. Genuine Anita Punxsutawney COAL Phone 114-M LOCUST LANE SANDWICH SHOP 214 East Nittany Avenue YOUR STATIONERY IS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE LASTING—CONSULT US CONCERNING YOUR NEXT ORDER OF CALL ING CARDS, LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, AND ALL THAT IS MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE IN PRINTING Nittany Printing & Publishing Compan; Between Mov ier, and The Corner CHRISTMAS GO'ODS Now On Display Egolf’s Cleanliness Courtes; Excellent Service CLUB DINERS, Inc. Xinas Sale STARTS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 Men and Young Men’s Suits s lB OO up Topcoats and Overcoats $ l5 00 up Special Sale Price on Leather Coats, Slickers, Sheepskins, Sweaters, Lumber Jackets, Golf Hose Scarfs, Socks, Shirts, Neckties, Knick ers and Trousers Do Your Christmas Shopping With Us GERNERD’S 140 Allen Street Dry Cleaning $l.OO Pressing 35c Tuesday, December 8,1! meaning of life, and the scco some incentive for living life a interpretation of it indicates,” h< turned. omicron nu eLectio: Anne G Eifici MO L t tiT?r.Y TUESDAY— Charlotte Greenwood m “SO LONG LETTY” All-Talking, Singing Corned WEDNESDAY— Hugh Trevor, Dorolh) Gullivei “THE NIGHT PARADE" \II-Talkmg Corned} Drami THURSDAY and FRIDAY— Matinee Daily George O'Brien, Dolores Costel ‘NOAH’S ARK’ A Greater Sp'cctnde than “Ben- SATURDAY— .Matinee at 1:30 Robert Ames, Mae Clarke “NIX ON DIMES” All-Talking Corned} Drami